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Everything posted by Yankee4Life

  1. Updated to 11-24 ...Derek Jeter announced last week that he is going to partner with publishing house Simon & Schuster to start his own imprint called Jeter Publishing, a subsidiary which will concentrate on adult non-fiction and children’s books. Sounds like a good idea to me and I wish him well. In fact I can't wait until he devotes all his time to this job and retires from baseball. One thing he'd better get straight right away is that Simon & Schuster isn't the Yankees and that means they won't be required to kiss his a$$. ...More than one million Playstation 4 console systems were sold in the first twenty-four hours they were put on the shelves last week. That's pretty impressive when you consider that each system sold for $399 and that doesn't factor in if people bought an extra controller ($59) or the Playstation Plus 12-month subscription card ($49) along with it. This thing was so hot that if they had two million available to sell that day they'd have done it. You'd all know if I had got one because all of a sudden I wouldn't be here for two weeks. ...Patiently waiting for someone to post online wondering about the PS 5. ...I saw an article last week about a woman in Portland, Oregon who calls herself a professional cuddler and has a business where people come to her and pay her to snuggle with them for a certain amount of time. And after I read that it reminded me of something that I was going to write about in here around a year ago but never did. You see, we have one of these cuddling businesses right near where I live. And I mean right near where I live, like ten minutes away from my house. Like with most things I got curious and I went to their website and read about it but I really didn't take it seriously at all since it's not something I'd ever do. When I told my wife about this she thought I was making this up until I showed her the website and then I jokingly asked her if I could go there just for the forty-five minute session. That little request got me in the doghouse for a few days. Just when you think you know somebody. ...The real reason why I never would want to go to one of these cuddling people is that I would either fall asleep during the session or get my face slapped. ...Brother, Can You Spare A Dime, Dept: Last week I wrote about waiting for the mechanic shop to call to let me know what was wrong with my car. True to their word they did call and they did let me have it. There were three problems with the car. The mass air flow censor that sends air to the engine had to be replaced. So did the ignition switch and I needed a new brake line in the front of the car. Other than that things were fine. Total cost: $700. ...Coming to theaters near you in 2015 is going to be the sequel of It's a Wonderful Life and it's going to be called It's a Wonderful Life: The Rest of the Story. For sixty-seven years we all thought that movie was done once they started singing Auld Lang Syne and the ending credits began but we were apparently wrong. This shouldn't really surprise anyone since every generation or so they remake or embellish A Christmas Carol so it was about time Hollywood got around to ruining this one too. This new film will be about George Bailey's grandson, who like his grandfather is not having a wonderful life. I can just imagine how much changes are going to be made in this new movie. Mr. Potter's grandson runs the drug trafficking in Bedford Falls. Violet Bick's granddaughter owns an escort service and has a soft spot for the Bailey grandson. I hope these two years fly by now! (Sarcastically of course.) ...Thank you to BitsduJour for having a 56% off sale on jAlbum, a software program where I can make photo galleries and then post them online. I've had other photo gallery software before but this one can do so much that I have been losing myself in this. Good thing baseball season is done or else two weeks of games would have gone by and I wouldn't have even known. I have 10 GB of online space to post photos and that's a lot more than I am ever going to need. All I need now is the time to organize what I have and that will be my biggest problem. ...One constant about Walmart is that they've never been a company that has been known to treat their employees fairly and honestly and because of the approaching holidays this has been brought out even more. They pay their workers so poorly that some of them are compelled to organize food drives for other Walmart workers who are unable to support themselves on what they take home in pay from their job. This is because most of their employees do not get forty hours a week and they get little or no benefits. I really had no idea it was this bad and I feel bad for any of you guys on this website who have to work at Walmart. I say have to because I'm sure none of you that do want to. Unfortunately, until people quit shopping at Walmart their actions will never change and every year at this time some person who is struggling to stay afloat has to accept a handout from a co-worker for the holidays. ...After being on death row for fifteen years a man named Joseph Paul Franklin was put to death last Wednesday in Missouri by lethal injection because he was linked to twenty-two killings in the span of four years because he wanted to cause a race war. Along with these murders he admitted that he was the person who tried to kill Hustler magazine publisher Larry Flynt in 1978 and civil rights leader Vernon Jordan in 1980. I had no idea who this guy was until a few days before he died although I remember somewhat the press coverage that surrounded the Flynt shooting because there were some people who were actually glad that he was paralyzed after he was shot just because he ran that magazine but I didn't know this guy was the one who did it. As expected, there were protests from people who didn't want this to happen even though they were well aware of what he did. I'm not going to