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Everything posted by Yankee4Life

  1. You were a lot better at doing this too wrigleyville.
  2. You got to remember that this is an eight-year old game. This controller probably wasn't even made when Mvp 05 came out. Your best bet is to mess around with the controllers until you get it to work right. My config file for my Saitek P880 or my Logitech gamepad will not help you out at all here.
  3. I can't even argue with that logic Dennis. Besides, GoRedSox had a great hockey dynasty going that I loved to read about. And it's true, these dynasties do keep MVP alive and it creates interest in the game. I wish GoRedSox34 a lot of luck with this although I can't be following his progress towards a possible league championship because I just can't make myself do it.
  4. I wonder about you at times man, I really do.
  5. Sabugo said: Yes, you are right and I'll go as far as saying that most of the Muslims in the world have no interest in participating in these kind of acts but at the same time there are many of them that do. Take this last one when they butchered an off duty soldier. In their mind only they thought they had a good reason for doing this. And wherever they go, if it is here in the U.S or in Europe, as soon as they settle down they start to dictate how they want things run. You put it good sabugo when you said your house, your rules. Don't like it? Leave. The trouble is they don't and that is when trouble starts.
  6. Updated to 6-2 ...Everett Golson, the starting quarterback for the Notre Dame Fighting Irish was suspended from the university for at least the fall semester for what is being called "poor academic judgment." You have to admit when they put it that way it sounds a whole lot better if they came out and said we caught this guy cheating and told him to get lost. ...Wait, there's a guy on the PGA tour named Boo Weekley? I wonder how many times he watched To Kill a Mockingbird to get that nickname? ...I wouldn't want to be Adrian Peterson right now. The Vikings star running back said in an interview last week that gay marriage was something that he did not believe in and when you make a statement like that that goes against what the media says you better be prepared to be treated like there's something wrong with you. People will always defend your right to state your opinion provided that what you say goes along with theirs. ...By the way I happen to agree with the guy. I think marriage should be between a man and a woman because it takes a woman to truly make a man miserable. All kidding aside that's just how I feel and I realize I could be mistaken here and if I am it will not be the first or last time I will have been wrong. ...Speaking of weddings, my wife and I got word that we might have to attend one next year. We're not sure yet but the way my luck runs this wedding will take place and on the hottest day of the year. When I was a kid and my parents would get invited to go to weddings I would beg to go because I loved the excitement of it watching people have a good time and dance and be dressed up. At least those were the memories I had of the few weddings that the kids were invited to. Now that I'm older I don't want to be invited to any weddings ever since the one I was dragged to in Pennsylvania where the DJ's insisted on blasting Who let the dogs out at full blast over an unsuspecting audience, many of whom had never heard that song before and had no idea that the dogs had been let out. I can still recall my late father-in-law leaning over to me asking me what the hell they were saying so I told him a few dogs escaped from a dog shelter and they were looking for the guy who forgot to close the gate. ...Strange move by the Kansas City Royals by hiring George Brett as interim hitting coach and sending the two hitting coaches they already have down to the minor leagues instead of the hitters who haven't been doing anything. Brett shouldn't get too comfortable since there is nothing he can do to make anyone from that bunch hit like him. ...Meghan McCain, John McCain's daughter, is the only person I know that could convert me to becoming a Republican just by posing in a bikini. ...Muslims in England have been complaining to anyone that would listen to them that they have become victims of anti-Muslim sentiment in London and all around Great Britain because two of their own decided to take a walk last week and just because they had nothing else to do they hacked to death an off-duty soldier who was minding his own business. They don't understand why the Brits are getting so upset since this kind of stuff happens back home in the desert all the time. I'm with the people of Great Britain. These Muslim fanatics need to go back to where they came from so they can be cruel and inhumane to each other and no one thinks twice about it. I' not promoting violence but what the hell, wherever these people go and whatever they do something vicious and brutal happens. Enough of this. ...These people are incredible. A British soldier gets run over by a car and then chopped up like a cucumber and the Muslims are crying about being verbally abused, head scarves being pulled off women and an attack on a mosque. Can you imagine if this were the other way around and a Christian butchered those two Muslims instead? All of England would have been set on fire or blown up. They like doing stuff like that. It makes them happy. ...This time Amanda Bynes isn't fooling around. She's suing everyone after she was caught smoking from a bong and then throwing it out her window when the cops came to arrest her. She's going after her apartment complex for calling the cops on her, the New York Police Department for arresting her after they saw her throw her stash out the window, a New York cop for allegedly "touching her inappropriately" (when asked about this later the cop told internal affairs that he was just trying to get some of the flies off her before putting the handcuffs on) and the street vendor she went to earlier in the day who forgot to put relish on her hot dog. This woman is the only person that can make Lindsay Lohan look normal and rational. ...When I read about the teenager who defaced an ancient temple in Egypt by writing his name on it I was relieved to find out the kid was Chinese and not American. It's kind of comforting to know that this country doesn't have all the idiots. But it was what the kid's parents said afterwards that really impressed me. They took full responsibility for what their kid did and they apologized for not supervising and teaching him well. An American parent would blame it on someone else, file a lawsuit while insisting that their child would never do such a