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Everything posted by Yankee4Life

  1. When you are born in 1942 these things tend to happen. I am looking forward to this too although I have to wonder why a rap song had to be made for this movie since it does not fit the time period and since a lot of us pretty much know Robinson's story I'd like to see how accurate they are in this movie with it.
  2. Neither do I. So I looked him up and he's someone who is part of the 2K group around here. I don't know what he's complaining about and I really don't need to know. As you said, take it to the PM's.
  3. Wait a minute. What patch are you talking about? I read the Installation instructions again and it says nothing about a patch. Are you talking about the official patch released by EA years ago? If so right now just concentrate on installing the mod as the instructions say.
  4. Hold it. Have you successfully installed this WBC mod yet? Have you got past the installation part yet?
  5. Exactly what did I say that was wrong? I said you didn't read the directions correctly and that you missed something. Is that really that bad? It happens. Especially to new people. Somehow you made a mistake somewhere because when I installed this mod it worked perfectly. Again, it happens.
  6. There's a modder here named Jim825 and I have listened to him say for a long time to not even worry about the last three patches.
  7. It means you didn't read the directions correctly. The Caribe mods have installed in this way for years and this one is no different. You missed something.
  8. Jim, you're right as usual. It's possible to use the uniforms and cyberfaces from the '04 game in Mvp 05 but it is a no-go if you want to do that the other way around. I remember Fuzzone told me that years ago. As for PiratesMvp, he left a long time ago, even before Mlbmods was closing up. He said he was not going to be making any more mods for Mvp 2004 because he was going to be going to school.
  9. And you know this because...? This console system isn't even out yet. There is no way that Mvp Baseball is going to be on that.
  10. Daflyboys, wouldn't a datafile take care of this? I don't know what datafile (if any) has this on this site but a check of the download area will help. And don't forget to back up your files first rmats100.
  11. Updated to 3-17 ...A woman is suing St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Catholic Church in Indianapolis because they are refusing to let her place a headstone that she had specially made for her late husband to be placed in their grounds because the church said it did not meet the requirements of their cemetery, which has been around for one hundred years. The woman had the idea to have a custom headstone made to represent her late husband's interests so she paid $9,600 to have one built into the shape of a couch and she put images of a dog and a deer on it along with the logos of the Indianapolis Colts and NASCAR. This immediately made me wonder to myself what her house looked like. The church advised the woman before and after the purchase of the headstone that it did not meet with their conditions but she went ahead anyway. Obviously the cemetery guidelines were for everyone else to follow but her. She can always have him buried someplace else. He won't put up a fight. ...I'm kind of surprised that the Colts and NASCAR aren't coming after this woman for unauthorized use of their logos. Can you imagine if this guy was a baseball fan? Bud Selig would send someone out in the middle of the night to bust up the headstone. ...With the baseball season about three weeks away now the only thing that these baseball "experts" seem to all agree on is that the Houston Astros are going to have a terrible team in their first year in the American League, which only means when they play the Yankees they are going to beat them. ...As soon as we see balls getting past Derek Jeter at shortstop again that is when we'll know that his comeback is complete. ...David Ortiz has been shut down completely by the Red Sox because of a sore left heel when inflammation was revealed by MRI tests. If this is not handled correctly an injury like this will keep his stolen base total way down this year. ...Cheers to the Miami New Times for not giving Major League Baseball, otherwise known as Bud Selig, the records that they have on Anthony Bosch and the anti-aging clinic he ran. They've got some dammmn good reasons too. They figured they posted enough records on their website for MLB to have but Selig wants them to to hand over all the notebooks they obtained because they are of course, baseball, and nobody says no to them. Until now. Jeffery Loria was one reason why the newspaper would not hand over the records. Those people down in Florida are still furious about what happened to their team because the Marlins today look completely different than they did a year ago and fans should expect the National League to push them around a lot this year. But the most important reason they gave is that they don't trust baseball with their work because Selig may use this information improperly like punishing some players and not others. They've got other reasons and they're all good. I just hope the folks down in Miami don't have a change of heart. ...Interested in reading the article in the New Times? Just click right here. ...With the World Baseball Classic going on now it is more important to me to have baseball become more popular around the world then to see who actually wins the thing. It's just nice to see countries like the Netherlands, Australia and China do well because the more this game is promoted the better for the game. ...At the same time I got to admit that it would be nice to see the U.S. win the WBC. The way they get eliminated in these things reminds me of watching the Yankees in the playoffs as you try to guess when they'll fall apart and have to go home. You don't know when it's going to be you just