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Everything posted by Yankee4Life

  1. Ok, I got to ask. What's CRS? :D
  2. See, there you go confusing him now.
  3. You're memory must be pretty bad if you can't remember making this post previously in here. I mean you don't even have 30 posts to your name yet.
  4. This question was covered in another thread that you started last summer. I don't think anything has changed since then.
  5. That's where you have to go to get a copy of this game. Try eBay first, they always have them and for much cheaper than that goof on Amazon is selling it for. That person has been offering the game for that price for years now. He started out at $249.99. Don't even bother with that unless you have money to burn. Sometimes on this site people sell this game but not lately. Good luck.
  6. Updated to 1-20 ...Roger Clemens' sister attacked Goose Gossage on Twitter after the former Yankee reliever applauded baseball writers for denying her brother and Barry Bonds entrance to baseball's Hall of Fame last week. For those of you who are unaware, Gossage has been one of the most outspoken Hall of Famers that have been opposed to having Clemens and Bonds enter the Hall. This isn't the first time Clemens' sister has used Twitter to go after people in defense of her brother. Two years ago she attacked Andy Pettitte and other witnesses during the jury selection for Clemens' first trial. Clemens himself has been very quiet about all of this and if you were him you would be too since he's the one supplying the words for his sister to write. You can't keep the Rocket down. You can keep him out of the Hall but he'll find a way to throw stones so you'll notice him. ...I am sure that I am in the minority in this, but the news about Lance Armstrong coming clean about using performance enhancing drugs did not even interest me. Should it? I've been so used to ballplayers being caught using this stuff and then issuing mea culpas that it means nothing anymore. It's his problem because he chose to do it and to cover it up by trying to intimidate anyone who dared say he wasn't on the up and up. And if someone like Roger Clemens ever goes this route to admit what he did he's going to end up being treated even worse then Armstrong because when Armstrong was at the top a lot of people liked him and you can't say the same about Clemens. ...Aside from the Hall of Fame news last week there hasn't been much baseball news so far this month and that really isn't surprising considering the time of year. But give these writers credit because they have to think of something. Someone actually took the time to project the opening day payroll of every single major league team and for the first time in many years the Yankees do not lead everyone in total payroll. That honor now goes to the Los Angeles Dodgers, who have a $213 million payroll thanks to that huge trade with Boston last year and the free agent signings in the off season. That's $76 million dollars more than the World Champion Giants are starting the season with and with all this cash the Dodgers are throwing around they just might be good enough to come in second place in the National League West. ...Horsemeat has been found in some supermarket burgers in Ireland including a burger sold by U.S. global retailer Tesco that authorities said was made of roughly 30 percent horse. The Agriculture Minister of Ireland is blaming a lone meat processor in Northern Ireland for the mix-up and this was exposed to the public when someone found a horse show in their burger. ...Eighteen frozen human heads were found seized by customs officials during routine X-ray screening of cargo arriving at O'Hare International Airport in Chicago. The heads were used for medical research in Italy and were being returned for cremation in Illinois. The bodies from the neck on down caught a later flight. ...Wouldn't you like to see the look on the someone's face if they accidentally brought one of these things home thinking it was their luggage? ...Three men and a 14-year-old kid were arrested when a violent brawl broke out at, of all places, a baby shower in Boston where punches and bottles were thrown and furniture being smashed. I have no idea why men would be at a baby shower in the first place unless there was some kind of contest going on to guess who the father of the baby might be. Either that or they were fighting to see who would be taking the mother-to-be home that night. This just proves that the people in that city just don't act like this at sporting events, they're like this at all times. ...I can't wait to read about what these people do when this kid has his first birthday party. ...I've only been to one baby shower in my entire life and that was the one for my sister. I went there at the end with my brother-in-law to help pick up the gifts and put them in the car to bring home. The closest thing to violence that day was when my sister saw me trying to take a cookie that someone had made for her and I got my hand slapped. That's the last time I've been to a baby shower but not the last time I got my hand slapped. ...Only in Philadelphia Dept: Philadelphia police arrested a man last week after he punched a woman and dragged her by her ankles to the subway tracks and then threw her on top of them. He then took her cell phone and walked away. Aside from some bumps and bruises the woman will be fine. The unmistakeable lesson to be learned here is not to take your iPhone 5 out in public in Philadelphia for any reason because you never know to what lengths someone will go to to get one. ...A Southern California teacher who was fired from her job last year because the school district found out she was a porn star before she took on her teaching duties was denied