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Everything posted by Yankee4Life

  1. Hahahahaha. Oh my God is that funny. :D Now they're probably going to fine him. What the hell, you got to find a reason to laugh because these guys were pitiful with runners on last year. Maybe this year it will be different because the entire team won't be going for home runs every at bat. Who knows?
  2. No one ever said you were a bad guy for saying what you did. Any interpretation that you were originated from yourself and no one else. And you would be right. Five years ago the Mvp 08 mod was a little late coming out because of various reasons. We had people in here on a daily basis complain in a whiny and also an angry way about why the mod wasn't out yet. They made it seem like the modders were taking their time and each day that went on they got more and more upset. Like they owed them something. So this did happen in the past and it still does. Also if you think that by me telling you to be patient about this is harsh rhetoric then once again that is how you interpret it and I can't do anything about it. I want the WBC mod as much as the other person. Something had to happen to prevent the upload of this.
  3. You know what part of the problem is around here? We have people like you who hardly ever post in here but you totally get what is going on around here. You appreciate what the modders do here and I am sure you also get that they are not working for us and if we have to wait for something it's no big deal. It's not like we don't have other mods around here to occupy our time, right? You've been here a long time and I'm sure if you started posting occasionally you'd be a great contributor although I am not saying you aren't one already. :)
  4. How do you know if he ran into problems last night and he couldn't post it? Maybe it was getting too late for him and he had other things to do. You have no idea why this mod isn't here right now and neither do I. You had better learn to be patient for things because the modders do all this on their time and when you get impatient about things it doesn't make you look that good. Don't worry, it will be here.
  5. Great looking park, as always. Thank you Dennis.
  6. Hector there is a problem accessing the Caribe website. Kaspersky internet security does not like the Caribe homepage because it is detecting Trojans on it and in the graphics. This has not always been like this because I did get Caribe 2012 recently and I did not get any error messages when I was there. Do you know why this has been happening?
  7. All I can say is forget that for one second and then take another look at him. I think we will see a lot of love and respect for this guy this year all around the American League and in the cities the Yankees play in during interleague.
  8. Apologies for posting this week's version late Saturday night instead of waiting until midnight on Sunday like I usually do. I have to leave now to attend to something so I'll be kind of busy for the remainder of the night. Updated to 3-10 ...Two weeks ago I wrote in this space about the twenty-eight year old woman who was going to the New York Jets practice facility to attend an open NFL regional combine for kicker tryouts. She could have kept her car running because she was not on the field for any length of time. She did not turn any heads and later explained to reporters that her poor performance was due to a quadriceps injury which allowed her to take part in only three kicks in the afternoon, two of which consisted of booting a football. Her first kick traveled a distance of nineteen yards and her second one was even worse as it landed thirteen yards away from where she was standing. The final one was administered by the combine officials as they showed excellent technique and follow through when they kicked her off the practice field and all the way to her car, which she did have turned off. Nineteen yards and thirteen yards? Where is she going with that? Any Eagles fan who's worth his salt can throw a beer can farther than that. ...This injury may have affected her kicking that day but what she said after showed me that she had no understanding of how the NFL is played. While admitting that the distance wasn't there in her kicks, she was hoping that the scouts would notice her technique because as she so aptly put it ''it's not always length.'' Because that's what players and fans will say too when she misses a game winning field goal. Yeah she missed that 25 yard field goal but look at the way she kicks. She's got good technique. ...Isn't it funny that the Dodgers actually expected Carl Crawford to be ready for the start of the season? This guy quit playing as soon as the Red Sox gave him that huge contract. ...Another guy like this is Mark Teixeira, who since joining the Yankees back in 2009 has watched his batting average drop lower than the Mason-Dixon line each year. And now he has a new injury -his wrist- which he hurt last week while swinging off a tee. This forced him to leave the WBC team for the United States and it also made the Yankees shut him down for eight to ten weeks. It's going to take a lot longer than that for Teixeira to get over this. Try all season. Everytime he gets in a slump or has a bad day this will be brought up