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Everything posted by Yankee4Life

  1. Topic moved to the Buy, Sell & Trade area, 10-10-13. Everyone, I know this guy from the Yankee Pride forums and he's a good guy. I read on that website yesterday that he was looking to sell Mvp 05 for the PC and I suggested that he come here to see if anyone on our site is looking for one. Thank you!
  2. Not a chance. I think the only way anyone could have used all these White Sox choices is to install these in different mods. It can be done if you want to be creative about it. For example with the 1941 mod. Fizzjob has the Chicago uniforms from 1921 to 1944. Well it wouldn't be accurate but you can install as many late 1930's up to 1944 as you can in that mod and in the 1927 mod install uniforms from the 20's. Won't be 100% accurate but it can be done and somehow you'll get all these uniforms in different mods. Thank you. I'm glad you enjoy this thread. There's a lot more to come.
  3. I couldn't wait to come in here during the time these uniforms were released Jim. Just when I thought I saw one that I thought to myself was my "favorite" they would come up with something else to change my mind. One thing I never asked fizzjob was if he ever used all those White Sox uniforms in his game.
  4. Here we go again another week and more accolades to the people who have contributed so much in here over the years, the Mvp modders. The two modders featured this week are well-known uniform creators when this website first started but for people who have joined in recent years their names will not be familiar to them. Fizzjob We are very lucky on this website to have so many wonderful uniform modders and some have already been featured in this thread in the previous weeks. But Fizzjob, along with the next name to be featured this week, were among the first to focus on throwback uniforms for Mvp 2005 and their work to this day is among the best out there. As I said, Fizzjob made a lot of throwback uniforms but his specialty was creating uniforms for the Chicago White Sox. He actually made every White Sox uniform from 1901 to the 1990's and that was no small feat. There's no way you can have all these uniforms he made for the White Sox in one game since there are so many. Because of this the White Sox have the most uniform representation out of any team in the uniform download area thanks to this one man alone. So if you are a White Sox fan and you have never heard of Fizzjob you need to check out the download area. While his work was White Sox dominated he made many other uniforms also. Some of his work can be seen in the Mvp 12 and Mvp 13 mods. Cleveland Indians Throwbacks. White Sox Uber Theme. White Sox Loading screens. Chicago American Giants. Oakland A's Throwbacks. Chicago White Sox 1901-1920. Sandman The main difference between Sandman and Fizzjob is that Sandman did not concentrate on one team almost exclusively. But like Fizzjob, Sandman was a modder who made the throwbacks as flawlessly as Fizzjob did. In fact the only problem was when these two were around and were making these uniforms was having enough uniform slots to place all their work. It was impossible. Sandman is also the co-creator of Total Classics *61 along with stecropper and if you happen to have an old copy of Mvp 2004 still around he has many throwbacks made for that game too. 1960 Washington Senators. 1963 Chicago White Sox. 1960 Pittsburgh Pirates. 1960 Cincinnati Reds. 1963 Los Angeles Dodgers. 1948 Cleveland Indians.
  5. Updated to 10-6 ...Today is the last day for me being home alone because I have to pick my wife up at the airport late this afternoon. I did things last week that I have not been able to do in years. I watched a ball game -no, make that a few of them- without having someone have a running conversation with me about what is going on at her work and who said what to whom. Don't ask me how many times I've missed something that happened in the game after I finally gave up and listened to her. So you can imagine how strange it was for me to watch baseball and football and the only sound in the room besides the TV was dogs that were sound asleep. Absence does make the heart grow fonder but at the same time I think I could have held out for another week. ...Look at Alex Rodriguez go! He's so desperate to avoid that 211 game ban that he's suing everyone in sight. So far he's going after Major League Baseball (which they expected) and just to make his lawyers work more he's suing Doctor Chris Ahmad, who happens to be the Yankees team doctor and the New York Presbyterian/Columbia University Medical Center because they did not validate his parking when he went there for treatment. So far the Yankees themselves have not been sued but tomorrow starts another working week so you just never know. ...Of all the baseball that I watched last week on the MLB Network there was one stat that stood out the most for me and that was that seven out of the ten top payroll teams in baseball did not even make the playoffs this year and for any of us that follow this game as close as a lot of us do in here that should not surprise anyone. ...Larry Beinfest, the President of baseball operations for the Miami Marlins was fired by owner Jeffery Loria just days before the Marlins finished up their third consecutive last-place season in the NL East. After twelve years with the team this is probably the best thing that's happened to him in a long time. Last off season Loria had him trade away his best players and when they didn't win this year it was Beinfest's fault. Pretty soon Loria's not going to have anyone there to fire but himself. ...An up in Quebec, they are laughing. ...I wonder if the Phillies heard through the baseball grapevine that the Cubs were going to fire Dale Sveum as soon as the season ended and it was one of the reasons why they made Ryne Sandberg their permanent manager? ...As bad as the Oakland Raiders have started out this year they are still doing better than the winless Jacksonville Jaguars. The other week they even trie to entice fans to come to the game as they promised them two free beers if they just bought a ticket. I'm not sure how well that promotion worked out for them because some fans can knock off two beers on the way to their seat, but I give them credit for trying. Their