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Everything posted by Yankee4Life

  1. It's nice to see people still playing High Heat.
  2. Hahahahahahahahahahha As far as stupid first posts go yours is right up there! Congratulations! I can't wait for your second post.
  3. Here you go! Uploaded with ImageShack.us
  4. It's not here. Ty wiggins did not upload his files to this website when Mlbmods shut down.
  5. Updated to 10-21 ...A twenty year old woman from Afghanistan had her head chopped off for refusing to prostitute herself and one of the killers was her own mother-in-law. The other killer was the cousin of the mother-in-law. Police say both women admit doing it. When the woman's husband went off to work his mother and cousin came by to force her into the world of prostitution, presumably so she can meet new people and earn a few bucks but she said no and they beheaded her. This is the prime example of marrying into the wrong family. ...When you're at the very bottom, it takes effort to go even lower. The Muslim world always makes the effort. I hope those two women go to jail for life although in Afghanistan they'll probably only stay behind bars a few days and then be let go. ...Republican VP hopeful Paul Ryan visited a soup kitchen in Ohio last weekend where he spent fifteen minutes wearing a white apron and washing some dishes for a campaign photo opportunity to thank everyone who works there for all that they do. As usual with politicians on the surface they make it appear that they are doing something nice but when you take a closer look you see the truth. This upset the president of the charity that runs the soup kitchen because he said that Ryan did not have permission to do this and when they arrived, they got one of the charity workers to open the doors to let them in meaning that they tried to con Ohio voters with a fake volunteer event. One witness to this said that Ryan was washing dishes that were already clean. Well, maybe he just wanted to make sure. Probably it's a good thing he stopped by because once the election is over next month he has a job to fall back on. ...Maybe Ryan should be cut some slack here. This was probably the first time he has come this close to poor people. ...I feel bad for President Obama. His campaign for re-election suffered a huge setback this week when Honey Boo Boo went on Jimmy Kimmel Live and told him that she hoped he'd win. ...A Cuban newspaper last week published a letter from Fidel Castro where the former leader of Cuba took the time to squelch rumors about his health. I just hope for his case Ozzie Guillen doesn't comment on this because the Marlins have enough problems as it is. ...If someone you know already has an iPad, an iPhone, an iPod and an iPod Nano and they are looking to get iPad mini, make sure you give him an iSlap. ...It was bad enough for Reds fans to watch their team blow a 2 - 0 lead in games in the NLDS but now they find out that Dusty Baker agreed to a two-year contract extension with the team. ...The St. Louis Cardinals denied offering to pay for the additional years on Baker's contract because the belief of him leading the Reds again next year they'll be the favorites to win the division. ...What concerns me the most about Derek Jeter's injury is not the amount of time it is going to take for him to heal but how he is going to be once he gets back on the field. His range at shortstop isn't that good in the first place and this injury could -and probably will- make it even worse.Right now this is nothing but speculation, but if he does lose another step how long will the Yankees turn a blind eye to it? ...Alex Rodriguez? This guy's another story. I've been defending this guy since he became a Yankee. Always trying to come up with some kind of reason why he -with the exception of 2009- failed over and over again in the playoffs. But since '09 he has reverted back to form and it seems that every time he comes up to the plate he strikes out looking or swinging. But by watching the Yankees pinch hit for him this year tells me they've probably had enough of him. Many people have felt that way about him for years. If the Yankees trade him this off season you are not going to hear a lot of complaining about it. Something needs to be done and it starts with Rodriguez. He should be the first one to go but not the only one. The Yankees have done nothing since the All-Star break and were lucky to make the playoffs. It's not all his fault but all the Octobers that ARod has not shown up for has finally become too much. ...It made me laugh when I heard some people say ARod was "distracted" when he gave that ball to the hot looking girl behind the Yankee dugout. How could anyone tell he was distracted? He was having his typically horse**** post season for the Yankees so nothing was different. This guy must have a screw loose if he thought he could get away with doing something like that during a game without the Yankees or the writers finding out about it. This is what I think is going to get him out of the Bronx even more than his post season failures. ...Nick Swisher's another one. He's a free agent who reportedly wants a "Jayson Werth type" contract. If that is what he really wants he should grow a beard and sign with someone else because it won't be with the Yankees. ...I'd love to be a fly on the wall to hear what Brian Cashman really thinks of this current group of Yankees. He said the right things when being interviewed after game four was over but just once I want to hear what he has to say with his guard down about Rodriguez and Swisher and their yearly failures at the plate once the post season starts. ...As soon as Jayson Nix hit that popup that landed in Prince Fielder's glove that finished the fourth