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Everything posted by Yankee4Life

  1. Please! I needed this yesterday! Is it done yet? Uploaded with ImageShack.us
  2. Ok here's one and I can't take any credit for this. I was going to play a minor league game with the Texas Rangers' AAA team because Manny Ramirez is on that roster and maybe when I was pitching a few fastballs would have been accidentally thrown at him. Whoops. Anyhow, the Rangers AAA team is the Round Rock Express and in the game the Rangers AAA team is the Oklahoma City RedHawks, which is now Houston's AAA team. The Houston AAA team in this mod shows the Round Rock Express as their top farm club. So, thank you Manny for helping us find this out!
  3. That sounds great Hector. Like I said when I posted some screenshots of this mod on the first page of this thread, not everything in this mod was bad. Have you seen the introductory video? It is fantastic. And the loading screens looked good. Whomever made those loading screens has a real talent. If you say jeferomer feels bad about this then I take your word for it because you have been nothing but a stand-up guy who has always been truthful and honest. I've seen some of his work here and his cyberfaces look great. So I can understand why you wanted to add someone who could do great work like that the the Caribe team. The only reason why I made this thread was because it was the second year in a row this was done. I think all this really ended up being was a combination of two things. First he didn't really understand the friendship rule that's always been around and secondly because of the language barrier. Nothing else to say Hector. Thank you. And thank you again for the great Caribe and WBC mods that you guys do. They are much appreciated!
  4. Looks like they were on the losing side in a bar fight.
  5. Yes that's right. That rule has always been around here that you have to ask the original modder if you can use their work and you guys who make the Caribe mod have always followed it. But that is exactly what these guys did when they released this mod! They took kyleb's work and Dennis James's stadiums and uniforms and put them in this mod and those two guys were not asked and I don't think it's right just to list them in the credits to make everything seem fine and dandy. When they did that it had nothing to do with the friendship code you were talking about. There's another word for what they did and that's called stealing. You are forgetting that these guys did this last year when Mvp 2012 was released. They took stuff from that mod and brought it over when they were making the Latino version of Mvp 2012. Stadium loading screens for example and also uniforms and stadiums. If you want proof I saved a copy of that mod and I can reinstall it and provide screenshots. So I have to disagree with you here. He did do this on purpose and for the second year in a row.
  6. No kidding. We all know this this game is for everyone and no one has ever said that it wasn't. But the reason why this thread was made was to show everyone that you guys who made this Mvp Teams 13 mod took most of your stuff from other modders and you didn't bother to ask them before you did it. Look at those minor league stadiums you have in this mod for example. That wasn't your idea at all. You guys took it from the 2012 mod on this site. No one is trying to prevent you from playing the game. You guys just went about this wrong.
  7. Sure he did. These people that make these kind of mods don't discriminate. They'll take stuff from anyone.
  8. What does this have to do with anything that is being talked about in here?
  9. You didn't offend. There's just a very obvious language gap here where you are not fully understanding what is being said here only because English is not your primary language,which is not a problem at all. I would have (and do) have the same misunderstandings of what people are posting when I am on the Mvp Caribe website.
  10. Don't worry. Tryouts are being held as we speak.
  11. What I think nani needs to do is tell someone who can understand both languages exactly what he is trying to say and not depend on those online translators because they are not that good.
  12. You are still taking people's work in here without their knowledge and permission and putting it in your mod. You guys stole all those minor league stadiums for example. What are you saying? That these modders should be happy that you guys thought well enough of them that you stole their stuff? The guys who make the Caribe series are the real modders over on that site. You guys just took mods that other people made, slapped them together and then renamed it.
  13. Great, another one. He takes a copy of the Mvp 12 mod and this is what happens. Ok then.
  14. Yankee4Life

