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Everything posted by Yankee4Life

  1. Great way to start off your membership in here champ! When the mod is done it will be released. The people that are working on it want it released more than anyone else. Personally I hope they push it back two weeks every time someone asks when it is ready.
  2. I'm trying to follow what you are saying here. What do you mean by the LA Wrigley Field not being authentic? This park was not made originally by EAsports but by one of the modders here. For example, EAsports made the original Dodger Stadium for this game but Dodger Stadium has been modded in here by a few people and modded for different years in season play. The only time you need to update a ballpark in a mod is if you see one of the modders releasing a new version of a park. You would have to check the stadium downloads but most of the time the mods are up to date. No, there is nothing that lists what is and what is not authentic in uniforms and ballparks. Once you play enough Total Classics seasons you know which is which.
  3. Yes but you have to be sure to save it also.
  4. No, this does not mean that you will have a female player in the game. Katie Roy is just the code that unlocks everything for you. She happens to be one of the developer's daughters and they used that name for this. This is a lot better in my opinion because you would be using your profile instead of the one RGlass made for himself.
  5. Well that's true Don but then you would have to use that profile and not your own. If you just created that Katie Roy player you would still be able to use yours. Either way it does get the job done.
  6. You don't even need to do that stecropper. All you have to do is create a player and name it Katie Roy and then save it. You will then have all the old stadiums and players unlocked.
  7. Updated to 6-10 ...The NFL is getting ready to hire replacement referees because talks for a seven year labor deal extension have broken off. This is really nothing to be alarmed about because the replacements will blow just as many calls as the regular refs will. ...I was kind of surprised to read that the Beach Boys came out with a new album since I haven't heard anything from them in quite a while. It's not that I thought that anyone had died, I just thought their careers did. ...Facebook is considering letting kids under the age of 13 join mainly because some of the adults already on it act like they are under 13 so they are thinking if they let the kids sign up no one would know the difference. ...When Drew Barrymore got married last week you would have thought that no one would be happier that day than the bride and groom, but you would be wrong. The two most overjoyed people on the day of her nuptials were her ex-husbands who did not attend the wedding. For them, once was enough. ...Amanda Bynes is not taking her DUI charge lying down. She is trying to get the police officer who arrested her fired by asking President Obama to intercede and dismiss him from his duties. All she did to get arrested was to strike a sheriff's patrol car and refused to take a sobriety test when asked to and she expects the President to help her because she is of course, Amanda Bynes. She has as much of a chance of the Commander in Chief bailing her out than she has winning an Academy Award. ...When I read that Bob Welch had died I immediately thought of the former Dodger and Athletic pitcher. I had no idea that someone with the same name had once played in Fleetwood Mac. ...If you ever want to know how long a day really is just spend it waiting in a hospital lobby. ...While it wasn't right to douse Lebron James with beer after leaving the court after game six in Boston the other night, I do not understand why some people in the media were shocked that it happened. After all, it did take place in Boston, didn't it? Enough said. ...Which leads to.. ...A big thank you to Lebron James and the Miami Heat for beating the Boston Celtics in game seven of the conference finals. It's not that I'm a Heat fan, in fact I could care less about them. But any time Boston loses that means it makes those people in that city upset and I'm all for that. That's how I am. ...There is an organization called The Little People of America (honestly, there is) and they are upset at the makers of the movie Snow White and the Huntsman because they did not use actual little people to play the dwarves in the film. Instead they used actors that were digitally made to appear shorter on-screen. One reason could be that the producers of the movie wanted to use actual actors because the last real actor who happened to be a midget was Hervé Villechaize and all he ever did was ring a bell and tell Ricardo Montalban that the plane was coming. ...Although you got to wonder about their timing. Why complain about this now after the movie is done? What were they doing when this film was being made? ...Whomever that person is on Youtube that posts full Happy Days episodes has my sincere appreciation. I'd rather watch a few shows of that old TV series than most of the stuff on today.
  8. Hey, that's pretty good. Now what you are talking about is the player portrait that you are looking at when the player is coming up to bat. This can be edited by using MvpEdit but as to how to do this properly I would have to refer you to one of the experts on here. The most knowledgeable person you can talk to about this is Jim825. I suggest you send him a private message to explain what you want to do and then you can take it from there.
