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Everything posted by Yankee4Life

  1. All right!!! What season mod are you going to play first?
  2. Moving on in this thread we feature this week a modder that released mods for both Mvp and the 2k series and a modder who contributions to the modding community here were all minor. Read on to see exactly what I mean by this. Mcoll86 Mcoll86 is a modder who has been with us since the start of this website so it was a huge surprise for me to find out that most of the mods that he has made here were for the 2k sports baseball series. He has made mods for each release of 2K's baseball games and by doing that he has surpassed by far all the work he has done with Mvp Baseball. Mcoll has made a full set of uniforms for both Mvp and 2K. His uniforms are based on the team's actual uniforms as well as ones he creates for them out of his own imagination. His work has been constantly downloaded by members here and his uniforms are among the finest for both games. Mvp 2005 2X Uniforms with a different look (Set 1, updated.) (This is a four part series.) Concept Jersey Series (Blue Jays.) 2005 AL Central Concept uniforms. (Set of six.) MLB 2K12 NL West Uniforms. (Set of six made for all the divisions.) 1980 Atlanta Braves Uniforms. 2K12 Cap Template. Not for game use but for modding. Modernized Retro Fantasy Mets Uniforms. (One of a complete set of MLB Fantasy uniforms.) NL East Parks for 2K12. Bodhiball When I said in my introduction this week that one of the modding contributions here were all minor I was talking about Bodhiball. You see, Bodiball's mods all had to do with updates and improvements for the minor leagues in Mvp Baseball. The uniforms that he made, the stadiums and the cyberfaces that he released each were made for AAA ball and below. At the time when the game first came out many people were updating the game on the major league level. Because of that Bodhiball decided to concentrate on what he liked best which was the minor leagues with a concentration on the Red Sox minor league system. His work can be found in the Mvp 12 and Mvp 13 mods. Ottawa Lynx AAA Stadium. Connecticut Defenders AA uniforms. (Giants AA team from 2003 to 2009) International League Jerseys Part 1. (Set of three) Pawtucket Red Sox Uniform Pack. Red Sox A Ball Uniform Pack. Bowie BaySox AA Stadium.
  3. The Portuguese must be very intelligent people. That's a hell of a saying. I got to remember that. What you said here is something a former member in here and myself have been talking about for years. This is the richest team in baseball and their minor league system should not be like this. I mean what the hell, they have so much money they could have two AAA teams if they wanted. Years ago that is exactly what the Cardinals did. But that isn't the point. They should be promoting from within instead of trading their top prospects for 39 year old veterans. I never understood why the Yankees are so in love with players whose careers are almost over. A lot of people may not like St. Louis but they got people from their system to bring up to their team. No reason why the Yankees can't do it except that they are not patient enough to do it. I would like to have Cano back but only at the right price. If he doesn't back off his 30 million a year demands the Yankees should let him go. As you said, bring him back if the price is right. You're right. I am no fan of Cano and probably never will be. He doesn't run hard out of the box and he doesn't run hard down the first base line and if anything is ever said to him about this it must not be registering because he keeps doing it. No one wants to have someone that is injury prone on their team but at the same time that is better than having someone that is out there and only hustles when he feels like it and usually Cano does not feel like it.
