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Everything posted by Yankee4Life

  1. Ok, thank you. Let me know if it is the same coding problem for the Angels. Could be, who knows?
  2. That explains a lot Dennis. When something is hard coded into a game it is very hard to find a work around for it. And if you do have a chance check out the other ones. The Yankee one, of course, is an easy fix. The uniform itself is right. Just the year is wrong.
  3. Couple of minor things about the uniforms. If you take a look at this screenshot right here I have two of them for you to see. First, this is not the Tampa Bay Road uniform. (It was, but when they were the Devil Rays) and a very minor mistake with the year displayed on this Yankee uniform. The Yankees only used this style of road uniform from 1927-1930. Beginning in 1931 they went back to having the "NEW YORK" on their road uniforms. Uploaded with ImageShack.us Also the following were in error: 1. The Tampa Bay HOME uniform is incorrect. It shows the fictional 1979 "turn back the clock" uniforms that they wore. 2. The Miami Marlins HOME uniform is wrong. The Marlins home uniforms from the early 90's are in that slot instead. 3. The Miami Marlins ROAD uniform is wrong. The Marlins road uniforms that say FLORIDA from the 90's are there instead. 4. The Angels 1971 HOME uniform is wrong. The Hollywood Stars ROAD uniform is there in it's place. 5. The Angels 1957 ROAD uniform is wrong. The ROAD uniform from the 1990's is there.
  4. This is why I love feedback in here from something that I've written. And what you said here Jim was something that I did not mean to, but still got away from when I posted this section yesterday. I was so intent on making my point to have everyone read the article that his photo was secondary to me. Maybe it was Rolling Stone's intention to show this guy as a normal looking kid because in the article that is exactly what he was until his ideals got all mixed up due to influences around him.
  5. Updated to 7-21 ...I went to a fireman's carnival last week at one of our neighboring towns and while I was walking around it was almost like I was transported back in time to when I used to go to these thing regularly as a kid. The girls for instance looked and acted like the girls of thirty, thirty-five years ago. You could tell who were the pretty and popular ones because they hung around in packs and they stood in a close circle as if keeping the whole world at a distance as they talk among themselves. Then all of a sudden they'll start walking and after twenty feet or so they huddle up again for a new set of downs. I saw it back then and I saw it now. Must be something in their DNA. Another thing is wasting money trying to win a stuffed animal that probably cost at the most a quarter to make and when next year's spring cleaning rolls around you take a look at the prize you won last summer and without having a second thought about it, throw it away. In our house we'll be doing this twice because when my wife asked me to win her something I ended up winning her two stuffed animals. My luck wasn't with me that night. ...Last Monday, the day before the All-Star Game, Bud Selig said in an interview that baseball is "cleaner than it's ever been." This guy may be a lot of things but I had no idea that he was a comedian. ...There was an All-Star Game played last week but if you judge it by the lack of attention this got from people on this website you could have sworn the game was rained out. Personally I enjoyed it because I always like to see well pitched games and since I've been watching only Yankee games the only time I am aware of this happening is when it is being done to the Yankees or when I hear about it going on in another game. So as I sat down knocking off a six pack of Lipton Iced Tea, I had these observations. 1. Since there was a baseball game being played and a Yankee was a part of it you almost had to expect to see some kind of injury and bless his heart, Robinson Cano didn't disappoint. 2. I didn't even mind listening to Tim McCarver babble on last night because I kept on telling myself that this was the last All-Star Game this guy was going to ruin. 3. I'd have loved to know the odds before the game on Prince Fielder hitting a triple. 4. Thankfully no one on the Red Sox did anything in this game to brag about because if they had their fans would be crowing about it until Labor Day. 5. The game was played in ninety degree heat. This must have made the concession stands in Citi Field deliriously happy as they raised the prices of beer and soda across the board. 