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Everything posted by Yankee4Life

  1. Oh my Lord what lousy music they had in the 1970's! But look at what Dennis James has done here! These uniforms look so good they do not belong in 1974. But download these uniforms and dance to the Oscar Gamble shuffle. Thank you Dennis!
  2. Ted Kluszewski A highly popular player, Ted 'Big Klu' Kluszewski was a powerful, slugging first baseman. He was a symbol of raw strength and probably was one of the strongest men ever to play in the major leagues. Big Klu's arm were so huge that he cut of the sleeves of his uniform because they were restricting his ability to swing the bat. In 1950, Kluszewski hit 25 homers, drove in 111 runs and hit .307 for the Cincinnati Reds. He seemed to get bigger and stronger the longer he played. In 1953, he hit 40 home runs, had 108 RBI's, scored 97 runs and batted .316 and even with all this power, Klu struck out only 34 times. In 1954, Ted Kluszewski led the National League with 49 home runs, 141 RBIs, .326 BA; and only struckout a total of 35 times. Again in 1955, Kluszewski powered 47 HR's, scored 116 runs, had 113 RBIs, and batted .314. Ted Kluszewski was still the Reds' strong boy and in 1956, he hit 35 HRs with 102 RBIs. His trade by the Reds to the Pittsburgh Pirates was met with boo's from his many loyal Red's fans. Playing for the White Sox, fans cheered for Big Klu in the 1959 World Series against the Dodgers, as Kluszewski hit two homers in the first game and ended with 10 RBI's for the whole series. The Dodgers won the series 4 games to 2. Ted Kluszewski had a .298 career batting average with 290 doubles and 279 home runs. Ted Kluszewski was a popular ball player during this era and even opposing fans cheered him on. In the 1970s and early 1980s he was a batting coach for Cincinnati.
  3. In addition to the two modders being featured this week there will be a new category of modders that will be called the Behind the Scenes group that Jim825 defined last week in this thread as "the category for those people who have made contributions that weren't released on their own, but which serve as a foundation or an integral part of many other mods." Read on to see what is meant by this. Boricuapapi1885 Boricaupapi's main work in here was the creation of cyberfaces for players who are now retired. His excellent renditions of players such as Sammy Sosa, Miguel Cairo and Roger Clemens just to name three are all included in the 2006 and 2007 mods which of course are available for download here on the website. But besides the cyberfaces he made two very useful mods that visually improved the look of the game. The Hi-Res grass and dirt mod improves the texture of the grass and dirt on the infields and gives you the choice of installing brand new (clean) bases in your game or dirty game used ones. Hi-Res Grass and Dirt mod v2.0. Bases Mod. Kumala If you are someone who likes to experiment with the many datafiles available here you should not overlook the contributions of Kumala. He made his own individual datafiles and also worked with KSM on updating some of his work such as adding new camera angles and other various adjustments. During his time here his datafiles were very popular. Of all the mods made on this website datafiles are the mods most geared for individual use and all that means is as much as one datafile is liked and used by people you will find the same amount that won't use it and are comfortable with another one that has different camera angles or default settings. And the people who used Kumala's work were always happy when he came out with an updated version. Kumala datafile final. KSM datafile with default fielding cams/value edits. KSM Combo with Kumala edits. Kumala 07 datafile. Behind the Scenes Yankees763 It would not be an overstatement on my part that with all the modders talked about so far in this thread that this modder right here would be the least familiar of them all. However if you are a Total Classics fan then you will know who Yankees763 is and how important he was to the creation of Total Classics, which is now currently in its tenth phase. All of his mods were released when Mvp 2004 was still the number one game around and all of his mods are now currently unavailable for download but if that leads you to the assumption that you have never seen his work then you'll be surprised. Take a look right here at the download list from Yankees763. Some of you may be wondering what these "team packages" were. They were actual rosters of individual teams that you could drop into your Mvp 2004 game to replace a team that was already there. Look at the teams he made and you will see that they are very familiar to you. The 1965 Twins, the 1969 Senators, the 1978 Yankees, the 1982 Brewers, etc, etc. All teams that have been part of Total Classics to this day. Along with the many teams he contributed many portraits that helped make up that huge mod.
