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Everything posted by Yankee4Life

  1. Updated to 12-2 ...I suppose I should consider myself lucky that I am not as much of a football fan as compared to being a baseball fan because if I was I would have flown off the handle years ago watching the Raiders play. It's the same every year. A lot of potential in the summer and then it falls apart before the month of November is in the books. With their season record at 3 - 8 they're done. They're going to have another losing season and if by some chance they win their last five games, so what? It'll be too late to matter and too late for anyone to care. ...The wife of the shoplifting suspect who died last week after he was wrestled to the ground outside an Atlanta Walmart said the employees used too much force to subdue him. That's debatable since the guy tried running off with two Blu-Ray DVD players and when he was caught he was brought down to the ground and instead of laying there and surrendering, he fought back and punched one of the employees in the face, neck and chest. That's when the security guard got into it and he subdued the suspect in a headlock because the guy was still fighting to get free and run off. The only thing this woman said that I agree with is that her husband did not deserve to die over a DVD player. No one does, not even if you are stealing one. I don't know what kind of stink she's going to cause because of this but if Walmart lets her keep the blu-ray players and throws in a few movies she just might go away. ...Angus Jones, the actor who plays the kid on Two and a Half Men said in an online interview this week that the show he's on is nothing but "filth" and he does not want to be on it and has begged people to stop watching it because of his new found religious beliefs and that the show he is on does the work of the devil. The devil must pay pretty well since he's making about $350,000 per episode. What else should anyone expect from a kid who's worked around Charlie Sheen for all those years? By the way, he shouldn't have to ask most people to stop watching this show because they already have. ...Marvin Miller died last Tuesday. As a rule I don't like to talk ill about the dead even if in life they were members of the Boston Red Sox. Miller was the head of the Players Association from 1966 to 1984. Thanks to this guy a player who can't hit above .240 makes millions of dollars a year and the same for pitchers who can't pitch and can't win. So next year when you are going to a major league game and you are paying over one hundred dollars for tickets, thirty dollars for parking, nine dollars for a beer and seven dollars for a hot dog, stop and think of Marvin Miller because he was the guy who started it all. ...Just this week there was a perfect example of the lasting damage that Miller started. Russell Martin received a two year 17 million dollar free agent contract from the Pittsburgh Pirates even though he hit all of .211 last season with 21 home runs and 53 RBI. Someone who puts up those kind of numbers gets 17 million a year? The first thing Martin should have done once he finished signing on with the Pirates is send flowers to the funeral parlor where Miller was laid out. ...It is a shame that this guy's death got all the attention it did last Tuesday as compared to the lack of attention that Joseph E. Murray got when he died just one day before Miller. All Doctor Murray did was perform the world's first successful kidney transplant and won a Nobel Prize for his pioneering work. So if any of your family members or friends have received one of these this man was the one who started it all. I'll remember a man any day whose work continues to save lives every day as compared to a man who did nothing but stir things up and cause strikes. ...I hope Evan Longoria knows what he's doing after he agreed to a contract extension with the Rays that will keep him in Tampa until 2023. Tampa's a town that doesn't support their team, has no revenue and when their players approach free agency, they leave. But Longoria said he was happy there and that's all that really matters. ...I don't know what the hell Gangnam Style is and I'm pretty sure I don't want to know either. ...Police have learned that a prayer group leader convinced one of his members to kill his wife because he was afraid she was going tell the therapist that she started to see about the months of sexual abuse she was going through at the hands of the male roommates of the religious group she was in. The man who was chosen by the group leader to carry this out was picked by him because he knew he "had it in him to do it." It must be so nice to be able to be in a position of authority to pick the right person to take care of work like this and have the confidence that it will be carried out. Only in these religious cults do you find people like this who hide behind God while they gang-bang a woman. ...A gay Muslim is planning to open Europe's first gay-friendly mosque in Paris at the end of this month. This ought to be good. These people already treat their women like crap. I can't imagine what they're going to do to the people who visit this place once it is open to the public. ...You must admit this does give a whole new meaning when you hear someone talk about "Gay Paree." ...Damian Lillard, who is a rookie