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Everything posted by Yankee4Life

  1. After going back to re-read my review of the 1941 mod I noticed that I neglected to mention the various books that have been written specifically about this season and events that affected baseball. So now that I remember I'll post them here. Robert W. Creamer's wonderful book about Baseball and Other Matters in 1941 gives a first person perspective of that year and season from Creamer's own eyes. Real Grass, Real Heroes: Baseball's Historic 1941 Season By Dom Dimaggio and Ted Williams. 56: Joe Dimaggio and the Last Magic Number in Sports. By Kostya Kennedy. These three books are probably the best ones out there that cover the '41 season. Enjoy! And thank you again Jim and Dennis.
  2. Yes I do but before I do that let me ask you why you think he has to approve them for upload? Now if I were you I'd do this. I'd install those uniforms into your game and I'd take some in-game screenshots of them. Show people your '71 Orioles double knit uniforms, the flannel road ones and the post season road uniforms. Ask people what they think of them and how they like them.
  3. Yankee4Life


    Why are there Facebook, Twitter and My Space icons on an overlay?
  4. Maybe the guy's busy right now and can't respond.
  5. Stecropper is a user that does not come on here every day, so he's not choosing to ignore your PM's. He logs on here when he feels like it.
  6. Thank you very much Kraw. And it's nice to see you around again too.
  7. Let me know, ok? I'm concerned about what's going on with you. Besides I have to look out for people born on my birthday. :)
  8. Total Classics 1941 continued. George McQuinn wasn't too shabby for the Browns either. He went 3 for 4 with a single, a home run and this opposite field double that third baseman Red Rolfe had no chance at. This was a strange ninth inning for relief pitcher Tiny Bonham of the Yankees. The Browns were about to go down to a 7 - 3 defeat but they weren't going to go quietly or without inflicting some sort of pain as Bonham can confirm. Here, catcher Rick Ferrell lines a ball off of his leg but Bonham was able to recover in time to throw him out. After recording the second out of the inning via a fly ball, pinch hitter Chet Laabs got in on the act and he hit a ball off of Bonham too. The difference here is that Laabs reached base and Bonham was unexplainably charged with an error on the play. One batter later Bonham, without a ball being hit near him or at him, retired the Browns to end the game.
  9. Total Classics 1941 continued. Here's Fritz Ostermuller six years before he started throwing at Jackie Robinson. (Go and see 42 to see what I mean.) Marius Russo's second bunt attempt did not go so well as the first one as he popped out in foul territory here. This elusive slide by Joe Grace allowed him to reach third base safely with a triple. Yes, Joe Dimaggio did get a hit in this game. Far be it from me to break up this guy's hit streak. For me, the second most impressive stat about his 1941 season besides hitting in the 56 straight games was that for the entire year he only struck out thirteen times. The Yankee hitting star of the day was left fielder Charlie Keller who went 4 for 5 with 3 RBI and one run scored.
  10. Total Classics 1941 continued. Bill Dickey has just hit a double to drive home two runs off off Elden Auker. Phil Rizzuto is caught trying to get back to first base after a steal attempt gone wrong. George McQuinn puts the Browns on the board with this home run off of Russo. Here's one of Russo's six strikeouts in the game. Red Rolfe starts another Yankee rally by hitting a single over the head of George McQuinn at first base that sent Johnny Sturm to third.