  4. Updated to 10-20 ...Remember the ALCS game last week in Boston where David Ortiz hit that grand-slam home run to tie the game? I'm sure you do since ESPN didn't let anyone forget it. The Red Sox have a police officer standing watch in their bullpen just in case one of the rowdy folks in the bleachers has a flashback to 2003 and decides to attack the wrong bullpen. This guy made national news just because someone snapped a picture of him with his arms raised cheering Ortiz's shot and overnight the guy got turned into the latest Boston hero. He even got his picture taken with Red Sox owner John Henry, which in some circles is considered an honor. He even has grown a beard and won't shave it because a lot of his Red Sox idols have one too. If this team ever wins this thing the male population in Boston will be walking around with unkempt beards and you won't be able to tell them apart from the homeless. ...Because of complaints by other parents, an elementary school principal in Mesa, Arizona asked a police officer not to wear his police uniform or his gun when he picks up his daughter at school because she said it was too scary for some of the other parents because he was carrying his gun. How do people like this get in a position to be in charge of educating children and make decisions like telling a cop not to dress like a cop? The way I see it an officer of the law who drops off or picks up his kids should be seen as a reassuring presence at that school. Good sense it seems is easier to have than to use. ...There's a committee of some sort in Washington called the President's Council on Fitness and essentially their job is to encourage Americans to be more active. All this time I thought this was something your physician would have already known and told you about. The point is they have this cabinet down in D.C. and every once in awhile like any good task force worth their salt they have to do something to give people the impression that they are doing their job or at the very least working. The U.S. Post Office decided to join in and introduced a fifteen set group of stamps depicting children participating in sports such as playing soccer, playing baseball and skipping rope. However the council objected to three of the stamps because they showed children skateboarding, jumping into a pool by doing a cannon ball and doing a headstand without wearing helmet and because of this they did not approve of the post office's contribution to fitness because in their view it raised safety concerns for them and the post office was forced to destroy this entire run of stamps.This happened at a time with the post office in serious financial trouble which was made even worse now because someone on a council decided like how three cartoon stamps looked to them. Fred Allen, who was a great comedian during radio's golden age and the early years of television said once that a committee is a group of the unprepared, appointed by the unwilling to do the unnecessary. I think that covers exactly what these people are. ...I did not know whether to laugh or feel sorry for the German guy who got married and accidentally drove off without his wife after getting off the highway to make a pit stop. It seems the vehicle that they were driving was a mini-bus and when the guy got back in to resume the trip he thought his wife was asleep in the back and for two hours all he did was drive and listen to music but then he started to wonder why she would not respond to him when he was talking to her and he soon discovered why. Back when he made his last stop his wife got out and went to the bathroom herself and when he came back he just took off. He then contacted the police to tell them that she was missing but the cops said she wasn't and that she was waiting for him at the rest area 125 miles away. After five hours the couple were reunited and they resumed their trip. The bride was even interviewed by a radio station when they found out what happened. She told them that she didn't hold a grudge against her husband and she wasn't angry with him. What married man after reading that really believes her? That's why I feel sorry for the guy. He's never going to live this down. This poor guy is in for it and he doesn't even know it. Driving in that car for those two hours when he left her being will be the two happiest hours of his marriage. ...I believe if something like this happened to my wife she would eventually believe me. Maybe it would take years but she would get around to it. I'd never be able to say to her hey honey, remember the time...? I'm smart enough not to push my luck. The only incident that comes close to this is something that happened about nine years ago during one of our trips to visit her parents. We took the thruway and got off at one of the rest stops to do what we had to do and for some reason she stopped in the gift shop there. While she was paying for her things she told me the cashier complimented her on her nail polish and when she did that the conversation took off in a thousand different directions. While this was going on I was in the car waiting for her and once she came back we were on our way again. After about ten minutes on the thruway she screams out that she forgot her phone back at the rest stop and we had to go back and get it. I couldn't just turn around and go back so I got off at the next exit and they had to give me directions on how to get back there using side roads. I still don't know how I got back there but I did. She was in a panic until she got that phone back in her hands. Being the lucky SOB that I am I wasn't worried for one second because she knew that I was no where near that souvenir shop and there was no way that I could've been blamed for it. ...Kanye West is campaigning to get Kim Kardashian a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame and not counting the Kardashians themselves, he is the only person so far who would like to see this happen. He's mad at the Walk of Fame because he says she is being "frozen out" from consideration and the people who are in charge of the Walk of Fame even confirm that she has - as well as every other reality star. In other words, nothing personal. To qualify for a star the person needs to win an Emmy or a Grammy or an Oscar and the celebrity must be nominated before they can be considered for a star and so far no one has bothered to nominate her. I am still confused as to what her talent is because all she's ever done is lay on her back and have a camera