thing. ...Usually whatever Justin Bieber says or does is of no importance to me. The little that I do know about him is that he has a lot of little kids that like him and everyone over fifteen can't stand him. The Canadians gave him to us as a gift with a strict no return policy and it immediately made me wonder what we did to them to get them so mad in order for them to do this since Celine Dion was quite enough. Well, it seemed that during the Memorial Day holiday he was driving his Ferrari very fast through his neighborhood when he happened to fly past former NFL player Keyshawn Johnson and that did not make him happy at all. Johnson then got in his car and caught up to Bieber and when he got out of his car to talk to him about his driving, Bieber got out of his car and ran in his house and wouldn't come out. Not counting airport attendants who handle his luggage this was probably the closest he has been to a black person and his bladder just could not handle the excitement. ...A six-year-old little boy on his way to school last week was holding a plastic Lego G.I. Joe gun - a toy that is roughly the size of quarter- and before he knew it this little kindergartner found himself labeled public enemy number one in his school district. Because schools all over the country insist on acting like Barney Fife when it comes to situations like these when they overreact instead of using their head, things like this happen. Now because this little boy had this plastic toy in his hand he was forced to serve detention at school and there is a possibility of him having a temporary suspension from riding the bus. They really nipped it in the bud with this kid. If they would have looked the other way here this boy would have progressed to jaywalking by the first grade and then after that who knows? It's a good thing that these schools want to keep these kids safe and have a zero tolerance rule about guns and weapons but this also should not mean that they should exhibit zero common sense at the same time. ...And what the heck, one more since this school year is rapidly coming to a close. An eight-year-old boy was suspended from his elementary school because he chewed a Pop-Tart that he was eating into the shape of a gun. In other words he ate his Pop-Tart in the shape of an "L" and school officials were concerned that the said Pop-Tart the boy had was loaded. Ballistic tests on the toaster pastry later showed the Pop-Tart to be heavily loaded with blueberry and blueberry flavoring and based on that the school decided they had more than enough grounds to suspend him. Incredibly the school also told parents it would give counseling to any child that felt they needed it after the Pop-Tart incident. So far only one child has felt the need for it and it was a fat kid who complained that he was hungry and he wanted to eat the kid's other Pop-Tart and he was denied. ...I got to wonder what the hell these people had done if the kid had some Rice Krispies? Snap..Crackle..Pop! The National Guard would have been called. ...An Oregon man with apparently nothing better to do walked into a state office last Wednesday with a pressure cooker and told the receptionist there that he had a bomb and he was going to blow up the sign outside their office because a word on it was misspelled. Isn't that something? At least you got to give the guy credit here for being original. He went on to explain to the frightened receptionist that he was unable to carry out his bomb plot because the instructions he downloaded from the internet to make the device also were misspelled. Imagine the damage he could have done to that innocent sign had he just used a spell checker. ...I'm no Tampa Bay Rays fan but I really have to respect the way they handle issues within their organization because these guys don't mess around at all. Just last week they indefinitely suspended their 2010 first-round draft pick, a guy named Josh Sale, for getting kicked out of a strip club and bragging about it on his Facebook account. Sale just finished serving a fifty game suspension after testing positive for amphetamines. And now this. The Rays don't play games with people like this as they have shown in the past with characters like Delmon Young, Elijah Dukes and Josh Hamilton, all problem guys who cared more about themselves than the organization. The next time this guy's name pops up he'll be wearing a different uniform as soon as Tampa can dump him off on someone else. ...Although it is not official yet, Texas governor Rick Perry is expected to sign legislation that will allow public schools to celebrate Christmas and other winter holidays without fear of lawsuits. Can you believe this? They actually need a law for this. When this bill takes effect it will allow students and teachers to say out loud and to each other such things as “Merry Christmas,” “Happy Hanukkah," and --hold on tight now-- “happy holidays.” This is a good bill, a common sense one, and I hope it gets passed even though I don't live in Texas and I think it will make the kids feel a lot better. I'm sure a lot of them were wondering why "Merry Christmas" was treated like a dirty word at school that they couldn't say. And it's pretty sad that a bill has to be made in order for this to take place to allow children and their teachers at school to wish each other a happy holiday. ...Boston bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev has recovered enough to walk around now without the aid of a wheelchair and in a phone conversation he had with his mother he insisted that he and his brother were innocent of what they have been accused of and has no idea why he is locked up in a prison hospital. What else was he going to say, that he was guilty? His mother wouldn't believe it anyway. Have you ever seen any of those true crime shows when they bring the camera crew inside a prison to interview a guy who is serving his time and they always end up asking this same question all the time. Did you commit this crime? And every single time they look straight at the camera and say "no." That's what Tsarnaev did when he talked to his mother over the phone, which was the next best thing. ...I am suddenly pulling for the San Diego Padres to get many more come-from-behind wins this season after watching them drench super-hot sideline reporter Kelly Crull with two Gatorade baths this week.
  7. And this is just the minor leagues! Thank you very much.
  8. Then you did something wrong. Either you didn't overwrite the stadium properly --and by the way you should back up the current stadium you have just in case the new stadium crashes on you. It's rare it happens but it has been known to. Or you overwrote the wrong stadium in the mod. Either way it is user error.