  11. The next Total Conversion mod to be discussed in this thread is the 1941 season mod that the combined talents of Jim825 and Dennis James put together. Without even going any further here you know that mods released by these two in the past are top-of-the-line and now that these two have come together to create this mod you can be sure of one thing right away and that it's going to be great. Well, I'm here to tell you that it is. Jim created the installer for this mod just as he does for any season mod that he is a part of. The schedule was made by none other than Dylan Bradbury, someone who can make a schedule and have it work right when he's asleep. You know if he made it then it's accurate. You'll see that I am given credit for providing some photos and music for the mod but the proper credit must go to Dennis here. They know the photos that they wanted. I just gave options. Same with the music. The only credit I get here is that I was one of the first ones to download this and I gave it five stars. The 1941 season was one of the greatest seasons in the history of the game. As Jim stated in his description of the mod the pennant race was overshadowed by what Joe Dimaggio did with his 56 game hitting streak and Ted Williams' season long quest to hit .400, which he achieved by going 6 for 8 in a doubleheader against the Philadelphia Athletics on the last day of the season. So, there was no pennant race; at least not in the American League. The National League was an entirely different story. The Brooklyn Dodgers won their first pennant in twenty-one years as they fought the St. Louis Cardinals all year long before finally winning by 2 1/2 games. It was a ticker-tape parade for the new N.L. Champions but there was a saying that went like this: It can only happen in Brooklyn. And for the Dodgers that proved to be true at the worst possible time in the World Series against the Yankees just as they were about to tie the series at two games apiece. A swing and a miss, a passed ball, a Yankee rally to win the game and they won the next game and just like that the series was over and done with in five games. This was a wonderful season. It's seventy-two years behind us now and most of the people who played in that year are no longer with us but thanks to these two modders it is now here for you to download (right here.) and enjoy. When you first get into this mod you'll see a color photo of Dimaggio and Williams. The music chosen for this mod fits wonderfully - especially the tunes chosen for the walk-up music and between innings. Remember there are only sixteen teams in the league at this time so you'll have a lot of open spots when you look for a team to pick. You'll notice that there are only two uniforms for each team to choose from, their home and away ones. That's because that's how it was back then. Remember this was fifty years before the White Sox invented the popular turn-back-the-clock promotion. The stadiums are wonderful. I've played in them all and it is hard to pick a favorite because back then they were all built completely different from the others except for St. Louis of course because the Cardinals and Browns played in the same ballpark. I like the simpleness of this mod and that's in no way a back handed slap at it. For example the overlay in the game. It's not flashy, it doesn't have any unnecessary stuff in it like pitch counts. It tells you what you need to know. Remember, this mod is based in an era where there were no exploding scoreboards, no swimming pools in the outfield and no electronic scoreboards enticing people to get up and "make noise." When those fans got up to make noise to cheer their team on they didn't have to be told how to do it or how loud either. There is a bit of artistic license in this mod that was thrown in but it fits in so well that you almost can not tell it is there. When you play a game with the Yankees listen closely when Joe Dimaggio comes up to bat. You'll hear very softly Bob Sheppard announce his name. He also does the same for Phil Rizzuto. The reason why I say this is artistic license is because Sheppard did not start doing the Yankee public address announcing until 1951. Sheppard's professional voice fits in anywhere; even ten years before he started work. If you are fans of other season mods you won't regret downloading this one. VIDEO: Joe Dimaggio singles in the 9th against the Browns. Screenshots: Total Classics 1941! Phil Rizzuto hits a single to right field off of Elden Auker of the Browns. Yankee pitcher Marius Russo lays down a perfect sacrifice bunt. So perfect in fact that Browns third baseman Harlond Clift throws the ball away. Here's the second Browns error of the day. On a potential double play, shortstop Johnny Berardino throws the ball into right field.
