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Everything posted by Yankee4Life

  1. Yankee4Life

    Mvp 13?

    I haven't heard anything about this. Are you sure? Hahahahahaha
  2. Updated to 4-7 ...It's been one week now that baseball has returned to our everyday lives and when it returns every year at this time it overshadows everything else that's going on. What did we see last week? The Astros with an impressive win in their first ever American League game. A kid down in Washington hitting home runs in his first two at-bats of the season. Bryce Harper and the Nationals are expected to go far this year. Out in Los Angeles the Dodgers and Giants were scoreless going into the bottom of the eighth when Clayton Kershaw decided it was time to show everyone he could swing the bat. So he did by hitting his first career home run to lead the Dodgers to a 4 - 0 win. All that and more on Opening Day. How can anyone not be a fan of this great game? ...As I said a week ago this weeks random thoughts were going to be late because I would be out of town but I didn't realize how late this would be. The blame must be laid on the beds that are at my in-laws house because they are the cheapest and most uncomfortable beds money can buy and I will swear to that under oath and my back will gladly do the same. As soon as we got home the car got unloaded and the dogs were let out and right now I can not remember how I got up the stairs and into my bed. ...When we were down there we were introduced to a baby pit bull that my wife's nephew gave to his ten-year-old son. It's a beautiful looking dog who's only a few months old and she sleeps a lot and is very playful. I have no idea how this dog will be when she gets older but it will be tough on her because she is owned by that ten-year-old kid, who, to put it as gracefully as I can, is an idiot. I may exaggerate at times but in this instance I am not. ...So Y4L tell us what did you do all day Saturday when you were there? Did you go any place and see anything interesting? Let's see...I went to get the paper Saturday morning and at a red light I saw someone filling their truck up with gas. On my way back I saw two people walking on the sidewalk having a conversation and just before I pulled into the driveway the next door neighbor of my in-laws got in here car and drove off somewhere. After that rash of activity things grounded to a halt rather quickly and the remainder of the day went without incident. ...We went out to breakfast this morning at a local diner and I swear these people that own the place must be related to the town's health inspector because they were more concerned about giving you a greasy meal than a clean fork. ...Maybe that's why I felt so sick driving home, who knows? All I know was nothing was going to stop me from leaving. ...I never paid much attention to team payrolls but when I read that the Yankees set a record for baseball's highest opening-day payroll at $230 million it just made me wonder how the Steinbrenner family really feels about this in their private moments when microphones are not in front of them because if they admit it or not they aren't getting their money's worth. ...Lindsay Lohan said on her Twitter account last Monday that she was pregnant and it made a bit of a stir until she came out the next day to announce that it was nothing but an April Fool's joke. Of course it was. Think about it. Who'd touch her? ...Speaking about April Fools, did you hear about the one that Scope mouthwash pulled? They said that they were coming out with a new bacon-flavored mouthwash which turned out to be nothing but an elaborate prank on their part. My wife fell for it hook, line and sinker. ...A group of children went on an Easter egg hunt at a zoo in Seattle when it turned violent because of a bunch of over zealous mothers. During the hunt one mother pushed a child aside as he was going after some of the eggs because she noticed her own kid was going after the same ones. That's when all hell broke loose and the two mothers started fighting and it got so bad that they had to be separated three or four times. Both of these women must have been hell on their local playgrounds when they were kids and their behavior at the zoo this day showed that they haven't grown up much since then. There was no word on who won the fight but one of the women left the zoo with a bloody nose, a few eggs and one embarrassed kid. Look at the bright side here. This incident did not involve a shooting and no one died. Considering what goes on these days these women showed unbelievable restraint and civility. ...A San Jose,California man just could not wait to get inside his local Wal-Mart last week so he drove his car through the front doors and crashed his vehicle into a beer display, injuring a few dozen innocent cans of beer in the process. He then jumped out of his car and started attacking people before being subdued and arrested by police. The guy must have tried to do a return and it didn't work out so well. ...They could have had a lot more injuries here but they only had three cashiers on staff for the thirty checkout lanes they have. ...In order for the Yankees to get Robinson Cano