follow her around. It's nice to know that the Walk of Fame has rules and that they are actually going to follow them. ...The next thing you know he's going to write a song about this trashing the Walk of Fame and he's going to spin it to make it sound like their decision was racially motivated. ...If you have never watched a Mr. Magoo cartoon you are missing a lot. Jim Backus (Thurston Howell on Gilligan's Island) was the voice of the nearsighted Magoo. Thank God some people on Youtube feel the same way because they've uploaded a bunch of them. ...I watched my 2000 World Series DVD last week because I had nothing else to do and I missed baseball even though both Championship Series games were still going on. I had to see one more time when the Yanks were still the Yanks and they didn't need to have a superstar at every position. And to watch them see what they've become over the past thirteen years that lead up to all the playoff defeats where they looked like they were sleepwalking through them right up to the season that they had where they couldn't even keep their twenty million dollar a year players on the field. That's all I was thinking of last week instead of paying any mind to the current playoff action. The Yankees will be back. The question is when. ...By the way, thanks again Jose Vizcaino and Luis Sojo. ...I saw a picture of that eighteen-foot-long dead oarfish that was found off the Southern California coast last week. A marine science instructor was out snorkeling and spotted the carcass of the fish floating in the water. He tried to drag it back to shore but the fish was so heavy he couldn't do it and it finally took fifteen people to get the job done. Now I love the water and I enjoy a good swim as much as anyone but when I go swimming I do it in a pool where I can see the bottom. With my luck I'd be out in the Pacific not bothering anyone and instead of some science teacher spotting a dead oarfish it will be me and I'll be seeing a live one and it will swim past me scaring the hell out of me and then I'd probably start making promises to God that he knows I have no intention of keeping just as long as he gets me out of the water. ...Get a room, Dept: During lunch period a high school girl in Georgia went up to a male classmate of hers and offered to do something to him that teenage boys dream of every single day. Naturally the kid thought she was only kidding and took it as a joke but apparently this girl was not in any mood to fool around, at least not in that way as she immediately began making good on her promise right there on the lunch room floor. The boy said he did try to stop the girl from what she was doing but only after a few minutes had passed. This girl must not have been hungry that day or that cafeteria has lousy food. No matter what the reason that kid wasn't about to ask. Both are facing misdemeanor public indecency charges for their lunchtime antics and before classes began the next day every member of the football team asked the girl out on a date and try as he might, the boy has not been able to stop smiling. ...After being amazed at what I read and laughing about it for awhile I stopped and thought about that girl's parents and what they were thinking when they first heard what their daughter had done and how they must have felt. That's when I stopped laughing. ...Very quietly and with no fanfare the Toronto Maple Leafs did something last week that I really thought was nice for a long time fan that recently passed away. When the team learned that one of their long time season ticket holders passed away they sent a letter of condolence along with flowers to the family to express their sympathy. The only reason why people besides the family knew about this was that the man's grandson posted a photo of the letter the team sent them online to thank them for what they did. When I found out about this it really did not come as much of a surprise to me because there is a sense of decency and kindness in that city that as visitors you get a feel of right away and what the Leafs did for this guy was typical of the people there. No publicity, just do the right thing. I can't imagine this happening in many other places with the same results. Boston, for example. If the Red Sox were to learn that one of their season ticket holders passed away I have no doubt that they'd send flowers to the family or at the very least have a representative from the team give them a call. Five minutes later though they'd have someone leak it to the press for the publicity. ...Linda Kozlowski, the woman Paul Hogan left his wife for to marry during Crocodile Dundee is now divorcing Hogan herself alluding to the usual "irreconcilable differences" acknowledgement that more often than not is heard when something like this happens. Of course now that Hogan is a senior citizen at age seventy-four and not having made a movie in years had nothing to do with the decision to end the marriage. ...Kevin Millar played for four different teams in his major league career but if you listen to him talk you would think he only played for the Red Sox. ...There is a group of people who have been camping outside the offices of Major League Baseball in New York who call themselves Hispanics Across America and they have been holding up signs and cheering for Alex Rodriguez every time he enters or leaves the building since his arbitration hearings began almost three weeks ago. They have even set up a website where you can donate money to help them stop -and this is their own words- "stop the injustice regarding his 211 game suspension." These people are insinuating that baseball gave Rodriguez this lengthy ban because he is of hispanic origin and had he not been he would have never been banned for this amount of games. Well that clears that up for me. All this time I thought he was guilty because he was and that he tried to cover his tracks when they were closing in on him. ...Shows how much I thought I knew. First chance I get I'm going to that website and making a donation. ...Forgive me if I do not congratulate you-know-who on winning the American League pennant. If there is going to be any back slapping and cheering for them in this thread it's going to be conducted by someone else besides myself.
  5. Thank you very much! You put a lot of work into your rosters and it is really appreciated.
  6. Beats the heck out of me UncleMo. I don't own the 2K game. I just wanted to pop in here and say hello to you and I hope you have been doing well.