  9. Your work is very much appreciated. Thank you.
  10. Updated to 5-26 ...Yahoo made a big acquisition last week when the purchased Tumblr for 1.1 billion dollars and the first thing they said to the users of that blogging and social network site is that they will "promise not to screw it up," which immediately makes you wonder how they are going to screw it up. ...Fans of Washington Redskins quarterback Robert Griffin III, who is getting married in July, went online to purchase all the items that he and his future wife picked out on their wedding registry at Bed, Bath and Beyond in order to help out the couple as they start their lives together as husband and wife. This is a sure sign that the economy is doing much better when people are spending their money buying wedding gifts for millionaire strangers. ...I'll tell you what, you can count me in to send something to Bill Gates if he ever gets re-married. ...Last week the I.R.S. notified singer Mary J. Blige to let her know that she owes $3.4 million to them because she failed to pay her income taxes for the past several years. And to think when I owed them $250 a few years back I was in a bad mood for days. ...Nice move by Miami Heat star Dwyane Wade to surprise a fan of his who asked him to her senior prom a few months ago. Wade never responded and everyone assumed that the girl's request was unsuccessful but Wade surprised the girl at her prom and his appearance was the highlight of the evening not only for the girl who asked him but for everyone there. Good thing she wasn't a Ben Roethlisberger fan because he would have really given her a night not to forget. ...Again another senseless and violent act by lunatics, this time in London, and all because they were Muslim and that alone gave them enough of an excuse to brutally murder a British soldier in broad daylight. Violence is to those people as breathing is to us. You don't think about it at all and also can't live without it. ...Just about every time Phil Hughes pitches he ruins a perfectly good evening of watching Yankee baseball. ...When I read that Washington Nationals reliever Ryan Mattheus broke his hand after punching a locker because he gave up five runs in one inning against the Giants it made me think back to 2004 when Kevin Brown of the Yankees did almost the same thing. In Brown's case he punched a wall but the wall saw him coming and Brown had no chance. Let's hope for Washington's benefit that Mattheus is a better teammate than Brown was even though he is just as dumb. ...A guy in Chicago rode a Ferris wheel 384 times, up and around to set a brand new Guinness World Record for the longest ride on one. That's 384 times then I care to do. In order for him to stay awake to set the record he played hours of video games and watched a lot of movies. Big deal. I know some unemployed people that have been doing this every day for years and they are a lot more comfortable then this guy was strapped inside a seat on the way to his record. ...A Georgia man suffering from an acute case of lawn rage set fire to his neighbor's house last week because the grass in his backyard had grown too high. After repeated requests to trim the lawn went unanswered, the man smashed the kitchen window at his neighbor's home and poured two cans of gasoline in and lit a match, setting the house on fire. Firefighters were able to stop the blaze but the home was gutted and unable to be saved. Immediately after starting the fire the man took off and hid from police for a short while but later turned himself in to U.S. marshals and will be facing felony charges. He'll have a lot of time to think about what motivated him to do something like this but what really is going to drive him nuts is that with all the damage he caused the lawn remained the same--untouched. ...A couple traveling from their home in Los Angeles to the African country of Senegal had their boarding passes accidentally misrouted and were sent to Bangladesh which is 7,000 miles and another continent away. Usually the way this goes is the bags end up on a different continent and not the people. It could have been worse for these people. They could have landed in North Korea and their return trip back home would have been in fifteen to twenty years. ...And this is why Amanda Knox should never fly out of this country. Can you imagine if she ever took a trip to a place like Syracuse, New York and end up in Syracuse, Sicily? The Italians will have her in shackles two seconds after the plane comes to a stop. ...Bravery is that guy who wrestled that eighteen-foot Burmese python down in Florida. Wimpiness is me who could not even watch the video of him doing it all the way through to the end. ...Nate McLouth of the Orioles made a fantastic grab against the Blue Jays in Toronto last week, catching the ball on the run and falling into the stands. As a reward he had a cup of beer thrown at him but the fan's aim was a offline as it fell a little short, falling a few feet behind him. Had this been Philadelphia he would not have been so lucky because there are courses taught in schools and at adult education centers there that teach people the proper techniques to score direct hits on opposing players with flying objects. ...Microsoft unveiled the specs of their new console system named Xbox One last Tuesday. While some of the features seem impressive (8 times the computing power of the Xbox 360, a 500 GB Hard Drive and 8 GB of memory with a built in blu-ray player) this system will not be backwards compatible with any game made for the 360. You got to applaud Microsoft. They always have the consumer in mind first and foremost when they think of ways to put the screws to them. ...Alex Rodriguez made a huge profit on the sale of his house in Miami last Tuesday as he accepted a $30 million offer for the home he purchased for $7.4 million just three years ago. I can remember the