6. The nicest part about having Mariano Rivera out there on the mound as the bottom of the eighth started was that the players on both sides did it themselves and it had nothing to do with the commissioner or what he thought about it. Love or hate the Yankees --that's your choice. But this guy is the classiest player to ever put on a uniform. ...Did it really shock anyone when they found out Derek Jeter went back on the disabled list? ...Yasiel Puig got over not being elected to the All-Star team very well as he spent his time off at the Playboy Mansion partying with his brand new friends. Let's see if he gets invited back there after he hits .250 for the rest of the season. ...The plan for the Chicago Cubs to construct a first-ever electronic Jumbotron above Wrigley Field's ivy-covered outfield walls came one step closer to becoming a reality when the city's landmarks commission approved a plan to allow the team to build it. The Cubs are not in the clear yet because the full City Council still must give its approval. One of the most important points the Cubs are trying to sell to people that are opposed to this being done is that the advertising revenues generated by the signs will help the team win but people with long memories reminded the team that this is exactly what was said when lights were installed in 1988 and in the twenty-five years since then the Cubs haven't exactly set the league on fire. ...I don't think the ball club has anything to worry about because this looks like a whole bunch of political posturing. There's no way the Cubs are going to lose this argument with the city because if they do they'll just pack up and go someplace where they'll get their way and the entire city will end up having to watch the White Sox and that's something that no one wants to do even if they are unlucky enough to live in Chicago. ...O.J. Simpson will be appearing before a Nevada parole board later this month but the chances of him receiving parole at that time are very slim. That's too bad because I was curious to see how well his golf game was coming along. ...Beginning in September Jenny McCarthy will be joining The View, a show that is aimed for women where they discuss current issues. Obviously not hired for her intelligence, McCarthy has a little less than two months before she debuts on the show to learn what current issues actually are and how to talk about them. ...I have been noticing these past few years that when it's that time of year when my birthday rolls around the thing that makes me the happiest is knowing that once it gets here I don't have to think about it anymore for a full year. ...I have no problems with ESPN the Magazine's The Body Issue but I wouldn't mind the next time they do one of these that they keep the men out of it. ...There's an old nursery rhyme that starts out with Hey diddle diddle, The cat and the fiddle, the cow jumped over the moon. What this old English lyric does not go on to say is what the cow did once he finished jumping over the moon and for a forty-five year old Brazilian man he found out the hard way. While he and his wife were asleep in bed this nocturnal cow decided to take a quick walk around the neighborhood to stretch his legs after all that jumping. Somehow the cow got all mixed up and before he knew it he found himself on the roof of this man's home. Roofs are not meant to support something weighing over a ton and without any warning to the cow, the animal crashed through the roof and landed on the man's leg and missed the wife completely. The man died later while in the hospital but surprisingly the family blamed his treatment in the hospital more than the cow because they said he spent a long time waiting to be examined. That's not to say that the cow was not made to answer for his part in this. When the man's family got together after his wake to have a dinner in his memory for him all the ground beef there that day was courtesy of that same roof walking cow. ...Soon after George Zimmerman was found not guilty of murder in the death of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin, celebrities from the sports, music and entertainment world fell all over themselves in their race to jump on their twitter accounts to let everyone know they felt about the verdict. While I understand the frustration that some folks have been feeling about the outcome of this trial it appeared to me that there was as much attention paid to what people like Rihanna and Miley Cyrus, two women who will never be mistaken for their acute knowledge of due process, had to say about it. It also seems to me that it is very ironic that when the Casey Anthony verdict was announced two years back the number of celebrities who came out to express their outrage over that was no where near as much as the ones who disclosed their opinions on George Zimmerman. ...It did not take long for celebrities to move on from the Zimmerman verdict to zero in on Rolling Stone magazine for their decision to put Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev on the cover of their latest issue. If we had bothered to listen to these people they'd have us believe that the magazine wanted to turn Tsarnaev into a celebrity and that we should boycott this magazine and not purchase this issue. Well I didn't need someone like Brad Paisley to tell me not to buy this issue because I wasn't about to anyway since I'm too cheap but I did do the