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Everything posted by Yankee4Life

  1. WHO CARES?? Take it up with them. You are bringing this up in the wrong place because no one here can do anything about it. Go to the Youtube channel where you found this and leave them a message or a comment. You deal with it yourself. But keep this in mind: this is not your music.
  2. Big deal. That doesn't mean that your menu music is going to be in the 2012 mod and that doesn't mean that those guys took your menu music to be used in their mod and I am laughing right now because you think that's what they did. This is a mod that has the primary language in Spanish and I guarantee you that they are going to use Spanish songs just like they did last year. In other words those guys will not be using your stuff, so you are safe. My thoughts exactly. Hahahahahhaa
  3. Updated to 7-1 ...Welcome to July - the start of the two fastest months of the year. Blink your eyes and before you know it it's going to be Labor Day. ...The Red Sox drove another one of their popular players out of Boston when they traded Kevin Youkilis to the White Sox. Youkilis was the consummate Red Sox ballplayer. Sullen, pouty and self-indulgent. He was also convinced that the whole world was against him, especially umpires who dared to call him out on strikes. ...Even President Obama chimed in about the Youkilis trade. But because he's the President he can't even make a joke about it without having it become an issue with some people. He was kidding around with the crowd that came to see him in Boston and that was the extent of what happened. The thing I didn't understand was why he was so happy the Skinhead was now in Chicago. ...Now that Venus Williams has been eliminated from Wimbledon it is going to be enjoyable to watch the matches now that she's gone. This will work out well for her too. Now she's got more time to pose for pictures and make commercials. ...And with any luck her sister Serena will soon be following her. ...I realize many people are against it but I still support what the state of Arizona is doing about their illegal immigrant problem. I figure if you don't want to be called an illegal alien, don't come to this country illegally. Sounds cut and dry to me. ...I could care less that the McDonald's employees will soon be getting new uniforms. Even if they went as far as making them wear a shirt and tie the french fries are still going to be dry, the fish in the fish filet still won't taste like fish and whatever drink you order you know you are going to get 75% ice in the cup. ...Maybe Adrolis Chapman would feel more at home in a playpen instead of in a bullpen. ...A.J. Burnett (9 - 2, 3.31 ERA) is making the Pirates look good for trading for him over the winter. And Yankee fans wonder why he couldn't do the same for them. ...I don't understand why twenty years after the fact Clyde Drexler had to complain about Magic Johnson winning the MVP award in the 1992 NBA All-Star game and of his spot on the Olympic Dream Team of that year. I know he's trying to sell a book but it's over and done with. Twenty years is a long time. As expected, once he saw his comments in print he immediately denied saying them. Haven't we seen this before? ...In a move that should have happened years ago, the NFL is changing the start times of the late afternoon games from 4:05 pm to 4:25 pm (east coast time) because many of the games that begin at 1:00 pm are not being completed on schedule and are running over, therefore preventing viewers from seeing the start of the second game. This makes so much sense that you almost hesitate to believe that the NFL was behind it. ...Katie Holmes filed for divorce from Tom Cruise last week. My guess is that she didn't want to sit through one more lecture about Scientology. ...For all of you Erin Andrews fans out there, don't worry one bit about your favorite hot sideline reporter because she is leaving ESPN. She and her long legs will be signed by another network long before the college football season begins. ...Have a safe and happy Fourth of July!!!!
  4. Sorry to break your little whistleblower's heart but this isn't news at all. These guys made a Mvp 2011 mod last year also. This mod is made by a bunch of Spanish guys who hang around the Mvp Caribe website but the administrators over at that site have nothing to do with them or support them in any way - meaning that they will not host this mod on their website. This is something that they have done on their own. There are some things in this mod that are taken from here like the stadiums from Pirate, Dennis and BigO, but also there are some things that those guys made themselves. But I am curious about one thing. What did they steal "from you" in this mod? You didn't contribute anything except telling them what to put in the mod.
  5. That's not really the issue here daflyboys. The money is secondary. What these kids did was way over the line.
  6. The Greece school board has given their punishments to the four little son of **$^@$. They are suspended from school for one whole year and from riding the school bus for a year and they have to do 50 hours of community service with senior citizens. The article is right here.
