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Everything posted by Yankee4Life

  1. Well maybe sabugo. But what MarlinsMY said is something no one can argue with. We don't know how long Teixeira is going to be out now. Yeah we have the technology but no one wants baseball to become like football or any other sport that is dependent on replay. Sure the Yankees got screwed, but another time they will be on the other side. It will even out.
  2. Did you actually see the instant replay of this or did you just read about it and just assume that Teixeira was upset for no reason at all? Now take a look here:
  3. My advice to you right now is not to be a smartass to this guy because he knows more about this game and how to fix problems with it then anyone here. But go on, keep being sarcastic.
  4. mcoll for all these years I have used a Saitek P880 and I have never gone wrong yet.
  5. Please tell your father that this was done by some Mormon woman in Utah and people do not do this anywhere else. The Mormons are a funny bunch. You still are not allowed to order a beer if you are a Mormon but they give the go ahead to let your kid take a crap in a restaurant. Me too. I'd like to go to another college and conduct the same survey. I think years ago Tony Larussa started this pitch count nonsense and because he was so successful in developing those great Oakland teams from 1988 to 1990, people copied it. Years ago you would hear about pitch counts every so often. Believe it or not you could get through watching an entire game without hearing the words pitch count. These days when a game starts and the lead off hitter sees seven pitches and the next batter sees the same amount the announcers get all worried about the pitch count. I blame all this on Larussa and the writers who constantly called this guy a genius. The guy only won in 1988 and 2006 so how much of a genius was he?
  6. There is no way anyone should argue with what you just said. Every time someone pitches a complete game these days people are almost in shock.
  7. Updated to 9-9 ...A Detroit man who shot four people at a party he was at became so guilty about what he did decided to turn himself in and he found a fire station and went in and confessed that he was the one who was responsible for the shootings that eventually took two lives. The firefighters in turn called the police and were told that all available officers were on high priority runs and that no one was available to come there and pick up the suspect. Apparently a double homicide suspect is not something the police drop what they are doing and pay attention to in that city. Given a reprieve the man left the fire station and had the choice to hide from the cops which in Detroit means going back to doing what you've always been doing or trying again to turn himself in. This guy's conscience must have been eating at him and this time he walked into the nearest police station where he was taken into custody, only because the police didn't have to leave the building to go and get him. This tells you all you need to know why Detroit is the way it is. ...A task force of professors and trustees at Boston University released their conclusions last week that the players on the college's hockey team, because of their "elevated social status" on campus were able to have frequent sexual encounters with women without engaging in an emotional relationship or ongoing commitment. They needed a task force to find this out? Who would have thought that guys and girls in college would have sex without having a relationship? And these people were paid to come up with these determinations. It wouldn't surprise me if some of these people end up working in Congress. ...This same task force released a separate finding where they found that students who do not study have a higher rate of failing then those who do. ...Art Modell died last Thursday at the age of 87 of natural causes. If you don't know who he is ask any Cleveland fan. They'll tell you he was the Browns owner who moved the team to Baltimore after the 1995 season when they became the Ravens. Modell was associated with the NFL since 1961, the first year he owned the Browns and had many contributions to the NFL over the years. But what he did to Cleveland in November of '95 when he took their team away still makes him to this day more hated there even above Lebron James. R.I.P. Art, I hope it was worth it. ...I have always found it impressive to see drivers of those huge 18 wheeler Mack trucks be able to back those things into tight places, like a supermarket loading area without breaking a sweat. ...As I have watched the Yankees play since the All Star Game what really has amazed me the most is that my blood pressure has not gone up at all. ...By the way, have any of you Yankee fans noticed something about Nick Swisher? With the way he's been hitting lately he must think the playoffs have already started. ...Since the 9th of August the Pittsburgh Pirates have a record of 9 - 19. Whether they have hit a tough part of their schedule or have sunk back in their regular losing ways is strictly how you decide to interpret it. ...A mother in Utah took potty training to a whole new level last week when she potty-trained her twins in the middle of a restaurant with people eating all around them. According to a witness, when she first arrived she brought the portable pottys in with her and it was assumed that they were to be used as booster seats, but when the mother started stripping off their clothes, she realized the twins were going to the bathroom-in the middle of the restaurant in front of other diners. Stop and think about this for a