  12. Updated to 4-21 ...A Maine man who lived in seclusion for twenty-seven years alone in the woods was finally arrested by authorities last week because he stole provisions from other people to survive. After his arrest his bail was set at $5,000 but it had to be increased to $250,000 by the police to "prevent the exploitation" of him from others. They may have a point. Since the time his original bail was set he has had offers from a stranger to pay his bail. Another person wanted more information about him to write a song about him. One person wanted to provide housing for him when he made bail and a publishing company has hired an author to write a book about him. Only in America. But the strangest thing that came out of all this was a woman who expressed interest in marrying him. Isn't that nice? That just proves the old saying that says there is someone for everyone but who knows? Maybe marriage was the reason this guy headed for the hills in the first place. ...The last time I watched this much CNN was just a few months back when the shootings at Sandy Hill took place. The only thing that I previously knew about the Boston Marathon is that it's the oldest one in the world and that runners must be qualified to run the race. That leaves me out. The only race I run is the occasional one to a certain room in my house when I drink too much coffee. But like in Connecticut in December I was glued to my set for all of last week and the way the city of Boston came together and looked out for each other during this time was impressive. I just hope that the nineteen year old kid they have in custody does not die because I'd like to hear his reasons for doing this. Why do this to a country that let you in to live and go to school? Why target these runners and the crowd who cheered them on? How does it feel to be responsible for the death of an eight-year-old boy? Yes, I want you to live. I want to hear what you have to say. ...Classy, classy move by the New York Yankees during Tuesday night's game at the Stadium when they hosted the Diamondbacks. Just one day after the bombings at the Boston Marathon, the Yanks held a moment of silence for the city of Boston and they played the Neil Diamond song Sweet Caroline at the end of the third inning, a song that is a fan favorite at Fenway Park. It wasn't about the game right now or about rivalries. It was about people. And it was about an eight-year-old kid, a young student from China and a twenty-year-old woman who all should be alive today and all the other people who were injured by this. ...I am the first one to point out that I criticize the Red Sox for anything and everything but yesterday with the way they paid respect to everyone affected by these bombings was first class. From that huge flag by the Green Monster, to the crowd singing the National Anthem and Neil Diamond himself coming out in the 8th inning to sing Sweet Caroline. I only had one question and that was why did they let David Ortiz represent the Red Sox and talk to the fans? I would think that Dustin Pedroia would have been a better choice because Pedroia would have had the common sense not to drop the "F" bomb while addressing the crowd. Never mind that there were little kids listening to you today. You got your own set of rules. ...If it wasn't for what happened in Boston I would have said that the worst thing that happened last week was finding out that Derek Jeter had another slight crack in his ankle and will not be coming back until after the All-Star Game but since those bombings did take place it makes it so much easier for me to put this kind of news in perspective. Seeing this guy come back to the Yankees and play every day would be great but in the back of my mind I have to wonder how he's going to do it when they say he'll need another few more months to be ready to play when the six months he had during the off season were not enough? ...Great news for Cubs fans - I think. The Cubs and the city of Chicago have agreed on details of a $500 million dollar makeover for 99-year-old Wrigley Field that will include a new video screen that will be three times as large as the one currently atop the centerfield bleachers and the night games will increase from thirty to forty games a year, which is nearly half of the games played at Wrigley each season. What I am questioning about this is something that Cubs owner Tom Ricketts said about these changes. He said that by doing this it will boost business and he hinted that it would make the team competitive again. How? It would be interesting to see the new changes that Wrigley Field is going to have but all the talk about the team being more competitive because of it is just nonsense. Ask the Miami Marlin fans how that all worked out for them. ...One more thing and this is something that Cub fans in here would know a lot more about than I do. Wrigley's going to be 100 years old next year. Do they really want to sink that much money into a ballpark that may have to be replaced in thirty years or less? And if you are someone that thinks thirty years seems like forever that just means you are too young to know the truth. ...You know how you could tell that the two players who trashed the hotel room in Indianapolis by throwing garbage around the room and desecrating the bathroom were not NFL players yet ? Guns weren't involved. ...Last Monday afternoon I took my wife to see 42. I was really surprised that she enjoyed the movie as much as I did since she's not really into baseball history because as far as she is concerned baseball never began until Derek Jeter started playing. I won't go into detail about the movie since it just came out and maybe a lot of you haven't had the opportunity to see it yet but I think I can say this one thing without taking anything away from the movie. The filmmakers brought to life long gone ballparks such as