  7. I think you need Dylan's updated schedule for this year. At least I think this is what you mean. No, he shut down Mlbmods. Big difference. Some stuff did get transferred over like the 08 mod and the 1994 season mod and the TiT program but the box score extractor and team changer didn't make it. These programs aren't exactly lost. They just weren't uploaded here. But they can't be uploaded by people that have them on the site either.
  8. What do you expect? You replied to a thread that is over five years old. It seems to me that the guy who last posted in here five years back found the answer. Why don't you try that?
  9. Updated to 6-24 ...Judy Garland once said that there is no place like home and chances are she had to go to someplace like my in-laws house to make her say something like that. I'm home now and it should only take until Thursday before my back begins to feel better. ...We haven't been down there in about eight months and the last time we went a part of route 690 in Syracuse was being repaired. Sure enough when we drove past it on Friday afternoon it was still being worked on, which just convinces me even further that they have just one guy working construction and whenever he gets done he gets done. ...Well, that's that. Roger Clemens escaped the legal process with no major damage except the huge bill he has to pay to his lawyers and a reputation tarnished by this trial. No matter what the outcome of this trial would have been, Clemens made it much harder on himself to make it to Cooperstown because in the court of public opinion no lawyer can help him. ...Microsoft is coming out with their own version of a tablet computer to compete with the iPad. It's called the Surface and it will be running Windows 8. In other words, we are now going to have the option of owning a tablet that will crash just as much as laptops and desktops. ...Jenny McCarthy's son woke up recently with an abscess in his mouth and her dentist advised her to take some pictures of it and send them to him so that maybe he can see the extent of the problem. She did just that, but proving that down deep she's nothing but a dumb blonde she also sent the dentist a nude photo of herself. I guess that explains why he kept on wanting to set her up with a free teeth cleaning after business hours. ...I thought I knew as much as the next guy about Abraham Lincoln but I had no idea that he hunted vampires. ...I mentioned last week that I was going to watch Bristol Palin's new comedy - I mean reality- show and was I glad I did. It was everything you would expect from the attention grabbing look-at-me Palin family. The show started out with Bristol saying that she wanted "to show her son Tripp what is out there." The kid is three years old. What the hell is she talking about? Show the kid a sandbox and give him a few toys and he could care less where he is. She also brought her 17 year old sister Willow with her so she could watch Tripp while she was out doing "charity work" and hanging out with her friends. Willow's just like her in that she's pampered, spoiled and snotty. She also prefers the daily life in Alaska where nothing ever happens and where you dodge moose turds wherever you are walking. This show is funny. The only person that is taking Bristol serious is Bristol herself. ...And if you can't get enough of this show, another Palin will be going the reality show route. Mr. Sarah Palin, also known by his first name Todd, will be featured in NBC's reality show called "Stars Earn Stripes." I'll pass on this one. And as soon as Willow gets herself good and knocked up she'll be the next Palin to get their own reality show. ...There's a new T-Shirt coming out with the phrase Bryce Harper made famous recently when he said to a reporter "that's a clown question, bro" when a Toronto journalist asked him if he was going to have a beer after the game. Silly question indeed. Harper's a Mormon and he'll do his drinking when no one's around. ...I wonder if Josh Beckett is more upset about being on the disabled list because of an inflamed right shoulder or the inability to play a round of golf because of it. ...When it's time for Alex Rodriguez to come up for his turn at bat I always find something else to do because when he's hitting I am not going to miss a thing. This guy has morphed from a dangerous home run threat to a .260 hitter that no one is afraid of. ...Boston got to play six games against the Marlins and three against the Cubs, which shows you why the Red Sox love interleague play. Every year they get the softest schedule handed to them as they played themselves right out of last place after winning seven out of nine games against these slugs.
  10. He probably thought it was for The Show. All kidding aside, I am surprised this doesn't happen more often.
  11. An update on this story for you guys: A news conference was held today and the Greece Police and the school district had their say about what happened. Here are a few things that stood out from this press meeting. 1. The 68 year old lady (Karen Klein) does not wish to press charges against the four 13 year old boys. 2. The Greece Central School District officials say disciplinary action will be taken but because of school policy, the outcome will not be known to the public. Well, that's their position but I will bet any amount of money that whatever happens to these kids everyone will eventually find out. 3. The police have reported that the four boys have been receiving death threats and one of the kids cell phones has now been taken into evidence because it has over 1,000 missed messages and 1,000 text messages. The police department also said they now have to drive past the kids homes on a regular basis to see if they are ok. 4. People have brought up the question as to why the bus driver did not get involved. That is because this incident happened at the back of the bus and the driver did not know or hear what was going on back there.
