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Everything posted by Yankee4Life

  1. I'm sorry man. It won't happen again.
  2. Texas acquires outfielder Alex Rios from the Chicago White Sox for a player to be named later or cash considerations.
  3. I just wanted to thank all of you once again for the great work on this mod. Everything about this mod is first class all the way. Thank you!
  4. They are gone. They were not transferred over to this site when EAmods shut down.
  5. When you install a total conversion mod the mod will include the updated rosters. However if you are downloading the Mvp 13 mod you can download more up to date rosters when they become available.
  6. Just takes time man. He'll get rid of those guys except for Rodriguez and hopefully when he makes a roster next year he won't be in that one.
  7. Another great job by the master!
  8. If you would bother to read this thread here you will see that he is coming out with the next roster later this month or early September. Give him his time to do what he does best.
  9. I'd like to know what jogar has to say about this. I spent some time looking in the download section for this guy Jim and the only thing that was there was this portrait by TribeTime. And this guy is right when he said Perez isn't in any mods. And when you look at his record you see why. His last full year in the majors was 2004 and his last full year was in 2007 for Detroit when he played in only 29 games. The closest he would have got to being in a mod was Total Classics Phase 10 because the 2000 Mets are in it but he's not even on the roster. Perez CAN be found however on the default (or newly installed version) of Mvp 2005 on the White Sox team. That's as close as he got.
  10. How do you know jogar made this cyberfaced in 2005? You joined here in 2011. The only thing that has Timo Perez in it is a White Sox portrait pack that Tribetime made in 2005. That's it.
  11. Updated to 8-4 ...Now that the NFL training camps have been under way I always like to try to guess who is going to be the next idiot among the ranks and while it may be hard to guess the name of the player that screws up since there's so many of them waiting to do it, you eventually know that it will happen. Tarell Brown of the 49ers lost himself a huge chunk of money --two million dollars worth-- because he failed to show up to the team's workout program. Naturally once Brown learned about all the money that he had lost he fired his agent and took no responsibility himself. Had this been me I'd of had post-it notes to remind me that I would have had to be in a certain place on a certain day along with e-mail reminders sent from my wife every two hours. I don't care if you have an agent, a press secretary and a personal assistant. You got to have some responsibility for yourself. ...Ok NFL players, who's next? ...Curtis Granderson returned to the Yankee lineup last Friday night in San Diego after his second stay on the disabled list and promptly went 0 for 4 with two strikeouts. It's amazing how quickly he shook off the rust and is now in mid-season form. ...Computers are never wrong Dept: An Ohio woman went out of town for a few weeks and on her return home found the keys to her house were changed and her furniture and possessions gone but it was not the work of thieves or pranksters. Thinking it was the house across the street, a bank that she was not even a customer at repossessed her home because their GPS system lead them to her house. You would be inclined to think that once the bank learned of their undeniable error they would have been willing to do all they could to fix it. Of course not. The woman presented the bank’s president with an $18,000 estimate to replace the lost items but he refused to pay and he incredibly added that they would not be paying the woman retail at the bank for all her items. Naturally had they knew how to read a GPS they wouldn't have been in this mess. If there isn't enough things already you can now add one more thing to make you feel uneasy about when you go out of town for work or relaxation ...Years ago there was this anti-drug commercial that was played on TV a lot. It started out with butter melting on a hot frying pan and a voice-over saying "this is your brain" and then an egg would be placed in the frying pan and the voice continued with this somber message "and this is your brain on drugs. Any questions?" I think of that every time I see Amanda Bynes' name when it comes up in the news because if she isn't the perfect example of being completely fried then no one is. ...Aaron Rodgers, who is business partners with Ryan Braun told reporters that it did not "feel good to be lied to" when Braun on multiple occasions looked Rodgers in the eye and denied that the allegations from the Biogenesis scandal were untrue. He shouldn't feel that bad because he has plenty of company. I've learned