her appeal to get her position back. The district said they first became aware of her hidden past when the fathers of every student she had insisted on being at the parent-teacher meetings. ...The NRA made themselves look like damn fools last Wednesday when they came out with an ad that was critical of the President and his gun control stance because the Secret Service people who protect his two children at their schools are armed even though he opposes the NRA's call for armed guards in schools. They neglected to say that everyone who is part of the immediate First Family has security guards that are assigned to them and remain with them for life even through administration changes. And yes, they are armed. It makes me wonder what the head gun nut at the NRA would be saying right now had he had one of his kids enrolled at Sandy Hook and they were one of the twenty who died last month. In that case this ad would have never been made. It's always easy to distance yourself when it doesn't happen to you. That's the mindset of the NRA. ...Three people were wounded at a North Carolina gun show when a 12-gauge shotgun accidentally discharged when its owner was taking it out of its case at the entrance of the show while he was having his personal firearm inspected before entering the building. It seems as if this good ole boy must have had other things on his mind because when he went to grab the gun from the case it went off in his hands and three people near him got mementos from the show they didn't expect. You can teach gun safety to owners but they are the ones that have to apply it. You can do background checks on people before they get guns but how do you do a background check on stupidity? ...Where I live we have a group of crazies that call themselves The Polar Bear Club and every year they get together on usually one of the coldest days of the year and the whole lot of them run into Lake Ontario wearing nothing but their bathing suits and start swimming around. There's always a TV crew there filming this and when it's all done they pick one person to interview to ask him how it was (it was great!) and what they do it for (it's a lot of fun!) and all the while they are on TV their bottom lip can not stop quivering. I'm willing to try new things up to a point but the only thing I'll jump into in the wintertime besides a shower is a jacuzzi. ...Alex Rodriguez underwent successful surgery on his left hip last Wednesday and his doctor said that he should be able to resume his playing duties sometime around the All-Star break. That's just great because the Yankees really need to get his .260 batting average back in the lineup as soon as they can. ...How come all of a sudden no one wants to go with Robert Wagner for a ride on his boat? ...R.I.P. to ex-Baltimore manager Earl Weaver, who died on Friday while on a Caribbean cruise at the age of 82. When I was a kid growing up I did not like Weaver one bit because at that time his Orioles had some good teams and they'd beat the Yankees continuously, much to my frustration. After I got a little older and he retired and left baseball I realized how good he was for the game and how much I missed having him around baseball every day. The guy was a classic example to me about appreciating what someone did and contributed to the game after they had left it. It kind of reminds me of when Howard Cosell left Monday Night Football. Cosell's approach to covering the telecasts got some people upset especially when he said something they didn't like. But people still watched. And when Cosell decided to leave the Monday night booth those same people were happy. That is until they started to realize that the telecasts minus Cosell were not the same anymore and some of those same people wanted Cosell to return. They didn't appreciate what he did until he wasn't there anymore to do it. That's how I felt about Weaver. Couldn't care for the guy when he was in that Oriole dugout but after he left it I missed him. R.I.P. Earl of Baltimore. ...Just a few hours before I was getting ready to wrap up this week's random thoughts I came in here and I saw a shoutbox post from KC that Stan Musial died and that really hit me hard. You can't say enough good things about him that have not already been said before. I never saw him play so learning about him for me was through books, articles, columns by sportswriters and film clips. I actually met him once. It was back in 1992 and I went to a card show and paid $25 to stand in line to have him sign something. He had photos of himself and before I got there I purchased a Cardinal hat for him to sign. The instructions from the people running the show was not to linger and keep the line moving and the people ahead of me really didn't ask him much except how are you and how do you feel. Small talk like that. When it got to be my turn I was nervous and I thanked him for signing my hat and picture but then before I left I had to ask him this. Mr. Musial, I said, how was Ebbets Field? Was it as special as people have always said it was? He stopped what he was doing and put his pen down and said Brooklyn was a wonderful place to play and the fans were great. It was a fun place to play in as a visiting player. I thanked him and I left. I'm glad I met him. R.I.P. Stan Musial. ...Ok here we go for the Championship game predictions since I did so good last week. I think. Let's see, I don't want the 49ers to win at all so I will go for Atlanta but it wouldn't shock me at to see the Falcons fold up at the worst possible moment. In the AFC, Ravens over the Patriots. I realize in both predictions I am going against the team that I do not want to win for one reason or another and that should explain why I never place an actual bet on a game during the season.
