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Everything posted by Yankee4Life

  1. Usually, and when I say that I really mean always, when someone on here has a message for another member they send them a private message.That's what you should do here. A word to the wise though I do not believe that lifo80050917's primary language is English so he may not understand you fully. But it doesn't hurt to try. The guy's been coming out with a lot of stuff for the 2k baseball game.
  2. Yankee4Life

    1958 Bats

    I wonder if Fuzz would give us that information? Can't hurt to ask.
  3. Yankee4Life

    1958 Bats

    Unbelievable! Hey, any way to get Studio to work now? That thing was the best to add uniforms.
  4. Yankee4Life

    1958 Bats

    Jim it seems to me that this bat selector utility is similar to Fuzz's Mvp Studio program in that it was made when XP was the top operating system and it has trouble working with the newer ones.
  5. Yankee4Life

    1958 Bats

    I haven't messed around with this in years but after looking at it don't you have to run bat selector.bat to get this to work?
  6. Well, I see what you mean and I understand what you want to do. But it's early yet. Maybe someone will make the 2014 schedule before Opening Day.
  7. But has anyone made one for the 2K game yet or Mvp? If so it would have already been uploaded.
  8. You do realize the 2014 schedule is not out yet?
  9. I was thinking about this over the summer and I didn't do it. But now I did because I got it for $6.49 on Amazon.
  10. No. These requests are not categorized. You put the request in and if someone can do it they will. You also didn't look for the player photo. You got to help the modder out as much as you can because that will help you get what you are looking for. You are welcome.
  11. You don't. I will. EDIT: All done.
  12. Have you searched for it? If there isn't one then put in a request for it. It's always nice to provide a photo of the player, preferably a face shot so the modder can use it as a reference.
  13. Well that's fine. A lot of times people do this on their own but if he said anyone can update it then it is ok. I'm sure you did a good job here.
  14. Did BSU FAN say you could do this or did you just do this on your own?
  15. This week we recognize a modder that arguably has made the best set of rosters seen here on this website and a Latino modder who had a talent for making popular overlays. Daflyboys There have been previous rosters in the past that were very popular such as Swingin' Soriano's Epic Rosters and the Ultimate Rosters that were put out by Totte but as good as both of them were they do not compare to the Base Up! roster series that daflyboys has been doing for the past few years now. It was these rosters that were featured in the Mvp 12 and 13 mods and they are also periodically updated throughout the year to feature the latest changes, both in roster moves and attributes. Accuracy is what these rosters are all about and that is what every different version of the Base Up rosters have been all about. As much as daflyboys is known for his rosters he has made other mods for users who want challenging game play. Mvp Level sliders and his Sim Game Play Pack (both featured below) will promise to make your game more difficult and enjoyable at the same time. Season Theme Front End & In-Game Text. Vector Circle (Catch Circle) Baseball. Mvp Level Sliders 2.0. Daflyboys' Sim Game Play Pack 1.3. BaseUp! Rosters 2013 - End of Season 2.0. This is the latest roster in the BaseUp! Roster series. DLCV Members over at Mvp Caribe are more familiar with DLCV since he is a member of the Caribe modding team and a moderator there and as a member here he shared some of his overlays that he created. Some had a Latin style to it that looked very well in any mod you'd want to put it in. If you liked the Caribe mods and the overlays included in there you may want to give some of these a try since they are the work of the same modder. ESPN Classic Overlay. ESPN 2007 Overlay. Old MLB Overlay. Used in the World Series and Championship Division between 2000 and 2005. DirecTV Overlay. Hiram Bithorn Stadium.
  16. Why did you make two threads for the exact same topic? I deleted the other thread since it was not needed. Secondly there are many faces for players who are no longer playing today in the download section. This includes recently retired players and older players like the faces used in the Total Classics games. Go to the Mvp 2005 download area, go to faces and look around in there. There is a lot.
  17. Updated to 12-8 ...Starting out this week's edition with some good news. At least it's good news for me and for anyone else that could not stand the sight of Phil Hughes anymore. Hughes signed a three-year contract with the Minnesota Twins last week, who must think they saw something in him worth signing although by the middle of May at the latest they'll realize that they were wrong. One positive the Twins can look at is that Hughes comes to them well rested from his last year with New York because in most of his games he never made it out of the fourth inning. ...All that being said, watch him win twenty games next year. ...I don't care if I get one gift when Christmas arrives in a couple of weeks and I don't care if I get shut out on my birthday next July. As far as I am concerned last Friday was all I needed and then some. My first gift was stuck in my stocking by the fireplace. Curtis Granderson signed a four-year contract with the New York Mets. Why the Mets felt that they had to sign him is of no interest to me. Maybe they figured they had to