that people could look you in the eye and lie with no problem at all way back in elementary school. Braun used Rodgers just like he did everyone else. I wonder what this means for the future of their restaurant? ...I don't know how many times I have heard Alex Rodriguez's name mentioned over the past ten days or so but it is safe to say when the ruling is announced either later on today or on Monday it is going to get a hell of a lot worse. I really don't care what happens with him because no matter how many games he gets he deserves more, unless they actually come through and present him with that lifetime ban. It's too bad for him though because once this is done and he tells everyone that he is sorry for what he did and that he let everyone down (now you know this speech is coming) the only people that are going to believe him are his lawyers. ...Too bad C.C. Sabathia wasn't part of this Biogenesis scandal. With the way he's been pitching no one would miss him for the rest of the year. ...The nice thing about attending a family picnic is seeing relatives that you only see once a year if you can help it and if you are really lucky they don't show up at all. I've been having a stroke of good luck lately (not counting Soriano's return to the Yankees) and this is just what happened to me during a family outing last week. There's this one guy who I'm not even sure is a relative but nevertheless is always there and every year he has to ask me the same question which consists of him pestering me with questions on what is wrong with the Raiders. As soon as I give him six or seven I-don't-know answers he is satisfied and walks away and I'm safe for another year. He wasn't there this year since he was distracted by something new in his life called a job. ...Last week Pope Francis held mass at Rio de Janeiro's famous Copacabana beach. The sermon drew three million people, mostly young people, from nearly 180 countries. Many of the girls who showed up to hear the Pope came dressed in bikinis, which certainly helped attendance and if this idea was spread out to the entire church there would be packed houses from here on out. ...There is a chance that Albert Pujols will be missing the rest of the season for the Angels. This couldn't have happened to a nicer guy. ...As this year's trade deadline approached its final hours last Wednesday I could not help but experience the same feeling of nervousness that I usually get each year at this time and that's because I was worried that the Yankees were going to make some kind of move that would have their fans scratching their heads because I thought the Yankees were going to try and top themselves after the Soriano trade because this team seems to make moves just for the sake of making them. It's like they can't help it. The only guy I thought they'd might get was Raul Ibanez from Seattle because he's 40 years old and the Yankees can't resist acquiring players a few steps away from retirement. I thought the Rangers were the big winners when they got Matt Garza from the Cubs. He'd of fit in very well at Yankee Stadium because he would have kept the ball in the ballpark unlike Phil Hughes, whom the Yankees could not give away to anyone last week. Sad to say but if you are a Yankee hater you must be loving what you see this season. ...Setting aside the fact that nothing that this guy has done or will ever do change how I feel about him, I find it amusing that baseball was not even considering suspending David Ortiz after he smashed two phones in the visitors dugout in Baltimore last week with his bat and narrowly missing the head of Dustin Pedroia. Come to think of it that last part wouldn't have been so bad but the point is that toddlers do not throw tantrums as violent as this guy did and if they did you could be sure that it would have been their last outburst for awhile because they'd be spanked so hard they wouldn't be able to sit. You try this the next time something doesn't go your way at work. If all you get is a suspension you should consider yourself lucky. ...The Oakland Raiders have looked very impressive at their training camp in Napa, California, which is not surprising. Things don't start falling apart for them until the pre-season games start. ...They must take their professional wrestling very seriously over in South Africa because last week a fan came up from behind wrestler Randy Orton after the match was over and while he was gesturing to the crowd he ran up and sucker punched him. Either this guy was very, very brave or very, very drunk because this Orton guy is no slouch. He stands six feet five inches tall and weighs 235 pounds according to his Wikipedia page and after looking at that guy's photo that was posted there I have come to the conclusion that the person who attacked him was blitzed out of his mind because all I'd ever do if I was near that guy would be to say hello and how you