point guard for the Portland Trail Blazers has admitted that he has a unique fear in that he is afraid of statues which stems from a bad experience he had once in a wax museum. If that's the case it's a good thing he didn't play with Shaquille O'Neal during his last few years in the league. ...With Windows 8 sales not going as well as they expected to, Microsoft will be releasing a new Xbox just in time for Christmas next year. Some of the things included in this new console will be 8GB of RAM and a blu-ray player. It's called the Xbox 720, which is probably what the starting price is going to be. ...The first thing I thought of is how the people behind the Playstation will respond. How soon for the PS4 now? ...Lindsay Lohan could be on her way back to jail very soon and this time may have to spend more than a few days there. Early last Thursday morning in New York she punched a woman in the face at a nightclub the two of them were at and was arrested and charged with third-degree assault. Meanwhile, back in California, Santa Monica prosecutors charged her with three misdemeanors from an incident back in June. That's when she crashed her car in the back of a dump truck and told the police that she wasn't behind the wheel. Police later found out she was and she is charged with lying to police, reckless driving and obstructing a police officer from performing duties. If it's found that she violated her probation she could face up to 245 days in jail. It's about time. Leave it to Lohan to be charged with crimes on the east coast and west coast on the same day. ...Not for nothing, but she should have also been arrested for her portrayal of Liz Taylor. ...Kim Kardashian caused a stir when she visited Bahrain, which by the way is a small island country near the western shores of the Persian Gulf. I actually had to stop and look up where this was because I've never heard of it before. She's there because she's promoting a Millions of Milkshakes franchise at a local mall there. Trouble began when some people began demonstrating outside the mall as they wanted to block her visit because they viewed her as "an actress with an extremely bad reputation." That must have made Kardashian feel really good. Very rarely does anyone refer her as an actress.
  2. It could have changed by then Jim! Hahahahahahaaha
  3. Ok daflyboys this time I did save the box score and I have it here for you and anyone else who would like to have a look at it. I played a game with the Twins (CPU) vs. the Athletics (me) and Minnesota won 8 - 4. Minnesota's starting pitcher was Scott Diamond and you'll see from the notes on the end how much he labored for this win. MinnvsOak.htm
  4. I got curious about this and checked. They're doing this on ESPN to promote that game for EA Sports. The sad thing is I bet you can find some people that are actually buying it. That league has destroyed itself. I'm hoping their season can be saved because it's a good sport. But if this season is history like they had just a few years back I don't know if they can ever recover.
  5. I agree. Take your time. There's no rush.
  6. Updated to 11-25 ...A few minutes before midnight last night I brought my wife home from the airport as she returned home from her week long trip in Dallas last week.Arriving home at that time is a story unto itself. She was originally supposed to arrive home at a more reasonable time at 2:00 p.m. but she was bumped from her flight in Washington, D.C. because United Airlines overbooked the flight she was on. Despite having a ticket, she was stuck in D.C and was also bumped from the 4:45 p.m. flight home. She finally left Dulles airport at 10 p.m. last night and arrived home shortly after that. By the time I got home I was so tired from lugging her suitcase around I went to bed and for being stuck in Washington for over twelve hours she was compensated by the airlines with a check for one thousand dollars. ...That suitcase of hers was so heavy it must have taken two of the airport baggage handlers to move it. I got a lot of respect for the people who do this job. God knows what she has in it but I'm sure I'll find out once she wakes up. ...I hope the Thanksgiving Day holiday was good for everyone here at Mvpmods. I made it a point going into the day not to have that much but that plan blew up in a hurry as soon as the mashed potatoes were set down in front of me. ...The games were pretty good too. I thought that 97 yard drive by the Texans to tie the game was impressive and just once I'd like to see the Raiders do the same thing. Watching the Cowboys lose any time has been a favorite pastime of mine since I was a kid and in the late game I had the channel changed long before the Patriots started pounding the Jets again. ...How dumb can you be Dept: When you combine an airhead, a digital camera and a Facebook account you can rest assured that something stupid will develop. And that's exactly what happened at -of all places- the Arlington National Cemetery,a place where people have paid homage to loved ones lost at war for almost 150 years. A woman who was old enough to know better posted a photo of herself standing next to a sign asking visitors for silence and respect and she then proceeded to have a picture taken of her giving the bird at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier and yelling at the casket. Before