season is going so bad that some fans have set up a web page for the Jags to sign Tim Tebow and during last Sunday's loss to the Colts a plane flew over the stadium carrying a sign that said TEBOW,WHY NOT? Why not indeed. Their season was over before it started. Nothing that Tebow can or can not do will change anything. ...Speaking of beer I read an article last week that drinking it could be good for your health because there is a high content of Vitamin B in it and that in turn is good for your bones. If that's true then the drunks that you see at sporting events are the healthiest people in the world. ...Because the Oakland Athletics are going to be hosting a divisional playoff game later today the NFL game between the visiting San Diego Chargers and the Raiders has been moved to 8:35 pm Pacific time, or 11:35 p.m. Eastern time. The reason for this is that the Oakland grounds crew needed more time to get the stadium ready after the baseball game is completed. I've got no problem with that because I'm sure it's not an easy procedure to convert a baseball field over to football dimensions. But the NFL knew the Athletics were in the playoffs over a week ago and that they'd be hosting the first two game in their series. Wouldn't it have made sense for them to switch the game to San Diego and then later on in the season when the Chargers are to host the Raiders (on December 22nd in week 16) play that game in Oakland? With this late start on the west coast those fans in that part of the country are finally going to feel what it's like to watch a game when it starts that late. Good luck for them staying up to the end. ...I find it funny that football fans think that NFL commissioner Roger Goodell is so terrible because he wants to expand the playoffs to fourteen teams. Any baseball fan could tell them that he got this idea from watching Bud Selig water down baseball's post season over the years. This new proposal in scheduling would cut the pre-season down to three games but because there would be one less game in August another playoff team in each conference would be added. It's all about the money. Better to charge higher ticket prices for a game in January then to a game in the summer that no one cares about anyway. ...I don't think taking away a pre-season game is going to help any team. Coaches use these games to evaluate players, get a first look at drafted rookies in game situations and make cuts. Having only three games won't help this at all. Picture ending spring training around the 15th of March after a couple weeks and going right into the season. Imagine the problems that will cause. When I was a kid the NFL had a fourteen game season and the pre-season was six games. I don't want to think how bad Goodell would have ruined that. Pete Rozelle messed it up enough when he added two games to the season. ...Why does it seem that the first thing people say to you after you just got a haircut is did you just get a haircut? And it doesn't matter if these are people that see you every day. They'll still ask that same question. I always wished that I could come up with a funny comeback but I've never been able to. ...A few years back we put our home telephone number on something called a no-call list and for those of you who do not know what it is it's something that is supposed to stop unwanted sales calls and it works as well as a redneck trying to stay away from a yard sale. They still keep coming, especially the one that starts out with "there's no problem with your credit card..." and then they tell you to press one now to talk to a sales associate. One time I actually stayed on the line to ask these people not to call me again and I was surprised to learn that I was talking to someone from Bank of America and the reason why I was surprised was that we don't have a charge card or any kind of account with them. The lady that I talked to said they would be glad not to call me back but apparently she forgot our conversation as soon as we hung up with each other because the calls keep coming. ...Something similar like that happened last year to me when I turned on my cell phone and was amazed to see that there were eight voice messages for me. I don't use my cell phone every day. In fact I can go a whole month without turning it on. That's how little I use it. When people need to get in touch with me they use our land line number or they send me e-mail. After checking these messages I discovered that they were from collection agencies that were looking for someone named Donald Robinson, which I explained to them that I was not the guy they were looking for and that I didn't know him either. What I didn't understand was that how they got my cell phone number because I have had the same number for years now. What I'm telling you here happened in May of 2012. I spent one hour on the phone talking to these two different collection companies telling them what I knew about this guy, which was nothing. Both of these places agreed not to call me again and I thanked them and wished them well in finding this guy. For a long time I heard nothing back - until this spring when the voice messages started again. This time I just deleted them without calling them back. They must think I'm hiding Donald Robinson from them out in my shed in the backyard. ...Without a doubt the Pirate fan that was the happiest to see his team beat the Reds in the National League wild-card game Tuesday night was that guy who interfered with that home run that Shin-Soo Choo clobbered in the eighth inning. There was some question if it was a home run but once that guy tried to catch it and then dropped it, the umpires saw it went into the stands. TBS showed the guy three or four times after the play was over and had Cincinnati come back to win that game people would have known what he looked like and they'd have thrown him in the river. ...You really got to give the Atlanta Braves credit for keeping Dan Uggla off their NLDS playoff roster against the Dodgers. Sure he only hit .179 for them this year and only collected 80 hits for the entire season, 22 of them home runs and he had 55 RBI. One would think with a player like that you would keep him off the post season roster in a split second and move on. But Uggla's also raking in thirteen million dollars this year which makes him Atlanta's