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Everything posted by Yankee4Life

  1. This week two more names in the long list of talented uniform modders we have on this site. The first of these modders concentrated on WBC type uniforms and the second one came up with his own unique style of uniforms. The Behind the Scenes modder looks at someone who created some of the classic cyberfaces for the prominent Total Classics mod. Kerwal Some of the uniforms that Kerwal made that are listed below were included in the first WBC mod in 2009 and some were made from the European Baseball League. Because of who the teams are, some of these uniforms may be very unfamiliar to a lot of users here especially the ones that were made based on the European League. Europa Team Baseball Uniforms. This set includes uniforms from Spain, France, Germany and Greece. Israel Team Baseball Uniforms. Saudi Arabia Pre-Olympic Uniforms. CTS Screen and Loading Screens WBC 2009. Seleccion de Nicaragua (Uniform set.) Hiheat32 Arguably what hiheat32 is most famous for is his detailed tutorial on how anyone can make their own uniforms for Mvp 2005. This PDF file has been downloaded over 800 times since its release and his concept uniforms that are listed below feature new uniforms for every major league team so the user can pick and choose which ones they want in their game. Hiheat32's Uniform Making Tutorial. PDF file for anyone interested in creating their own uniforms. Hiheat32's Concept Uniforms 1.0 LoneStar Concept Uniforms (Rangers and Astros.) Behind the Scenes Peter Bernard The Total Classics series is the longest running mod on this website and a lot of the mod's contributors have unfamiliar names to users who have only been on the site the past five years or so. You may not be familiar with Peter Bernard but if you own Total Classics then you've seen his impressive cyberfaces that he has contributed to that mod. Some of his faces include Rogers Hornsby, Sandy Koufax, Duke Snider, Phil Rizzuto and Reggie Jackson. Peter Bernard is just another person that helped make Total Classics what it is today.
  2. Updated to 1-19 ...The Super Bowl is two weeks from today and while organizers are busying themselves with last-minute tasks before the big day on February 2nd they are at the same time crossing their fingers for a mild day. They are also working behind the scenes with law enforcement officials to make sure all the scoring that day is on the field. Hundreds of thousands of people are expected in New Jersey and state officials are concerned about the rise in prostitution that statistically increases during a Super Bowl or other large sporting event. Even without the Super Bowl being played there this is a constant problem in New Jersey and all these people are trying to do is not have every motel from the proximity of the stadium to Manhattan booked with call girls disguised as football fans. Now if any of you are planning on going there in two weeks to <wink> watch the game, that is your business. I wouldn't worry to much about them coming down hard on anyone because just as long as the Congressmen and the other higher-ups get their first choice before anyone else it should be fine. ...Strike another victory for whining people everywhere that have too much time on their hands. Because of their hard work and dedication in devoting their time to cry about something that doesn't affect them in any way, they have pressured the Cleveland Indians to replace their primary Chief Wahoo logo with the block letter "C" they introduced in recent seasons. The smiling Indian logo isn't being eliminated completely - it's just being downgraded so fans will see less of it overall. It's not a total victory for them because the Tribe's home uniform will continue to feature the logo on caps and jersey sleeves. All that means is that they still have more belly-aching to do. Even before this happened the Pittsburgh Pirates announced that the Jolly Roger one-eyed Pirate will no longer be used as their primary logo because of objections raised recently by Somali pirates. These days you got to be careful not to offend anybody. ...I find the Red Sox offensive and not just the name. What's my next step? ...One thing I forgot to say last week about the Rodriguez suspension that still has me mad one week later is the fact that David Ortiz did the same thing as Rodriguez but he got away with it simply because Alex Rodriguez is vilified by mostly everyone as a player and a person and Ortiz is not because he knows how to play the part of the oblivious and always grinning ballplayer extremely well. I'm not defending Rodriguez here. I'm just saying he should of had company. ...I think those James Earl Jones and Malcolm McDowell Sprint commercials are hilarious but then again I'm biased since I like anything James Earl Jones does. ...Many times I have gone to the movies with my wife and we have had to deal with people who were talking or laughing very loud, uncontrollable children and inconsiderate people who do not think twice about using their phone to talk or text or to do God knows what. It got so bad that we have not seen a movie in a long time. So with that in mind I am more than sympathetic to the guy last Monday who shot someone because the other man would not stop texting in the theater. I'm not saying I would go as far as shooting another person over something like this because I wouldn't. Understanding someone's frustration about the rudeness that some people display when they are using their phones in a public place is one thing, condoning shooting that same person for what he was doing is another. An argument escalated in