long the photo became viral and someone started a page to have her be fired from her job and that seems to be working because the non-profit organization that she works for has placed her on unpaid leave. Of course as soon as this woman found out how much of a stink this really caused she started apologizing and saying she didn't mean it. She almost sounded like a ballplayer after being caught for steroids. I'm sorry. I didn't know this cream was illegal. Maybe the next time she wants to disrespect the military they should put her on a plane and drop her off in Afghanistan so everywhere she turns she can give someone the finger. Then we'll see how much she respects them as she hides behind them in fear. ...As for the daughter who had a picture of her falling off a cliff sent to her mother, who was worried for her because of the trip she was taking to the Grand Canyon, all I can hope is that you get married one day and you have twins. Both girls. And they prank you ten times worse then you did to your mother. ...A father, son and daughter were arrested last week for robbing a credit union in Texas and have been linked to the robberies of seven more banks in two states. Dad and the chip off the old block would enter the banks in disguise while daughter dearest would drive the getaway car. It's kind of heartwarming to see that some American families still make time to share hobbies and interests together because family activities are important for the development of character and everlasting memories. ...After reading about these people all of a sudden my family outings seem dull in comparison. ...Did you hear about that guy who died last week and his obituary said that part of the reason why he died was he a fan of the Kansas City Chiefs. If he'd had been a Browns fan he would have been dead years ago. ...Last Tuesday a public nudity ban was passed by the San Francisco Board of Supervisors which will now force nudists to cover up or limit what they show. In other words they're asking them to put on a pair of shorts when you are outside because there is no one out there who wants to see a naked man who looks like he's a member of The Grateful Dead. San Francisco is a beautiful and gorgeous city and the only thing that ruins it is the people who live there that forget to put on a pair of pants. ...I'd like to see what would happen if that city ever got hit with a snowstorm. Let's see how fast they put their clothes on then. ...The Pittsburgh Steelers resigned former first round draft pick Plaxico Burress due to the many injuries their wide receivers have had this year. The Steelers are only two games behind the Ravens in the AFC North division and they're hoping that signing Burress will be the shot in the leg they need for a playoff run. ...Sorry, couldn't resist that last one. ...Anyone notice that the NHL is still on strike? Didn't think so. ...Although you must give that Flyer fan who went to New York City and gave NHL Commissioner Gary Bettman a piece of his mind on how to solve this strike a lot of credit for doing what he did. He spoke for a lot of fans who just want to go back to watching their favorite teams play. Despite doing this does this guy actually think that the owners or players actually care about him or any other fan?
  7. People leave here for various reasons. Some just decide not to ever come back and we never know why. Krawhitham owned a website similar to this one called Mlbmods but that has been shut down for some time now because he decided he did not want to continue it. Whatever his reason is for not being here regularly is his business. I'm sure he hasn't forgotten about this website. It's just that he doesn't come here anymore.
  8. The TiT program was not made with Windows 8 in mind because when the programmer who made the Total installer Thingy made it Windows 8 did not exist yet. The person who made this does not come on the site anymore and no one here has the right to go screwing around with that program to make it work on a new operating system just to keep one person happy. If Krawhitham ever comes back you tell him the problems you are having. Until then you are out of luck.
  9. Your problem is solved right there. Put Mvp on that machine along with Windows XP. You won't have to worry about anything. Mvp runs smooth on XP. I love it on XP. I don't worry about a thing and there are a lot less headaches. Why? And this site does not port the game for Windows 8. Mods are made here. This is what this place is about.
  10. Why? Because all of a sudden you have Windows 8 and you want these guys "to make it work" for you? Who told you to upgrade to the newest version of Windows? It runs fine on XP, Vista and Windows 7 and I should know this because I have computers with all three of these operating systems on it. I can guarantee you there is not going to be a lot of people in here upgrading to Windows 8 especially with some of the reviews it got. Again, it's the responsibility of the modders here to get the game working on the new OS because you had to have that particular system right away? I don't think so.
  11. You can't even get the schedule updater to work for you and now you want to open up a whole new set of problems?
  12. That's a good question. My guess is you would have to do it by hand. Another question would be is why would you want to do this?
