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Everything posted by Yankee4Life

  1. Well I don't think it is possible for this mod to be made because of some of things you said. Modders have edited some stadiums but never have brought the fences in that close. And you can't do anything about the basepaths either. They are going to be 90 feet apart and that's another strike against this mod. Another thing that I believe is hard-coded into the game is that each team has 24 or 25 players, something like that. A little league team doesn't have that many. And speaking of rosters where do you propose getting them from? I don't know how Java or HTML is going to be of any assistance in creating a mod. This game is highly moddable but I don't think it was made for this in mind. But that's just how I see it from here.
  2. Babe Herman Babe Herman was born on Friday, June 26, 1903, in Buffalo, New York. Herman was 22 years old when he broke into the big leagues on April 14, 1926, with the Brooklyn Robins. When Babe Herman died in 1987 one headline said "Daffiest of the Dodgers." But Babe Herman, the daffiest Dodger, wasn't daffy at all. When he died the newspaper obits recalled his legendary exploits. The time at Ebbets Field a fly ball bounced off Babe's head and over the fence for a ground-rule double. The time he doubled into a double play. Babe never took issue with the sportswriters who etched the semi-fiction into stone with their typewriters. That fly ball never bounced off his head. It bounced off the head of teammate Al Tyson, who replaced Babe a few innings earlier. The official scorer failed to notice the substitution. True, a fly ball lost in the sun once bounced off Babe's shoulder, but as he explained at the time, "Shoulders don't count." He did double into a double play, but only because a teammate fell asleep between second and third and got passed by a hustling Babe. The cigar story is absolutely true. Babe was chomping on the cigar. Called to the phone, he stuffed the cigar into the breast pocket of his suit. After hanging up, he fished out the stogie and, without a match, puffed it back to life. Seems there was a spark smoldering in the ash of the seemingly-dead cigar. But that's not so much daffiness as a simple case of a man knowing his cigar. The funny stories almost make you forget that the Babe turned himself into an outstanding outfielder for the Dodgers, and that he could hit a baseball. Rogers Hornsby said Herman hit the ball harder than anyone. Al Lopez once said, "Babe swung a bat with more ease and grace than any man I ever saw." He was tall, 6-4, and a rangy player, but unlike the other Babe, Herman's swing wasn't an awesome power sweep. It was a rapier-like slash. Ty Cobb taught Herman to aim for the pitcher's forehead and let the hits fall where they may. One season, 1930, 241 of them fell. "People think Herman was a stupid clown when he was at the height of his career," Charlie Dressen once said. "I know different, because I played with him and also managed him. Let me tell you, Herman was a good outfielder. He could hit and throw. He was nobody's fool." Herman retired in 1945 with a career batting average of .324 with 181 home runs and 997 RBI.
  3. Glad you liked this week's edition Dennis and thank you for responding in here too. It's always nice when people do. I couldn't stand those spiral notebooks too and it was years after I was out of school when I finally found those kind of notebooks made for lefties. I would have loved to go in that place to look around because I know I would have come out of there with a few goodies for myself. There's a left handed store in San Francisco that seems to sell a lot of stuff but you really got to take a close look at it. A lot of items are overpriced and a lot of them I wouldn't buy even if they sold them at Staples.
  4. This mod has not been on this site in many years.
  5. Using the Mvp 13 mod and playing the All-Star Game. Melky Cabrera makes a great catch in centerfield. Uploaded with ImageShack.us Justin Verlander's quick toss to Prince Fielder gets Cabrera on a close play. Uploaded with ImageShack.us Rafael Furcal homers off of Justin Verlander. Uploaded with ImageShack.us