  9. What's your problem now? Why are you such a drama queen? Bctrackboi11 already said his plan was to have players from here put in the free agent pool and not on any team. And I guarantee you with that guy making all these great uniforms this one from a mod that died years ago won't make it.
  10. You still need for everyone to provide player stats. Look at this template that I went to go find in an old thread here. Here is the information you would need from everyone so you can (1) create them properly for use in the game and (2) have them ready to be placed in the free agent pool: Player Basic First Name: Last Name: Audio/Photo: First Position: Second Position: Bats: Throws: Jersey Number: Ratings Plate Discipline: Bunting: Stealing Agg: Baserunning: Speed: Fielding: Range: Throwing Strength: Throwing Accuracy: Durability: Other Birthdate: Hidden: Top Pos: Contract Salary: Years: Appearance Personal Height: Weight: Bone Profile: Skin Tone: Hair Style: Hair Color: Facial Hair: Batting Stance: Swing Type: Ditty: Star Power: 04 Face: Face: Clothing Bat Color: Glove Color: Catcher's Mask: Batting Glove: Wristband: Elbow Guard: Shin Guard: Socks: Hitting vs. L Hitting Contact: Power: Hot/Cold Zones CNH CNH CNH Pitches Chase / Take / Miss Fastball: # / # / # Slow Brk: # / # / # HArd Brk: - / # / # Percents LF: CF: RF: Fly: Ground: Liner: HR: Hitting vs. R Hitting Contact: Power: Hot/Cold Zones CNH CNH CNH Pitches Chase / Take / Miss Fastball: # / # / # Slow Brk: # / # / # HArd Brk: - / # / # Percents LF: CF: RF: Fly: Ground: Liner: HR: Pitching pitching Stamina: Pickoff: Delivery: Pitches Type #1: Movement: Control: Velocity: Trajectory: Type #2: Movement: Control: Velocity: Trajectory: Type #3: Movement: Control: Velocity: Trajectory: Type #4: Movement: Control: Velocity: Trajectory: Type #5: Movement: Control: Velocity: Trajectory: As you can see, this does take a little work. It's not hard to do, but you'll be surprised at how many won't submit their stats. There's a word for it and it's called laziness.
  11. All joking aside, this is going to be something that is going to be very hard to do because of the time involved to do this. Trust me, I helped with compiling names and the player stats for the Forum Fanatics and Mod Squad teams back in the day and it was a very involved process. This was used in the 06 and 07 mods and was also going to be used in the 08 mod but at the very end they decided to go in another direction. The reason why was because these two teams were part of the Ultimate Rosters and the 08 mod used KG's roster. The criteria for being on the Mod Squad team was simple - you had to be a modder. So people like daflyboys, bctrackboi11, kyleb, Dennis James, Jim825, Homer, etc would be on that team. Making up the Mod Squad team was a breeze. The Forum Fanatics team was different. You had to be here registered on the site for a certain amount of time (six months or more) and have a certain number of posts. Another problem was that when we had the people that matched the requirements, we could never get them to send us their information. To see what I am talking about all you have to do is search for the threads over the years about the Fanatics and Modders and you'll see what problems we ran in to. Sometimes looking back it is amazing that this got done at all.
  12. I'm weaker and slower but I still made it on the 06 and 07 teams. :rofl:
  13. It's about damn time. You are a little dense and that's no joke right there.
  14. Who hates you? And secondly, you don't have to donate right now. Everyone's financial position is different here. People donate to this site when they can and what they are able to. No one is ever going to force you to do it or make you feel bad because you haven't.
  15. If they put you in this game I am going to run to Mvp Edit so fast just to take you out.
  16. Please don't bump your posts.
  17. And I'm sure this will probably only be used by you. The focus on the team logos is fine, but when you got to the Mvp 2012 logo it looked like you stretched that image out of proportion to fit it in this short video. And what kind of music is that? It sounds like the music that is played when you are put on hold calling a doctor's office.
  18. Thank you KC for your feedback in this thread. I got to repeat myself again here, the feedback and comments and thoughts from other people here really make this thread go because it's great to read what other people have on their minds. Enjoy your summer!
