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Everything posted by Yankee4Life

  1. I still can't post the random thoughts post for the week. I'm trying to post about a 2,200 word post in there and that is something that's never been a problem before. When news articles in the past have been posted in here they've been longer than this. Well, we'll see.
  2. Test to see if I am able to cut and paste under the IPB theme.
  3. Yeah, I got no problem with it either but honestly anything looks good on this site.
  4. Random Thoughts this week temporarily postponed until I am able to post the complete entry in here. Sorry.
  5. Wait a second. Why is it letting me post in here? EDIT: Ok, I tried to do it again and it says it is saving the post and nothing is happening. It's been about seven minutes now. I had to open up a new window just to make this post. The random thoughts post is much longer than this post here but I don't get why it is not accepting it.
  6. Mike....another problem with the site. It is now letting you make a post but when you click on the POST button it does not post your new message to the board. I tried to update my random thoughts thread just now and it won't take. I was able to change the date on the thread but nothing else.
  7. Search the stadium download section for the latest Dodger Stadium. I believe Dennis James has an updated version that he released. Edit: There is a problem right now on the site when you try to access the download area. Wait until it is fixed and search. Although now that I think about it you may want to search for a Dodger stadium that was uploaded before rolie did his because rolie made a special version of that park.
  8. Trying the 08 mod instead of the mvp 12 will not make a difference.
  9. Give the guy his time. Working on a roster is a long and tedious job.
  10. Did I say McDonald's?? I meant Burger King. Yeah, yeah, that's what I meant! :D
  11. Updated to 5-5 ...Today is Cinco de Mayo day, a day in which I was amazed to find out originated in the Mexican-American communities of the Southwest and Western United States and not in Mexico as I originally thought after all these years. This celebration features highlights of the Mexican culture with plenty of music, dancing, food and a huge emphasis on alcoholic beverages. Since this popular holiday happened to fall on a Sunday this year some people decided to have a Cuatro de Mayo yesterday because someone happened to remember that there were a few truckloads of untouched and unconsumed beer last year and they didn't want that to happen two years in a row. ...Tim Tebow was released by the New York Jets last week which was no surprise to anyone and least of all to Tebow himself. He never got his uniform dirty all year except for the time when a teammate ran past him and splashed mud on his cleats. Aside from that he had the best seats in the house as the Jets went 6 - 10 on the year. Tebow shouldn't feel that bad about getting his release from this team. It's like getting fired from McDonald's. You know you're out of a job but it wasn't that much of a job to begin with. ...The rosters of two entire high school baseball teams in New Jersey were ejected in a recent game that lead to one arrest and the possibility of both teams having to forfeit their next two games by default. It all started with a botched squeeze play and the runner on third base being caught in no man's land coming down the line trying to score. Seeing that the squeeze didn't work out as planned the runner attempted to score by knocking the ball out of the catcher's hand. The catcher, it seemed, felt differently about the situation and after he picked himself up off the ground he let the base runner know how bad of an idea he thought this was by punching him in the head as many times as he was able to before being separated. That's when all hell broke loose and before long they discovered they couldn't continue the game anymore because there were no eligible players left to play. While the fight was going on a father of one of the players must have had ants in his pants watching all this because he jumped up out of his seat in the grandstand and got into fight with a kid from the opposing team. He was charged with assault, which is the price you pay when you punch a kid in front of many witnesses. And all this happened in New Jersey. Should this surprise anyone? ...A woman named Judy Clarke has been named to the defense team of the surviving brother who was responsible for the Boston Marathon bombings. She's supposed to be very good at her job because she was able to win life sentences instead of the death penalty for clients like the Unabomber and Jared Loughner, the person responsible for the shootings in Arizona that injured Gabrielle Giffords. Now that I think about it maybe this woman is too good at her job. And while I'm at it since when does this nineteen year old terrorist get