to sign another contract with them they will have to deal with rap star Jay-Z instead of Scott Boras, who Cano fired last Tuesday. My first reaction when I heard this was that either Boras can't carry a tune to save his life or Cano must be dumber than I thought he was. Probably a combination of the two. I'm in the minority here because I'm in favor of the Yankees dealing this guy to someone for prospects before the trading deadline. Cano doesn't drive in runs when you really need them and he dogs it too many times during the season to ignore. The feeling here is that the contract this guy wants is like what the Yankees gave to Alex Rodriguez and we all know how well that's turning out. For the Yankees to commit 200 million or more dollars towards this guy would be a terrible mistake but anyone who is familiar with the Yankees knows that this is exactly what they'll do. ...Look on the bright side here. Had Jay-Z declined to be his agent Cano's second choice could have been Justin Bieber. ...Samoa Air, the official airline of the Pacific island nation of Samoa is adopting a pay-as-you-weigh pricing plan in order for their customers to fly from now on. Your weight and the weight of your luggage will determine the price of your ticket. Since more than 80% of Samoans age fifteen and older are considered obese this airline is going to be making a fortune. Good idea or not, this policy is never going to make here in the U.S. because the first time someone thinks they were made to feel bad because of their weight they'll sue the airline. ...I have to admit I would be curious to see how much they'd have to charge Honey Boo Boo's family to fly. ...Cheers to the Raiders for cleaning house this off season. There's probably going to be a few more lean years but at least there seems to be a plan in place now. Getting rid of Carson Palmer was another good move because I didn't understand why they traded for him in the first place. ...Let me see if I got this right. You get a bunch of celebrities that apparently have nothing else to do and have them jump in a pool and that's a TV show? How long did it take for someone to think of the idea for Splash, between bites of a sandwich? I actually watched this show because Miss Alabama Katherine Webb was on it and she knows how to accentuate the positive when wearing a bathing suit if you get what I'm saying. ... Last week Buffalo Bills wide receiver Stevie Johnson jokingly told North Korea that if they really feel that they have to bomb something they should bomb Foxboro, Massachusetts, which is where the New England Patriots play. Since he said it on twitter a lot of people took him serious because as we all know everything said there is always well thought out in advance and there is never a hint of irony or humor in anything posted there. You see, that's why I am not on twitter and have no plans to be because I would have told North Korea when they were done blasting Foxboro to go to Fenway Park next and if they didn't know where it was I'd send them directions. ...You see? I post that on twitter there would be an uproar. In here people ignore it. Just as it should be. ...Have a wonderful and safe week.
  3. There is already a thread right here that is all about discussing problems people are having with playing/running the game. Why did you feel the need to start a brand new one?
  4. Dennis you are a true hero. Thank you.
  5. The great man strikes again. Thank you!
  6. Updated to 3-31 ...Now that the unwanted winter months are out of the way for another year it's time to officially welcome back baseball as the season opens tonight in Houston as the Astros begin their first year in the American League as the former last place champions of the N.L. Central host Texas on Sunday Night Baseball. There are twelve games set for the next day and the final two games (Baltimore at Tampa Bay and Cleveland at Toronto) won't be played until Tuesday the 2nd. It doesn't matter who you root for. Baseball's back. Everything seems so much better all of a sudden. ...Is it too late to start a poll in here to see how many people think a Yankee player will get injured in the player introductions tomorrow at Yankee Stadium? ...How bad is it for the Miami Marlins? They are selling opening day tickets for 52% off the asking price on Groupon, which is a deal-of-the-day website that offers discounted gift certificates. This just goes to show how desperate the Marlins are to get people in the park for their home opener. It might work for one game but not for the whole season. They've got a brand new ballpark down there with a lot of seats that won't be used this season, especially the ones in the outfield where there's a chance more balls will be hit off of them then people sitting in them. They're probably regretting getting rid of Ozzie Guillen about now too. Even if he talks some more about cousin Fidel at least it will give them some kind of press coverage. ...I spent most of last Monday morning at a waiting room in a local hospital because my niece had gall bladder surgery. It's always interesting when you have to pass the time sitting near total strangers. For example, as soon as the hospital lobby workers brought out