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Everything posted by Yankee4Life

  1. Um, I better not come in this thread again because the next thing I know I'll be taking a brand new PS4 out of the box and trying to convince my wife that I got it for her.
  2. Jim I would love to take credit for this but I can't. Last night I used the well-hidden practically invisible password-protected search function that we have on this site and I was just quoting something that Mark said in a thread three years ago.
  3. It is possible by editing the rallydat.big file.
  4. This week we zero in on a modder that during his short time here created some very useful utilities and another modder that helped organize and lead in the creation of the two new Mvp season mods that were released during the past two years. Compmaniac Compmaniac joined here in late 2006 and the utilities that he made for this game were a huge help in modifying and customizing your game. He's not that well known today even though what he made is just as relevant now as it was then. But that's the purpose of this thread, to introduce quality work from modders that have been here in the past. One of his most popular mods that he made was his base mod (featured below) where he was able to show in hi resolution dirty bases or clean bases, whichever you preferred. Downloaded over 2,000 times it just gave another dose of realism to the game. All Screens Maker (4 different screens.) Initial Splash Screen, CTS Screen, Loading Screen, License Screen. Base Mod in Hi-Res (Dirty or Clean.) MLB Vector Circle + Extras. Mvp Baseball Game Resolution Changer. Mvp Softball. Note: As stated in the mod description this is not a completed mod and I always wished that Compmaniac would have finished it because he was on to something here. I've tried this mod out myself and it works very well. Back up your files as always if you want to give this a go. Mvp Schedule Reader. Kyleb During the time after the Mvp 2008 was made there was always a discussion about making another season mod but after bringing it up at the beginning of each year and talking about it for awhile nothing ever came of it. There were still modders around to work on this game but what really was needed was someone to fill Krawhitham's role of being the project organizer and leader and without someone like that a mod of this kind would not be made. Finally in 2012 a new season mod was made and it was thanks to Kyleb who put things together and who worked flawlessly with a very talented group of people that have produced two very impressive mods in the past two years. Each modder of course deserves credit for what he contributed because the mod would not have been the same without them but without Kyleb things would have not have come together. Mvp 12. Mvp 12 1x Uniform Pack. Mvp 12 Walk-Up Music. Cleveland Indians Minor League Portraits 2012. Mvp 13. Mvp 13 1x and 2x Uniforms.
  5. Updated to 11-10 ...This Friday Sony will be debuting the Playstation 4, the latest edition of their successful line of gaming consoles. While I will not be getting one myself for financial reasons only I am still very interested if the game play on this machine matches the hype that it received in the last few months leading up to the release on November 15th. If I had five hundred dollars to hand over to get one for myself I would have already pre-ordered one but with Christmas getting closer and money being dished out for that faster than we can earn it I have no problem holding off. Maybe with luck for my birthday in July and by that time there might be a price cut. ...There's someone I know who owns both the original Xbox and the Xbox360 and he is also one of those people that gets them on the first day they are sold or not long after. Characteristically for him he'll have his hands on his Xbox One before the weekend of the 22nd draws to a close. He loves the Xbox so much that the suits in Redmond, Washington should hire him and place him in their publicity department. He loves pointing out things that he believes are weak points about the PS3 or PS4 and last week he told me in an e-mail that Sony made a late change in the PS4 that they put in right before Friday's launch where they were dropping support for Mp3's and CD's so they could not be played on the new system. I'm glad he wasn't looking for a response because I didn't give him one but if this is what Xbox fan boys are zeroing in on to point out what they see is a flaw then they must think that Sony's going to come out with a good one at the end of the week. If I was in the market to get one of these systems this would not be a deal breaker because in my house alone I can think of at least ten different devices to play my CD's and at least half of them will play MP3 files along with it. Most houses have CD players and if they have a computer they can play MP3's. Maybe that's why Sony dropped support for them because they are so readily available anywhere else. I'd still get the PS4. I just need the money. ...I was kind of surprised that some members of the Miami Dolphins were coming out in support of Richie Incognito, whose unique way of hazing towards second-year player Jonathan Martin came out in the open last week after Martin left the