  13. Updated to 11-18 ...Starting out this week's random thoughts with two separate but equally stupid stories that had something to do with this past election. One's dumb and the other one's dumber. I'll leave it to you to decide which is worse. Just keep in mind that they are both true. ...There's this one guy who I will call Eric Hartsburg because that happens to be his name. Hartsburg is a huge Romney fan and he was confident that his guy was going to win. So confident in fact that he got the Romney campaign logo tattooed on his face. He got the red and blue tattoo on the right side of his face and there is no way this can ever be covered up. By this action we all should be able to clearly see what the definition of stupidity really is. And with this slapped on his mug he just eliminated his chances with 70% of women but the good news for him is he'll be really popular among older white men. ...An Arizona woman who was so upset that President Obama got re-elected ran down her husband with her car because he failed to vote in the election last week. She believed that her family would face hardship as a result of Obama winning another term and blamed her husband because he did not vote as a big reason why Obama won and completely ignoring the fact that Romney won Arizona and their eleven electoral votes so her husband's vote, for or against Romney, would not have mattered. If you're worried about your family facing hardship you should start with not running down your husband. It's a good thing she didn't catch him having an affair. Can you imagine what she would have done then? ...Whether this guy stays with this woman or not is another story but I'll bet that when the next election rolls around this guy is going to be sure to vote just to be on the safe side. ...Texas has collected over 99,000 signatures to have their state secede from the union after President Obama was re-elected last week. There's as much a chance as that happening as sneaking a shoe sale past a woman. ...Five college kids sent a hamburger into space in a balloon last week just to see what would happen. If C.C. Sabathia had been around that burger would have never had a chance. ...Speaking of Sabathia I had to wonder how he was taking the news that Hostess, the company that makes Twinkies, Ho-Ho's and Devil Dogs will be going to be permanently going out of business . He must be going to every grocery store within a one hundred mile radius of his home to stock up before they're off the shelves for good. ...Good thing Prince Fielder doesn't live near him or this could have turned ugly fast. ...Janeane Garofalo found out this week that she has been unknowingly and legally married for the past twenty years. Her and screenwriter Rob Cohen were in Las Vegas and drunk, which is never a good combination and they decided to get married at, of all places, a drive-through chapel. Only in Vegas does a place like this exist. You can get married and get a burger and fries all at the same time. Twenty years comes and goes and now Cohen is getting married for real where he actually has to park his car and stand up for the ceremony. Cohen's lawyer somehow discovered that his client was a legally married man and he and Garofalo were divorced in New York as quickly as it took them to get married. Hey, if you have to marry Janeane Garofalo it's best that not even you know about it. ...Jeffery Loria proved once again that he is the worst owner in baseball after he traded five of his best players to the Blue Jays for a few unproven prospects, a back-up catcher and an overrated shortstop. All he's going to have to show for what he did next year is a brand new ballpark with a lot of nice, comfortable empty seats all over the place. We've seen this before. Just ask any Expo fan. ...Two years for sixteen million dollars. Not bad for a guy who got suspended for the last fifty games of the season for performance enhancing drugs, right Melky? ...Isn't it kind of funny that a lot of people have made the Blue Jays favorites next year in the A.L. East? Maybe they should play the games first because you never know if people get hurt and with Jose Reyes on the team you know that's going to happen. ...Hey, any chance the Yankees can take Giancarlo Stanton off the Marlins hands before they say they are done getting rid of players? They can take Granderson or Rodriguez for him. Even better, take both. ...I was so happy to see that Torii Hunter signed with the Tigers. Really, I didn't care where he went. I was just worried he'd end up with the Yankees. ...Some of my favorite videos on the web that I watch are the ones featuring military personnel who surprise their families upon their arrival home. The looks on their faces, especially the kids, are well worth the time to watch them. ...Jon BonJovi's nineteen year old daughter was arrested and hospitalized after suffering an accidental heroin overdose in her college hotel room last Wednesday night. They grow up so fast. ...Well I'm all alone at home these next seven days as my wife flew to Texas with her mother to visit her sister. I could have gone with her but as I kindly reminded her ten or twenty times someone had to stay home to watch the dogs and that person (thankfully) was me. Besides there's going to be a little ten year old SOB there and if she had any thought in her head that I was going to spend a week watching him jump on furniture and run around she had me mixed up with someone else. The house is much quieter as I post this and the dogs know something's different around here and they're right.But her sister was alone this holiday and they wanted to be with her. No problem. It's only a week. Then the noise will start again. ...I want to take this opportunity to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving wherever you are. And if any of you who are readers of these weekly postings of mine that work in those retail stores like Walmart and Target who are opening up early on Thanksgiving night, I really feel for you. They can spin it any way they want but this has nothing to do with making this more convenient for the customer. It has everything to do with getting more money out of them and you guys are the ones suffering for it. Have the best holiday you are able to have! ...Of course, the only way to stop this is for the customers to not go shopping that early. And don't bother telling me that this will never happen. I already know. ...Final thought for this week: There's three games again this year but the late game won't be on the NFL Network. Houston is at Detroit to start off Turkey day. That's on CBS. Followed by the Redskins at Dallas on FOX and the late game is the Patriots at the New York Jets on NBC. I'll watch the Lions until they start putting me to sleep and I'll stay with the Cowboy game unless they are winning. Same goes for the late game. If the Patriots are winning I'll watch a movie or grab some more potatoes.
