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Everything posted by Yankee4Life

  1. Updated to 6-16 ...In Berlin, Germany, police arrested three topless protesters from a feminist group that were pleading for Angela Merkel, who is the Chancellor of Germany to arrange for the release of one of their activists that is currently jailed in Tunisia. Because the crowd of people that watched the women stage their complaints grew considerably as they marched on it took ninety minutes for the one dozen policemen that were there to handcuff and take them away because the crowd would not let them leave until they finished taking all the close-up pictures that they were able to get of the three. ...It's worth noting here that these three topless protesters in Germany were very easy on the eye. When we have women doing this here in America they all tend to look like Chaz Bono. ...There's been a lot of talk lately about some government agencies collecting phone data to see who you have been talking to and monitoring the online activities of some popular online services such as Google and Yahoo. All I can say is that if they are tracking me I have to be boring the hell out of them. ...Remember outfielder Milton Bradley? He is facing up to 7 1/2 years behind bars for abusing his wife five times during a two year period which includes assaulting her with a deadly weapon and spousal battery. Kind of surprising what goes on behind closed doors at times because he was always such a laid back guy when he was playing ball ...I love listening to audio clips of Ken Harrelson fall apart and act like someone stole his last nickel when a play goes against the White Sox. ... Down in Tampa last week Derek Jeter was taking grounders and swinging again for the first time since he reinjured his ankle in his attempt to re-join the Yankees sometime after the All-Star break. I'll give it ten days before another setback happens. ...Speaking of Captain Twenty-Million, would anyone care to believe that Jeter is fifth in voting for starting shortstop in next month's All-Star game? FIFTH! And this is from someone that has not played one inning yet all year so far. And if this does not proves that once again fans have no business voting for the All-Stars, nothing will. ...Great news about Curtis Granderson. The Yankees don't expect him back until after the All-Star break. That means the Yankees are stuck with him and his strikeouts for the second half of the season only before he leaves for free agency. ...Later on this month Japanese troops will converge on California's southern coast as part of a military exercise with U.S. troops that will be aimed at improving Japan's amphibious attack abilities. It took them sixty-eight years to do it but the Japanese are finally landing in California. However if they want to get some real practice in strengthening their ground defense skills they should go to the Mexican border. ...Now that Tim Tebow has signed with the New England Patriots I wonder if he will come up with a Christian way of saying that he wants to kick the *&#% out of the Jets when the Pats face them next season? ...I have never been a fan of Chad Johnson or Chad Ochocinco, whatever his name is but I don't have to be to see that this guy got screwed bad during his court hearing for a domestic violence case because of a playful gesture he did to his lawyer when the case was about to wrap up. Johnson was about to receive a plea deal that would have resulted in no jail time for him in exchange for his probation being extended three months along with twice a week counseling and community service. After the judge asked him if he had any questions he responded no and she then added that he shouldn't since he had a very good lawyer. And as soon as those words came out of her mouth that is when Johnson made his mistake that ended up sending him behind bars for thirty days. He turned to his lawyer and gave him a slap on his backside which for anyone who's watched any sporting event it is the symbol of an athlete telling a teammate "good job" or "way to go." For some reason the people in the courtroom thought this was funny and were unable to contain themselves and when the judge heard all the laughter she revoked Johnson's plea deal before the ink was dry. She accused Johnson of not taking the court proceedings seriously even though he was not among the crowd in the courtroom laughing at what he did. How and why is what Johnson did offensive to a female judge? If this ruling doesn't get overturned nothing ever will. ...It was a proud week to be a Muslim last week as the Religion of Peace was busy doing the things that they do all so well. First in Santa Monica, California a twenty-three year old worshiper of the faith shot and killed five people because, well really do these people actually need a reason now? Do we question why the sky is blue? Of course we don't. So we shouldn't be shocked to find out again that another Muslim is behind another shooting here in this country. Meanwhile over in Afghanistan Taliban sources are furious about reports that have some of their militants linked to beheading two children in Kabul last week. They want everyone to know that they knocked off four kids and not two. ...Microsoft has announced a $499 asking price when the XboxOne is released this coming November and this is already starting to make some people grumble, but take that for what it's worth because the same people that are crying about the asking price for it now will suddenly find an extra five hundred dollars five months from now. ...From what I have read about this system I am going to avoid it like I avoid going to Massachusetts. Microsoft is not going to allow you to lend or rent your games out and if you want to trade a game with one of your friends you had better think again because Microsoft is