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Everything posted by Yankee4Life

  1. I know you are not trying to be mean. You're trying to be lazy and it worked. See what I mean?? Someone else did your work for you which of course was your intention all along.
  2. You're going to have to man because this isn't like saying you can't find a uniform or a stadium in the download section. Someone might be able to help you out with that but with this thing, when you have it right in front of you, is different. Just search like daflyboys said.
  3. Then you are not looking close enough. That file's part of the original out-of-the-box version of the game. Either you don't own the CD's or you just plain missed it. No one has to do this for you because you already have it.
  4. Updated to 9-23 ...After more than a week, Chicago's teachers have agreed to leave the picket line and return to their classrooms which ended a standoff with the mayor of Chicago over teacher evaluations and job security. The vote last week was not on the contract offer itself, but on whether to continue the strike. The teacher evaluations is what really concerned the striking union because Chicago's school system is one of the worst. Now the kids can go from learning nothing when this strike was going on to, well, learning nothing. ...A newly discovered piece of fourth-century scrap of papyrus has started a debate that Jesus Christ had a wife and it has reignited several old debates like was Mary Magdalene his wife and did he have any female disciples? Honestly, who knows? Everything people know about the son of God is written in the Bible and for centuries now that was good enough. I'd hope he didn't have a wife because he did die on the cross for us. Why wish him any more misery? ...After this bit of news was released to the public I didn't see Christians burning any flags, houses or businesses, storm an Embassy or murder people like those Islamic lovers of peace did last week. ...Dennis Hopper is someone you don't want to mess with even if he's been dead these past two years. Recently he left his little nine year old daughter 2.85 million dollars in his will and at the same time stipulated that his ex-wife have absolutely no access to the money. During the time that lead up to Hopper's death in 2010 they were going through a nasty divorce because his wife was, to describe her one word, a golddigger. One can not help thinking how she is going to try and get her hands on her daughter's hefty nest egg. She has nine years to do it before she turns eighteen and takes off. Here's hoping Hopper thought of ways to protect her. ...Olympic Gold Medalist Shaun White was arrested and charged with public intoxication and vandalism after police accused him of pulling a hotel fire alarm forcing guests to evacuate and destroying a hotel phone. After being booked he was released by police on his own recognizance and then immediately started apologizing to anyone who would listen for his poor behavior, which is what you'd expect him to do once the drugs wore off along with a bottle of scotch. ...Steve Sabol died last Tuesday of brain cancer. Sabol was the President of NFL Films, the company responsible all these years for the wonderful highlights and documentaries from the National Football League. The wrap ups of the games week after week, especially when the late John Facenda was narrating, was the best I have ever seen. R.I.P ...Sometimes I wondered if baseball would ever have something similar to NFL Films for themselves but I figured they'd undoubtedly run out of film during a Yankee - Red Sox series. ...An Ohio woman is suing her ex-husband after she said he spied on her with a hidden video camera, microphone and a GPS for months in their home. He has admitted to installing the equipment but has denied doing anything wrong and has offered no explanation as to why he did it. I got to thinking that if I ever pulled anything like this on my wife I would finally catch her ordering stuff on the internet when she says she doesn't. ...If Curtis Granderson can't get through one game without striking out he wouldn't know what to do. ...And just when you are ready to write off the Yankees they go and do something completely unexpected like coming from behind and beating the Athletics yesterday in extra innings. The way this team has been playing dead recently I never thought they had it in them. ...The Tampa Bay Rays may not put people in their park but that doesn't stop them from having some pretty good promotions. Recently Guy Boucher, the head coach of the Tampa Bay Lightning was invited to throw out the first pitch to celebrate the Lightning's 20th anniversary season. Instead of throwing the ball to the catcher he brought a hockey stick out to the mound and shot the ball into the mitt of the catcher for a perfect strike. Now Boucher can only hope his players can start doing the same thing on the ice as soon as this NHL lockout is over. ...A Houston police officer shot and killed a one-armed, one-legged man in a wheelchair yesterday inside a group home after the police say the double amputee angrily threatened the officer when he waved a metal object that turned out to be a pen. How the cop did not know that the guy only had a pen in his hand is something I can't quite grasp especially when a police spokeswoman said the man came "within inches to a foot" of the officer. And you still couldn't tell it was a pen? How come he wasn't tasered or at the very least knock over his wheelchair if they really felt the need to subdue this person? Maybe the real reason why they shot him was because they couldn't figure out how to handcuff a one armed man. ...MAKE YOUR WISH COME TRUE DEPT: A 25 year old man jumped out of the monorail car into the Bronx Zoo's tiger den because he wanted "to be one" with the animal. He accomplished his goal and all it cost him was a broken shoulder, a broken rib, a collapsed lung, a broken ankle and pelvis and multiple puncture wounds. As an added bonus he will be charged with trespassing and criminal trespassing as soon as he is released from the hospital where he remains in stable condition. If he was in stable condition he wouldn't have jumped in the first place.
