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Everything posted by Yankee4Life

  1. I bet that would work too Homer. I'm kicking myself for not figuring this out on my own because I actually have CC Cleaner on a disk somewhere and I could have used that. But I used the one Dennis recommended and everything worked out well.
  2. This finally got cleared up thanks to Dennis James who was juggling making new uniforms for four different mods at once or maybe he was making four different uniforms. I forget which. He gave me a program called ATF Cleaner and it got rid of the explorer history as well as the Internet Explorer history. That's fine because I never use Internet Explorer anyways. Thank you Dennis!
  3. Both are downloaded from the Microsoft site. Microsoft Visual C++2005 Redistributable Package right here and the Microsoft Net Framework site is right here. it has been years since I grabbed these files and I don't know anything about them except that I needed them to run this program.
  4. From the file description: Make sure to install the Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable Package and .net framework pack first. Also I noticed how you took your screenshots. It looks like you took a picture of your monitor. There's a better way to do it if you download a program called Fraps.
  5. That's understandable. When I was a kid growing up the only soccer player I heard of was Pele and I didn't give a damn about him either. I read a little bit about Eusébio today and I think U.S. fans were robbed because they didn't get to know him. Alex Rodriguez? Just trying to make you laugh here.
  6. I am very sorry to read about the loss of your soccer hero sabugo and after reading your post about him I am sorry that I never heard of Eusébio myself. The guy sounded to me like an unselfish superstar that put his team first at all times, something that is rare to see today. R.I.P. Eusébio.
  7. This week we set our sites on a Latino modder who since the beginning has been behind one of the most popular and successful total conversion mods ever in Mvp Caribe and a modder who is a natural favorite of all Cincinnati Reds fans here. HFLR Since 2007 when the very first Mvp Caribe was produced, HFLR has been the modder behind the organization and creation of this extremely popular mod that just seems to get better every single year. Baseball fans all over Latin America play this mod and the recognition it has received is thanks to the hard work by HFLR and the team of modders over at the Caribe web site. HFLR's MLB Logos Update. Emilio Ibarra Almada Stadium. Yaquis de Obregon Uniforms. WBC Caribe 2013. Edtench All of Edtench's mods have had one thing in common and that is they all have been made with the Cincinnati Reds in mind. His renditions of the turn-of-the-century Reds uniforms have all been very accurate and unique as far as choosing uniforms for your game is concerned. 1900 Cincinnati Reds Uniforms. 1908 Cincinnati Reds home uniform. 1911 Cincinnati Reds Home and Away Uniforms. Cincinnati Reds Retro Striped Uniform. Cinergy Field Mod. Behind the Scenes AlexTony AlexTony is another one of those modders whose mods were mostly released when Mvp 2004 was around but that does not mean that they are available today to be appreciated. Back when Total Classics was just getting started the modders who had their work included in that detailed mod would occasionally release parts of their work here on the website and if you click on the listing of AlexTony's mods you will see exactly what I mean. The Total Classics portraits that he made can not be downloaded any longer but they still can be seen in Total Classics Phase 10 today. His portrait work, logo and audio files have helped make Total Classics what it is today.