sign someone so they grabbed him to keep the fans interested. He might be the only player in recent baseball history who has hit more than forty home runs two years in a row that were hit when the Yankees were far ahead or far behind. When he had two strikes on him you could bet the house he was going to strike out and when he was going really bad he only needed to have one strike on him and then he would take his walk back to the dugout. I'll miss this guy like I'll miss a punch in the jaw. Then there was that big gift that was under the tree which was wrapped with lots of bows and ribbons and was waiting patiently for me to open. Robinson Cano is now a Seattle Mariner. I don't know how it happened but it did. Jay-Z and Cano must have got the movers and shakers of the Seattle front office good and drunk and then got them agree to a ten-year 240 million dollar contract. I'd like to see their faces once they sober up and realize what they did. He'll get a big hand from Yankee fans on his first trip back to the Stadium next year but it won't be cheers to welcome him back. They'll be cheering because he's gone. What wonderful gifts I received! ... I had to laugh when I read the article that said that Cano never said that he wanted a new deal worth 310 million dollars. He may have not said it out loud but he sure as hell thought it was a good idea and he waited until now to let everyone know it. Cano doesn't realize it but teammate Alex Rodriguez is the reason why he's not getting 310 million or 260 million or 230 million from New York. That's another thing he did last week. He dropped his asking price of 310 million that he said he never requested to a more reasonable 260 million because he's such a nice guy. That's over a quarter of a billion dollars for a man who can't even run out a ground ball. The Yankees did not give Cano what he wants because they've seen how bad the Rodriguez contract has turned out and they'll be damned if they get themselves involved in another one. Seattle gave him what he wants. And now he is a very rich man with an overpriced contract. You think he didn't hustle before? With that ten-year contract that he has now you haven't seen anything yet ...Before June is over Mariner fans are going to hate him. ...On his radio show last week Rush Limbaugh called the latest document by the Pope (called The Joy of the Gospel in English) "pure Marxism" because it calls for church reform and castigates elements of modern capitalism. I can't decide on what I think is worse, that Limbaugh actually said this or that the people who listen to his show will believe it. ...My wife's the kind of person that likes to throw out feelers to gauge interest in specific Christmas gifts and if she scores a direct hit she tries to change the subject as quickly as she can. It only took me a couple of Christmases to pick up on this. Which is why I will not be getting a Kindle HD come December 25th. I don't like tablets and I can barely tolerate laptops even though I own two of those. I am more comfortable on my desktop than on anything else. Now if I can only steer the conversation to new computer chairs... ...The U.S. is in negotiations with North Korea for the immediate release of an eighty-five-year-old California man named Merrill Newman who has been detained there since he was taken off a plane last month as he was leaving Pyongyang following a tourist visit. He is being held for what North Korea says is "hostile acts" against them dating back to his participation in the Korean War in the early 1950's, stating that he was was involved in the killing of local soldiers and innocent civilians. At least that's the official story coming out of Kim Jong-Un's office. The way I see it the blame for this entire mess should be put right on that old man's shoulders because it was his choice to go to North Korea and no one else's. What the hell did he think was going to happen? A ticker-tape parade upon his arrival? It's like going to Russia and taking a piss on the Kremlin. You do that and you won't be going home right away. ...Usually when I read or hear about stories that have something to do with race I am immediately skeptical of it because these days there are some people out there that can turn a simple hello and how are you into a racial attack but I don't think this is the case here for a twenty-eight-year-old Florida man named Earl Sampson. The man's stat sheet with the Miami Gardens Police Department says he has been questioned 258 times, searched more than 100 times, jailed 56 times and arrested for trespassing 62 times. The majority of the citations that he has received occurred at the convenient store where he works. The store owner doesn't let him take out the garbage anymore because he doesn't know if the cops are going to grab him. The guy's been in jail so many times that he keeps a change of clothes there along with toiletries and a few of his favorite books. The attorney for the man, who by now only has one client because he's been so busy here says if you added up all the times he was picked up, arrested or detained it would be the equivalent of being arrested once a week for the past four years. By now Sampson must know who everyone is on that police force and is on a first name basis with all of them too. There are allegations now that the Miami Gardens police have been targeting black males and if that's the case they must be using this guy for training purposes just so they get it right. ...I unintentionally scared the hell out of a mall sales lady last Wednesday when I was going to get my wife's jewelry checked, which is another story in itself. The