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Everything posted by Yankee4Life

  1. Thank you. I learn something every day around here.
  2. Updated to 3-3 ...It's been exactly one week now since I watched Curtis Granderson get hit by a pitch during his first at-bat of the spring, breaking his right arm in the process. This injury we have been told will sideline him until the beginning of May. I never blinked. I never worried for one second how this is going to affect the Yankees and how are they going to survive, etc, etc. Something's happened to me because I don't care anymore. I've been this way since the ALCS ended last October when I watched this team quit as soon as the series moved to Detroit. Granderson was a huge part of it but he was virtually ignored because everyone was too busy blaming Alex Rodriguez. He was just one of many that went up there with a home run on their mind and nothing else and that's exactly what we got out of him and the rest of the lineup - nothing. So forgive me for not being too worried about this guy. I've got better things to do. ...But don't think I don't care about the Yankees and what goes on. One day last week Jim825 showed me a link to an article that suggested Alfonso Soriano be traded to the Yankees since he knew that just seeing that link would get me worried. It worked. I went to that link with a sense of apprehensiveness that I have not had since the last time my wife told me she wanted us to go out of town to see her mother. Luckily there was no reason to be worried since it was just a writer telling the Yanks what they should do and all I can hope for is that the Yankees were too busy to even read this. ...Fidel Castro made a rare appearence at the opening session of Cuba's National Assembly. It was the first time he was at one of these conferences since 2010 after he retired from office due to an undisclosed illness. Castro said nothing during the entire proceedings and looked so old and frail that he could have been mistaken for an extra in The Lord of the Rings. ...Three students were captured on film wearing Klu Klux Klan hoods during a high school semifinal hockey game in North Dakota. The students decided to wear these because in the section where they sat everyone dresses in white for a "whiteout'' tradition. The three boys, all freshman, wore the outfits for about a minute until they were made to remove them. The school of course is taking appropriate action. And I am sure that if any of the seven black people living in the state of North Dakota actually saw this their punishment would be even more severe. ...Of all the people you can think of, Kim Kardashian is arguably the last person you would think of to dish out marriage advice. But as it is for many things that can't be explained, she is doing just that. She says give your relationship a good six months before you commit. Sound advice from someone who couldn't even put in half the time herself. ...Another celebrity marriage that left me scratching my head was when forty-six year old Janet Jackson married her thirty-seven year old boyfriend by the name of Wissam Al Mana who is a retail businessman who is worth over one billion dollars. Even though she's got millions of her own you don't turn your back on a billion dollars. Ask any woman, they'll tell you. But what I don't get is this guy's thirty-seven. He's young and a billionaire. And the best he can do is Janet Jackson? ...Even though marijuana is legal in in Washington and Colorado now, the lawmakers in each state are still doing their best to keep it out of people's hands. It seems that each state has what they refer to as "gardening coaches" and what these people do is help others grow the best tomatoes or cucumbers they can and they give them tips and pointers on how to achieve this. Each state has instructed these Green Thumb experts not to give the same worldly advice to people who want to grow marijuana. They figure if people don't know how to grow the plant correctly they won't have their own marijuana. Good idea if you don't stop and think about too much but if you do you'll invariably say to yourself what is going to stop these people from going to Google to find out all they need to know? ...Dennis Rodman and three members of the Harlem Globetrotters are in North Korea to shoot footage for a new TV show for HBO. They are there to promote some "basketball diplomacy" by running a basketball camp for children and playing pick-up games against locals and also alongside North Korea's top athletes. While peaceful diplomacy is always a good step to try and improve relations between two countries that do not see eye to eye, I have to question why Rodman is there trying to do this. All he has to do is elbow some Korean in the face during a game and bust his nose and Kim Jong Un will blame it on Obama. ...And Manny Ramirez is going to Taiwan to play in their professional league? Wait until he pisses them off by doing something stupid. Even though he's from the Dominican he made his name here. All we need now is to send someone from the Rodman and Ramirez mold to Russia and we'll be all set. ...A Southern California man was convicted of voluntary manslaughter in the killing of a New Jersey businessman who laughed at him when pastrami fell out of his sandwich at a doughnut shop. It may have been a good thing for everyone there that he didn't order tuna because that would have spilled all over his shirt and the whole place would have laughed and he'd be facing more charges. In this case it was just a few pieces of pastrami that decided to venture off on their own and because of this he is facing up to eleven years in