  5. No, not that I know of. The best way to find out is to go straight to the source and send a private message to Trues. I can promise you that he will have an answer.
  6. There used to be something on the main page but it is gone now.
  7. It's not an internet thing. It's called selfishness and you can't blame that on the internet. So did I.
  8. What did the man just say?
  9. Your work gets abused too much if you ask me. I have lost count of how many times someone would come in here and tell you to "make me so-and-so" and you do it and never get thanked. That isn't right. All modders in here should be treated better and be recognized more for their work.
  10. Both you and I have been here quite a long time now and this is something that has been going on here since this website started. These people are exactly what you said they were: leeches. They offer nothing in the form of constructive feedback except for do this for me or fix this problem for me right now or my personal favorite, make me this now. You were part of Kyleb's modding team that put together the Mvp 2012 mod. That turned out to be a great mod and everyone loved it. But take a look at the numbers for that mod. It has been downloaded 2,922 times but only 29 people took the time to rate it. To me there is no excuse for this at all except for these people coming in here to take what they want and the hell with everything else. I don't think this is unreasonable at all. I've got no sympathy for these people because I've noticed them for years. They are the first to download all the latest stuff and the first to complain about everything and anything.
  11. Download daflyboys roster and you won't have these problems.
  12. Why?? He's in the major leagues. No thanks, I'll pass on this roster.
  13. You can use Mvpedit but there's really no reason too. For example that new Ichiro one you were talking about that Jogar made. Just download it and install it as you normally would with TiT and let that do the work. Once that's done you are all set.
  14. Updated to 9-16 ...The Taliban is at it again and this time they are going after Prince Harry of England, who has just begun serving a four-month tour of duty as a chopper pilot in Afghanistan. Declaring that they will use all their strength to kidnap him or kill him they have given carte blanche to all their commanders to accomplish this unless Harry agrees to have another party like he had in Las Vegas last month and this time invites them. ...A 63 year old man got a little too involved during a recent flight he took when he was arrested for viewing pornography on his laptop and fondling himself during a Southwest airlines flight. Passengers around him became aware of his activity and at times he tried to use his laptop to conceal what he was doing but that proved fruitless since he didn't have enough hands. When the plane landed he was taken into custody and faces up to 90 days in jail and up to a $250,000 fine. All this could have been avoided had he just dealt with whatever the on-flight movie was instead of finding his own entertainment. ...A woman in North Carolina thought there was something strange going on in her attic when she was hearing noises and then saw some nails start popping out from her bedroom ceiling one night. Immediately she thought it was some supernatural occurrence but when she sent her older sons up there to check it out they discovered that it was her ex-boyfriend that was up there and he had been there for the past two weeks. That guy was up there that long before they got wise to it? He must have been pretty quiet. A woman could never pull this off because they'd never be able to shut up. ...When this was going on I wonder how many times the kids got blamed for eating food out of the refrigerator? ...A professor at American University in Washington, D.C. brought her sick infant to work with her one day after she could not find any suitable child-care options. Everything was going fine during the 75 minute lecture until the baby started to get restless. That's when the mother decided to pick up the baby and breast feed her in front of the entire room. After the kid finished her milkshake she fell asleep for the remainder of the lecture. The name of the class that was being taught was "sex, gender and culture". Evidently she wanted to make the class a show and tell. ...I firmly believe that anyone who is a public figure should avoid Twitter like the plague because no matter what you say -even if you are right- you are wrong. After the Kansas City Chiefs lost their week one opener to Atlanta some loudmouthed Chiefs fan ran to Twitter to complain in an explicative-filed rant that he wasn't much of a fan of theirs anymore and the ownership is always well below the salary cap because they are greedy. This guy must live on Twitter because he has over 124,000 followers. Well, someone from the Chiefs organization saw this and sent him a tweet telling him that it would help if he got his facts straight and it was his choice to be fan and to get a clue. That was it but it was all this guy needed to make it seem worse than it really was. The Chiefs were forced to apologize for what they said and they went on to state that there was no excuse for their actions. What actions? What did they say except asking someone to get their facts right. Gee you can really see how someone would be boiling mad over that. He then made himself look more stupid as he went on TV to complain about the team and that they should have some Midwestern values which meant that they should communicate effectively with the fans because they pay for everything. We've never heard that before, have we? I'm also sure that if Kansas City had beat Atlanta he'd of never gone off on this little tirade, although I am not really sure what is more pathetic, someone who posts an obscenity-laden tweet who talks about values and effective communication or that this guy has 124,000 people following what he has to say on Twitter. ...Levi Johnston, who is the perfect example of his shoe size being greater than his IQ, welcomed his second child into the world with as many bimbos last Thursday. He named the baby Breeze Beretta because the child was accidentally conceived during a hunting trip and that Beretta is his favorite shotgun. This guy is 22 years old, uneducated, unemployed and just