  14. Updated to 11-11 ...Ever since last Tuesday my mailbox hasn't had that much stuff in it and no one's been calling my house four times a day to remind me to vote for God knows who. I'm very satisfied with the way this election turned out. Let me put it another way. There was no chance in hell I was voting for someone from Massachusetts. ...For long time members of this website you must have noticed that this was the first election that took place that did not cause major fireworks around here. In 2004 and 2008 there were threads and shoutbox debates almost every day leading up to voting day. You can even find the official '08 Democrat and Republican and the debate threads buried in the left field forum in case you are interested. It also did not surprise me that not one word was said this year about it considering the lack of posting that goes on and take away the fact that we had one guy in here that was a Giants fan (scottybilly) who was so happy with the way the World Series turned out we would have never had anyone talk about that either. ...I'm no expert when it comes to talking politics and I really don't know why one person wins and the other loses but when people like Donald Trump are card carrying Republicans that right there brings the GOP down. As soon as it was announced that President Obama won he went on his Twitter account and told the people that actually read what he writes that "we" could not let this happen and that "we" should march on Washington to stop this travesty. What travesty? An campaign was held and a President was elected. Just like it always has. He should stick to intimidating people on The Apprentice. ...The most interesting law that got passed was the legalization of marijuana in Colorado and the state of Washington. Even as you read this now potheads from all over the country are relocating there as quickly as they can. ...Now if Josh Hamilton signs with the Rockies or the Mariners we'll all know why. ...Shoppers Drug Mart, which is a drug store chain in Canada has suspended playing Christmas music in their stores until further notice due to numerous complaints from their customers who thought listening to songs of the season during the first week of November was much too early. People weren't even finished with their halloween candy yet and then they had to hear that Santa Claus was coming to town followed closely by Rudolph and Frosty the Snowman. Since when did Christmas become a two month affair? ...Meanwhile in this country Walmart announced that they will kick off their Black Friday sales rush at 8 p.m. on Thanksgiving, its earliest start ever. The reason for this early start is that Walmart claims that they received feedback from customers saying that they would like to shop earlier so that they can get to bed earlier. They're always thinking of us. ...I guarantee you that Walmart will end up moving their Black Friday sales to begin before Thanksgiving within the next few years. ...This must have been a slow week because not one announcement was made reporting that another new computer tablet hit the market. ...I was saddened to hear about the death of that two year old boy who fell into the African painted dog exhibit at the Pittsburgh Zoo. However tragic this is, if the family of that kid tries to sue the zoo for what happened it should be thrown out of court because the mother put the kid on top of the railing because that is what directly lead to him falling in. It's too bad a child's life had to end so soon because of what this woman did. What I'd like to see is a photo of this woman because I want to see if she looks as stupid as she is. You know damn well a lawsuit is coming because people like this are never responsible for their own actions. ...A Pakistani couple is in jail because they killed their fifteen year old daughter by pouring acid on her because they thought she sullied the family's honor when she turned to look at a boy who drove by on a motorcycle. The girl's mother went on to say that it was her "destiny" to die this way. What the hell do these people do over there, walk around with acid just waiting for an excuse to use it? I guess they sell acid over the counter in Pakistan because I can't walk in my local CVS to get it. This probably won't get a lot of coverage over there because those people are still fuming about a Youtube video about their religion. They have to have their priorities you know. ...Although we have been told many times in the past that Islam is a peaceful religion, I once would like to see an example of when it is. ...Gabrielle Giffords and her husband faced Jared Loughner last Thursday in Tuscon when he was sentenced to serve the rest of his life in prison without any chance of parole. On top of that he was given seven consecutive life terms plus 140 years. By the way that's one thing I've never understood. Seven life sentences? And who's going to make sure they're carried out? ...The strength of this woman is amazing as I've said many times. She survived a bullet to her head and looked her shooter in the eye on the day he went away forever. She's what being a hero is all about and people who think baseball players are heroes are badly mistaken. We like them because they happen to play for our favorite team and they help our team win. But