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Everything posted by Yankee4Life

  1. No, he used hot dogs and soda. A few more: Hiroki Kuroda throws the ball away trying to pick off a White Sox runner. Mark Teixeira wasn't paying attention because he was playing with his wrist. Same inning. Alex Rodriguez throws the ball away because speedster A.J. Pierzynski was racing down the line. With Rodriguez making 29 million and Jeter in the poor house making only 20 million a year, neither one of them could be bothered to go after this ground ball. Alexei Ramirez can not believe he let that pitch go. No matter, the White Sox won 9 - 6.
  2. A great catch by Joe Dimaggio at Washington's Griffith Stadium. Uploaded with ImageShack.us Babe Ruth is having one hell of a game against the 1927 Red Sox. Uploaded with ImageShack.us
  3. As daflyboys said, you need to check the download section for this. In this case I did it for you and if you click on this link right here you will find what you need. Read the directions that the modder provided. As a new user you need to learn how to search for things and I also recommend that you spend a lot of time in the download section because you will be pleasantly surprised at what you find there. The mods on this site are wonderful.
  4. Thank you again for this very accurate roster set.
  5. Updated to 7-7 ...The New England Patriots this weekend are allowing fans that purchased Aaron Hernandez jerseys the opportunity to exchange them online and at their stadium team store. Nice move by the team to distance themselves even more from their former tight end by trying to collect back as many sold Hernandez jerseys as they can. By this time next year the Patriots will deny even knowing this guy. ...Just when you think the Dodgers were getting nice and comfortable in last place they bring up Yasiel Puig and since his call up all he's done is hit everything that's been pitched to him as he woke up a Dodger team that seemed to be going through the motions before he got there. Good news always seems to beget more good news and this was the case for Los Angeles when they found out that Josh Beckett (0-5, 5.19 ERA) will be missing the rest of the season as he will undergo surgery on a nerve in the neck area. And just like that the Dodgers could be the team to watch in the N.L. West after the All Star break because of this rookie phenom who is tearing up the league and getting rid of a pitcher who can't decide if he likes KFC or Popeye's the best. ...Then again wait a minute. Hold that post. ...The Cubs managed to unload Carlos Marmol on somebody and that somebody was the Dodgers. Who says all the luck the Cubs have is bad? I'm sure that the Dodgers are hoping for good things from Marmol after he gets himself straightened out in AAA ball. If not, Jose Valverde is only a phone call away. ...Last week I finished my graduation party obligations and after my wife and I arrived home I thought I was freed up for the rest of the summer because we had nothing else scheduled that we had to attend. I was wrong. I got a call last Sunday that informed us that a baby shower was going to take place on August 4th. Sure, I told my mother and then I told her I would let my wife know all about it when she woke up. And then she sprung it on me. "This baby shower is going to be different. It's going to be a group baby shower where the men are invited!" I was going to ask her if she was kidding but since I know her so well I knew she wasn't. I asked her who's bright idea it was to have it like this and she told me that a lot of showers were being done this way now and it is a lot of fun. You got to hand it to women. They think of new ways to stick it to you and then with a straight face they tell you that you'll enjoy it. ...I got a feeling how this group baby shower thing started. There must have been some woman out there who was invited to a lot of these things and went to all of them and while she was away her husband stayed at home watching a football or a baseball game and maybe even took a nap and when she found this out she decided to start this custom just to drag him with her. ...The heat situation from Las Vegas down to Arizona has been crazy lately and I have to admire the people that have been living through this intense heat since it began. I've always been able to work pretty well outside in the heat but never in temperatures that went over 120 degrees. I believe the worst I ever had to work in was in 102 degree heat and that was hell. You don't need anyone to tell you it's too hot when your sneakers start to melt, and that's exactly what has been happening there. I just wish them a lot of luck and I hope that they get a nice rainstorm very soon. ...The most interesting part about Serena Williams being eliminated from this year's Wimbledon tournament is that after she lost she didn't blame it on someone else or an injury excuse that she just happened to come up with. ...Manny Ramirez is back in America and not a moment too soon. Thanks to the Texas Rangers, who signed him to a minor league contract and assigned him to their AAA Round Rock, Texas farm team, his return to the major leagues can only be a short time away if he hits as well as he did when he was in Taiwan. This is good for baseball fans everywhere since it gets boring putting down Alex Rodriguez all the time and it's good for Manny because he is down to his last eight or nine million and when that happens you really have to learn to budget your money. ...Now who didn't see this coming? Fighting between supporters of deposed Egyptian President Mohamed Morsy and their opponents broke out last week as rock throwing, tear gas launching and gunshots were exchanged with both sides reporting that they had a very good time. Meanwhile in Israel daily activity has slowed to a crawl as most of the country is