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Everything posted by Yankee4Life

  1. Oh yeah, you are not kidding. You won't get an argument from me about this. The Yankees have bandwagon fans too and you can spot them a mile away. I agree that if you spot someone wearing a Babe Ruth T-shirt or jersey may only know the basics about him. Maybe all he knows about Ruth is that he's a player that he unlocked in a baseball video game. When your team has a bit of success you are suddenly going to see your favorite team on everyone. I saw it first hand with the Yankees. They won nothing in the 80's. In the early 90's they had a lousy team. In fact they ended up in last place in 1990. Then they started to improve. After the great run from 1996 to 2000 you couldn't count the Yankee hats and jerseys around you as compared to before when you only saw two or three. There's some Yankee fans today who don't know or care about anything before 1996 because they never heard of them before then.
  2. Yes there is a beta but you missed it when they were looking for testers. The mod is 99% done so just hold on and please do not ask again when it will be released.
  3. Holy....... I love you Kate Upton. P.S. Both of you guys are in line behind me.
  4. I suppose the reason why I wrote what I did was when I am watching all the Yankee games that I do and every time they pan the crowd I see T-shirts with a lot of the old Yankee legends mixed in with the ones you would expect to see (like Jeter, A-Rod and Cano.) I always see Ruth, Gehrig, Mantle, Munson, etc all the time and that is why I wondered about these people and their knowledge of the Red Sox.
  5. Now I'm hoping that gonzo asks again. That's a very nice thing to say and also welcome to the website. If you really want to donate then donate to the website because Trues can always use the help to pay server costs. Hahahahahahahahaahahaaha
  6. Ok, well in that case I stand corrected. You're right in that you knew these guys well before I did since you followed them in the low minors. I understand what you mean.
  7. Updated to 7-8 ...I hope that guy who got mauled by those two chimpanzees is going to be ok and recovers quickly and that in the future learns to keep his distance from them or at the very least share his bananas. ...Michael Jordan's son got arrested for causing a disturbance outside an Omaha hotel as he was charged with resisting arrest, disorderly conduct and obstructing justice. Not to worry because all Dad has to do is sign a few autographs and shake a couple of hands and then everything will be fine. ...The first thing that I thought of after I read that Pacman Jones once spent one million dollars in one weekend is that I wished I had the chance to do the same thing. ...R.I.P. to Andy Griffith who died this past July 3rd. His teaming with the late Don Knotts on The Andy Griffith Show provided some of the funniest television ever seen. ...Did anyone hear about that "Buxom Bandit" that they had in Australia? A blonde haired girl wearing a very low cut top drove to a gas station with another man and stole close to $200 from the clerk. She never even bothered to conceal her face during the robbery because she probably figured the guy's eyes would have been elsewhere. Makes sense. That would have worked on me. ...Tony Larussa doesn't hold a grudge, does he? Just ask the Reds. ...It sure seems odd to look at the major league standings to see that the Washington Nationals and the Pittsburgh Pirates are leading their respective divisions. ...Dontrelle Willis retired last week. This guy had one good year and made a nine year career out of that before it took everyone to realize that the guy simply sucked. ...I'm happy to say I survived another Fourth of July. People have been blowing off fireworks all week - which is fine. The noise doesn't bother me but I can't say the same for my dogs because when I let them out to go and do their business the boom-boom-boom of the firecrackers has them jumping around as they try to figure out where the racket is coming from. ...Speaking of fireworks, I passed on attending the fireworks display again this year because I honestly believe that once you've seen one fireworks show in your life you have seen them all. ...Went to the drive-in in Avon, New York on Thursday night to see The Amazing Spiderman and Men in Black III. Both movies cost us eight dollars apiece in admission and the weather was just perfect to watch the movies. The only downside was when after drinking a 32 ounce cup of iced tea you had to walk a quarter mile to the rest room. It's either that or don't drink nothing for two movies! ...A 73-year-old Spanish man was gored in the right leg on the first day of Spain's annual running with the bulls and later on a young Japanese runner was dragged by a bull on the pavement downhill toward the bullring. Some people really know how to have a good time. ...I attended a baseball game for the first time this year only because I won two free box seat tickets and I was pretty happy about it until I found out that the Pawtucket Red Sox were the visiting team. My wife wanted to know if she should bring the digital camera like she always does but I said she didn't have to because like I explained before, Pawtucket was in town. We had great seats behind first base and at 93 degrees with a slight breeze it was an enjoyable night for a game. Naturally I heard and saw a few things that I wanted to share with you in this week's Random Thoughts. 1. Waiting in line to get in there was a guy wearing a Red Sox Jonathan Paplebon T-Shirt. Some kid saw the shirt and asked his dad if Papelbon was injured this year because he hasn't seen him pitch for the Red Sox. 2. While I am on the subject of that Paplebon shirt it was like Fenway Park West at Frontier Field Friday night. Red Sox hats, Pedroia jerseys, David Ortiz shirts, Ellsbury, Wakefield, Varitek - all Sox players from the past few years. But among that I happened to notice something. I did not see one jersey with the names of Red Sox players from years ago. I saw no Carl Yastrzemski, no Jim Rice. Not even Ted Williams. Then it hit me. These people had to be Red Sox fans since 2004. Anything before that they had no knowledge of. 3. I counted at least 20 cell phones that were out all around me that were constantly in use while the game was going on and in between innings. There was more but I stopped counting. One lady while talking on her phone complained that she couldn't hear the person she was talking to because there were "20,000 people here," which is impossible since Frontier Field only holds around 10,000. 4. FYI, there was only a little more than 5,000 at this game. 5. One kid sitting near me must have ate everything the ballpark had for sale. I saw him put away a hamburger, hot dog, nachos, popcorn, pretzels, pizza and cotton candy along with lemonade and Coke. He had everything but ice cream and I figured even he was full but the little guy proved me wrong because when the bottom of the eighth rolled around he came back with a fudge sundae. 6. Another kid came to the ballpark prepared. He brought his iPad and he was playing games in his seat. He will grow up to be someone who says he doesn't like baseball because he doesn't understand it. 7. Every once in awhile I did see people watch the game and try to follow it but to be truthful it wasn't a lot. When the Red Wings scored their runs these people I was talking about here cheered along with the crowd even though they had no idea what they were clapping for because they missed it. ...Tomorrow is the birthday of one of my all time favorite singers in Rock history, Bon Scott of AC DC. To me, Scott was one of the greatest singers and front men in the history of rock but since he died back in 1980, not many people today know of him.