  12. You're right. This guy did everything right to edit the game to display the Gyroball but he still has to edit the overlay.
  13. This story has really taken off. It is now featured on CNN.
  14. I don't know if any of you have heard about a bus monitor that was harrassed and bullied by some middle school kids. One of the kids took a video of it and posted it on his Facebook page and someone else grabbed it and posted it on Youtube. These four kids said things to this woman that were intentionally meant to hurt her. This video is a little over ten minutes long but trust me on this - you want to see the entire thing. So grab a drink and sit back and see for yourself what this lady went through. These kids insulted her looks, her weight, her sunglasses, her clothes, you name it. The zinger was when one of them said to her something like "if she had kids they would kill themselves." These kids did not know how accurate they were because on one of the TV interviews the daughter of this woman let everyone know that this lady's son killed himself ten years ago, so you can imagine how she felt. This video on Youtube has gone viral with comments from as far as Australia. From what I heard on the news this has been on TV and radio all over the country. This occured in the town of Greece, a suburb of Rochester, New York. Rochester's in Upstate New York and it is about a seven hour drive from the big city. I don't live in the town of Greece but I live close enough to it to spit on it. I do not want to put myself in the position of saying all kids are like this, all kids are no damned good and all kids are disrespectful to people they don't know. I don't want to say it but just about every day I see them doing something to confirm this generalization that I have. Now, there is a funny part to this entire mess. Trust me, there is. The little son of a ***** who recorded this video said he had no idea this thing would go as far as it did and he was told to record it and he did it because of "peer pressure." He also added that he never said anything insulting to her and then made a heroic statement that "if you see someone picking on someone just tell them to stop and don't record them." Wasn't that nice? He gives out these words of advice but he didn't follow them himself. This kid is doing some major back tracking here and he's going to say anything to get this to all go away. That's what I think is funny. This kid knows he is screwed and he'll say and do anything at this point. *&$^ him. The Greece Police were called and the Greece Central School District is looking into punishments for the four kids. I don't know what they are going to do because today was the last day of school. Charges can be filed because the lady was hit by one of them. I'd be interested in what some of you respected members in here have to say about this. Here is the Youtube video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l93wAqnPQwk And here is a link to a TV news webpage that has interviews with the bus monitor and the kid who recorded this.
  15. No I don't because I never had a problem with the stuttering in that mod. I spent the last hour searching but I don't have it.
  16. What I described for you is replacement songs for the Jukebox.
  17. Yes you can. There is a way you can have the Mp3 of this song saved to your hard drive. Try this site right here. Copy and paste the youtube URL and then it will save the Mp3 for you and you can download it. Once you have the mp3, you need the ditty importer that you can download right here. The ditty importer will convert the mp3 to the proper format for the game.
  18. You're asking for another suspension and this time it'll be longer. You don't go around saying F You to Jim and don't try to pretend that you don't know what I am talking about. That guy does a lot on here that most people don't know about and you think you are pretty smart swearing at him because he did his job.
  19. What's a tumblr account KC? Is that just a place to host a blog?
  20. Who was angry? It was just a question. I realize you haven't posted here much but I don't think you are the kind of person that would deliberately do this. Believe me palooka, we've had people in the past do the same thing you did but intentionally. They figured the more topics they made or if they kept bumping their posts the better a chance they'd get responses. Unfortunately for them, the opposite would happen.