team. If this guy ends up getting kicked out of the NFL for this, which is now a good possibility, he will have no one in his corner to defend him or lend him moral support unless you are counting the Klan or the state of Mississippi. ...You never know when you are going to cross paths with the next idiot that enters your life. This happens occasionally when I have to go to a drive-up window. I'll never forget one instance ten years or so ago when I ordered an Egg McMuffin and and orange juice and after the McDonalds employee asked me if that completed my order she then asked if I wanted an egg with it. I told her I ordered an Egg McMuffin and since when do you have to request that the egg be included in this? Her response was a mumbled "oh yeah" which I have discovered over the years is code for I screwed up again. I've told this story to friends and relatives over the years and I've even repeated here in the shoutbox too a few years back. Some people believed what I said and some didn't but they all laughed because they thought it was a good story. What happened to me last Tuesday when I went to pick up a prescription is now going to replace my McMuffin story. The CVS near my house has a drive-thru drop off and pick up window for pharmacy business and I went there that day to pick up some medication. After providing my name and address this is how the rest of the conversation went, word for word. CVS: Can you tell me the month and day in which you were born? ME: Sure. July 14th. CVS: No, that's wrong. ME: You mean I've had it wrong all these years? CVS: Can you tell me the month and day in which you were born? ME: July 14th, and here's my drivers license to prove that the State of New York agrees with me. She then took my license and then tapped on her keyboard a few times and whatever she did made her see that CVS also agreed that I was in fact born when I said I was. I know this because I heard her say "oh yeah." She didn't fool me. I knew what she really meant. ...A middle school football coach from Portland, Oregon got himself fired for his refusal to change the venue of a team party that was scheduled to take place at Hooters. The party was planned over a month ago and the team's parents were notified of it then and during all that time the coach did hear of any objections to his plans. That all changed on the weekend before the party when the school athletic director told him that three or four families took exception as to where this affair was to take place but by that time it was too late to change restaurants because the coach had already spent over $1,000 of his own money in preparation for this day. Now I'm sure this coach wasn't planning on slipping his players a beer or two while they were there, after all the parents were to be in attendance too. And if anyone who has ever stepped foot in a Hooters before knows they keep things light and easy in there and they never take themselves too serious. But that's not what some of these parents are complaining about. They don't want their son to see a girl wearing short shorts and a tight t-shirt, forgetting that all these kids have to do is turn on the TV or surf the internet or even walk around a mall on a hot summer day for them to see worse. The exposure to violence on a daily basis that these kids see, whether it is the real kind or the kind you see on TV is almost the norm these days. That being said, thank God that eighth-grade football team was spared from seeing pretty girls walking around wearing a t-shirt that was one size too small. ...You can tell when Brazilian soccer fans do not like you because they will literally separate your head from your body. This was the way they let a referee know they were not pleased with his work this past summer and the other week they did the same thing to a retired player by the name of João Rodrigo Santos Silva. Silva's wife discovered his head in a backpack which was left by the front door of their home as she was preparing to go to work. It is uncertain why this happened to Silva, who stopped playing two years ago and since then has owned and operated a health food store. No games were scheduled that day and the people in charge of the beheadings down there must of had nothing else to do. And the World Cup is going to be held there next year? What a good idea. I hope that the stadium that this will be played in is right near the airport because if Brazil doesn't win this thing that is where all the other teams are going to be running to. ...One thing I have learned over the years about Halloween is that the idiots make themselves well know with the costumes they decide to wear. From the mother in Virginia who dressed her little boy as a mini Klansman and thought nothing of it, explaining that it was a "family tradition," to the two girls in England who dressed as the burning Twin Towers just as they appeared after the September 11th, 2001 attack to the right after they were attacked in 2001 to the twenty-two-year-old Michigan girl named Alicia Ann Lynch who dressed as a victim of April's Boston Marathon bombing and thought it was hilarious. I'm sure that little boy did not know the meaning behind that costume he wore. For him it was Halloween and that meant candy. The others were old enough