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Everything posted by Yankee4Life

  1. I don't even know how to respond to this.
  2. No, no legal issues. The owner of that website did not want to continue running it so it was shut down. Simple as that.
  3. That's because that website is no where to be found. Didn't you even try to connect to that site to see for yourself? Nah, you've only missed one or two things. ;)
  4. Forget it. EaMods is gone. So is MLBmods. You are out of luck.
  5. These look great jogar. Thank you very much.
  6. Kyleb already has some people that are part of his dropbox that beta test for him but the job is still open for someone to make a list and tell him what to do and what mods to make for MVP 12. I think you will be the perfect person for this.
  7. You misunderstood me. There's nothing wrong with requesting anything. If you look around you'll see other people doing it all the time. What you need to learn is before you request something you should search the download area to see if it is already there for you. You haven't been here long. Do you realize how many great mods there are for Mvp in that download section? Give yourself some time and check out each area thoroughly sometime because you are going to find many mods that you never knew existed. That is the best piece of advice I can give any new user and that is to spend a good amount of time in the downloads section because more times than you will realize the stuff you want someone to make is already there. Remember, these modders had a seven year start on you.
  8. While it is good enough for the rest of us to wait for MVP 12 to come out to use these uniforms, this guy wants them now. Searching the downloads section??? Did I read that right? Come on KC! That takes time and effort my friend. It's so much easier to do it this way. Like I said, there already is the red uniforms of the White Sox in the download section. I believe fizzjob made them. That guy made every single Chicago White Sox uniform they had. It's still in the download section. Let him look for it if he wants it right now. And you're right, there is a lot of Mlb on FOX overlays and ESPN ones too. I believe that there was one guy who made all the regional FOX Sports Net overlays too.
  9. These are already in the Mvp 2005 Uniforms section. Look for them. If you have time to place all these orders then you have time to search.
  10. There you go Jim, now you see what an excellent idea this was. All this time you were messing around making season mods that no one requested you could have spent your time more productively here making things that you were told to make. I'm glad to see you have changed your attitude about this. Yes I do. Consider it done.
  11. I sure wish I would have thought of this years ago. Great idea of making a thread to tell these modders what to make !! Good job man!
  12. Updated to 5-27 ...It's only been a week but for Brett Lawrie it must have seemed like forever because he couldn't help himself from going after another umpire. This guy's poor sportsmanship, selfishness and cantankerous personality are only going to make him wind up in one place. Boston. ...He'd be the perfect teammate of David Ortiz, who complained long and loud last week about a "lack of respect" for anything that he has done in his ten seasons in Boston. Oh really? Pay me 14.5 million dollars a year just to swing the bat and play out in the field three times a season. This guy really has a tough life. ...Some of the contestants on America's Got Talent actually have talent. Who would have thought? ...I had to laugh when the media did a follow up story on that guy who has 30 kids because now they are reporting that he only has 24 of them. The guy had so many that he lost count. He says he needs help to pay child support for all these kids but what he really needs is a vasectomy. ...For about ten days I didn't watch any Yankee games because I couldn't take looking at all the runners they've been leaving on base. ...Sixty-four year old Gregg Allman announced that he is getting engaged to a twenty-four year old woman and said this time he is really in love and that he cares for her very much but probably not as much as the girl does about his bank account. ...Poor Facebook. Their stock price slipped again on Friday, down 15% from the price of its initial public offering and that's partly because they required anyone who bought their stock to "like" them. ...I'm not upset one bit that 2K Sports won't be coming out with a PC baseball game next year. They've hardly improved it since the first game was released in 2009 and from what I heard from other members here in this forum is that the patches and newer versions of the game did little to elevate this series, which is why I had no problem staying away from this game. I've played just about every baseball game on the PC that there is like Hardball, Larussa, Triple Play, High Heat, MVP, etc and not one of those games had as much bugs and complaints as 2K's contribution to PC baseball. This game is always going to come up short compared to these other games and that's because of the careless effort 2k put into making this game. ...By the way, just watch when next March rolls around someone is going to come in here and ask when 2k13 is coming out. You read it here first. ...Two days after Curt Schilling praised his employees’ "breathtaking resilience" through his company's financial struggles, he fired his entire staff because his company, 38 Studios was late on a $1.1 million payment to the state of Rhode Island and since nothing that this guy does is wrong there was no choice but for him to lay everyone off. It seems he is not as good a businessman as he is a talker. ...Willie Nelson admitted in an interview this week that he rolled a joint at the White House years ago when Jimmy Carter was in office. Well why not? He's done it everywhere else he's been. ...I know there are some people that enjoy reading about this stuff but I think it is a complete waste of time when the media comes out with articles telling the world that this woman or this man is gay. Who cares? I want to know this news as much as I want to know what those people had for dinner. ...To save money, the city of Detroit is initiating a plan to eliminate half of their streetlights. There's quite a few people that don't like this but the majority of Detroit's residents (the muggers, thieves, pickpockets, etc) are deliriously happy. For them it's going to be like Christmas every day of the year. ...Enjoy your holiday weekend and if you plan on going to a movie, try to catch The Avengers in 3D. You won't be sorry.