  6. I love these uniforms.
  7. Updated to 8-18 ...Former Cardinal player Jack Clark and his co-host got themselves fired last week from their radio show after they came out and accused former Cardinals first baseman Albert Pujols and Tigers pitcher Justin Verlander of taking PED's. Pujols was so upset to learn about this that he threatened to sue both Clark and the radio station, thus prompting the firing. This is something to remember in case this comes up again sometime down the road because Clark has insisted his information he has on Pujols is accurate and if by some chance Pujols is tested positive in the future it will be Clark who will have a real basis for a lawsuit. What strikes me odd is how adamant Pujols has become about these charges now that he can't hit anything like he used to. ...The Yankees fined Alex Rodriguez almost 154 thousand dollars for missing a meeting with baseball officials last month and for seeking a second medical opinion on his quad injury without notifying the team first. This will really teach him and show him that the Yankees mean business by taking this much money away from someone who's making twenty-eight million in one year. ...I was talking to a friend of mine last week about our favorite subject, baseball. And inevitably the subject turned to Alex Rodriguez. He then asked me a hypothetical question that I had a very hard time answering and even when I gave him my answer I still wasn't sure if it was the right one. He said to me that he knew I was happy with the suspension he got and even if he was suspended for life I still wouldn't care. He then added that since he's appealing the decision he'll be playing for the rest of the year. Before I had a chance to nod my head and ask him what his point was that is when he laid the bomb. He went on to ask me how I would feel if Rodriguez started hitting like a madman and the Yankees went on a long winning streak which lead them to clinching a playoff spot and he even continued hitting in the post season until the Yankees won the World Series. Would you change your opinion about Alex Rodriguez if this happened?? I was about to reply and then I stopped. I hesitated and then realized I didn't know what to say. Another Yankee championship I thought. It's been four long years. But I can't stand that Rodriguez. I can't forget that. At the same time though he does lead them to this year's World Series title. I asked him how long he'd let me think about it because I was trying to get out of answering the question but he knew what I was trying to do so I finally told him that I would feel exactly the same about him and he told me I was full of it, which was not the first or last time someone's told me this. But then I got to thinking about this conversation as I was driving home and I started thinking to myself "come on you *&$#*, start hitting." ...If you are an iPhone user, mark down September 10th on your calendars because that is the date that Apple is supposed to introduce the latest version of the popular phone that a lot of people have because everyone else does. Some of the improvements this phone will have will be a faster processor, longer battery life, and an improved camera. In other words the iPhone will now have features that other phones have already had for a long time. Hurry and get in line. You have less than a month. ...While on the subject of phones, it was revealed last week that North Korea was coming out with their own smart phone which is called the Arirang. Because this phone is being manufactured there not much is know about it except that it runs Google's Android operating system, has a touchscreen and that it features a camera in the back of it. That's it. However, if we end up finding out down the line which patents were stolen to make this phone we would know more about it. ...If for some reason you ever wanted to run with the bulls like they do annually in Spain you are going to get the chance to do just that without traveling to Europe. Beginning August 24th in Richmond, Virginia the The Great Bull Run will be held in various cities around the country. If you can't make it to this one don't worry because there's going to be one in Atlanta in October and in Houston in December. What happened? Isn't NASCAR dumb enough anymore to keep these rednecks interested ? I'd like to see how fast one of them runs with one of those bulls behind them as they try to open up a can of beer. ...All joking aside you know this isn't going to end well. Injury lawyers must be salivating already. ...I like to think that I am generally a pretty patient person but there is one place that has my number every single time I'm there and they don't even know it. As a pet owner every once in awhile I have to take my dogs to the vet for their annual checkups and shots. What makes it so frustrating about being there is that you have to wait in line to give them your name and what you are there for. Then you have to take a seat while you wait for them to call your pet's name so you can go to an examining room. After the technician is done looking over the dog you have to wait for the vet to come in to repeat what the tech told you twenty minutes ago just in case you forgot. After you're done with the vet you have to go back out to the waiting room to wait for the receptionist to call your name this time instead of the dog's so you can pay the bill. It varies each time how long I have to wait but the average for me is close to ninety minutes. Last Tuesday when all this was happening to me I got out of there in fifty-seven minutes and for those people that is the equivalent of moving right along. How these people are able to accommodate all the scheduled appointments during the day is beyond me because I've never