again. He's already got his built-in excuse for the year so this season's a wash. Maybe the Yankees should have given him more money because twenty million a year doesn't get you anything anymore. ...With Teixeira ($23 million a year) and Granderson ($10 million) out for the next two months and Alex Rodriguez ($30 million a year) out until God-knows-when, the Yankees have a total of 63 million dollars of their payroll on the disabled list so far this year or almost twice the amount of the payroll of the Miami Marlins ($36 million). ...The worst thing so far for me this spring was yesterday when Mariano Rivera made it official and will retire at the end of this season. This hurts the most even though you knew it was coming. I don't care if I see Granderson's or Teixeira's faces for awhile but knowing Rivera has a little time left in pinstripes is going to put a damper on the entire season. ...I don't know what got me thinking about it after all these years but the other day I thought about War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy and I got to wondering again if anyone had ever read the entire book since it's over 1,000 pages long. It's like Tolstoy didn't know how to end the novel and he just kept writing. About fifteen years ago I decided I was going to give it a go and read the thing. I got about twenty pages in and then quit. That's all it took to convince me that this book was as boring at it was long. Yeah I know that this is considered a classic but anything that was written in the 1800's that can still be recalled today is going to be a classic, just like 150 years from now books on Star Trek will be classics. ...A Florida man found himself tossed in the pokey recently after getting into a verbal altercation with his sixteen-year-old brother in law because the teen had cursed at his mother. The man was so incensed that he picked up a Taco Bell burrito and threw it in his face leaving him with burrito sauce, cheese and meat all over his face and clothing. What really made the teen mad about the burrito besides having it all over him was that in another minute or so he planned on eating it and when his brother in law refused to go and get him another one he called the cops. The moral of the story here is if you are going to throw food in another person's face make sure you have a spare. ...In probably the most disturbing bit of news that came out of last week was when a nurse at a California elder care facility refused to give CPR to a woman who collapsed in their dining room and then had a hard time breathing. The nurse called 911 to report the incident but turned down all requests from the dispatcher to give CPR. This woman's lack of compassion while talking to the 911 people was just as bad. While the lady on the floor lay struggling for life the nurse made it sound like it was an inconvenience, like going outside in the rain to get the mail and finding it's not there yet and getting wet for nothing. The nurse said she was following company protocol by not administering CPR and by the time the ambulance came there was nothing they could do. After all the negative publicity this has received the company is now saying that the nurse didn't fully understand their policies and she has been put on voluntary leave pending an investigation. In other words she's being thrown under a bus. And those things are pretty big. They don't miss. ...In a major case of overreaction, a college in Ohio last Monday cancelled all classes last Monday after a student reported that she saw someone that looked like a Klu Klux Klan member near the college's Afrikan Heritage House. She didn't take a picture of the person nor did she get anyone to verify what she saw. She just phoned in her complaint and the school took care of the rest. As it turned out what she actually saw was another student walking around with a blanket around her. How she turned this into a KKK sighting is anyone's guess. It is my hope that whatever job this woman gets when she is out of school none of them have anything to do with National Security. ...I must give major props to Brian Cashman for having the nerve to jump out of an airplane because I don't know about any of you here but I wouldn't even consider doing it unless of course it was in a video game. Then I'm all for it. Cashman did joke that he would be ready by Opening Day but was puzzled at all the comments asking him if he ever decided to make another jump in the future to bring Alex Rodriguez with him. ...Last week someone uploaded a delivery receipt for 85 pizzas that came to a little over $1,400. The person was upset because he was only given a ten dollar tip for his troubles. I don't blame him. With all the money that he's making you would think that Prince Fielder can do better than this. ...I don't know what Jose Canseco's day job is now but whatever it is he better hold on to it because whoever told him he was an artist sold him a bill of goods. Canseco painted a portrait of Bud Selig looking like a fire breathing dragon, which if you think about it is an insult to dragons. The painting was so bad that it looked like it was done by a three year old who forgot to take his afternoon nap. ...A 23-year-old Red Sox prospect by the name of Drake Britton was arrested last week for DUI and wreckless driving