watching what is going on in Egypt and there have been three reports of people with bad hearts that were laughing so hard that it killed them. ...In probably one of the worst cases of animal cruelty I have read about in quite some time, a Florida man has been arrested for strangling his family's puppy, chopping it into pieces and cooking its ribs on the stove. The guy got busted because a family member called the cops on him and when the police came they found the dog's ribs cooking in a pot on the stove and the head thrown in the garbage. I'm having a hard time typing this piece out because it's making me sick. The man was arrested on suspicion of animal cruelty. Suspicion? How much more proof do they need? The sad part is because this guy killed a puppy the punishment he will be facing will be no where as severe as if he hurt a child instead and for any dog owners out they would agree without a second's hesitation. ...An Indian airline called GoAir announced last week that from now on in order to save fuel they would only be hiring female flight attendants based on the reason that women are usually lighter than men. The pilots from this airline have unanimously approved of this change because when it was time to hit the mile high club again they didn't want to do it with someone named Vijay. ...Cuba has not aired a Major League Baseball game in their country since 1961 and all that changed last week when they showed a Braves-Nationals game that was played back on the second of May. There was no explanation as to why a game that was played two months ago was shown to the Cuban audiences. If they keep this up they won't find out who won the World Series until Christmas. ...Usually when Jonathan Papelbon says something I only partially listen to it but last week he actually said something that made so much sense I had to double check just to make sure he was the guilty party. He said that it would be a joke if Yasiel Puig got included on the National League's All Star team only because he had a good first month in the majors. Like him or not, Papelbon makes a very good point. I don't think there would be any doubt about Puig being included had he been called up in early April and put up comparable numbers. ...Curtis Granderson, trying to come back from his second major injury this year after breaking his left pinkie, started taking swings in a pool last week with a pipe to build up his strength in his non throwing hand. So far there's been no reports of any setbacks but the way this guy's luck has been going this year it is only a matter of time he gets water in his ear and develops an ear infection. ...It's pretty rare that a major league umpire gets fired for any reason. I may be mistaken here but the last time this happened had to be when a group of umpires lead by Ken Kaiser resigned as a ploy to get a new contract from Baseball. That ended up being a big mistake for the umpires who signed those letters of resignation because after union negotiations with baseball they were not rehired. Now last week Brian Runge, a fourteen year veteran, was let go due to a drug violation. I won't debate Baseball's stand on this topic but I think an umpire should be given the chance to get help and earn his way back or if not Commissioner Do-Nothing should apply this same policy towards the players. ...Last Wednesday (July 3rd) was the 42nd anniversary of Jim Morrison's death. The Doors are one of my favorite bands of all time and Morrison was without question one of the best frontman any band could hope to have. My only regret is that I never saw them perform because they were a little before my time. R.I.P. Mr. Mojo Risin'. ...I went to go see Man of Steel on Independence Day and unfortunately I have to go and see it again because I missed some parts of it. You see, the movie place we usually go to was being remodeled these past few months and in every theater they put in these soft recliner chairs that allow you to put your feet up and enjoy the show in extra comfort. Well it was a little to much extra comfort for me as I proceeded to fall fast asleep halfway into the movie. My wife tried waking me up a few times but gave up after the third time. She said it was a good thing I had those 3D glasses on because that made it hard for people to see if I was asleep or not. ...I just find it astounding that every year there's one guy who eats an amazing amount of hot dogs and does not get a stomach ache that lasts until Labor Day. A vacuum named Joey Chestnut ate 69 hot dogs (including the buns) in ten minutes to win his seventh straight contest. You would think that someone who can put away all food would be tipping the scales at over three hundred pounds but you'd be mistaken. He's a pretty thin guy considering he'd be the last person you'd want to invite over to your house for dinner. ...At the supermarket last Friday I heard an old person use the word "dude." It just sounded funny coming from someone who looked like an octogenarian. I can remember when I was a young kid when some people that age still used the word whippersnapper. ...Same supermarket, same day. While I was in the checkout I took a look at the cashier and noticed that there was a hole in her earlobes big enough to push a pen all the way through without having to force it. As I was paying for my things I was looking at it closer without trying to be conspicuous about it and I saw that there was a piece of plastic in the middle of her ear where the hole was and then I figured out that the hole she had there was no accident. I don't know if there is a name for this or not or if this is just something else to do to yourself instead of getting a tattoo. Maybe not, since she had enough of those. I swear if there was a way to drill a hole in your head and live to tell about it people like this would be standing in line to have it done.