seen a group of people move so slow and look so busy at the same time. ...Here is something I don't understand. Oprah Winfrey is sorry that a media frenzy emerged after saying she experienced racism during a trip to Switzerland. What happened was while she was there she decided to go shopping and she went into a very expensive boutique and as she explained she asked to see a handbag that was priced at $38,000. She went on to say that the clerk told her she could not afford the purse because she said she was not dressed at the time like someone who could afford the steep price tag of the item because at the time she was dressed like a shopper at Walmart. Since she knows damn well that the media believes and eats up everything she says how could she say in all honesty that she didn't expect them to run with it and keep talking about it? If she really didn't want this to happen she would have never brought it up to begin with. ...International Left-Handers Day was held last week on August 13th and it was an event that was once again not recognized or celebrated in my home even though fifty percent of the residents living here are left handed. Even after all this time I have not figured out if it is more of an advantage or disadvantage to being left handed. Basically it is how you look at it. You sure as hell don't get any breaks if you want to purchase any left handed items. Years ago I bought a left handed keyboard online for $125 and it wasn't one of those special keyboards either. You could have got the same one for under $25 had it not been specially made. And buying a left handed mouse? I couldn't pull the trigger on that one because I'm not spending over seventy dollars for one. So there are disadvantages. On the other hand I have my computer set up to be left handed dominant. My mouse is programmed for a left handed user and it's on the left side of my left handed keyboard. Sometimes people whom I really don't want to use my computer ask me if they can use it and I immediately tell them sure, go right ahead. Ten minutes later they come downstairs and tell me they can't do anything because I have everything "the opposite of how it is supposed to be." I may not celebrate this day once a year but that doesn't mean I don't have my silent celebrations. ...You can always tell a good book because that is the one you keep returning to every so often. For me, To Kill a Mockingbird is that book. ...I was reading a Time magazine article last week that was about a study that said men wanted women to chip in when they went out on dates but were afraid to bring it up. The first thing I said to myself was what took so long for these people to have this study? When I was taking out the girl that is now my wife I paid for everything because I was told that was the right way to do things. So that's what I did and I would put some money away before a date and if I had to, go without a little after it. That's how it was when I was single and believe me there were times I wish it wasn't. One time she did actually say that she wanted to pick up the tab for our dinner but I told her that she didn't have to because I had it covered and it was no problem. Then she told me that the next time we went out she wanted the check and when the time came for the next dinner bill to be paid she must have had paralysis in the hands because I paid for that one too. ...Brother can you spare a meal, Dept: Last week two hungry Chicago men entered a restaurant and demanded food from the owner when they threatened him with a gun. The owner, who was concerned for the safety of his customers, told the men to come back in an hour because by that time the other people there will have already departed. Believe it or not that's what they did and when they returned sixty minutes later with their appetites in tow they were met by Chicago's finest, who were there waiting for them. So instead of running off with their stolen steak and potato dinners they were arrested and taken away. The food must have been really good there if they agreed to return. I can't wait for this to be talked about on "America's Dumbest Criminals". ...What the hell is in the water in India? If you are a female you are not safe there and it doesn't matter how old you are. ...I'd like to say thank you to the Texas Rangers, a team that I have never had a nice thing to say about until now. That's because they released Manny Ramirez last week from their AAA team in the Pacific Coast League after he hit .259 with three home runs and thirteen RBI in thirty games. With lousy numbers like this not even the Yankees are going to be stupid enough to sign him next. ...Mets pitcher LaTroy Hawkins took the mound against the Dodgers last Wednesday night without wearing a protective cup even though he knew the potential -and painful- risks of not wearing one. Sure enough that is what happened when a ground ball hit off the bat of Jerry Hairston hit him right in the spot where no baseball is ever meant to go. Down went Hawkins and by some miracle he was able to make the play and throw out Hairston and even was able to take two warm-up pitches after the play was over before being taken out of the game. It's a miracle to me that the guy was even able to make the play let alone take warm-up throws afterwards. I've heard of taking one for the team but this is ridiculous.
  8. This seems like an odd problem and immediately I am wondering if you installed it wrong, but let me see. Now you are saying that you uninstalled the Mvp 13 mod and when you try to reinstall the game you still have the Mvp 13 mod? This I can't figure out. What are you trying to reinstall? The game off the CD or something else? And just for curiosity's sake why did you want to uninstall the Mvp 13 mod?
