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Everything posted by Yankee4Life

  1. NPB? I think I know what you mean but explain.
  2. What the hell, if you are going to have accurate fielding for this roster I'm not going to start Jeter in any of my games. :D
  3. Damn man, that's more than enough. Thank you so much!
  4. This is one hell of a mod those guys made, you know what I mean? By the way, you are a rarity. You are one of the few Red Sox fans I genuinely like talking to. Shhhh. Keep it to yourself. :D
  5. Updated to 12-30 ...Nick Swisher is now a Cleveland Indian. This is going to work out great for him. He can smile and wave to the fans all season and not have to worry about hitting in the post season because he won't be there. ...Melissa Nelson, a woman who was a dental assistant for ten years was fired from her job because she was too "irresistible" and a "threat" to her employer's marriage. To make matters worse for her the Iowa State Supreme Court upheld the employers decision, saying that he was within his legal rights when he fired her. To put it another way the dentist that she worked for thought she was hot and wanted to give her a drilling that had nothing to do with dentistry. The dentist's wife also works at the same practice so this is probably what caused the woman to be fired. The wife had trust issues and the husband had self control issues. The couple even went as far as consulting the senior pastor at their church about this and he agreed that Melissa Nelson should be fired to protect their marriage. Coincidentally as soon as she was fired from her dental assistant job she was offered a position as a secretary at the church at twice the salary she was getting. ...I'm having a hard time believing this story. Someone from Iowa is irresistible? ...There were five NBA games televised on Christmas Day and I didn't watch a minute of any one of them. I'd rather watch a Presidential debate instead of an NBA game. ...I don't know how you spent your Christmas but I hope it was nothing like the way Andruw Jones spent his. Jones and his wife got into a fight early on Christmas Day around 1:30 am after his wife asked him to help get their home ready for Christmas morning. Of all the wrong things to ask him at this time this had to be the worst as Jones went nuts and attacked her and when she tried to get away he dragged her down the stairs by her ankle and told her he was going to kill her. Jones was arrested on battery charges and spent about seven hours in jail and was later released on $2,500 bond. He must have been still upset that no one signed him to a new MLB contract. Either that or someone spiked the egg nog. ...As for me, my wife and I had a very traditional Christmas without any police presence. She got me a lot of nice things like she always does and I made sure to get her everything she wanted to plus a few other things she wasn't expecting. Among the gifts that I got one of them really stood out when she told me that I didn't have to go with her when it was time for her to go see Les Miserables. ...A man from New Hampshire named Scott Bennett won $2.1 million Megabucks lottery jackpot even though the ticket he received was not the one he intended to buy. When he went into the convenient store to buy lottery tickets he did not have any intention of purchasing Megabucks lottery ticket but that is what he was given by mistake. Bennett and his wife decided to take the lump sum payment of $1.3 million dollars and will use it to pay off some debt, remodel their kitchen and fund all three of their children's college education. Given the price of college tuition nowadays they might have just enough leftover for a nice meal. ...I noticed a shoutbox post in here that said that Ugie Urbina has intentions to play major league baseball again after being in jail for six years. How's a convicted felon going to get a visa to come and play in the U.S.? Besides, he's 38 years old or at least that's the age Venezuela has him going by. If he ever did come back to play here they'd find out he was 41. Also, can you imagine the things he'd hear from some of the fans in the stands? Hey Ugie, some guy got killed near your hotel last night. What happened, did you get bored last night? Don't kill that ump Ugie! We know that pitch was a strike too!! How many of your teammates have you threatened so far? ...A five foot alligator was dumped last week in Detroit and thanks to a good Samaritan who saw someone throw something out of a truck that from a distance looked like a body, the gator is alive and well today. The man who rescued the animal said that it is common to see people drive by and dump their garbage along the street which makes sense when you stop and think about it because Detroit as a whole is one big garbage can in itself. Anyhow,the gator was taken in and warmed up before the Michigan Humane Society came by to pick it up to bring it to a home more suitable for it than the streets of Detroit. This is one lucky alligator because if it were anyone else in Detroit that saw it the gator would be a new pair of shoes about now. ...Geneticists have been asked to study the DNA of the person responsible for the Sandy Hook elementary school shooting to look