highest paid player. Most teams would feel pressured to keep someone like that on their roster. This is Uggla's third year of a five-year, $62 million contract. One would hope he has a little nest egg growing because if he keeps on hitting like this no one, least of all the Braves, are going to sign him after it runs out. ...Nick Swisher went 0 for 4 with two strikeouts for the Indians in the American League wild-card game Wednesday night against the Rays and if you would have run into any Yankee fan before the game they would have told you that this is exactly what to expect out of Swisher once the post season rolls around. ...Last week a woman who owns a bar near Wrigley Field took a break from running her business to go dumpster diving in a trash bin outside Wrigley Field because she spotted a pile of Ron Santo memorabilia in there that the Cubs accidentally threw away. These were the same items that a Cubs representative told a local radio station were already retrieved by the team and being held on to but later on in the week admitted to the Chicago Tribune that they had no idea where the memorabilia had disappeared to. It's unclear as to when these items were thrown out or even who in the Cubs front office made a determination to throw this stuff out. I mean they could have stored the Santo remembrances in their trophy case. They have plenty of room in there. ...At the beginning of last week former Cleveland Browns quarterback Bernie Kosar was pulled over by police on suspicion of drunk driving. After checking his license and registration the police put Kosar through a series of tests, which he all failed miserably. He couldn't recite the alphabet or pursue an object with his eyes and then when the officer asked him if he had any problems that would prevent him from standing on one leg or walking and turning, Kosar told him that he's had several surgeries on his knees and ankles because his offensive line couldn't block for him during his playing days. This makes for a funny story, I won't deny that but I guarantee you that the next day there were a whole lot of Browns fans who had no trouble believing Kosar's story that he told to the cops. The police apparently didn't since they charged him with a DUI and they advised him to stay away double whiskeys and offensive lines in the future when he was going to be behind the wheel. The next day his lawyer entered a not guilty plea on his behalf. Good luck with that. ...For those of you that come in here each week to read these postings I am sure you have noticed the lack of political conversation in here and that's because I don't follow what's going down in Washington at all. About the only time that I do is when I bring up the Palins and that's only when Sarah and company are doing something stupid up in America's Wasteland. That being said even a political inactivist like me knew about the government shutdown last week although I have no idea why it happened or what caused it. To take the time to learn about it would have required me to do some reading and put some time in watching CNN and this time not just for looking at Ashley Banfield. Blame it on the baseball playoffs because I did neither and I don't regret it one bit. ...I've heard the Dodgers say more than once that they are not interested in signing Robinson Cano when he becomes a free agent next month which of course makes me think they're going to go after him. Don't misunderstand. I hope they get him because I'd love to see nothing more than watching him loaf down the line at Chavez-Ravine next year than at Yankee Stadium. ...Here's my wish list for the divisional series match-ups: Tampa Bay, Oakland, Pittsburgh and Atlanta.
  6. Yankee4Life

    Name Please

    I've heard it pronounced both ways. Mike Ep-STINE and Mike Ep-STEEN. Take your pick.
  7. Here in week six we feature a modder who has made 1960's Total Classics a huge hit and another modder who is well known for his superior cyberface creating ability and helpful tutorial work over the years. Stecropper Anyone who has played a Total Classics mod from the 1960's are already familiar with stecropper's work. The baseball seasons from that decade are his favorites and we are fortunate to have five of the ten years from that time period in the the total classics collection. He has taken his time making these season mods and the result is some of the best total conversion work available on this website. Total Classics *61 (with Sandman). Total Classics 1962. Total Classics 1964. Total Classics 1967. Total Classics 1969. Cyberface screenshots of each 504 Originals in Mvp. Cyberface screenshots of each 504 Originals in Mvp. (For modders use.This is a compilation of Screenshots for the 504 different Cyberfaces that exist in the original Models.big file that comes with MVP Baseball 2005. This file is useful for several functions including easily identifying facial structures to use for Cyberface Modders. Two different links are provided here because each download is different from the other.) Homer We are lucky here on this website that we have some very good cyberface makers and Homer is among one of the very best there is. Much of his work can already be found in past conversion mods as well as Mvp 2012 and 2013. He has released individual cyberfaces as well as his cyberface packs that have been used with the BaseUp! Rosters. Along with his impressive work with cyberfaces Homer has taken the time to create instruction tutorials and videos for people who want to learn how to mod themselves but who are unsure of how to begin. Audio Tutorial. Mvp 05 Uniform Slots. Homer's Cyberface Tutorial Videos. 2x Face Textures. Nick Franklin Cyberface.
  8. Joba was unbelievable when he first came up. You know how you see good, young pitchers come up for other teams? Well that's what happened for the Yankees when they brought him up in 2007 and before you knew it he was useless. Today is his last game in a Yankee uniform and I am glad about that. Cano is already 30 years old right now. In fact he is going to be 31 next month. And he wants a ten year contract? Show him the door. Teixeira is another in a long line of free agents that did great before becoming a Yankee but when they get on this team they forget how to hit. Cashman does have a lot of work to do and it won't be done in one off season.