  7. The only one here is Mvp Edit which can be found in the download section right here.
  8. Hey Red Sox 34 you must have missed my question. What controller do you use to play the game with? I am going to buy one soon and I am going to be sure to get one that works good with this game.
  9. The same place where you found the Asia mod.
  10. How did you get this mod and where did you get it?
  11. How the hell did you get the mod without the stadiums? The stadiums came included with it.
  12. Hey man, I got a question for you. What controller do you use to play the game with? I am considering getting a new one since I got a Amazon card for Christmas.
  13. You're having a lot of fun with this, aren't you? I have NHL 2004 too and I got one of the mods from their site. Is installing season mods on this similar to Mvp? What I mean to say is that do I need to have another install if I want to play the 2013 mod?
  14. Updated to 1-13 ...What is it with ESPN? And I'm not talking about lousy way they cover sports. Why did they have to go and issue an apology for what Brent Musberger said? What did he say that was so out of line? The girl that he was talking about (Katherine Webb) happens to be Miss Alabama so you can imagine she is doing pretty good in the looks department, which of course she was. But Musberger didn't say anything insulting except that she was a beautiful woman an jokingly added to the boys in Alabama to throw the football around so they can get a girl like her. There were no leering remarks or comments made. Even Miss Alabama once she was informed about this said she had no problem with what Musberger said but ESPN apologized anyway because now it seems we have to be contrite for acknowledging that a woman is beautiful. ...Little by little we are losing the freedom of speech in this country because there are individuals so bent out of shape watching and worrying about what everyone is saying that pretty soon we will not be able to say hello to someone if you don't know them first for fear of infringing on their right to privacy. ...A man had to be forcibly restrained to his seat with zip ties and duct tape on an international flight from Iceland to New York last week when he became unruly with other passengers after he hit, screamed at and yelled profanities at them. He became disorderly after consuming a bottle of Duty-Free alcohol before boarding the flight and after attempts to calm him down failed he had to remain in his seat unable to move. The worst part however was after he was strapped down the flight attendant placed headphones over his ears, forcing him to listen to Lady Gaga until the flight landed hours later at JFK airport in New York. ...If this guy was at an Eagles game no one would have looked twice at him. ...A seventeen year old student from Alabama who proclaimed himself to be a white supremacist was charged in a plot to kill fellow students with homemade explosive devices after a teacher found the kid's journal and saw that it contained plans to kill six students and one teacher with homemade grenades. All six individuals were black and the seventh one on his list was a white male whom he thought was gay. Imagine, a white supremacist in Alabama. Who would have thought that? And he had all the bases covered too when he targeted blacks and gays. Once this kid gets done serving his time for this the KKK is going to go find him and give him a dinner in his honor. ...Believe me I am not making light of this. I don't understand where all this violence from kids this young and a bit older. When I was in high school I was consumed with getting the best grades I could, playing sports, looking at girls and having fun with my friends on weekends. We never did or thought of doing anything to hurt people. Baseball, football and hockey was what it was about for me at this age. ...What I want to know is how do you proclaim yourself a "white supremacist"? What do you have to do, take an online course for this? People like this make me ashamed to be white. ...Last week Brad Pitt announced that he will be visiting China for the very first time. He's been banned from visiting that country ever since the movie he made back in 1997 called the Seven Years in Tibet where he played the Dalai Lama’s Austrian tutor. Since the Chinese Foreign Ministry did not like the portrayal of the Dalai Lama in the film Pitt has never been allowed into the country until now, which is good news for all of Pitt's Chinese fans. The only thing I'd do if I were the Chinese people is to hide their kids before Pitt and Angelina Jolie get there because if they don't she'll bring one back home with her. ...Oh what good news! Kobe Bryant and his wife Vanessa have decided not to get divorced after all and they even ran to Facebook to post this news to the world because as we all know if you read something on Facebook it has to be true. The only people who aren't happy about this is the lawyers and maybe Kobe's mother-in-law. Maybe his wife is just waiting until he signs a new contract and then decide to continue with the divorce. ...Last month I wrote in here about Taylor Swift and her twenty-five boyfriends. Now she's on the prowl for #26 because she and her lastest love have gone their separate ways because of a difference of opinion. She thought she was the greatest thing in the world and he didn't and that means he had to go. All her ex's don't just live in Texas. They live all over the place. This girl reminds me of that movie How to lose a guy in 10 days but for her it is more like ten hours. She's got a hell of a long way to go to catch Madonna but if anyone can do it she can. ...For any baseball fan that has been following the game and what has been going on