  6. If your first disc is broke there is no way you are going to be able to copy all the files to a CD-R to make it your new disc one. All the files on that original CD are necessary for the installation. If not they would have never put them on there in the first place.
  7. Drop the price in half and I'll consider.
  8. Great job! Everyone take a second and give this roster the five star rating it deserves!
  9. Maybe so. This does happen on occasion. However, I did a quick check on eBay and found this one that has a few days left on it and this one. I like the option for #2 better because you get to buy it right now if you want since the other one has four days to go on it. Then of course there is always someone who demands this price and when no one buys it he wonders why.
  10. Wait! Does that mean I can't go into Best Buy tonight and grab me a new laptop? I mean I already own one at home so I should be able to.
  11. Updated to 6-30 ...Beginning on July 15th after a seven month hiatus thanks to greed and poor management, Hostess Twinkies will be back on store shelves and for some people that has been a long time coming. I had no problem not seeing this sold at my local 7-11 because I always felt that these things were too sweet to begin with. I always compared eating one of these things to swallowing five tablespoons of sugar. I'll pass. ...One dozen Islamic militants wearing police uniforms shot to death nine foreign tourists last week when they were visiting Nanga Parbat in northern Pakistan, which is one of the highest mountains in the world. The local Taliban office of tourism and terror is claiming responsibility for the killings because one of their own was killed in a drone attack last month. Pakistani authorities have promised to do their best to find the people responsible for these actions and that means they'll probably devote two or three hours at the most looking for them and then quietly give up. Many foreign tourists stay away from Pakistan because of the danger they believe in visiting a country that is home to the Taliban and Al-Qaida, two Muslim terrorist groups that have an ongoing competition to see if they can pile up more kills than the other. It's pretty rare when a tourist season opens and closes in the same week, but there you go. ...By now it's well known to everyone that cares and doesn't care that Kim Kardashian named her little publicity machine --I mean baby girl--North West. I feel bad for her because I can imagine what she'll have to go through when she gets older with parents like that although Kanye will probably take off before the kid is six months old. ...I would love to be there the first time this little girl asks her mother how she became famous and who Ray J was. ...Let's see. Manny Ramirez is an ex-Red Sox player, he got busted for steroids and he is all washed up. No wonder why people are saying he'd be a perfect fit for the Yankees. ...As good as Serena Williams is at playing tennis that is how bad she is at everything else. ...What was the big deal when Phillies manager Charlie Manuel told a reporter that he was "going to knock him out?" Billy Martin used to say the same thing all the time and this is when he was talking to the people he liked. ...Who says courtesy is dead, Dept: In Atlanta, a group of people were standing in line waiting to go into a local clothing and shoe store to purchase a pair of limited edition Lebron James shoes when a robber came by and tried to get money off of some of them. One guy in line apparently only had money for the shoes and nothing else and was unwilling to hand over some of it to the pickpocket. So after the usual exchange of pleasantries, the guy got out of line and shot the would-be crook dead. As of now the police are charging no one as they are considering the shooting to be self-defense. That still doesn't answer the question as to why someone would bring a gun with them as they were waiting in line to buy a pair of over priced sneakers and that he just got back in line to get them right after killing someone. Has killing become this commonplace now? ...Like last year when he walked across Niagara Falls, I did not watch Nik Wallenda do his daredevil act across the Little Colorado River Gorge because watching stuff like that makes me nervous. I'd rather be in a room full of women listening to them talk about the shoes that they just bought instead of sitting and watching this guy do his walk on the tightrope. I respect the talent it takes to do this and God knows I'd never be able