  9. It is always nice to see people come back to the site for a visit. Yeah, I agree with you. This place has really changed. These new people don't post much and I have no idea why they don't. We never worried about that years ago. The shoutbox became restricted when new people to the site would use that as a place to get technical support instead of creating threads. I still recall spending a day and a half with one guy who did not know how to install two copies of the game on his hard drive. Now the shoutbox is for contributors, modders and staff members. It cuts down on the flooding. No way man. You couldn't hold a candle to me. I used to be a big Yankees homer myself and now I don't give a sh** anymore. That's from years of watching them choke in the playoffs. And I am not too happy with them not doing anything about Robinson Cano, who has no idea what it means to hustle. It was very hard watching class acts like Mariano Rivera and Andy Pettitte leave. They are tough to replace and I think we have some lean years ahead of us. I'm also done with Phil Hughes too. And you can add Joba Chamberlain, Curtis Granderson, Robinson Cano, Alex Rodriguez and Mark Teixeira to that list too. Time to clean house? You bet.
  10. Updated to 9-29 ...I'll be living the bachelor's life this week because my wife is in Dallas visiting her sister. Since she lives 1,500 miles away from her family she always wants people to come and visit her and when she offered to buy my wife her plane ticket she said yes so fast just in case she remembered that she had something else to do. If I wanted to go my plane ticket would have been taken care of too but as I was quick to explain to them someone had to remain behind and watch and care for the dogs. Thank God that person was me and after looking disappointed for a little while I had them believing that I really did want to go but I am remaining home because "someone had to do it." Sure, I'll travel all that way just to spend a week with two women who want to do nothing but shop. It's going to be a struggle here all by myself this week but I will try and hang in there. Wish me luck! ...I didn't want to get her worked up before her flight. My wife is not afraid of flying but she is afraid of snakes but not nearly as much as I am. So when I read an article about the Boeing 747 flight from Sydney, Australia to Tokyo that was grounded because someone found a snake near the doorway of the plane, I kept my mouth shut. Chances are if she would have heard about that she would have made me drive her to Texas. ...It was a week ago today that the Yankees held their ceremony to honor Mariano Rivera and while they showed him a lot of love and did many nice things for him there was something about it that just didn't seem right to me. I liked how they brought back some of his old teammates like Bernie Williams and Jorge Posada and manager Joe Torre and that he was the first player to get his number retired by the Yankees while he was still playing. The pièce de résistance was a Waterford crystal statue of his game glove which had to cost them a lot of money. Most of the things given to Rivera that day were checks made out to his foundation. All in all it was a very nice way to honor the man who was most responsible for the five championships the Yankees have won since 1996. However, thinking back on something that happened ten years ago it made me feel that the Yankees could have done more for him. It was back in 2003 that Roger Clemens announced his retirement and the Yankees, who were dumb enough to believe him, gave him a special day just as they did for Rivera last week. They went all out for Clemens as they gave him a Hummer to bring home to Texas and sent him and his wife on an all-expense paid vacation, among other things. His wife even got gifts for herself too. A few months later Clemens had a change of heart and decided to pitch for Houston in 2004 and did not retire for good until 2007. That's what I thought was missing here. If anyone deserves to be given stuff like this it is Rivera. I have no doubt that when it is time for Captain Twenty Million to hang them up the Yankees are going to go overboard with the gifts that they give him just to make themselves look good and to give Jeter a departing a$$ kissing before he goes home to Tampa. ...Good move by the Philadelphia Phillies to retain Ryne Sandberg as manager and giving him a three year contract beginning next year. It did not take them long to realize that they made a mistake thirty-one years ago when they traded him to the Cubs. They weren't going to make the same one again. ...Apple is one company that I have never cared for but when they released their gold iPhone -a device that does everything that a white iPhone does and nothing more- I had to give them a lot of credit because they knew that people would have to have it based on the color alone. And they were right. When the new iPhones went on sale nine days ago the demand for them was so great that stores literally were selling out in record time and for the people unlucky enough not to get their hands on one and who were too impatient to wait for the next shipments due to arrive next month they have engaged in online bidding wars in attempts to get one. In fact one ebay seller sold a single, unopened and unlocked 16GB gold Apple iPhone to someone for $10,000. Usually only crows and magpies and babies are fooled into going after shiny toys. It didn't take long for Apple to figure out that some adults can be too. ...Every year I say to myself that this is the year I am going to tune into the Emmy Awards just because I've never seen them and every year I never do it, usually because I find something more interesting to do. This year's excuse was a book that I could not put down and after hearing about it the next day I am glad I didn't watch it. I don't know if this is done every year but this show honors actors and actresses who have passed away during the year and with some they have individual segments to honor them. Granted with so many people that pass on during the year they can't single out everyone but Hollywood legends like Jack Klugman and Larry Hagman were pushed aside just so they can honor Cory Monteith, a thirty-one year old actor who died in July of a drug overdose. I don't know anything about this guy or even know what show (s) he was on but to give special tribute to a drug addict who overdosed is typical of Hollywood but I think I understand why. Klugman was 90 years old and Hagman was 81. They'd rather spotlight on someone younger just for the ratings. When it's Emmy time next year I won't even make an attempt to watch it. ...Some people should never be allowed outside Dept:My wife has a Samsung Galaxy S4 phone that she purchased from Best Buy back in July and lately she noticed that the back of her phone was getting very hot and we went back there last week to have someone look at it. After we arrived we were directed to the Geek Squad area to wait for someone to look at the phone. What should have been a problem that once it was looked at could have been