to know better and the backlash that the girl who wore the Boston Marathon costume has cost her her job and her privacy when it was found that she had some nude photos take of herself and someone posted them online. (Now I won't post the link here but if you just Google her name you'll see that once again Google is your friend.) This almost makes you want to fast-forward to next Halloween to see what these people are going to dress up in next because in twelve months time they're not going to get any smarter. ...Goodbye Blockbuster Video and thanks for the memories, mostly bad. I can't recall how many times I went into one of those places to get a movie and it wasn't there. I used to joke with my wife that the employees knew what I was coming in for and would hide it before I got there. ...Courtney Stodden, the girl who at the age of sixteen married a fifty-one-year-old man just two years ago has now filed separation papers from her husband. This decision stems from her need to no longer have plastic surgery done on her chest and her husband's insistence to take vacations and getaways based on what he read in his AARP magazine. ...Kmart's announcement last Monday about their decision to stay open for forty-one hours straight starting at 6:00 a.m. on Thanksgiving day came with all the expected outcry and anger that they anticipated. I read the usual "I'm never going to set foot in your store again" quotes but by next July when something's on sale for their summer patio they'll go there. People are calling them greedy and selfish among other things but the Kmart executives, who will be home that day with their families, know that a lot of the people who are condemning what they are doing will be there on Thanksgiving day. And that is the problem right there. Every year these retailers push it just a little bit more to see what they can get away with and the public always does their bit and shows up when they want them to. Last year Walmart started their Black Friday sales at 8:00 p.m. on Thanksgiving and I wrote then in this thread that I would not be surprised if that was moved before Thanksgiving within the next few years and based on what Kmart is pulling this year my prediction could come through in 2014. ...It's no wonder that as each year passes I dislike Christmas more and more. Not the Scrooge way that Charles Dickens wrote so well of but just being fed up of watching what this holiday has turned in to. It used to be you would start thinking about Christmas the day after Thanksgiving but now it's right before Halloween. Sometimes I think that if Scrooge was around these days and if the three ghosts that were sent to visit him stopped to look around for a bit they might say the hell with it and leave. ...It's been a long time since I went out and bought a comic book but that is going to change next month because the people at Marvel comics are changing the appearance of one of their super heroes and making her into a sixteen-year-old Muslim-American teenager who lives in New Jersey. I don't know why Marvel decided to have a Muslim as one of their lead characters and have to emphasize it. Maybe to keep things even when the next Iron Man movie they will announce that Tony Stark is Jewish. I'm buying it to see how accurate it is by checking to see if every four pages or so something gets blown up and a jilad is declared. A Muslim super hero. I guess after twelve years Marvel figured no one would mind.
  6. Sounds good to me. Is this going to be something similar to that WS 98 datafile that you released last year?
  7. Thank you for your time in making these rosters. So I just download the file that says version 2.0? I got the other ones including the patch you made for it previously.
  8. Nice screen grab. How did you get it to look like that?
  9. Wrong place to ask this question. This is not a support thread. It's the preview and update thread for daflyboys roster. Not a problem and welcome to the site.
  10. Your latest rosters and patch are very good and I am anxious to try out the ones you are working on now. Thank you very much for your hard work here.
  11. It sure did compared to High Heat. 3DO put a lot more detail in their games and made it more of a "thinking man's" kind of game or in your case a thinking woman's. I bought both of these games year after year and I liked both of them.
  12. Another Forum Fanatic game using the Mvp 2007 mod and this time playing against the Red Sox in what you will see is a completely nonsensical tongue-in-cheek game.
  13. Homer I'm sorry. I completely neglected to let him know this. Thanks. Seven7, this way might be easier. But at least you have some choices now.
  14. I did not install Mvp 13 from the desktop. It is recommended because it is the easiest way to do it. I don't know if this will help you or confuse you more but I'll try. Make a directory on your C drive. Name it TEMP. Put the Mvp 13 mod in there. Make another directory on your C drive and name it MVP 13. When you unpack it tell it to install to C:Mvp 13. That way you avoid installing from a folder on the desktop.
  15. Again I am hoping I am following this right. Why not just create a new directory on your C drive and call it Mvp 13 and then have the explodeme.exe unpack in there?