to but I still wish he'd find something else to do in the future because I'm sure that no one that watches him wants to see him get into a scary situation out there. ...Independence Day, the 1996 blockbuster action movie that starred Will Smith is getting a sequel after all these years. It's going to be released in 2015 and although nearly half of the sequel's cast is from the original film, Smith will not be a part of it because his asking price to do a movie has become too expensive in recent years. You'd think it would be the exact opposite with the way his last few movies have turned out. Has anyone seen After Earth? It's not really the fact that Smith is too expensive. It's just that once you hire him these days you have to hire the rest of the family whether you want to or not. That's when it becomes expensive. ...The great thing about being a sports fan is that it gives you something to involve yourself in away from your every day life whether it's at home, work or whatever else you got going on. Sometimes when I'm not feeling well I turn on a Yankee game and if I'm lucky Phil Hughes is on the mound and after a couple of innings of cursing him out (because that's how long he stays in the game) I feel a lot better. This is why it is easy for me to separate my feelings towards the city of Boston at the time when the Merry Muslims decided to ruin the Boston Marathon and my opinions towards the same people when sports are concerned, which is all the time. I was happy to support Boston in its most difficult time but there was no way I wasn't going to not cheer when their hockey team choked at the worst possible moment. All we needed was to have another one of their teams win a championship and they'd throw that in our faces for another year. The only thing better about the Bruins losing the cup was them losing it at home. ...Besides, with the Red Sox being in first place that is more than enough to take as it is. ...It got worse for New England sports fans a few days later when Patriots tight end Aaron Hernandez was arrested and held without bail for the murder of Odin Lloyd, a man that Hernandez knew since the man happened to be dating the sister of his fiancee. On the same day he was arrested the Patriots wasted no time in cutting him from the team. Now instead of catching passes from Tom Brady in the fall Hernandez is going to be fighting off passes in the showers in whatever prison he gets sent to. It is hard to have sympathy for someone who is twenty-three years old and a millionaire many times over who resorts to do something like this. ...In the possibility that Hernandez gets convicted of this crime I have money on some Patriots fans starting a petition to get him back on the team on a work-release program every Sunday so he can keep playing. ...It would be hilarious if ESPN had their newest NFL commentator Ray Lewis put his two cents in and let everyone know what he thinks of Hernandez' arrest. ...In a move that is sure to pay immediate results, the Chicago Cubs designated Carlos Marmol for assignment last Tuesday. Marmol was so bad the other teams would cheer his name as soon as he was announced into the game. ...Just keep this guy away from the Yankees. We already have Hughes and Chamberlain. ...But not Mark Teixeira. He's gone for the rest of the season because he needs wrist surgery. That means he is getting 23 million dollars this year for doing nothing. I'm not too worried about this one though because Lyle Overbay has done a great job and he plays first base just as well as Teixeira. Of all the things wrong with the Yankees this year and of all the injuries that they've had they'll survive this one without thinking twice about it. I hope he comes back next year healthy and pain free but if he doesn't that's just how it is. The days of me worrying about the health and well-being of multi- millionaire Yankee ballplayers are over and done with. ...The bad luck the Yankees have had with long term million dollar contracts (Rodriguez and Teixeira) should be a factor this fall when Robinson Cano wants his eight year, thirty million a year (give or take a million) from the team. ...Consider me just as surprised as anyone else was last week when Yankee GM Brian Cashman told Alex Rodriguez to "shut the *#&% up." It's about time somebody did. ...Just for fun this summer when you are out and about try and see how many Pirate hats you see. I've already seen a couple. It's nice to see that the loyal fans of the Bucs from way back in April of this year are faithfully