taken care of in fifteen minutes, tops. But because of the lady that was ahead of us we were there for ninety minutes, which was the combined time it took for Best Buy to take care of her and help out my wife. That woman was there to pick up her laptop and she also purchased the latest version of Microsoft Office that she was going to have them install for her. This is when the fun began. At one point she had to provide her e-mail address. She didn't know it. And then she asked the technician if he knew it. Just by the look on his face you could tell that this had to be the stupidest question that he ever heard. Little did he know that this woman was just getting warmed up. After checking around in her phone for a few minutes the e-mail question was answered and the same problems arose when she had to put in her password. She didn't know it and I should also add neither did the guy helping her. She had to phone home and ask someone there what her password was. Again I stole a glance at the technician and I saw the concern in his eyes because a line was starting to form behind us. After hanging up with whomever she was talking to she asked if she will be able to view her Word and Excel documents after Office was installed. Finally I said to myself, an easy question that this guy can answer. When she heard that she could indeed view her documents she then asked -honest to God- what Microsoft Office was, which prompted more questions. Dealing with this woman must have been as much fun as a baseball bat to the head for this poor tech. Finally two other Geek Squad people were called out from the back to help out with the crowd and that is how we managed to escape from there because if we would have stayed any longer they'd have charged us rent. ...Why do supermarkets even bother to have express lanes for people that have fifteen items or less when they completely ignore it and the store looks the other way when it happens? ...When the Yankees were eliminated last Wednesday night from making the playoffs I didn't feel any disappointment, I wasn't angry and I certainly didn't think about it for days afterward, which is something that I would customarily do over and over in the past. It was a tough year and that's not even bringing up all the injuries that they had, so I won't. Watching Mariano Rivera one last time made this season worth it because nothing else came close and that includes lazy, self-centered Robinson Cano. He wants a thirty million dollar a year payday next year? I can identify with that because that's exactly how much I want but at least I know I'm not getting it. Thirty million dollars a year for a guy who can't be bothered to run to first base like he really means it? I really think the Yankees told Joe Girardi not to say anything to Cano about this because they didn't want to make him mad at them before contract talks. I really don't think there is any other explanation...Oh, and C.C. Sabathia said that he will be the same ace he's always been. That means when the Yankees really need him to win a game he won't. I feel better already...What to do about Alex Rodriguez? Who knows, but his hearing starts tomorrow. I'm hoping for the best and expecting nothing...At least when we start talking about real, live baseball again in February Phil Hughes and Joba Chamberlain will be making fans on some other team mad at them...Already a bright spot for next year. ...Look for the positive, look for the positive. And there it is! Bud Selig is retiring after the 2014 season. And why not? He's done enough damage. ...The Yankee situation may be a mess but at least they don't have B.J. Upton to worry about. One season into a five-year, $75.25 million contract he is only hitting .184 for the Braves. ...Since September 4 the Pittsburgh Pirates have had a 12 - 11 record down the stretch and that is the reason why the Cardinals won the division and they didn't. Pirate fans should be happy they are in the post season again but they won't be there for long if they keep playing like they have been. ...For a long time now, ever since I have been a member of this website, I have played a little game with people's screen names. When I read the screen name I think of the first thing that pops into my mind about it based on what the name is. It doesn't work for all screen names however. Say for example PaulW, who is one of our modders. Well that's the man's name so it is kind of hard for me to picture a Paul W. But for other names, well, you'll see. Dylan Bradbury: Scary stories. Only because I immediately think of Ray Bradbury the writer. Oinkersthepig: I picture some guy with bags and bags of pork rinds around his computer. StormsWarning: Thunderstorms. Also, there's a book called Storm Warning by Jack Higgins, a favorite writer of mine. Fuzzone: Some kid who needs a shave. JoeRudi26: Well this one is a different. I don't picture the user. I picture the player himself and when I do he is making that famous catch in left field off of Denis Menke in the 1972 World Series. What a leap. AlcoholicStepfather: Yes there really is a member here by that name. I think of a guy sitting in a comfy chair drinking a lot of beer. MrDudleyDoWright: I think of the cartoon and the Canadian Mounties. UncleMo: Rhymes with Uncle Joe. As in Uncle Joe from Petticoat Junction. DustintheWin: That damn song by Kansas. Every time I hear it I think it will never end. Drovebykeptgoing: Some guy who drove by and kept going and didn't feel like picking someone up. ...If I were a Dodger fan and I was in San Francisco to watch my team I would not wear one thing that would be mistaken for Dodger Blue. And the same goes for Giants fans who travel to Los Angeles for a game. Keep the orange and black colored gear at home. It could mean your life. ...A few years back the father of my wife's friend had an extra ticket to a Buffalo Bills game and she asked my wife if she wanted to go with her. She agreed because she's never been to Rich Stadium before and also because the Bills were playing the Miami Dolphins, which is her favorite team. (She knows nothing about football and the reason why she likes the Dolphins is because she likes the colors of their uniform.) After she came home she was so upset because people were yelling at her for being a Dolphin fan and finally after being screamed at one too many times she goes up to the guy and tells him that she doesn't play for Miami, she's just wearing their jersey. I told her that the guy who was yelling at her must have had one too many beers two hours ago and if she ever gets a chance to go back she'll be wearing something that has no team insignia on it. She doesn't understand how team rivalries affect fans which is strange because she lives with me and she sees how I am when the Red Sox are on TV. After she told me about what she went through at that game she asked me if she would have had the same treatment had she went to a Raider game instead of a Buffalo game wearing her Dolphins jersey. I said you sure would and I'd be one of the people yelling at you. I reserve the right not to tell you what happened next.