  9. May as well try to contribute to this thread again. For newer users this was a thread where you would post a mini-biography of any player and basically present it any way you'd like to. This thread right here shows you all the players that have already been detailed in this thread. I'll resume this with one of the best hitters from the 70's and early 80's. Rod Carew Rod Carew played from 1967 to 1985 for the Minnesota Twins and the California Angels and was elected to the All-Star game every season except his last. In 1991, Carew was inducted into the National Baseball Hall of Fame. While Carew was never a home run threat (only 92 of his 3,053 hits were home runs), he made a career out of being a consistent contact hitter. He threw right handed and batted left handed. Carew won the American League's Rookie of the Year award in 1967 and was elected to the first of 18 consecutive All-Star game appearances. Carew stole home seven times in the 1969 season to lead the major, just missing Ty Cobb's Major League record of eight and the most in the major leagues since Pete Reiser stole seven for the Brooklyn Dodgers back in 1946. Carew's career total of 17 steals of home currently puts him tied for 17th on the list with former New York Giant MVP Larry Doyle and fellow Hall of Famer Eddie Collins. In 1972, Carew led the American League in batting, hitting 3.18 and remarkably, without hitting a single home run for the only time in his career. Carew is to date the only player in the American League or in the modern era to win the batting title with no home runs. In 1975 Carew joined Ty Cobb as the only players to lead both the American and National Leagues in batting average for three consecutive seasons. In the 1977 season, Carew batted .388, which was the highest since Boston's Ted Williams hit .406 in 1941, and won the American League's Most Valuable Player. Carew was elected to the Baseball Hall of Fame in 1991, his first year of eligibility, the 22nd player so elected. In 1999 he ranked #61 on The Sporting News' list of 100 Greatest Baseball Players, and was nominated as a finalist for Major League Baseball's All-Century Team. Voted into the Hall of Fame (1991). He was also named the Roberto Clemente Award winner (1977) by Major League Baseball as the player who best exemplifies the game of baseball, sportsmanship and community involvement. He was only the third person to have his uniform (#29) retired by two teams.
  10. What I can gather this guy needs instructions on how to install the Mvp 13 mod so if there is anyone out there that knows Spanish please try to give him a hand.
  11. Good black and white screen grab of Joe Jackson.
  12. These two are from the 1946 season mod. Stan Musial Warren Sphan
  13. I don't think Legends of the Booth is really made for a modern day season mod. Let me go check. EDIT: Ok, I checked. Now did you download the mod from right here? Because if you notice there is a very detailed readme file that is included with this mod. (It was a huge mod to create.) Now look at this part: Although you may install this audio mod into any of your existing mods, it assumes you are currently using the stock audio files from a clean installation. Specifically, you need to have the original stadium headers as well as team name headers in order for these to come out correctly. Are you sure you did this?
  14. I got a question for you. Now you are using the Legends of the Booth mod and you want to edit some of the names. I get that part. What season mod did you install this mod into?
  15. Very nice. I especially liked the Walter Johnson one.
  16. That's not bad at all. But keep in mind that there is a problem with getting player photos from this era. You won't find hi-resolution pictures. Either the pictures will be black and white, too small or the color will be grainy.
  17. You don't have to do hardly anything. Here is the link for Imageshack. When you are on the site you upload an image that is on your computer and it does the work for you. It will generate a link for you and that is it.
  18. What do you mean? There's no effort in doing this. You say you have them on your PC, so just go to imageshack and upload them and that site will host your photo and you just post the link here and then we'll see it. Takes literally a few seconds to do this.
  19. Read this thread. Jim825 answered the question Rdneck41 had. And don't type in caps because that doesn't look good. Good luck in getting this fixed the way you want it.
  20. No. The picture you have is fine. That utility is outdated and really should not be used anymore. There are other utilities here that will make your CTS screen without having Mvp 06 splashed on it. That's entirely up to you.
  21. I have some suggestions for you and I hope you understand where I am coming from. 1. Don't announce every little thing you are doing as you create this mod. What you plan to include in the mod should be a pleasant surprise once the mod is finally released to the community. You decide what the CTS screen should be. You decide what photos to use in the loading screens, etc, etc. I would not release any more details until the mod is done. The uniforms that you have already released look good so it seems you have that covered. 2. I think you picked a fantastic year to do a mod. Four twenty game winners in Baltimore, the last year of the Senators, the Clemente-lead champion Pirates, the Athletics, who were just getting ready to break out, etc, etc. A good year. 3. There has to be other CTS creators in the download section. Just by looking at the black and white photo you have there I can tell you used a utility that compmaniac made some years ago because it says Mvp baseball 2006. You don't need that in your mod. Other than that good luck.