for for abnormalities or mutations in his DNA. While I am all for anything that may help prevent something like this from happening again I have to wonder what they are going to do with the information they find, if any? And maybe while they are at it they should study the mother's DNA so they can find out what kind of genetic mutation made her insane enough to keep loaded guns in the same house as her mentally disturbed son? ...Hideki Matsui, one of the really good guys of baseball, retired last Thursday as an active player because he could no longer play the game at the level he wanted himself to play. He was only 38 years old and had he wanted to hang around more he could have since that would have been the perfect age for the Yankees to sign him. ...There is a Google app out that allows you to alter a picture of yourself by changing the shape of your eyes and it also allows you to add a Fu Manchu mustache and rice paddy hat to make you look Asian. Naturally some Asian-American organizations are not amused and are saying it is racial and offensive. Never mind that the designer of this app has ten other apps that lets you alter your appearance. Among the others available are apps to make you look old, bald, fat, punk or looking like Frankenstein. So far no representatives from these groups have come forward to complain about this app making them look bad. Why anyone would want any of these is the first question that I thought of. I mean Michael Jackson used the "make me white" app, and look where that got him. But this did give someone out there a chance to complain about something so I suppose that made them happy. ...Twenty-six Cuban migrants were caught in the Florida Straits trying to sneak into the country by the U.S.Coast Guard and were immediately sent back to Cuba once they were given food and water and medical attention. Marlins owner Jeffery Loria was very upset to learn that these people were caught and sent back to Cuba since he had made arrangements with all of them to work in his ballpark next year as cheap labor.
  6. Yes you are unless this is uploaded to this site again. This utility, among with others from tywiggins, were never transferred here when Mlbmods closed.
  7. It was not uploaded to the website when Mlbmods closed down so you can't get it. And you can't ask someone to upload it because they do not have the right to upload this file because it is not their mod.
  8. I read that article and it was a typical public relations ploy on the part of the ballclub. By removing the cigar on the jersey is somehow magically going to stop kids from smoking? Kids smoke if their friends around them smoke and not because they see a cigar on a baseball jersey. Oh well, thanks for making this right.
  9. Hahahahhaaha! Now how many people are going to get that reference? :)
  10. These look great man but that's usual for the stuff that you make. Your work is wonderful. One question about those Tampa Bay Smokers uniforms because I may have missed something. Why was the cigar removed? What was the big controversy?
  11. Updated to 12-23 ...Ok, we're almost there. Two more days and the annual hounding of Christmas commercials will be over and done with. That right there is the worst part of Christmas for me because they don't allow you to step back and enjoy what should be the best time of the year. At least that's how it makes me feel. ...Considering what went on in Connecticut nine days ago I don't feel like celebrating at all. ...When the 26th gets here on Wednesday I don't want to hear any more Christmas songs, I don't want to see one more reindeer and I don't want to see anyone dressed up in a red suit on top of a sleigh. I've had enough. For me, December26th is the first day I start to think about spring. ...My wife and I have been watching a lot of the news coverage on what happened in Newtown and we both thought that the President made a very nice speech when he went there. When he finished I told my wife to just watch, someone's going to say something bad about it sure enough that's what happened and it took a stupid redneck to make my prediction come true. A football player from the University of Alabama was so upset that Obama was making that speech in Newtown because by doing that it was cutting into the Sunday night NFL game. Angered by this he jumped on Twitter and wrote "take that n----- off the TV, we wanna watch football!" It didn't surprise me at all that this comment came from Alabama since they are the inbreed capitol of the country. All this tweet cost him was his spot on the team as the Crimson Tide sent him packing. There are times when I hate when I'm right. ...The Hasbro company is coming out with a gender-neutral color for the popular Easy Bake Oven toy all because of a petition started by a thirteen year old girl whose little brother wanted to use it to to make things but complained about the pink and purple floral color of it, saying that only girls play with it. So after making a video on youtube asking Hasbro to make more "boy friendly" colors, Hasbro decided to grant her request. Honestly I don't know what this kid is talking about. I've had a "boy friendly" oven in my house for years now. It's called a microwave. ...I suppose things