  8. Updated to 1-5 ...It took until the day after New Year's to get my back in working order again thanks to that trip I took to Fun City during Christmas. After over a week of living through this pain I have newfound respect and sympathy for people out there who constantly have this problem and can not get rid of it. ...Speaking of New Year's in the general area of where I live a group of idiots started shooting off fireworks two hours before the golden hour and wherever they got them they made sure to get the loud and explosive ones. Either they ran out of fireworks or the cops finally caught up with them since they do this every year because by the time midnight rolled around it was as quiet as an empty ballpark out there. Serves them right for not knowing how to tell time. ...And forgive me for trying to rush this but even though we are only five days into the new year it is not inaccurate of me to point out that next month baseball comes back to us as the major leagues begin to report to their respective destinations in Florida and Arizona. Cleveland is the first team to have their pitchers and catchers report (February 11th) and not long after that other team will be following them. The first game in Florida is on February 25th and in Arizona a day later. The first Yankee scheduled to be injured will be on or about the 27th. ...Hey, look at this! Yasiel Puig was arrested on a reckless driving charge in Florida after officers clocked him going 110 mph in a 70 mph zone. This was the second time this year that Puig was arrested for speeding. Back in April police from Chattanooga, Tennessee picked him up after they clocked him going 97 mph in a 50 mph zone. Puig must have been frustrated that he didn't get up to 100 mph the first time so the next opportunity he had he tried it again and this time he made it. He got off easy the first time he did this when he completed community service in Los Angeles but it remains to be seen what happens to him now. This just proves once again when you give an idiot lots of money these kind of things are sure to happen. Now let's see how the Dodgers handle it. ...The last time Evelyn Lozada made the news is when Chad Johnson (or Ochocinco, whatever you want to call him) had just about enough he could take of her and her mouth and gave her a head-butt that ended their two and a half month marriage. This remains to this day Johnson's best off the field move since his playing days ended. Well, while Johnson was flashing a huge smile because he was getting rid of her Carl Crawford of the Dodgers had a similar smile on his face but for entirely different reasons. Either this guy had no idea who Lozada was or if he knew he must have believed her stories of being the poor victim in the marriage with Chad Johnson and before that to her engagement to Antoine Walker, a former NBA player. Crawford has never been mistaken as someone who has used his head for anything except wearing a hat, which explains why he first knocked up Lozada and then bought her an engagement ring worth 1.4 million dollars. The way this woman goes through men this marriage has the possibility of being shorter than Kim Kardashian's seventy-two day laugher. She's covered three sports now and if I were a soccer player I would run at the first sight of her after she is done taking as much money as she can off of Crawford. ...While I was very happy that the people that were stranded on that ship in the Antarctica were finally rescued I could not help but wonder what the **** they were doing there in the first place? Yeah I know, they were on a tour of historic sites in Antarctica and the ship got stranded in the ice. But honestly what the hell are you going to see when you are there? Every where you look you see snow and ice and if you take a walk to the starboard side of the ship you'll see ice and snow and if you are really lucky maybe one time you'll see a penguin. There's an attraction to that place that I will never understand but as I said before I wish those people well and maybe the next time the idea to go back there to see what there is to see everyone will think twice about it and stay home. ...Last Thursday and half the day on Friday we got hit with a snowstorm that gave us over a foot of snow and as anyone can attest to that lives in this part of the country when it snows this much you run out of places to put it. That's why I was kind of concerned about the people in Boston that got blasted with two feet of snow. Well, almost. I pay a guy to do my driveway but I have to shovel my walk myself and with the amount of snow we got that meant I was out there seven different times in a day and a half. The average temperature outside was four degrees and combined with the wind chill (for you guys who live in the warm weather areas the wind chill is an added bonus here. It makes the actual temperature outside seem even colder) it made it seem like it was -11 degrees. While I was out there enjoying myself I couldn't help but think of those people in Antarctica that chose to be there and the more I was out there the less I felt bad for them. The next time they want to go someplace and freeze they should stand in a walk-in freezer for about a half hour. Even that will be warmer. ...Jovan Belcher, the Kansas City Chiefs linebacker who first killed his girlfriend and then himself back in December of 2012 is back in the news thanks to his mother who is now suing the Chiefs in a wrongful-death lawsuit because she said that her son “unknowingly sacrificed his brain” during his four years with the team. Who the hell didn't see something like this coming? She must have spent most of last year meeting up with lawyers just to work out a strategy to properly go after the Chiefs. I feel