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Everything posted by Yankee4Life

  1. 1. Only if you install something on your Mac that emulates a PC. That's the only way I believe. 2. Google that question and you'll find the answer. 3. If you can get this to work you are really going to love the mods for Mvp 05. Best of luck to you.
  2. I haven't seen them yet but feel free to check out others while you wait for daflyboys. Try these out because they give great results. 1. JoeRudi26's Pro level Sliders and Datafile. 2. Jim825's Combo Datafile, version 5.0. 3. Kumala's datafile, the final version. This was released in 2007 but still does a great job. 4. KSM's Datafile 2007 version 4.7. These are just four suggestions of some of the top datafiles out there. Check out the download area, there's nine pages of them to look at. And to anticipate your question of which one of these is the best datafile I can only say you have to find that out for yourself and see the one you like best. Why did I do this for you? Because you just became a contributor here and helped out Trues. That goes far around here.
  3. Trues, a suggestion here if you don't mind. Can you set up something for people who want to donate but do not have a Paypal account or something like that so instead they can mail you their subscription fee? I think you had something like that before when you introduced the subscriptions a few years back.
  4. There's a lot of different datafiles out there. Look in the download section and you'll see that your going to have a lot of choices for this. Try out some of the latest ones and you'll see some differences in game play.
  5. Let the complaining begin.
  6. These aren't bad questions but if I were you I wouldn't worry about how anyone else plays this game. Start by playing the game so it is comfortable for you and then you can begin to make some adjustments like the skill level you want to play on.
  7. Read KC's post. That explains everything.
  8. Man, you're always doing something!!
  9. Hey Palooka, I have never heard from anyone else getting this message. I'm wondering what is up with this? You haven't done anything wrong and the owner of this website is not the kind of person that would do this.
  10. Thank you. Take your time of course.
  11. I'd love to have this if you don't mind. Thank you in advance!
  12. One thing was forgotten here Jim and I think this needs an appearance by our old friend. There we go. All set.
  13. Updated to 9-30 ...Watching the Packers get screwed in Seattle last Monday night on the final play of the game should make a lot of NFL fans realize how bad the Raiders have been getting stiffed for years now. ...The result of this play forced the NFL and the regular referees to settle their differences and beginning in week four it is out with the lousy replacement officials and in with the lousy regular officials. I don't know why everyone is so excited to have the regular ones back because after a few weeks people are going to be grumbling about them too. ...Josh Hamilton and the Texas Rangers blamed his recent problems with blurred vision and balance on the high caffeine consumption that he was putting himself through. Each day he said he was drinking multiple cups of coffee along with energy drinks and having chocolate after games which they say explained the issues he was going through. Sure, sure. You also can have the exact same symptoms when you drink too much whiskey. Just saying. ...As I post this the Yankees and Orioles are tied for first place with four games to go and if Baltimore ends up winning this they can thank the Yankees for not doing their job with runners on base all year. They can dazzle you with the home runs but when it comes down to moving a runner over or hitting a sacrifice fly that's when they'll hit into a double play or strike out. If they make the playoffs, whoever plays them in the first round should feel pretty good about their chances. ...A factory in China that is responsible for manufacturing Apple products like the new iPhone 5 temporarily shut down last week after security workers violently beat some of the workers after a fight that escalated to the point that it involved 2,000 company workers. The cause of the fight is unknown and police were called to restore order although they arrived forty-five minutes late because they were trying to follow directions to the factory using iMaps and got lost three times. ...Who else in here besides me was envious of that kid who got his first kiss from Carrie Underwood? ...A fraternity at the University of Tennessee has been suspended after a weekend incident involving alcohol enemas in which one student was hospitalized. These enemas were done so the person receiving them can get drunk faster. One student was taken to the hospital in critical condition with a blood alcohol level of 0.40, which if you were driving is five times the legal limit. The good new is this kid has been treated and released but has denied taking part in any alcohol enemas. Of course he denied any involvement. The first rule of butt-chugging is that you don't talk about butt-chugging. ... If this is what they do for fun, can you imagine what the Hazing is like??? ...There is an Asian airline aptly