have really changed a lot over the years because when I was a kid I didn't want anything that did not involve me playing outside. ...Two bank robbers escaped from a high rise jail in Chicago last Tuesday by scaling down about 20 stories using a makeshift rope tied to the cell bars. Investigators found a broken window in the men's cell and each man's bed was stuffed with clothing and sheets to resemble a body. After this incident it will probably be the last time that The Shawshank Redemption is shown on movie nights in that prison. ...It hit me all of a sudden that today is the 40th anniversary of the Immaculate Reception. I didn't understand it then and now after all this time has passed I'm convinced that the referees messed up the call. Watching the instant replays again and again I can see the ball clearly hit Pittsburgh's Frenchy Fuqua first and not Jack Tatum of Oakland. (Rules back then did not permit two offensive players to touch the ball on the same play.) And because I've been blessed (or cursed, I still haven't figured out which) with a good memory, this play is still as fresh in my mind as it was when it first happened. ...Thanks to Youtube I can show you the play here. Just watch. It's 4th and 10 and Oakland's winning 7 - 6. The Raiders almost sack Terry Bradshaw and the lucky SOB ends up flinging it down field. Pretty soon you see Fuqua and Tatum getting closer and closer. The ball bounces off Fuqua and Franco Harris, who was doing nothing but jogging downfield, happened to be in the right place and catches the ball inches off the ground and runs for the winning score. I've hated Franco Harris for forty years. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_BR9kIcS9tQ ...I'm very happy that the Yankees did not cave in and sign Josh Hamilton even though he has a perfect swing made for Yankee Stadium. The Angels committed a lot of money towards this guy for the next five years and with him it is going to be more of a gamble of just keeping healthy and productive on the ball field. You never know if or when he is going to slip back into drugs or alcohol and if that happens that 125 million dollar won't be worth the paper that it was signed on. ...Tim Tebow, who has played sparingly this season, is expected to ask the New York Jets to trade or release him when the season is done if back up quarterback Greg McElroy starts the final two games for the Jets. Who can blame him? Along with Tebow there's probably fifty-one other players that want to leave the Jets too. ...There's even more bad news for Tebow this week as he's broken up with his girlfriend that he's been going out with for six months now. Saying that things "just didn't work out" both have gone their separate ways. I'll tell you,this is just horrible news. Now he's young, rich and single? Poor guy. ...One thing we can all identify with is when fast food chains mess up our order. For example when I tell them I want a coffee with cream and sugar I can be sure more times than not that one or the other will not be in the cup. But for one guy in Pennsylvania who went to a McDonalds for lunch, this lack of attention by the employees there to give him what he wanted was too much for him. He ordered a hamburger with no cheese and when he sat down to eat he discovered that he was given a cheeseburger instead. This prompted him to throw one of the restaurant’s highchairs and knock over a trash bin before going outside. But he wasn't done yet. When an employee followed the man into the parking lot to write down his license plate number the guy grabbed the phone from the employee's hand and threw it across the lot. The customer is being charged with disorderly conduct, criminal mischief, and simple assault for his actions. All this because he got cheese on his hamburger. Can you imagine what would he would have done if he didn't want pickles too? ...Sarah Palin (remember her?) is upset with Time Magazine for naming President Obama the 2012 Person of the Year, saying it was "irrelevant" on the magazine's part to honor him like this. She should know because if there is anyone out there who knows a thing or two about being irrelevant it would be her. ...Last Wednesday night down in Chile Madonna threatened to cancel her concert because people in front of the stage were smoking cigarettes while she was doing a soundcheck. Apparently the smoke irritates her throat and it affects her ablity to lipsync. ...Stanford University in Northern California is one of the most prestigious and progressive universities in the country. It's a very open minded and laid back school so it was no surprise to learn that they recently added a chaplain on campus for students who are atheists. Maybe the people who do not believe in the existence of God need some kind of assurance that they're right. That's where this chaplain -who also happens to be an atheist- comes in. All this time I thought chaplains for atheists were called bartenders. ...Rolling Stones guitarist Ron Wood (age 65) got married in London last Friday to his fiancee, who is all of 34 years old. This must be true love, just like Hugh Hefner's upcoming wedding. God knows how long this will last. Wood looks like he has one foot in the grave and the other on a banana peel.