his own defense team? This kid has four lawyers right now and you never know later on they could add more. I'd just like to know where the hell it's written that if you can't afford a lawyer four will be appointed for you? ...And I don't have to tell you who's going to be picking up the tab for all these billable hours these lawyers are going to build up. ...Three men visiting Saudi Arabia last week got their visit cut short when they were out one day walking around and were stopped by police and were informed that they were "too handsome" and would have to leave the country because they feared women might fall for them. That's the big difference between men and women in Saudi Arabia. If they think a man's too handsome they deport him. If a woman's too beautiful they just kill them. ...On the plus side, those guys now have the best pickup line ever. ...Exactly one week ago a twenty-four year old man attacked a choir in a New Mexico Catholic Church with a knife as soon as mass was over for the day. Four choir members were stabbed but fortunately none of the injuries were serious. Regular members of the church had no idea who he was but he's now facing numerous felony charges for his actions. Rumor has it though that the man was getting more and more frustrated with the choir as the mass went along after they kept on refusing to play his song requests. ...I understand that there are times when your temper gets the best of you but you should always be aware of where you are before you decide to start or finish something and when you are 23,000 feet up Mount Everest that is no place to do either. I'm talking of course about a fight last week between three European climbers and some local guides that were hired to help them get to the top of the mountain. Now I am not a professional climber in any stretch of the imagination unless you consider going from my cellar up to the second floor of my house climbing, but a general rule of thumb would not to be upsetting the guides that are with you because they still have to get you up there and more importantly back down to the ground. ...Chicago Cubs owner Tom Ricketts talked publicly last Wednesday about the possibility of the Cubs leaving Wrigley Field in case there is opposition for the new 6,000-square-foot video screen that he is planning on installing in left field. This is Ricketts' way of telling the owners of the rooftop bleachers across the street from Wrigley that if his plans for this screen, which is part of his $500 million park renovation is blocked, he will have no recourse but to move the team. Good for him. The rooftop businesses believe they have a say in the proposed upgrades because they have a contract with the Cubs in which they share 17 percent of their revenue with them but if they threaten legal action and by chance win they'll end up having great seats to a ballpark that will from now on be host to high school games. ...Tampa's David Price got into a little spat last week with home plate umpire Tom Hallion during a Rays game last week when he said the umpire swore at him as he was walking off the mound. Hallion naturally denied it and called Price a liar and Price responded on twitter that Hallion was "a coward." After careful consideration that must have taken all of ten minutes, Major League Baseball decided to fine Hallion, Price and two of his teammates one thousand dollars apiece. By fining everyone they figured they got the right guy, whoever he is. ...I miss the days when the umpires were there to call the game and not be part of it. Umpires like Doug Harvey, Steve Palermo, and Lou DiMuro for example were never like this. They just called the game and got more respect than some of these umpires these days will ever deserve. ...For the rest of his career every time Stephen Strasburg sneezes they are going to have an ambulance waiting and ready to take him to the hospital. ...Thank you New York Knicks for beating the Celtics in six games after taking a 3 - 0 lead in that series. Had they lost that we'd never hear the end of it. ...Curtis Granderson seems to be having a devil of a time up at the plate this year even though he has not had that many at-bats. He recently was hit with a pitch in his upper right arm in an extended spring training game the other day but it wasn't enough to have him taken out of the game. Granderson is still recovering from breaking his right forearm during his first plate appearance of the spring back in late February and is anxious to get back to the Yankees because no one on the team has been able to strike out as consistently as him. ...Well, at least he's got the most votes for moron-of-the-year Dept: A thirty-year-old New Hampshire man lost $2,600--his life savings--when he tried to win an Xbox Kinect at a carnival. Originally he went through $300 in a matter of minutes trying to win the item and when he came up empty he went home to get $2,300 more and before