other than that, what do they do? They make us happy when they drive in the game winning run and then when the playoffs start they catch the Alex Rodriguez disease and strike out three times a game. They're not heroes. We're just cheering for the uniform. Gaby Giffords went through hell to build herself up to what she is today and she's done a remarkable job. And she's just getting started. ...After taking one look at the uniforms of the Dallas Mavericks Dancers I have decided to tune into a few NBA games this winter provided of course that the game is played in Dallas. There's nothing more than I can say about this except look at the picture and you'll see what I mean. Uploaded with ImageShack.us ...The only thing that's missing from those uniforms are dollar bills tucked into the waistbands. ...Here we are in early November and Andy Pettitte is playing his usual will-I-come-back-or-not game with the Yankees. Make up your mind one way or the other. But just get it over with. ...The Los Angeles Lakers fired their coach after a 1 - 4 start to the season. This should prove to everyone that your last name does not have to be Steinbrenner to do something like this. ...R.I.P. to Lee MacPhail, former American League President who died at age 95 down in Florida. ...Updated my Kaspersky for another year. Twenty-nine dollars for a one year three PC license. I'm always happy when I can get a good deal on things I really need to have. ...Tomorrow is Veteran's Day. If you remember, thank a veteran when you see them.
  15. This question has already been asked by someone else. Please do a search.
  16. It's none of my business, but why use these photoshopped images? What's the hurry? Wait until the spring when the photos are taken and posted on MLB.com. Those pictures will look a lot better.
  17. Try running it in administrator mode.
  18. Updated to 11-4 ...Baseball's been done for a week now and since then I have been re-discovering the other channels on DirectTV besides YES and the MLB Network. It was another season that flew by faster than I had time to appreciate at times and now that everything's wrapped up I miss it more than ever. Congratulations to the Giants who deserved their series victory. They played like I remembered the Yankees of years ago playing before they turned into a team of quitters and strikeout kings. ...If Prince Fielder wants to know how to deal with not doing anything at all in the Series (.071 batting average) all he has to do is call up Alex Rodriguez, who has become a master of letting his team down in October. ...A little over a year after Steve Jobs died the yacht he spent years designing was finally completed by shipbuilders over in Holland. The yacht is built entirely out of aluminum and is shaped like an iPhone and the bridge has seven 27-inch iMacs to help handle the ships navigation and controls. Because the ship is made out of aluminum it is lighter than the average yacht which gives it an edge when it comes to speed. Although if this yacht is anything like the real iPhone it will be useless once it gets wet. To show their appreciation for the hard work done on the yacht by the shipbuilding staff, Jobs' family gave them an elegant thank you note and an iPod shuffle, which is the cheapest thing Apple makes as far as mp3 devices. Makes you wish you could have been there working twelve hour days to build this just to get your hands on one of those. ...When Jobs had something built for himself he didn't have it done by kids in China. He made sure he went somewhere else so he could be sure it was done right the first time. ...For some reason only they understand, Major League Baseball is blaming Hurricane Sandy for posting photos of the Houston Astros players in their new uniforms on the team's website. Bud Selig and the people that work for him can't even admit to a mistake. They always have to find something around them to blame. This time it happened to be a hurricane. ...One thing I did not understand about Hurricane Sandy is that it made sense that people were ordered as far away from the shore lines as they possibly could but TV reporters were still allowed to be right there doing their news pieces in an area where something could have gone very wrong in a split second. ...The Walt Disney company is now the owner of the Star Wars franchise as they bought Lucasfilm from George Lucas for 4.05 billion dollars. They plan on releasing a new Star Wars movie every two to three years beginning in 2015. There's been a lot of grumbling about this from some Star Wars fans because they didn't want Lucas to sell but they will be the same people who will be first in line when Disney comes out with their first movie. ...It would be funny if they had Jabba the Hut return in the next movie. They can get Honey Boo Boo to play his daughter and her mother to play Jabba's wife. No makeup would be required. ...Walking around town last week on Halloween I noticed that this is the only day women can walk around in public dressed like hookers without having people stop twice to look at them. ...I have a hard time believing that a little four-year-old girl who lives in a house without a TV set is tired of the political advertising between "Bronco Bamma" and Mitt Romney. More likely the kid missed her afternoon nap and she