  16. I'm probably not understanding this correctly but what does your user name have to do with not being able to unpack the Mvp 13 mod?
  17. This week we showcase a modder that not many people knew by name and another modder who created a mod that made the Total Classics series sound just as good as it looks. Salva Salva was a stadium and uniform modder who has been member for many years but because he did not speak English many people knew little about him. That's because when he was here he would spend his time in a now-defunct area of the forum that was set aside for the Spanish-speaking members and those of us who did not understand the language did not go in there and the same held true for the Latino members in there who rarely left that part of the forum. Salva's main concentration was stadiums, uniforms and faces from Caribbean League Baseball. These uniforms can also be found in all the various editions of Mvp Caribe but at the same time he released uniform and face packs here. Ironically the most popular mod he made had nothing to do with Latino baseball. His rendition of the Tokyo Dome in Japan has been downloaded over 1,700 times and can be seen in the 2013 mod that was released this past summer. He may not have been a familiar name to the average user but the modding community in here they knew better. The Tokyo Dome. Seibu Dome. Cuban Team Uniforms. Leones del Caracas Superpack Vol. 1. Cardenales de Lara Uniforms. Caribbean Series Stadium 2008. OTBJoel Patience and dedication are the first two words that should be used to describe this modder because his Legends from the Booth mod (listed below) took him three years to make and if you have not had the pleasure to hear what this mod is about it replaces the audio of the default announcers in the game with calls from Vin Scully, Ernie Harwell and Mel Allen. While game audio is what OTBJoel is most famous for, most people would be surprised that he has released a series of classic stadiums over the years too, some of which are listed below. Legends from the Booth - Complete. Alternate Crowd Sounds. Seals Stadium. Bob Sheppard announces the Yankees. Total Classics "Oldtime" Edition Overlay v5.0. Seattle Kingdome.
  18. Updated to 11-3 ...After the completion of the World Series last Wednesday night or at any time during the following day it would have been nice had I taken the high road to congratulate that team for winning this year's World Championship Series. But I can't and it's not even something I'm wrestling with myself over. I'm just not going to do it. No, I'm not going to take anything away from how they played during these six games. The Cardinals were beat in every facet of the game and when that happens you lose ball games. You won't be able to look at a Red Sox fan next year without having them extend their index finger to remind you that they're number one. They may be loyal and knowledgeable fans but they also know how to get in your face and rub it in unlike anyone around. Yet this same collection of people were united six months ago for an event that changed their lives and their city forever and they did it with class. This same attitude has never been shown once however at any time when one of their sports teams has won a title. This is why I refrained from commemorating them last week. They won? Fine. What's on TV tonight? ...Just wait until next year. Captain Twenty Million is going to be back and he'll be out there at shortstop every day and the Yanks are going to be unstoppable. And then they're gonna...oh forget it! ...There was one bit of good news after this World Series went into the record books. Tim McCarver called his last game for FOX and is now headed towards retirement. That means the only people he can drive crazy from now on are his friends and relatives. ...And with the Fall Classic now in our rear view mirrors we can look ahead to what this off season will bring. Free agency and the cat-and-mouse games that go along with it, the GM and winter meetings and all the things that make the Hot Stove League the best way to pass the time until February gets here when baseballs begin to get tossed around again in Florida and Arizona. This winter though we have the dissatisfaction of the Alex Rodriguez hearing and all the pomposity that's sure to bring. Why just last week the harassed one let everyone know that he is in this fight against Major League Baseball because he felt he was serving the interests of the next eighteen-year-old that was coming into the league and to be sure that he did not step into the house of horrors that he was being forced to walk through. Without a doubt this sounds very noble of him although he fails to admit this house of horrors he is talking about was something he was responsible for building and walking in to. ...As part of a promotional stunt sponsored by Coca-Cola, Metallica will be traveling to Antarctica to play a concert on King George Island, which is part of the South Shetland Islands. The concert is going to be held on December 8th, which is the warmest time of the year in the Southern Hemisphere. As an added bonus Coke is running a contest on Twitter and they will pick a total of ten winners and they will be chosen to take an eight-day cruise to Antarctica to attend the concert. Isn't that something? I was going to