  7. Hmmm. I think I know of a way I can help you. I'm going to start rooting for the Angels now so that means you are going to come back and win this series.
  8. I thought it was time I come back in here and update everyone on what is going on concerning this subject. It has now been over a month that this thread was made and so far no one has come forward to inform us that they have an additional account and would like us to disable it. What has been discovered though is an entirely different matter and I will leave it at that. It isn't uncommon that someone that isn't a contributor would try to make another account here for the extra downloads. It is a risk that many of them do. But what I do not understand is why someone who is a contributor or a modder, titles that allow you to download as much as you want every single day, would want to have another account. It's like trying to sell a snow shovel to someone who lives in the Bahamas. They don't need it and neither do the people who have these titles. Again, if you have more than one account let us know. The other account will be taken care of and you go on your way. This offer is only good provided you notify us. Thank you!
  9. This week we spotlight a modder who was responsible for some of the nicest stadium mods for Mvp and for the first time in this thread a modder who has done all his work on the 2k Sports games in here. Sean O Sean O was (and I'm sure probably still is) a huge classics and baseball history fan and his love for the history of the game showed through on his work with the stadium mods that he made. To see examples of his work you need to go no further than playing just about any season of Total Classics play. A lot of his parks were released as individual downloads including many versions of Fenway Park and Yankee Stadium, the two ballparks that were his specialty. Milwaukee County Stadium. Wrigley Field 1961 (in Los Angeles). Anaheim Stadium 1966-1979. Sick's Stadium (Seattle). Hadlock Field (Portland Sea Dogs). Don Spa Don Spa joined the website when MLB 2k9 was released in 2009 and immediately had a big impact on the new game that was released that year. While 2K9 proved to be the most problematic in that series, the uniforms made by Don Spa made that game look a lot better and for the next four years he made uniforms for each new release of the game. 2K gamers on this site have an incredible twelve pages of downloads to choose from. In later years Don Spa branched out into creating stadiums and they were as well received as his uniforms have been. This game may have gone through more than its share of problems but the contributions from Don Spa were not among it. Cardinals Retro Uniforms. Negro League set 1. (A ten set series of uniforms.) 2013 Athletics Turn back the Clock uniforms. How to make uniforms tutorial Part 1. How to make uniforms tutorial Part 2. 2012 PNC Park Pittsburgh. Twins Target Field.
  10. I do see what you mean but the only question I have is why it should have to written down somewhere for people to see in the first place? This has been in place since this site started up and this only pertains to the small minority of people here who happen to be modders.
  11. Well that's nice. I hope everything is all straightened out now.
  12. Look, first of all I realize that there is a bit of a language barrier here and that's ok. I would suggest you get someone you know that reads English very well to explain to you what is being said here. Then I think everything will be fine. By taking the work of jogar you did steal his work because you didn't ask him beforehand. That is all that this thread is about.
  13. I believe you. As soon as you told me this I disabled this mod. How are you a newbie? You have been here over four years now.
  14. I really find this hard to believe. In fact I don't believe it at all. You have been a member here since 2009. Are you going to honestly tell me that you didn't know what you did would cause this kind of problem? You have been here long enough to see how quickly other people have been caught doing exactly what you did and how upset people become when this happens. There is no way you can plead ignorance here.
  15. Now that I have disabled that mod by wilmer101 I want to come back and answer your post. When we are aware of people doing this to other modders we act quickly and help out the modder as fast as we can. Just ask daflyboys how quick I disabled the roster that someone uploaded not too long ago that was a direct steal of his work. On our end files are uploaded and await approval for everyone on the site to have access to. We do not know if any of the work is stolen unless we are told. Then we act as fast as we can. This is what I did to help solve this bad situation as you put it. I took that mod off line so no one can download it anymore. Wilmer101's uploads will be monitored from here on out. If there is anything else I can do let me know.
  16. Basically by checking Google translate you said all you did was add a beard to the cyberface. Well you can't even do that without permission. Don't bother to upload anything here again if you are only going to take other people's work and modify it a little.
  17. Quoting jogar from the "Boston Barbas Face" mod: I didn't see this jogar or really pay attention to it because I did not download the Boston beard cyberfaces at all. You say this is your work and I believe you. This mod has now been disabled.