saying no to that. If you want to sell your game to someone else you have to be friends with the other person for over thirty days and once that person buys that game he owns it forever which means that if he wants to sell it six months down the road he can't. All these combined are reasons enough to wonder what Microsoft was thinking but the worst (or best reason not to get one) is that you can not play your games unless you connect to the internet every twenty-four hours. How did they come up with this? What if you go on vacation? Do you got to have someone come over your house once a day to turn your TV on so you don't get locked out of your own stuff? And what happens when you happen to have a day that has you so busy that you have no time to play a game? Sony must be loving this. ...Last week in here I wrote about how police raided the rental house of Chris Perez because nine ounces of marijuana were mailed to the residence addressed to the family dog resulting in Perez and his wife both being charged with misdemeanor possession charges. The Perez' have pleaded not guilty to these charges and will both appear in court later on this month. Hours after leaving court their dog Brody was designated for assignment and if he accepts will be living at Perez' sister's home for the remainder of the season. ...Oprah Winfrey is donating twelve million dollars to a museum that is being built in Washington that will document African-American history. With an endowment like that she should be able to get a parking spot every time she decides to visit there once it's completed. ...While I wish Paris Jackson all the best as she recovers after taking twenty Motrin pills and cutting herself with a kitchen knife a week or so ago I could not help to think that this behavior is just characteristic of anyone from that whacked out family. ...Brenda Heist, the Pennsylvania woman who resurfaced last month after missing for eleven years and letting her family think she was deceased, has been sentenced to nearly a year in a Florida county jail for violating probation. I bet right about now she has to be kicking herself for coming out of hiding after all these years. What was she expecting, a parade? ...Best of luck to Gerrit Cole, the new rookie pitcher for the Pittsburgh Pirates who had a very impressive major league debut last Tuesday against the Giants. With Cole joining a roster that is already holding its own very well this year Pittsburgh may be able to finish on the plus side this year for the first time since 1992. This of course won't rest completely on his shoulders. And I think that one of the biggest ways the Pirates can help in his maturity as a pitcher is to look and see how Washington handled Stephen Strasburg when he first came up and then do the exact opposite. A pitcher can not learn how to pitch on the major league level when you are afraid to send him out on the mound. ...Final thing on Gerrit Cole. He should be grateful he wasn't drafted by the Yankees because if he didn't pitch a complete game shutout in his first game there would have been internal discussions on whether he would be best as a starter or reliever. Just as Joba Chamberlain. ...Zack Greinke has a face where you punch first and ask questions later. ...For the remaining three Saturdays of this month I am going to be booked up by either attending a high school graduation (my niece) or making myself present at one of the three graduation parties that have been planned one on top of the other. One of these parties is one I can't get out of and I really don't want to because it's for my niece, who also happens to be my Godchild and I wouldn't miss that one for anything. The problem I am having is with the other two. They're for kids I do not know at all and even though I am related to them I can count on one hand how many times I have seen them since they were small. Basically what I'm going to be there for is to stuff some money in an envelope and have a smile on my face when I pass it over. I'm sure that their parents had no sleepless nights when they did not include my wife and I in their children's lives as they grew up. I just wish that sentiment continued now. ...Probably because her bank account has been slowly shrinking down to nothing Sarah Palin has agreed to return to FOX news as a contributor beginning tomorrow on the 17th of June. The difference between a contributor and a journalist is that a journalist is someone who is responsible for the content of the story whether they are investigating or reporting it. A contributor is just someone who is paid to sit there and tell everyone how things ought to be according to them. Based on this Palin should do very well in this job. Now all FOX needs to do is to get people to watch her. ...This is all the Republicans need. Give them credit because they are doing the best they can to improve their overall imagine but having this woman front and center again will be as helpful as throwing a drowning man both ends of a rope. ...What bothers me the most about the pictures being posted from the fast food restaurants that were showing employees doing unsanitary things to the food that in time would be in the hands of a customer is that we have no idea how many times this has happened in the past with no one recording it. Just thinking about this has sworn me off of fast food places forever. This is mostly a generation of entitled kids -the Facebook generation- that encourage each other to do stupid and disgusting things just so they can post it on the Internet for all to see so they can share a laugh and take no responsibility for what they did. What these fast food places need to do is to start paying more than minimum wage to their employees and put a stop to hiring America's worthless teenagers. ...Happy Father's Day to all the Dads in here. Enjoy your day!