coffee for everyone it was like a high pitched whistle was blown that only dogs could hear because everyone came running in all directions. ...I was there for about six hours and believe me nothing slows a clock down more than waiting in a hospital. I had to find something to pass the time and since all the magazines around me were Good Housekeeping and Women's Day, reading was out of the question plus there are just so many times you can take a trip to the vending machine to get a soda before you have to burst,if you get my drift. So I started watching what was going on around me. There was a mailbox located outside of the hospital right before you walked in and I had a good view of it. After about a half hour of watching people drop mail in it I began to notice that most of them seemed to have a hard time doing it. I could not understand what the problem was. Pull down the hatch, throw your letter in and walk away. That pretty much covers it. But a surprising number of them when they were putting their letters in acted like they were cautiously trying to feed an animal at the zoo since they looked like they were keeping a safe distance from it. I watched and watched until finally curiosity got the better of me and I went outside to look at the box myself. I opened it and closed it just to see if there was a problem with the latch. Nothing. As I turned around to leave I saw two people watching me, probably wondering why I went to mailbox without putting anything in it. So much for curiosity. ...Probably the best news I heard last week was reading about Tim McCarver announcing that he will retire from FOX after this year. I had no idea that he worked in 28 consecutive post seasons for Major League Baseball. I just knew that once he teamed up with Joe Buck they formed the most boring broadcast team ever. These guys would have you changing the channels during the seventh game of a World Series. McCarver said that he wanted to step down while he knew he can still do the job. Fair enough, but if he really meant it he would have made this announcement twenty years ago. ...With the trade for Vernon Wells from the Angels and the signing of Lyle Overbay after the Red Sox sent him packing, the Yankees are quietly stocking up on ex-Blue Jays players. It's a good thing that Shannon Stewart and Shea Hillenbrand aren't playing anymore or else they'd be Yankees too. ...Oh, and Vernon? That "quietly always been a Yankee fan" comment? You said the same thing when Toronto traded you to the Angels in January of 2011. Now that you're here just hit the ball. If you still can. ...The Detroit Tigers locked up Justin Verlander for the rest of this decade with a five-year contract extension. He'll be making $28 million a year each season from 2015-2019. Look, the guy is good and he has a great arm but this is a hell of a risk that Detroit is taking. As far as I know he's never been on the disabled list but for the Tigers this deal could turn out to be a bad one because of any arm problems Verlander could develop. Just look at the Mets with Johan Santana. He's making $24 million a year and will not even play this year. According to the Guinness Book of World Records, in May of last year a man from Denmark held his breath underwater for twenty-two minutes. That's nothing. The Detroit Tigers will be holding their breath until 2019. ...Two thirteen-year-old little SOB's in a Virginia middle school were caught recently trying to poison their teacher by putting hand sanitizer in her tea. They only succeeded in making her miss work a few days with stomach pains and a low grade fever. Whatever this was, be it a practical joke or a dare, these two kids are now facing a class three felony charge. That is a felony that carries a punishment of not less than five years nor more than 20 years in prison and a fine of not more than $100,000 in that state. Good. I'm hoping that these two little angels get everything that's coming to them. How anyone would want to be a teacher these days is something I'll never understand because it seems that a lot of these kids today are getting braver and braver doing things like this for reasons only they understand. ...The Italian court system wants to extradite Amanda Knox back to Italy to retry her for the murder of her roommate. They were pretty upset that she did not get convicted the first time they had her on trial and now they seem to think they have a better chance of getting a conviction so they want her back. The Italians should be quite ashamed of their legal system because it's making ours look pretty good and that's kind of hard thing to do. ...She didn't ask me and if she did I wouldn't help her anyway but if I were Amanda Knox I'd quietly get the hell out of this country and go to a non extradition nation as soon as possible because you never know if and when the U.S. is going to give her up just so they don't ruffle any diplomatic feathers. ...You know, if the Italians don't get Knox would they settle for Casey Anthony instead? ...What is worse, shooting a thirteen-month old baby or being one of the people who tried to cover up for the killer by lying for him? ...Up until two days ago I have spent my entire life not