had his second out-of-wedlock child. What a catch! What this guy needs is a vasectomy but he might be going for one more because the Benelli company makes a pretty good shotgun also. ...At last the media found someone even more irrelevant than Kim Kardashian to write about. ...Um, let me get this straight. Islams are killing and destroying property to protest a film that accuses them of barbaric behavior? No wonder why I have such a hard time understanding that Islam is the religion of peace. ...Down in Mexico, authorities have captured a hitman who is believed to have participated in at least fifty murders at the behest of a drug gang since February. What's most shocking is that this killer, who was so capable in carrying out these orders, was only sixteen years old. Most kids his age were playing Call of Duty on their consoles. This kid was doing it in real life. ...What's next? Drive-by's on tricycles? ...Don't look now but there could be another NHL lockout coming. ...The easiest way to beat the Yankees is to let them get runners on base - preferably in scoring position. Then just sit back and watch them go down quietly. ...Angelina Jolie recently visited a Syrian refugee camp in Baghdad for her work at the United Nations in her role as a special envoy for their refugee agency, which is another way of saying she volunteered to visit the thousands of people who were forced to flee from their homes because of the war in Syria. She hoped that by being there she can make other countries more aware of their suffering and to ask for international humanitarian assistance. Say what you will about her but this woman gets involved. She has taken more than forty trips to places like this which is forty more trips than I'd take. ...I wonder if the people escorting her around these refugee camps she's visiting have a pool going amongst themselves to see if she adopts someone?
  15. All the classic ballparks in the 2012 mod are gone. They have been replaced by minor league stadiums of their choosing. I think what kyleb and everyone involved with this decision made a wonderful move by doing this because this gives people more choices to play some games in parks that they have never used before. If you want all the classic ballparks and then some, go get Total Classics 10.
  16. It's been fifteen years since that game took place and I still don't understand what Gregg was doing that day. Although this is something were replay is not needed because you can just tell by looking at it that the call was completely wrong. I always thought it was a good idea to have those six umpires all the time.
  17. So, is this boy going to grow up a Cubs fan? :)
  18. Great news to find out about! Best wishes to proud mother and father and the entire family!
  19. Also, what people sometimes overlook is when a bad call is made against a team that is struggling and going through a rough patch it is magnified. If the Yankees had played better they would not have been in that position. Sabathia struggled once again as he gave up three home runs in 6 1/3 innings and the way that team has been pitching lately that is still ace material. And what really did them in this game was going 1 for 9 with runners in scoring position. They have been doing that all year long and no umpire can be blamed for that. That's why they lost. Sure it was a lousy call and yes they got screwed. But when you are playing better you don't dwell on these calls. You win despite of them. I'm a baseball fan that dislikes every single one of the changes that this simpleton of a commissioner has put into place. More teams in the post season this year? Why not! Pretty soon they'll be as bad as the NHL where it seems you only have to win 25 games to get a playoff spot. Instant replay? So far just for home runs, but when there is talk about expanding it you know it is just another way of saying here it comes. Before instant replay the Yankees and Red Sox would habitually play games that lasted three hours and thirty minutes. If instant replay is expanded to more than home runs they might have to play their games in parts. Ok, we are going to play innings 1 - 5 tonight. That'll take about four hours and tomorrow afternoon we will play innings 6 - 9 and God help us if it goes into extra innings. Umpires have been blowing calls since the game began. And players and teams have gone hot and cold all that time too. Let them play the game and keep the replay strictly for the highlight shows.
  20. Because I am a baseball traditionalist. Bad calls happen to every team. No team can escape them. And at the same time every team is the benefit of bad calls. They even out. I am just afraid that these people will end up abusing this replay. Now it's used for home runs only. Now they want to expand it to use it for calls like this. What's next? Using replay to go over controversial ball and strike calls? Do you know how long a major league game will end up being if that happens? Every Yankee - Red Sox game right now is long enough. If this happens every fan should carry their favorite pillow with them when coming to the game.
  21. I used to play online in here years ago with people that no longer come to the site. I played many games with MarkB and he lives in Scotland and we did direct IP to IP hookup. It is more fun to play against a live person because you never know what they are going to do.
  22. No, I don't like replay at all in baseball. It is bad enough how they use it now but replay is not a good fit for baseball. Sure I was upset about the Teixeira call but I am over it now. And I can look back on many calls that have went in the Yankees favor when the other team raised a fuss. Things will even out on their own and this replay technology should stay far away.
  23. Ok man, now I understand what you mean. And when you look back on any runner who slides into first base more times than not they do not get the call in their favor. Teixeira slid like that because he didn't want to re-injure his leg but he ended up doing that anyway. I hope this never happens.
  24. What's even worse is that they got swept by the Cubs at home and the Cubs have been mailing it in since Memorial Day. You could tell it was a tough series because the Pirates made Alfonso Soriano look good and that's not easy to do.
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