long that was gone too and worst of all he still did not have his Xbox Kinect. Since I am not an owner of the latest console systems I was not sure what exactly an Xbox Kinect was and most of all how much it cost. Every where I looked, Target, Walmart and Best Buy they all have it for around $100 so I was not sure why this guy didn't just go there and get it because if he would have done it like that he'd have never gone through the $300 let alone $2,600. Naturally when the following day rolled around and after thinking about what he did he called the police to accuse the carnival of swindling him. Anyone who's ever been to a carnival or a fair knows damn well going in the odds are stacked against you and when you spend this much money to win a one hundred dollar item you have more problems than a drained bank account. ...A Washington, D.C. Councilmember with one eye on votes and the other on media attention is planning on introducing a resolution to make the NFL Redskins change their name. If you are saying to yourself that this is not the first time you've heard of this you'd be right. This subject always seems to come up every so often after someone remembers the Redskins are still called the Redskins and then they protest loud enough to get a politician involved, which brings us to where we are now. With all the problems they have in Washington right now telling a football team to change their name should be the very least of what to spend time on. If I were Redskins owner Daniel Snyder the next time he is bothered with this name change talk he should say yes, I'll be happy to change the team's name. How does the Los Angeles Redskins sound to you? ...One of the biggest problems this country has is it is filled with people just waiting to be offended and they go out of their way to make sure they are. ...Because of the recent 1941 mod that just came out I dusted off my copy of Robert W. Creamer's book on baseball in 1941. I really don't need a reason to read a baseball book--once I even read a book on the Red Sox' Impossible Dream season of 1967 if you can believe that. Reading this book brought some of the lesser known characters of the 1941 season to life for me. He explained how a bench player by the name of Alf Anderson for the Pittsburgh Pirates threw a huge roadblock in the way of the Dodgers chase for the pennant that year. (Anderson, a .215 hitter on the year hit a triple to beat the Dodgers in a late September game. This made Dodger manager Leo Durocher furious since this was Anderson's second triple of the year.) Anderson's a guy that you'd never look at twice in the mod but that was his moment in the spotlight for his brief career. It was a great book to go along with a great mod. ...The Smithsonian Museum had a press conference last week when they announced the findings of dismemberment and cannibalization of a fourteen-year-old British girl in Jamestown, Virginia back in 1609. They went on to say that this was done by the other settlers there who were beyond the point of starvation. You really got to feel for this poor girl, dead these four hundred plus years now and you would have to wonder how her life would have been had there been a Pizza Hut around that made deliveries. ...Naturally I needed no further convincing to believe that Clay Buchholz is doctoring the ball. He's guilty. :D
  12. I totally missed that part. Thank you! :D
  13. I don't even play 2k12 but I'm curious. What is this mod?
  14. Never underestimate the power of actually doing a search, right Beaver? Good work!
  15. It doesn't need to be re-uploaded. Go to the Mvp 2005 download area and go to the TUTORIALS section. There you go.
  16. I don't know if you should look at it like that. Yeah you've been here awhile but you contribute by being a good member here. That's something. And since you've been here all this time you know I don't go out of my way to compliment Red Sox fans. It's against what I believe in. Right now my keyboard is sending electric shocks to my fingers for what I wrote but I'm still standing by it. Good luck man!
  17. Try to update your database. That's where the rosters for the teams are located at. There's a guy here named daflyboys that comes out with these accurate and fantastic rosters so try his latest one he has in the download section. It is located right here. Always back up your files first. Now let me ask you this. Why did you fool with the models.big file? I know you are trying to isolate the problem but what exactly did you do here?
  18. Did you add any new mods to this game? What I mean is there's the Mvp 12 mod and there are two patches for this game that kyleb released for the mod. Both of these patches do not affect gameplay at all. They are minor fixes in the game itself. Did you add any mods besides this?
  19. Before you start from scratch try running this game through administration mode in Windows 7. That does make a difference.