  2. Raquel Welch Uploaded with ImageShack.us
  3. Sophia Loren Uploaded with ImageShack.us
  4. I forgot to add. If anyone posts a picture of Joannie Cunningham from Happy Days this thread should be shut down.
  5. Good choice UHH! Here's Ann-Margret. She's so good I had to post two pictures. Excellent quality photos I must say. Uploaded with ImageShack.us Uploaded with ImageShack.us
  6. Looking at that picture reminded me of someone daflyboys. Goldie Hawn from Laugh-In. Uploaded with ImageShack.us
  7. It makes no sense in resurrecting an old thread especially when you created one the other day about this exact same problem.
  8. Then you are doing something wrong. The TiT program will install your new uniform for you provided you follow the instructions that came with the program.
  9. It was based on something that he said daflyboys in his post: I've tried the whole mounting the crack and everything but to no avail. I can play normal games... It is well-known by now that there is a warez version of this game floating around various places on the internet and that is where a lot of the people in here get this game because they don't feel like buying the actual game and they somehow think this hacked version is good enough. Over the years it has been proven that there are problems with this pirated version of the game because it just does not work right 100% of the time and reading what he said here this guy has a pirated version. Whoever ripped this game that people have been downloading all these years must not have done a good job because people that use this warez version time and again report virtually the same problems with it when they come in here to ask for support. By the way, what this guy tried to do was change the EXE in the game folder so he would not have to use his CD's. That's another problem with this warez version by the way. He was probably confused because all you really have to do is over write the original mvp2005.exe file. You can do that easily but not everything will work.
  10. Now that was a helpful post! It's my hope that this guy follows your instructions to the letter!
  11. Barbara Eden, I Dream of Jeannie. Uploaded with ImageShack.us
  12. Valerie Bertinelli from One Day at a Time. Nothing else to be said. Uploaded with ImageShack.us
  13. I've been trying to think of some good candidates and then I thought of the Love Boat and Lauren Tewes immediately came to mind. I didn't post her picture here because I like you guys too much. Tewes by the way let success go to her head and many grams of cocaine up her nose and ABC TV fired her from the show.
  14. Oh, it was one of the times when one of the bad guys had them locked in a room and eventually he got them out by doing his usual kicking-every-bad-guy-he-sees routine to save the day. I actually own this entire series on DVD. I paid less than twenty dollars for it on Amazon a few years back. Some shows were good. Season one was better than season two.
  15. As talked about in the shoutbox, here are Erin Grey and Pamela Hensley of Buck Rogers in the 25th Century, a highly forgettable show from 1979 to 1981. These two were the best parts of that show. Grey is on the left, Hensley on the right Uploaded with ImageShack.us
  16. Very easy daflyboys. She played Batgirl in the third and final season of Batman. No Googling required from that one.
  17. Yes they did and they looked so much better then women like Heidi Klum for instance, who looks like she would blow away during a strong gust of wind.
  18. You got to search. This time go on the front page and look for the link to Mvp Baseball for Dummies. There is tutorial help there.
  19. You're right, I did forget that. I'm sorry about that. And that right there, having that entire three-game series televised by three different networks should explain perfectly why people all across the country hate both the Yankees and the Red Sox. Hell, I'm a Yankee fan and I want to see different teams each week because I am someone that does not have the MLB package on DirectV.