know it's going to happen. This team had a disadvantage going in with Joe Torre calling the shots because he looked totally lost knowing that he didn't have Scott Proctor to bring in the game in the late innings . So now it's three tournaments in a row for the U.S. How much you want to bet that before the next one rolls around Commissioner Stuffed Shirt forces each team to send their best players to this? ...When Doug Glanville compared the Yankees disabled list problems to "Brokeback Mountain" it was obvious that he was commenting on the number of injuries the Yankees had and that he had no idea what Brokeback Mountain actually was. Then again when you think back and recall how they bent over and let the Tigers do whatever they wanted to them in last year's ALCS you never know. ...My wife actually saw this movie when it aired on DirecTV. And to answer the next question, no I did not watch it with her. ...Google has been hard at work at making self-driving cars, a technology that they say will save 1.2 million lives provided that they can get it perfected. I can just see it now if and when they get this to work. Before we take off in this self-driving wonder we'll have to watch a few commercials from some of Google's sponsors. ...Police departments from all over the country will be a very unhappy bunch because if this works they are going to lose a lot of yearly revenue that they have been getting off of motorists for over one hundred years. ...In another incident of anti-gun hysteria that has popped up at schools ever since Sandy Hook, the principal of a small town elementary school in Michigan confiscated thirty homemade cupcakes that a mother of a third-grader made for a birthday because the little boy put green plastic figurines on the top of them that represented World War II soldiers. The principal decided that the cupcakes were "insensitive" in light of the shooting at the Connecticut school last December. While you can not take away the seriousness of what happened last year you also can not make a connection between our military and Sandy Hook since I am unaware of any instances of the Army attacking any schools. ...What really gets me worried is wondering how these kids are going to turn out after all the political correctness they've been forced to swallow. ...Another Pennsylvania story for you because last week there wasn't one and I didn't want anyone here to start thinking that they missed anything that comes out of there. In Philadelphia -where else ?- the Catholic Youth Organization there or CYO for short recently barred an eleven year old girl from participating in football because of their "boys only" rule. People reacted to this news as if they just found out liquor prices all over Philadelphia would be going up 15% and it was the Archdiocese's fault. A special panel was quickly formed and to no one's surprise the girl was now allowed to play football because as they explained to everyone she's been playing since the age of five and all that time had been giving cheap shots to other kids at her school without getting hurt so why can't she play football? ...A student from Argentina paid $3,000 to come to the U.S. last December as part of a summer work travel program, an opportunity that provides an American cultural experience to foreign students and now less than three months later he must be questioning his decision to come here. His "host" company was McDonalds, and these people must play their own version of welcome to America that you don't see in any brochures. While working there he was not paid overtime and had to be on call at all times of the day. Now the State Department is getting involved to investigate this exploitation claim against McDonalds. I don't know how far this complaint will go because if you think about it he got exactly what he wanted when he got screwed by his employer and is now worse off then he was before (bye-bye three grand, nice knowing you). Sorry to say but that is the American cultural experience. ...When Samsung released their new Galaxy S4 phone last Thursday the first thing that I thought of was when my wife was going to run out and buy one. ...Remember in the old days, like back in 2012 when you thought going on a cruise ship would be fun? ...With that mustache that Joba Chamberlain is walking around with now he looks like the guy you tell your kids to stay away from at the playground. ...Enjoy your St. Patrick's Day and welcome in the first day of spring this Wednesday.
  12. Now sit back and enjoy the ride. They did a wonderful job making this mod.
  13. What a ride it was, right Jim? That summer flew by.
  14. I already have the Eig book on Gehrig. It took me less than a day to read it because it was so good. I also own the Monteville on Ruth too. Just as good.
  15. This man is hell bent on making every game of Mvp a struggle! And I love it. Thank you!
  16. You have some books there that I haven't read yet. There's nothing I like more than reading a baseball book. I've got some, but in no particular order. 1. Nice Guys Finish Last by Leo Durocher 2. The Roaring Redhead -Larry MacPhail- Baseball's Great Innovator by Don Warfield 3. Stan Musial: An American Life by George Vecsey 4. 56: Joe Dimaggio and the Last Magic Number in Sports by Kostya Kennedy 5. Babe: The Legend Comes to Life by Robert W. Creamer 6. The Image of Their Greatness by Lawrence Ritter 7. Baseball When the Grass was Real by Donald Honig 8. Crazy '08: How a Cast of Cranks, Rogues, Boneheads and Magnates Created the Greatest Year in Baseball History by Cait Murphy 9. Baseball in '41: A Celebration of the "Best Baseball Season Ever" by Robert W. Creamer 10. A Legend in the Making: The New York Yankees in 1939 by Richard J. Tofel. We also have an old thread here that hasn't been posted in in years about Baseball Books that have other suggestions.
  17. Whatever you said, good luck on getting the mod and welcome to the site.
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