game of the ALCS and the 2012 season for the New York Yankees I let out a sigh of relief because I was honestly glad the post season was over for the Yankees. They embarrassed themselves enough and it was best for them to get out of there and let the Tigers enjoy their moment. The Yanks got a lot of people to blame for what happened and if people just think Alex Rodriguez is to blame then they're nuts. Swisher, Granderson and Cano were just as bad if not worse. ...The best part of the 2012 Yankee season for me was not having to look at Jorge Posada. ...I liked the way TBS broadcasted their games and the announcing crew that they used. Then again if I don't have to listen to Joe Buck, Tim McCarver or Michael Kay doing a game I'm happy. The only thing I wish TBS would do is have more of a variety of commercials. If I have to watch those Galaxy S3 commercials one more time I am going to kick something. Have you ever had Deja-deja-deja-deja vu? ...Every time Joe Girardi was interviewed during the game by the TBS broadcasters I immediately thought of another Yankee manager and what he might do if he was put in that position. Can you imagine what Billy Martin would have said if he had to be interviewed live while managing this team? Every other word would have to be bleeped out. ...With all the money that the owner of the Tigers has you would think he could buy himself a better looking toupee. ...Jets quarterback Tim Tebow has patented "Tebowing," the bow-down gesture that he does on the field after everything he does out there. I've been seeing NFL players get on one knee for years thanking God, Mom and country for everything and because this guy started kneeling down like he was some Roman warrior there's a big deal about it. Tebow shouldn't stop there. He should also patent the words "benching" and "second string" because those two words are associated with him as much as Tebowing is. ...A special wedding took place in London on Friday but this one had nothing to do with the Royals. A Swedish couple came to England this weekend to marry at a Star Trek convention that is going on all weekend there. The couple dressed up as Klingons and the ceremony was performed in the "official" Klingon language. After this, the word "loser" has just been redefined. And Star Trek fans wonder why they get laughed at so much. ...On the very same day Jessica Biel wed Justin Timberlake in Italy surrounded by family and friends. No gimmicks involved in this wedding. I'm sure the only thing Timberlake had on his mind was to get the reception over with. ...Next week's random thoughts will be delayed for a bit on the 28th because I will be out of town at the in-laws and will be returning Sunday afternoon at the earliest.
  6. That guy knows his stuff doesn't he laroquece? :)
  7. No. This is a very old thread that was started back in 2005. The person that began this thread and did the research on it is no longer a visitor of this website. The files you need are probably still here but you need to search for them.
  8. I believe with MvpEdit, but it does take some work.
  9. You might be on to something here. Uploaded with ImageShack.us
  10. These questions are obviously best answered by tywiggins himself but I am sorry to say he has not been on this website for a long time.
  11. That's a picture of a female Yankee fan after watching the first two games of the ALCS.
  12. Uploaded with ImageShack.us There you go. Get to work.
  13. Updated to 10-14 ...One thing about Philadelphia is that you never have to worry about making up something when you are making a joke at their expense because they are always too willing to provide you with something. Take last Sunday for example. Police had to come to a hotel in Philadelphia's Society Hill district to break up a violent brawl between two different wedding parties. Three men were arrested and one man, an uncle of the bride, suffered a heart attack and later died at the hospital. The fight began as a confrontation between relatives and friends attending the wedding held at the hotel earlier that evening. And when people attending a second wedding that was held somewhere else began to show up and started hanging out at the hotel bar, that is when the fight began and became out of control. Police later said that alcohol was the main reason for the fight. No kidding. It just shows that wedding cake and Jack Daniels don't mix. The next time they have a wedding in that hotel the management will be hiring bouncers and watering down the drinks. ...I would love to read the thank you notes that the newlyweds get. Thanks for the black eye I got at your reception. Sincerely, Cousin Jim. ...Ok, ok. I can't resist one Philadelphia joke. I can't help it, it's funny. There was a contest that I heard that one time the first prize was a week's vacation in Philadelphia. The second prize was two weeks vacation in Philadelphia. ...One of Apple's selling points for the new iPhone 5 is that it's the lightest smartphone ever. So it just stands to reason that some of the people who have purchased this new phone have been complaining that it's the lightest smartphone ever. Finally Apple is honest about something and they still have to hear criticism. ...Indians fans better get used to staying at the ballpark longer next season after learning that Terry Francona was named the new manager of the Cleveland Indians because with this guy running things down there the games are going to take longer to complete. ...Even when the Red Sox are looking for a manager they can't help themselves by being annoying. Their top choice is John Farrell and it doesn't matter to them that the guy is already employed as the manager of the Toronto Blue Jays. Their needs, of course, overshadow everyone else's. ...A 