second. I'm speechless. The restaurant was packed and the employees did not know this was happening at one of their tables. Usually your waiter will come by to fill your water up again or ask if they can do anything for you. Carrying toilet paper is something they don't expect to do. ...I called my mother immediately after I heard about this and asked her what she thought. Understandably at first she thought I was making it up. She told me that when I was a young kid they had a place to go to in the restaurant called rest rooms and people with young kids would try to sit as close to them as possible when they got a table. Now that I think about it, when my wife and I go out to dinner I noticed the same thing. She said the only problem they had with me was keeping my elbows off the table and I told her after hearing about this story she got off easy. ...Today's a day that whatever baseball does will be overshadowed by the start of the NFL season. True, the Giants and Cowboys started a few days ago but today's the day that everyone gets rolling, except for the Monday night games. It'll be interesting to see how many times Tom Brady's or Tim Tebow's name gets brought up in every telecast today. ...I'm not too concerned with having substitute referees for now. They can blow just as many calls and throw flags at the worst possible time for your team as well as the regular guys do. Should be business as usual. ...I don't get it, I really don't. The Nationals have shut down Stephen Strasburg for the remainder of the season. For the most part that wouldn't be that big of a deal at this time of year for them because they are usually playing out the string and getting ready for the off season. But this year they are in first place with a 6 1/2 game lead over the Braves and they have said he will not be pitching any more in 2012 - including the post season. If this comes back to bite the Nationals they'll never live it down. Years ago, back in the last century pitchers like Tom Seaver, Bob Gibson, Catfish Hunter, etc, etc would pitch fifteen or more complete games a year. Now if a pitcher makes it past the sixth inning he's a superstar and will make 20 million a year. ...I liked baseball so much better before everyone began treating pitch counts like it was the 11th Commandment.
  8. You can either read the manual or you can set up your controller in the game.
  9. The first thing you got to do is check the download section to see if there are PS2 files. And if you had done that you will see that there is very little to choose from. In fact there are only ten files for PS2 and they are mostly rosters and it is extremely doubtful that more will be added to this.
  10. Yeah man, I got that part. But why the hell did he say that right at the end? What did it mean?
  11. Updated to 9-2 ...Last Tuesday via satellite NASA broadcasted a new song by rapper will.i.am to mark the successful landing of their Curiosity rover on Mars earlier this month. It was also their way to encourage young people to study science and to make science more interesting to them. That's a good idea and I hope it works for them, but a rap song? If there was any life on that planet this song just killed it. ...As soon as the song was over Amazon and iTunes sent a broadcast to Mars informing them if they liked the song they could download it for .99 cents on their respective websites. ...Two members of the female punk band Pu ssy Riot have fled Russia to avoid prosecution for a protest against Vladimir Putin that have sent three other members of their band to prison for two years. The United States is cooperating with Russia just in case the girls turn up in the states and will send them immediately back to Moscow provided that the Russians also take Lady Gaga, Katy Perry and a Kardashian to be named later. ...The school year began last Monday for one Baltimore, Maryland high school with a bang -no pun intended. A fifteen year old kid brought in a gun and started shooting and was able to get off two shots before being subdued by a guidance counselor and some teachers. Unfortunately one shot hit home as one student was hit and remains in critical condition. The shooter's excuse? He was being bullied. It was the first day of school and it wasn't even 11:00 in the morning and yet he said he was being bullied. He must have been looking to do something like this so he packed a pistol in between his bologna sandwiches and marched off to school and was ready just in case someone looked at him cross-eyed. Just once I would like to see one of these poor misunderstood darlings jumped on by about twenty bystanders and beaten so bad that they put his nose where his right ear is. ...Enough is enough with trying to understand the reasons why these shooters do what they do. Stick them in a room with the family of the victims so he can explain to them between punches why he did what he did. ...A clothing merchant in India specializing in Western men's wear welcomed his customers to his new place of business that he named "Hitler" and claimed that he did not know who Adolph Hitler was. He named the store Hitler because that was the nickname given to the grandfather of his store partner because the man "was very strict". To make matters more unbelievable, a Nazi swastika is used as the dot on the "i" in the word Hitler on the front of the store and on their business cards. And this guy claims he still never heard of der Fuhrer. If this store is not successful this guy has a fine career as a politician ahead of him. Something tells me he won't be opening up an outlet in Tel Aviv any time soon. ...If this business does not work out for him maybe he can open up an