jail for this unexplainable act of violence. Maybe once he gets all settled in jail he'll get a cellmate that will teach him a different way on how to hide a salami without having it fall out. ...Cameron Diaz posed topless for a Russian magazine recently and it was a huge success because as soon as women from all over Russia took one look at her they all felt a lot better about themselves. ...If you ever wondered why people from other countries think we are stupid here in the United States, then stop wondering. The Learning Channel, the network that produces the Here Comes Honey Boo Boo show is going to syndicate the series to Australia, the Netherlands, Italy and Latin America because it has become such a hit in Poland. Of course it has. Finally those people have someone to laugh at. If traveling abroad isn't hard enough already for some Americans having this show exposed to so many countries now is going to make people from the States look more like the idiots we are already perceived to be because there is not a high opinion of us as it is to begin with. Now every family they see from now on they are going to wonder if they're a family of inbreds just like they see on TV. ...A fifteen year old Maldivian girl was sentenced recently for engaging in premarital sex and because of this will now receive 100 lashes and be under house arrest for eight months. When Amnesty International heard about this they immediately filed a protest for the girl's behalf but that went nowhere. The Maldives government explained to anyone who listened that their hands were tied in this matter because the girl confessed to the offense, which is punishable under the Islamic country's Sharia laws. In other words, she's not getting out of this one. In case anyone was wondering what happened to the young man in this case that the girl had relations with he has been the recipient of many high-fives, backslaps and way-to-goes by the community and was also given a complimentary dinner to any restaurant of his choice for his entire family. ...Only in Pennsylvania Dept, Part 83: It may seem to readers of this weekly thread that commenting on the exploits that take place in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania is a preoccupation of mine. I can assure you that it is not. But at the same time the stories that come out of there are hard to ignore and comment on. Take this one for example and you'll see what I mean. A receptionist from a doctor's office called a high school student about an upcoming appointment he had there. Unfortunately for her (and soon for every school in the county) she was not able to talk to him directly because his phone went to voice mail. The woman became concerned and called the police after she thought she heard a threat about "shooting" and "school" on the kid's outgoing message. That's when all hell broke loose. The cops informed the school officials about the threat and they in turn instituted a lockdown on every school in the county. Soon after the student in question was found in his high school's guidance counselor's office. He was taken into custody because of the "threat" on his phone but after the police listened to the message he was released. Just like that. It turns out that the woman's sharp ears did hear the words shooting and school but they were from a song lyric from The Fresh Prince of Bel Air. So what we have here was a song from a TV show in the early 90's shutting down every school in this county because some woman heard Will Smith sing "and all shootin some b-ball outside of the school." This woman ought to be fired for not using her head. There's no word as to how many man hours were used to deal with this situation or how many terrified parents there had to be when they heard the school their kid was at was closed down due to a shooting threat. Everyday we as a society reach new heights of stupid and the people in Pennsylvania always lead the way. ...Just think, if this kid had the Beatles song Happiness is a warm gun{/i] for his voice mail message this woman would have called the FBI and the National Guard before calling the police. Ok, here's the song that shut down the schools in Ambridge, Pa, a small town near Pittsburgh. ...Wendy's, the home of the Frosty and the Baconator have come up with an odd idea to update their burger franchise. They are adding fireplaces to their restaurants surrounded by lounge style imitation leather chairs. The explanation for doing this is they want to make their restaurants more inviting so you can sit down, stay for awhile and have your meal while sitting in front of the fire. Good luck to them is all I have to say. I just don't see me taking my wife down to Wendy's to sit by the fire any time soon. ...Can you imagine if Wendy's put one of these fireplaces in one of their inner city locations? That would work well. First time someone gets their order messed up or fights with another customer, someone's going in the fireplace whether they want to or not. ...I'm going to close this week on a very happy note because over the years on this website we have had many good people leave here and not come back and most of the time we don't know why. For the most part of last year Dylan Bradbury was among the missing. He was a person who made valuable mods for this game that included the yearly schedule. He also was someone who was here every day and was one of the helpful members the site had. Dylan returned on Friday and after reading what he had to go through you can see why being here was the last thing he should have done. His health was first. Now that he's back I hope that nothing bothers him again. Welcome back Dylan!