    Mvp 13

    Don't use Boston. And don't use the Yankees either or else all your players will go on the DL.
  15. Mvp teams 13 continued Here is the uniform that is supposed to be the 1927 Yankees home uniform but in fact is the Yankees 1952 home uniform. As you can see, the 1952 Yankee home whites. The patch on the left sleeve was only worn in 1952 and it commemorated the team's 50th year in baseball. They stole the idea from from the modders of the Mvp 2012 and 2013 mod to use minor league stadiums in this mod. But look closely here. The stadium I am selecting here is the Louisville Slugger Field but you can't tell that by the loading screen here because it's a picture of Olympic Stadium in Montreal. Here is an example of one of the loading screens. I took this to be one of the more positive things I could say about this mod. If the overlay looks familiar to any of you it is. They stole it from one of the overlays on this site.
  16. Last year a group of Latino modders made their own version of the 2012 mod that was released on this site and this year they did it again. The modders that worked on these two mods are not the same ones who work on the Mvp Caribe series. They talk about this mod over at the Caribe website but not even those guys host this mod for them. The guy that is behind all this is named jeferomer and you may be familiar in seeing his name around here because he's here every day and is usually sifting through the download section to see what he can take next. As I said, you can not download this mod on the Caribe website. It is hosted on a file sharing site and I am not even going to provide the links for you to get this because all you will be doing is wasting your time. It is a poorly put together mod but there are some good things about it too and I think it is also fair of me to mention those things while at the same time try and explain what a poorly put together piece of work this is. My first "what the hell" moment came after I installed the mod. Everything was there but they did not provide the executable file to run the game. I couldn't understand it. Here I download the mod and they gave me everything except for the mvp2005.exe file. Never in any season mod that I have downloaded was this necessary file withheld. It was no big deal since all I did was copy the executable from one of my other games and place it in this mod. It worked perfectly but I still should not have had to do this. Once I got that needed file I started up this mod and to be perfectly honest the opening video for this mod was one of the best intro videos I've ever seen in a mod. It consisted of many different baseball highlight videos combined into one video. I could tell by watching this that someone there has a talent for this. On the other hand if they stole this video from someplace it wouldn't surprise me. The only other thing I came away liking about this mod was the different loading screens that were there. After the video was done I got into the game and I looked around before I played a game. I saw some uniform mistakes plus a major one that told me a lot about this mod and how it originated. The Angels in this mod are still called the Anaheim Angels and either they did not catch this error or it didn't matter to them. Now about that major mistake. First I want you to know that I own and still have on my hard drive Mvp 2006, 2007, 2008, 2012 and now 2013. You'll see why I am telling you this in a second. When the 2008 mod came out, someone made the mistake of mislabeling the home uniform of the 1927 New York Yankees. The uniforms really were the 1952 Yankees but they said it was the '27 team. This mistake did not happen in the '06 and '07 mods and it did not happen in last year's or this year's mod. All of these mods the '27 Yankee uniform was correct. Except for the 2008 mod. This fact tells me that this mod is really a stripped down and painted over version of the 2008 mod. Logos updated, screens changed, uniforms added as fast as Dennis James can make them, but this mod is nothing but Mvp 2008 with a new set of clothes. This mod took a lot of liberties by using ideas from the 2012 mod and one of them was the decision to remove all the classic stadiums and put more minor league parks in the game. Personally I thought it was an excellent idea and it looks great in the 2012 and 2013 mod. You should not be surprised to find out that these same minor league stadiums have made their way into this mod thanks to the pilfering by jeferomer. But as you will see when you take a look at the screen capture of Louisville Slugger Stadium they even messed that up. Now that I finished looking around this mod and playing around with it I do not need it anymore. All I wanted to do is bring this to everyone's attention in here to let them know what was going on. Dennis James and Kyleb did not consent to having their work being brought into this mod. I checked with them a few days ago about this before I began writing this. It's too bad because they did a good job on the loading screen artwork but everything else in this mod is contributions from other modders who didn't know they were contributing anything. 1/2 star out of five. Mvp 13 CTS screen Here's the team of modders that created this. Note that jeferomer is the leader of this project. He took the mods from this site to create this. Dennis James is listed in the credits for this mod even though he was (1) not consulted and (2) did not give his permission. Same goes for Kyleb. These guys took their work, gave them the middle finger while they were doing it and then said oh by the way, thanks a lot. They've been the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim since 2005 but these guys still do not know it.
  17. I'm not exactly sure what you mean but this is not the thread for questions like that.
  18. Yankee4Life