  12. That's nothing. There's an insane SOB selling a copy on Amazon for $224.99! Good luck with that.
  13. It would help if you had posted this ebay bid in the proper area of this forum.
  14. Yes, in the default DATA\DATABASE directory. This can only be found in the 1994 mod. You have to download and install the entire mod to have this utility. This program has not been uploaded by itself on this website and will not unless Ty Wiggins does it himself. Do yourself a favor and don't ask anyone to upload it because we can't. If you really want this then this is how you get it.
  15. You installed it wrong.You don't change the database. You overwrite the current database with the new roster.
  16. I'm not putting this mod down at all here but I have to ask you why are you bothering to do a fantasy draft with this mod? This is a beta version of this mod and it was released last October. It's still in beta version over a year later. Nothing's been done to it since then. If you want to do a fantasy draft do one with the Mvp 12 mod.
  17. What do you mean am I on the Mvp12 mod? If you mean do I have the Mvp12 mod the answer is yes and yes I did apply the patches.
  18. I do not know what I can tell you. The instructions I posted 3 1/2 years ago still apply and still work. I do not know what you did to not have this work.
  19. Updated to 12-16 ...Beginning next month the State of Florida is going to be holding a competition for whoever can kill the most Burmese pythons in a thirty day period. The winner will receive $1500 for the most pythons killed and $1000 for the longest python killed. I don't know about you but they'd have to pay me $1500 just to be in the same area as one of these things, let alone kill it. Florida also wants the people participating in this to dispose of the snakes by "using humane methods." I'm sure that's going to be the first thing on everyone's mind when they're out there when they see one of these fifteen foot snakes out there moving around all of a sudden the humane way of killing them is thrown right out the window and your twelve gauge shotgun takes over. ...You got to at least give the people that think up reality shows credit because they always seem to come up with something that sounds as stupid as it is funny. At least that's what I thought of when I heard that a show called Amish Mafia was getting ready to debut on the Discovery Channel. It's about four Amish guys who go around keeping the peace in their community and making sure that everyone is obeying the rules. For example if they catch someone smiling or even worse if some Amish man takes his hat off while he's outside. Then they get in their horse and buggy and either do a drive by or when the offending person is not looking they let his cows loose so he has to go round them up. ...If this show makes it how about a Amish Girls Gone Wild next? Imagine the possibilities with that one. ...Taylor Swift turned twenty-three last week and it was written somewhere that the guy she celebrated it with was the twenty-fifth boyfriend she's had. So that's one for every year she's lived plus two for good luck. If she's trying to set a record for notches on her dashboard then she's off to a good start. ...The Atlanta Falcons got approved for a new stadium that will cost between $948 million and just over $1 billion and it will replace the Georgia Dome where they currently play. They are not exactly playing in an old and outdated stadium right now since the Georgia Dome opened in 1992 and is only twenty years old. The Falcons must have sweet talked all the right people to get the funding for this one. Now only if the Raiders can do the same. ...The Dodgers are going to learn very fast that Zack Greinke is not worth $147 million over six years. And with all the people that the Dodgers have been adding the thing that really stands out is the amount of money that they have spent. The best team in that division is still the Giants because you can't take away being the champions two of the past three years. ...Final thing about the Dodgers and that's it. You've got to play the games before you celebrate your championship. I have been saying the same thing about the Yankees when people assumed that they should win every year because of their high payroll but we've all seen what that's done for them. Exactly what did the Dodgers get for their money? Josh Beckett, a pitcher who has been terrible the past few years in Boston. Carl Crawford, an outfielder with a bad arm and a so-so hitter. His speed was a big reason why he got his huge contract from Boston a couple years ago. Adrian Gonzalez, solid hitter and a good fielder but when things got tough in Boston last year when they were losing he quit on the team. Not a guy you expect a team leader to be and finally Zack Greinke, an overrated pitcher who was in the right place at the right time while the Dodgers were on this $650 million spending spree. They've got the big names now but the hard part is getting that ring. Just ask the Yankees. ...One thing I try to do each day is to make someone laugh. Whether it is a post I make online or something else. Usually the one I make laugh is my wife and that's when I try to do odd jobs around the house and mess them up. But the other day I was at the supermarket picking up some stuff that we needed and the guy ahead of me was having a hard time checking out. You know when you sometimes say to yourself that you got in the wrong line? Well this time I did. Apparently this must have been the first time this person has been in a grocery store because it looked like he didn't want to leave. He kept on asking what the prices were of the things he was buying. The stickers in front of each item in the aisles must have meant nothing to him. Then