  4. If you plan on spending any quality time here on this site you will find that there are a lot of people very willing to put down a mod and criticize the work of a modder. This isn't something that is brand new around here. We've had people doing this for years because it's so much easier to insult someone else's work then doing the work itself. This is coming from someone who has never used wudl's rosters or BSU's rosters only because I don't own 2K12 but I do have a very good idea how much time it takes to put together a roster so in that respect I salute their efforts.
  5. I've got to echo what you said here. This guy is the best! Thank you Dennis!
  6. Updated to 12-22 ...Just a few more short days and this will all be over for another year and we can put Rudolph and company away in the cellar where they belong. ...My Christmas plans are still undecided because we are supposed to be going to be with my wife's family and they live 180 miles away in the part of New York State that is called the Southern Tier. It's a nice enough sounding name but take it from someone who has been there too many times that is the only good thing about that place. Well no, I take that back. The other good thing about being down there is when we are packed up and driving home. The reason why I say we are supposed to is that if the weather is good tomorrow night we'll be driving down there. If not, we are not going anywhere and my wife will get mad at me because if she is to be believed, it is a well-known fact in my house that I control the weather. If we do end up going I will have my eyes and ears open because something always seems to happen when I'm there that I find hilarious. ...Two quick stories that I can throw out in here because she rarely reads my stuff and when she does she shakes her head and then calls me Pinocchio. A few years back we all went out to breakfast before we headed out for our three-hour trip back home. We decided on going to Denny's but when we got there there was a line out the door waiting to get in the place. We were waiting our turn and when a party that was called to let them know their table was ready did not answer and come forward the server came outside to call their names again, thinking that maybe they missed it. What happened was these people must have taken off and before the girl went inside my father-in-law asked her what was going on and why there was such a long line. She told him that Denny's had a special today where if you ordered linked sausages with your breakfast you would get an extra sausage and when people heard that the word spread. So we were waiting in line to get an extra sausage that was just about the length of an index finger. The other story happened during the summer about ten years back. We went to a carnival at one of the nearby towns which was funny all by itself but I'll save that for another time. While we were walking around the area I noticed a medium-sized building surrounded by a high fence a little more than a football field away from the rest of us with a few cars parked in the parking lot. Curiosity got the best of me and I asked one of the locals who was working behind the lemonade stand what that was. "Oh, that's our hoosegow!!" he replied. ...By the way, a hoosegow is a jail. I had no idea either. ...I am getting tired of seeing this Ron Burgundy stuff all over the place. Will Ferrell must know people in high places if they keep letting him make movies. ...The Indians signed John Axford last week to a free agent contract. It wasn't a high profile signing but for the Tribe it was a necessary one and an important one because now that the news about Uruguay legalizing marijuana they are not sure if Chris Perez is going to come back and play or retire and move down there. ...British researchers with obviously too much time on their hands have done an analysis on James Bond's drinking habits (yes, that James Bond) and have determined that he could die from alcohol-related causes, such as liver damage, by age fifty-six. I'd imagine if 007 were alive he would pay attention to these findings and try and cut down on the medium-dry vodka martinis but since he isn't I see no attendant danger. The researchers found that his weekly alcohol consumption totaled 92 units a week and that is four times more than doctors recommend to anyone that is actually among the living. All fourteen of the original James Bond books by Ian Fleming were analyzed for this study. And to think, all I did with those same fourteen books was read them. Well, I don't know what the purpose of this study was about but they ended up saying that Bond should be referred to treatment to help reduce his alcohol intake to safe levels. And they were serious. ...Maybe their next study can focus on how many girls Fonzie would have hooked up with had he been living in a bigger city than Milwaukee. ...I don't know if any of you have Imageshack accounts but I am not liking the new format that they are running over there. ...Am I the only person in this country that does not like chicken wings? When people find this out about me it instantly puts a smile on their face because they know if they are ever out someplace with me they don't have fight me for them. ...A homeless couple is suing a small town in Missouri stating that their constitutional rights were violated when the police asked them to leave because they stood on a street corner holding a sign asking for a handout. Because the police told these people to get out of town the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) filed a federal lawsuit on the couple's behalf. There's something about this entire