    Mvp 13

    Yeah, provide more details.
  19. Why are the faces from that mod being brought over here?
  20. Mvp 13 Continued This hit off of Shields by Coco Crisp made the Royals bullpen work doubletime because Shields was not in much longer after this. In fact when the Kansas City manager came out to talk to him instead of seeing the usual EA Sports message that said PITCHER'S REACTION:NEGATIVE, I had to laugh out loud when these guys replaced those words with IT'S GETTING UGLY! Oakland manufactures an insurance run in the eighth as pinch hitter Chris Young singles. In the top of the ninth with one out Johnny Giavotella singles and then tries to steal second. He is gunned down by the strong arm of John Jaso and the next batter, Jarrod Dyson, grounds out to end the game. The final score was Oakland 7, Kansas City 0. Thank you to all the modders that worked on this mod for all these months. Your work and dedication is very much appreciated.
  21. Mvp 13 Continued After bobbling the ball momentarily, Oakland third baseman Josh Donaldson recovers to throw out Royals catcher Salvador Perez. Jarrod Dyson went 3 for 4 in today's game. Here he is making a catch off of Brandon Moss to end the second inning. A perfect sacrifice bunt by James Shields. Coco Crisp driving in one of his two runs on the day with a double to right center field. He went 3 for 5. This is what turned the game into a rout. Yoenis Cespedes has just hit a three run home run off of Shields deep in the left field stands to give Oakland a 6 - 0 lead and the Royals had no chance after that.
  22. The next mod to be talked about in this thread is the Mvp 13 mod, which was released here on Mvpmods just a few days ago. You can download the mod right here and on the download page kyleb has provided simple and detailed instructions on how to install it. This 2013 season is thanks to the organizational skills of Kyleb. If you liked how the 2012 mod turned out you will love the work that was done this year. Thanks to people like daflyboys, DennisJames71, Homer, Jim825, bctrackboi11 and Trues (among many others) this mod would not have been made. And for any of you preparing to play a dynasty with this mod Dylan Bradbury has made the schedule so you are all set and ready to go. (In the coming days I am going to be reviewing another Mvp 2013 season mod. It is completely different than the one that is available for download here and I am confident that you will find it very interesting. But enough of that right now. ) Here we go. Let's get into this mod and see what we got. The installation of this mod is quick and easy. Now if you have bothered to read previous reviews of other mods that I have done you will notice that I always say the installation is quick and easy and the simple reason for that is because that is how it is. As I stated in the very first paragraph Kyleb provides the instructions on how to install this on the download page but that still doesn't matter for some people because they'll still end up asking how to install this. The first thing you will see when you start Mvp 13 is a splash screen featuring the baseball cards of Bryce Harper, Derek Jeter, Buster Posey and Price Fielder. Then you get to the click-to-start screen that showcases 2012 Triple Crown winner Miguel Cabrera, a perfect choice for the cover player of this year's mod. Incidentally the loading screens in the game are very well done and I salute Kyleb for his artistic work. The jukebox features songs that I personally never heard of but that doesn't mean they made a bad selection. I didn't know any of the songs from the 2012 mod either but you got to take that with a grain of salt because I don't know anything about modern music since I have different tastes. But whatever the names of these songs are they fit well into the makeup of this game. It took me awhile before I even played my first game because I kept on looking through all the teams from A ball on up to the majors just to see what uniforms were assigned to each of them. That took awhile but it was worth exploring. Once again the old classic stadiums are not included here and it is something that I think adds so much to the mod. Many people do not realize that the Tokyo Dome has been on this site for a few years now and it was really nice to see that being included once again in this mod. The exhibition game I played today between Kansas City and Oakland was played in the Estadeo de Beisbol Monterrey, a stadium also featured in last year's mod and the reason why I wanted to use one of these stadiums was to show how good these little-known ballparks are in this game. Finally after poking around for as long as I could I picked my teams and starting pitchers and got into the game. I used a throwback Kansas City uniform and for Oakland I used the gold uniform from the 1964 Kansas City Athletics. I have played quite a few games in this 2013 mod and have experienced no problems at all. No crashing problems or anything at all. The mod is very well put together and I highly recommend you do two things with this. First, download it and find out for yourself. You will love this mod. Secondly, thank the modders for their work. You will be surprised at how many times they don't get a single thanks for what they did. So, thank you to everyone who was a part of Mvp 13. You are valued and appreciated. Enjoy this mod! Screenshots Mvp Baseball 2013. There's nothing like it! Overlay and overall layout of Mvp13. Bartolo Colon had an excellent game for Oakland. Here he is pitching against his mound counterpart James Shields (not pictured.) Colon pitched eight innings of shutout baseball and struck out six including this strikeout of Royals second baseman Johnny Giavotella. Eric Sogard busts up a potential double play for the Athletics.
  23. Did you download the game and check for yourself? Try that.
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