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Everything posted by Yankee4Life

  1. The easiest thing for you to do to host your in game pictures is to get a free imageshack account and host them there. Then you will be all set.
  2. Toronto-Cincinnati continued The ball gets away from J.P. Arencibia but not far enough for any runner to advance. Colby Rasmus is a split second away from hammering this offering from Johnny Cueto into the right field bleachers. And there it goes. The Reds win this exhibition game 6 - 4 in Mvp 2012.
  3. I had a good game yesterday with Toronto taking on Cincinnati. This mod plays smooth and it is fun to play. Here is a video of Jose Bautista hitting a single to center field but Drew Stubbs throws out Yunel Escobar at the plate for the final out. Here is the enhanced box score of the game: TorCin.htm Screenshots Colby Rasmus here is one of Johnny Cueto's seven strikeouts on the day. Jay Bruce went 2 for 5 today as the Reds collected seventeen hits off of three Toronto pitchers. Scott Rolen throws to first after making a backhanded play off the bat of J.P. Arencibia. Heading into the bottom of the third the Blue Jays hold a slim lead. Ryan Hanigan doubles to left field in the bottom of the fourth. This was one of Cincinnati's seven hits in their five run inning that knocked Kyle Drabek out of the game.
  4. Exactly. I was kind of disappointed that this thing died four years ago. MetsReyes777 started the ball rolling on this and then just dropped it. It also didn't help that they moved the discussion of this mod to Mvpclassics.com (the site no longer exists) and when that happened things went downhill. There's been a few good ideas for mods that never happened around here and this was one of them. The NCAA mod was another one. Like Jim said, you or anyone is welcome to try anything they want.
  5. Jackson has always given these kind of interviews ever since he's been in the game, starting in Oakland.
  6. Don't joke like that because someone will take it serious.
  7. Then you did it wrong. Replacing an overlay is a very basic thing.
  8. Anyone that was around at that time and saw what was going on would not argue with you and I am certianly not going to. Munson was exactly what you said - the heart and soul of those great Yankee teams. I count myself lucky that I saw him play. But you must see we are talking about two different things here. I brought up what Jackson said about Rodriguez recently and it really had nothing to do with how he was during his Yankee years. Like him or not, Jackson said things about A-Rod that everyone must have been silently thinking to themselves but for one reason or another did not say it out loud.
  9. Already been attempted but never completed.
  10. Updated to 7-15 ...Despite being an American League fan it was still a pleasure to watch the All Star game although I would have preferred that Justin Verlander have a game like he did against the Yankees instead of the National League. ...Who am I kidding though? The Yankees would get guys on base and leave them there. ...I felt bad for Robinson Cano's family because they were harrassed by some Kansas City fans who must have had too much corn liquor in them to think straight. ...Some people were speculating that Verlander was distracted in the game because he has been seen going out with the gorgeous Kate Upton, which by any way you look at it is just foolish. Although if you think about it if he was preoccupied that's a hell of a good reason for it. ...Natalie Wood's 1981 drowning has been changed from "accidental" to "undetermined" on her death certificate after the case was re-opened last year. This now gives Robert Wagner something else to think about other than reverse mortgages. ...Less than two weeks after Katie Holmes told Tom Cruise to get lost an agreement was reached on their divorce settlement. How's that for quick work? Holmes must have something on Cruise to make him agree so fast and the Scientology big wigs knew it and told Cruise to give her what she wants. ...By the way, what is this Scientology anyway? Exactly who do they worship except the almighty dollar? I have never heard one good thing about them. This is a religion that encourages their members to cut off all contact with friends or family members who are "antagonistic" to Scientology. These people are a cult disguised as a religion. ...There's a movie being made about the life of Janis Joplin because someone figured why not. Already they've screwed it up because they inaccurately cast Nina Arianda in the lead as Joplin. Arianda's not hard on the eyes while Joplin makes Roseanne Barr look like Miss America. ...I had to laugh when I read the story about that woman who was watching