  11. Using the 1969 mod. Philadelphia at Atlanta Hank Aaron just got under one. But Johnny Callison didn't. Here he homers off of Phil Niekro as the Phils behind Rick Wise shut out the Braves 2 - 0. A perfect bunt as shown by Cookie Rojas.
  12. All I want to know is that when every time you start your PS3 to play this game do you get a notification that some Yankee just got injured?
  13. That one was so life like it almost looked like a picture of the guy. This is the purpose of my modder spotlights. Jogar has eleven pages of his work in the download section and what I am trying to do by linking a few of the modder's work each week is to encourage people to check out their other contributions. You are no slouch yourself. Stay tuned.
  14. Good Lord. It sounds like an enormous gathering of bees. I watched all 11 plus minutes of it without the sound on full blast and that is still ringing in my ears.
  15. As we go to week number five we have two modders that are well known by everyone who plays Mvp baseball. Dylan Bradbury For the many dynasty players in here Dylan's work is very well known to them and his utilities that he created have been an invaluable tool for them in their dynasty play. His other specialty is the creation of accurate schedules for season mods. Schedule Generator. Schedules (1933-2005) Pitcher Rating Calculator. Batter Rating Calculator. Baseball Split Estimator. Jogar84 Where do you start with this modder? If you have played just about any season mod or total classic mod available here you have seen Jogar's work. His talent is cyberface making and his cyberfaces are so life-like and accurate that they are some of the most downloaded mods on the website. I have highlighted here his work on Yankee reliever Mariano Rivera. Check out the subtle differences in his 2007 version as compared to this year's version. That right there should give you an appreciation of his attention to detail. Besides creating cyberfaces Jogar has released audio enhancements for Mvp baseball. The Essential Cyberface Making Tutorial. Missing Audio for Mvp 12. Ichiro Face Mvp 12. Mariano Rivera (2007) Mariano Rivera (2013) Ryne Sandberg (2013) Manager's face.
  16. That reminds me of something. I'm sure you recall SeanO who used to come around here a lot. Well it was at that time during the World Cup that year that he was watching it too and every day he was talking about it in the shoutbox. He made it sound as exciting as a come-from-behind win by your favorite team day after day. Finally curiosity got the better of me and I watched the next game that was on. I have no idea who was playing but I gave it a shot. So I'm watching it and watching it and finally half time comes and I say to myself that this is as exciting as watching grass grow. But I keep on watching because I wanted to see what Sean was raving about and when the game ended I still was not able to figure out what was so good about it. Maybe that's why you are more open to this sport Jim because your daughter was and still is involved in it. That was her interest and your interest is your daughter so you learned to like the game as much as she did. I understand why you dislike hockey. There could be a nice pace of the game going on, a few good shots on goal that the goalie knocks away, the skate back down to the other end, etc and then all of a sudden for some reason it turns into the bleachers at Fenway Park out there. I think the main reason why I don't follow hockey a lot (and basketball for that matter) is because those two sports are winter sports and as a kid I was such a big baseball fan and when the season was over I missed it so much that I didn't want to involve myself in other sports. It was baseball for me all the way. Good Lord. My father-in-law, may he rest in peace, loved NASCAR and as a good son-in-law I tried to watch it with him but even that man who loved that sport so much would eventually nod off during the telecast. As soon as I saw that I left the room.
  17. Yeah, it was. From what I remember it was expensive to create and they had a hard time keeping costs down as compared to other systems that were around at the time. Then World Series Baseball moved over to the Dreamcast, which really was not bad.