32 year old Florida man who was participating in a contest to win an $850 python from a reptile store along with twenty to thirty other contestants died after consuming dozens of roaches and worms, which was the requirement each person had to do in order to win the snake. If the idea of eating roaches and worms makes your skin crawl, you are not alone. The really shocking thing here is that they found twenty to thirty people willing to eat insects for a chance to win a snake. ...This has got to be the worst last meal I have ever heard of. ...It seems like every week something that the TSA does gives them bad press and to be honest, they deserve it. Their latest victim was a young leukemia patient who was taking a trip to Hawaii that she called an "end of life trip" for her. She prepared well for the trip,even going as far as contacting the airline to find out what their procedures would be for traveling with prescription medicines and to request a wheelchair for her. She did everything in her power to ensure that this trip for her would be comfortable but she couldn't do anything about the TSA who seem to operate on their own rules that change on a moments notice. These "officials" lifted bandages from recent surgeries, lifted her shirt to check feeding tubes and broke open an IV bag of saline solution which ended up contaminating the bag. When she asked to go to a private area to be searched the TSA goons denied it. If any of this sounds familiar to you then you're right. If you are a sick person or if you're old you are a perfect target for the TSA. Just a few weeks back some lady brought a loaded pistol on a flight and that got past these people. But a woman who is too sick to go anywhere without wheelchair assistance that has tubes sticking out of her gets frisked and felt up. The only way this is going to stop is when some big shot Senator's relatives get the same kind of treatment. Then watch what happens. There's nothing worse than brainless little nobodies who are feeling powerful due to their jobs. ...The Taliban, that fun-loving close knit group of Islamic terrorists, made headlines again by taking credit for the shooting of a fourteen year old girl who for the past three years has been speaking out for the right of all girls in her blog to become educated because under Taliban rule any schooling for girls after the fourth grade was forbidden. By maintaining this blog she was shot in the neck and in the head when she was coming home from school last week and it the Taliban immediately and with pride told the world that they did it. Doctors have said that the young girl only has a 70 percent chance of survival from this attack and if by chance she happens to survive the Taliban has promised that they will try it again. Allah must be so proud of these guys that they are going after a fourteen year old kid with the intent of ending her life all because of her opinions. ...Microsoft opened its Windows 8 operating system for pre-orders last Friday to prepare for the launch of the new Operating System on October 26th.I will be getting Windows 8 but not right away. I'm going to wait until Windows 10 is released just to give them enough time to get the bugs worked out in this one. ...Three years after being released from federal prison Michael Vick is a dog owner again. This makes as much sense as allowing Casey Anthony to adopt a child. ...The key for the Yankees to beat the Tigers in the ALCS is to try and contain Cabrera and Fielder and to make sure their relievers don't go around kissing baseballs and acting like someone gave them a hotfoot out on the mound. ...I know as I write this the American League Championship Series is only one game old but after learning that Derek Jeter will be out for as Joe Girardi put it "a three month recovery period" you can count on something right away. If the Yankees end up losing to Detroit in this series some of the Yankee fans are going to blame Jeter's injury on why they lost while ignoring the fact that Rodriguez, Swisher and Granderson are locked in a close battle to see who can strike out the most and contribute the least.
  14. A lot of people have this utility but we can't upload it because it is tywiggins' and apparently when mods were moved here from MLBmods his were not included, so we can't.
  15. Don't worry about it. I really wouldn't want you to face any trouble from 2k sports if you did something with the code. Modding of course is different and if people in here made a 2013 mod for this game similar to the ones made for Mvp then you guys will have a better game to play with next year because these guys are good.
  16. It is a tywiggins utility and it is not uploaded here after MLBmods shut down. You're out of luck.
  17. I suggest you read more closely before you download anything. KC's TrueHD Photomod is for MLB2k12 which is an entirely different game. You didn't see this listed under the 2k12 mods? There's a reason for that and now you know.
  18. You are not allowed to change the game code. This is copyrighted material. Making mods for the game like new uniforms and things like that does not change the games code.
  19. Happy Birthday Trues! I hope you have a wonderful day and that you are able to relax and enjoy yourself! I know you've heard this many times in the past but thank you again for having this website that we all have been going to since February of 2004! Great job and everything you do is very much appreciated! :yahoo: :yahoo:
  20. How about not bumping your threads in here?
  21. Let him make his own list then Homer. The way you set it up is just fine. I've been so busy since you started this thread that I never posted mine yet. I'll try to do it this week but I'll be sure not to make two different lists.