  13. No, because that's his opinion and that's good enough. I won't speak for him but recall from previous posts that Louisville Lipp owns both of these games and I think what he is saying is that the NBA game was made so well so why couldn't the same company put the same effort in and get the same results with their baseball game since they had the market cornered all these years?
  14. Palooka, when Dennis James helps you out on something it is like money in the bank. This guy is good. Thanks for helping out here Dennis.
  15. I wish I knew why it didn't work for you. I do know that the picture you are trying to replace is the license photo (which would be option 3) but that would still give you the same error message.
  16. You are welcome and I was happy to help.
  17. This is no problem for me to look for photos because this kind of became my specialty around here since I have been collecting baseball photos for a few years now. I am enclosing two photos of Progressive Field in this post that I recently got. See if you like any of these. Just click on the thumbnails and you will be able to view the photo better. The size is 1024x768.
  18. They are not here. Not everything that was from Mlbmods was uploaded here. Only the mods that were given permission by the modder. Spungo has some mods posted here but not this and he has not been here in a long time to re-post anything. You're out of luck.
  19. Back up for a second now. You don't need the templates because everything you need to change those four different screens are right there. You do need to pick out a decent sized picture for this to work. Anything too small is not going to work and is going to look bad. What photo are you looking for to use here? Maybe I have some for you to choose from.
  20. No problem, glad to help. Also, what you should do is have a decent sized photo that you want to use. Don't worry about having it the correct size because this program will automatically set it in the right size for the game and it will also give you a preview of your work when you are done so you can see if that is what you really want. This is really a nice program.
  21. I believe that is the loading screen you are talking about in Mvp 08. You can change that photo to anything you want by downloading a handy little utility made by compmaniac a little over five years ago called the All Screens Maker. Just read the directions that he provided.
  22. Updated to 5-20 ...Some people know how to leave this world in style, as in the case of this old gent as he spent his last day on earth enjoying some lap dances at his favorite strip club and then checked out before he had to pay his bill. At least he was in a happy place when it was time to meet his maker. ...Brett Lawrie may not be Bryce Harper's older brother but he sure acts like it. ...The most annoying Kardashian has to be the mother, who keeps thinking she is still 21 years old. ...Tell me why again it was a great idea to go out and get Hiroki Kuroda? ...I should have been a juror on the Roger Clemens case because I could use the sleep too. ...It happens every year when TV shows get cancelled. I just don't understand why some of them are done away with (Unforgettable) and some others get to go on like Two Broke Girls - which is nothing but this generation's version of Laverne and Shirley minus the laughs. ...Cheers to Cub pitcher Kerry Wood who left the game on his own terms on Friday. It would have been something to see what this guy could have done had he stayed healthy. ...Wood has been on the disabled list 16 times in over 13-plus seasons. That's a record only Nick Johnson can approach. ...The least I say about interleague play the better off I will be. I just don't like it. ...A 73-year-old Japanese woman became the oldest woman to climb Mount Everest yesterday in a feat I think is nothing short of amazing since I can't go from my basement to the second floor in my house without having some part of my knee object to the strain. ...Would you believe that there's a book out in Great Britian called Poetry of the Taliban ? I'm not kidding, I can't make up stuff like this. How did those guys find the time to write prose ? I can just imagine what they wrote about: I look at building with all that room I place my bomb and it go boom People RUN and people CRY! People SCREAM and people HALLA!! But not me, I pray to ALLAH! ...Personally any way to try and humanize the Taliban by the publishing of this book is a waste of time because no matter what no one is ever going to forget what happened back in September of 2001. ...Someone should inform Lady Gaga that her languid attempts for attention are not working anymore. Recently she wore a brand new meat dress at one of her concerts that could have been used to feed a group of homeless people. This woman will do anything on stage to hide her lack of talent. ...Why is it that the things you really enjoy (soda) is the same thing you are supposed to refrain from at all costs? It's always something you like, you know what I mean? Why can't you hear just once that you are supposed to avoid something like cabbage for example? Hey, no problem. I got that covered.
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