story that I do not understand because I've seen people like this before holding signs that say something like Will Work For Food but I had no idea that it was their constitutional right to panhandle. The cops around here make them move on down the road as far as possible and then that's that. Personally I think they should purchase them a one-way bus ticket to Buffalo because at least when they are there they can blend in better. What I think this couple needs more than having the ACLU fight their case in court -which could literally take years- is to have a roof over their heads instead of a lawyer on their side. ...There is a restaurant in Port Huron, Michigan named the Cajun Gator that won the right to have live alligators greet their patrons as they arrived there for dinner. The City Council voted 4-2 to allow this to happen and something tells me that with all the bad ideas that have been carried out over time this one here could prove to be a memorable one. I know it was just a movie but we all saw what happened when King Kong was put into an environment that wasn't his own. He got mad, broke loose and started eating people. I can see the same thing here if someone begins teasing one of these animals. Call me crazy but I do not feel like showing up someplace for dinner when there is an outside chance that I can be some gator's appetizer. ...There was an article last week about Derek Jeter that made the rounds on ESPN and other news sources where visitors to his home down in Florida have to place their cell phones in a basket by in his foyer before entering his house so that no one will take pictures of his home due to privacy issues. It must have been a slow news week last week because even the two idiots on Intentional Talk had to bring it up on their show. Considering that in all possibilities and scenarios that I will never set foot in Jeter's home let alone stand in his driveway I am not concerned at all what his house rules are. ...Considering how sneaky some people are I don't think it's unreasonable to expect someone to smuggle some kind of camera in his house now. ...Journey guitarist Neal Schon got married last week and for some reason he and his fiance decided to have their wedding on Pay-Per-View and at $14.95 a pop the only people that ordered it were relatives that couldn't make it to the wedding or were not invited. To be fair if they felt they had to broadcast their nuptials to make a buck they should do the same thing when it's time for their divorce. ...It has been said that I am behind the times as far as certain things are concerned and depending on what it is I have to admit that it is true. For example, I have no idea what is popular in music today and to tell the truth I don't want to know. That's probably the best illustration that I can come up with right now. Basically if I have no reason to be concerned about something then I usually don't pay attention to it. This explains why when every time I heard something brought up about Duck Dynasty I could not tell you one thing about it except that it is a TV show and everyone on it looks like the Old Man on the Mountain. That's all I knew. I don't know who's in it and what it's about and I still don't. Apparently one of the people on that show got himself in a bit of hot water because of a magazine interview that he gave where he voiced his opinions on gays and other subjects. Without going into detail about what those opinions are it is safe to say that these are not ones shared among people who make a living as watchdogs on what other people say. His comments earned him an indefinite suspension from the show after angry protests from people who didn't agree with him. That's all it took for him to get the boot off this show. Now I may not agree with what this hillbilly was talking about but you got to respect his right to say it. More and more in this country the right to express your opinion without fear of any fallback is equivalent to a popularity contest. ...It's that time of year again and this time I'm not talking about Christmas songs and buying presents. If only dealing with that were as easy as updating my Kaspersky for another year. Thanks to Zing Sale I find a deal every single year for the three-license version I get. I don't want this to sound like a commercial for that website because this isn't but the last two years the money I saved updating this much needed program has given me one less headache. If only everything were this simple. ...I still have not been able to put Oldtime Baseball down yet. This game, along with Tony Larussa 2 and the 1958 mod are keeping me up late at nights and getting me out of bed early in the morning. I have forgotten how difficult this game could be when you play on the hardest level and having all the teams from the 1800's up until the early 90's is a classic baseball fans dream. There's no way any of you PS3 or PS4 guys will try this out because your eyes have been spoiled and the 2K fans will get mad because this game, along with the others made during this time was made better than what they have been putting out all these years. Check out this screenshot of a game between the Philadelphia Athletics and the St. Louis Browns in the 1922 season. Give it a shot, you may be pleasantly surprised. One from Tony Larussa Baseball 2, which by th way turned twenty years old this year. And lastly Hardball 5, which just turned eighteen. ...Some people may say they are old school but in my case I really mean it. ...Finally, I hope all of you here at Mvpmods have a wonderful Christmas and that goes for all your friends and family that will share the day with you. Enjoy!