bad because a mother lost her son and at a very young age too (25) but I believe this case is more about money than about grief. No one forced Belcher to go out on that field every Sunday. He was well paid for what he did. And if there is a wrongful death case here it should be from the family of the girl that he killed and not a mother whose meal ticket has expired. ...My wife and I were really lucky over the holidays because while we did a lot of Christmas gift shopping, none of it was done at Target. And that really has nothing to do with the store because I enjoy going into Target a lot more than I like I like going into Walmart because Target stores are always clean and that is something that can not be said about Walmart. We are inordinately fortunate that most of the people on our list prefer gift cards as gifts so that means a short trip to wherever gift cards are sold and 90% of our shopping is done. But what really concerned me about the theft of 40 million debit and credit card accounts from Target was that Target was only one of 500 publicly disclosed data breaches in 2013. As soon as I read that I became very reluctant to purchase anything online again. ...It took me a few hours to update Total Classics seasons 1951, '56. '64, '74 and '75 thanks to the updates that Dennis James provided for all five of those great mods. When that guy gets going he's unstoppable and it wouldn't shock me at all to find out soon that he will start updating his updates later on this year. ...Years ago the front page of this website had an area that had icons representing the respected sites of Mvpmods and it provided a quick link to them in case anyone was interested in checking that site out for themselves. Well, last month on the 3rd of December one of those sites closed its doors for the last time and if anyone who visited there for the last few years could tell you, they knew it was coming. The Perfect Game website, formerly High Heat and before that The Clubhouse is gone and even though the traffic there slowed down dramatically I was sad to see it go. I did not want it to go. If you wanted files for High Heat Baseball that was a good place to get them. The High Heat website is where I first met Trues and my friend MarkBtheYankee. There's a few other guys on this site that were members over there. One of the funniest things ever said about me was from one of the members there. It seems there was one guy who was being difficult in the forums with the other people and someone told him that if he didn't watch himself he would have to spend a few hours in a chat room with Mark and I while we talked non-stop about the Yankees. Those guys over there were notorious Yankee-haters and this was during the time when I had my rose-colored Yankee glasses on at all times. Now imagine mixing those two things together and what you got was a whole bunch of classic threads with no one giving an inch and laughing all the way. What a bunch of characters. Goodbye Perfect Game, thanks for everything. ...The U.S. Olympic men’s hockey team mistakenly sent a text message to a sixty-seven-year-old Canadian man informing him that he made the team that will be representing the United States in the upcoming Winter Olympics next month. The man informed them that they must have been trying to contact someone else since he was a senior citizen and besides, he can't skate. He must have been joking about not being able to skate because everyone over the age of three can do that up there. ...During a trip on the Royal Caribbean cruise line a passenger jumped overboard while the ship was headed towards Puerto Rico. This is frowned upon by all cruise line ships because when someone jumps overboard they usually don't bring their luggage along with them and that means the cruise line has to get rid of the luggage for them when the ship docks. Every precaution was made to rescue the man who jumped overboard as the ship turned immediately around to find him with all the other passengers helping out as much as they could as they stood by the railings yelling out "come back" to the wayward traveler. The Coast Guard was also notified and brought in as they searched for him for two days before calling it off. There must be a better way to settle your bar tab then resorting to this. ...I feel bad for the Walmart store manager down in Florida who tried to stop a man and a woman who were quickly loading a shopping cart full of beer that they forgot to pay for. As soon as he asked them for a receipt for the beer they backed up the truck and not wanting to get run over by it the manager jumped in the back of it while the truck sped away from Walmart as fast as it could. The good news is that someone came to his aid after they saw him trying to flag someone down on the highway. The two rednecks took off but really, how hard is it going to be to find them? The Walmart manager was congratulated for what he did and got to see himself on the evening news but in the back of his mind he had to be worried because Walmart is probably going to lean on him for this to the point where it is going to cost him in job. They did it to an employee of theirs in California recently who tried to help a woman who was being beat up by some guy in their parking lot. But that guy was just an employee and this guy was a manager which means he probably will get off with just a warning. ...I almost changed the channel during the Kansas City - Baltimore game last night because the Chiefs were up by a lot and I thought they were going to win their wildcard game but it was worth watching them choke in the second half. Watching teams in my division taking nose dives in the playoffs are about the only thing I can look forward to all year as a Raider fan.