off the field the past few years, finding out that Roger Clemens and Barry Bonds were not elected to the Hall of Fame was no surprise to anyone. This was their first time on the ballot and both did not even come close to getting the 75 percent of the vote necessary for election into the Hall. Both of these players have the numbers to get in but it is their steroid use that is going to keep them out. I'm sure some people will complain but this time the sportswriters got it right. These two did it to themselves. The sad thing is that one of these days one or both of them will get in. ...There will bepeople elected this year but all three are from the Veteran's Committee and all are long since gone from this world. Hank O'Day, who was a former player, manager and umpire was elected. He died in 1935. Infielder Deacon White, who played in the 1800's and former Yankee owner Jacob Ruppert were also elected. Both White and Ruppert passed away in 1939. For anyone who wants to attend a Hall of Fame ceremony this summer would be the perfect year if you're one to avoid huge crowds. ...A 70 year old Saudi Arabian man made news recently when he married a 15 year old girl by paying a $20,000 dowry to the girl's family. By waiting seventy years to get married it was obvious that money was no object to him but his new wife must have had some wedding night jitters and as soon as she had a chance she ran back to her family. Nothing could be done to change the girl's mind about this after she returned home so the marriage was granted a divorce. That's too bad because there was such high hopes for this marriage. I was really hoping things could have worked out. ...A media professor at a Florida university is claiming that the events at Sandy Hook did not happen as reported last month. He's questioning if the shooting ever took place at least in the way law enforcement authorities and the news media said it did. He went on to say that trained "crisis actors" were sent to Newtown by the Obama administration to shape public opinion on gun control. The worst part is when he said that the number of the people shot and killed that day is incorrect. This seems so far fetched to me that it's not even funny. Someone should ask this guy if the number of kids who died that day was incorrect where did the school get all those imaginary kids to bury? ...I'd like to see this guy go to Newtown and say this to every parent that lost one of their own that day. Then he'll see how fast a crazy conspiracy theory like this turns into him getting his bell rung a few times. ...The State of Iowa gets weirder and weirder in how they treat women. A few weeks back I wrote about a dental assistant who got dismissed from her job because the dentist thought she was so hot and he was afraid he'd have to slam-bam her before any more time had passed. So she gets sent packing and files a lawsuit and the Supreme Court there said forget it, you have no case. Now a female officer who works at the maximum-security state prison has filed a suit against the prison because administrators have allowed the prisoners to watch violent and sexually explicit movies and TV shows for years despite repeated complaints from her who said it encouraged inmates to sexually harass her. Some of the prisoners there are murderers, sexual predators and mentally ill inmates and when she said they were shown a movie like Delta of Venus which is an erotic film, she said the inmates would get into the film and then make sexually aggressive towards her. Prison officials would not listen to her complaints and one warden went as far as blaming her for causing problems by complaining. Once prison officials finally responded to her requests by finally barring movies with sexually explicit content that is when she started getting death threats by the inmates because they blamed her for not getting to see these movies. Despite these threats her supervisors refused to move her to a job where she wouldn't be in contact with the prisoners and they only moved her to a desk job last month after the lawsuit was filed. This sounds like a reasonable complaint to me but then I remembered she's in Iowa so she's going to lose this. Why play these kind of movies for people like this? It's like teasing a wolf with a piece of meat because you know eventually the wolf's going to get it along with most of your hand. ...Must be nice in Iowa. You murder someone, you get room and board and three meals a day all for free, daily exercise outside and at night an erotic movie you can watch with your cellmates. Nothing but the best! ...Milton Bradley's famous temper has got him into trouble again but this time it's a lot more serious then screaming at reporters and trying to go after umpires. He's looking at serving up to thirteen years behind bars after being charged with thirteen misdemeanor counts. Bradley and his wife are going through a testy divorce and all these charges relate to his wife's accusations of spousal abuse. And he's been pretty busy too since he's being charged with spousal battery, criminal threats, assault with a deadly weapon and vandalism. Who would have thought such an even tempered guy is capable of this ? ...This is probably going to end up hurting him when he comes up for Hall of Fame consideration in a few years. ...I'm not a Ravens fan in any way but any time Denver loses in the playoffs I am grateful. ...My Bet-the-house (but not really) sure thing bets for today's games are -hold up, I'm flipping the coin again- Atlanta over Seattle and Houston over the Patriots because the only time I'll cheer for Boston is when the whole city falls into the Atlantic. Exaggeration? Sure. But you get the drift. ...Everyone have a wonderful week!