open up a Pandora's box here by turning this into a comment on the death penalty but if you take a step back you'll see that both sides make good points for what they believe in. I'm all for not killing anyone. That happens enough as it is. But this is a person who did not show a bit of concern for the people he killed until the days leading up to his execution and had he succeeded in his attempt for a race war more people at that time would have been killed. ...Of all the people that you would think that would go to Harvard to deliver a lecture it would be safe to say that Kanye West would not be one of them but last week that is exactly what happened. West gave a lecture at the Harvard Graduate School of Design about architecture, creativity and political commentary. I had to wonder why such a prominent school like Harvard would bring this guy in to talk to some of their students because the only other way that West would have got into Harvard was if he was carrying a broom. ...I give a lot of credit to the Detroit Tigers organization for dumping off Prince Fielder to the Texas Rangers and dumping him is the best way to put it. This was another guy who got an A-Rod type contract and unfortunately for Detroit he put up A-Rod type numbers in the post season. There's a lot of talk about Fielder's weight but I don't see that becoming a problem in Arlington because after he plays in a few home stands down there he'll be shedding off pounds so fast that you'll swear Dee Gordon had a brother. ...Why is it that these other teams can get rid of their big contract players? Isn't there anyone out there that can use a switch-hitting, buck-toothed first baseman who rakes in 23 million a year that gets his share of base hits a year but not one when it really matters? ...Connecting on his first solid hit in two years, Alex Rodriguez pounded his fists on the table at his arbitration hearing last Wednesday and told everyone there that he didn't want to play anymore and was going home because his hearing was not going the way he wanted it to be. Rodriguez was upset that the Commissioner was not called on to testify and was further outraged because he wasn't even required to. Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't Rodriguez ask for this hearing and has anyone complained that he has not been on the stand either? I don't know what else is being brought up in these hearings that A-Rod is objecting to but I am sure about one thing. Only guilty people storm out of hearings. ...The more I see the selfies that people take and post online the more I am convinced it is the adult way of saying "hey, look at me" that an annoying child knows how to do so well. ...Don't judge a book, Dept: I went to purchase a lotto ticket the other day and the corner store that I went to is right near a bus stop and there happened to be a woman there waiting for the bus to arrive. She was all alone and was walking back and forth, pointing at something in front of her that only she could see and occasionally waving her arms. I bet no one's going to be bothering her, I said to myself as I walked in the store. It only took me about five minutes to get my lottery ticket and a drink and when I left she was still there talking animately to herself. I'm glancing at her and when I got halfway to my car she suddenly stopped right where she was, grabbed at her ear and screamed I HATE this damn bluetooth! I laughed all the way home. ...I'm surprised that I've never told this story in here before but since it is the Thanksgiving week it seems this is the right time to do it. It is about someone that I used to work with who had an appetite that was, well, the only way that I can put it is legendary. On one Thanksgiving that he spent with his girlfriend and her extremely large family, five different kinds of turkeys were being prepared that day. I only thought there were two different kinds of turkeys - alive or cooked. Along with the turkeys they also cooked two ducks. When it was time to have dinner this guy and one of his girlfriend's cousins were elected to go in the kitchen to carve the birds. After about a minute or so the robust aroma of cooked turkey was getting to them so they decided to have a little slice of the duck. One slice turned into two and when it was time to bring out all the turkeys that is exactly what they did and when someone asked were the ducks were they looked at each other, turned a little red and told everyone that they ate both ducks. You'd think that someone would have been upset about this but everyone at the table could not stop laughing. And if you assume he was done for the day you would not have been more wrong because I got one more for you. Same guy, same appetite and 100% true. Where I worked there used to be an after-work golf league and this guy was in it. Each week after they finished their round of golf they'd get together and do some grilling. One week they decided to make burgers and it was a good thing that they had plenty of them because our hero ate fourteen of them including the bun and then went home and went out to dinner. Hey...I didn't believe this either but this story was confirmed by every single person there and even the guy himself admitted it was true although he added in the end that "the burgers were small." ...Three NFL games are on Thanksgiving Day, which should really make every football fan happy. The second game is always the game that the Cowboys are involved in so that's the time I take my nap but I can't this year because the Raiders are playing. Just so you don't have to look it up here are the three games for Thursday: Green Bay at Detroit, (FOX) Oakland at Dallas (CBS) and the night game is Pittsburgh at Baltimore (NBC.) ...Before I sign off for another week I want to say Happy Thanksgiving to all our members here and that goes to the people who live in other countries that don't celebrate this day. Enjoy the time with your families everyone and I hope you all are able to have that opportunity to do so.