days when he was that successful on the baseball field too. ...R.I.P. to Doors keyboard player Ray Manzarek, who died last Monday in Germany at the age of 74 from cancer. While Jim Morrison was the face of the Doors Manzarek was the backbone of it. ...After the game when TV cameras caught Miami Marlins pitcher Alex Sanabia spitting on a baseball he insisted that he did not know what he was doing was illegal. Funny, but that was the exact same thing Gaylord Perry said when he finally got busted for loading up the ball in 1982. ...The New York Yankees announced last week that they reached a $100 million partnership with Premier League club Manchester City to create a Major League Soccer team called New York City FC. Part of this deal could mean the chance of the Yankees playing a Major League game in England in the near future which could make Yankee management very happy because at least they will probably sell out the game there. ...Bud Selig's promotional department came up with a brand new way to bilk money out of fans during a press conference last week when they said that every team will wear camouflage jerseys and caps tomorrow for Memorial Day and those same jerseys will be for sale right now on your favorite team's website. I love how us fans are included especially when we're the bait. Remember how this all started? For Memorial Day, the Fourth of July and Labor Day the teams would wear their regular game day hats on but on these days an American flag was sewn on the cap. This special cap was offered for sale to thanks to the grace and generosity of our boy Bud. Then they decided to get a bit colorful with the caps. For example, teams like the Red Sox and the Royals would wear special white caps on this day. Fortunately we were able to buy these caps too. And now this. I have a pretty good idea how this promotion started. Someone from the MLB Separate-the-fan-from-his money department saw the Padres play a game when they were wearing their camouflage uniforms and they said to themselves that it would be a hell of an idea if every team wore that on Memorial Day despite how tacky and ugly it would look. ...So I got curious and went to a few random team home pages and checked the prices for this latest got-to-have-it offered by Major League Baseball. The caps are $37.99 and it is the only price that is the same for all teams. These hats are ugly. They look like they've been dropped in the mud and a truck ran over them. T-shirts are between twenty-two and twenty-five dollars. The team camouflage jerseys that do not have a number on the back are between $175 to $200 but for some reason the Tampa Bay one is $261. That's the highest price of all the teams. If you want a camouflage jersey of a well-known player you are going to part with $225 to $260 on average. The most expensive jersey being sold is Evan Longoria's for $319 followed by Ryan Braun's for $303. The jersey for Bryce Harper is almost a bargain at $256 compared to those two. The strangest one I saw was the asking price for a Nick Swisher jersey. They want $282 for a player who had to beg fans to vote him onto an All-Star team but Justin Verlander's authentic jersey can be purchased for $219. And all this guy's done is win a Cy Young and MVP award. ...Went to a surprise 50th birthday party last Thursday night and had funny conversation with the guest of honor. ME: Happy Birthday. Say, weren't you 50 three years ago? HIM: Shut up. ...Driving home afterwards it made me realize how quickly the years can blend into each other and before you know it twenty years goes by as fast as a long weekend. For instance, can it be that the greatest comeback I've ever seen in sports--the '78 Yankees--happened thirty-five years ago? How can that be? Five minutes after all the interviews and highlights from game six were concluded and NBC had signed off for the night I went outside to celebrate the Yankee championship with a friend of mine. Picture in your mind two kids that lived on opposite ends of the street running towards each other laughing, cheering, dancing and jumping up and down like maniacs. We did the same thing at the end of the 1977 World Series because we were so happy and we didn't want the night to end. I can remember the last thing that was said to me right before we went our separate ways that night. "See you in the same place next year." There wasn't a next year and there never was a meeting like we had in those two years again because in the early eighties I joined the service and while I was gone my friend's family moved away and by the time the Yanks had won again in 1996 he had moved out of town. And this happened thirty-five years ago? It can't be. There was a fiftieth surprise birthday party for my cousin? It just seemed like the other day when he woke us all up to tell us he got his learner's permit. Sometimes I wonder if I'm the only one who thinks this way. ...Curtis Granderson fractured the knuckle on his left pinkie when he was hit by a pitch last Friday in a game down in Tampa. The very next day I read some articles that said this was a "huge blow for the Yankees" and a "major injury." How? The Yankees were doing just fine without him and during the short time he's been back (eight games, .250 average, 1 HR and 1 RBI) he hasn't exactly set the world on fire, so how this can be described as a huge blow for the team is hilarious. As soon as this guy is someone else's concern the better off the Yankees will be. ...Enjoy your Memorial Day weekend!
  11. The guy asked for this FOUR years ago. He doesn't even come to the site anymore. This is a very old thread that you resurrected.
  12. Dennis you should have been here when this thread was going strong. Those guys spent all their time making them.
  13. You're right. Before the Legends of the Booth mod came out I have been playing this game without the announcers on and I haven't missed them at all.