Italian restaurant called Mussolini's. ...I can not stand it when I watch a movie all the way through and I don't understand the ending. Last Thursday I could not sleep so I turned on Turner Classic Movies and Citizen Kane was on. I've never seen it, so I made some coffee and I sat back to watch the movie and at the very end Kane says "Rosebud" and that's that. The son of a *%#^@. I don't know what it meant but I do know I wasted two hours watching this thing and I left scratching my head. I've asked five people that have seen this movie so far and none of them were able to help me. Next time I'll take two sleeping pills. ...Thank God Roger Clemens is going to be making another start for the Sugar Land Skeeters because ESPN was running out of Tim Tebow stories. ...Two New Jersey mailmen were arrested last week for dealing drugs while making their rounds and were charged with multiple drug counts that included possession of marijuana with intent to distribute near public property. The two suspects were watched over a three week time period but what really lead the police to make their arrests was when one of the suspects delivered the package containing the drugs to the wrong house. ...Have you ever noticed that you are the only one that isn't slow at a drive-up ATM machine? ...If there's a better way to describe this then by all means come in here and tell me but last week had to be the week of the idiots. Two drunken fans fall to their deaths at a football game (one off an escalator in Texas and one in Georgia who fell 45 feet from an upper deck) and one teenage boy from New York who stuck his head out of an emergency hatch in a party bus, hit an overpass and died of massive head trauma. Each incident was sad and all were avoidable had common sense been used but maybe, just maybe, that was asking too much out of one or all three of them. Rest in peace. :sad: ...Gas prices have been higher than they've been going into this Labor Day than any other ones in the past but the good news is that experts at the Oil Price Information Service are predicting that they will be going down very soon. No kidding? It doesn't take a qualified person in this field to hazard a guess about this. This is the last summer holiday weekend of the year and there was no way the price of gas was going to go down before this weekend. Maybe in a month when the kids are back to school but not now when everyone could have used a break. ...After watching Clint Eastwood give his speech at the Republican National Convention, Democrats everywhere must be happy that he's not on their side. ...Ten million pounds of maple syrup was stolen from a Quebec, Canada warehouse that so far has Canadian authorities stumped as to who did it. My question is why? I got one bottle of maple syrup in my cupboard that lasts us six months, maybe more. What are they going to do with all that stuff? I'm sure they'll try to fence it but there's only so much that IHOP and Perkins will take. I don't know who's more upset about this - the company that just discovered that they lost quite a bit of weight in syrup overnight or the bears that live near that warehouse. ...Thank you Oakland Athletics for beating the Boston Red Sox 20 - 2 on Friday night. It brought a tear to my eye. ...Then reality hit me when I suddenly realized that this could be the last time I break out in a smile during this baseball season with the way the Yankees have been playing.
  12. Off topic for a second daflyboys but is that a Philly cheesesteak as your avatar? :lol:
  13. Jim, maybe I can help you out here. This Blue Jays prospect has heard of the Yankees before and knows of them so obviously the Yankees are to blame here.
  14. I agree. It's a misconception about this team that they go around buying everyone. I'm not going to try and look the other way when they do go out and get free agents because the fact is that they do go out and spend a lot on them at times. But the last time they did it was after the 2008 season when they went out and got A.J. Burnett, C.C. Sabathia and Mark Teixeira. Well, that was a few seasons back and they haven't got close to doing anything like that since then. During that same time period Boston signed John Lackey and Carl Crawford to inflated contracts and no one said anything about that. I'm not talking about people in here saying anything - I'm talking about fans in general and the press. Same goes for last year when the Angels made that huge mistake and gave Albert Pujols that contract. I said this when that first happened that if the Yankees had signed Pujols to that contract you'd still be reading complaints to this day. I understand what you mean. The guy frustrates me too. Before he got injured he was nothing but a singles hitter who was basically an easy out at the plate. When it was his turn at bat it was the perfect time for me to go and make a sandwich or get a drink because I knew I wasn't going to miss anything.
  15. Well, Rodriguez has had a terrible year before he got hurt and I don't see him getting hot with the bat when he comes back but to complain about him like he is the source of all the problems with the Yankees is just plain wrong. He's just one player and not the entire team. They do? That's another misconception that most fans have. Were the Yankees the ones that signed Pujols to that huge contract last year along with C.J. Wilson? No, I think that was the Angels. Or did they give Prince Fielder that 100 million dollar contract? When other teams go out and do something like this it doesn't get talked about as much as if the Yankees did it. The Yankees have a big payroll sure, but they do not go around outspending everyone.