  2. Thanks for your kind post. The modders here on this website are second to none and they make both Mvp and 2K look a lot better. Thank you also for being a contributor. And if you are an Mvp player I would recommend the Total Classics series. Start with any one of them. They are all good.
  3. Using the 1962 mod. Enhanced Boxscore 62BaltvsCWS.htm
  4. I've been following this for years. It was nice to see Cano being blamed for the loss.
  5. A drunk man and a priest A drunk man who smelled like beer sat down on a subway seat next to a priest. The man's tie was stained, his face was plastered with red lipstick, and a half empty bottle of gin was sticking out of his torn coat pocket. He opened his newspaper and began reading. After a few minutes the man turned to the priest and asked, "Say, Father, what causes arthritis?" "My Son, it's caused by loose living, being with cheap, wicked women, too much alcohol and a contempt for your fellow man." "Well, I'll be damned," the drunk muttered, returning to his paper. The priest, thinking about what he had said, nudged the man and apologized. "I'm very sorry. I didn't mean to come on so strong. How long have you had arthritis?" "I don't have it, Father. I was just reading here that the Pope does."
  6. Who told you to do that? I just asked a question.
  7. Ok. But I got a question. Why not just wait until the portraits are released in the spring?
  8. A Man visits a Brothel The madam opened the brothel door to see a rather dignified, well-dressed good looking man in his late 40s or early 50s. "Can I help you?" she asked. "I want to see Natalie," the man replied. "Sir, Natalie is one of our most expensive ladies. Perhaps you would prefer someone else," said the madam. "No, I must see Natalie" was the man's reply. Just then, Natalie appeared and announced to the man that she charged $1,000 a visit. Without hesitation, the man pulled out ten one-hundred dollar bills and gave them to Natalie and they went upstairs. After an hour, the man calmly left. The next night the same man appeared again, demanding to see Natalie. Natalie explained that no one had ever come back two nights in a row-too expensive -- and there were no discounts. The price was still $1,000. Again the man pulled out the money, gave it to Natalie and they went upstairs. After an hour, he left. The following night the man was there again. Everyone was astounded that he had come for the third consecutive night, but he paid Natalie and they went upstairs. After their session, Natalie questioned the man. "No one has ever used me three nights in a row. Where are you from?" she asked. The man replied, "South Carolina." "Really?" she said. "I have family in South Carolina." "I know," the man said. "Your father died and I am your sister's attorney. She asked me to give you your $3,000 inheritance."
  9. Well Sean you said you were getting the PS4. How is it and are you happy with it?
  10. In Honor of the fairer sex Q: How do you blind a woman? A: You put a windshield in front of her. Q: What's the most common sleeping position of a woman? A: Around. Q: How do you know your girlfriend is getting fat? A: She fits into your wife's clothes. Q: How much money do you need to satisfy a woman? A: It is always just a little bit more. Q: What takes up 12 parking spaces? A: 6 Women drivers. Q. What is it when a woman talks dirty to a man? A. $4.99 a minute. Q: Why did God create orgasms? A: So women can moan even when they’re happy. Q: What do you call a woman with an opinion? A: Wrong. source: http://www.jokes4us.com/dirtyjokes/womenjokes.html
  11. Hey Jim, I've got this on one of my DVD's that are full of mods. Let me go and look for it. Give me a few years.
  12. I agree with what you are saying Homer and I want to say again he is not being snubbed in here. I have some of his uniform packs too but we need permission from him to do it, just like with anyone else.
  13. BJ Upton? Well, it was spring training. Didn't matter. Next time pitch him Soriano-like and throw it low and outside. I hope you can help her. Good luck now.