  15. I never say no to a season mod. I wonder though if you or anyone you know still has Triple Play baseball. They were around at this time and I wonder if there is any way you can take the 2001 roster and ratings from that game?
  16. Forget it. This is not my mod. I didn't create it and I am not going to make a profit off of it in any way. You have to realize that this mod has not been on this website in years and it never caught on because it had problems with it. The installer was not in English for one, for two it was released in eight parts and all eight parts were never uploaded here. One modder or a group of Asian modders have the credit for this mod and as I said I am not going to grab these files from my DVD and sell them to you. That is not how things are done around here. And as I said before I am not uploading them anywhere for you.
  17. You mean like Oakland?? Hahahahahaa. Oh man I got to laugh because if I don't it will hurt. What is it going to take to turn those Raiders around?
  18. There is no link for the download. It's been off this site for many years now and Mlbmods is gone. You can't get it and no, I will not send this to you. It's too big and to be honest I don't have the time to do it.
  19. You got to realize you are a little late even for this game. This thread is five years old.
  20. Updated to 1-6 ...Well, we made it through the holidays and personally not a moment too soon. Now I got seven weeks to save up for Valentine's Day, which is the next gift giving holiday. It never ends. ...I really felt bad for the guy that Jenny McCarthy kissed when the clock struck midnight at Times Square because he probably woke up with a cold sore on his lips the next day. You can choose your friends but not your family DEPT: On Christmas Eve a Pittsburgh area pastor's niece and her boyfriend were jailed on charges that they burglarized his home while the clergyman was conducting Christmas service. They stole a handgun, laptop, credit cards, personal checks and rare coins and were caught some time later while driving a stolen SUV. The pastor told the police that he believes his niece did this to support the drug habit she is on. Talk about an unexpected surprise for Christmas. I bet that family had a wonderful Christmas reunion. ...While police were busy keeping an eye on the busy areas of Paris on New Year's Eve where people were preparing to greet in the New Year, four armed robbers forced their way into an Apple store and made off with $1.3 million worth of iPhones, iPads and other devices. Wearing masks, they entered through a service entrance into the store and calmly went through boxes of Apple products before driving off. I am far from being an expert on the items that they stole but isn't there a tracking mechanism built into these devices which can be used to remotely locate them? Then again with the way I hear how good Apple Maps works these guys have nothing to worry about. If you think about it this is kind of ironic in a way. This time Apple got robbed. Usually it is the customers who are robbed every time they buy something in their store. ...Apple's knee-jerk reaction to when they first heard about this heist was to blame Samsung. ...Meanwhile up in England police are looking for two men dressed up as 'Oompa Loompa' characters who, along with two other people, attacked and beat a man in Norfolk as he suffered cuts to his face, nose and lip and as a bonus, two black eyes. All this time I thought they never left Wonka's factory. Can you imagine the line up at the police station for witnesses to identify the assailants? ...And after you read this if you start humming that Oompa Loompa song to yourself don't blame me. ...In another example of southern stupidity a twenty-two year old Florida man tried to rob a convenience store by saying he had a gun but left the store without any cash when the clerk showed him the empty store register. After he left the store he walked to a phone booth to call his mother so she could come and pick him up to bring him home. He never made it since the police got to him first and arrested him for attempted robbery without a weapon. Poor guy. This must have been his first robbery out on his own. They make it look so easy on TV. ...I've had a cold and cough all week and basically have been feeling as bad as one gets when you go through these things. I've also been taking Nyquil before going to bed and trust me when they say it knocks you out you better believe it. I could be minding my own business watching TV and the next thing I know is my wife shaking me to go upstairs. That is some pretty powerful stuff. ...I bought my wife a new microwave for Christmas and now I'm reluctant to use it because I'm afraid I'll get it