backing their team. ...I'm sure that by now we have all heard about the dangers of drinking too much soda or when it comes down to it, any soda at all. And diet soda, for all the hype it gets about fewer calories and just as good a taste is supposed to be even worse for you. Something about what is put into the drinks to give them their taste. It's too bad a thirty-one year old woman from Monaco didn't know this because for half her life she has been drinking nothing but soda and now because of this she has developed a condition called long QT syndrome, which can cause erratic heart beats. Since she was fifteen she told her doctors that she did not drink any water and soda (mostly cola) were the only liquids she drank. Talk about a coke habit. I bet this woman never failed one of those Coke-Pepsi challenges. The good news for her is that after she cut out soda for one week her potassium and heart electrical activity returned to normal. All I want to know now is if she has any of her original teeth left. ...While I can understand the anger that the parents of a seventh grade special needs student are having especially after finding out their kid was raped by another male student at gym class in a Los Angeles school, I would concentrate more of my anger towards the kid that did it then the school itself because if kids who commit crimes like that want to do it they will find a way to get it done. The parents knee-jerk reaction is to sue the school but they should go right after the family of the junior varsity rapist. The kid that committed this crime is under eighteen years of age but I don't understand why someone under that age is considered a minor by our court systems because they obviously know how to commit adult crimes. Let them have the adult punishments that go with them. ...Bad news for the lady who was forcibly removed from a U.S. Airways flight for refusing to comply with flight crew instructions when they asked her to turn off her cell phone. Aside from being arrested on three counts, including battery, disorderly conduct and resisting arrest with violence, any chance of her trying to spin what happened to make her seem like a victim in this went right out the window thanks to a passenger that recorded the entire profanity filled tantrum for the world to see on Youtube. Man that sucks. Here's someone who's just trying to get by and sue an airline and some pain in the a$$ has to go an record it and ruin everything. [/sarcasm off] ...Miley Cyrus was in such a hurry to go on Jimmy Kimmel's show last week that she forgot to wear pants. It seems as the weeks go on this girl becomes trashier and trashier and at the age of twenty she is only getting started. I wonder what she won't be wearing five years from now? Her parents must be so proud. ...Anyone get to see that new show that aired last Monday night called Under the Dome? This is going to be a fun show to watch this summer! ...I'm going to finish up this week's random thoughts in a slightly different way with a little story. I hope you all enjoy it. Mr. and Mrs. Y4L go out to dinner. Over the past few years every time my wife saw the Golden Corral restaurant commercials air on TBS she somehow convinced herself that it was a fun place to go to and since we didn't have any of them around here it made her want to go to one even more. It was just another case of the grass always being greener, etc, etc. Well, earlier this month the first Golden Coral opened up here in our city and the only thing that surprised me about this was that she waited a few weeks until we had to go. For any of you who have never been there it is a buffet style place and I can take or leave these kind of places, usually the latter. I don't eat a lot and whatever I do get fills me up really fast. The management must love me. Everyone else must have had the same idea as my wife had that night because the wait to get in the place was out the door and it took us fifteen minutes to get through the line and be escorted to a table. I told her after we sat down that if she gave me five minutes at home I could have made a couple of sandwiches and called it a night but you can't argue common sense with a woman because you'll lose every time. Finally we got up to see what they had to offer in this place and at first glance it looked like any other buffet place except for the Asian ones where they throw a lot more fish and vegetables at you to just to be different. My wife exclaimed that "everything looks wonderful" but what she said did not match the