  7. Dennis these uniforms look fantastic. Between all the other games I have been playing lately these uniforms have brought me back to Total Classics 1956, where the Mick was king. Now he looks better doing it.
  8. Have patience with stuff like this. Remember all the modders here make these mods on their own time for the benefit of everyone.
  9. What can I say but WOW! Thanks for showing me this site.
  10. Good idea, I like that. Even better than the honorable mention division I was kind of toying with. That's why Trues signed you to a six-year 160 million dollar contract.
  11. Don my friend, It was a pleasure to read your comments about this thread and I am glad you can appreciate what I have been trying to do here. By re-introducing some of these great mods that we have here that have been off the radar for years now I am hoping that it can generate some interest from the newer people to spend some time in the download section because there are some really wonderful mods hidden in the back pages there. Those two modders that you mentioned (AlexTony and Yanks763) have not been overlooked by me in this thread but they do present me with a minor problem as to "featuring" them. I have a list of names of modders and those two are on that list but the files that that have done by themselves or with others have either been incorporated into Total Classics over the years or not on the website any longer. For example let's take Yanks763. He worked with Rolie on six different uniforms for Mvp 2004 but all six are not hosted anymore on here. All the other work he has done like the work he did in Total Classics '64 and '69 were contributions for that mod. I can not point to one mod that he uploaded on his own. And right here is a problem I have been working on over the past few weeks. I also want to recognize people like Yanks763 who was like you said a key member of Total Classics. Another guy is AlexTony. He does have ten individual mods in the download section but as you can see they are all mods made for Total Classics and when you look at them you will notice that they all are included in the past and current release of Total Classics. Another purpose of this mod is to encourage newer people to try these mods and trying one of AlexTony's mods that were made for TC would not be the best thing to do as a stand-alone mod. You need all of Total Classics to appreciate his contributions. A few other guys are Tony3, who released individual mods and even had a roster set out but since it is many years old now it can't be used. PeterBernard, who made many classic cyberfaces. Once again his work is in Total Classics where his work belongs. Or someone like Zach, who before making mods for the 2K game made cyberfaces that were used in TC and the first season mods of '06, '07 and '08. There are a lot of guys like this with work that should not be used with the latest season mods of 2012 and 2013 but if you have some of the older mods you already have seen how good these guys were. Like I said, I am thinking of a way to recognize people like this. Thank you for liking this thread and I hope you have a wonderful holiday!
  12. That is what had to happen Jim. I'm sure that there are some other files out there just as old as these that don't have working links any longer.
  13. This week a stadium modder whose mods were featured in the very first season mods beginning in 2006 and a modder whose work with Z-Mod produced some of the most beautiful modern stadiums ever made. Hyman Hyman's stadiums have been included in every season mod beginning with the 2006 Total Conversion mod. His excellent rendition of the Marlins first ballpark is now considered to be a throwback ballpark after the opening of their new park before the start of the 2012 season. 2008 Dolphin Stadium. 2008 Yankee Stadium. NHLO7ASFStudio. Harry Carey Take me out to the Ballgame. Rolie To see how beautiful a stadium can look in Mvp when it is done with Z-Mod all you have to do is check out Rolie's Dodger Stadium to see for yourself. It is a difficult thing to work with but Rolie made it seem easy. His HDR Bloom mod (shown below) visually enhances your game and it is something to be seen to be believed. For Mvp 2005 Citizen's Bank Park 2008 World Series Edition. Z Mod Stadium Guide. HDR Bloom Mod Mvp v1. Dodger Stadium 2007.