and was clocked speeding at 111 m.p.h. The Red Sox were very upset to learn of this because they were planning on taking Britton north with them when the season started. Now because of this he may not make it up there until June. ...There is a mentally retarded man in New York City that is facing jail time because he was inside his house laughing out his window at his neighbors. Something tells me that there is more to this then what is being told but police did come and arrest him for this and if convicted this guy could be facing up to thirty days away from his window. This makes no sense because since when it is a crime to laugh inside your own home? Thank God I don't live near people like the ones who called the cops on this guy because if I did they would have arrested me for laughing all last year when I was reading the Red Sox scores. ...You know, every time I bring up the TSA is because they did something stupid again. Which is why I bring them up now. Starting next month passengers will be allowed to bring on board the plane pocketknives as well as souvenir baseball bats and golf clubs. The TSA explained this policy change by saying they wanted their officers to "better focus their efforts on finding higher threat items such as explosives." In all likelihood this also means they will be increasing their focus on catching terrorists that continue to disguise themselves as eighty-year-old men and women or young children who may or may not be handicapped. And God help these people if they are caught drinking a bottle of Evian. ...Demi Moore -a woman who is worth 150 million dollars- is going after spousal support and attorney fees from Ashton Kutcher in their divorce battle that is going on now. Something is terribly wrong if this does not get laughed out of court because she has enough money not to work at all for the next few lifetimes. This is all about sticking it to Kutcher, who was a moron to hook up with her in the first place. A woman scorned is not a pretty site and one look at her these days confirms it. ...Somewhere Bruce Willis is smiling. ...It just hit me. Isn't Danica Patrick kind of like the Anna Kournikova of racing? They both made money off of their looks without ever winning a single event in their respective sports.
  9. That sounds good and scary at the same time. :D
  10. This is fantastic. These are pitch counts that you would see in a typical game like this with a lot of hitting and runs being scored. What stood out for me was Hendriks of Minnesota (2 2/3 IP, 48 pitches) Baltimore's O'Day (1/3 IP, 17 pitches) and Jim Johnson pitching one inning for the save and throwing 21 pitches. I tried the Sim Game play pack you uploaded and it chewed me up and kicked me out. In other words I got beat bad. But I'm a stubborn sort and I'm going back to it. Too bad this modification of yours can't be implemented in the 2013 mod.
  11. Don, even though I am someone that has never used one mod that you made (and that's because I don't own the 2k baseball games) I want to say thank you too because I looked at the screen previews of the classic uniforms you made for this game and I kept on saying to myself that I wished these uniforms were made for Mvp instead. Thanks for all you have done.
  12. Nice to see you back here again! I might be able to help you out here (at least I think so) by showing you a book right here that is all about baseball score keeping. Check out the description of it. It could be what you need.
  13. Nothing stops the James machine! Thank you Dennis.
  14. 36 downloads and I am the only one that took one second to leave a rating. Wow. Thank you Dennis.
  15. You need to download the Total Installer Thingy program (TiT) which can be found in the download section. Install that in the directory of the game. You will be able to install the new uniforms with that. Remember to get the two patches for Mvp 12 which are also in the download section. Take your time and good luck.
  16. Where did I give a smart a$$ answer? Re-read what I wrote. I don't think I asked anything out of line at all and certainly nothing to apologize for. And for your information I live no where near the city of New York.
  17. This has nothing to do with your question because Dylan answered it for you in detail. But for accuracy's sake why would anyone want to put Houston in the A.L. in the 2012 mod? This was their last year in the N.L. Why not wait for the 2013 mod?
  18. How in the hell does that make sense? It's like painting a room in your house and the color you picked looked good in the store but for some reason didn't look good once you were finished so you knock down the whole house to begin again. But it's your time, so good luck.
  19. I am not going to tell you guys what to do because I know you are brainstorming here but if it were me I would stay clear of MLB because if you don't think that Bud Selig will try to get some kind of financial profit out of this you all have another think coming.
  20. If you can't get the new Houston jerseys to show up in the game then you have to be doing something wrong. There's nothing special or different that has has to be done installing these uniforms in Mvp 12. If you can install one uniform set in there you can install this one.
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