he wanted the plastic bags double bagged but not the one for the bread. Sure, no problem sir. As he was about to pay he gave the cashier the wrong credit card because the one he provided didn't go through. More waiting as the one of the managers of the store is called over by the cashier. No wait! As the store manager is making her way towards the checkout the guy finds the right credit card and this card goes through and I'm thinking this is good. Maybe I can get home before my wife gets out of work in three hours. But there's one final thing before this guy leaves. He had a separate order that he had to pay for but luckily for me, the cashier and the people behind me he paid for the two items in cash. Then he left. Finally it was my turn. I looked at the cashier and smiled because he knew I witnessed the entire thing. How could I not? I was stuck there. I said to him I bet you must have a lot of good stories you can tell every time you go home at night. And as soon as I said that the kid just started laughing and kept on laughing as he rang up my items. ...Ok, ok it wasn't Letterman material but it went over well. ...Students in Amsterdam will have things a little harder on them beginning January 1st of 2013 because the mayor of their city has introduced a law that will formally ban them from smoking marijuana at school. How do you like that? Just when the Dutch kids were really enjoying their school year this has to happen. Recess just won't be the same for them. It's beyond me how they expect the kids to concentrate and pay attention now. ...One thing about this new rule is it should save them a lot of money on their school lunch budget. ...As expected, Lindsay Lohan got her probation revoked for her recent run-ins with the law a few weeks back. A probation violation hearing is set for January 15th and if it is found she did violate her probation, she could face 245 days in jail. This gives her a little less than a month to get herself into more trouble before she goes in front of the judge. Piece of cake! ...There's two people in Oregon that won't be spending this holiday season let alone anything else with their families from now on and a fifteen year old girl who's fighting for her life in a hospital right now because some twenty-two year old nut decided to open fire at a mall by shooting at anyone he saw. Before taking his own life he made sure to take two others with him. Just the other week Bob Costas went on the air to advocate gun control in the aftermath of the Jovan Belcher incident. By doing that he was widely criticized for what he said. After this and what happened in Connecticut on Friday he's making more and more sense. ...Serious gun control will not take place until people start demanding it and not letting up. When incidents like this happened in the past gun control measures would be called for but then like all talk it would die down. After yesterday it can't. After we read about who those twenty kids were and find out how old they were and we see pictures of them we can't let this drop because it is getting worse and worse and I am worried about how bad the next one will be if nothing is done about this now. ...Last week at the Dallas-Fort Worth airport the TSA proved once again that they are nothing more than a jobs program for the otherwise unemployable as they targeted a twelve year old girl in a wheelchair because they said she had bomb residue on her hands. It's not really shocking that this was done because this little girl fits into one of the categories that these people really zero in on. If you are old or if you are handicapped -and God forbid you are both- the TSA is going to pay extra special attention to you. This time they must have confused a disabled twelve year old girl for a muslim cultist. The next thing you know they will be doing ultrasounds on pregnant women just to make sure she's carrying a baby and nothing else. ...A stack of love letters written by Mick Jagger to the woman who inspired the Rolling Stones hit Brown Sugar were sold at an auction to a private collector for $300,000. Why anyone would want to spend that amount of money to own these letters between two people is something I won't try to answer here but if you have 300 grand to throw away I guess it doesn't matter what you spend it on. ...Incidentally the love letters I wrote to my wife can be purchased at auction with the beginning asking price of $250. All interested parties can send me a private message here at this website. Each letter has been put away for safe keeping by my wife but I know where she keeps them so I'll have no trouble getting them. ...Bode Miller, a World Cup Champion alpine ski racer showed everyone last Thursday that his golf game is no where near as good as his skiing when one of his errant drives hit his wife in the eye, requiring her to have stitches and leaving her with a very bad headache. Once she recovered enough to walk around again without experiencing dizziness he brought her back out on the course and had her stand in the fairway as he teed off again to continue his round. ...A man wearing a Mitt Romney mask robbed a Wells Fargo bank in Virginia last Thursday and got away with an undisclosed amount of money. Police said the robber spent a lot of time in the bank as he robbed all five tellers before fleeing. The tellers later told police that they knew it wasn't the real Mitt Romney because the guy in the mask had more personality. ...So, Kevin Youkilis is now a New York Yankee? Oh well. I just have to remember not to cheer when the first time he is hit by a pitch. :)
  20. Yes it does. It works on every single season mod out there. Basically all that is being done here is taking a .MP3 song and converting it to the format the game recognizes.