  18. Are you telling me that this guy took your work (or someone else's) ?
  19. Hey don't you worry one bit my friend. Your health and your family come first. This is secondary and you get well first before doing anything with this game. Take care of yourself!
  20. Updated to 10-13 ...I thought I was done listening to Michael Kay for the year but there he was, announcing the Athletics - Tigers series on ESPN radio. I was listening to him online since I wasn't near a TV because I had some work to do on the computer and I kept on waiting for him to start singing the praises of Derek Jeter. ...Thanks to a nine year old boy who slipped through security at the Minneapolis/St. Paul International Airport and who was able to fly on a Delta Air Lines plane to Las Vegas without a boarding pass, the TSA is no doubt going to come up with some more new rules to inconvenience passengers that are not runaways. Crew members became suspicious of the boy during the flight because he was behaving himself and not bothering other passengers and contacted the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department who picked up the boy when the plane landed and returned him to his family in Minneapolis. The boy was able to get through the airport security and board the plane when TSA agents were busy checking out the nude x-ray of the woman in front of him but how he got to the airport in the first place and why didn't anyone, like his parents, report him missing made no sense. His father, who refused to identify himself and hid behind a hood tied tightly to his face explained that the kid went to go throw the garbage out and when he didn't come home they assumed he was at the home of one of his friends. Instead he took a train to the airport and the rest is history. Right there is where they lost me. Here was this guy at a press conference hiding his face and literally crying to the press that he needed help with this boy because he doesn't listen to them and does what he wants to do all the time but in the same breath he admits he had no idea where he was and just assumed he was with a friend. This family needs more than help raising an out of control kid. ...I am about as far away from California as you can get while still living in the continental U.S. but even I am aware of the money problems that the Golden State has been going through for quite some time now. So when I read that they spent one billion dollars to purchase iPads for over 650,000 students for the kids in Los Angeles in an effort to boost their interest in their school work, the skeptic in me immediately came to the surface once again. Sure enough a group of kids cracked the security settings in the tablet and instead of having something to help them with their homework they are instead using it to play games and update their Facebook accounts, which as everyone knows is much more important. The L.A. school system's goal is to have an iPad in the hands of every student and teacher in the city's 1,000 schools by next year. As soon as Apple found that out they must have been doing backflips. Their purpose was to assist students in a district where 80 percent of the students come from low-income families and this idea could actually work if they only can figure a way to block Facebook. ...Even in Saudi Arabia online pictures can get you in trouble. When a Saudi man saw a picture that his wife posted of her tenderly kissing her pet horse in a display of love and affection he immediately told her to pack up her riding gear and get out because he was divorcing her. Isn't that something? Who the hell knew that there was divorce in Islam? Usually they just go straight to the beheading or stoning part and call it a day. ...I don't feel too bad for Matt Flynn even though Oakland had to give up a draft choice to get him. The Raiders weren't going to use him and after five games he has a good chance to hook up with someone else for the remainder of the season (Jacksonville maybe?) instead of sitting on the bench. Sure, the Raiders looked bad by doing this but what I like most about this move is that they owned up to making a mistake in trading for him right now instead of stringing him along. And with fourteen million dollars left on his contract that he signed with Seattle I won't worry about him at all. ...Commissioner Roger Goodell is really pushing having NFL games played in London because the league scheduled three regular season games next year at London's Wembley Stadium next year with the Jaguars, Falcons and Raiders being the "home" teams. I had no idea that American football was so popular in Europe. I recall that NFL Europe league that they had a few years ago. The crowds weren't that good and most importantly to the NFL, they weren't making any money. It's no secret that Goodell wants a team in London and like any big shot in the sports world he'll probably get his way. ...Goodell was also busy last week when he said he would agree to meet with representatives of the Oneida Indian Nation to discuss the possible name change of the Washington Redskins. I know I have commented on this before but this is just getting more out of control as time goes on. And why does the Oneida Indian Nation have to get involved in this? These people are located in Central New York and the last time I looked at a map that's no where near Washington, D.C. Around here what these people are mostly known for is running the Turning Stone Resort Casino that does a hell of a good business and attracts many people from Upstate New York and Ontario, Canada. And now they get free press because they want the Redskins to change their name. Even the President commented about this by saying that he would think about changing the name of the team. I think right now he has more important things to concern himself than something like this and what to call an NFL team should be the very last. I guess I still look at