throw my wife's name into the hat but contest rules exclude U.S. residents. I doubt if she'd go anyway since she is much a fan of the cold as I am. Thanks to Wikipedia I learned a little about King George Island and if you set aside for a moment the truckloads of cash that Coke is paying them I am even more at a loss as to why Metallica would want to go there. Over 90% of the island's surface is permanently glaciated. That means if you walk outside you got a hell of a good chance of falling on your keester. The rest of the island is probably nothing but parking lots. I'd be surprised if Coke gets ten winners to this contest let alone get ten people to enter. ...If you've never heard of Mario Cuomo that's ok because he's just a former politician and that means he's nobody important. Cuomo, 81, was a former three-term Democratic governor of New York and an Italian-American. Because of that he has refused to see The Godfather because it focused on the Cosa Nostra, saying that it was a negative Italian stereotype but anyone who has any idea how the political mind works he said this just to garner votes from the many Italian-American groups in New York. Now that he has been out of politics for almost twenty years he finally went to see it forty-one years after it was made. At his advanced age he better go and see the other two before it's too late. A Fool and his Money Dept: Over the last five years a thirty-three-year-old Canadian man spent $100,000 on plastic surgery in order to look like his idol Justin Bieber. Admittedly it could have been worse had he elected to look like Mick Jaggar but that's not the point. I saw a photo of this guy and they did get the hair style correct but that looks like the only recognizable part of Bieber on him. The stupid look on his face was natural and was not altered at all. I didn't post a picture of this person because I'm not really sure what to think is worse, that he spent $100 grand on this or that he's thirty-three and is a fan of Bieber. ...I wondered for a minute what his wife or girlfriend thought about him doing this then on second thought I figured he never had to consider worrying about this. ...Jose Baez, the lawyer who represented Casey Anthony in her murder trial two years ago has a new high-profile case to concern himself with as he is defending the twelve-year-old girl accused of bullying young Rebecca Sedwick who jumped to her death back in September. It's no wonder why the lawyer profession is hated so much because there is always people like Baez who are quick and willing to defend anyone for money and publicity this case is going to give him. Maybe this time the jury will get it right. ...EA Sports last week announced that a new PGA Tour game is currently in development for the new Playstation 4 and XboxOne and for the first time since they began their golf series in 1999, Tiger Woods will not be featured on the cover. EA said in a statement that they and Tiger Woods "made a mutual decision to end their relationship" and if you believe that pull up a chair and let me tell you a story about a certain Yankee third baseman who is being accused of being among other things a cheater but who is in fact innocent. Why would Woods choose to give up an easy payday like this where he had to do absolutely nothing for it except to pose for a few pictures and do a few interviews? EA showed Tiger to the door but they let him save face by saying that it was a joint decision to go their separate ways. ...I really don't think it matters if Woods is on the cover at all. One thing that EA can do well is that they can make the prettiest covers for a game that you'd ever want to see but it rarely extends to how good the game actually is. I admit I would be curious to see how golf is going to look on these new consoles and it that has nothing to do with who they decide to slap on the cover. ...I'm still messing around with Links 2003 from Microsoft and I have over one hundred courses that I can play on. Sure it's an older game. But it still plays well and that's all I care about. ...Not too long ago a man who worked nights by stocking shelves at a Detroit Walmart saw a crime being committed and decided to stop to help out a woman who was being attacked in the store's parking lot when he was outside having his meal break. It's Detroit, so these things happen all of the time. Luckily for this woman this man was one of the good guys and when he saw what was going on he immediately ran over to help her. Walmart's way of rewarding him for his courageous actions for helping that woman was to let him know that he no longer worked there after they alluded to a policy that requires their employees to alert the management and call the police instead of handling the situation themselves. It is of course something that he did not do but at the same time was also unable to do. It's a rule that looks good and makes sense on paper but following it at times like in circumstances like this is easier said than done. The bad press and complaints that they received from the public forced them to contact the fired employee to offer him his job back plus back pay from the time that he missed but he told them no because he felt they only offered this because of the pressure that the public put on them. I'll never meet this guy but if I did I'd