look on her face. As soon as she finished saying that I leaned over and whispered to her and said that is exactly how she looks every time her mother makes her something. To their credit this place does have a lot to choose from and you can always tell what item is a big hit amongst the customers because when you go to grab some all you get is a face to face meeting with an empty serving pan. This is why I can tell you that they serve macaroni and cheese and popcorn shrimp but I can't tell you if I liked it or not because every time a new batch was brought out from the back people swarmed on it so fast that if vultures saw what they did they'd be so depressed they'd choose a new profession. But I was able to get some nice stuff like a cup of soup and a couple pieces of chicken that the guy ahead of me in line had his eye on but wasn't able to claim for himself since there wasn't enough room on his plate for it so I figured I better get it while I had the chance because out of the corner of my eye I saw him go back and grab another plate. Before I forget some of these people at these places are real pros in that they can balance two heaping plates of food in one hand without any chance of them falling. I was uncontested in the fruit section and I was able to get as much watermelon slices that I wanted without worrying about sets of arms on the right and left of me. My wife got a lot of stuff that I didn't even bother to look at like meatloaf and tacos and a huge salad. She even waited in line to get a steak from one of the cooks that they have there. When she came back with her plate I took a look at her steak and I swear it was the size of a hockey puck. She asked me why I didn't get one for myself and I told her that the season was over. The oddest thing I saw when I was there was a couple sitting a few tables to the left of us in a booth. They had a portable DVD player with them and when one went to fill up their plate the other put the movie on pause and visa versa. I don't know how long those people were there but they were there before we arrived and they were still there when we left. They sure as hell must have got their dollars worth along with four or five other people too. Driving home I asked her if the Golden Coral was all that she expected it to be and she tried to downplay her initial excitement about the place when she admitted it was just a buffet place. I said I could have told you that and come to think of it, I did. Then she said it really didn't matter because we tried something new. And then she sprung something else on me. "Did you know that they are building a Sonic here in 2014?" Goodnight!
  12. OR.......you can just wait for the Mvp 13 mod to come out that the modders on this site are releasing because when that comes out you won't have to worry about doing these steps.
  13. Excellent screenshot this time.
  14. I think this looks very good, but I won't leave it at that daflyboys. I didn't want to say that and just move on. I really looked at the picture and I like everything about it. The pictures of the MVP's, the background used, MVP 13 featured in bold lettering. Everything about this stands out and makes you take notice of what this is about. That's why I said it looks very good. In fact it is fantastic.
  15. Daflyboys, is he talking about streaming this game onto an Android phone or Android tablet?
  16. Yes there is. This is a very quick and easy thing to do in your game that you can do to customize your game music to your liking. But what you need to do is search the forums because this question has already been asked and gone over in detail in other threads. You'll find a lot of information on how to do things in here by learning to use the search tool to your advantage.
  17. Two things wrong here. 1. When you want to take screenshots of your uniforms make sure it is a shot that people can clearly see the uniform. This one here is terrible. What a lot of people do is get a capture of one of the infielders standing with his arms by his side so you can see the front of the uniform or a screenshot of the pitcher after his follow-through. 2. If you want someone to do your cleats for this uniform you should not just tell them there are pictures on the internet and to just google them. Get the pictures yourself and post them in here so it saves the modder time. Make it as easier on them as possible. There is no way anyone should go hunting around looking for these pictures when you've already seen them and could have saved them some time.