next best thing and I read the entire article online and if these people took the time to read this piece they would see that Rolling Stone did not praise him or try to make him look good at any time in the article. While the article in itself was very well written, I came away with no more understanding of this mixed-up religion of Islam, a faith that constantly preaches peace but only in a tongue-in-cheek way. There's a old cliché that says don't judge a book (or in this case a magazine) by its cover. Personally that's what I think happened here and everyone jumped on it. It really didn't matter to me if that kid's face was plastered on a magazine or if we have to see something about him every day on the internet news sites like CNN because when it's time this guy is going to have to answer for what he did and that is when the city of Boston will really be satisfied. ...Malala Yousafzai is a young Pakistani girl gifted with courage that exceeds her sixteen years. She is the girl shot at close range by Taliban gunmen last October because felt that girls deserved the right to have an education and felt so strongly about this that she was not afraid to say this in public despite the constant threats given by the Taliban before they finally made good on it. After she was shot she was flown to Great Britain for treatment and has not returned home because of continued threats from the Taliban saying that they would finish the job once she returned home. Soon after delivering an inspirational speech at the United Nations she received a letter from a Taliban commander asking her to return home and in it he expressed his "shock" that she was attacked but stopped short when it came to apologizing to her. They probably figured if they worded it like that she'd get on the next plane that was headed back to Pakistan. The Taliban wants her back so they can finish her off because this group of trained killers who hide their faces when they murder people are afraid of a little girl who has more fearlessness and inner strength then they'll ever have (and at the same time I have to admit more then I'll ever have) because she had the guts to stand up to them and by doing that she did more damage to the Taliban than an entire army. ...I admire people like this a lot more these days then professional athletes. I'll always be a baseball and football fan but I don't have the same love for the game as I had for it when I was a kid. Hell, I don't even have the same love for baseball that I had ten years ago. When I was a kid following the Yankees each day was everything. But back then I followed all the teams. I could tell you if Willie Stargell was in a slump or not or if Steve Garvey was having a better year than the year before. I don't mind dating myself here a little bit but I was in-con-sol-able after the Reds swept the Yankees in four straight games in the 1976 World Series. I cried for days. I tore out every picture of a Reds player that I had in the scrapbook I was keeping. I was convinced that I would never see the Yankees win anything again because I was born to late to see them when they were really good. Now it's different. When the World Series gets here this year and by some act of God the Yankees are in it and they end up losing to the Reds or any other team in four quick games, as soon as the last game is over and done with all I'd do is check to see if there was a movie on TV that I might be interested in and if not, go to bed. ...A New Jersey man was convicted Friday of sexually abusing a woman while she slept on an airline flight and is now facing a maximum sentence of life in prison and a $250,000 fine. Witnesses say while the woman was resting the man leaned over onto her seat and had his left hand beneath a sweater that was draped over her and when she woke up she found his hands inside her shirt and shorts. For anyone that's ever traveled in coach before you can imagine how hard this would be to do. The man's excuse for doing this was that he was trying to get a job with the TSA and he wanted to show them how good he'd be at patting people down. ...A Pennsylvania woman last week gave birth to a fourteen pound baby girl that was delivered via cesarean section by doctors since there was no way the kid's head would have fit through had she popped out the way most babies do when they come into the world no matter how much drugs they'd have pumped into her to relax her. The mother passed out five or six times after the delivery was completed every time she was told how much the kid weighed and in between one of her fainting spells she called her husband over to her hospital bed and told him that in no uncertain terms would she consent to going home with him unless he got himself a vasectomy because there was no way she was going to take the chance in giving birth to another sumo wrestler again.
  6. Already been uploaded to the site by kst7584 right here. What's next? Are you going to repackage the entire Total Classics series and upload it to the website?