  21. Yes, and this question has been addressed and discussed in here many times. Please do a search on how to install multiple mods.
  22. Hello, you're not inconveniencing me at all. This is something that I really wouldn't know how to help you with because in all my years of playing this game and in all the season mods that we have I have yet to play a dynasty in any one of them so I would not know how to go about fixing this problem. However I do remember some people in here in the past who have had similar problems to what you have described and somehow they got past this problem. What I recommend you do is to create another thread in the support area to explain the problem you are having and hopefully someone with more experience than I have will see it and be able to help you.
  23. That's great. The first post on this site from you is bumping a topic. :clapping:
  24. Updated to 12-9 ...A construction company in Bordeaux, France has a lot of explaining to do after they completely bulldozed an 18th-century chateau "by mistake." The construction crew misunderstood the renovation plans of the owner of the chateau who just wanted them to clean up the manor and restore it to its former glory. In other words, fix the place up. How the order to work on the house got messed up that bad is anyone's guess. Heads should roll for this and the French know just how to do it. ...If there's an Angie's List in France these guys can forget about making it. ...The Yankees received an early Christmas present last week when they found out that Alex Rodriguez will be missing almost half of the 2013 season because of hip surgery that he will be undergoing in January. Once the surgery is completed it will take four to six months to recover from it. The first thing I thought of was why doesn't he get this done right away so he can come back sooner but then I realized that it didn't matter because the longer that he's out of the lineup the more he'll help the Yankees. ...Remember all that "trade A-Rod" talk right after the four game sweep to the Tigers in October? You can forget it now. ...Now the Yankees must backtrack to find another third baseman until Rodriguez returns and it didn't matter if Eric Chavez signed with Arizona because it was unlikely that they were going to bring him back. Chavez is only 34 and that's too young of an age for the Yankees to offer a contract to during this time of year. ...The Yankees made an offer to Kevin Youkilis? I can hear the snickers of some of you people in here when you read that because you know how much I can't stand that guy. If I can cheer for Jorge Posada I can cheer for this guy. ...Don't look now but Apple's done it again. They've released their latest version of iTunes, which is the same piece of bloated software that slows your system down but is still used by millions of people because its an Apple product and they're going to like it because they just don't know any better. ...Angelina Jolie made news this week when she said she was going to quit acting when her kids become teenagers so she can be home with them. Why wait? If she bothered to watch her last few movies she'd quit tomorrow. ...The people that are on your Christmas giving list that like to get gift cards are the ones I like the most. Luckily we have quite a few of them so it really helps us finish our shopping every year earlier than most people. At the same time I don't mind giving something that they can open on Christmas morning but when I get the idea to tell my wife that we should do that with everyone I immediately think back in time to one of my cousins. This kid would complain about everything he got for Christmas. Finally his mother told him to look in the catalogs and write down what he wanted. Also when the Sunday flyers came she had him sit down and look through them. Finally he made a list of the few things he wanted. Are you sure, she asked him. Yes, this is what I want. Christmas morning comes, they open up their gifts and he still finds fault in what he got. I guess it wasn't what I really wanted, he replied. Later that day I my mother told me they almost killed him that Christmas. And that my friends is why I like to give gift cards to the people we give gifts to for Christmas. ...After reading about that 125 mile traffic jam in Russia because of the three feet of snow they had I didn't complain much about being stuck in traffic the other day for ten minutes when I was out running errands. Ok, so I still was a little impatient at the guy ahead of me but not a lot. It's a law in New York State that you can't talk on the phone while driving and the guy in front of me showed me he can't do two things at once. Give New York State credit. Every once in awhile they know what they are doing. ...Before last Saturday I had no idea who Jovan Belcher was and now