  20. Updated to 6-9 ...While a recent kindergarten graduation ceremony was being held in Cleveland, a minor accident occurred that ended up with eight people being arrested in what should have been a very happy day for a group of young kids. It all started when one girl accidentally spilled punch on another girl and that was all that was needed to get this fight going since saying "excuse me" was never an option. Ten squad cars of police arrived at the school to break up the fight and the cops confiscated a hammer and a pipe that were being used during it. That's the part I don't understand. Why would anyone want to bring these things to something like this? I'm kind of curious to see what these people are going to do when their kids graduate from high school. ...The JCPenney company recently had a teapot for sale that for all intents and purposes is just like any other teapot. It heats up your water, lets you know when it's done and then you pour the water in a cup so you can enjoy your hot tea. Unfortunately someone decided that this particular teapot looked like Adolph Hitler because that's the first thing you think of when you think of Hitler, a hot cup of tea. Penney's apologized (for what I don't know) and removed this teapot from their online order catalog, although you still can get it by going into any one of their stores. Despite all the backlash and complaints this teapot sold out online and some people are selling it for $200 and up on eBay. And before you knew it the clamor about the appearance of this product became overshadowed by the people who couldn't get their hands one, whether they thought it looked like Hitler or not. ...During the latest Red Sox-Yankees series that was held in the Bronx, viewers nationwide got to see them play on Saturday night on FOX and the very next night on ESPN, proving once again that these two networks have no idea that there are twenty-eight additional teams in Major League Baseball. ...A Sacramento, California man got a package from FedEx last week which he thought was kind of strange since he did not recall ordering anything and when he opened it he saw that the box contained eleven pounds of marijuana. His first reaction was to say hallelujah but then he realized that the people that sent it to him did not mean for him to keep it on a permanent basis so he called police and turned the package over to them, which they valued it to be worth $24,000. Whomever sent this to him is going to learn the hard way to double check the address label before sending it off to be shipped. ...Yankee owner Hal Steinbrenner admitted in an interview last Monday that he has been disappointed in Alex Rodriguez' behavior at times during his tenure with the Yankees. No kidding? What took you so long? Yankee fans have been saying this for years now. ...But to be truthful, no matter how much Yankee fans lash out at Rodriguez and dislike him, they have to blame the Yankees for giving him that foolish ten-year contract after the 2007 season. It's easy to see now that they took a losing gamble with him whereas they couldn't predict that he needed two hip surgeries that turned him into the game's most expensive singles hitter along with becoming involved in two steroid scandals in a matter of four years. If there is one good thing that can be said about this ten-year marriage is that other teams have avoided getting in the same confinement that the Yankees now find themselves in. And the one team that did, the Angels, probably wish now that they didn't give Albert Pujols that huge deal after the 2011 season. And even though he only got a five-year contract the way he's playing it looks like the Angels gave Josh Hamilton five years too much. He's been doing nothing for them and he looks like a left-handed version of Alex Rodriguez where his name and contract are bigger than his results. This guy won't start hitting until he pours enough scotch in him to fill a kiddie pool. ...With Anthony Bosch finally agreeing to talk to Major League Baseball about what he knows about Biogenesis and more significantly what players were clients of his, this will arguably be the major story that will define the 2013 season. Forget who wins the batting titles or Cy Young awards. I even think this is going to overshadow whomever wins it all this year. This is going to drag on for months and it is going to be very interesting to see who gets named and what kind of proof Bosch can provide and what baseball will do with this information. ...I honestly don't care if Alex Rodriguez gets nailed to the wall here. A fifty or a one hundred game suspension will really hurt him because he then will be unable to try and pick up girls in the dugout while the game is going on. But if Rodriguez is the only one who is brought to light here then this thing is going to prove to be a farce and a witch hunt. Every player on that list should be made public and if proven guilty they should be punished too. ...I actually mistrust baseball so much now that I am starting to think that with all the recent calls that the umpires have been missing that they've been doing it on purpose just so Buddy Boy can push for more instant replay to be used. ...Indians reliever Chris Perez and his wife have been charged with fourth-degree misdemeanor marijuana possession after police, postal inspectors and a narcotics unit searched their rental home last Friday after they seized a package of marijuana that was addressed to their dog Brody, which just shows how much mischief your dog can get into when they get their own laptop. Police later said a "significant amount" of marijuana was confiscated from the raid on Perez's home. When it was said and done they ended up only walking away with a little over nine ounces. Hardly anything significant about that. How's Brody going to have a decent party with the other dogs in the neighborhood when everyone's out of the house with just nine ounces? May as well not even show up and stay home and bark at cars and do the usual things. When Buddy Boy was notified of this he immediately asked if any HGH was also included in the package and when he was told that there wasn't he said don't worry about it, boys will be boys or in this case, dogs will be dogs. ...I don't like hecklers. I don't care for people who interrupt when someone is trying to make a speech or answer questions. Usually this happens in the political