  9. If I were a betting man I would start and end with this mod right here.
  10. By the way good job on that perfect game Dennis. I had one with Eddie Lopat in the 1951 mod and I was nervous as hell while it was going on.
  11. Oh my God! I just got done updating the 1951, 1956, 1974 and 1975 mods and now this? Dennis I can't keep up with you! You are the best! Five stars times 100!! Thank you!!
  12. Ok this is what I did for you. I went into the original roster for Mvp and grabbed his attributes for you. Keep in mind that these are ratings based on his 2004 season with Oakland when he went 17 - 8. I hope this helps a little. Mark Mulder Stamina 95 (with these ratings 100 is the highest) Pickoff 85 PITCHES Splitter 91 4-Seam Fastball 84 Slider 83 Changeup 80 2-Seam Fastball 76 BATTING ATTRIBUTES Power vs. LHP 25 Contact vs. LHP 21 Power vs. RHP 24 Contact vs. RHP 30 Bunting 65 Plate Discipline 20 Fielding and Running Attributes Durability 85 Speed 47 Stealing aggressiveness 10 Baserunning ability 20 Fielding 60 Range 55 Throwing Strength 70 Throwing Accuracy 70
  13. Your bad?? No way man. This was my bad all the way and twice on Sundays! While my advice on how to get Mulder's realistic stats was correct I was way off the mark by telling you what game to get this information from. I would like to give you my apologies and I am sorry once again for not knowing what game you were talking about even though you posted your question in the correct forum! I'd like to make a joke and say I need glasses but I already have them. Now, let's get back to your Mulder question. Mulder only appeared in three games in 2008 for the Cardinals so there is not much of a chance he would have made it in the 2k9 game. And there was no chance of him on any roster in 2k10, 11 or 12. Now I get why you are having a hard time getting his stats.
  14. You have to search and when I say that I strongly advise it. It took me two minutes to find Mark Mulder. All I did was look up his playing stats and the years he was active. Then I saw that during the 2004 off season he was traded by Oakland to St. Louis. That meant that he was on the Cardinal roster in the default out-of-the-box roster that came with the game. You can get all his stats right there or on roster sets released during that same time period on this website. That's it.
  15. I actually have to quote myself here and after this is done I hope you can get back to doing what you were doing before. That's all you had to do. Click on that and send an e-mail. Don't try to solve this problem by creating another account because that will cause a problem that will take 180 days to remedy.
  16. Like I will say for the final time no one "gave you" anything on purpose and no one suspended your account. If this ever happens again it is advisable that you do not create another account and instead contact someone here.
  17. Yes you can. Download this mod right here and use the Ditty Importer. What you do is you get an mp3 of a song you want to use and it will convert it to the format the game uses. After it is converted you will be able to place it in your game. The Loclook program is if you want to edit the song titles in the game to show the proper name of the new song.
  18. I don't understand this at all. There is nothing wrong with your account. I just checked it and double checked it. I saw the screenshot that you posted about your inability to gain access in here but instead of contacting someone here on the staff you created a second account and you know how well that is received around here. You ignored where it said "contact the community administrator" and that is clearly displayed on the screenshot that you provided. That is how you do things and not by creating another account. Forum rules are in place not just for new users but for everyone. I don't know if you read the rules of this website or not but that's not the issue anymore. Again, there was nothing wrong with your original account. Your second account was suspended. Your first account (Jed) was not.
  19. You're welcome! And I hope you had a nice Christmas and while I am at it I wish you a happy and safe New Year to you and the daflyboys family.