  8. Well that's fine if you can play the game with no problems. That way you have a more convenient way to play the game. It just sounds that playing from the flash drive could be the source of his problems. That's just a guess of course.
  9. I don't understand why you have to play it off the flash drive. This game only takes a couple gigs worth of disk space.
  10. This little emoticon says really I want to say about that kids post without saying a word. :)
  11. Um, you can't. Think about it. This game engine is still owned by EA Sports. Do you think that they would just sit by to watch a group of modders try to sell an updated version of their game on the android market? Not on your life.
  12. I have to refer you to a guy named Hoop27 to answer that question. (for all of you long time members here you know what I am talking about. Remember Sandbox Games?)
  13. Aw hell. I knew I should have set my alarm.
  14. No one knows the exact date - not even the guys working on the mod because they are getting some of the final things to put it in before the final release. I think it would be safe to say sometime this month. But be patient because it will be worth it.
  15. I got a little tip for you. Hold on to your 08 mod because that is fun to play, but very soon Mvp 2012 is going to be released and in that you will have all the current stuff - uniforms, cyberfaces, stadiums, etc. EDIT: I just saw that daflyboys just said the same thing. Sorry man.
  16. Welcome to the website. If you are still seeing the 05 stuff and not the updates included in the 08 mod then I am sorry to say that you did something wrong when you tried to install this mod. The installation of this mod does work when installed properly. You need the TiT program to install this (Total installer Thingy) which is on this website. Have your discs ready and follow the prompts. These are both added with the TiT program. The TiT is a helpful program although keep in mind you do not add new stadiums with TiT. Read directions and most of all take your time when installing.
  17. What 112155 said about these kids was kind of an eye opener for me because I have not been associated with schools since I graduated 80 or 90 years ago. All kidding aside, I don't keep up with what goes on in the schools but when I saw this video it really got me upset just like it did to thousands of people. This never should have happened I don't doubt that. It all starts with parenting and an active role in the child's life and teaching them right from wrong about everything. All the parents of these four kids have gone on record to say that they support the decision of the school board to suspend their kids for the year. One father even went as far as to seek out Mrs. Klein to apologize to her personally. Well that's fine. But I can not help wondering if there were any other factors involved to make him do this. These kids were getting death threats, angry phone calls, texts, etc. I wonder if by him apologizing to her in front of a camera had something to do with maybe getting the heat off his kid? Who knows?
  18. From what I read she is giving some of it to her grandkids and some to a couple charitys. Yes sir. We may never know when they are going to get it but they'll get theirs.
  19. I'm not worried because I know this will be another fantastic roster.
  20. Again I agree. You can't stop people from doing this kind of stuff so that's that. By the way Trues, did you realize that there was another mod like this made recently? They called it Mvp Cuba and a lot of what was made here (stadiums, etc) was in that one too.
  21. I understand what you mean Homer and you're right when you said there's nothing you or anyone can do. There's no way you can make a mod and not have something that you've made in there along with many others among the top modders here. This is the second time this group of people have made this kind of mod that I know of and really just one glance at the stuff in this mod is just the things that they downloaded from this site and then they threw it into their own "mod." It was a poorly put together piece of work that must have taken them no time at all to compile. A strictly bush league effort that never would have made it on this site in any way.
  22. It's very nice to see you pop up again. Don't be a stranger!
  23. I got curious tonight and I downloaded this Mvp 2012 mod that these guys made and all I can tell you all is that you should not waste your time getting this. All this really is is an updated version of the 08 mod. Right before the intro video that they made for this mod you will see the EAmods logo, or the exact same one that we all saw at the beginning of the 08 mod. Another thing is that the uniforms they are using are almost a dead ringer for the uniforms that were used in the 08 mod. There are some exceptions but not a lot. The stadiums were lifted from Pirate, Dennis, BigO and SeanO and some of them were created by them by a guy named guaro1379. I'm familiar with this guy because he used to be on this website until he was banned for having enough duplicate accounts to field a starting nine. But there is one thing that I have to hand it to this gonzo character. He was right about the music in this mod! These guys who made this mod took the music he uploaded and stuck it right in that mod and no questions asked. They even gave him credit in the mod for this. That just shows how lazy these guys were who made this because they took whatever music was available and just threw it in there. Making your own jukebox music for this game is one of the easiest things there is to do in Mvp 05. It is so easy even Gonzo made it. There you go Gonzo. Your work made it in the 2012 mod. Too bad it was in the wrong one. If I had spent more time digging deeper in this mod I would have found more things that they did not do, like updated portraits, cyberfaces, etc. They even went into a few of my photo threads that I have on this site and grabbed some of the hi-res photos that I uploaded at the beginning of the season and in another similar thread that I have on Mvp Caribe for those guys there. It's not a big deal since I don't own these photos and that's as far as I go with that. But it was still obvious to see where they got some of their photos. Finally, these guys included in the mod the no-CD crack to run the game with. Yeah, they actually got rid of the original EXE and put in the NO CD one instead. This mod is a waste of time.
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