NASCAR with a dead man for over a year because that is the only way that I'll ever watch a bunch of rednecks driving around in a circle. ...I'm sure if you asked Lenny Dykstra he'd tell you he's had better weeks. ...For any of you guys out there who have spent any time working in your yard pulling out weeds every time you think you've got them all you find another one. ...It was a special week last week here at Mvpmods in that we had two season mods released. First it was stecropper's 1962 season mod and then the 2012 season mod by Kyleb (among many others). The only problem I have is trying to find time to devote to each mod and so far that's proved to be impossible for me. ...For reasons only they understand, the Yankees told Reggie Jackson to stay away from the team for awhile due to the comments he made about Alex Rodriguez in an S.I. article when he said his steroid use clouded his records. The Yankees were upset with Jackson for stating the obvious which is that A-Rod has turned into the most expensive singles hitter in the game and an unproductive one at that. So basically what we have here is Jackson being penalized for telling the truth. ...I felt sorry for that guy down in Tennessee who filled up his gas tank recently and was hit for an $85,000 charge. That's what you get for filling it with Premium. ...Amazing how so many people are complaining that the U.S. Opening Ceremony outfits were made in China but no one complains that the iPods and iPads are made there too.
  11. These guys were popular for awhile and I really don't know what they are up to now but I have always liked Round and Round by Ratt.
  12. Not a bad one. I'm posting one using an orchestra one today too. Glad you are back! This song is Led Zeppelin's Stairway to Heaven but with no vocals. It's a symphonic version of the song and it's about a ten minute song which can be listened to in one of two ways. You can blast it as loud as you want to hear every cymbal and drum beat perfectly or you can play this song as a perfect background piece while you are writing an e-mail or something. I've listened to this both ways and it sounds great either way. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rkKScW1Rx0s
  13. It worked for me without messing around with the overlay. I was able to play in NYSEG stadium after I turned off the Cooperstown effect. Whatever you say. Just take your time with the patch.When it is out, it's out.
  14. I understand if they are hard coded and a workaround can't be found. Those things happen and that's just the way it is. Maybe with these minor league stadiums that don't work right they should be replaced and the classic stadium should be put back in only because this NYSEG park is unplayable as it is and if it can't be fixed it should be replaced.
  15. You're right. A brown or tan colored glove should be there instead of the red one that is currently assigned to Martin.
  16. Yankee - Red Sox game. Tense moment...and I make a mistake. Or did I? Check it out right here!
  17. Kyleb, I am not harping on anything nor am I posting this stuff just to find fault in this mod. You talked about a patch and I am just bringing up things that can be addressed. I tried to play a game in some of the minor league parks and I ran into some problems. When I picked Waterfront Park everything was fine. I was able to play. Now for the problems. When I picked Legends Field I saw something and then had something happen. When I started the game after picking Legends Field the screen said it was Waterfront Park. And then the game crashed. I tried it again and the same thing happened. It crashed. I tried to play a game in NYSEG Field and I couldn't do it. Something was wrong with it. Here is the screenshot. Also, the catchers glove for the Yankees is the wrong color. Russell Martin has a red glove while the Boston catcher (not pictured) has a black one.
  18. There are uniform tutorials on this website that give you detailed help on how to make a uniform. So there you go.
  19. I spotted the difference. You gotta have those Yankees looking 100% accurate when they are leaving runners on base, right? Thank you Dennis.
  20. Addressing a few more uniform glitches. Check out these two from the Angels set. On the left this isn't the 1971 home uniform. I believe it is the 1939 Hollywood Stars uniform and on the right it should say 1997 road instead of 1957 road.
  21. Def Leppard's Bringin' on the Heartbreak has always been one of my favorites. These guys were very good during the early 80's but were hit by some very bad luck. They are still around today but no where near the samee. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TiR71VvCYks
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