  3. Can someone tell me what kickstarter is?
  4. Like I told KC previously there is a strong chance some people will be forgotten only because we haven't seen them in awhile. But at the same time they contributed so much to the game when they were here. How about... paulw, whose classic stadiums creations are a huge part in TC 10 and many of the older total conversion mods? Hory, the person responsible for all the portraits when the game first came out and the man responsible for the 1994 mod? UncleMo, who provided audio talents in the game. theSpungo, who made top notch uniforms. and at the same time let's not forget guys like fizzjob, Sandman, Moser316 (remember his hi-res road trip for his uniforms?) as well as UMachines, Thome25, RAM and bigbully plus other who made us uniforms? Just these guys for example. All helped the website become what it is.
  5. Well I knew about Alexander. The poor guy was stricken with some nerve gas during the first World War and never was the same after that. The other guys I did not know about. No problem at all. We're glad you are back but more importantly happy you are feeling much better. I hope you never have any problems again. Don't worry about it!
  6. What a disturbing read this was because I know how young this kid is and I also knew that something very serious had to keep him away from this website for such a long period of time. First of all I am glad you are back here Dylan but returning here is not the most important thing you've done these past few months. You've gone through hell and on more than one occasion I may add. More important than returning here you found a second neurologist that has seemed to help you a lot more than your first one did. To me that is more prominent than coming back here to release a schedule. Epilepsy is a serious thing although you don't have to be told this. I just hope that now that the problem has been addressed and dealt with you will be able to keep it under control and manageable. Did you know that Tony Lazzeri was epileptic? I've known this for years but never appreciated how tough it must have been for him until I read about what you went through. But it does go without saying welcome back to Mvpmods! Here are a few things you missed: 1. Mvp 2012. The mod itself plus two patches for it. 2. Total Classics 1962. 3. Mvp Caribe 2012. 4. Dennis James releasing just about every uniform ever made and being elected to sainthood.
  7. Wow. Having him in this would be great. I miss that son of gun.
  8. I got a joke for this daflyboys but I'm going to just shut up.
  9. No, and no. It was one of those things that was started and talked about and then quickly died.
  10. The rankings look good. I wouldn't change a thing.
  11. Listen to me and this is what you do. You installed Mvp 05 right out of the box, right? And you did not install any mods yet in the game? If yes, then download Mvp 12 and install it OVER your copy of Mvp 05. Then you will have an updated game. After that is done you download the two patches for Mvp 12 and the latest roster from daflyboys and then you are done.
  12. I'm going to kick your a$$ the next time you ask a question like that!!! Ooopppps!! Is that you DJ? :lol: :lol: Honestly, I have no idea since I haven't played a minor league game yet. Now you are starting this game in administrator mode, right? That is needed when you run Mvp 05 in Vista or Windows 7 or 8.
  13. I think this is one of the best ideas that has come through this place in a very long time. I will be happy to help out. I've been lucky that I have been here since the beginning and have witnessed the incredible growth of the website first hand. I consider you one of the "old guard" around here if you know what I mean. You've seen a lot here and you were someone who would always want to help out. I can almost replace DJ's name here with mine because this is how I feel too. The only thing different is that I'm not on Facebook and have no plans on doing so. Dennis, a guy like you would have fit in very well when this site opened. It is our loss that you were not here then. I can't imagine how many mods would have been in the download section from you had you been here since '04. KC mentioned something called "vlogged" and I don't know what the hell that is. I probably can not participate in a video recording since I do not own anything like that but I will be glad to answer any questions. Great idea KC. Let's show these people here how great this site was during its peak years and focus on the wonderful modding that has been done here.