  14. It is my experience that when you are dealing with angry cousins is to leave as fast as you can and hide.
  15. Spungo, I am not arguing what you said but that is not the issue here. My idea some months ago was to show the people here and especially the newer ones what we have in the download section and I went through and made a list of modders that I was going to cover, modders who are no longer here and modders that currently are. That's it. I will be the first one to tell everyone that you made excellent uniforms. I even bought your uniforms some years ago so I could use them. That's how much I liked them. But you don't have that many mods that I can tell everyone to go and take a look at because you pulled your mods from this website and brought them over to the now defunct Eamods. You know this for a fact. The problem with your lack of mods here is the same for people like UncleMo, Kgbaseball and piratesmvp04, just to name three. All you guys did great work but there is nothing here for people to go to and check out for themselves. So, you were not snubbed or ignored or intentionally left out. End of story.
  16. This week we look at a modder who made wonderful looking overlays and datafiles that completely changed your game and a popular uniform modder who has made some of the nicest uniforms for Mvp Baseball in recent years. Ksmlove000 Ksmlove000 was a South Korean modder who created some of the most involved datafiles for this game that anyone has ever attempted to do. His last one, linked below, is probably his best one although the others he has in the download section are very good too. They just have different tweaks to them. Besides the datafile work he made some very good overlays for the game, some which are listed below. The XSports one has to be seen to be believed. Ksmlove000 Datafile 2007 v4.7. Ksm (MLB on FOX) Overlay & ETC v3.2 -no infobar. Ksm Stadium Theme v.3. Ksm TBS Overlay v2. KSM XSports Overlay v1. This unique overlay actually has a small Asian girl as part of the display. Bctrackboi11 While being away for months at at time due to military service commitments, bctrackboi11 has created some of the most popular uniforms Mvp users have downloaded over the past few years. This coming February he will have been a member here for four years and during that time has contributed his time and uniforms in the creation of the Mvp 12 and 13 mods and currently is one of the many modders working on the NCAA mod. Seattle Rainers Throwbacks. 1962 Los Angeles Angels. 2011 Padres Digital Camo. 1956 Miami Marlins (Away.) 1939 New York Knights. (from the movie The Natural) 2013 Boston Red Sox "Boston Strong" Uniform. 1942 St. Louis Browns (home and away.)
  17. No, not at all. You actually were in the top ten when I was starting this thread but there are only two of your mods hosted on this site (your accessories pack and glove pack) and that wasn't enough choices. As you know a lot of your mods aren't here so I really couldn't do anything. The newer people here really have no idea about how good your uniforms were.
  18. Updated to 11-17 ...Isn't it funny that the Braves are getting their third ballpark in Atlanta since moving there in 1966 and a team like the Oakland Athletics can't get a deal done to get a decent one built out in California? ...Turner Field's not exactly old. The Braves started playing there in 1997 but if you listen to the Braves explain why they want to build a new park they'll tell you that Turner Field needs $150 million in infrastructure work which is a fancy way of saying some of the seats are broke and they need new light bulbs. They just don't make stadiums to last these days. Bud Selig himself gave his seal of approval on this impending move and said so in a prepared statement released from the Commissioner's office last week. That means that the check that the Braves sent him was cashed and he now supports them 100%. ...I did not really pay attention to the local elections around here and I confess I did not even cast a vote that day because aside from voting on a new mayor I had no idea what other positions were to be decided on because between you and I and whoever else reads this every week I really didn't care. ...I may not have had any interest but at least I kept it to myself until just now. Over in Boston the voters there showed that they didn't give a damn who their next mayor was going to be when they gave David Ortiz the most write-in votes in the Boston mayoral election, which was news to Ortiz since he wasn't running for office anyway. But the fine folks in Beantown figured that since he can hit a baseball that surely means that he is qualified to run the city. And if anyone out there needs any further proof that no one really cares about steroids here is your proof. That little PED incident hizzoner had? Gone and forgotten. Can't go after everyone especially when A-Rod makes it so easy. ...But you can't beat Texas. Down there a man named Dave Wilson got himself elected to a seat on the Houston Community College Board of Trustees by fooling the district that he was running in into making them think he was black. Wilson, who looks more like an accountant than a glad-handing politician, beat his Democrat opponent who happened to be black and has the photo ID to prove it by only twenty-six votes. What I am trying to figure out is how did he do it? Didn't he do any campaigning or give any speeches? As far as I can tell from what I heard is all he did was send out election flyers with pictures of black people that were downloaded from the internet. His opponent was understandably upset about losing, especially at such a close margin. His major complaint was that Wilson never put out