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Everything posted by Yankee4Life

  1. The lefty hitting bug was an issue from Mvp 2004.
  2. Well, these online translator sites are not 100% perfect but I got what this guy is trying to say. He's mad that he can't get this program and instead of going back and forth with this guy I will just drop it right here because I can care less if he gets this or not. Language barrier or not these new people to this site have one thing down pat and that's demanding stuff and when you tell them they can't get it for one reason or another they get mad at you. And God forbid they do a search! Anyways, here's the not-so-good translation from translate.reference.com: Forget it, talk to you is like talking to a wall, you will want to find the 5 legs of the jack to all, then look no further than with the topic, only enough with that except a reply my question and because of the because you can't download the file, your bad mood is for more, if you want to read i hope that you've used google
  3. Well ok, but no matter how you look at it there is still nothing you can do about it. So what if you had this mod and then lost it when you reformatted your PC? Like it has been explained before in here to you directly I might add, tywiggins' mods are not hosted on this site. Therefore you can not get any of his mods. This should answer every question that you can come up with from here on out.
  4. Thank you Dennis! You know it kind of occurred to me that the "Submit Review" option is not needed for anything that Dennis James uploads to this site. When you see his name on a mod you know it's going to be great so just go and give him five stars and move on. :)
  5. Thank you Dennis. By the way, is there a subtle difference between the home and road versions ?
  6. Yeah, you got a lot of downloading to do. Back up your files before you install a mod and always read the directions.
  7. I don't understand why you want to do this but the easiest way is to copy the stadiums and uniforms from the Mvp 12 mod to a newly installed copy of Mvp 05. Therefore you will over write all the default uniforms and stadiums and still have the same roster that originally came with the CD.
  8. Updated to 2-17 ...Ok, we got Valentine's Day out of the way (don't get me started on that) and now this week we'll see the first real signs of spring as the players report to their respective camps and before we know it we'll be reading about the next Yankee pitcher who's going to have Tommy John surgery. ...About a year and a half ago a crocodile weighing one ton was caught in the Philippines and since then was being held in captivity and it eventually became a tourist attraction for the town. Last week it died and the entire town is in mourning because of it even though this crocodile was blamed for the deaths of several villagers over the years including the death of a child in 2009. You know something has to be wrong with these people if they're mourning something that ate some of their friends or family. The reptile was declared dead after being found floating on its back with a bloated stomach.Hopefully someone did a head count of all the people that lived there just to be sure no one was missing. ...You know what this kind of reminds me of? Remember in the movie King Kong when Kong was taken off the island and the villagers didn't know what to do after he was gone? Same thing here. ...It takes a lot of nerve, and then some Dept: Back in the early morning hours of New Year's Day a Washington, D.C. family noticed that their father was having trouble breathing and naturally being concerned, called for an ambulance. Help did not come until more than thirty minutes after the call and when it finally arrived at the scene the man had already died. The reason why it took so long for it to respond is on that night the D.C. ambulances were staffed at a low level because more than fifty district firefighters called in sick on what appeared to be a coordinated sick-out that night. Whatever the reasons were there's no overlooking that they were late and it cost someone's life. To add to the insult, weeks later this same family received a bill in the mail for $780 for an ambulance that arrived too late to do any bit of good. There is something seriously wrong with this picture. Even Dominos has a better policy. ...Last week Sarah Silverman's sister was arrested in Jerusalem with some other women because while they were praying they were wearing religious clothes that Orthodox Judaism reserves strictly for men. If Silverman's sister has half the foul mouth that her more famous sibling has she'll have no trouble leaving the country after this because Isreal will only be too happy to escort her to the airport just to get rid of her. ...The NFL is looking into widening the field sideline-to-sideline from 160 feet to 195 feet. These are the same dimensions that the Canadian Football League has because the belief is that a wider field would be safer because the league now has bigger and faster players then it did years ago. At least that's the reason behind it. My question immediately is how is this going to be safer? No matter where the sideline is someone is still going to get drilled there whether it is moved or not. ...Apple's hard at work on a hush-hush project that is a wristwatch-like device made out of curved glass that would operate on Apple's iOS platform. If this ever comes to pass you have to admit that no matter how you feel about this company you got to admit they are not stupid. Try to imagine how much they'll charge for this. $1,000? Maybe more? And don't forget the insurance you'll probably buy too because try to imagine yourself walking around with a piece of curved glass on your wrist and not worry about walking into something or falling down on it. ...For those of you who wanted to buy the new Atlanta Braves hat with the screaming Indian logo on it you can save your money because the Braves decided to scrap those plans due to people complaining about it being "racial" and you know when someone starts mentioning that word companies start backtracking faster than a tap dancer. ...When you hear about people moaning about Sports Illustrated magazine using minorities as "props" in photos for this year's Swimsuit issue it makes you wonder where their head is at because no one actually looks at a group of kids standing behind a model for example or someone on a bike or anything but the girl herself. The complaint is that the magazine is promoting racial stereotypes by using minorities as extras in the locales of the photo shoots. Never mind that the same people would point out in a heartbeat had S.I. brought along some Hollywood models to be in the background. Then they'd complain that the locals were not used and the reason for that would be racial. These photos are all about seeing some gorgeous girl wearing a hot looking bikini. End of story. Why everything these days has to be twisted and turned into a racial issue is really getting out of hand. ...Josh Hamilton reported to the Angels training camp almost twenty pounds lighter than he was a year ago. Hamilton credits his weight loss to God because he said that every night for over a month God woke him up out of a sound