  18. Wow Dennis, that's scary. How accurate is that? The Yankees don't waste any time getting hurt in video games either. Damn man, now I want to play Mvp 13 but I was up late last night and I'm getting tired. It's past midnight where I am and right now my pillow is outranking my gamepad. Thank you for this!
  19. Updated to 9-22 ...Last Monday the South Korean military shot and killed a man who was trying to swim across a river to North Korea. This was something that puzzled the soldiers at the Imjin River where the incident happened because on the rare instances that they see someone swimming in that river they are starting from the other direction. After the body was recovered and searched for the identity of the man they discovered his phone which was found in his coat near the water. Evidently one of the last things he did was consult Google Maps for directions which was why he was swimming towards the north. Obviously that app is still working out a few bugs. ...With all the beards the Red Sox players have they look like the sloppiest team in the major leagues. Unfortunately it did not prevent them from winning games and clinching the American League East. ...The Chicago City Council last week banned concealed weapons in all bars and restaurants that sell liquor. On the surface this sounds like a good idea since no one wants to go out to dinner knowing that the guy two tables over from you has a gun but many are doubting that the city can enforce the new rules and sadly they are probably right. It's not like this new law is going to be respected and followed to the letter by all the armed gang bangers. ...If you are anything like me you read articles about foods that are good and healthy for you to have and foods to stay away from. For instance anything from fast food places like McDonalds or Burger King should be avoided and since I have taken it upon myself to read more about healthy living I have never questioned nutritionists or doctors who recommend that you don't have a Big Mac or Whopper for lunch. But then when I read about the sixty-four year old man who for thirty years consumed ten Big Macs each week without fail, it really made me stop and question if these so-called nutrition experts know what they are talking about. That's 12,000 Big Macs that this guy knocked off in thirty years. I saw a picture of this guy who has done this for the past three decades and he's tall and thin and in shape or the exact opposite of what you'd expect. Now I'm not saying that starting this week I'm going to rid the world of ten Big Macs because if I did I'd regret it immediately the next time I stepped on a scale. The only thing that I can think of is this man's metabolism must work very well because the sodium in one of these sandwiches (1,070mg) is way more than anyone needs on a daily basis. And he did this ten times a week. ...Since Lindsay Lohan left her court-mandated ninety days in treatment recently she has managed to stay out of the headlines in her attempt to have a fresh start for both her career and personal life. Now that she's done that her mother is taking over the headlines for the family as she was recently arrested on drunk driving charges on Long Island, New York when she was caught driving 77 mph in a 55 mph zone and was found to be intoxicated during the routine stop. She was arrested and charged with DWI and Aggravated DWI with a blood alcohol content of .20 percent, which is more than twice the legal limit. And she also got a speeding ticket which was the reason she got in all this trouble in the first place. To top it off, when she got to the police station she claimed she was injured during her arrest. So the police called an ambulance and she was checked out and no injuries were found. As soon as she was informed of that she admitted she wasn't injured after all. What a piece of work. Now we know where Lindsay Lohan got it from. These people are trailer trash at its finest. ...The year-long engagement between Liam Hemsworth and Miley Cyrus has come to a screeching halt with Cyrus and her tongue going one way and Hemsworth going in the opposite direction with a huge smile on his face. This is what happens when one person has class and the other does not. When informed of her son's broken engagement Liam Hemsworth's mother was so happy that she passed out in her living room and had to be revived with smelling salts. ...As if New England Patriots cornerback Alfonzo Dennard wasn't in enough trouble already for assaulting a police officer and resisting arrest, he is now facing up to six years in prison for violating his probation from that incident when he was pulled over for drinking and driving. He is also looking at a possible league suspension for violating the NFL’s substance-abuse policy on top of this. If convicted, this will be the second player the Patriots will lose to the prison system this year. Maybe if he's lucky he can be sent to the same prison Aaron Hernandez is in and they can end up joining the football team. They'll still be in the slammer but what a hell of a team they'll have. ...Mswati III, the 45-year-old King of Swaziland (wherever the hell that is) chose an 18-year-old beauty pageant contestant as his 14th wife last week. That's not saying that is his fourteenth wife one after the other. This is his fourteenth wife at the same time while the other thirteen are out running around someplace. Some people are just gluttons for punishment. ...Did anyone here watch Under the Dome? I tuned in for all thirteen episodes just to wait for that Big Jim guy to get what's coming to him and in the series finale and they literally leave us hanging with Barbie until next summer when the fun starts again. ...A South Carolina woman was arrested and booked on a criminal domestic violence charge after she went after her roommate because the man would not stop playing music from The Eagles and after being forced to listen to Hotel California one too many times she grabbed some kitchen knives and cut the man on his arm, elbow and hand but fortunately for him he was not seriously injured. He's kind of lucky in a way that he was playing Eagles songs because if he had been listening to country music all that time he'd have been a goner. ...I am wondering how many nightmares that man in Zimbabwe, Africa is going to have now after spending the night in a lodge while an eight-foot crocodile was lying under his bed? The crocodile was discovered by a screaming housekeeping staff employee who went in the room to clean and change the sheets while the man was having his breakfast. It was