  19. Welcome back Dudley. It is very nice to see you again around here and I hope you have been well.
  20. Updated to 6-3 ...I had to check out the video of Cleveland's Chris Perez doing his mound antics last week and the first thing I said was that was it ? I am not saying he did anything wrong because what he did was unnecessary but for the Royals and fans around the game to be upset about this more than what Jose Valverde does is preposterous. That guy acts like someone dropped ice cubes down his back once he starts getting into his little routine. ...Makes you appreciate Mariano Rivera even more, doesn't it? ...It happened again, this time in Seattle when a three year old little brat refused to use his seatbelt on a plane ride he was on. The kid raised such a ruckus that the pilot turned the plane around and had the kid and his family kicked off. Dad objected of course, saying that the flight crew overreacted because his kid is an angel. Airlines may overcharge you for baggage and the TSA will screw you seven ways to Sunday but this is something that they do right. ...Jonathan Lucroy's wife received hateful messages on Facebook all because she accidentally dropped a suitcase on his hand in their hotel room, breaking his right hand. A lot of the insults, rude comments and threats to his wife came from Philadelphia fans who felt the need to rip her apart just because they felt they had to have something to do because the Phillies were on the road. ...If Major League Baseball gave an award for the worst umpire, Laz Diaz would win in a landslide. ...What the hell ever happened to Neve Campbell? ...Has Terrell Owens fallen hard or what? Not even his Indoor Football League team want him around after they dumped him and gave him a severence check of fifty dollars to send him on his way. Owens was just being himself by not attending road games with the team and not showing up at a team function at a local hospital. Hey, if it's good enough for the NFL then it it is good enough for an Indoor League, which is why Owens is not part of either one. ...In all fairness if Phil Garner is allowed to get on the witness stand and tell glowing baseball stories about the greatness of Roger Clemens then they should allow Mike Piazza equal time. ...Amy Winehouse's home in London is up for sale for 4.2 million dollars but if you get rid of all the liquor bottles and drug paraphernalia yourself they will knock off a million. ...Overheard when I was in the pet store the other day stocking up on dog food: The lady in line ahead of me had two little dogs with her and the cashier commented on how cute they looked and asked the owner the names of the dogs. After the owner told her both the names she added that that dogs were life partners. When it finally got to be my turn the cashier looked at me and said she finally heard it all. I told her that maybe they are but I bet every time it's time to eat or a new toy comes in the house the partnership dissolves and it's every dog for themselves. ...What is this world coming to when the San Antonio Spurs won't let an important person like Lil Wayne in their arena to watch a game? So what if the game was a sellout and he didn't have a ticket? He's better than everybody else. Serves the Spurs right if he writes a rap song about them with enough F bombs to make a sailor blush. ...I only have one thing to say to that mother who choked her daughter's tormenter when she saw him. After you got done choking him you should have kicked him in the you-know-what. Don't come here and tell me that she's an adult and she shouldn't do it. Some of the insults that these kids are more than hurtful. They're so bad that they make some of their targets do harm to themselves. And by using cyberspace to post their malicious comments makes more people see them and gets more of them involved. Being a kid is tough enough. ...Toronto is a beautiful city. It's clean and friendly and they got a nice ballpark to watch a game in. As a visitor that's all I really look for and when I read about some crazy person who was at the Eaton Centre shopping mall that just starting shooting people ( one person was killed and seven others injured ) it really grabbed my attention because this not the way Toronto makes the news. I hope they catch the person that did it and he never sees a free day again for killing an unlucky person who happened to be shopping. I also hope that the other injured people recover quickly and I also hope that all our Canadian members who live in Toronto like Dylan Bradbury and all the rest were no where near the Eaton Centre on Saturday. ...Not a nice way to end this week's Random Thoughts is it? ...Ok, let's end it like this. Did anyone watch the Saturday night FOX game when the Tigers hosted the Yankees? The Yankees lost that game because they choke up with runners on base. They left twelve on the base paths, which tells you almost everything that is wrong with them this year. And if you saw the ninth inning when they had Jose Valverde on the ropes, all they managed was two easy popups and a groudout. Valverde couldn't find the plate, he loaded the bases without the Yankees getting a hit, he walks in the tying run and the Yankees still couldn't do anything. And the worst part is that Valverde was the winning pitcher. It's too early to think about the playoffs but it is not early to realize that this team doesn't have it to get there.
  21. That's right. In the 06 and 07 mods. I recall the only guy who had a portrait was Totte.
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