picked this for some reason to complain about. I am tired of the election too. The politicking has gone on too long. But I am more tired of people using their children to get their fifteen minutes of fame. ...A California lottery winner has finally come forward to claim her 23 million dollar prize with the ticket that she bought back in May. She was in danger of forfeiting the entire winnings back to the state by the end of this month because she did not redeem the ticket. California in turn would use the money towards their school system. All this time her ticket has been in her car right where she left it after buying it five months ago. Talk about luck! Five months without cleaning the crap off the floor of her car. Who said laziness doesn't pay off? ...While there's a winner here there's also a loser and the loser here is the California school system because now they have twenty-three million dollars less on they can waste on educating illegals. ...Initial reviews of the iPod mini have come in and -surprise- people have loved it. Despite the fact that it is being sold for $329, which is $130 more than the asking price of the Nexus 7 and the Kindle Fire HD. Both of these tablets are sold for $199 but reviewers are still falling over themselves praising Apple for another job well done while ignoring the fact that the Nexus and Kindle are just as good and much cheaper. I don't know what it is about this company but if anyone other then Apple released this product people would be trashing it. ...Don't forget for those of you who have to turn your clocks back one hour it gets done tonight.
  19. Worth a try?? It works! People have been using this trick since 2005.
  20. If you get bored playing nine innings then maybe baseball isn't the game for you.
  21. Simply amazing. Just watch this! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KEBJmZL8G1E
  22. Updated to 10-28 ...So good to be back home. Since Friday afternoon I have been down at my mother-in-law's house paying a visit because it was her birthday yesterday. I'd love to come here just once and tell you something exciting that I saw down there or interesting but I can't. I've just about given on that. The closest thing I can tell you is something my wife saw. Around 2 am early Saturday morning she was letting the dogs out to do their business when she heard a noise across the street. Some guy was raking his leaves and bagging them up. I can vouch for this happening around 2 am because for some reason she had wake me up to tell me what happened. I did not see this myself because I did not want to get out of bed. But I still believed her. And so should you. That's it. That's my exciting story. And it wasn't really even mine. ...I finally figured out the good thing about having to go down there every so often. It makes me want to be the best person I can possibly be because going down there and spending my time there makes me realize what hell is going to look like for me and I have no plans on going there when I'm all done. ...Two female members of the Russian punk band Pu ssy Riot were sent to prisons far from Moscow to server the remaining time of their two year sentence because of their protest against President Vladimir Putin. "Far from Moscow" translates into Siberia. The only question remains is who is going to be happier to see them when they get there, the guards or the inmates? ...A nine-year-old Pennsylvania girl was shot by one of her relatives last week outside a Halloween party when the man mistook the costume she was wearing for a skunk. The little girl went outside still wearing her costume (she was dressed in black with a black hat) and the relative spotted what he thought was a skunk and fired his shotgun, hitting the girl in the neck, back and arm. What I don't get is how you can mistake a kid with a skunk and why you would bring a shotgun to a Halloween party knowing that kids are going to be there. The child was immediately flown to Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh. The relative had his shotgun taken away and was told he would not get it back until he made an appointment with an optometrist. ...Ozzie Guillen's Marlins career is over. Next stop, the Cuban Baseball League. There's a guy down there who will get him a managerial position with the snap of a finger. ...The first thing I thought of when Hunter Pence hit that broken bat double against the Cardinals in game seven was that it evened the score against them for that infield fly rule call. ...We all know how bad the Yankees hit in the playoffs but once you read this little tidbit you'll agree that it was even worse. The total amount of hits that Curtis Granderson, Nick Swisher, Robinson Cano and Alex Rodriguez got combined against the Orioles and Tigers was fourteen. In the National League Championship Series, Marco Scutaro got fourteen hits all by himself. ...In three at-bats in game one of this year's World Series Pablo Sandoval did more than Alex Rodriguez and company ever did in the post season. ...The Boston Red Sox were finally able to get what they wanted out of the Blue Jays as they took their manager John Farrell (who was still under contract for them until the end of next season) and named him manager of their team next year. Toronto willingly participated in