like to shake his hand to thank him for coming to the aid of a woman who was having a bad time of it and for giving the middle finger to Walmart without actually doing it. ...I don't like to bring up religion a lot in here, so forgive me as I do so now. A lot of times this subject can be down right annoying and before anyone here assumes that I am a card-carrying atheist I better get across what I mean. Most of the times when religion is in the news it's negative. Typically there is a bombing that is linked to it or someone's beaten up or killed over it or else you have hateful people like the followers from the Westboro Baptist Church who hide behind it. Then there's one more group and those are the people who believe God is sending them a message after they've done something stupid, for example like this Texas man. He was at an off-road racing competition which was held near Dallas when all of a sudden a thunderstorm hit the area followed by lightning. It was the kind of rain that if you were driving on the highway you would pull over and wait in order to ride it out. That's what happened here as the race quickly stopped and people went for shelter but this guy decided to stand under a tree to bear the brunt of the storm but as any grade school kid will tell you this is the worst place to be when lightning is dancing around. Naturally it saw him down there and it gave him a jolt as only lightning can to let him know to clear out if he knew what was good for him. Instead of getting the hint he dropped to his knees and he got zapped again. Incredibly he survived and was taken to a nearby hospital where he was treated and released. He said later that he believed that God kept him alive so he would be able to go to church a lot more than he has been. I believe that God kept him alive but not just to get him to rejoin the congregation because if that was the case a lot more people would be walking around afterwards with hair like Buckwheat. ...I have never been tempted to do this during all my years on the internet and after hearing about what happened to a man in China when he decided to do it I knew I had made the right choice. What I'm talking about is hooking up with someone you met after you have talked online with them. This Chinese man did and the outcome was something that neither he nor the woman he went to see ever expected. I'll sum it up. A fifty-seven-year-old man started talking to a woman that he met in a chat room that he thought was interesting and in turn she felt the same way about him. And like any two people that meet under these circumstances they both lied to each other every chance they had. Among other things he told her was that his wife was deceased and she told him that her husband was in jail. Finally after exchanging phony pictures they decided to meet at a nearby hotel. The wife's husband was not in jail but he was out of town on business and just happened to arrive home three days earlier than he was supposed to to surprise his wife. This is getting good, isn't it? He couldn't find her anywhere in the house and after calling around to various places he still wasn't able to locate her. Figuring she'd turn up eventually he got changed and went on the computer and that is where he discovered the chats that she had been having with her online Don Juan and by reading them he found out why she was not at home-and where she was. Not wasting any time the angry husband raced to the hotel and when he got to the hotel room he discovered that she was there with none other than his father. That's when the proverbial you-know-what hit the fan. He then beat his father and wife, knocking out three of her teeth and when the hotel staff saw the busted up hotel room they called the police and he was arrested. The father and daughter-in-law were not and except for some bruising and missing teeth both were fine. I think it's safe to say that all the family gatherings from now on are never going to be the same with the husband not being in jail and the man's wife still among the living. ...A few days ago for Halloween the entire Honey Boo-Boo family dressed in costume as the Kardashians. Now if that doesn't make Kim & Company want to go away for good, nothing will. ...Don't forget to turn back your clocks.
  19. Welcome to the website Stormtrooper. I am going to send a message to the owner of this website to ask him if there is another way for you to subscribe here. Paypal is the most popular option and it is free to sign up so you may want to look into that in the meantime. But I will still let the site owner know about your question.
  20. What the hell is this? Don't you think with them winning it all last night was more than anyone should have to take? Ok, now this part I can believe.
  21. No way man, keep on posting in here if you want to or if you decide to make a new thread go ahead and do that too. Whatever is most comfortable for you. And I also had Tony Larussa 1996. I really enjoyed that game because you had the ability to import and export stadiums from Old Time Baseball. I really wish I could play this today.
  22. I love your work daflyboys but if I had to choose I would take version 2. That just stands out perfectly.
  23. You're ok. How about Triple Play? Did you play that?
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