  14. Got my game yesterday from Amazon. Still have not had time to install it.
  15. Updated to 12-15 ...Merrill Newman, the 85-year-old American detained by North Korean authorities back in October returned to the United States last week happy, relatively healthy and by the skin of his teeth. His release was made possible by the work of the U.S. and Swedish diplomats who were able to get the North Korean government to "deport" him back home, which in diplomatic terms means get him the hell out of here. During his press conference when he arrived back in California Newman vowed to never step foot in North Korea again stating that he had no desire to be involved in anything like that again. When asked where he wanted to go on vacation next he replied "Afghanistan," proving again that when you get older you don't always get smarter. ...Carrie Underwood’s performance on “The Sound of Music Live!” last week went over as well as a blind person trying to land a plane and she was the target of so much criticism for her portrayal of Maria on the live special as they thoroughly panned her acting. When Underwood heard about all the comments people were making about her she ran to her Twitter account and said that she would be praying for all the mean people because they "need Jesus." What she really should have done was pray for talent. ...Practice makes Perfect Dept: The World Cup is still seven months away but considering what some Brazilian fans were doing at a game last week they are ready for it to begin right now. Just ten minutes into the game fights broke out in the stands after the opposing team jumped out to an early 1-0 lead. Either they figured their team was so bad that they'd never come close to scoring or that they needed the practice when the big boys come to town next June. There were explosions in the stands and riot police showed up to break up the many fights in the crowd. One guy was hurt so bad that he left in a coma and was taken to a nearby hospital. Fortunately he will pull through and stadium officials said that the next game he attends he will be able to throw out the first bottle. ...Seriously, if no one gets injured next summer while this is going on it will be a miracle. ...I felt bad for the guy over in England who spent $740 thinking that he was purchasing a brand new XBox One on the first day it was for sale in the European market and instead received a picture of the console system in the mail days later. As I said, I did feel bad for him until I saw the screen capture of what he placed his winning bid on. It distinctly said that a photo of the XBox One was being sold and not the machine itself. Sure it was a sneaky thing to do and luckily the buyer was able to get all his money back but the buyer could have easily been stiffed on this transaction. Let's hope he never visits America because he just may end up being the newest owner of the Brooklyn Bridge. If there is one thing that everyone should know by now about the people who are running our schools is that there is no limit to their stupidity. Take this six-year-old Colorado boy who was suspended from school for one day because he leaned over and kissed his "girlfriend" during a reading group that they were in. That was enough for the principal to consider what he did sexual harassment which warranted his one day vacation from school. If it wasn't a true story it would be laughable but I don't see anything funny about this at all because these people are serious and that is what worries me. All the kid did was give her a peck on the cheek. It's not like he tried to bring her in the broom closet. It's a good thing that the kid didn't have a shirt on advertising for the NRA or else the swat team would have been called and he'd have been expelled. The funny thing is once this story hit the national news and the school saw all the negative publicity that they received they changed the kid's disciplinary offense from "sexual harassment" to "misconduct," which was there way of saving face but not coming out and saying that they were totally wrong here. That is still harsh considering what this kid did and because of this he is going to be teased by the other kids for awhile and some of the parents from now on are going to look at him differently. ...Yesterday was the one year anniversary of the Sandy Hook shootings and over this past year I have thought about it many times because it bothered me that much and felt for every one of those poor families who are now facing their second Christmas without the child they lost. But nothing seems to be done after this except for jumping on a kid who wants to wear an NRA shirt or a little kid who makes a gun out of his sandwich. They make a big issue out of these things to show that hey look, we are doing something! And the real problem still exists. On Friday it happened again. This time the excuse was that the kid was mad at a teacher and wanted revenge. Just knowing the reason why must make every teacher in America feel so much better. These maniacs need to be stopped and if I knew how I'd let someone know. I'm just concerned for the people like a cousin of mine who is a teacher and all the others who went into that profession to try and make a difference instead of being a target. ...Maybe TSA employees worked as school officials in their previous jobs. How else can you explain the things that they do to airline