  14. Updated to 5-19 ...We had a little trouble here in this thread last week when I was unable to post the complete May 12th entry until five days later on the 17th. That's because every once in awhile when site upgrades are done things happen during it that you are not prepared for. It's like that shocked look on Joe Girardi's face when he knows he made it through an entire game without someone else getting hurt--it happens but you're never ready for it. That's what happened here last week to Trues. While he was installing the upgrades for the website he was also given a few glitches free of charge during the installation that he had to detect and fix once everything was done. I am not sure if these software developers are unaware of the problems that arise when a site owner upgrades or that they don't care but you have to feel for him every time he tries to improve the board here because when he's doing it he has to be saying to himself what the hell's going to happen next? ...If you have not heard this already this might be a little hard to believe but then again maybe it won't be. Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, the surving member of the Boston Marathon bombing incident has suddenly developed a cult following among teenage girls. They've set up special Twitter, Facebook and Tumblr pages in his honor and have been declaring his innocence because they say his is "beautiful" and "too pretty to be guilty." How Federal prosecutors overlooked this during their investigations is beyond my understanding and it is pretty fair to assume that the girls who are turning this kid into a hearthrob were no where near Boston that day when the bomb went off. After this any more questions regarding the decision making abilities of teenagers should never be raised again. ...This isn't new of course. In 2011 when she was found not guilty teenage boys and twenty-something men went nuts over Casey Anthony because she was "hot" and I'll never forget one picture of a guy holding a sign that said "Marry me Casey" because to him she was just an available single woman and not someone who got away with killing her child. Last I heard she was still available today but maybe that guy moved on to someone else, like Amanda Knox. ...Seventy mentally ill patients escaped from a psychiatric facility in Kenya last week after they got together and overpowered the guards. Forty of the inmates were able to get away while the others were recaptured by the hospital personnel. It was a perfect plan on the inmates part because as soon as they got out they hid in plain sight at a soccer match because they knew they'd fit right in with everyone else there. And here comes our next batch of immigrants. ...These patients must have got the idea for this by watching flash mobs from the U.S. ...I don't know why some people seem to be surprised about that scandal going on now at the Internal Revenue Service. Any taxpayer will tell you that they already knew they were a bunch of crooks. ...Wait a second. Now Kris Jenner is getting a talk show? How did the mother of all Kardashians manage this? This might be the first show to be cancelled half way through the first episode. ...Then again, maybe not. Factoring in the intelligence of the American public this could do quite well. ...Good news for fans of FOX's TV show 24. The network will be bringing back the popular series beginning next May. This is a good move by FOX since they've been unable to come up with any good new shows they just went backwards to revive an old one to draw fans back into a show that they already know and in this way wouldn't have to churn out another clunker that would have aired for for five or six episodes. ...I had to laugh a little last week after reading about the Mother's Day parade shooting in New Orleans. Not because of what happened of course but rather what the police said when it was over. They wanted the public to be on the look out for a black male, approximately 18 to 22 years-old wearing a white T-shirt and shorts. All of a sudden I pictured a police lineup with 100,000 suspects lined up. ...I am hoping that none of have a week that former Lions receiver Titus Young had last week when he was arrested a total of three times for drunk driving, burglary, assaulting a police officer, and resisting arrest. For everything that Pacman Jones and Plaxico Burress did they were never able to achieve a hat trick that Young was able to pull off. ...It's been a pleasure watching the Yankees play so well this year without all those multi-millionaires in the lineup. I don't miss Rodriguez and Teixeira at all. Third base is being held down very well and Lyle Overbay does a hell of a job at first base. I'd even go as far as saying that I don't miss Captain Twenty-Million either because there's no guarantee of him coming back this year. Hopefully the Yankees realize that in the future they can field a competitive team without having to stock it with overpriced long term contracts. ...I haven't been paying attention to the Phillies this year but things must be pretty bad if they had to go out and sign Carlos Zambrano even if it was only to a minor league contract. ...I got to give Boston Globe writer Dan Shaughnessy a lot of credit for publicly questioning if David Ortiz' strong start this year was helped by using steroids. Shaughnessy went on to say in the article that Ortiz fit all the criteria of a steroid user in that he is from the Dominican Republic and he is an older player who has had injuries consistent of steroid use and that his name was on that famous list of 100 players back in 2003 that were named for steroid use. Ortiz did the predictable thing as soon as the article was published by playing the race card as he complained that he was singled out because he was Dominican. Anyone who's watched this guy play for the past ten years -not counting Red Sox fans- knows he has been juicing it up since 2002 and for this writer to actually confront him about this without the fear of Ortiz going into a steroid rage is impressive. ...By the way Poopi, Dominican is not a race. It's a nationality. ...Did you hear about the prostitution ring that the cops busted up in a New Jersey nursing home? From what I read the senior citizens had a pretty good operation going for them but I think what did them in was when one old timer's grandson began visiting him twice a day and the entire football team insisted on going with him. ...One more about prostitution and that's it and this one is just as unbelievable as the one in New Jersey. A couple from Illinois were down in Orlando, Florida celebrating their honeymoon when the groom left his new wife in their hotel room to hook up with a hooker that was advertising on an online website. The hooker turned out to be an undercover sting operation that the Orlando police were running and instead of hooking up with the call girl of his dreams this guy was arrested along with ninety-one other men. While all this was going