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Everything posted by Yankee4Life

  1. You can't. It isn't uploaded on the website.
  2. Who are you kidding?
  3. Can I ask why you just didn't consult your manual for the game instead of asking this question?
  4. I tried using the keyboard in Mvp once just to see how it was and I couldn't stand it. It is just so much easier with a controller.
  5. Well I just watched this video and I did not understand one word this guy was saying, but I still stuck it out until the end. I did see the scene with the skeletons in the movie theater but I didn't understand why they were there or what it was supposed to mean and I do not think for one second that this should be associated with the movie theater incident in any way and if anyone tries doing that they are just grasping at straws. Police believe this James Holmes guy had this planned long in advance and he didn't get his idea from watching this.
  6. Didn't look like a changeup, but if it was it got him in just the right spot. Oh well.
  7. This next video is something that I suppose I should call a "you had to be there at that time" video because even though he is still around today Billy Squier was at his peak in the early 1980's and this song here Rock me Tonite was one of his best. I picked out this particular video because this is when turntables were still very popular to have. CD's were just starting to hit the marketplace and the first ones were very expensive too. With a good speaker system the LP's sounded good but I will still stick with CD's. I'd be very curious to know how many of you remember this guy or even heard of him.
  8. I got to be in the right mood to listen to these guys but there's no taking away that they are one of the best. Here's Pink Floyd's Comfortably Numb. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bpzxf_flm8M
  9. You're right. In 37 games with the Yankees in 2010 Berkman hit .255 with one home run and nine RBI. I don't know why Girardi thought with numbers like that that Berkman was "on a roll" during his time in New York. Sometimes baseball managers have to be politicians too.
  10. I still will go as far as saying it is unacceptable. It is also a courtesy as you said but with all the work that is put into mods. I don't accept the way some people think the mods are made and posted for them and you can't even get a thank you out of them. It would be easier if you pulled every one of their teeth before those two words come out of their mouths. I always thank the modder for his work. One mouse click will not take me away from the rest of my day. You want an even worse example Dennis? Go and take a look at Total Classics Phase 10. Jim released that a little over three years ago. This TC series has been downloaded 12,522 times as of this writing and only 8 people gave it a rating. Again, unacceptable.
  11. I also think this is a great idea and I hope people follow your suggestion daflyboys. And as far as rating the mods goes, I have been asking everyone in here to rate mods for years now and they don't. Take a look at Mvp 12 and you'll see what I mean. Right now it has been downloaded 1,132 times and only 21 people gave it a rating. Completely unacceptable.
  12. That's the same kind I had. I don't think blitzballs were around then. And I'll tell you guys like KC and SESBB30, those things didn't weigh much as Joe Rudi said but they still could cause some damage in someone's backyard when you hit them hard enough. I can recall one breaking a flower pot once.
  13. You're kidding? So did we. Every single day in the summer. When we didn't get enough people for a game we played in the street. And we would save our money and buy brand new tennis balls from department stores because the ones that came directly out of the can had the best bounce to them and when you got a hold of one it went. And for everyone else reading this, tennis balls do hurt. You may not think so but they hurt if you got hit by one of them on a line drive (I can vouch for that) and also when you are up at bat and one hits you. But it was fun and I would give anything to play it again today.
  14. The closest we got was this one guy who had it in his head that he could throw curve balls with it and he almost did but the ball always curved into us batters and we kept on getting hit from the head down to the knees.
  15. I played a lot of wiffle ball back in the B.C. days (before computers) and none of us ever pitched like these guys.
  16. That's right. So if you really want to do this right Jim you have to do three things? Put the new stadium you want in to replace the minor league one (1) and then rename the LOC file (2) and then you got to find out the correct file name of the stadium photo and change that in Eagraph (3). Well, that's not bad but I want to stick with these minor league parks in this mod. If I want to use the Polo Grounds I'll play in another mod. Problem solved.
  17. The 2012 mod keeps getting better and better. Thank you Dennis!
  18. This guy didn't make this Youkilis portrait. He took it from the pirated version of Mvp 12 that some of the Latino guys made. Check it out from their mod.