Ebbets Field, Crosley Field, Forbes Field and Shibe Park like they were still around and hosting baseball games today. Besides the story of Jackie Robinson and what he went through and what it must have been like for him, seeing these ballparks alive again was a treat. I'll be buying this movie once it's released on blu-ray just to see this one a few more times. ...That same day out in Los Angeles Carl Crawford wore a pair of Jackie Robinson shoes that Nike gave him and after the game the league called his agent to let him know that Crawford can not wear either the blue or white special edition Nike shoes any more in a game or else he would be fined for doing so. It makes sense if you think about it. Crawford did this little tribute all by himself and Bud Selig had nothing to do with it. Selig would have approved of it had he had the opportunity to host a press conference and bluster on for ten minutes about it. But since Selig didn't get this chance to get his face in front of the cameras again Crawford's tribute to Robinson never really had a chance. ...The NHL has scheduled six outdoor games next year for their 2013-14 slate, presumably because they know they'll be having a full season of hockey next year. Oddly, the first outdoor game will be held in Los Angeles when the Kings host the Anaheim Ducks at Dodger Stadium. I just want to know two things here. What happens when the day the game is supposed to be played the weather plays a trick on them and it's warmer than they expected? How can they keep the ice in skating condition for the entire game? And finally why did Los Angeles get an outdoor game anyway? That makes about as much sense as holding a golf or tennis tournament out in the snow back east. Why didn't cold-weather hockey towns like Montreal, Toronto, Minnesota or Boston get a chance to have one of these? ...What is it with Florida? Between the Burmese Pythons, the alligators and the sinkholes, now they are being invaded by giant African land snails. These things have shells that have pointy edges that are sharp enough to blow out the tires of cars that happen to run over them so even if you kill one they'll still have the last word. They are about as big as rats and they can multiply as fast as trailer park tenants. The state Agriculture Department Officials believe that some of these snails attached themselves to luggage to get into the country while others were carried into the country as pets and then released. What's good enough for the pythons down there is good enough for the snails. I can't wait to see what Florida is going to do next. ...Amanda Knox is accusing an Italian prison guard of inappropriate behavior during her four year stay behind bars in her new book that is scheduled to be released in the upcoming weeks. The question that comes to mind initially is why did she wait until now to disclose this? This girl has no credibility at all and sad to say this just sounds like a publicity ploy to sell more books since Knox knows there's no way to prove anything she's saying. She's about as trustworthy Casey Anthony. ...If this book sells well as they are expecting it to be there are preliminary plans in place to call her next book How to Get Away with Murder for Dummies. ...Two Chinese tourists visiting Johannesburg, South Africa last week had an encounter with an elephant that they'd rather soon forget. While driving their rented Hyundai early last Monday morning they drove a little bit too close to one who did not want to be bothered and the elephant proceeded to overturn the vehicle, injuring both tourists and crushing the car. Park officials do not know what caused the animal to be this aggressive but there's an outside chance that he may have learned about one of his own being shot last week in America and was just waiting for the first humans he saw to settle scores with. This last part of course is pure speculation on my part but who knows? ...I wonder if Hyundai's 10 year, 100,000 mile warranty covers damage like this? ...Rap star Ray J, who made Kim Kardashian an instant star when he made a sex tape of her a few years back, recorded a song recently called "I Hit It First" in which he described that he was the "first one" to bang Kardashian. Who's this guy kidding? He didn't hit it first. He just videotaped it first. That woman gets more hits than a website. ...Now if he really wanted to be a stickler for detail he would have named the song As far as I know I Hit it First because she was in her mid-twenties when this tape was made. Now had he known her when she was say, ten years old, the title of the song may be correct. ...I dislike interleague play as it is but I hate the way it is being done this year. ...I really don't care if Alex Rodriguez goes down for his part in this Miami Biogenesis mess just as long as Ryan Braun goes with him. ...A girl from Croatia found a message in a bottle last Tuesday that a Canadian man threw into the sea back in 1985. When the message was read they found it was from a man named Jonathan who sent the encapsulated message to a woman named Mary telling her that she was "a really great person" and that he hoped that they could "keep in correspondence." Taking nothing away from Mary because I have no reason to doubt that she is a great person but she must not have been a keeper because if she was this guy would have picked up a phone to keep a correspondence with her instead letting her know how he felt by doing it this way. ...There is a rumor going around that Microsoft is working on a new version of Windows 8 called Windows Blue that will make this latest version of Windows work more like old-fashioned versions of Windows where users can start their PC's in desktop mode. If this is true this alone can help the sales of this much-maligned OS a lot more than a bunch of commercials with people break dancing around a table ever would.