knowing what a Whizzinator was and now that I do know I can safely say that all knowledge is not power since I could have lived the rest of my days not knowing. But that is past and I'll let you how I came to find out about this. A Missouri man was caught with this in his possession when he was trying to pass a drug test by using one of these false -now how can I put this- strap-ons because this thing actually comes with urine designed to have you pass your test so you can get back to your drug of choice and be left alone. Anyways, this guy is trying to fill the cup so he could get out of there as fast as he can when the probation officer noticed that the man, who happened to be white, was trying to use a black-colored Whizzinator. Give him one point for having the guts to try this. Take away two for stupidity. ...The first thing I thought of after hearing about this was what if he really had to go while he was faking it? What would he do, hold the false one in one hand and the real McCoy in the other? ...I bet this is a story no one is going to bring up during Easter dinner today. ...Obligatory Pennsylvania post, Part 109: The Lehigh Valley IronPigs have installed what they are referring to as a "urinal gaming system" in their ballpark this year for fans to use while they answer the call of nature. It consists of a video display mounted above each urinal and as the fan approaches it senses his presence and turns on and um, while the guy is going he aims left or right to control the play on the screen. Unbelievable. I can just imagine some drunk trying to play the game and misses the urinal completely as he tries to go left and right. By the way, the IronPigs are the top farm team of the Philadelphia Phillies, which when you think about it only makes sense. ...Go ahead, say it. This week's edition of Random Thoughts is a real pisser. ...Final thought: next week's edition in here will be posted much later because I'll be out of town for the weekend at the in-laws and I won't be home to post it online. ...Happy Easter to everyone here at Mvpmods!
  7. I believe this can be done with Mvp Edit but I would wait until the real pros in here like Jim or daflyboys come in here and read this.
  8. Yes, these faces are all available. You can find Gibson, Spahn and Schmidt in Total Classics 10. Javy Lopez might be there but I'm not 100% sure (check the '93 Braves) but if he's not there you'll find him in the 1994 mod or 1998 mod.
  9. If I knew how to mod stadiums in that game I would gladly help you, but I can't. You really got some nice mods there.
  10. Why not make a listing of what mods you have? I still play this game too.
  11. Dennis this is, well this is just, I um don't know what to say. Thank you of course. You made this uniform for this team look great. There, I said it. :D
  12. Yes you did. Don't apologize for a thing. This post of your was wonderful. I have always said that when other people come in here to post their stuff it makes this thread better and we get different viewpoints on things. It's kind of frustrating when only one person posts in here all the time. Thank you. Come by any time here and don't be a stranger here either.
  13. Updated to 3-24 ...Tiger Woods is getting back in the swing of things and in more ways than one. He's now dating skier Lindsay Vonn, a woman who looks remarkably like his ex-wife Elin. Woods and Vonn have said that they want to keep this relationship private, so the first thing they did was run to Facebook to announce it and post pictures of them together. Woods better watch his step with her because if he cheats on her like he did his wife he will find out a downhill ski hurts just as much as a golf club when it's hit over your head two or three times. ...Maybe the only reason Tiger settled on her was because all the Kardashians were spoken for? ...$4 million worth of pot wrapped in plastic bags were found at a beach in Santa Barbara County last Sunday. This is what happens when people don't do a good job of picking up after themselves because as soon as they get home they remember they left something behind. ...A 75-year old Detroit woman is on trial for her life for first-degree murder after she shot her grandson ten times over a six minute span. This grandson of hers was no prize since he took drugs and forcibly tried to get money off of her to support his habit. Had he lived he would have likely been found behind some building somewhere with more than ten bullets in him or else he would lived off the state of Michigan for the next ten to fifteen years with barbed wire all around him. About the only people in Detroit that I believe are not carrying guns are the pre-schoolers and even then I'm not too sure. ...Looking back on my life I should consider myself lucky because when my grandmother came after me she used a wooden spoon and when she made contact she made it count. ...It's funny listening to Brewers fans defending the innocence of Ryan Braun because it sounds so much like the Giants fans who say to this day that Barry Bonds was clean. ...If you said that Miley Cyrus looked like a gay Frenchman you would be insulting actual gay Frenchmen. ...A computer hacker was sentenced last week