  19. @rroy: I finally know a band that you featured! This one is Pretty Woman by Van Halen. It's a song originally recorded by Roy Orbison in the sixties but Van Halen juiced it up a little bit and it sounds ok to me. I also should admit here that when I first heard the song when I was a kid I thought Van Halen wrote it.
  20. I don't know. But it sure is kind of odd isn't it? She's a big Bon Jovi fan and once I told her I met him and she fell for it. I wouldn't mind fessing up but either it will break her heart or else she'd break something on me. :lol:
  21. Updated to 7-22 ...The arrest last week of Denver Broncos defensive end Elvis Dumervil for aggravated assault with a firearm means only one thing for football fans and that is that the NFL training camps are getting ready to open. ...Sarah Palin was not invited to next month's Republican Convention in Tampa, which only goes to show you how much the GOP wants to win in November. ...The Boy Scouts of America recently reaffirmed its policy to excluding gays from joining or being leaders in their organization which of course brought on the expected backlash from the politically correct watchdogs. Agree with it or not, the BSA is a privately owned group and they can run it how they see fit. ...Although at the same time the BSA has to realize that after this the chance of Elton John and Ricky Martin performing for them at their annual convention has now slipped from slim to none. ...I had to laugh at the confessions that a Utah man owned up to after he died a few weeks back, admitting to a few things that he had done that no one knew about when he was alive and it got me to thinking what I'd write to my wife when it was my time. It might be something like this: 1. Honey, all the times you misplaced your phone and I said I was looking for it I really wasn't. 2. Remember that time that crystal vase broke upstairs and I said the dog did it? It was me. 3. Every single time you tried to make burgers on the grill and you burned them I said I didn't mind. I did. 4. Now I can tell you where I hid your Christmas presents all these years. I put them in the garage next to the garbage pail because I am aware that you know where everything in the house is except for that. 5. No, I never met John Bon Jovi. 6. When we were driving home from Cooperstown that time and I said I was taking a shortcut home and you said we were lost, well we were lost. 7. Every time I said I loved you I meant it. ...A woman from Massachusetts was arrested for stalking Chicago Cubs president Theo Epstein and the reason she gave to the police was that she just wanted to invite him to go to church. At least one Cub has a fan even if it is the team president. ...Wait a minute. Now Pete Rose is going to have his own reality show? How exciting is this going to be watching a guy who spends his days at racetracks and playing poker? Oh yeah, I forgot. He also does card shows where he'll sign anything for a buck. Set your DVR's for this one. ...Cleveland pitcher Roberto Hernandez, better known to baseball fans as Fausto Carmona was suspended for three weeks by Major League Baseball for age and identity fraud. Back in January the Indians found out that Carmona wasn't actually Carmona and that he aged three years overnight. Doesn't matter because whether he calls himself Carmona or Hernandez or Santiago he's the same when he's out there pitching because he still can't get anybody out. ...When the subject of advertising possibly being placed on major league uniforms because the NBA will be allowing it was asked to Bud Selig, the king of doubletalk, he said that baseball was in no hurry to do this because baseball's uniforms are really important. But before he changed the subject and started talking about instant replay he said that you can "never say never" about having ads on the uniforms which just leads you to believe that if McDonalds gives this guy a check with a lot of zeros on it in a few years every team will have something from the dollar menu on their backs. ...It's that time of year Yankee fans as we wonder what stupid move they'll make at the trade deadline that costs us some of our good minor league players. ...There's an amusement park in China that is giving half price admission to women wearing short skirts and as an added attraction the patrons are encouraged to splash water on them. Makes you want to go there and join in on the fun, doesn't it? ...I saw a video of Justin Verlander pitching against Chicago's Gordon Beckham where he sawed off his bat after Beckham tried to check his swing on an 100 mile-per-hour pitch. The pitch that this occurred on was Verlander's 116th of the evening and for most pitchers at that time they are either out of gas or already out of the game. So much for Kate Upton distracting him. ...No one ever understands why it happens or what makes a person go into a movie theater to start shooting people that they don't even know but it does and it did happen and now all that is left is grieving families, lucky but terrified survivors and a bunch of answered questions about this starting with this one. Why? ...You can't help but wonder if there are going to be any permanent changes for movie goers after this. I won't even try to wager a guess but I can't help but think we are going to have something else besides high ticket prices and six dollar boxes of candy to deal with the next time we see a movie.
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