to voters that he was white. Should he have? If just a few of them were paying attention this guy would have never got elected. ...And this is from a state where not too long ago wanted to secede from the United States. ...Chinese-American groups and other protesters that currently have nothing else to do are upset with Jimmy Kimmel and are calling for his job all because of a segment that Kimmel runs occasionally on his late-night TV show called "Kids' Table" where as host he would ask a group of young children questions and the answers that they gave were strictly off the cuff and completely unrehearsed. This question-and-answer format with pre-school children was first made famous by Art Linkletter and later in the late 1990's by Bill Cosby. What got Kimmel in trouble was when he asked the kids how the United States should repay its $1.3 trillion debt to China. One little boy suggested that "we kill everyone in China" and that was enough to get the professional protesters going again to babel about another injustice. I don't understand why Kimmel is being targeted here. Sure it was his show but why should he be held responsible for what the child thought in his mind was an easy answer to his question? And for a group of adults to gather together so they can complain and protest about a comment that a pre-school kid made on a late night talk show is ridiculous. Kimmel is taking the brunt of this because it's so much easier throwing stones at him instead of a six-year-old-boy. ...We had our first snow last Tuesday. Well, not really. While it was true that everything was covered in white that morning we didn't get more than a quarter of an inch and by the time early afternoon got here it it had all melted. But there is something about the first sight of snow every year that makes bad drivers turn into really bad drivers. I had to go out that day to run some errands and it didn't shock me at all to see on my way home a car that was being towed away after hitting a tree. Trees have a habit of jumping out in the road during snowfalls. What always worries me every year is the first time we get snow and we have so much that we have to break out the shovels. That's when these people are really dangerous. ...You got to hand it to the dedication that golfers have to their game. Take for example that guy who traveled down to Cancun, Mexico to attend a wedding and during some of his free time down there he decided to play a round of gold with his friends. At one point he was so intent on trying to hit a shot from a bunker that he did not see a twelve-foot crocodile watching him to see if he could hit himself out of the sandtrap. The croc was nice enough to give him one shot but one was all he gave because then he lunged at the guy and attempted to drag him into the water. Luckily his friends came to his aid and began beating the animal with their clubs before it let go and ran off. When they asked the officials who ran the Iberostar Cancun Golf Club why steps were not taken to rid the place of crocodiles they were told that the crocodiles were allowed to stay there because they rid the course of lousy golfers. ...I couldn't stop laughing last week when I saw the clip about that sixty-two-year-old white supremacist who while a guest on a talk show, found out he had a little bit of African descent in him. Naturally he said he didn't believe it and there had to be some sort of mistake. That's probably the best thing for him do from here on out, just to say that there was some sort of error with the DNA testing because if he doesn't one night he'll get all good and plastered and he'll start burning crosses on his own front lawn. ...I was watching part of an old movie last Wednesday afternoon called Marathon Man and still after all these years I have never seen it from start to finish. That's because every time they get to the part when he's being tortured in the dentist's chair I put something else on as fast as I can. I'm not bragging here or anything but there is no way I'd be tortured like that because all they have to do is give me a Snickers bar and I'll tell them what they want to know. ...Here it is a few weeks past the end of the World Series and traditionally this has always been the toughest part of the year for me because I am trying to adjust to not having baseball around me. You would think with the MLB Network around now that it would help but I didn't watch them much when the season was going on. So I go back to watching the NFL but I can't watch much of it because every time a touchdown is scored someone is dancing around in the end zone as if a colony of ants were suddenly dumped down their back. They all do it and that includes the Raiders, whom I am partial to. I remember watching a guy named Walter Payton who played for the Chicago Bears. He was a hell of a runner who played for some very bad Bears teams until near the end of his career when he finally played on a winner. Payton was one of the best and after he scored a touchdown he would give the ball to an official instead of breaking out into a signature dance. That's why I don't watch football that much. The showboating ruins the sport for me. ...Probably the worst news that I heard last week had to do with the Major League Baseball owners approving the expansion of video replay review. What this is going to do is allow two challenges per game by managers for any play they wish and if you don't think these will all be used up by the fourth inning of any typical Yankee - Red Sox game you have another think coming. ...And for those people who are supporting the further use of replay in the game and are thinking that two protests a game for each manager is no big deal let me tell