  16. I don't believe a patch like this belongs on the uniforms of these little leaguers. Sure, it is a nice message that the Little League officials are trying to get across but to me it is an unnecessary one too. The steroid problem is a MLB one and the Little League should distance itself from it as much as possible instead of calling attention to it.
  17. Oh, I know. I just think it's a shame that these two guys had to get themselves caught like this because it just gets the steroid talking started again. This stuff is never going to die down.
  18. I just don't see how the hell the Yankees have to be involved in this.
  19. They also played on other teams too. Why do they have to be associated with the Yankees? Colon played one year -ONE YEAR- with the Yankees and all of a sudden that's the team people associate him with. Clemens played with Boston, Toronto and Houston but all that's forgotten because he played for the Yankees. And Cabrera came up with the Yankees and was traded in 2009. He got in trouble while being a member of the Giants but still all you *&^&%#$ see is that he once played for the Yankees.
  20. Updated to 8-26 ...Roger Clemens just will not go away. He's now making a comeback with the Sugar Land Skeeters, a minor league team from Texas who are a members of the independent Atlantic League. He's convinced he's still got a lot left in the tank and according to his agent his fastball has been clocked at 87 MPH and "all of his pitches were working." Again that is according to Randy Hendricks, Clemens’ agent. He did not say whether Clemens' pitches were working in favor of Clemens or the hitters. The game however is a sellout for the small town of Sugar Land, which is about twenty miles southwest of Houston. And to make the night even more special, the first 500 fans will get a commemorative syringe. ...How about that Melky Cabrera for having the idea to set up a fictitious website and to invent a fake drug to help explain away his positive test for synthetic testosterone recently although if he had a brain in his head he would have seen that this ruse had one major flaw in it that can be explained in one simple word: doctors. He never stopped to think that a doctor that is an expert in this field would come out and say that the drug he was talking about can't provide the results promised only because it doesn't exist. Original idea Melky but next time try to think it all the way through. ...You got to hand it to the Giants. They finally found someone to replace Barry Bonds. ...And in a related incident, Oakland Athletics right-hander Bartolo Colon has been suspended 50 games after testing positive for testosterone. Colon expressed shock and surprise and said he had no idea how this happened since all he did was buy a few products from Melky Cabrera's website. ...A Connecticut was arrested in a Friendly's restaurant recently for soliciting a prostitute inside their place of business, which gave a whole new meaning to the term "Friendly." They were caught finalizing their business agreement because the man could not hear what the woman was telling him and she had to continually raise her voice to tell him exactly what he was going to get out of her and for how much. He may not have heard her price list that good but other patrons did and the police were called. Both were arrested, the woman for prostitution and the man for encouraging her to do her job. So the next time someone tells you that your hearing is one of the first things you notice that leaves you when you get older, believe it. ...At a Walmart store just north of Austin, Texas four people were arrested after being shot when they decided to gather in the store's parking lot to fight and generally have it out with each other. They figured they may as well have it there because once they were done with their version of the Texas Two-Step they were going to go and do some shopping. But rednecks will be rednecks and before long shots were fired and they never got to do their shopping that night. The biggest loser here was Walmart, who figured to make a bundle because these guys were completely out of beer and chewing tobacco. ...A French woman recently endured an eighteen hour flight from Pakistan to Paris and then back again all because she slept through the plane's two hour layover in Paris because no one on the flight crew and ground crew failed to notice her still in her seat asleep. And we wonder how they lose our luggage. ...A Virginia family spent six days stranded at Salt Lake City International Airport because they were using a relative's buddy pass and were continually getting bumped from flights on their return home to Virginia which forced them to live in the airport all that time. It was tough on the family of four since they had to sleep on the uncomfortable chairs in the airport and were forced to eat expensive vending machine food but they all said worst part was listening to the Mormons tell them about the Church of Latter Day Saints over and over. ...KNOW WHEN TO SHUT UP DEPT: I had to get some blood work done the other day and the place I go to opens up at 7:00 am. I got there fifteen minutes before the place opened so I can get in and out of there because it can be a very busy place at times. One of the employees there let us in at three minutes before seven and while some of us were walking