  20. This week we look at a modder who was closely associated with the making of cyberfaces and a modder who released most of his work for the original X-Box version of the game but still managed to create two wonderful versions of classic stadiums. Veesmack Veesmack is another modder here whose work is more familiar with users than the person behind it. Many of the cyberfaces he has made are included in the Total Classics mods such as Roberto Clemente, Duke Snider and Bob Lemon but later on he did create some very good uniform sets that he released only a few short years ago. Compiled MVP Baseball batting stances wallpapers. Screen captures of all 66 batting stances. This mod was made with roster makers in mind so that they can view the images without playing the game to see what the stances look like. 2011 Rangers Alternate Jersey 1.0. 2012 Miami Marlins Home and Alternate jerseys. HardcoreLegend HardcoreLegend made many X-box users happy with his stadium and uniform releases he made for that game during the time Mvp 2005 first came out but his best work was his total makeover of Metropolitan Stadium in Minnesota because it put the EA version of the same ballpark to shame. The only regret is that besides the 1960's version of Sportsman's Park in St. Louis (shown below) he did not make any more ballparks. 1960's Metropolitan Stadium. Early 1960's Sportsman's Park. 1954 New York Giants away uniforms. Behind the Scenes Tony3 Tony3 is another guy that is closely associated with Total Classics as he provided audio work for that mod that of course is still part of it today even with the Legends of the Booth mod included with most Total Classics seasons now. He also created his own roster set called the Stats Roster that was available for download when the game first came out. All of his mods can be viewed by following this link right here.
  21. That about sums it up Dennis but believe me when I say that there were no Elly Mae's down there.
  22. Then you are more than welcome to take the time to make a cyberface of Alex Cobb that meets to your approval.
  23. Dennis thank you very much for these updated uniforms! They look great!!
  24. Updated to 12-29 ...I hope that everyone had a nice Christmas and after you finish reading what I went through last week you'll understand why I am so happy that Christmas is over and that I am back home safe and sound in a home where beds don't hate me and couches do not sag to two feet off the floor when you sit on them. Read on if you care to but remember something very important. Every word of this is true. December 24th: We took off from home around 10:15 am and I was having my doubts about us making it down to Binghamton, New York which I consider my personal hell. The weather was not agreeing with us as we left and there were four parts on our way down route 17 that had slippery roads, blowing snow and tractor-trailer trucks flying by you that temporarily blinded you with snow as you drove. There were times when I was driving forty miles an hour because of these conditions and my wife asked me if we should turn around and go home. I told her that we should just try to go at it a little longer and maybe we'd catch a break but what I said to myself was entirely different because if she really wanted to know what I thought I'd have told her I didn't want to be driving down there at all. Besides, if we turned around and went home she would have pestered me about going there again and I just wanted to get it over with. About ten minutes before we reached Corning, New York we caught a huge break. The weather cleared up and for the last ninety minutes we had clear roads and no snow for the rest of the way there. That was the final thing that went right for me until I packed my bag on Saturday morning to say goodbye to everyone. My wife's sister also came to town for the holidays and her plane was delayed for an hour for a reason that was never explained to me. I like seeing her but at the same time I knew this would cause a bit of a problem as far as sleeping was concerned. Since I planned on doing a lot of while I was there this was something that worried me because of the lack of space in that house. Before I go on I better explain. My mother-in-law, above all other things, is a wonderful person and I love and respect her very much. She is a good woman who is very giving and takes care of all her kids very well. That being said she is also a pack-rat. If you have ever seen that reality show Hoarders that will give you an example of what I had to live through for four days. Granted it was not as bad as you see on that TV show but she could give them a run for their money. I was forever knocking something over because things were in piles and sometimes if you turned around to get something without thinking something would knock over and I'd have to stop and pick up my mess while swearing under my breath. There are times when I walked in that house over the years and I literally thought the house would explode because of all the stuff in it. I like keeping my house clean but every time I come back from there I spend days looking around for things to get rid of and after my wife goes back to work I'll find