the theater about the guy using his phone and it continued because the guy kept on texting and one word lead to another and the end result was someone was shot dead because of this. The first thing I thought of when I heard about this was why the hell did someone bring a gun with him in the movie theater? The only thing I bring into the movies is the candy I buy someplace else that I sneak in because I am not going to spend four dollars on a box of M&M's that the dollar store sells for a buck. Aside from the fact that someone was shot over something like this none of them got to see how the movie ended. ...I don't know how believable this story is but I read about it and saw part of it on TV, so here goes. A Seattle woman ended up going to emergency because after having sex with her boyfriend she orgasmed and three hours later she still couldn't find the off switch. The hospital thought that she originally came there in labor but when they asked her what her level of pain was she replied "zero." Medication finally helped calm her down and she went home tired but happy and since that day has made her boyfriend sleep in the other room. ...The next time that they finally decide to take the chance and do it again all he has to do is stick a wedding ring on her finger and she'll never have one of these again. ...Are you kidding, Dept: I'm sure that the new Pope in Rome is doing a wonderful job. I mean the only guy to complain about him that I know of was Rush Limbaugh and he doesn't count. But I think maybe there must be something wrong with his hearing. Last week during a service in which he baptized thirty-two children some of them started crying and when one started they all did because even at that young of an age no one likes to be left out. The Pope was unfazed and said that children's voices, even when crying, make "the most beautiful choir of all." Now I know that this is a man of God and I am just myself but this just shows the enormous difference between us, not that we'd be mistaken for each other anyways. He hears a bunch of babies crying and calls it a choir. I hear the same thing and I run out of the room. ...A Chinese energy firm is planning to spend 1 billion yuan or 165 million U.S. dollars on a full-scale replica of the Titanic as the main attraction for a theme park that will be permanently docked on a river in the town of Sichuan. The firm already has the complete design drawings of the famous ship and work is expected to be completed in two years. The designers are planning on recreating the experience of what it felt like when the luxury liner collided with the iceberg so visitors can have a feel of what it was like for the actual passengers back in 1912 when that moment occurred. If this attraction proves to be successful the next thing this Chinese company plans to make is a replica of the Hindenburg so they can try to capture all the good times and laughs associated with that piece of history too. ...While most teams have been busy this off season trying to improve their rosters and prepare for the upcoming season the Chicago Cubs, as usual, have taken a different approach. They've been hard at work creating a mascot named Clark who will attempt to entertain fans between innings in order to distract them from what's going on out on the field with the Cubs. Believe it or not this is the second mascot the Cubs had because for a number of years beginning way back in 1916 they used to wheel out a live bear out on the field. Of course they could not get away with something like that today because they couldn't be sure if someone in the stands was packing and would suddenly decide to take aim at it. And then there's the opinion that this mascot is actually the third one used by the Cubs since Alfonso Soriano was constantly mistaken for one because all he ever did was stand in one place and wave. ...The food police are apparently not satisfied with coming up with new foods and drinks for people to avoid because now they are branching out into the animal kingdom. A zoo in southwest England is saying that bananas are bad for monkeys because of the high calorie and sugar content in them and because of that they have cut them off cold turkey and instead are providing them with leafy veggies and sprouts. Sounds like the monkeys really made out on that one. First they have to live in a zoo and now they have to deal with this. If there is ever a real life Planet of the Apes you'll know how it started. ...Finally there is something that I can say that Justin Bieber and I have both done and that's pelting a neighbor's house with eggs. In my case I was thirteen years old and I did it on dare during Halloween. It was only one egg and it hit the intended target, the screen door on the side of the house. Being the brave soul that I am as soon as that egg left my hand I took off running to our "hiding spot" which now that I look back on it made no sense at all because it was on top of a garage. And, like Bieber, I got caught. Someone with us cracked under pressure during interrogation and the next day I was handed some soap and water and had to clean the door and do one hour of community service which meant I had to rake the leaves in the front and back yards. After that hard labor I never threw another egg again. ...Ty Warner, the billionaire businessman who created those Beanie Babies that were so popular back in the 1990's was sentenced last Tuesday to two years of probation for not paying taxes on millions of dollars stashed in Swiss bank accounts. For those who are not fortunate to have billions of dollars to their name they'd be looking at some time in the clink but Warner won't be