  7. Yes. Search the forums to find discussions about this subject.
  8. I don't remember this either. So I got curious and looked it up and his last game was on May 8, 1988 in a 10-8 loss to the Rangers at Texas. I have no recollection of ever seeing that game since watching the Yankees during that time period was even worse than now. But I agree, he needs to have #10. He can't even have his Cleveland number because Lou Piniella has that.
  9. Damned if you weren't right about that. Chambliss came back to the Yankees after a one year layoff in 1988 and had one at-bat for them. (He struck out.) That was his only at-bat in 1988 and he then called it a career. He wore #50 instead of #10 because in 1985 the Yankees retired Phil Rizzuto's number so that meant his old uniform number was unavailable. Chambliss wore #14 for Cleveland and #10 for the Yankees and Braves.
  10. Sure. Search the forums for something called Artmoney. Follow the directions and you will be all set.
  11. If you made this bctrackboi11, I will gladly use it. Thank you very much! Five stars!
  12. If you had bothered to check the download section you will find that this importer has already been uploaded here twice. Here's one link and here is the other one. I suggest you spend some quality time in the download area to see what is there first.
  13. Who could forget Julie Newmar who played Catwoman? She was my favorite, for obvious reasons. Uploaded with ImageShack.us
  14. Here's one I always thought was very pretty. Her name is Sharon Tate and what she is most famous for is how she died. Because of Charles Manson her career was cut short. Uploaded with ImageShack.us
  15. This cyberface makes Simon look like he's a member of the walking dead.
  16. Looking great as usual! Thank you so much.
  17. Phil Rizzuto wore #10.Munson's #15 is retired too.
  18. Thank you Dylan. I appreciate it a lot. I hope you had a wonderful birthday too.
  19. There is no reason for you to partition your hard drive to play this game on Windows 7. Believe me I should know because I have Mvp 2005 installed on XP, Vista and Windows 7 and I do not have one problem running it on any of them. And if you don't like the pitch meter go in the download section and search for another one.
  20. Updated to 7-14 ...I don't know if it is going to matter one bit if Chipper Jones complains about umpire Angel Hernandez and tells everyone that he won't watch any game that he umpires in. I'm with Chipper 100% because I see for myself how bad Hernandez is but I think that nothing is going to happen to this guy because Commissioner Do-Nothing always looks the other way. Who knows? Maybe he has incriminating pictures of Selig working late at night with his secretary in a room that apparently was so hot they had to remove all their clothes. Hey, could be. Just a guess. ...The American Civil Liberties Union is very concerned about the accommodations that Aaron Hernandez is having to cope with as he waits for his murder trial to start. They are worried because he is in solitary confinement and locked alone in a small room with very little human interaction for over twenty hours a day. The ACLU argues that prisoners who are locked up in this way suffer debilitating psychological effects when they are extremely isolated and that it drastically diminishes the chances of rehabilitation. Maybe so. But even if Hernandez is locked in a room all this time and might get a little stir crazy because of it his situation is infinitely better than Odin Lloyd's, who is six feet under and unable to complain about his accommodations. ...I have to admit that Manny Ramirez looks almost normal after he got his haircut. ...There is a rock formation in Utah called The Wave and if people want to hike there the only way they can do it is by entering a lottery for the privilege to do so. The odds of winning this permit are as low as ten percent but it did not discourage an elderly couple from California from entering. Lady Luck must have been with them because the next thing they knew they had won the permit to go there and they arrived in Utah so fast even the Mormons were impressed. This place is protected so well by the U.S. Bureau of Land Management that they only allow twenty hikers a day to go there. (By the way, before I go on, someone's missing a golden opportunity here. If they increase it to fifty people a day and then have a couple of their employees drive around in dune buggys selling cold water and sandwiches to the hikers they'd clean up.) This is why this couple was so thrilled when they won. It is unknown when Lady Luck got interested in something else left them on their three mile hike across open country but that's exactly what she did and both of them, the woman (aged 69) and the man (aged 70) were found the next day by other hikers, dead of dehydration. I don't know what it is but when I read about senseless deaths like this it stays with me for awhile. These people should be alive today. I have two questions about this and one easy prediction. 