this transaction and made sure the Red Sox got exactly what they wanted. In return for giving up Farrell Boston gave the Jays shortstop Mike Aviles and no one else. In addition, Toronto sent right handed pitcher David Carpenter to Boston as part of the deal. So, the Blue Jays give up their manager and one of their players for Aviles. With deals like this now you know why they haven't been anywhere near the playoffs in twenty years. ...You got to hand it to rich people like LeAnn Rimes. Her career has tanked over the past few years as she's created more tabloid hits than song hits. She has denied having an eating disorder, slept around and cheated on her first husband while screwing around with her current husband when they were both married at the time while facing the fact that she hasn't done anything worthwhile since she burst on the country music scene at fourteen singing Blue. So what does she do at the age of thirty? She checks herself into a month-long treatment program for "anxiety and stress" and then as soon as she's released immediately runs to Katie Couric for a on-camera interview. Look at me, everything's fine! Nothing that happened to me was my fault! Maybe she should be given a break. She jilted her own husband, stole someone else's husband and has millions of dollars in the bank. This is a hard life you would wish on no one. ...I really wanted to start off this week's random thoughts with this but I kept on thinking of funny things to say about it that I kept on putting it off. Ok here goes. There was a family in Brazil who was holding a funeral for their 41 year old son who was employed as a car washer. The family's confusion began when they heard on the news that a car washer had been shot dead and the police called and said it was their relative that was shot. The man's own brother went to the morgue and identified the body as his late brother. (Later, when the brother was asked how he could have made this kind of mistake he said that the two men closely resembled each other and both worked as car washers, confirming the fact that all Brazilian car washers look alike.) You can imagine what happened next. The brother goes back to the family and says yeah, it's him, I saw him. Next, the body was delivered to the mother's home where a wake was held a few hours before the burial. While this was going on, a friend of the family sees the guy -who keep in mind is supposed to be dead- walking down the street minding his own business. He's told that his whole family is gathered together paying their last respects to him and tells him where they are. When he finally showed up there to let his mother know this was all a terrible mistake and that he is just fine, some people fainted as soon as they saw that he was standing upright and moving around. Other people after seeing him again got so scared that they started screaming and ran away. Some probably are still running. They might not have recognized him when he was dead,but they sure as hell recognized him alive! ...Can you just imagine what was said and what went on once they all calmed down and realized that he was alive and right there with them? Hey, I thought you were dead? I was, but I got better. Wait a minute now... if you're here who's the stiff in the coffin? It would have been really funny if the guy walked in the room and said "So, who died?" What kind of spread do you have laid out for after the funeral? I'm starved! So, anything new with you? Go help up Uncle Alberto. He passed out in the flower bed after saw you come in. Where's your brother? He couldn't even do one simple thing like identify you at the morgue. No one go anywhere - we can still have a funeral!! Does this mean we have to give back the TV we took from your house? ...NBA Commissioner David Stern will be retiring in 2014 after thirty years on the job. Can anyone imagine if Bud Selig held his post for that long and how much damage he'd end up causing? That guy wouldn't be happy until he found a way to make us pay to watch the post season. ...For those of you who are going to be taking your kids out this Wednesday evening for Halloween I hope you have a nice time and that the weather co-operates for you. At my house we won't be passing out candy this year because the last four years or so no one has gone house-to-house in my neighborhood. We've had candy but no one to pass them out to. I did my best to help get rid of the bags and my wife brought some to work but this year she didn't buy any. Every time she's one step ahead of me. ...Got a new water heater this week. All I had to do was wave goodbye to $1,100. ...This is the last full week of election news and coverage. If that doesn't put a smile on your face nothing will.
  23. He showed up here a few months back daflyboys. Dylan was really sick. Must be still recovering. I hope nothing but the best for him.
  24. No. But there is a schedule generator by Dylan Bradbury in the download section. Search for it in the Mvp 05 area. That's the best you can do here. That I am not sure. I don't see why not since you have not started the next season yet but there are people here who know the dynasty mode a lot better than I do so they would be more inclined to answer this. My guess would be yes.
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