doing? ...I don't follow wrestling like I used to years ago. When I first heard the name Orton I immediately thought of a wrestler named Cowboy Bob Orton and sure enough he's his father. I was a big Roddy Piper fan and Cowboy Bob was his "bodyguard," as if Piper ever needed one of those. It was fun watching wrestling back then with guys like Paul Orndorff, The Magnificent Muraco and Hulk Hogan. The guy I couldn't stand back then was Jimmy Snuka and I actually got the chance to see him wrestle once in person but unlike that guy in South Africa I remained in my seat and did not charge after him due to a combination of fear, common sense and a hot dog. ...You know that Rolling Stone issue with the face of the kid responsible for the Boston bombings on the cover? Despite having it banned by some drugstores and supermarkets the magazine reported that the sales for last month's issue doubled. This didn't surprise me. As soon as you start banning something and refusing to sell it people are going to be drawn to it. ...I was kind of sad to find out that Cote de Pablo is leaving NCIS when the new season begins in September. It's always the good ones that leave the shows. Ziva was one of my favorite characters on that show and I hope that they get someone just as beautiful to replace de Pablo. Why couldn't it been that tattooed freak Abby that left the show? That I'd be able to handle a lot better. ...There's a popular game show in Pakistan called Aman Ramazan that besides giving away prizes that you would normally expect from a game show (like refrigerators, washers and dryers, microwave ovens, etc) they also give away abandoned babies to unsuspecting couples during the show. The people that get these babies are people that have expressed an interest in one before and have gone through the proper channels to gain guardianship (adoption is not recognized in Pakistan) but have no idea that attending this game show they'd be going home with another mouth to feed. This gives a whole new meaning to being blindsided by something. I wonder how the kid is going to feel when he gets older and finds out that he was the prize in a game show and that his father was secretly holding out for a new refrigerator that had an automatic ice maker built into it? ...The guy that held those three girls captive for ten years in his home in Cleveland was sentenced to life in prison with no chance of parole and if that isn't enough to handle he was also given an additional one thousand years on top of it. That's the part I don't get about this. It's almost like they expect him to stick around for both sentences. ...I don't believe this new format of electing captains and having them pick teams for the NFL Pro Bowl is going to get more people interested in watching it. It's still an exhibition game and that means there is not going to be one player who is going to go all out for it since it is so easy to get yourself injured and mess up your career. The only thing that has ever been important about the Pro Bowl is getting chosen to it because that means you get to spend a week in Hawaii with all expenses paid courtesy of the league and no matter what they do that is never going to change. ...Houston Rockets first year player Terrence Jones was arrested last week after stomping on the leg of a sleeping homeless man after walking out of a bar in Portland, Oregon. It was Jones' bad luck that a police sergeant witnessed the entire incident and not some random person. The homeless person received a minor leg injury and did not require immediate medical attention. You can almost make the argument that this guy won the homeless lottery because he was attacked by a rich professional athlete while minding his own business and a police officer was on hand to see the whole thing. There's going to be an exchange of money, an apology by Jones and one less homeless guy who may not freeze so much this winter thanks to a stupid act by a twenty one year old basketball player that clearly does not know better.
  12. Daflyboys has posted a great slider set that gives you very realistic results. Try that one. Also Jim 825 has one too that you can try out. They are in the download section.
  13. Dennis those ABA screenshots look great! What detail! Thank you.
  14. Dennis can you do me a favor once you have a spare moment? Can you take a few more screenshots of the ABA mod? It's nothing that needs to be done immediately. I've always liked that league and always wished they'd never merged.
  15. When you put it like that, sure. But I do like the way you can choose what year you want to play with that game.
  16. Thank you Dennis, I'm going to look into this even further.
  17. Couple of questions before I pull the trigger on this: 1. This is the 2k Sports NBA2k12 video game ? I would have to get this instead of the NBA 13 ? 2. Where do you get the ABA mod because that's the one I really like.