that I do I am sorry that I know. I'm not going to try to pretend to understand what made a twenty-five year old man shoot his girlfriend and then later on turn the gun on himself. And it was nice to see that the moment of silence observed before last week's game was not for Belcher but for domestic abuse victims everywhere because it wouldn't have been right to mourn this guy because in the end he was nothing but a murderer who brutally killed a twenty-two year old woman and also leaves behind a three month old baby that never will get the chance to know her mother and father. ...There's only a few more weeks left in the NFL season and instead of watching to see what teams make the playoffs everyone should just pray and hope that the season can be completed without any more tragedies. Yesterday a twenty-five year old practice squad member of the Dallas Cowboys was killed when he was driving with a teammate that had too much to drink. Josh Brent's car hit a curb and traveled about 900 feet before stopping. Jerry Brown, Jr. was then taken to a nearby hospital where he was later pronounced dead. Just like the Jovan Belcher incident last week this one could have been avoided. But these are NFL players and the NFL can always get more. Roger Goodell is more concerned with whether or not to eliminate kickoffs. ...You tell me what sport is looking the worst right now, the NHL because they haven't played any of their games or the NFL, whose games are still being played? ...The way I see it those two Australian DJ's who made that call to the hospital ward where Kate Middleton was staying should not be held responsible for the suicide of the nurse that let their call through. Prank phone calls have been going on ever since people have been using phones. Remember back in the nineties when The Jerky Boys were at their peak? They had a least five CD's out where they called half of the city of New York and there were no reports of anyone jumping off the Brooklyn Bridge because of it. What happened with that nurse was terrible but I can't help thinking she had other issues going on that were bothering her a lot more than this phone call did. ...A sorority from Penn State university is under investigation because they held a Mexican-based Halloween theme party and some pictures were leaked on the internet showing the women dressed in sombreros and mustaches with some of them holding signs that said 'I don't cut grass, I smoke it'. How do you like that? A bunch of college kids getting together to have a party to let off steam and act stupid. I bet that's never happened before. Now if you want to make a bet that some stuffed shirt representing the university came out with a statement saying that the situation was brought to their attention and they are looking into it and they are appalled that a sorority at their school would act like this, well you would be right. In conclusion the sorority had to make a statement to express their "deep remorse" over the incident. This just shows that there are two kinds of people in the world: those who have a sense of humor, and those who don't. Those people become politically correct whiners. ...Isn't it odd though that Penn State nipped this in the bud right away but allowed pedophilia to go unchecked for years? ...Every time that I hear about someone doing something really dumb I wonder to myself how someone is going to top it and with this latest one it is going to take some doing. A nineteen year old Nebraska girl stole a car and then relieved a bank of over $6,000 a few days after Thanksgiving and was caught last week after she made a video on Youtube bragging to everyone about what she did. In it she admits stealing the car and robbing the bank. She should look at this in a positive way even though she's going to jail for a long time. Now she'll have plenty of time to think about what she did wrong and maybe improve upon it once she gets out. Also, she bought herself some TV time because the next time they air America's Dumbest Criminals she's going to be on it. ...Not even Lindsay Lohan would post a video on youtube to talk about this. Maybe she'd brag about it at the first nightclub she visits but that's about it. ...During a recent quail hunting trip Chicago Cubs manager Dale Sveum was accidentally shot in the right ear with a bee-bee by Robin Yount when Yount lost track of where Sveum was and shot at a bird behind him. Cubs fans are hoping that the next time Yount goes hunting that he will bring Alfonso Soriano along.
  25. Daflyboys I am sure this is going to be another update that is well worth the wait. The only thing I can ask of you now is to test out the stamina of Phil Hughes of the Yankees and make sure that he falls apart in the third inning just like he does for real. :D
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