field like it did last week when Michelle Obama was interrupted when she was addressing people at a private Democratic Party fundraiser. My feeling is that she's the first lady and you got to respect her for that and it should not matter if you agree with what she is saying or not. And it also should not matter if the person up there talking is Democrat or Republican. They are the ones that the crowd came to see and hear and not someone in the back trying to talk over them. About the only politician in recent years that has not had to go through this has been Sarah Palin, which did make sense if you stop and think about it because no one wanted to miss it when she said something stupid. ...An eighteen year old high school cheerleader from Minneapolis has been arrested for prostituting a younger student in her school by creating an online ad and taking her to see potential customers. For her troubles she is facing felony charges of sex trafficking and promoting prostitution and is free on $50,000 bail. Maybe the next time she wants to earn money for college in the fall she should try something else like getting a job. ...For the past five years Amazon has been testing a new product line in Seattle called AmazonFresh, which is an online grocery business that will deliver fresh produce to your door such as eggs, fruit and meat with their own fleet of trucks. The good news for those interested is that Amazon is planning on branching out to other areas of the country next week starting in Los Angeles and later in San Francisco. I'm not sure about this. I would rather go to my own grocery store to get what I need. If the shipping costs for these items are the same for the other things people usually order from them (like books, games, movies, etc) then I don't see the point of looking forward to this new service from them. I can go to my supermarket right now and buy a dozen eggs for around $1.59, give or take. I order the same dozen eggs from Amazon for the same price and they'll tack on an eight dollar shipping and handling fee. I'll pass. ...The other week I wrote about how there are some mixed-up teenage girls who have started a Facebook page that insist that mad bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was innocent because they thought he was good looking. Now someone has opened up an account for him and people have been sending him money totaling up to $1,000 so far. Tsarnaev's mother has received $8,000 from people pledging their support for her son. I don't know what they plan on doing with all that money but if all of a sudden Walmart sells out of pressure cookers we all know why. ...I saw a picture of Steven Seagal the other day. He looks like an adult version of Eddie Munster. ...Cheers to the airline that kicked those one hundred kids off the plane after they refused to sit down and turn their cell phones off as the plane was about to make departure preparations. The crew made several requests to the students asking them to prepare for takeoff and the flight's captain even made a similar request over the intercom that was also ignored and that is when they were kicked off the plane. These kids didn't realize that the airlines are not forced to put up with the behavior that their teachers are compelled to tolerate. Once they got off the plane the kids had to come up with a reason why their flight got cut short before it left the ground so they played the race card and told everyone that was listening that the reason why they got booted off was because they were Jewish. All I can say about that is Oy Vey. ...Taco Bell last week fired the employee that had his picture taken when he was licking those thirty taco shells and they also canned the person who took the photo because they figured his tongue was guilty too by association. No wonder why it always took so long in the drive-thru every time I went there. ...The officials at the Miss World contest that will be held in Indonesia in September are not going to allow the contestants to wear bikinis at this year's competition because of mounting protests from Muslim groups who believe it is disgraceful for a woman to wear them because presumably if a Muslim sees a woman wearing a bikini they end up getting turned on so much that they have to kill her so their thoughts become pure again. What will replace the bikinis will be a one-piece long sarong, which is an item that is traditionally worn as beachwear. These people really are a piece of work. If they don't like something they make sure they ruin it for everyone else. It's funny that it's ok for them to gang rape and kill women but if they happen to see their navel they think it's a sin. Got to keep them happy, right? If not they always got another bomb to set off. ...I have never understood why people insist on mowing their lawn during a bad rainstorm. ...Welcome back Burn Notice this week, which airs on the USA Network. It's the last season for this show and it's going to be hard to say goodbye to one of the best action shows on TV. ...Since 2006 there have been literally thousands of missing person cases in Mexico which has led Amnesty International to comment that it has become a national scandal for the country and a systematic failure by police to investigate these cases properly to give relatives answers about what happened to their missing loved ones. Truth be told, all they need to do is look to their neighbors in the north and start in Los Angeles. Half of the people that they are looking for are gainfully employed at the airport and at various hotels in the city. The rest of them are in Texas.
  21. Thank you!!!! I have been waiting so long for this answer that I forgot the question.
  22. Homer you're right. Fuzzone made that utility many years ago and it was released before Vista came out. I enjoyed that studio program very much when we first got the game but as you said it could be buggy too. I can't recall how many times the program crashed on me. But it was still a nice program for its time. TiT is fine and if you really want to, use EAgraph. But the total installer thingy is the way to go.
  23. I am not even sure that this game was downloadable when it was released in 2005 and if by chance it was that was stopped once EA lost the baseball license later that year.
  24. Every so often this question is asked around here.
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