serving one day behind bars because the judge presiding the case was impressed with his charity work. That's why Wesley Snipes went to jail for the same thing. Snipes had money but not like this. Anyway, all I thought of was that it was people like my wife who used to buy and collect and categorize these damned things that helped him become a billionaire. Warner was very ashamed and sorry as he addressed the court. Of course he was. He was sorry he got caught. ...For traditional baseball fans like myself who dislike the designated hitter, interleague play and expanded playoffs (just to name three) the game that I grew up watching slipped away even further last week and I am very upset about it because I believe these changes have not helped the game at all. And now instant replay, which already had its foot in the door, is now being expanded beginning this season. Managers are going to get one challenge per game and if their challenge is upheld they get another one. This is going to look like a football game minus the helmets and pads. I said before this is going to make the Yankee - Red Sox games longer but I didn't realize how much expanded replay they were talking about because Tony Larussa, one of the chief SOB's of this new replay system said that "almost 90 percent of all potential calls are now reviewable." Great! These games are going to be so damn long now that I'll be able to watch them announce the starting lineups and then get ready for bed. I just don't get it. Why change something, why mess around with something that was so good in the first place? And do you know what really worries me? Whatever they are planning next. ...And if anyone is looking ahead and wondering if the Red Sox will lose any of their challenges they have in Fenway Park this year the answer to that is going to be no and hell no. ...Four teams that I could care less about will be playing in the AFC and NFC title games and I'm so excited about who is going to win that I just may watch five minutes of it and that will be all I will be able to stand. In the NFC I pick the 49ers and in the AFC I pick the Broncos. I'll tell you how I came to both of my conclusions. I didn't spend time reading about the strengths and weaknesses of each team and who is injured or not. I took a more scientific approach. I flipped a coin.
  3. Are you serious? Do you know how big that file is?
  4. Yes sir. And those are the instructions for every single season mod we have here too. It's clearly stated yet it gets overlooked constantly.
  5. Maybe so Homer. It could be. But at the same time I don't think every person who downloaded the Mvp 12 or 13 mod has Mvp 2008. A good number of us do but I wouldn't say everyone.
  6. What the instructions say. And you would have seen this had you looked at the mod. You will find that people are more willing to help you here when you find out the basic stuff like this yourself so it is not asked. I copied this from the Mvp 08 download page, which is where you should have gone. MVP Baseball 2005 original CDs or CD images Total installer Thingy v 2.0.3 or later installed
  7. That's a nice looking utility for a phone. I don't have a phone that does that since I hardly ever use my cell phone. I use it so little I only charge it every three months or so.
  8. That's a nice looking scorecard. Best of luck to you and I'll be following.
  9. Why would the one you have be corrupt and the same exact file that everyone else has is fine? Think. I've been following this thread and have been reading the suggestions others have given you and right now I have to conclude that you are the one that is doing something wrong here that you don't even realize and that is very easy to do because a lot of us have done it.
  10. I learn something every day here. Is this how you made your custom datafiles Jim?
  11. I don't know because I never bothered to do this.
  12. Even if anyone had it they can't upload it because it isn't their mod. The guy that made this mod is long gone and this file also has not been hosted here in quite some time.
  13. Yankee4Life


    The 2013 schedule is already in this mod.
  14. Before you do that (and I'm not saying it is a bad idea because it isn't) try this. Install Mvp 13 on your home PC just as if you are going to be playing it on that machine. This game is small enough to be copied over onto a flash drive. See if you have a 4GB flash drive around. If not they can be purchased cheap at Staples or places like that. Now copy the entire game on the flash drive. Then copy that onto your tablet so you can play it there. Give that a shot.
  15. Yes you did and I thank you and everything is all set.
  16. Time to keep this out of the main forum. Check your private messages.
  17. But I think it is so with that being said I would not mind an answer.
  18. Total Classics 8 has not been hosted on this site in years. It got replaced when TC9 was uploaded. Now TC 9 is gone because TC10 is the latest one.
  19. What are you talking about? Mvp 13 and Total Classics are mods that are based off of the exact same game model! Where are you coming up with this stuff? Sure, when you look at both games they look different. There's different uniforms, different stadiums, different players, different overlays, different loading screens, music, etc, etc. But graphics in one game isn't going to top the graphics in another. Let me ask you this. How did you get Total Classics 8?
  20. And I thought I was the only one who did that. I used to buy notebooks and keep stats for this game. Too bad I threw them out. They would have been fun to read again.
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