  20. Daammmmn, this guy knows how to advertise his stuff! Good luck man!
  21. Updated to 4-28 ...I debated with myself all week whether or not I should post this opinion in here but after thinking it over I decided that well, it's just one person's opinion and that's all anyone should take out of it. In my life I have never had any interactions with Muslims. Growing up around me there were Italians, Germans, Jews, Polish, Negro, etc. We never had a Muslim family to talk to and get to know. Same for going to school. Not one. Of course I went to Catholic schools so that probably had something to do with it. My point is that since I did not know any I did not have any feelings towards them, good or bad. That all changed in September of 2001 when Osama and his merry men attacked our country and killed thousands of people and changed our way of living forever. Because of these people literally scores of new regulations have been put into place by our government all in the name of "national security" and the worst being the TSA, an organization that I consider to be a modern Gestapo. After these attacks I found out enough about Muslims than I ever cared to know. These people are followers of a religion that is supposed to be all about peace so either a large group of them must not have got that message or maybe they really don't mean it after all. For the past twelve years these people are directly responsible for making our every day lives more inconvenient. If for example I want to take a bus trip to Toronto to see a Blue Jay game I got to come up with $140 for a passport. More money out of everyone's pocket all because of these people. So for twelve years we adjust and get used to things. Now this happens at the Boston Marathon where two men, once again Muslims, make and execute a plan to make two explosions go off at the finish line that injured many people and killed three. We have had enough violence in this country that do not involve Muslims but when these people decide to jump in you can be sure it's going to be pretty bad and explosions will be involved. I have no respect for them any longer and I don't want to try to understand them because I'm past that point now. I am angry at what they have done to this country and concerned about what the next nut wants to do. When I hear the word Muslim I brace myself for bad news. These people are to terrorism as a ringmaster is without a circus. You can't have one without the other. Show me one time when these people have done something that was actually peaceful. A religion that preaches peace to the most violent people in the world is bound to fail. And it has. I have no use for them. ...Again this is just an opinion, just one of my random thoughts for this week. I'm afraid you may think I am generalizing all Muslims into the same group but that's not the case. I am sure the most of the people that follow the Muslim faith are not like this at all and it takes a small percentage to give the entire group a bad name. But the fact remains that we have been hit pretty bad on our home soil two times now in a dozen years. And that's two times too many. ...Ok, on to something else. Anything really. ...There's been a lot of surprises this first month of the season hasn't there? Up in Toronto you have a Blue Jay team struggling despite being the writer's favorites to win the A.L. East this year because they picked up every good player the Marlins had on their roster with the exception of Giancarlo Stanton...The Dodgers are in fifth place much to the delight of every National League fan outside of Los Angeles and the worst part for them is that they're in trouble. One of their top pitchers is out for the year with Tommy John surgery and the other is out for the next few months with a broken collarbone... The Washington Nationals are playing around .500 ball. They're another team that was handed the division before the season started. It's like people forgot about the Braves... Playing at that same .500 clip would have been good for the Yankees, at least if anyone paid attention to how they were supposed to play, but they are holding their own and I'm actually having more fun watching them play this year without all those multi-millionaires in the lineup...If Josh Hamilton and the Angels were a .500 team that would actually be an improvement for them...The Red Sox are in first place and I don't know if they are for real or not but for now they are playing like a first place team...Of course there are some things that are not surprises either like the Astros in dead last in the A.L. West but at least they can say they are not the worst team in baseball because the Marlins are still in business and losing at an alarming pace. ...But really, I have to wonder, are these surprises at all? This is the game itself. Every single year the media gets ahead of the game by predicting and going into detail what they they think is going to happen, who's going to win, who's going to lose and predictions are made for the World Series before Opening Day even gets here. And we eat it up every year. I'm waiting for the day when they're doing their World Series picks when someone from the MLB Network or ESPN admits on camera that they have no idea who is going to win because the games have to be played and to win it involves skill, talent, a minimum amount of injuries and a dash of good fortune. These predictions are not worth the time it takes to read them. This is why baseball surprises you every year. It gets rid of all the pre-season hype and replaces it with the reality of a 162 game season. I wouldn't have it any other way. ...Former Playboy model Kendra Wilkinson was taken to a Los Angeles area hospital after suffering injuries from a car accident after she attempted once again to operate a motor vehicle while chewing gum at the same time. The vehicle's air bag deployed properly but the implants in her chest did not, leaving her bruised and battered but not worse for wear. This by the way was the first rear-ender that Wilkerson was involved in that had anything to do with being behind the wheel