  22. Yes, a completely unmodded or "clean" copy of Mvp 05. Then install this mod over it.
  23. I'm very sorry to learn of this. He very young and my sympathies go out to his family and friends. KPrelesnik was a member here when this website first started out. If you don't mind, let me ask you a question. I see that you just joined this site yesterday and this is your first post. How did you know that your friend was a member here because he has not been here in many years? And I'm not talking just the past two or three years.
  24. Updated to 10-7 ...Did you hear about that guy in Hong Kong who is offering 65 million dollars to the man who is able to get his lesbian daughter to fall in love with him ? When I told my wife about this she offered to buy my air fare to China. It goes without saying that this would be one interesting marriage because in this one you'd have a wife who would have her own mistress. ...The power that Facebook has continues to amaze me. A prison sergeant in the Texas Corrections System was fired for "friending" an inmate because the inmate happened to be a friend of his from high school and the guy didn't know he was in jail at the time. He eventually got his job back when the department of criminal justice in Texas determined that there was no practical way to monitor the Facebook accounts of 40,000 employees and 154,000 convicts. In case you are wondering the Lonestar state allows their prisoners Facebook access, presumably to keep up with other gang members on the outside that haven't been caught yet. ...Makes me wonder though how letting them have a Facebook account can lead to problems like this. A. One guy might snap because his entire cell block keeps sending him requests for Farmville every day. B. I wonder how many inmates list themselves as "in a relationship"? C. I'd love to see their status updates. Well, dropped the soap in the shower again. Don't want to talk about it. D. They'd be afraid to de-friend someone because that's just going to invite a shanking or a beating. E. They'd have a hard time distinguishing who is who on there because over half of the inmates are named Bubba. ...Chicago police last week discovered a marijuana crop on a chunk of land the size of two football fields that were ready to harvest. Police cut down the 1,500 plants that were over seven feet high apiece and it could have earned the growers as much as ten million dollars. Police later burned all the plants and soon after that for some reason the entire city of Chicago became really, really hungry. ...Got to admit, whoever planted that stuff has a natural gift in agriculture. ...This was an unusually fast baseball season this year, wasn't it? ...Correct me if I'm wrong but back in April weren't the Miami Marlins and the Los Angeles Angels supposed to run wild in their respective leagues? ...Hey Albert, the Cardinals still made the playoffs without you and you're home watching them. Now go back to counting your money. ...A.J. Burnett won sixteen games for the Pittsburgh Pirates this year which was sixteen more than I thought he'd win. And speaking of the Pirates, they finished this year with their 20th straight losing season in a row. There was danger for awhile that they'd win more games then they'd lose but in the end they got it together and finished under .500. ...I was just as amazed by the Athletics as the rest of you probably were. I started to believe they were a good team when they swept the Yankees back in July in Oakland four straight games and all by one run. Of course the Yanks helped out in each game by refusing to hit in the clutch but that didn't matter. Oakland played great as a team and they deserved to win the west. ...The Red Sox had a terrible season this year and I enjoyed it every step of the way. I've been waiting twenty years to watch them finish in last place again and believe me it was well worth the wait. I knew Bobby Valentine was going to be made the scapegoat and despite the fact that I can't stand the **it eating grin on his face I will be the first to admit it wasn't his fault. The Red Sox players don't want to be told anything. The perfect manager for them is a guy who's going to look the other way and then when that happens they'll be praising him in the newspapers and won't have any secret meetings with the team owner about getting rid of him. ...Anyone that watched the Braves - Cardinals wild card playoff game couldn't have been that surprised that Atlanta lost. It's what they do in October and no one in baseball has done that more consistently over the years then these guys. But this time just about everyone (including Cardinal fans) will admit that they got screwed because that was no infield fly rule unless left field is now part of the shortstop's territory. And unlike the NFL, baseball can't blame this blown call on replacement umpires. ...At least most of the Braves fans were nice enough to finish their beer before they threw the bottles out on the field. ...Miguel Cabrera winning the Triple Crown in baseball was something special but what baseball is doing to capitalize on it is disgraceful. Bud Selig and his sales team came up with the promotion of selling the dirt from the Kansas City batter's box where Cabrera won his Triple Crown last Wednesday night. The price for this dirt? Only $39.99. You better place your orders fast before the Tiger fans buy them all. And just in case any of you are shut out on this and want some dirt I want you to know that I have some in my backyard that I will sell for a reasonable price. I have it on good authority that this dirt is related to the dirt in the Royals batter's box, first cousins on the mother's side.
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