travelers? A woman who sells customized sock monkeys online was stopped going through security at St. Louis International Airport while going through the screening process. A TSA goon picked up one of her bags and when it was being inspected they found a few sock monkeys, one of them that was made to look like a cowboy from the ten gallon down to the holster around his waist. Inside the holster was a two-inch toy gun which to the trained TSA eye could do as much damage as an assault rifle provided of course if the monkey's gun was in fact real. The gun was confiscated from the sock monkey and the woman and her husband were allowed to board their plane provided that they keep the monkey in their bag for the entire trip as not to upset and frighten the other passengers because their monkey had a firearm in his possession. It's nice to see the TSA cracking down on sock monkeys. Before you know it everyone will have one. Then we'll never be able to fly again. ...Last Tuesday Uruguay became the first country in the world to have a system regulating the legal production, sale and consumption of marijuana. Of course with a law like this being passed there are just as many people upset about it as there are ones who are excited about it but I'm thinking after some time passes some of the naysayers will come around down there once they find out someone sprinkled some of the happy stuff in their brownies and it made them taste better. ...If I knew Spanish I'd go down there in a minute once this law begins just so I could open up a chain of food marts that won't bother selling items like milk and bread. Instead it will be fully stocked with Ho-Ho's, potato chips, microwave burgers and Pepsi. I'll never have to worry about money any more. ...As I have said many times in the past just about everything that I see in the news that hints of politics gets ignored by me faster than watching Red Sox World Series highlights on the MLB Network. It has to take something really stupid for me to actually read about it and usually that means laughing at something Sarah Palin did or said. This time it was John McCain, who is just as bad. Many of the world leaders went to Johannesburg, South Africa last week to pay their respects to Nelson Mandela who passed away on December 5th at the age of 95. President Obama was one of the many people who attended the memorial service. Before Obama stepped up to the podium to address the crowd he had a few words with some of the people that were already on the stage and he shook their hands as he walked down the line. One of the people that he said hello to and exchanged handshakes with was Cuba's Raul Castro and that's what John McCain objected to as he compared what Obama did to "shaking hands with Hitler." What else was Obama supposed to do? Slap him in the head? Punch him in the gut? Or just as bad ignore him and pretend he wasn't there/ That would have went over very well. All this was was a courtesy between two world leaders at a service for a man who promoted peace. McCain conveniently neglected to mention what he would have done had he been in the same situation. It's been five years. He should have got over losing the election by now. ...Robinson Cano's introduction to the Seattle media and fans was aired live last Thursday on the MLB Network and if you did not have a chance to watch it you missed a hell of a performance by Cano. It was one of the few times when I saw Cano smile when he was in front of the media. Even when he got the game winning hit for the Yankees and Kim Jones would trot out on the field to interview him he would answer the questions put to him like someone would when they are talking to a cop who just pulled them over for driving too fast with a low voice and no emotion. But it's not every day someone throws 240 million in your lap so why not put on a happy face? And that Seattle GM, Jack Zduriencik? I can't pronounce his name but no matter. This guy acted like he was part of the greatest deal ever. But I was waiting for Cano to say something because as good as he is hitting a baseball he has shown over and over that the grey matter in his head has hardly ever been used and I did not have to wait long because he accused the Yankees of not giving him any respect or making any effort to sign him. Maybe he should wait a few years so he can watch the Mariner front office make an effort as they try to get rid of him. ...Chances are when you think of Microsoft you can immediately associate it with many things such as operating systems, office software, consoles and tablets, just to name a few. But I can guarantee you that you would have never thought to see their name and a certain woman's undergarment mentioned together in the same sentence. Since stranger things have happened it is no surprise that the people in Redmond are working on a prototype of a "smart bra" equipped with sensors that will monitor a woman's heart activity to track her emotional moods and combat overeating. The idea is that the sensors will contact the woman's smartphone which will -believe it or not- send her a message to stay away from the refrigerator and make better eating decisions. If this thing ever gets on the market they better make sure they got it right because I can see it short-circuiting on some woman who is going through her special time of the month if you know what I mean. And to think, everyone thought