believed that the crocodile came from a river nearby to the lodge but they are not sure how the animal managed to get into the room unless he brought his own key. This just proves that little kids knew what they were talking about all along. There really are monsters under the bed. ...And they wonder why people have been cancelling their reservations at that place. They must figure that the next time a crocodile is spotted there that one just might be in the mood to eat. ...There's a restaurant in Brooklyn that is offering something called a "silent dinner" to its patrons which is a $40 four-course meal and the only rule in place while you are having your meal is that you are not allowed to talk. People that do end up talking during dinner are reminded of the rule the first time and if they talk again they have to finish their dinners on a bench outside. The reasoning behind this is that the owner believes that in general restaurants have become louder than ever and by hosting these silent dinners it will teach people to focus on the taste and nutritional value of the food. At least that's the theory behind this and, if it happens to catch on there, these silent dinners will become a regular event. Well, to each his own but after hearing about this a few days ago I came away knowing one thing for certain. If my wife was there for dinner she's be out on one of those benches within five minutes. ...Never again will I complain about my neighbors after reading about that Long Island animal control officer who was arrested last Thursday for housing and selling 850 snakes that he was keeping in his garage. Among the snakes that he had in his possession were two six-foot-long Burmese pythons - the same kind of snake that strangled to death those two young Canadian boys as they were sleeping. These snakes are illegal in the Empire State which should prove to the remainder of the country that some laws in New York actually make sense. Long Island officials stumbled onto this setup after the deputy town attorney visited the man's home to see if he was committing workers’ compensation fraud. So when tomorrow morning comes and the next-door neighbors start slamming their doors at 6:00 a.m. to leave for work I'm not going to say a thing. At least they don't have any snakes. ...The more that I read about what happens at soccer games the more I am convinced that the game itself is slowly driving their fans nuts. As a lifelong fan of professional team sports I have tried a few times to understand and appreciate the game but every time that I have tried to embrace it I have come back discouraged because each time the results for me were the same. I found soccer boring. I'd rather listen to David Ortiz recite Shakespeare than be subjected to another soccer match. And that's what I think happens to their fans. Years of watching two teams run up and down a very long playing field listening to the thump-thump-thump of the ball as the players kick it around without hardly a score has done something to their heads. If one team manages to score a goal they may as well call the game right there because nothing's going to happen the rest of the way and everyone knows it and when rowdy fans know this they get angry. They throw trash on the field, they fight with themselves, they throw bottles at the referees and they start fires, just to name a few things. Which brings me to the subject at hand. During a game in a Brazilian league a team masseur stepped onto the field during a tie game and made two key saves near the end of a match to preserve the tie, allowing his team to advance to the competition's quarterfinals. After this happened all hell broke loose (see the youtube clip!) and the other team chased the masseur from the field and he was immediately put under police protection. Just another run of the mill soccer game. After the game the Brazilian sports tribunal removed the team from their league because of what this guy did. And by the way, I never knew that these teams had masseurs. Maybe the Yankees should employ one of these people just so Jeter can play in more than seventeen games next year. The funny part was that they actually needed a tribunal to decide what team should advance in their playoffs. Soccer? You can have it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hjPXJGtHgdw ...After today's 1:05 p.m. game with the Giants the Yankees have two short three game series' with Tampa Bay and Houston to end the season with and no matter how this ends up working out for them, whether they manage to sneak into a wild card spot or if they end up sitting out on October baseball it is going to be a sad ending for Yankee fans everywhere. It's been a well-known fact that this is Mariano Rivera's last season but all season long you could almost put that out of your mind for awhile because there were a lot of games to be played or at least that is how I looked at it. But now with seven games left starting with today's I am forced to look at the reality of the situation and what I see of it I don't like at all. Players retire all the time, it happens every year. Andy Pettitte's retiring too but when I heard that news I just shrugged my shoulders and immediately put it out of my mind. It's not like I dislike the him any less but after watching him this year I had a feeling he would leave and this time for good. Rivera's leaving the right way. Making us want more.
  20. Didn't that game have its beginnings on the old Sega Saturn system? I never got World Series Baseball until they made an x-box version of it. Then they changed the name to ESPN baseball.
  21. I loved Hardball, especially Hardball 3. That was out at the same time Tony Larussa Baseball 2 was out and I could not get enough of those two games.
  22. All I need to know is did you end up breaking anything because I would have.
  23. This file is no longer hosted on the website and that is why the file was reported as "broken." You won't be able to get this but there are other loading screens you can look at in the download section. You also responded to a thread that has been dormant for 2 1/2 years.
  24. Well daflyboys is pretty good with this stuff but I got to tell you that you have no idea how helpful you were just to provide information to say how and when you noticed the problem and you even did some searches, which is always appreciated. Here's hoping the next time you decide to post in here it will have nothing to do with problems with your game! Good luck and enjoy the Mvp 13 mod. Those guys did a great job.
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