  18. Updated to 6-23 ...With the excuse of improving security at all the stadiums, the National Football League has revised its policies for what fans can bring into stadiums from now on beginning with the pre-season games starting in August. Bags will not be permitted unless they are made of clear plastic and purses are now forbidden except for hand sized wallet ones. Also prohibited are backpacks, fanny packs, seat cushions and camera bags, among other things. All the NFL really wants is for you to show up empty handed with money in your pocket that they want you to leave behind once you leave the game. For some reason I don't think this rule is going to extend to the people who have luxury boxes. ...This is just another example of something being done for "security reasons" to help explain an unpopular change in rules or policies that are going to upset the public in general. The only thing that the NFL is trying to keep safe is their license to price gouge. ...Now isn't this something? After months of daily threats and warnings from North Korea they are now proposing high-level talks with the United States to ease tensions in the Korean peninsula. Funny that they seem to forget now that the strained relations that exist are strictly of their own doing. ...A Canadian couple from the province on Ontario discovered a four hundred year old skeleton in their backyard when they were digging postholes. When the man's wife encouraged him to keep digging to see if he could unearth the rest of the skeleton she had no idea that it would end up costing them one huge bill in the process. The police came and they sealed off the area and then they called a forensic anthropologist to examine the site. He in turn told the couple that they would have to hire an archeologist to examine the rest of the backyard and the cost of this would have to come out of their own pocket and soon after they were stuck with a $5,000 bill to basically let some stranger to come in their backyard and dig it up, look for bones and then leave. The dismayed couple is appealing to the mayor of their town to get the government to pay for the huge archeological bill but so far they have heard nothing, which is not surprising. In a way it is almost a relief to learn that inefficient bureaucracy is not confined to U.S. borders. ...Now had there been a treasure buried under the skeleton or right near it, Ontario would have been pleased to foot the bill and claim ownership of the find. ...My niece graduated from high school last week and when I informed her that I graduated in the same building ( the Eastman Theatre) she said to me "yeah, but that was in another century." How do you like that? And I'm her Godfather. I couldn't be more proud of that kid if she was mine. ...Even though her baby was born premature Kim Kardashian was still able to deliver a healthy baby girl and love her or hate her, that is all that mattered here. But now that childbirth is out of the way I have to wonder if this will be the first baby to get her own reality show. ...Dodgers pitcher Clayton Kershaw is upset that news about his proposed 300 million dollar contract negotiations with the team has leaked out to the press because the news was released before a deal was put into place. I'm not. I hope this ends up putting more pressure on the Dodgers to sign this guy now so they can be the ones stuck with a pitcher with a huge price tag who so far has never lead the Dodgers to anything, unlike Justin Verlander who has helped the Tigers win two American League pennants since 2006. ...More bad news for the Yankees as they sink lower in the standings. Kevin Youkilis is going to miss ten to twelve weeks because he is having back surgery to repair a herniated disk and it probably means he is going to miss the rest of the season and Mark Teixeira is facing fifteen days on the disabled list when an MRI he took showed inflammation in his wrist that he originally hurt back in the beginning of March. Teixeira hasn't done anything for the Yankees since his return to the lineup except contribute his usual high number of strikeouts (19 in fifteen games) and a .151 average. He did have one game against the Indians on June 3rd where he must have been suffering from temporary amnesia because in that game he drove in four runs. These injuries seem worse for the Yankees then they appear to be. Lyle Overbay is more than capable of taking over first base again and he actually does make contact and that alone will make Yankee fans forget Teixeira. Youkilis, because of his bad back, never really gave the Yankees a chance to miss him. ...Wait - another NFL player in trouble? That hasn't happened in a long time, like a few months. ...Last Tuesday in Budapest, Hungarian prosecutors charged a 98-year-old man with war crimes that they said he committed during World War II and sentenced him to live in prison. What the hell for? At his age he's probably not counting on seeing the new year come in whether he was behind bars or not. ...Immigration Custom Enforcement officials arrested twenty illegal workers during a raid of some 7-11 franchises in Long Island and Virginia last Tuesday and also arrested the store managers that were harboring the illegal immigrants by providing them with stolen identities and not paying them minimum wage to work at their stores. If they keep this up 7-11's across the country are going to lose 95% of their work force. ...Now if these guys really want to surprise the hell out of a lot of people they should pay Dunkin Donuts a visit next. ...The folks at Oreo cookies are coming out with a new watermelon flavored cookie and I can't imagine how much sugar that thing's going to be packing. No thanks. I