Windows 8 was a bust. No pun intended. ...Far be it from me to laugh at the technological advances that Microsoft is trying to do. In fact I would like to volunteer my services on this project in the technical support area for all beta testers in the 21 to 35 age group. It's the least I can do. ...An Arizona man got himself banned for life from Walmart because he was ad-matching in the store and when an employee saw him do it he was told that it was not allowed to do in the store. I don't know anything about Walmart because I do my best to stay out of there at all times but from what I've been told is that they encourage you to ad-match just so they can beat competitor's prices right when you are at the store. If this is all it takes to get banned from Walmart my wife should have had the boot years ago. ...Does the name Elian Gonzalez ring a bell to any of you? If not, I'll fill you in. Back in 1999, a then six-year-old Gonzalez fled Cuba to try to make it to the United States. On the way there the boat sank and Gonzalez's mother and nine other people in the boat drowned and Gonzalez was found by the Coast Guard clinging to an inner tube. After his rescue the boy was placed with relatives in Miami, who wanted to keep him with them and had no desire to return him back to Cuba. That didn't go over so well with the boy's father, who was still in Cuba. Apparently no one let him know about the boat ride to freedom so he was upset. He cried foul and got the government involved and Ozzie Guillen's hero Fidel Casto led protests in order to get the boy back. Well, it worked but the relatives in Miami said that they were still keeping the boy and that is that. After failed talks with the relatives to get them to hand over the boy the U.S. government raided the home right before dawn one day and took the boy and returned him to Cuba. That's who Gonzalez was when he was six. Now he's a twenty-year-old malcontent who blames the U.S. for his mother's death on that boat all those years ago because of the "unjust embargo" that the U.S. has with Cuba. That's why she drowned. Because America will not deal with a dictatorship. Next thing we'll hear is that someone from this country told her to get on that boat just to take a little ride. I suppose if you are not a baseball player in that country you become a Castro mouthpiece. ...It's not even officially here yet and it's already been a bad winter. ...Probably the worst thing out there when the weather is bad is the people who drive the four-wheel drive vehicles because they drive around like they are in their own private off road racing fantasy. ...I am sure that there was something else Kim Jong Un could have done besides killing his uncle if he didn't want to get him a Christmas gift this year. ...I needed a laugh after all that snow that I shoveled in the last few days and it took an article about Santa Claus to give it to me. A woman named Aisha Harris wrote an article about how the image of Santa Claus is racist because he is a fat, old white man in a red suit because it made non-white kids feel insecure when they go and see Santa. This is the first I have heard of something like this. The few times I see kids in line at the mall to have a visit with Santa I don't hear any of the black or Asian kids tell each other that they are going to go see whitey. The color of the man in the suit isn't noticed by the kids because they can't get past the bright red suit and shiny black boots and the excitement of being there. This delusional woman suggested we should get rid of the traditional image of Santa and turn him into a penguin instead of a white man with a beard. Penguin Claus? Talk about two words that should never go together. If this woman wanted to get attention to her blog by writing this, it worked. Don't worry now, Santa's not going away any time soon. But she will be. The men in the white coats will be picking her up sometime next week. Thanks for the laugh. It came at the right time.
  16. I don't understand. If they are not uploaded that means that there isn't any new ones.
  17. Sorry, but you can't get any help here. No one with a pirated (downloaded) copy can get technical support here because you did not buy the game. It's a rule. · No warez or cracks or links to such content. Help, requests or posts that discuss circumvention of copyright measures are forbidden. This includes linking to illegally obtained software, movies & music files - posting about it, and suggesting obtaining it.
  18. Hello, I was hoping someone could help me out with this. It is probably an easy fix for some of you but it has got me stumped. If you take a look at the enclosed screen grab you will see some addresses in my Windows explorer file manager. Now I hardly ever use this file manager but recently there was a change in it that I didn't want. Take a look at the circled website in there. It is a website that has baseball photographs of an old ballpark called Silver Stadium and I went there to get photos for my online gallery. Now I can't get rid of that web address in explorer. Does anyone know how to get rid of this? Thank you in advance. Gary the unhappy computer user.
  19. No, no. Don't worry about it. It's not a rule. It's just something people usually do.
  20. Your English is fine. I have no trouble understanding what you are trying to say.
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