on the brand new bride began to worry about her husband because he was gone longer than he said he was going to be and after not being able to wait anymore she called the police to report him missing. The cops then told her he wasn't and that they knew exactly where he was. I'd have given anything to be a fly on the wall to hear what this woman said to her husband once he finally got back to the hotel. ...Ravens linebacker Rolando McClain, formally of the Raiders, retired last Wednesday from the NFL at the age of twenty-three, less than one month after signing a one-year contract with the team. This might work out well for McClain because now he can devote all his time into assaulting police officers and getting arrested. Football it seemed just got in the way of what he does best. ...Cheers to AT&T, Verizon Wireless, Sprint and T-Mobile for working together on an advertising campaign against texting while driving which will begin airing on TV and radio this summer. If the money spent on this can save a few lives then it will be worth it. ...The dependency on these phones is getting worse and worse and wherever I go I see people walking around with their phone firmly in their hand staring at it almost like they are waiting for the phone to give them instructions on what to do next. At restaurants I see people with their phones snuggled close to them just in case someone comments on a Facebook post. I went to the doctor two weeks ago and their were five people in the waiting room besides me and they all had their faces buried in their phones. The doctor may as well thrown his magazines out because those people didn't even know they were there. And my wife is just as bad. I've had talks with her about texting while driving and how dangerous it is and she says she understands but who the hell knows what she does when she's in the car alone? She's so hooked on that thing that she dragged me out to Best Buy last Tuesday (well, I let her think she did that. I love browsing through Best Buy.) because they were accepting pre-orders for the Galaxy S4 which is going to be released at the end of the month. By the time we got home she convinced herself that the Galaxy S4 was the eighth wonder of the world. All I know is that when she gets this damned thing in a few weeks I got to have that texting talk with her one more time just because I have to. ...Try as I might I can not pronounce Zach Galifianakis' last name. ...Hell is when you have a movie night with your wife and you let her choose the double feature and she picks two Elvis movies. ...For any of you that are as afraid of the dentist as I am the ending of NCIS: Los Angeles last week will stay burned in your mind forever. ...A nude painting of the late Bea Arthur (the star of Maude and The Golden Girls) from the waist up sold last week at an auction for $1.9 million. The funny thing is that Arthur did not pose nude. The artist based the painting on a 1991 photograph of her with her clothes on and Christie's, the auction house, is declining to say who purchased the item. I just hope that this artist doesn't decide to do Joan Rivers next. ...A flight last week from Los Angeles to New York had to be diverted to Kansas City because a passenger, for reasons known only to her, insisted on singing the song "I Will Always Love You" over and over again. Besides aggravating those around her by doing this she also spent her time fighting with other passengers and swearing loudly presumably because they were fed up with listening to the same song again and again. And to think all this time I thought the most annoying thing on a flight was a crying baby. ...A man named Shaun Winkler recently ran an unsuccessful bid for sheriff in a small town in northern Idaho despite the fact that he is a member of the KKK, that close-knit fraternity of fun loving good ole boys who still haven't figured out that bed sheets are for sleeping on. Winkler pulled out all the stops in his bid to become sheriff and even went as far to hold an old fashioned cross burning at an intersection near town to commemorate the spot where two years ago a black family on their way out west had their car break down and Winkler and his boys got their car fixed and got them all out of town before nightfall. The cross burning was his way of showing voters that he was more than qualified to be their sheriff because of the quick way he responded to this "threat on the community." Unfortunately only 182 voters agreed with him. ...I can just imagine the trouble that I would get myself into if I had a pair of Google Glass in my possession. For $1,500 it had better work a hell of a lot better than the $1.99 I spent for that pair of X-Ray glasses I bought when I was a kid from the back of one of my comic books.
  15. Trying to post the entire entry for May 12th. Please ignore the first few posts since you've seen them before but I am going to try again to post this in it's entirety. Updated to 5-12 ...Some of the nuttiest stories that I see week after week have to deal with something that happens in schools or what goes on around them. This one here is no different. In fact it fits in perfectly. During a high school track and field competition in Texas the anchor runner of the winning relay team was penalized by officials for excessive celebrating after his team's victory which he and his entire team paid a very high price for. Once this kid knew that his school had won he pointed his index finger up at the sky to thank God for it. Not even before he lowered his finger school officials cried foul and said he "violated the excessive celebration rules" and his entire team was disqualified and because of this his school is eliminated and now unable to compete in the state championships later on this month. We've all seen over-the-top celebrations in sports before; hell, just watch an NFL game and wait for someone to score a touchdown. There you go. But this? A kid points up to heaven and that's it. He didn't break into a dance or give high-fives to the first ten people he saw. It's amazing how intolerant people are of those expressing their religious freedom and it also does not surprise me that this happened in Texas where God ranks a distant second in popularity behind all high school football coaches. ...No one would have blamed this kid at all had he given the officials another finger once he found out his team was eliminated like that. ...Has anyone ever noticed that the media just loves to use the word "alleged"? According to them Bin Laden was the alleged mastermind of the 9-11 attacks right up until the day he died and we threw him overboard in the ocean and just like Adam Lanza is still the alleged shooter at Sandy Hook. The two SOB's in Boston are the alleged bombers of the Boston Marathon and one of the brothers is allegedly dead. It goes on. By using this word does this protect them legally because if that's the case it makes them look less credible then they already are. ...It was nice to hear about