  14. Only Dennis can make spring training uniforms look good. Thank you.
  15. Thank you Hector. If this is anything like the WBC mod from 2009 this is going to be a lot of fun to play. The only thing is I wish you guys over there wouldn't announce your mods because some people around here will start asking for it every day. :D
  16. Yeah I do but the creators of that mod asked people to report any problems that they found in that thread. That's why two patches were made for this mod. Isn't that something??
  17. Updated to 2-24 ...The Florida python hunt wound down the other week and 68 of them were caught and killed by hunters in the month long challenge sponsored by the state. Fish and Wildlife officials said the main aim here was to heightening public awareness of these snakes and the problems that they have caused. I don't know about you but if I lived down there this would have been completely unnecessary because as soon as I found out that there was a snake problem like this I would have left the state so fast my shadow would be running to keep up with me. ...As I write this the thermometer outside says 25 degrees and my first reaction is to feel sorry for myself that I have to live in an area that gets this kind of weather. But lately I haven't because I've been thinking more and more about how it is in Florida. They say there may be as many as 100,000 of those snakes living down there and that doesn't even take into account how many alligators they have there, which they estimate to be around 1.3 million. So, no thanks, I'll stay right here. If I'm cold I'll go out and buy a warmer coat and a better pair of gloves. Better the devil you know than the devil you don't know. ...My sympathies go out to the family of Mindy McCready and her children. I understand she had to be a very troubled woman to do what she did but my sympathy and understanding does not extend to the point as to why she felt she had to kill her dog. ...Detroit is a city that is literally on its last legs and those legs are extremely shaky right now. Their unemployment rate is 18 percent which is more than twice the rate for the country as a whole and their murder rate is around 10 times the national average. This is why residents are leaving this city in record numbers and not looking back. The best selling item in Detroit right now is a one way bus ticket to anywhere. From a city that once boasted 1.8 million people as residents there are only 700,000 left now and 650,000 of them are convicted felons. ...Think about that the next time the cameras pan the stands during a Tiger game. ...There's a pizza shop owner down in Virginia Beach, Virginia that has started a promotion that's become very popular for him. Seems he's a big supporter for firearm rights and he is giving a 15 percent discount to anyone who brings a gun or concealed handgun permit into his place of business. Since the discount began 80 percent of his customers have come in with guns. Too bad for this guy that Michigan is so far away from Virginia because he could have made a killing if he had people from Detroit come there to place an order. ...Well this is interesting. Next year the Post Office is planning on releasing their own line of all-weather, all-season clothing apparel that includes headwear, footwear, coats and shirts and a jacket with iPod controls built into the sleeve. I'm kind of curious about this to see what this will look like. Hopefully this new line of clothing will not look too much like the real postal uniforms because none of us would want to be wearing this stuff and then be chased by a bunch of angry dogs. ...A Glens Falls, New York woman was arrested on five counts of endangering the welfare of a child because she hired two strippers to perform at her son's 16th birthday party. The mother invited several of her son's friends, both boys and girls but did not tell the parents of any of these kids that strippers were invited. Well, she won't be mother of the year after this but you got to admit she knows how to throw a party. ...Would anyone want to wager a bet that the people who complained about this were the girls? ...Poor Miley Cyrus. Someone's picking on her again. A photo of her smoking marijuana has surfaced and she is doing her best to convince everyone that it wasn't her and although she may be telling the truth here this train wreck would do anything for attention. If she didn't have her picture taken doing this she'd do something else. Personally I'm not buying it because any girl that gets a haircut like that has to be stoned. ...Folks down in Chile have a custom called the "War of the Tomato" where once a year they get together and throw tomatoes at each other for fun. This year over 7,000 people showed up and they pelted each other with over 44 tons of tomatoes. How perfect would this be if next year Alex Rodriguez finds himself right in the middle of all those flying tomatoes? ...It's official now. Sony's announced the new PS4 which will be released this upcoming holiday season. There's no word on the price yet and that right there should raise a red flag. When a company does not announce the cost of a new product that only means the price of it is going to be more expensive