  13. Same here Jim. That's the only time I ever saw it rain in the game and that was in Seattle. I just haven't seen this happen in years.
  14. You're right. It's not really something that should be a part of this game but now I got to thinking if EA had never lost the license and kept making Mvp they may have added this especially with Minnesota having an outside ballpark now. Of course this is just a guess on my part on something that will never happen. :)
  15. No, I have never seen that. And I rarely see it rain too in the game.
  16. I saw this literally a few days ago.it wasn't an April Fools joke.
  17. Wonderful mod Jim and Dennis! Thank you very much for creating this total conversion mod because the 1941 season was such a great season for major league baseball. It was a privilege to be able to assist the both of you with this and I thank the both of you once again because your work here has been so good for so long that the two of you should be thanked and recognized more often. Thank you again for making Mvp 05 the greatest baseball game ever made!
  18. Thank you very much Dennis. It looks great as always.
  19. I read it last week from an article on CNN. This does sound like an awfully high asking price doesn't it? It's my hope that the time people can start buying this for Christmas this year that they'll change their mind and lower it. This is too much.
  20. I have a Saitek P880 gamepad that works perfectly. Never had one problem with it. Also a Logitech gamepad will work well too.
  21. Updated to 4-14 ...It has been less than two months since the announcement of the Playstation 4 and last week Sony finally answered the all-important question that was on everyone's mind and that was how much is this going to set you back for? The answer? Plenty. The price of the base model will be $799 and if you want the premium model you'll have to pay $899. Sony, in all seriousness, called the prices for both models "reasonable." It is doubtful that anyone in the general public would call the asking price for this new system reasonable. Highway robbery would be more like it. ...When Jay-Z and his wife Beyonce went to Cuba last week, two Republican members of Congress asked the Treasury Department if they had permission to go and it was discovered that they did get approval to travel there via a "cultural visit." When you have money like these two have you can pay off the Treasury Department so you can go to Cuba to celebrate your fifth wedding anniversary. What is cultural about a wedding anniversary? ...Wait until Jay-Z finds out those Cuban cigars he picked up won't clear Customs. ...Every time I see a picture of Donald Trump he looks as if someone just stole his last cupcake. ...The nicest thing about watching the Yankees - Indians series last week in Cleveland was seeing Nick Swisher in a Cleveland uniform. ...The best way to stop a winning streak? Send Phil Hughes out on the mound. ...You hear about that college team that scored thirty runs in one game last Wednesday? That's about two weeks worth of work for the Houston Astros. ...The next time that Zach Greinke hits someone with a pitch and they decide to have an unscheduled meeting at the mound to smooth things out he should remember when the other guy is getting ready to knock that smug look off of his face not to lead with his shoulder because if he hadn't done that he may not be missing the next couple of months with a broken collarbone. ...Alex Rodriguez has apparently found something to occupy his time during all the lonely hours he's been putting in rehabilitating his hip as he has begun dating a young twenty-four year old Dominican Republic girl. This is not the same girl that he was tossing baseballs to during the A.L.C.S. last year because that girl kept the baseballs and returned his phone number. The thirteen year age difference between A-Rod and his current significant other apparently does not seem to bother the girl's family at all since it was her father that picked up Rodriguez from the airport in a limousine and drove him to his hotel. This is the kind of service you give to a man who is interested in your daughter and who also happens to make twenty-nine million dollars a year. ...One more thing. If Alex Rodriguez did or did not send someone to buy documents from the anti-aging clinic in Florida for the sole purpose of destroying them it really does not matter. This guy's reputation is so tarnished now that no one would put it past him if he did and no one would believe him if he hadn't. ...When you pay a guy like Jose Reyes ten million dollars a year it would be understood by everyone if you automatically assumed that he knew how to properly slide into second base. ...In another attempt to reverse the "curse" that Cubs