former Yankee Hideki Matsui receiving the People's Honor Award in Japan last week. This is an award that the Japanese give to those who have made significant achievements in their careers and are beloved by the public and this describes Matsui perfectly. Alex Rodriguez by the way should not hold his breath in anticipation of receiving a similar award from the Dominican Republic any time soon. ...When Clay Buchholz was pitching up in Toronto the other week he was accused of doctoring the baseball because there was a substance that the Blue Jay announcers saw on his left arm. According to Major League Baseball (translation: Lord Selig) he was not cheating at all because they said he was using sunscreen on his arm and that's allowed and besides, he's not the only one who does it. If that's true then why didn't the Red Sox explain this the next day after it happened instead of waiting ten days? ...Mommy and Daddy Boo-Boo from the Honey Boo-Boo show decided to get married last week in front of their closest family friends and some cows and chickens that happened to be in the area at the time. With all the money they've been making from the show stopped the welfare checks from coming the two eldest Boo-Boo's looked at each other one night and said "what the hell, let's make it legal, besides this could be the highest rated show of our new season." The bride originally had plans to wear a white wedding dress but a few days before the knot-tying was to take place she tried it on and she accidentally got pizza sauce all over the neckline of the dress. Since it is almost impossible to remove that kind of stain from a wedding gown, both the bride and groom ended up wearing camouflage, which for them was the next best thing if not better. TLC, the network that airs the Boo-Boo show declined to go into any further detail about this event and told viewers to wait until the show aired later this year to see for themselves. That's when they will find out if Daddy Boo-Boo sobered up on time to back out of the wedding at the last minute. ...Remember Boo Boo bear, Yogi's loyal sidekick? Yeah he was just a cartoon and yet he had more common sense then this entire family put together. ...Pfizer Inc. announced that it would begin selling Viagra online soon for those customers who are uncomfortable about going to their local pharmacy to get their prescription filled. The other reason for offering the online option is because the company has been aware of counterfeit versions of Viagra for quite some time and they feel by doing this it will help fight this problem. While the knock-off pills are much cheaper than the steep twenty-five-dollar-a-pill price that Pfizer has set for the "little blue pill" as it is commonly called, these imitation pills do not include the right amount of the active ingredient in the medicine. For example, Mexico sells a copycat Viagra pill for a dollar and one of the side effects is as soon as you are done you have the urge for a taco. ...No, I did not order this online and no I do not have/want/or am getting a prescription for this. I can read some of your minds right now. ...I have no trouble understanding why people want to spend their time climbing up mountains because that's something they enjoy doing and for them it's a good way to get exercise and pass the time. What I don't understand is why they want to do it on an active volcano like the one in the Philippines last week that decided it was a perfect time to explode, killing five and injuring many others. This wasn't no Joe vs. The Volcano because this time the volcano won. They should have done something safer--like swim with sharks for instance. ...A Michigan woman is in hot water with authorities after she told police that the current girlfriend of her ex-boyfriend had set up a facebook account in order to harass and stalk her. After the police checked out her story they found out that the account that was used to do this was set up by the woman herself because she was unable to let go of her relationship with her former boyfriend. She's now being charged with falsely reporting a felony which could mean jail time and if I were that guy I'd move the hell out of town once she is locked up. And to think, all Trues has to worry about on this site is kids creating a duplicate account just to get some extra downloads per day. ...There is a high school in the state of Washington that has borrowed the idea of the NCAA's March Madness and instead of basketball every May for the past five years or so they have been holding a “hotness tournament” where the girls dress up for school so the boys can vote on who is the hottest member of the student body. The actual tournament is held off school grounds so that means there is really nothing the school can do about it. After reading about this I was upset and disappointed that no one in my high school class, including myself, thought of this. ...When you think of celebrities that are nothing but loudmouthed, obnoxious attention seekers you need to look no further than Nicki Minaj. ...Wow, I don't believe it. Jodi Arias was found guilty of first-degree murder for the brutal slaying of her ex-boyfriend five years ago. I had my doubts especially when she came to court each day giving off the appearance of a scared, timid woman who wouldn't hurt a fly. Hell, they let Casey Anthony walk. Finding this woman not guilty wouldn't have surprised me at all. But when you stab someone twenty-seven times and then shoot them and slit their throat there is no way you can say you did it out of self defense. She probably thought her gender excluded her from prosecution. This time the system actually worked. ...A choreographer named Wade Robson accused the late Michael Jackson of molesting him last week, inexplicably coming out with these accusations so long after Jackson died. If he is trying to get money out of the Jackson estate he is going to have a difficult time in doing so because back in 2005 when Jackson was going through his famous molestation trial, Robson testified under oath that nothing inappropriate ever happened between the two of them. Since everyone it seems is suing the Jackson estate for something which sadly includes his own family Robson figures that accusing a man who's been dead for almost four years now about something like this would garner sympathy, especially when Jackson isn't around to answer for himself. All he's really doing is getting in line with the rest of them with his hand out hoping to get a check with a lot of zeros on it. ...I may as well jump on this bandwagon too. Can't hurt to try, right? I'm suing Michael Jackson because when I was growing up my sister would play his songs over and over and it drove me nuts. Naturally I'll gladly settle out of court. ...You got to love Kate Upton. During an interview she did right after she made the cover of Vogue magazine for the first time she said that she loved her body and that she was "so proud" of her chest. That makes two of