1. Didn't these people realize that this section of the country has been having daily temperatures soar well over one hundred degrees making the humidity insufferable and maybe --just maybe-- because of this called it off due to health concerns? 2. Same point as above, but pointing the finger at the officials that run this thing. Because of the hundred degree daily temperatures that they've been going through wouldn't it have been a good idea to postpone this until the weather breaks like ten or fifteen degrees? Or if not, supply them with a two-way radio or something for them to have to call for help? 3. And here's my prediction about this entire mess: expect a lawsuit from someone on behalf of the deceased. Told you it was an easy one. ...Whether they come out and say it or not, law enforcement agencies must love social media sites like Twitter because it gives people a false sense of security that helps them catch the suspects they are looking for. That explains how the San Diego County District Attorney was able to catch a sixty year old woman who was on the run for receiving over $660 thousand in disability payments when it fact she wasn't injured. The woman in question was sentenced to more than twenty years in prison for this and also was order to pay more than one million dollars in fines and restitution. If she wasn't hurting then she's certainly hurting now. When this verdict was handed down back in January this woman decided that her life here in the United States suddenly began cramping her style so she took off as fast as she could with very little luggage but plenty of money and her final dig to the San Diego D.A. was via twitter and it said "catch me if you can" and the next thing she knew that is exactly what they did. The cops didn't have to go far to get her as they went over the border to Rosarito Beach, Mexico which is only fifteen miles south of San Diego. When you do something like this you become your own worst enemy. She's probably still wondering how they found her. ...Sarah Palin said last week that she is considering running for senate in Alaska in 2014 but she wants to make sure that people understand she's only considering it and also stated that she may or may not run as she is not too sure right now. It could be one way or another. Nothing's been decided and she's certainly not reached a decision as of yet. If you understood all of this consider yourself a step ahead of everyone else. ...What this woman lacks in intelligence she makes up for in stupidity. ...I don't know if the kids in Thailand were taught about World War II or if they've even heard of it but Adolph Hitler, of all people, is a cult figure in that country. This guy is so popular he has a Fried Chicken joint named after him and initial reviews of the place say that the chicken is pretty good. Hitler's mug is all over the place there it's really hard to say why. (Although I did have to laugh at what they did to the Ronald McDonald face that is just to the right of the hot looking but mixed up girl.) There was even a time when some students showed up for school dressed as Nazis with swastika arm bands and toy guns. Can you imagine if that happened in this country? School officials will be falling over themselves to be the first to suspend the kids and notify the media. This is one of the oddest things I have heard in a long time and it is anyone's guess as to why those kids are treating this guy of all people like a rock star. But as nuts as this fried chicken place sounds and whatever reasons the Thai kids think that Hitler is somehow cool it is that country's concern. We have enough to worry about right here. ...The saddest person in all of Thailand after Hitler's Fried Chicken opened up was a rabbi who has lived in Bangkok for these past thirty years. He expressed sadness that a place of business used that name to represent themselves but was even more downcast when he finally admitted that the chicken that he had from that place was the best damn chicken he ever had. ...I realize that Brian Wilson has had two Tommy John surgeries in the past but it is still hard to believe that no one has taken a chance on him this year. ...Congratulations to Atlanta's Freddie Freeman for being voted to the final spot on the National League All Star team instead of hot dog Yasiel Puig. *&#% him. ...Amanda Bynes got on her twitter account last week and added the President and Mrs. Obama to the long list of people that she has called "ugly." I feel bad for the President and First Lady because Bynes is an expert on what is ugly and what isn't because all she has to do is look in the mirror. ...I've been hearing about those 3D printers for awhile and the more I've been reading about them the more interesting they've become. I was even flirting with maybe getting one of them but when I heard they were over $1,000 the flirtation immediately stopped. ...A Tennessee woman last week went to her neighbor's house and asked him if she could go swimming in