sleep and as he watched TV he watch a doctor talk about nutrition and how it makes you body feel and the right things to put in your body. Hamilton then took this as a sign to be more attentive to what he ate and in turn credited the Good Lord for waking him at night so he could do this. The real truth however is a lot less newsworthy. Hamilton's family had just purchased a new puppy and the dog kept on waking him up in the middle of the night to go outside and Hamilton couldn't get back to sleep after the dog was done. ...My first reaction when I read that a Red Sox trainer injected players with a pain killer for six seasons was great, let them go through some *&#^ for awhile! But then when I read further that Curt Schilling was among the whistle blowers I knew this was going to go nowhere. That guy would turn his own mother in on trumped up charges just as long as the cameras were on him. ...When Lady Gaga announced that she had to cancel some of her upcoming tour dates because she was hiding a show injury most of her critics rightly assumed she was talking about her singing voice, or lack of one. What really happened was that she is suffering from synovitis, which is a severe inflammation of the joints. She either got this from wearing two-foot heels all the time or falling on her nose. ...If they ever decided to do a remake of Mr.Ed she would be perfect for playing the lead. ...Every time the NRA comes out with another ad it makes me hate them even more. ...You ever notice when you have a pizza or something delivered to your house they always end up screwing something up with the order but if you go and pick it up from the same place you get everything that you asked for? ...On Saturday nights I watch a show called My Big Redneck Vacation because in my spare time I secretly enjoy laughing at rednecks. Sue me. These people go through so much Bud Light in one day that Budweiser should start making special deliveries right to their homes. Beer is their life. They also happen to be very hard to understand which is the reason that subtitles are displayed on the bottom of the screen. Not so much the women but the men talk like they have tobacco stuck in their mouth and when they try to speak all you get is grunting and mumbling with an actual word mixed in here and there to really throw you off. Besides knocking off all that beer the other thing that these people do just as well is eat. They were in Washington D.C. last week and some of them went to a burger joint so they could try their hand at a burger challenge that was there. To give you an idea what the size of this burger was I found a website where a fan at a Washington Wizards basketball game had three quarters to eat this thing. That is a burger and not a spare tire. The rednecks by the way ended up having the same result as this basketball fan did when faced with the burger as they both went down without putting up much of a fight. ...I have never been able to understand the attraction to these food challenges because eating that much at one time can not be good for your stomach let alone the rest of your body. Just last week a regular patron of Las Vegas' Heart Attack Grill died of -wait for it- a heart attack after a meal outside the restaurant while waiting for a bus. Their specialty is something called the "Quadruple Bypass Burger" that has 9,982 calories in it, which is enough to feed a family of four or enough for Prince Fielder to have on coast-to-coast flight. ...One of the gimmicks for this Heart Attack Grill is that if you are 350 pounds or over you get to eat free there. If these people ever put up one of these places near any Walmart in the country they'd be out of business in a week. ...Here I am feeling guilty when I have a Big Mac from McDonalds because I know it has nine ounces of fat in it. ...In what under cover drug agents say was one of the oddest places to find one, a mini meth lab was found in a porta-potty in the middle of an Oklahoma golf course. Maybe it was just their way of speeding up play by giving the golfers a jump start. ...Kate Gosselin has found another way to get back into the spotlight when she will be appearing on Celebrity Wife Swap with Kendra Wilkinson. This woman will do just about anything not to take care of her kids. ...LeAnn Rimes is suing her dentist because she is saying that his poor dental work is the reason her career has stalled. She states that his negligent treatment she received for a faulty crown placement caused her a lot of discomfort and therefore affected her ability to perform. Right. Because it's the dentist's fault that she hasn't had a hit in thirteen years.
  9. Too bad Alex Rodriguez wasn't there.
  10. Homer that thread is right here.
  11. Off topic...it is always nice to see you here wrigleyville! :)
  12. And you're right. There's no way of stopping someone from doing it if they send something to someone via a PM. Well, there is one way but this would go to extremes and I am 100% sure that it has not been done on this site. The site owner can see every PM sent and if a site owner thinks this is being done he can put a stop to it. But Trues has too much stuff to do already in his personal life and on here to be bothered with something like this. If someone does this that is up to them. But what will end up happening is one guy is going to want something and then someone will want something else and before long that person will be spending a lot of his time sending stuff to people. Nothing personal against the people that just joined but I'm not going to send them a thing. Most of them demand stuff and are rude about it like in that other thread when that guy told us to send him the schedule changer and he wanted it in a hurry. Chop Chop! Great attitude. The jackass doesn't know that I have the schedule changer but there's no way he's getting it from me because I'm not putting myself in the position of supplying stuff to people via PM because it will never end.
  13. You're right Jim, that's what he did. He didn't charge for MvpEditor but for the equivalent to that for 2k baseball he did. But he did ask for donations for his stuff for Mvp and that includes the box score extractor. Again, it's not their fault that these people joined late but at the same time it isn't our problem because we can't do anything about it.
  14. They don't accept payment in pennies.
  15. In so many words, no daflyboys ty didn't say this. But he made sure to let this website know that he did not want his files hosted on here anymore and Trues did what he wanted him to do and removed them. The problem here is that Ty Wiggins disappeared from Mlbmods long before that site shut down so not even Kraw could host his files here after the site closed. Remember, he brought over Mvp 08 and TiT because he owned them. There's a lot of stuff from that site that didn't make the trip over here like KG Baseball's rosters too. So we really don't have a right to send these things to someone or host them or whatever. Yeah it sucks that these people were not here when Mlbmods was around so they could have grabbed this for themselves but there's nothing we can do about this unless Ty makes an appearance here and takes care of this himself.
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