prefer having my watermelon on a hot summer day, sliced up and ready to eat. ...After all these years I still believe that Tesla's Five Man Acoustical Jam is one of the best live albums ever made. ...Microsoft did some considerable back stepping last week when they announced some major changes with their upcoming Xbox One console system that will be sold later this year. The twenty-four hour connection requirement that they originally said was required to play your games has now been scrapped and as far as trading, lending, renting and reselling your games Microsoft is now telling gamers not to worry about that either because there now be no limitations to using and sharing games. Microsoft claims this change in policy is a result from "listening to feedback" from customers and if they expect anyone to believe this statement has any truth to it they are only fooling themselves because when it comes to paying attention to what the customer is saying these people don't know the first thing about it. ...I'm curious to know how much money it cost the FBI to go digging for Jimmy Hoffa this time? ...A sixty-seven year old man in Alberta, Canada was pulled over by the Canadian Mounties because he was driving his car at 112 miles per hour and when he was asked why he was driving so fast he told the Mountie that he had just washed his car and he was driving that fast because he wanted to dry it. Every once in awhile you hear an excuse that is so out there that it makes you stop what you are doing and laugh. That's what this one did to me. The judge though did not see any humor in this as he fined the guy $800 and suspended him from driving for 45 days. Maybe the next time he washes his car he'll grab a few towels when he's done. This way didn't work out so well. ...Nice to see Jose Valverde get designated for assignment by the Detroit Tigers this past Friday. It couldn't have happened to a better person. ...Forgive my lack of enthusiasm last week when the Dodgers came to Yankee Stadium for a two game series because to me it just did not seem right watching these two teams play in the middle of June instead in October during World Series time. I'm dating myself here but I'll never forget the excitement I felt when I saw my first Yankee - Dodger World Series in 1977 and seeing these two teams match up in mid October is more thrilling than watching them play in the middle of June. ...I understand that change is inevitable but I have always felt that by introducing interleague play in 1997 was more because Bud Selig wanted it and less about if baseball really needed it. ...I found out who Paula Deen was a few days ago. The name was kind of familiar before because I heard it a few times in passing on TV but at the same time I never really gave it second thought. Now I've learned that she's a chef and has her own cooking show (or at least she did) and that right there told me why I never paid her no mind in the past because cooking shows to me are just as boring as watching the 700 club. I love Rachael Ray and I think she's hot but I'm still not going to watch her bake some lasagna. Deen last week made headlines when she admitted using racial epithets in the past in reference to black people, which was irresponsible of her. I understand and agree that it is not a nice thing to say for any reason but what I do not like is people pointing fingers at her and acting like it was the first time ever that they've heard this word spoken.. With the media being what they are they have done their best to keep this story front and center as long as they can even after the woman was genuinely apologetic about her comments. This word, no matter how much people are encouraged and taught not to use it is still too commonly said and if anyone does not think that is the case they are only fooling themselves.. Turn your TV on or go to the movies, or go to Youtube and watch some videos they have hosted there. You'll get an overdose of the "N" word. Again, I am not excusing her but if you want to go after her for what she said you had better go after everyone else. She has apologized for it many times now and that's enough for me because if these people that are going to continue to go after her had better make sure no one accuses them of saying the same thing. ...I am sorry to admit that in my not so finest moments I have been guilty of using this word too. In my case it was yelling it out at the TV when I saw David Ortiz walk up to home plate during a Yankee game. I dislike Ortiz because of the team he plays for and not the color of his skin and what I said wasn't sensible at all and it made me feel guilty even though I was only talking to a TV set alone in my own home. I wouldn't think twice about saying that word in public or even on the Internet, where it seems you can say whatever you want. Oh, I still scream at Ortiz. I do that a lot. Now I just call him a son of a *&^#%. ...Aw hell, I missed the NBA Finals. For like the twentieth year in a row. ...Finally, R.I.P. to James Gandolfini, who left this world way too soon.
  19. A pleasure to help. The best advice I can give you is to take your time as you are starting out and read the instructions fully.
  20. Go in the same forum where you posted your request. The stadium request thread is the very first thread on the page. It is pinned (stickied) so you see it on every page in the request area. Also, try the 1988 total conversion mod. The Shea Stadium you are looking for could very well be in there.
  21. There already is a thread started to request your stadium mod creations. You need to do a search for it.
  22. No. These are two different games. It won't work.
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