his pool completely naked. The guy must have thought he'd won his own private lottery because he couldn't say yes fast enough and to show the woman he was a nice guy he stayed right by the pool the entire time she was there watching her swim. Finally after about twenty minutes he went to get her a towel but it seemed that the woman must have felt she needed a little bit more practice on her backstroke because she went right back in the pool after drying off. Seems the woman had a purpose in all of this because while she was doing all that swimming her husband was in the house robbing the place and he went off with some jewelry, medication and a firearm. The first thing that I thought of when I first read this was thank God I do not have a pool. ...Between now and the 31st of July we will be showered with news about actual trades and rumors about ones that may or may not happen and to get things off on the right track this year are the Yankees, who are supposed to be shopping Joba Chamberlain and Phil Hughes around the league. If this is true or not no one is talking about it right now. That's why it's a rumor. But the way I see it this really has to be because I can not imagine any other team in baseball that would want anything to do with either of these two underachieving losers unless the Yankees threw in something of greater value, like an all expense paid dinner at a five star restaurant. ...If there is any truth to that ESPN article that said Alex Rodriguez, Ryan Braun and "at least twenty other players" will be suspended sometime after the All Star break then all this is really going to do is take the game off the field where it belongs and bring it to a courtroom where nothing good comes from it. I won't worry none if Rodriguez gets suspended and the amount of games means nothing to me either. I'll still sleep like a baby either way. But this time to show they aren't conducting their own private A-Rod witch hunt, baseball had better be serious about suspending Braun and those "twenty other players" because if they don't it is going to give Rodriguez' lawyers grounds for saying he has been singled out. ...Derek Jeter returned to the Yankees last Thursday afternoon with the cheering of the Yankee Stadium crowd ringing in his ears. Don't misunderstand, it was nice to see him back but this team is going to need more than his presence to turn things around in the second half. Jeter did leave the game early due to suffering a strained quad muscle when he was running out a ball in the sixth inning. How long he will be out for this is anyone's guess right now. This latest setback did not discourage him one bit once the game was over as he spent the rest of the evening performing brain surgery, delivering two sets of twins in a subway and being the guest conductor at the New York Philharmonic. ...I was flipping through the sports channels during that Thursday Royals-Yankees game just to listen to ESPN and the MLB Network issue enough hosannas towards Captain Twenty Million that it almost made you want to check to see if Jeter's feet were actually on the ground when he was walking. As far as I knew it was and I got a hi-definition TV. Then Kevin Millar, who has no business being on TV talking about baseball or anything else, says this gem about Jeter when he was talking about him getting his timing back. He's a veteran. He's got 3,300 hits. So believe me he's been in that batter's box a lot. Really? Because I had no idea. I thought maybe he bought all those hits off of someone on eBay. ...Final thing about Jeter, he ended up in fifth place among the voters for the American League's starting shortstop and that is despite not playing in one game. Too bad though, had he managed to play in one or two games he would have had the ballot stuffers working overtime to get him in. ...He hasn't been here in awhile but I want to wish a happy birthday to that great schedule maker and more importantly all around good guy Dylan Bradbury. Have a good one Dylan! ...Prediction for Tuesday's All-Star Game at Citi Field? An American League victory. Reason? Who knows, I'm just guessing here.
  21. It's not a stupid question at all but what you need to do is search these forums for your questions beforehand because if you had you would not have posted this question. There's a very good thread started many years ago by a member here that covers basic questions like this. It's called Mvp Baseball 2005 for Dummies and you will have no trouble in the future locating this thread since it is hot linked on the main page of this website
  22. Always five stars Dennis. Always. Thank you for everything that you do.
  23. God damn. I went to rate this uniform my usual five stars and the thing popped up so fast it wouldn't give me time to drag my mouse all the way to the right to give it the five star treatment.
  24. Very nice work Dennis and also props to the Diamondbacks who are recognizing those nineteen firefighters. R.I.P.
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