  21. Updated to 6-17 ...I don't know how they come up with this stuff but Burger King has introduced a bacon sundae. Its ingredients are vanilla ice cream topped with fudge, caramel, bacon crumbles and a piece of bacon. You won't know whether to ask for a slice of toast or a maraschino cherry. ...As a rule I don't watch reality TV but I plan on breaking that rule this week when Bristol Palin's reality series begins on June 19th. Since a Palin is involved in this, it's going to be more of a comedy show than a reality show. She said her goal is to show everyone that she's a "grounded, normal mom." See what I mean? It's funny already. ...The State of Georgia said no and hell no for obvious reasons to the KKK when they applied last week to adopt a one mile stretch of a state highway that would put them in charge of keeping that area neat and clean from litter and debris. It's a good thing for the KKK that Georgia denied their request because if they had approved it every black family from miles around would come to that stretch of the highway just to dump their trash. ...The Chicago Cubs are having another one of their typically dismal seasons so they decided to fire their hitting coach because as we all know when you do that it solves everything. ...The Phillies had a week they'd rather forget. First the Phillie Phanatic is being sued by some opportunistic woman who is claiming "mental anxiety and anguish" all because he threw her into a pool two years ago. Why wait that long to file a lawsuit? It probably took her that long to find a lawyer that would take her bull**** case. And secondly, some idiot Phillie fan while watching his favorite team in Minnesota took an out away from the Phils because a foul ball hit by Ben Revere came near him and he prevented third baseman Mike Fontenot from making the catch. Given a new life, Revere hit an RBI single as the Twins won 11 - 7. If you have not seen the video of this you really must see it. The look on Fontenot's face is priceless. Somewhere Steve Bartman understood completely. ...That's why I thought it was especially funny when Cleveland's Carlos Santana plowed over some guy in Cincinnati the other day while trying to catch a pop-up. The next time a ball comes that guys way he's going to run to get another beer and four more hot dogs instead of trying to catch a souvenier. ...In a court of law you are innocent until proven guilty. Apparently no one on the World Triathlon Corporation knows this because they banned Cyclist Lance Armstrong from competing in the upcoming international Ironman triathlon contests despite the fact that he's never failed a drug test. I don't know if this guy has taken anything illegally or not but if he's never been caught with anything in his system after multiple drug tests over the years he should be allowed to compete. But it seems that all you have to do is be accused of something and that's good enough for the Triathlon Corporation to give you the boot. ...It hasn't happened yet, but get ready for it. The head of Youtube the other day announced that he's thinking about making some parts of it for paid subscriptions only. You know what that means, don't you? Anything that is worth seeing on Youtube we are going to end up paying for. Pretty soon the only thing we'll see for free is kids trying to imitate Jackass pranks on unsuspecting people. ...Jamie Lynn Spears, Britney's little sister, wrote a song about her titled "I Look Up To You" and the lyrics described a "scared little girl" that had her innocence "taken away too soon" because she found fame and fortune faster than expected. Maybe so, but that wasn't the case with everything - like her virginity for example. She gave that away all by herself. ...I did not watch that tightrope walk by Nik Wallenda from the U.S. side of Niagara Falls to the Canadian side on Friday night because daredevil stunts have never interested me. Don't misunderstand me, I'm glad the guy made it and that he didn't get hurt. But had something gone wrong and that safety harness would have broke they still would be searching for his body in those waters today and everyone there watching him would be thinking the same thing: he was an idiot for doing it. Because when you come right down to it that's what most people think about watching daredevil stunts. You watch it with a casual interest knowing all along that you'd never do anything as stupid as this. ...The funniest part of the whole thing was when Wallenda finally made it over to the Canadian side. That's when bureaucracy took over. After the idiots from Canadian customs viewed his passport they incredibly asked him if he was carrying anything over into Canada and what the purpose of his trip was. The sad part is they were serious. ...Happy Father's Day to all you fathers, grandfathers, uncles, brothers and brother in laws out there. I hope you all have a wonderful day today and you get to relax and enjoy yourselves. ...It's funny though but last month we send flowers to our mother and maybe take them out to dinner but on father's day Dad gets a card and some new tools so he can do more work around the house. Don't believe me? Then you've missed all the commercials this week about it. Sears has it in their heads that dear old Dad won't have a good day unless he gets a new Sears Craftsman toolset to keep him smiling all day. Just once I'd like to see the advertisers try to say that all Mom wants is a new vacuum cleaner for her special day or maybe a new Tupperware set. ...Next week's Random Thoughts will be delayed because this coming weekend I'll be down at the in-laws being bored and counting the time to come home, so I apologize for next Sunday's hold-up in advance. Have a wonderful week everyone!
  22. If you really want to, send kyleb a PM. You won't get an immediate response because he's in Cincinnati watching the Reds.
  23. The staff of this website would be the ones to make this channel. Besides, season mods and Total Classics along with the Caribe stuff are already represented there.
  24. Can't argue with you Homer when you are right. Thanks man.
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