to three years and five months in prison for stealing data from over 120,000 iPad users. Meanwhile in Ohio two rapists got a third of that sentence for what they did to a drunken sixteen-year old girl. When you figure out why those two received that small of a sentence kindly get back to me. ...The WBC was fun to watch except for the fact that the Dominican Republic won it. There's no way I can find myself ever rooting for a country that produced David Ortiz and Manny Ramirez, players who quit on their teams like Jose Reyes and Hanley Ramirez, hot dogs like Fernando Rodney and a lazy bum like Robinson Cano. Other than that they're fine. ...I've actually read some complaints about the Phillies using Hooters girls as ball girls during their spring training games this year such as they don't know the rules and no matter what ball that is hit their way, however slow it may be, they can't seem to catch. Does that really matter? If they miss the ball they have to bend over twice to get it. ...In all my years of watching the Yankees I have never seen a spring training go so bad like the one that is going on right now. The latest is that they have signed Chien-Ming Wang to a minor league contract. What are they going to do next, contact Gary Sheffield ? ...It's pretty bad when arguably the best player for the Oakland Raiders is their punter. And it's even worse when he signs with the Houston Texans. Thanks for everything Shane Lechler. ...How bad does political correctness have to get? During last Wednesday's Yankee game on YES, Lou Piniella was talking to Ken Singleton about the Blue Jays - Marlins trade that took place last winter. Commenting on the trade Piniella said that the Marlins got "raped" in the trade. It was not even necessary to watch the telecast to understand what Piniella was referring to but he felt he had to apologize anyway just in case someone out there wanted to use what he said against him. ...Lindsay Lohan has been sentenced to ninety days in rehab for her latest string of offenses. For those keeping track this will be the sixth time she'll be heading there. The facility is already getting her old room ready and the sign on her reserved parking space has been repainted in anticipation of her arrival. How the courts think a sixth stay at one of these places is going to do her any good is unclear since it was obvious the first five were a waste of time and money but as the saying goes justice is blind especially when it comes to the rich. Lohan's wrists must hurt by now with all the slaps she's received on them. ...Best of luck to that high school kid who asked Kate Upton to his senior prom in May. I have to give him a lot of credit to ask one of the most beautiful woman in the world to go with him. There's even a chance that she will do it because she responded back to him and told him she will check her schedule. After reading about this I brought up an idea to my wife and I asked her if I could send Kate Upton a request as her number one fan if she will go to a movie with me but she saw right through me and nixed the idea before it had a chance to grow. ...The trustee in charge of Casey Anthony's bankruptcy case has filed a request in federal court in Tampa to sell the rights to her story so she can pay her debts. If this gets approved we will be seeing a bidding war because this will sell. People may be disgusted for what she got away with but there's no way they'll be able to stop themselves from reading about her side of this story. ...In probably one of the funniest stories I have heard of in a long time, an 18 year old kid from Kentucky went into a bingo hall and while the game was going on yelled out "BINGO!" that caused mass disruption in the game and when the elderly women that were in attendance found out that it was hoax they didn't know whether to hit the kid with their cane or grab for a heart pill. What made matters worse was an off duty cop was there and he arrested the phony Bingo winner and cited him for disorderly conduct, probably because he was close to Bingo himself and was peeved that someone else won. The punishment he received from the judge was that he could not say "Bingo" for six months and if follows that the charges would be dropped. If not, he could face ninety days in jail and a $250 fine. For one word. Yeah I know what he did caused a disruption in an activity that some people take very seriously and he did get off pretty easy. It's not like he's going to walk around for the next six months having the state of Kentucky monitor what he's saying but it's still pretty funny that a teenager from Kentucky can't say this word for all this time but an organization like the Westboro Baptist Church can say the most vile and insulting things at the funerals of our servicemen and be protected by freedom of speech. ...Unless I missed something North Korea did not threaten anyone yesterday. It must have been a slow day.
  14. SESbb30 I'm kind of puzzled by this too. After I read your post I left to play another game in WBC to see if I would maybe get the same problem but I didn't. This mod plays just as well as the other mods I've downloaded from here. I'm sorry I did not have any answers for you.