fans believe has been held over their team, someone in an unmarked truck dropped off a package containing a severed goat's head at Wrigley Field last week addressed to Chicago Cubs owner Tom Ricketts. If this guy really wanted to help the Cubs he would have kept the goat's head and dropped off a couple of pitchers instead. ...After reading last week that Alice Cooper once rejected Raquel Welch, who to put it mildly wanted to be rather chummy with him, I have decided that Cooper must be one of the strongest or the dumbest men around. ...A circus elephant was shot during a drive-by shooting in Mississippi last week for unknown reasons. It's an elephant for crying out loud. They had to do a drive-by for that? They could have just walked. I mean where's he going? ...Why would anyone want to steal the President's teleprompter? What use would you get out of it because chances are you aren't going to be using to give any speeches. I'm sure by now the thief knows this for himself and if he doesn't he's getting seven years in federal prison to think about it. ...I can not name one song this guy sings and the few times that I have heard him sing on TV it took me less than two seconds to hit the mute button but what Kid Rock is doing for his fans for his upcoming Summer tour is impressive. Each ticket sold will only cost fans twenty dollars apiece and that is for anywhere in the building. Also, prices will be lowered on other items such as beer and t-shirts. Maybe his music isn't for me but that's not important. I'm sure his fans are really going to love this. ...In contrast, the price for a center floor seat right in front of the stage to see Paul McCartney costs $2,500. I don't even want to guess what a T-shirt would cost. ...To the surprise of no one that has purchased a game from them in the past few years, Electronic Arts has been named the worst company in America for the second year in a row. The games that have been churned out in the past few years show a complete lack of imagination because it seems that they are just going through the motions when they're making them since the concern seems to be more about the release date of the game instead of the content of it. And yet despite all of this EA still takes in millions of dollars each year. It just shows how stupid the American consumer is. ...Bad news for fans of Windows XP. In April of 2014 Microsoft is going to officially retire the XP operating system which to date is their most popular version of Windows ever. This means in one year's time they will no longer be issuing security patches and updates for XP and if hackers find new ways to break into this operating system, Microsoft will do nothing to stop them. As if Microsoft has ever stopped anyone from from getting into their system before. Too bad the plug couldn't be pulled on Microsoft instead of XP . ...I'm going to hate this. I have an XP laptop where I can play a lot of games on it that I can't play on Vista or Windows 7 like High Heat 2003 and 2004 plus many other fun games that play better on there then on my other computers. This has nothing to do with not wanting to support XP anymore. They just want you to upgrade to Windows 7 or 8 and I don't believe anyone should be forced to do that. ...Too many deaths last week. Margaret Thatcher, one of the strongest women in world history, died at the age of 87. Like her politics or not she said what she believed and did what she thought was right. This is in direct contrast of most politicians today who say just about anything and do just about nothing. Roger Ebert, who was a well-respected film critic, died of cancer at the age of 70. I really didn't read his reviews (or anyone else's for that matter) before I went to a movie because I liked to form my own opinion of it but after I was finished seeing the film that is when I read Ebert. And last Monday Annette Funicello, one of the original members of the 1950's TV show The Mickey Mouse Club died at the age of 70 from complications due to multiple sclerosis. She had to be a pretty strong woman because she dealt with this disease for the last twenty-five years of her life. Do yourself a favor and check out some early-1960's photos of her. This woman was stunning. R.I.P. all.
  22. I feel the same way. I hope he keeps it up. People like that are needed on a team. Yeah, it's nice to see this team actually give a damn about things and I don't care when the multi-millionaires get back.
  23. It was odd looking at names in a thread that have not been here in years.
  24. You just responded to a post in a thread that has been dormant for eight years.
  25. Yes because they have to leave the game after five innings to go home and do their homework.
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