  22. Updated to 8-11 ...I was glued to the television last Monday afternoon when the Biogenesis suspensions were announced and had a big smile on my face when I heard that you-know-who got a 214 game ban. That didn't last long however when I heard that the Yankees activated Rodriguez that same day and that he would be appealing his suspension which probably means the Yankees will be stuck watching him ground out for the rest of the season. If somehow he does not have to miss the entire season next year he should consider himself lucky and I have a bad feeling that this is what is going to happen. I just hope when the arbitrator's decision comes up later on this year Rodriguez fights the urge to plant himself in front of a microphone and cameras and apologize to everyone because that's what he did in 2009. Some people believed him then. Very few will now. ...Believe it or not there was one thing worse than having Alex Rodriguez suit up and play on the same day he was suspended and that was witnessing what Robinson Cano pulled in the first inning at Chicago. Cano hit a sharp line drive that the White Sox left fielder initially misplayed but was still able to recover in time to throw him out on a very close play at second base as he was trying to stretch the hit into a double. Replays showed that Cano did his usual jog out of the batter's box and didn't turn it on until it was too late and instead of putting himself in scoring position he ran the Yankees out of an inning by not hustling. And people look at me like I am crazy when I tell them I hope he is on another team next year. ...Of all the names that were banned last week the only one that really bothered me was Francisco Cervelli's. I've always liked how he played even though he's been the kind of player that could not shake that string of bad luck of getting injured for months at a time. It would not shock me at all to learn that he's played his last game in a Yankee uniform because of this and if this is the case it is too bad. ...Even Johnny Damon had his say about Rodriguez's situation when he said that the Yankees 2009 World Series title would be diminished if it were discovered that Rodriguez was using performance-enhancing drugs during that post season. If you notice he said absolutely nothing about the 2004 Champion Red Sox who won with PED users Manny Ramirez and David Ortiz. Of all people to open his mouth Damon shouldn't have been one of them. ...I liked what Nelson Cruz of the Rangers said as he tried to explain his involvement in Biogenesis after accepting his fifty game suspension last week. He said that he "made an error in judgment" and I immediately thought that if any of the other twelve players that were banned considered saying this too. Whatever Cruz did was no mistake on his part. It's his free agent year and he knew exactly what he was doing when he got himself involved with Biogenesis and it was to put himself in a position to get more money in his walk year while at the same time hoping he would not get caught. So much for that. ...One thing about the Red Sox is that they have the ability to draft pitchers that end up helping them in their rotation. Guys like Felix Doubront and Clay Buchholz are two pitchers any team would be happy to see in their rotation and I'm saying this even though Buchholz has been on the disabled list for awhile now. And then you take a glance at the Yankees and you see pitchers like Joba Chamberlain and Phil Hughes, two players who have never lived up to expectations and whose hype completely overshadowed their talents on the mound. It remains to be seen if someone like David Phelps will end up being more then just a roster space like these two have been. ...Hey Captain Twenty Million! Go grab a fork and stick it in you. You're done. ...Johnny Manziel is the latest athlete that thinks that rules were written for everyone else except him. ...Bryce Harper showed his true colors again during a Braves - Nationals game last week after he was drilled by a pitch that was in retaliation of him standing at home plate admiring the home run he hit the at-bat before. The benches cleared and Harper didn't stop yapping his mouth until he got to first base and even then had more to say. I don't care how young he is but he is one of the biggest hot dogs in the game and he had this coming to him. Maybe the next time he will learn that when you hit a home run and stay at home plate and admire it you will get drilled. But a part of me hopes he never learns this and that his body will continually be used as target practice by pitchers all around the National League. ...About a month ago I wrote in here about a baby shower that was being planned where some woman came up with the bright idea of dragging the men along so they could be a part of it too. Last week that shower took place and as I glanced at the other men in the room I think they would not have minded one bit if an announcement was made saying that for future baby showers their presence was not required. This statement was never made but it was nonetheless wishful thinking. The shower was held at a local golf course in a building where they host weddings and graduations and while the mother-to-be was droning on about how cute a bib looked or an outfit looked my brother-in-law was looking out the window watching the golfers drive off to play a round in their golf carts. He whispered over to me and told me he had his clubs in the trunk of his car and he was thinking about going out there and I asked him if I could come along and be his caddy but my sister overheard us scheming and that ended that. We ended up being there 4 1/2 hours and I did not realize until the next day how much this ended up working in our favor. Since this lasted so long it was decided that the next time a baby shower is held only the women will be the only ones invited. I don't know how they put the blame on the men but I don't want to find out. It's not like any of them got up and shouted out "hey, I didn't get a good look at that stroller!" All I can say is that I am thankful this is over and that I hope none of you ever have to experience this firsthand. ...At least what my wife and I did the day before this was a lot more fun for the both of us. We went to something called the Park Avenue Festival that is held every year here