us. ...Stephen Strasburg's sporting a 1 - 5 record so far this year. And I thought all he had to do was throw his glove out on the mound and win. ..It was no surprise to me that Angel Hernandez was the umpire in Cleveland last Wednesday when the home run hit by Oakland's Adam Rosales was ruled a double despite replays clearly showing it to be a home run. It was so obvious even the Indians thought it was gone and the game was tied. This guy is probably the most well known umpire in baseball today and all for the wrong reasons because chances are when there is a blown call Hernandez is somewhere in the vicinity. ...Oh wait--one more. Laz Diaz. He's another one that thinks the fans go to the games just to see him. ...And the goof up by Hernandez in Cleveland last Wednesday is what I believe got Fieldin Culbreth suspended for two games for what he did in Houston the very next night and only because Hernandez' screw up was so blatantly missed. When the Astros changed relief pitchers in the same inning without having the first reliever pitch to anyone, Angel manager Mike Scioscia popped out of his dugout as fast as if someone gave him a hotfoot to protest this obvious mistake on Houston's part. Incredibly the umpires allowed this pitching change to take place and the Angels played the game under protest but then withdrew the protest after the game because they managed to win the game 6 - 5. Joe Torre, who always seems to look like he only got three hours of sleep the night before, put his mug in front of the camera and said all the right things like the game demands accountability from everyone and that includes not just the players but the umpires too, etc, etc until he made you as tired as he looked just by listening to him. Had the umpires not blown that call the night before Culbreth would not have been suspended and the other three umpires fined. This was Budball at its finest hour. ...Google, which owns Youtube unveiled subscription services for some of their channels in order to cash in on the one billion users per month that visit the website because they feel that the advertising that is already in place there is not enough. This is what Youtube has been after all along ever since they dumped the "broadcast yourself" slogan. Right now only a small number of channels have a subscription fee but that is sure to increase as the weeks and months go on. Provided you are still given the choice to go to that particular channel to view for free and suffer through the ads this should be fine. Again, as long as we still have this choice. ...The body of the deceased Boston Marathon bomber was buried secretly last Thursday in Virginia by the man's uncle and a faith coalition group. The uncle went on to say that his nephew was buried in an undisclosed location but then added that he was buried in a cemetery in Doswell, Virginia which is near Richmond. Now does this make any sense to anyone? If someone really wanted to take the time to find out where this guy is buried they already have a good head start because now they know where to begin. How many cemeteries are there in Doswell? How many recent burials? Just wait and see. Someone will find where Tamerlan Tsarnaev is laid to rest and when they do there's going to be a long line of people just waiting to **** on his grave. ...Finally, happy Mother's Day to all your mothers out there wherever they are!
  16. No there isn't. The best thing to do is turn off the announcers if Krukow is driving you nuts. I haven't listened to him in years and I have not missed anything.
  17. I'm at a loss here. I am trying to post the rest of my weekly thread from May 12th and it won't accept it. It is like after a certain number of lines it won't accept your post. I don't know what I can do.
  18. Very odd I can post in here but not cut and paste something.
  19. Updated to 5-12 ...Some of the nuttiest stories that I see week after week have to deal with something that happens in schools or what goes on around them. This one here is no different. In fact it fits in perfectly. During a high school track and field competition in Texas the anchor runner of the winning relay team was penalized by officials for excessive celebrating after his team's victory which he and his entire team paid a very high price for. Once this kid knew that his school had won he pointed his index finger up at the sky to thank God for it. Not even before he lowered his finger school officials cried foul and said he "violated the excessive celebration rules" and his entire team was disqualified and because of this his school is eliminated and now unable to compete in the state championships later on this month. We've all seen over-the-top celebrations in sports before; hell, just watch an NFL game and wait for someone to score a touchdown. There you go. But this? A kid points up to heaven and that's it. He didn't break into a dance or give high-fives to the first ten people he saw. It's amazing how intolerant people are of those expressing their religious freedom and it also does not surprise me that this happened in Texas where God ranks a distant second in popularity behind all high school football coaches. ...No one would have blamed this kid at all had he given the officials another finger once he found out his team was eliminated like that. ...Has anyone ever noticed that the media just loves to use the word "alleged"? According to them Bin Laden was the alleged mastermind of the 9-11 attacks right up until the day he died and we threw him overboard in the ocean and just like Adam Lanza is still the alleged shooter at Sandy Hook. The two SOB's in Boston are the alleged bombers of the Boston Marathon and one of the brothers is allegedly dead. It goes on. By using this word does this protect them legally because if that's the case it makes them look less credible then they already are. ...It was nice to hear about former Yankee Hideki Matsui receiving the People's Honor Award in Japan last week. This is an award that the Japanese give to those who have made significant achievements in their careers and are beloved by the public and this describes Matsui perfectly. Alex Rodriguez by the way should not hold his breath in anticipation of receiving a similar award from the Dominican Republic any time soon. ...When Clay Buchholz was pitching up in Toronto the other week he was accused of doctoring the baseball because there was a substance that the Blue Jay announcers saw on his left arm. According to Major League Baseball (translation: Lord Selig) he was not cheating at all because they said he was using sunscreen on his arm and that's allowed and besides, he's not the only one who does it. If that's true then why didn't the Red Sox explain this the next day after it happened instead of waiting ten days?
  20. To test this out Trues try to post this article from CNN It's one of the longest news articles I could find on that site just to use for this test.
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