things the old-fashioned way. Why were people more tolerant years ago? People back then did not walk around looking for something to be offended by but today all you got to do is look around and you'll see people bothered by the most ridiculous things possible just to get attention and when you get right down to it that is what this "name change" talk can be summarized to. When you get the representative from this Indian nation saying with a straight face that the name of a football team has caused very serious public health consequences for his people the logical thing would be to say how is this possible? But the public is so used to hearing excuses like this they don't even question them anymore. When I was in grammar school many years ago for some reason the entire sixth grade was made up of Redskin fans. When we were outside of school you could always tell who was a sixth-grader just by who was wearing a Redskin hat or coat . But what I most recall about this was there were two Indian boys that were part of the sixth grade class and these two were not shy in letting anyone know that they were Indian and who their favorite team was. Some of the other kids wished they were Indians too because those two kids looked at themselves as the best Redskin fans in the entire school. They were rooting on their team and that's all there was to it. I'm not saying that people years ago were better than people today because then I'd be overemphasizing my point. What I am saying is that people back then didn't spend their lives looking for any further reasons to be upset about something because everyday life, as it is today, was frustrating enough. ...David Freese (who makes 3 million a year) has had more clutch hits and big games in the post season than Alex Rodriguez (28 million a year) has ever dreamed of having. ...You ever get the feeling that every time the Atlanta Braves are in the playoffs they play like they want to go home for the winter as fast as they can? ...While I was watching the Tampa Bay Rays in the playoffs last week I couldn't help wondering how dangerous they would be if their ownership actually spent some money and signed a few hitters for them. ...With all the lawsuits that Alex Rodriguez has going on right now it's worth noting that Albert Pujols has one going on himself since he isn't in the playoffs this year and presently has nothing else to do. He's suing Jack Clark for comments he made over the summer that Pujols used steroids. To his credit Clark isn't backing down from what he said and has not apologized to Pujols. Truthfully I would be amazed if this ever went to trial because Clark's defense team will find witnesses and just maybe as an added attraction we will all find out how old Pujols really is. ...After finding out that Bruce Jenner split with his wife Kris Jenner all I had to say was what took him so long? He must have been either very tolerant or stupid to stick around for twenty-two years and I wish him luck from here on out although part of me is wondering if this is nothing but a publicity stunt to get more ratings for her talk show. ...The web has me so trained now that it's not even funny. Every time I click on a video I am used to being forced to watch a commercial before I get to what I want to see but on the rare instances when the ad is bypassed it always catches me by surprise. ...Hannah Anderson, the girl who made news by being kidnapped in early August, got herself back on the front page last Wednesday as she described new details with her time with her capture Jim Dimaggio. She is now claiming that he handcuffed her, bound her feet with a zip tie and tried to force her to play Russian roulette with his pistol. What I don't get about this is why are we hearing about this now after all this time has past? It could be that this has a lot to do with a new book that is soon going to be released that seriously questions her story and involvement in the deaths of her mother and little brother and she is now putting herself back in the spotlight to get attention away from that book since she knows nothing that she says can be corroborated. I've always wondered if Dimaggio had not of died that day how much we would have known what really happened because all we have to rely on is the word of a sixteen year old girl who on her return home after this nightmare has instead acted like she was just on an overnight sleep over at her friend's house with not a care in the world. ...Very sad to hear the story that came out of Denver last week when police found four young, very under-fed brothers who were forced to live in a filthy environment where rotten food, trash and insects were the norm and was also filled with an unbearable odor that was described like that of a decomposing animal. Their parents, who both looked like they haven't missed a meal in years, are facing felony child-abuse charges. All four boys were found wearing unwashed dirty clothing and could hardly talk at all and were taken away and placed in protective custody. The mother was released on bail while the father, who from the look of him last touched a razor sometime in the 60's, remained behind as a guest of the county in a nice, comfortable cell. ...Stories like this amaze me. There always seems to be people like this who slip through the cracks and when they are finally caught people are amazed at what they got away with. The sad part of all this is there are probably a lot more families like this one around the country that are still getting away with this. ...Last week I said that I wanted Tampa Bay, Oakland, Pittsburgh and Atlanta all to come out on top in the divisional series that they played in and every one of them lost. Good thing I didn't put any money on this.
  21. Here's hoping you're having a good birthday and many, many more! Have a great day! Uploaded with ImageShack.us
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