  18. You guys are getting me close to buying this game. I especially like the ABA mod.
  19. Updated to 7-28 ...Despite a Circuit Court Judge's ruling that it was unconstitutional for the city of Detroit to file bankruptcy a request to the Michigan Court of Appeals was made to block this order from taking effect. Motown is 18.5 billion dollars in debt and the question that comes to mind is how did they let it get that much out of control and secondly why wasn't this action taken years ago? Detroit's money struggles have resulted in an almost complete deterioration of city life. The murder rate is the highest in nearly forty years. On the average it takes the police fifty-eight minutes to respond to any call that comes their way. This is why it's so easy to knock off someone there because all you have to do is do the job and then sit down and have a meal or watch some TV and you'll still have time to take off before anyone got there. Before too long the only people that will be left in Detroit will be the criminals and they'll have to resort to mugging each other. During World War II the automotive companies in that city switched from making cars to producing planes, tanks and ammunition for the war to earn the city the nickname of the "Arsenal of Democracy." But that was then. Detroit has been closed for years now. Last week they made it official. ...I do have one idea for Detroit's problems. This won't solve everything but it will be a start. If they could manage to round up all their illegal guns and turn around and sell them they could forestall bankruptcy for a couple of years. ...If there is any truth at all to reincarnation I want to come back to be someone like Tiger Woods' ex-wife Elin Nordegren. She received $100 million in the divorce settlement from Woods and if that isn't enough her new boyfriend happens to be a billionaire. Talk about choosing wisely. ...Burger King has reported that while buying his four-year-old grandson a Kid's Meal, the boy's grandfather found a pot pipe filled with marijuana. They also went on to say that the pipe belonged to one of their employees who was hiding the item while he was at work and it was his personal property. Also this was in no way being offered to customers on a limited time only basis. ...Cincinnati second baseman Brandon Phillips gave an interview recently and said that after he signed a six-year, $72.5 million contract he felt it was a "slap in the face" compared to the ten year, $225 million dollar deal that the Reds gave to Joey Votto. Phillips did try to backtrack somewhat by saying that his contract was a nice slap in the face but this was after he said how hurt and scarred he was by his deal. People from all around the country would stand in line for hours to let their employers slap their faces to get paid like that and would gladly let themselves be scarred by the same amount of money that Phillips got. Getting through the remainder of this contract will probably come with a lot of sleepless nights for him considering that the Reds are only dishing out twelve million dollars per annum to Phillips' checking account. The burdens some people have to live with! ...Last Wednesday after months of negotiations the city of Chicago approved a $500 million proposed renovation of Wrigley Field. This privately financed proposal consists of a 300 million dollar renovation of Wrigley Field and 200 million for improvements outside the park. This took awhile for the Cubs to get the final go ahead but there really wasn't any doubt that they were going to get their way - especially when the team is footing the bill all by itself. Rooftop owners are very upset about this decision because in a few years they won't be able to charge people to watch something that isn't on their property and some may have to resort to drastic measures like getting a job to supplement their income. ...This should be nice to see once it's done and for the fans they'll have a more comfortable, modernized way to watch the Cubs lose. ...Just when Alex Rodriguez was about to rejoin the Yankees last week he came through in the eleventh hour and was diagnosed with a Grade 1 strain on his left quadriceps which is completely different from Derek Jeter's latest injury because Captain Moneybags has a Grad 1 strain on his right quadriceps. Many Yankee fans were worried about his return because there already are enough people in the lineup right now who strike out and ground into double plays as it is without having him pitch in. ...Fun fact: Between Rodriguez and Jeter the Yankees will spend about $50 Million this year for absolutely nothing. ...Korey Harris is, well was, a defensive lineman for the West Virginia Mountaineers. That all changed last week when he and two others entered a home and held the residents at gun point while burglarizing the house. While the people were being forcibly detained the three men made off with cash and electronics from the home. The problem was that Harris showed up for his part of the robbery wearing his team issued sweatpants from WVU with his uniform number 96 proudly displayed on them. He's now in jail with bail set at $75,000 and his football scholarship is gone. No doubt we haven't heard the last of this and Harris will somehow try to say this was all a huge mistake and then he'll be able to play football again at some other school and eventually be drafted in the first round and play for the Cowboys. ...729 people gathered in Spain to set a Guinness Book World Record for the most nude sun bathers on a beach in one place. It broke the previous record of 506 nude bathers that was previously set in New Zealand by a group of people that also didn't know any better. I'm sorry to say that I saw a few pictures of these new record setters and I immediately regretted it. Most of them looked like old hippies left over from the sixties that have been in the sun too long. It's always the people whose bodies should be covered up with an over-sized bath towel that want to be naked. ...In the latest version of Games Rednecks Play a Kentucky man was arrested for bringing a skunk in