than anyone could have imagined. The new system will have improved graphical performance as well as being heavily dependent on social networking. Nothing's been confirmed by Sony as to if you can play your PS3 game collection on this and I have a feeling that if the PS4 is not backwards compatible a lot of PS3 owners won't be taking the plunge to buy this once it comes out this Christmas. ...A twenty-eight year old New York woman has become the first woman in history to register for an NFL regional scouting combine when she competes against college kickers in New Jersey and if she makes an impression there she can advance to Dallas in April on a super-regional combine. This is just great. Just because people saw Tim Tebow play football everyone now thinks they can do it. I don't know if she fully understands the job of a kicker because those guys can get leveled out there just like anyone else. I want to see what she does when some linebacker comes rushing in at her as he's trying to block a kick and lands right on her. Or during a kickoff when she's the last person that the kick returner has to get past on his way to the end zone? If there is one sport that women do not belong on the same field with men is it's football and it has nothing to do with discrimination. It has everything to do with safety because she'd get hurt pretty bad out there and that's something that nobody wants. ...How much you want to bet that after the NFL sends her home she gets a call to play in the Lingerie League? ...A little girl in a wheelchair traveling with her family to Disneyworld proved to be no match for the people at the TSA in St. Louis when the screening process rolled around. The TSA has a long reputation for pushing around and intimidating the elderly and frightening children and it's even worse for these people if they happen to be handicapped. Then it's like something snaps in these people and they don't stop until these poor travelers are completely humiliated, terrified or driven to tears. While they do have a right to check a wheelchair they also patted down the child until she began to cry and they refused to let her mother record what they were doing. The final insult came when the agents refused to return the little girl's stuffed animal, even though it had already been scanned. Keep in mind that these people make about $15 an hour and not one of them has ever caught a single terrorist but this one official did the next best thing by keeping a little girl's stuffed animal away from her. ...A Michigan hospital is being sued by one of its black nurses because they would not let her treat a newborn baby that was in the neonatal unit last fall. The hospital was only following the instructions of the family because the father of the baby requested that no black nurses were authorized to look after the infant. While it is easy to understand her frustration in the matter the hospital was really doing her a favor by keeping her away from this family and their beliefs. The hospital was in a no-win situation here because had they told the guy to stuff it -as they must have felt like saying- and assigned anyone to watch over the baby, they would have been sued by the father. They should tell him the next time he has a kid to try another hospital. ...I'm someone that can speak expertly about nurses because I have had more stays in hospitals than I care to look back and count. But believe me, it did not matter if the nurse I had was white or black or Spanish or Asian. Every single one of them took great care of me. Those women were wonderful and they made my stays as comfortable as they could every time I was there. ...For any of you who had Phil Hughes picked as the first guy to get hurt in the Yankee camp you are a winner.He has a bulging disc in his upper back which the Yankees say will sideline him for two weeks but knowing Hughes he'll milk this injury all the way to Labor Day. ...A.J. Burnett is going to be the starting pitcher for the Pirates on Opening Day against the Cubs in Pittsburgh. And yet people still act surprised when they find out the Pirates haven't had a winning record in twenty years. ...Red Sox fans with deep pockets can bid on the bloody sock worn by Curt Schilling during the 2004 World Series. Online bidding opened a few weeks back and right now it is up to $60,000. For that amount of money they should throw in the rest of the uniform too. ...Got my taxes done yesterday. Once again Uncle Sam let me know in their own special way that they haven't forgotten me. :sad:
  18. You don't search much do you? There's already a thread right here to report any mistakes that are found in the mod.
  19. I use the internet for this kind of information now because those baseball books and magazines get more expensive every year.
  20. There you go! Another one. And one more thing about the uniforms. I would not expect the same uniform choices for 2013 that you had in the 2012 mod. This is just a hunch on my part.
  21. Yeah? What about updated portraits like Josh Hamilton with the Angels for instance? And new cyberfaces? The stadiums get updated too. There's a lot more that goes into this then you realize.
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