in, another lady ran out of an office in the back and made us leave because she said we could not come in the place until 7 am exactly. Oh did that raise a fuss with some of the old people that walked in there with me. They were furious that they had to turn around and leave the place for a few more minutes. Imagine throwing rocks at a hornets nest and watching them get all stirred up. That's what happened here. They couldn't wait to get back in and give them a piece of their mind. And true to their word they did. Me? I didn't say a word. You see, I never argue with anyone who is going to be sticking a needle in me. ...I'm sure we've all had neighbors that we can tell horror stories about but I don't know if any of them can top what some people in Queens, New York have had to go through when one homeowner had three million bees confiscated from his residence. People around his home were afraid to walk out their door because the hives were so close to them, which probably explained why they had no friends or relatives come and visit them all summer. ...Early last Wednesday morning a burglar decided to break into a plush Los Angeles home to look around and maybe take some things here and there. It turned out that he should have checked the name on the mailbox because he broke into the home of LL Cool J, a guy who is built like solid granite. And to make matters even worse, LL Cool J happened to be home and asleep at the time of the break-in and he apparently does not like to have his sleep disturbed because he came down his stairs and "physically detained" the would-be thief by breaking the man's nose, jaw and ribs. The burglar is now hospitalized due to these injuries and has admitted his mistake to police, saying that he meant to break in Chris O'Donnell's house instead. ...I'm not really surprised that an ESPN hack had to question if Derek Jeter was doping. And all because Jeter at the age of 38 is having a very good year. It wasn't long ago that Jeter was doing nothing but popping out or grounding into double plays. But to question this is typical of ESPN reporting. They don't need anything to back what they say and the sad part is because it was brought up on television some people are going to believe this. ...Incidentally, Ted Williams was 38 years old in 1957 when he hit .388. Maybe Skip Bayless should question that too. ...If I were a football player and I happened to look across at the other teams side and saw that they had a 6'11' 500 pound player on their team I'd leave as quickly as possible and take up another sport. ...There's no way I can end this week's edition in here without talking about the huge Dodgers - Red Sox trade that happened on Saturday. The first thing I asked myself was what were the Dodgers thinking? They acquired two guys that had over 100 million dollars left on both of their contracts and one of them (Carl Crawford) won't even be playing for them until next year. The Sox gave up Adrian Gonzalez, a guy that they have been after for years, and seemed happy to send him on his way to California. How were they to know the guy was a whiner who would complain to the owners when things got tough? Having Josh Beckett agree to wave his 10-5 rights that would prevent a trade was easy as soon as Beckett learned that Don Mattingly allowed beer in the clubhouse and that he could hook up his PS3 in the player's lounge. Other thoughts: 1. Why did the Dodgers want Nick Punto? Or even better, who would want Nick Punto? 2. What's next for the Dodgers? Is there another 100 million ballplayer Magic Johnson can buy? 3. There was a picture of a smiling Josh Beckett, Adrian Gonzalez and Nick Punto on the plane as it was headed to Los Angeles to begin their Dodger careers. The same could not be said for James Loney because the only picture that had him smiling as he was headed east was a photoshoped one. 4. By taking Beckett and clubhouse cancer Gonzalez off Boston's hands Magic Johnson became more popular in Boston than Larry Bird. 5. It's hard to gauge Carl Crawford's worth in this trade since he will no doubt manage to get injured in spring training next year and will miss half the year. 6. I'm sure that the Padres fans are going to love having Gonzalez back in the NL West and playing for their rivals. 7. When asked about that, Gonzalez said it was "God's will." 8. With all the money the Red Sox freed up they can now go out and re-sign Manny Ramirez. 9. The Sox acquired James Loney, who is going to be a free agent at the end of the year. If he knows what is good for him he'll leave at the end of the season and not look back. 10. The key to the deal for Boston was pitcher Rubby De La Rosa, who is coming off Tommy John surgery. It's a huge gamble to make a trade on the potential of a young pitcher. Just ask the Yankees about Michael Pineda if you don't believe me.
  21. Yes it is. It's never been removed from the download section after all these years. You got to search way back for it. Here it is right here. Remember, this file is for Mvp 04.
  22. Homer, I agree fully about what you said about Jeter. Anyone who thinks that guy belongs on any all time list has listened to Michael Kay's hype for far too long. You are 100% right.
  23. This Qbrick808 guy is like the second coming of SeanO with all the stats he throws at you.
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