a convenience store restroom and leaving it there. The store manager told police that she saw the man walk into the restroom with a garbage bag and when he came out the garbage bag was left behind and before he left the store he apologized to the store manager. As soon as he left she went to see what he was so sorry about and as soon as she opened up the door she saw a baby skunk and it was too late for her to do anything about it because it already sprayed the men's room with its perfumery. She went on to tell police that when customers came in the store and when they got near the door they would smell the skunk and leave. She said everyone did the same thing except one old woman who said that it smelled like her husband every time he got done sitting on the toilet. ...I thought that the most exciting news last Monday was the birth of the Royal baby over in London but instead a twenty-nine year old baby in Milwaukee, Wisconsin overshadowed him on this day. This was the day that Ryan Braun was told to pack up his glove and bats and go home because Major League Baseball had him dead to rights taking PED's and the sad part is Braun knew it and didn't fight the decision that suspended him for the rest of the season (including post season, but when that rolls around the rest of the Brewers will be just like Braun and will be watching it on TV) and will lose about 3.4 million dollars in salary. That last part's going to hurt him the most this winter since he only made five million this year and let's face it, where are you going to go when you only make five million in a year? And somewhere in Florida right now Alex Rodriguez is no doubt wondering how many games baseball is going to ban him for because if he gets away with sixty-five games too he should get on his knees and thank God. ...Other thoughts on Ryan Braun's coming out party: 1. It was nice to see baseball ban someone besides Alex Rodriguez first in cases like this. Now that Braun is out of the way go get A-Rod. 2. Baseball could have really stuck it to him by making him play for the Astros for the remainder of the year. Instead they suspended him. 3. Brewer fans are dealing with news very well. About the only thing that gets them really upset is when they raise the price of beer at Miller Park. 4. Could be that Dino Laurenzi Jr after hearing about this news is preparing a huge lawsuit against Braun but we might not hear about it that much because Braun will settle out of court quietly. 5. Braun may not like having the rest of the season off but that also means he has the rest of the summer to indulge himself drinking Milwaukee's finest. 6. Now that Braun has been found guilty of using PED's I wonder how long it is going to take for the Yankees to acquire him? 7. Braun's NFL fantasy team should be improved this year because he has more time to devote to it. .... After days of waiting for this rumor to become a reality, the Yankees reacquired Alfonso Soriano from the Chicago Cubs and while I was 100% against this I can understand why.The guy's 37 years old and that is the perfect age for the Yankees to give up prospects for. But Soriano? Robinson Cano is lazy enough as it is. Imagine if he learns from the master! Soon we'll be seeing him run 3/4th's of the way down the line before slowing down. They'll have to give him a kick in the pants to get him out of the dugout and out onto the field nine times a night. If he takes more than three pitches during an at-bat he'll claim he's tired and try to get himself taken out of the game. The only ground balls he'll be fielding is the ones hit right at him or one step away from him in either direction. And yet Soriano is now back wearing a Yankee uniform. ...Last week my wife had the idea for us to go on a boat ride on the historic Erie Canal because they had a special murder-mystery themed trip with an Hawaiian background going on that day. The WHODUNIT was supposed to have taken place in Hawaii and we were given clues from the actors to help and guide us to who the real killer was. I didn't mind it because it was a hell of a hot day and it was pretty cool on that boat. There also was a cash bar there and trust me, a lot of cash was exchanged there during that three hour ride. I had to go there twice to get us our drinks and they soaked you good because an order of iced tea was almost as much as a Mai-Tai. Each time I went up there I ran into two different women that obviously already knew where the bar was and had no intention of leaving. The first time I had this lady jab me in the ribs each time the bartender put an ingredient in her drink. Look, it's lemonade (jab) and now it's vodka (jab)! I don't know if she had more fun watching the drink being made or drinking it itself. The next time was right after we had lunch and the final speeches were given by the suspects to plead their innocence. This woman was in line at the bar still finishing the drink in her hand while ordering a few more. She turned to me and asked me who I thought committed the murder and I whispered to her that I thought the butler did it and she said to me that she must have missed the part when they were talking about a butler. I'm sure if I would have said the bartender did it she would have said no because then she would have been able to provide a air-tight alibi for him since she was within five feet of him the entire trip. Like I said this boat ride had an Hawaiian themed background to it and part it was that they advertised an authentic Hawaiian style food spread for the buffet. So I was looking forward to that. Instead when we got up there we saw broiled and barbecued chicken, rice, salad, fruit and corn bread. They must have been thinking of another Hawaii. As for the murder mystery, it wasn't too hard. There were a few people who guessed the correct killer and I was lucky enough to be one of them. My prize was two tickets to any baseball game either in July or August. Looking back on it, the next time they have one of these I will stay on shore.
  20. Great job as always! Wonderful rosters.
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