something. Christmas Eve night we were all together and I'm looking around and I wonder to myself about what we were going to eat. Now I don't say much down there because I am respectful of their feelings and if I am asked a question about something like if I was comfortable I don't want to slip up and tell them the truth that I along with everyone else would have more room and be more comfortable if you threw some *&%# out. Well, my wife's niece wondered the same thing but she actually said it out loud. The truth was there was nothing and around 7:00 p.m. they decided to order a pizza and for the next hour they called all over the place and surprise!! no one picked up the phone. Of course no one's answering I said to myself. They are all closed for Christmas! Finally after an hour of dialing for pizza they hit paydirt and found a Papa John's open and that is what we had to eat on Christmas Eve. No egg nog, no cookies, no homemade goodies. Just pizza. December 25th: I was up with the sun. Not because I was excited about the day ahead but because I could not sleep on the bed that my wife and I had to sleep on. This bed we had was two single beds put together to make one bed and there was not a lot of room on it if you consider having three dogs on it with you that think they all own the bed. Something had to give and that something was me. I was forced to go downstairs to sleep on the chair and after actually nodding off for awhile I woke up with a stiff neck, courtesy of the chair. My wife came down soon after and let the dogs out and then she let me go upstairs in the bed while she stayed down there. The bed was even worse than the chair because after getting a few more hours of sleep I woke up with an invisible knife in my back. And I still had three nights to go until I got home. There were no calls for pizza on this day because there was a home cooked meal that we enjoyed around 3 pm. I remember it was at 3 pm because someone had to wake me up for it because I nodded off while they were watching an Elvis Presley movie. All we did on Christmas Day was watch TV and that continued into Thursday and Friday. I never watched so much Law and Order as I did during the time I spent there and I hope I never have to again. The dinner itself was something else. We didn't sit at a table because the tables in the house had stuff piled on them and if all four of us pitched in together to take everything off the table we wouldn't of had dinner until Valentine's Day. So we sat where we could. On the couch, on a chair, one person in the kitchen. This is not how we would have Christmas dinners at my house and I did not like it one bit but again I did not say anything and I even ate the ham that was made even though I am not a big fan of ham. December 26th: The best thing about December 26th was that it was one day closer to going home. Now if you have been reading this random thoughts thread each week you will remember that a few weeks back I wrote that I don't like chicken wings that much. And that explains why I remained at home while my wife, her niece and her sister went to go have chicken wings at some local dive and how with the combination of chicken wings and beer it caused a huge fight. It seems that my wife's sister had one too many and she started calling my wife a spoiled brat and her niece the same thing. Other things were said but I really didn't want to ask too many questions but everything revolved around the two of them being spoiled. My wife's sister makes good money so she says that kind of stuff when she's had a few. I've never been a target for her comments only because I don't go out drinking with them or anyone else for that matter because I don't drink. She knows damned well I am not spoiled and besides she's envious of me because I am retired. (I was forced to retire a few years back because of a disability.) I did not learn about all of this until much later in the evening because while this was happening I was at my mother-in-law's house watching everything that she had recorded on her DVR. The woman records the news three times a day and watches it. Don't ask me why. I watched reality shows that I never heard of. At least I got to watch a couple of episodes of Cold Case. At least that was enjoyable. Everything was fine until the residual from the bar argument walked through the door around 7:00 pm. Between all the yelling and you-said-this and you-said-that that was going on it was hard to figure out what happened and why. I wrote this down in detail now but believe me it took me awhile to figure out what happened. My wife looked at me at one point and asked me why when things like this happen how come I am always lucky to never be around? I told her I don't know but that's how it always has been. That made her more mad. December 27th: My last full day there. It was the first time I left the house not counting the times I had to let the dogs out. My wife, her sister and I went out to lunch. The spoiled brat comments from the day before were forgotten and it was like it never happened. We went to a place were they brewed their own beer on site and that was the main attraction because the food there was terrible. Even the lemonade they