named AirAsia that will be adding a no-kids section to its flights beginning in February, 2013 and no travelers with a person under 12 in their group will be able to book those seats. The airline is calling this area Quiet Zone and I am personally so impressed with this that I am considering sending them an e-mail commending them on this idea. With this idea being put into effect by this airline it just continues a growing trend for people to want to avoid children these days. Child-free restaurants and theaters have popped up all over the country. There's even a store in Missouri that offered child-free shopping hours this past summer. This has nothing to do with people disliking kids, so don't blame this on an airline or a store or your favorite place to grab a bite to eat at. It's just that people are fed up with parents who refuse to discipline their kids in public and let them do what they want. When a child is screaming and carrying on people do not think he or she is cute even though they happen to be your offspring. ...Somehow I think if United or Delta or American Airlines ever started doing this they would have a lot more people on their side than against them and people would be even willing to pay more for this. ...Now I might be able to guess what some of you out there in our Mvpmods community may be thinking, that I'm way off base and that your kids don't do this kind of stuff. All I got to say to that is that it makes you good parents but at the same time you can think back when you were out some place and you wished you were someplace else because some kid was screaming as loud as a train whistle. ...There's a new league that is going to begin playing next summer called the Bikini Basketball League. I might have to miss a few Yankee games to watch this. ...Adam Greenberg, the Chicago Cubs prospect who was beaned in his only at-bat for the team seven years ago is finally getting another chance to appear in the major leagues again after he was granted special permission from baseball Commissioner Bud Selig. Greenberg will be suiting up for the Miami Marlins on Tuesday, which is their second to last game of the season against the New York Mets. Greenberg is receiving this chance thanks to a campaign started by a huge Cubs fan who wanted to see him get another at bat in the majors because the beaning he got in 2005 resulted in ongoing concussion problems that made him feel dizzy just by standing up. The Cubs were asked if they would let Greenberg come back this month for his at bat but they said no. Who knows? I guess they felt that they were still in the pennant race and didn't want the distraction. ...I just realized that this is the first time that I am agreeing with something Bud Selig did. Took long enough. ...This past Thursday a woman traveled from Florida to New Jersey with a loaded gun in her purse that somehow got past the TSA's airport screeners. The woman, an Orlando firefighter, had a license for the gun and kept it in her purse for the entire trip and then surrendered the gun to the Port Authoritys once she landed. You just never know what you are going to find in a woman's purse anymore. Before anyone goes around saying that the TSA doesn't know what they are doing I have to say in their defense that they did stop a large container of shampoo from getting on board on that same flight.
  14. No. That is because this new Nationals stadium has been remodeled and remade over an existing stadium provided by the game. The modders had to work with what they had and the same thing that you are talking about here has happened in other stadium mods because they can not be made 100% perfect if the stadium was not in the game originally. You are, of course, encouraged to try your own hand into making this stadium. When this mod came out Kyleb kindly asked us to report any mistakes that we would find in the mod and if you look back in this thread you will see people have done that and in turn Kyleb has released two patches for the game. So I suggest if you want to fix it then go into MvpEdit and fix it (search the forums for instructions on where this mod is and how to use it) and do it yourself.
  15. If you had taken any time to search the download section for this you would have found what you wanted. The utility to make this is there, trust me.
  16. Can you all picture Dennis James and KC modding the hell out of this thing?
  17. Why are the Koreans getting this and not us? Better yet, why can't we all get this?
  18. Hahahahahaa Jim there are some people who sign up in here and think that by making three mouse clicks is three mouse clicks too many. They want you to do the work for them.
  19. I did search daflyboys but I can't find my car keys anywhere! :unknw:
  20. Oh man you just opened up a Pandora's box. :sad:
  21. Oh my God. This season isn't even done with.
  22. That's got nothing to do with what you wanted and that you could have done all by yourself had you just stopped and did it yourself because that would have saved you so much time and energy. But it is always nice to listen to praise for the modders in here because that doesn't happen as often as it should.
  23. Other than that you are good to go. :D
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