you this. This is only the beginning because before long they're going to decide to give the managers three or four challenges a game and everyone still is going to say it's not a problem. Before long watching a baseball game is going to be as bad as watching a football game because you're not going to know if something you've just seen take place is going to be reversed. ...It's common knowledge that before this off season is over with that the Yankees are going to sign someone that will have everyone else scratching their heads. Usually it is a player who's pushing forty and would have been more useful to them had they signed him ten years ago or it's the square peg in the round hole kind of player that does not really fit in but they sign him anyway. The latter is what would have happened had Brian Wilson agreed, once he heard that the Yankees were showing interest in him, to shave his beard and get a haircut to adhere to the Yankees strict rules that limit the length of a player's hair and facial hair. But bless his heart, Wilson told the Yankees to keep their scissors and razor away from him because he had no interest in signing with them. Finally a sign that maybe the Yankees fortunes are turning around. Usually they end up signing idiots like this. ...Isn't there some sort of saying that goes something like if things are going good you should expect something bad to happen? Whether there is or not that is what happened to me. Things have been going pretty good lately but I've had times like this in the past where everything seemed to be going well too and when the crash hit it was always loud and painful. The crash hit me at 9:53 a.m. last Friday when I was getting ready to make a left-hand turn into a supermarket. That's when my car decided it didn't want to work anymore and died right before I wanted it to turn. I put my flashers on but that still didn't stop the people behind me who wanted to make that same left-hand turn from getting upset at me because my car wouldn't move. I swear they must have thought I did this on purpose and I chose that intersection to stop and have coffee. It seems that there is something wrong with the air flow vent or hose or whatever and because of that the engine is not getting enough air. I found this out after the AAA road side driver towed my car to the mechanic and now this has to be cleaned out for the proper air flow to get where it has to go. At least it is not something with the brakes or the alignment, things that you know are expensive as soon as you hear those words being said. I can't be sure if I am being optimistic here or am just saying this to keep from panicking for the rest of the weekend until they call me on Monday morning to let me know how much this is going to cost.
  19. Jim is someone that knows more about this game then most people in here and has been creating full season mods for years so if he says something can or can not be done in the game people listen. There are faces for managers however. You can find them in the download section. Take a look at this one. It's a hell of a good likeness but where you going to put it? If you look closely you see that he's got Francona playing the infield. It made no sense to me and that's why even though the face looked great I didn't bother downloading this.
  20. Tell the great man the next time you talk to him that his number one fan is still here and says hello to him.
  21. Never fear, the great man has not been forgotten here. Stay tuned in the following weeks.
  22. I should have mentioned last night that there is a mod here that you may find of some use here. Some years ago a user named The_Betz made an Organ mod that replaces the rally.big file with customized organ music. I have used this mod for years and really adds a lot to the game play. There's a few reasons why this mod is not that well known. First, it was made seven years ago. Secondly it was made by a guy (The_Betz) who people are not really familiar with and lastly this was his one and only mod that he made here. The_Betz has not been here since 2009.
  23. This updates the file description and gets rid of those annoying characters you see above. Replaces rallydat.big file into dataaudiocd ally which houses the organ ('rally') music. This should only replace the default organ music and the Take Me Out to the Ballgame version in the game (you'll need to re-install any 7th Inning Stretch mod if you want to keep it). Download includes a sample of clips so you can hear before you install. Here is a list of songs I have the organ playing: “Never Mind the Why and Wherefore" Gilbert and Sullivan "In the Mood" Glenn Miller “Axel Foley" Harold Faltermeyer "Awesome God" Rich Mullins (thank you ytmnd.com for making this an entertaining song...) “What Is Love" Haddaway “(I Just) Died In Your Arms" Cutting Crew “Johnny B. Goode" Chuck Berry “Oh, Pretty Woman" Roy Orbison "Final Countdown" Europe “MacArthur Park" Jimmy Webb “Duel of the Fates" John Williams “Popcorn" Gershon Kingsley “Maple Leaf Rag" Scott Joplin “Live and Let Die" Paul and Linda McCartney “Jogging Theme" from Mike Tyson Punch-Out “Theme from the Godfather" Nino Rota “Always Look on the Bright Side of Life" Eric Idle “Dancing Queen" ABBA “Indiana Jones Theme" John Williams “Carmen Overture" Georges Bizet “Runaway" Del Shannon “Bohemian Rhapsody" Queen “I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles)" The Proclaimers “1812 Overture" Tchaikovsky “Jump" Van Halen “Take On Me" A-ha “Moskau" Dschinghis Khan “Super Mario Brothers" Koji Kondo “Eye of the Tiger" Survivor “Korobeiniki" (Tetris Theme) Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov
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