  15. WBC 2013 Mod Continued A perfect example of how it looks when you are caught looking for strike three. There's no quit in the Chinese as they start the 7th inning off with this opposite field double He just gets back to first after nearly getting picked off. Things get interesting here in the top of the 8th as China gets two men on base but fail to score as an inning ending double play kills the rally. The Italian team hangs on for a tough 3 - 2 win.
  16. WBC 2013 Mod Continued The rightfielder from China made a wonderful diving catch in the fifth inning to stop an Italian rally. Had this catch not been made the game could have been out of reach. This Chinese batter grounded out here and also got his bat sawed in half for his troubles. One minor thing. The advertisement for the Caribe website is written backwards on the umpire's uniform. Mariotti of Italy throws wildly past first base to allow the runner to make it all the way to third. The score is now 3 - 2 Italy after the first baseman from China hit a 1-2 pitch from Mariotti deep into the right field bleachers. This was no Chinese home run. As soon as he hit it you knew it was gone. The only question was how far.
  17. The next mod to be reviewed here is the World Baseball Classic 2013 mod made by the Caribe team and was released here this week for the convenience of the members of this website. You can download the mod by following this link right here. Installation of this mod is very straight forward and if you are familiar with any of the other Caribe installs in the past you will have no problem here. Hector has the instructions clear and easy to follow and as with the previous installs when asked for the password to put in type in www.mvpcaribe.com and you'll get this mod installed in no time flat. The first thing that grabs your attention is the video that these guys put together to introduce their mods. It immediately grabs your attention and makes you want to watch it all the way through. The care and detail put into this short video is carried over into every aspect of this mod as I'll soon explain. I must admit though that the CTS screen here (which you will see in the screenshots area) had me a little puzzled. Why Derek Jeter? If it were me I would have had a picture that had something to do with the Japanese team because going into this WBC they were the two time champions. All that that American teams in these tournaments ever did was get eliminated early and not seem too worked up about it at all. Then again maybe I am reading too much into this. Once you get into the game the jukebox music jumps out at you and grabs your attention. The choice of music is widespread and it shows the different musical tastes from all over the world. Where else but a WBC mod would you find a jukebox that has Latino-based music, music by Queen, Miley Cyrus and group called Teriyaki Boyz, who sang some oriental sounding number that I never heard of. These songs may or may not fit into your mp3 collection but they work well in this mod. There are twenty-eight teams to choose from in this mod and if you want there is an option for a thirty game schedule for dynasty play. The rosters in the mod are up to date. For example, the American team has Eric Hosmer as their first baseman because he replaced Mark Teixeira after Teixeira got hurt on the 5th of March and had to leave the team. That's one example of the attention they put into the rosters right up until the time the mod was released. The stadiums here are really well done. I like the Tokyo Dome even though I did not use that ballpark for this exhibition that I ran. I went through a few of the stadiums after I played my game and each one is very well done. In closing I would (and did) give this World Baseball Classic mod five stars. You'll get a lot of fun playing this mod and if you do please take the time to leave a nice comment so Hector and the other Caribe guys know you appreciated their work. Screenshots: Welcome to the WBC 2013 mod by the Caribe modders. This exhibition game was between China and Italy and here Italian pitcher John Mariotti strikes out a Chinese hitter in the first inning. Italy got on the board first when Alex Liddi hit a triple to drive in two runs and later scored himself on a groundout. Chinese pitcher Xia Luo is momentarily stunned here when a ball was hit off his chest but quickly recovered to throw the runner out. Luo had a tough first inning giving up three runs on five hits but quickly settled down. It was all Italy in the early part of this game.
  18. I love following this.Great presentation, nice graphics and video highlights. I found myself rooting for your Stars to win. You did play pretty well and I wish you a lot of luck in the playoffs.
  19. I told you before you are missing something. The instructions for this mod are in English and Spanish. There is nothing wrong with the mod itself. The Caribe guys have had this type of installation for years with no problems reported. I don't know what step you overlooked but it is obvious to me that this is what is going on. Try it like this: 1. Uncompress the WBC mod. 2. When it says what directory you want to install the game in just accept the default directory it gives you. 3. Let the thing install. 4. When it asks for the game disks, put them in your drive and let the mod access what it needs off the disks. 5. Play the game.
  20. How much you want to bet they play that crap in the ending credits?
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