of a car. ...If I were running Yahoo or Google I would do anything in my power to hire Dylan Bradbury as my spokesman. This guy can literally find anything on the internet. Tell him for example that you recall a story of a guy driving through some glass doors at a mall before stopping his car right in the middle of a Dairy Queen he can tell you with a couple of clicks of his mouse where this happened, when this happened, what kind of car it was and what the guy had for breakfast. All in less than a minute. ...I think Heidi Watney is a great addition to the MLB Network. My problem is I can't concentrate on what she's saying because I'm always looking at her legs. ...I'd rather sit and watch paint dry than watch the NFL draft. ...Taking nothing away from Gwyneth Paltrow but when People Magazine named her the "World's Most Beautiful Woman" in their last issue of their magazine I had to guess that they must not get out very much or they were paid handsomely to do so. It's as though they have never heard of Kate Upton before. ...Remember Tara Reid? I have to ask because since the American Pie movies ended all she's mostly done is empty liquor bottles at an alarming rate. Usually the only time you hear about her is when there are articles about botched-up plastic surgeries or celebrities who aren't aging well. Last weekend she was thrown out of a store in Los Angeles when she got into an argument with an employee because she was not given a discount for the items she wanted to buy since her idea for a discount was to get everything for free based on her star status which by the way is as shriveled up as a raisin. If she's that hard up for money maybe she can join Splash next season. ...There was a little incident at our house one week ago that stayed on my mind for most of the week. One of our dogs brought in an injured baby rabbit and placed it on the rug in our living room. I was upstairs at the time when this happened. All at once I hear a scream coming from downstairs because now my wife sees what is in the house and she yells for me to come and do something. I did not know what to do because this little animal was slightly bleeding and wasn't really moving that much. I remembered that there was an all night animal hospital so I gave them a call and explained to them what happened but incredibly they said they could not take the rabbit in because it lived out in the wild and they would not change their position even after I explained again the condition of it. But they did give me the number of some volunteers who take these animals in to care for them. Getting through to these people was another thing but finally after five numbers that we tried we got in touch with someone and he told us to bring the rabbit to him. Unfortunately this guy lived a half mile's drive from us in a little town called Churchville, New York and I am not familiar with that place at all. All I know about Churchville is that it has a golf course and some cows and after driving there last Sunday night I learned a third thing and that was there was not one streetlight to help somebody out when they're driving. Hell, I would have been happy for a floodlight or a flashlight. Finally we get to the wildlife station and we dropped off the rabbit and we went back home. We were given a card to call to inquire about the animal the next day but my wife was too afraid to call so last Tuesday she told me to do it and when I called I was informed that the bunny didn't make it. She didn't take that news too well and I have to admit that I tried to take it in stride but I just could not get that image of that small animal bleeding out of my mind and me not being able to help. The eyes on that rabbit is what stayed with me the most. There was more fear in it than pain. ...An airline named Virgin America launched a new service that allows passengers to interact with other people that happen to catch their eye by sending them drinks, snacks or even meals and if all goes well with that you can follow up with a text message. This sounded pretty good to me so I explained to my wife that the next time we take a flight we should use this airline to take advantage of this so I can send drinks to our stewardess in order for her to pay more attention to us and she replied that if I was going to be sending drinks then she'd be sending a couple of well placed kicks to my knee. And just like that another one of my brilliant ideas was shot down. Just as well though because this airline doesn't even operate out Upstate New York. ...Microsoft has let everyone know that May 21st is the date they are going to let everyone know about their next console system and what to expect from it. One rumor that has had the most life for some gamers is that you won't be able to play this new X-box unless you are online and that you won't be able to play old (Xbox 360 and original) games on it. If this proves to be true Microsoft will be doing the Playstation 4 a huge service. ...Have you ever noticed that when someone wants to ask you a "quick question" that it's never quick? ...The other day I got to wondering about the new Red Sox savior Jackie Bradley Jr and how he was making out and then when I looked him up I saw he was already demoted to the minors. That didn't take long at all. ...Listening to Derek Jeter during his press conference last Thursday I couldn't decide if he was trying more to convince himself or the media that he would be coming back to play after the All-Star break.
  22. Already happened with the Asia mod that was released a long time ago. EDIT: Now I remember you. You brought up this same subject just a few months back. What did you think,by waiting a few months the answer to your question was going to change? I don't understand you at all.
  23. Thank you. Now I know who Bruce Rondon is. :)
  24. That would clear that up. I've had the Katie Roy thing in place for so long now that you can almost forget it's there.
  25. What are you talking about? Did you download this mod and install it? The jerseys are right there.
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