served me tasted funny. But it was how they ran the place that stood out for me. A girl escorted us to our tables where the menus were waiting for us to look over and that was the last we saw of her because we had to go up to the bar to tell them what we wanted for lunch, pay for it there and then they gave us a hand held device that would make a buzzing vibrating sound when the order was ready. That meant we had to go up and get our own lunch and bring it back to our table. I have never been in a place that did that and I did not like it at all. I didn't leave a tip because there was not an option available for me to tip myself. As soon as lunch was over they dropped me off at home because they were going out to do some serious shopping and if they dragged me along I would have done some serious crying. It was a good thing they did because they were gone five hours. There's only one mall in that two-bit town but they hit every store there. My wife got one hundred dollars from her mother for Christmas and it must have been burning a hole in her purse because she spent the entire thing on clothes that she didn't need. While they were out running around in the mall it was my mother-in-law and me again watching TV and this time she was the first one to fall asleep watching TV. The other day it was me so we ended up in a tie. December 28th This was my Christmas because at 9:30 am yesterday we were on our way home. I knew I was going to get my first good night's sleep since last Monday and I didn't think I could last another day. Our ride home was sunny, clear and dry and I had the cruise control on the entire way. We made great time. My wife didn't admit it while she was there but her back hurt as bad as mine. And that was how I spent Christmas. I may not like the clutter in that house and the lack of space it causes but there is no mistake that there is love in that house and that's all that really matters. ...You kind of had an idea that the Yankees weren't going to get anywhere near Sin-Soo Choo. He's thirty-one and they can't be wasting their time on kids. They'll wait until his seven-year contract with the Rangers runs out before offering him a contract and then they'll try to convince Yankee fans that Choo's best years are ahead of him. ...It's nice that Kevin Youkilis decided to play next year in Japan because after stealing twelve million dollars from the Yankees just so he could spend more time in a hospital room instead of the dugout, I didn't think there would have been anyone dumb enough in the American or National Leagues to take a chance on him. Now he gets to steal money from the same Japanese team that is playing games by being reluctant to post right handed pitcher Masahiro Tanaka to the major leagues. ...The man who invented the AK-47 assault rifle, the world's most popular firearm, died last week in Russia at the age of 94 and gun nuts all over fired rounds into the air in observance of his death. It all depends on your point of view if this invention was a good or a bad thing but an excellent question can be raised in that did this weapon save more lives or end more lives? ...India and the United States have been going through a diplomatic tiff right now because the U.S. arrested an Indian diplomat and charged her with visa fraud and after her arrest she was strip-searched in a private room by a female U.S. marshal. The last part here, the strip-search, is what really has that country hotter than any of the cuisines that they put out. India wants an apology for the way their diplomat was treated even though there is strong evidence that what the U.S. authorities did was justified. I'm kind of hoping that the United States ends up apologizing to them because can you imagine if we don't how the level of technical support is going to be the next time you got to call there? ...Dennis Rodman is having a hard time convincing all the players on the American team that it's safe to go to North Korea for an exhibition game against a North Korean team in honor of Kim Jong Un's birthday next month. I don't blame the NBA players at all for their hesitancy to go there since it's probably in the back of their mind that they may be forced to stay awhile after the games are done or even worse be mistaken for a relative. ...Because the upcoming Super Bowl will be the first one to be played in an outdoor, cold weather site (Giants Stadium, February 2nd) the NFL has come up with what they call "contingency plans" just in case someone's bad idea to allow the game to be played there turns into a really bad idea where the game has to be moved to Saturday, back a few days, or even postponing it one week. The FOX network and all the advertisers that had to pay through the nose are really going to love it if this happens. ...R.I.P. to Paul Blair. He was a very good centerfielder for the Orioles and Yankees. His single in the top of the ninth in game five of the 1977 A.L.C.S. at Kansas City paved the way for the Yankees to score three runs in that inning as they won their second straight A.L. pennant that year and their first World Series since 1962. ...I hope everyone has a happy and safe New Year!
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