mall opens up at 10:00 am and I leave my house just so I can get there when the stores are opening up. As soon as the electronic gates were raised at Littmans jewelers I walked in their store because I was there to get her ring looked at and cleaned. I took a seat at one of the display tables and the same lady who opened those gates turned around and saw me and got startled. I didn't know if she was startled or just seeing me did the trick. She did explain to me that the reason why she let out a little scream was because she didn't expect anyone to be there that quick. I take these jewelry trips twice a year for my wife because I do not want her inside a jewelry store for any reason because the last time we went together to get her rings and necklace inspected she wanted to walk around a little bit and when I asked why she said she was "just looking." Now I don't know about you but when I hear a woman say she is just looking that means she is trying to figure out in her head how to get what she is just looking at while at the same time not giving the budget book a good swift kick in the teeth. And I'm here to say right now my wife can kick with the best of them which is why I travel to two different malls by myself every time December and May roll around. Because when I go to a jewelry store I never just look. I just leave. ...I have been meaning to write about this for the past couple of weeks now but the combination of not knowing how to word it right and deciding that it wouldn't be worth it anyway made me not take the time to write it at least not until now. Why someone like Dennis James only has 50 reputation points after all he has done for the Mvp and 2K communities in here is a discredit to him. Besides all the mods he has made for both games the guy is one of the first to help people with game issues in here. The same goes for someone like Jim825, who has even less reputation points than Dennis if you can believe that. He's another guy in here who has furnished us with unbelievable mods and also is no slouch himself with technical support. And Trues, who just by the way happens to own this place, has next to nothing. But in a way in his case it's understandable since he makes about three posts a month in here so that right there makes it hard to cast a vote for him. Sometimes I wonder if some of these people in here know who he is. Whatever the real reason is I don't think these votes are used correctly because people are either not voting or voting for specific people or voting out of spite, something that I can personally attest to. ...It was anarchy last week at Houston's Reliant Stadium when two security guards were fired for posing for pictures with Tom Brady after Sunday's Texans-Patriots game. It's a good thing that's all they did. Imagine after the picture was taken if they thanked him and shook his hand? They would have been strung up by their thumbs. ...Portuguese soccer star Cristiano Ronaldo announced last Tuesday that he is going to be opening up a museum dedicated to what is nearest and dearest to his heart which, in his case, is himself. The museum will be located on the Portuguese island of Madeira which is the perfect location for it because that also happens to be where Ronaldo was born. What a humble human being this guy must be to decide to have a museum so that everyone who is not Cristiano Ronaldo will finally be able to see for themselves how wonderful it is to be him. And maybe spend a few bucks while you are there too. Derek Jeter must be kicking himself right now for not thinking of this idea first. ...I'm sure that Sabugo, who is one of our members here that lives in Portugal, is counting down the days for this to open up so he can go there. ...It's amazing how just by reading something it can trigger a memory that you have not thought of in many years. There was a story from Japan last Thursday where the police there arrested a woman for calling them more than 15,000 times over a six-month period. It immediately brought me back to a woman who used to live in my neighborhood when we were growing up. If you walked past her house and stopped to tie your shoe she'd be on the phone to the cops. Laugh in the general vicinity of her property and the same thing would happen. We were kids who played sports out in the street. Baseball, football and hockey according to the weather. You could tell when the police were going to show up when she would go somewhere in her car while the game was going on. Within ten minutes that's exactly what happened. She may not have called the police 15,000 times like this woman in Japan but take it from me she gave that woman a run for her money.
  18. And this is why I couldn't stand Granderson. Well put. I didn't mind. It was the less I had to see of him. People rag on Rodriguez for being a playoff choker (which he is. I'm not defending him here) but because Rodriguez was SO bad he overshadowed people like Granderson, Teixeira, Swisher and Cano. They were just as bad. You got a good understanding of the Yankees. I can see that.
  19. 72nd anniversary of Pearl Harbor. A day that should always be remembered and observed. Damage at Hickam Field after the attack.
  20. Ok, now that is odd. There has to be some glitch somewhere. As I said I already notified the website owner about this problem.
  21. Ok now let's try this out. Try to download this file right here. I just tested it out and downloaded for myself again. It works. Let me know what happens.
  22. Well, it is not just you. No one can get that patch because it is not on the MVP server anymore.
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