dirty somehow and she'll kill me. ...Police from Santa Fe Springs in California arrested a thirty-five year old man in connection with a body that was found in a newly poured concrete floor inside a Southern California heating and air conditioning business. They received a tip that a homicide victim was located inside a business but when they got there they found nothing until they brought the cadaver dogs in and they started sniffing the floor and they figured something was up because there wasn't any dog food in the place. The dogs ended up being right and the coroner's excavation team dug up the body of an adult male. No doubt they'll find the victim was a hardened criminal. ...I know now that Jed Clampett is not the only one with a cement pond in Southern California. ...I would love to know the reason why TNT cancelled Leverage. It was one of the best shows on that network and they got rid of it. ...Ravens linebacker Ray Lewis will be retiring at the end of this season and he is reported to be headed to ESPN to be a color analyst for them. That's all these NFL shows need is another loudmouth ex-player who tries to make the show about him instead of the game out on the field. Shannon Sharpe is famous for this. Oh well, this might be good for Lewis since this might keep him out of the night clubs since his lawyers might not get him off so easy as they did thirteen years ago. We all have skeletons in our closet so we really shouldn't be quick to judge but unfortunately for Lewis, his are actual skeletons. ...Five Idaho inmates are suing some of the country's top beer and liquor companies for one billion dollars because they say they should have been warned of the beverages' addictive nature which lead them to committing the crimes that have them behind bars. These guys got to be still drunk if they think they have a chance in winning this case but then again the way things are these days you never know. In case they get no where with this lawsuit maybe in the next one they can sue the prison that feeds them three meals a day and the U.S. taxpayers that provide the money to the prison. ...I will be watching the progress of this case because the next time we get blasted with a snowstorm I am hiring a lawyer to sue the Weather Channel. Got to blame someone, right? ...Last week Kanye West announced that he and Kim Kardashian are expecting a child. Pretty bold move since Kardashian is still married to basketball player Kris Humphries but with that family that means nothing. Sadly, the Kardashians epitomize new contemporary American values: greed and illegitimate children. I feel bad for the kid because he or she will be untalented and arrogant, just like the parents. ...A few more things to ponder on while you're drinking your coffee this morning: If it wasn't Kanye West that knocked her up, does she know who did? She gets around more than a Vegas escort. After hearing about this news the Pope will now finally change his mind about abortion. This just proves that this kind of thing doesn't just happen in trailer parks. The pregnancy news just gave Kardashian's mother another excuse to go out and have more plastic surgery. Someone should steal the bathroom stall from the nightclub that the child was conceived in because if they sell it on eBay they'll make a bundle. What will Kim do with the baby if she is bored with it after 72 days? ...Yesterday an earthquake measuring 7.5 magnitude struck off southeastern Alaska that triggered a tsunami warning. Fortunately this did not cause any severe damage or injuries. Somehow Sarah Palin is going to find a way to blame this on the Democrats. ...Earlier today the Texans beat the Bengals in the who-gives-a-**** bowl to start off the NFL playoffs and the Packers beat up on the Vikings in Green Bay. I didn't care about that game too much but then I remembered that one of the better people on this website is a Viking fan so I decided to root for them for Jim825's sake. As you can see it didn't help. They need Fran Tarkenton to come back Jim. Who knows? ...My fearless predictions for the NFL wild card games later on today. I'll take the Colts over the Ravens. I'm certain of this because I flipped a coin. And in the late game I'll take the Redskins maybe because they are the home team and I dislike everything about the city of Seattle except for Dennis James because he just moved there recently. :D
  21. I got the same one Don. As I recall it was in about eight different parts. Not a bad mod once it was done but poorly put together.
  22. I have every one of them Jim. It was called the Asian mod. Tough one to install because it wasn't in English.
  23. NPB? I think I know what you mean but explain.
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