for the past thirty-five years. Vendors from twenty-one states and Canada come to this and they sell stuff that they try to pass off as art but it actually looks like something you'd see at a flea market and pass up without looking back. Of course my wife was in heaven and luckily the only thing she bought was a homemade dog leash that had pictures of poodles on it. I was afraid to ask how much she paid for it. As for myself I had to be content with overpaying for bottles of water on a hot summer day and I was silently pleased with myself for wearing dark sunglasses because I could not count the amount of women there who mistook this festival for a day at the beach and my wife had no clue where I was looking thanks to them. Use your imagination. ...Don't mess with a man's burger Dept:A Georgia man found himself in trouble with police after he called them to complain when he discovered that he was missing one McDouble hamburger order from McDonald's. He became irate when he found out there were only six McDoubles in his bag instead of the seven that he ordered and when he did not get his other burger he became upset and dialed 911. When the police came and found out why they were called they arrested the man and made him spend the night in jail for misusing the emergency 911 telephone service. The bright side for him was that he had six burgers with him to keep him company overnight unless he had the bad luck to be put in a cell with someone named Billy Bob who ended up taking all six burgers for himself. ...If this had happened in Detroit he would have heard a message that the 911 number had been disconnected. ...I really miss those Real Men of Genius commercials that Bud Light had going awhile back. ...Poor Paris Hilton. After throwing a big bash at her Malibu home last week her home was broken into for the seventh time as a group of girls snuck into her bedroom and stole her bikinis and purses and were trying to sell them on the street but as luck would have it they were seen by some of the people that attended Hilton's party. All of her possessions were recovered this time but the thieves managed to get away. Hilton complained about her bad luck with all the break-in's that she's had but this is what happens when you never close and lock your door when you are not home. ...Last Wednesday morning an employee who works at the Brooklyn Cyclones ballpark discovered that the Jackie Robinson statue that they have on display there was vandalized when someone painted racial slurs and Hitler references on it. To me it didn't matter who did it or even why. This is what some people do to get their kicks. All that really matters is that it was done and it was done to upset people and get a reaction out of them. I'm not going to use this space here to go on and on about this because no amount of well-written articles or speeches about this is going to change anything. This was here way before any of us were thought of and it will be around long after we are gone and that's the sad truth. ...I'll never understand the attraction these oversized sandwiches have on people but recently a Southern California restaurant may just as well have created the biggest one yet. It is appropriately called a Big Fat Fatty and that's exactly what you'll be if you manage to eat this thing in the allotted time. This twelve pound, twenty-seven inch sandwich includes five cheeseburgers, 1 1/2 pounds of cheesesteak and pastrami, ten chicken fingers, ten onion rings, ten jalapeno poppers, five fried eggs, bacon, a basket of french fries, two cups of chili and marinara sauce and finally topped off with something called fat sauce which looks a lot like thousand island dressing. This managed to make me sick just typing out what was packed in this thing. This sandwich contains enough food to keep a bear content all winter. It costs $49.95 but if you can finish it in forty minutes or less the sandwich is free and you also can create and name your own version of this sandwich. The real reward should be a free ambulance ride to the nearest hospital once they finish their last bite. There's been about 800 attempts so far and only two people were successful and both of them were professional competitive eaters. That's another thing. How do you become one of these? Is there some sort of training you have to go through before you can be known as a professional glutton? ...Fortunate for this place that Honey Boo Boo's family lives three thousand miles away from them because they'd be knocking off these sandwiches as fast as they could make them. ...I don't know what it is with those people down in Florida. Maybe it's because they have to live there with all those alligators and Burmese pythons all around them. Who knows? Last Thursday a domestic fight between a Miami couple turned violent and then deadly as the woman was shot to death by her husband. You would think that after you do something like this you are going to do one of two things. Either you are going to get the hell out of there and go as fast and far as you can get or you are going to wait there for the police to come to take you away. Not this guy. He changed his clothes and then went to see his family to tell them what he did and then he turned himself into the police. But before he did that he took a picture of his dead wife and logged onto his computer and went to his Facebook account and posted the photo of her dead body for everyone to see and said his goodbyes to all his Facebook friends because he probably figured that he won't get a chance to have anymore contact with them once the police had him. I understand that the purpose of Facebook is to let your family and friends know what you are doing so you can keep in contact with them but this guy took it to the next level. ..I wonder if the last thing he did was change his status to "single" before logging off ? ...Ok, bad joke. I couldn't resist. ...I told my wife about this and she told me she knows I'd never do anything like that because I don't know how to operate a digital camera, let alone upload a photo to Facebook, which I am not a member. I said that's right and besides I would never do that because you make the best pancakes I've ever had. Then she kicked my chair. I think I should have said something else.
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