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Everything posted by Yankee4Life

  1. You don't owe me a thing man. I was just happy that I was able to help you out and also please forgive me for not understanding what you meant when I read it the first time. This is a great mod and I still play it to this day.
  2. Ok Beaver, here you go, the Mvp 2006 patch that was released many years back. If this is in the download section I did not have the time to look because right now I am doing something else, so all I did was take it off my CD. Here is what is fixed in this patch: Mini game crash Bank FIeld crash mod/fanatic team tweek busch stadium camera issues 2_MVP_06_FINAL_FIX.rar
  3. Hold up man....I think I can help you. Give me a chance and I will try.
  4. What is the matter with the mod that you need a patch? EDIT: Boy was I wrong. I completely misunderstood what you meant here and after I thought about it a little I do recall there was a patch for this mod when it was first released.
  5. You are getting more than 60 dollars worth of enjoyment out of this game. Just look at the Total Classics mods on the front page for example. There are 23 of them and let's just pretend that each one of those season mods would set you back 10 dollars. I came up with that figure because it's a nice round number. Well that right there is 230 dollars. And this does not count the other mods that are out there like the Mvp 2006, 2007 and 2008 mods, the Mvp Caribe mods, the WBC mod and the Mvp Mexico mod and the upcoming 2012 mod. So you see you got a bargain when you spent your 60 dollars and when people like that guy complain about the price of the game out there and then wants to come in here with his pirated game and needs help because it isn't working, you can understand why I have no sympathy for him.
  6. Very well put Jim. Now we'll see if this guy has the capabilities of comprehending what you were saying. People are asking this much for the game because they are getting people out there to accept their asking price. If I thought I could sell my spare copy for $150 for example I would consider it. Only because maybe, just maybe, someone would accept it and buy it.
  7. They are asking that much because some people will pay as much. If you don't want to pay that much then don't. No one is making you. But at the same time you can't come here and post questions as to why your game won't work for you. As Jim patiently explained, this is not allowed in here and it always has been this way.
  8. That's a simple question to answer. Just look around at all the mods on this website. Look at the season mods made for this game. All these mods are free. The replay-ability of Mvp 2005 is almost unlimited. And that is not even counting all the present day mods made for the game like new rosters, portraits, cyberfaces, etc. That is why people are asking this much for the game - because of what we have on this site.
  9. I'm not acting superior at all but at the same time I have no intention of helping out someone who pirated this game and then comes in here when you have a problem getting the game to work. You get what you pay for pal or in your case, you get what you didn't pay for. The only place where you can get this game on the internet is just as I stated before. You check ebay for it. That is your best bet. You had better be prepared to pay over $40 for this game because it is a game that is in high demand because of the popularity of it and because of all the mods here. And I see that you saw that nut on Amazon who has been trying to sell the game for $240. Use your head and just ignore that seller. The guy's been trying to sell that for years and no one has been dumb enough to take the bait yet. Anyhow, I helped you out again. You can take it any way you want to.
  10. I believe the default rosters for the 1915 mod are just the rosters for 1915. There should be no other rosters loaded in that mod because this is a mod strictly for that season. No major changes will be made to this mod (example: trading of players) and the only change you may see down the line (and this is not common) is a change in the attributes of a player when the modder finds a mistake in the makeup of one of the players. So the default roster here is the only one. Take a screenshot of this so we can see it. While Shibe Park was around in the 70's (1970 was the last year) I see what you mean by your question.
  11. Well, that's where you buy it. Obviously you looked on Amazon and Ebay. That's what they are selling them for and it is up to you if you want to buy it. The pirated version that you own will give you nothing but trouble when you try to install stuff and that is as far as I will go to explain it to you or help you out further. So what you did here was waste a download from your local neighborhood warez site because as Jim kindly explained you won't get any more help here because of what you did.
  12. Is this a Youtube video? I didn't think so. Great first post by the way. :drinks:
  13. It is happening. It's being worked on right now. Have patience.
  14. Thank you! This worked perfectly!
  15. I wasn't worried one bit at any time. I was just curious.
  16. I don't understand what the hell you are doing here. Why do you want to get into the uniforms.big file with 7-zip? What are you trying to accomplish here? I'm sorry but I am really lost trying to comprehend what and why you are doing this. EAGRAPH will let you view what is in the uniforms.big file. You don't open up this file with Winzip, 7-zip or WinRAR. Take a look at this screenshot. As you can see I am in the program EAgraph and as you can also see I am in the Uniforms.big file. That is what you use to view the Uniforms.big file. And you were told this yesterday.
  17. This was a so-so game for its time. I never owned it but I played it. Try Gamestop in the bargain bin area. Or a local store in your area that sells games. They could have this cartridge somewhere in the SNES games for sale. Might cost you maybe a buck. On the other hand if you are talking about the ROM for this then you will have do your search and grab on the net all by yourself because this kind of stuff is not allowed to be talked about in here.
  18. I have the same problem mcoll and it is really bothering me too. And the thing is this only happens on this site.
  19. Make sure you have TiT running in the same directory as your game.
  20. I'd say so. And I have no idea what you are doing wrong because it makes no sense to me. You say you downloaded Eagraph and then you get a message that says th program can't be found. I can't even guess what you did wrong here.
  21. There is a program called EAgraph. It is in the download section. But if you do not know how to use it I don't recommend jumping into it and messing around in the MODELS.BIG file. But if you have to, back up your file first. EAgraph will tell you what uniforms are in each teams assigned area and where they are listed. You can also view a BMP of the jersey.
  22. Do yourself a big favor and wait a little while longer because Mvp 2012 will be coming out. The date is undetermined but when that happens you will have updated rosters, uniforms, stadiums, etc, etc. Yes, the uniforms are in the data folder but you can't open them up with winzip. The uniforms that are in the MODELS.BIG file are the uniforms already in the game. Winzip won't open them up because it is not designed to do it.
  23. Updated to 5-13 ...Cheers to Phillie pitcher Cole Hamels for drilling that smart *** Bryce Harper of the Nationals. That was worth getting a five game suspension from Bud's boys. The only thing I would have done differently is keep quiet about it so I could do it again. ...That's what you get for being honest in Bud Selig's world. ...The ironic thing is that Hamels didn't even have to hit him because a few days later Harper took care of it himself when he threw a temper tantrum in the dugout tunnel after he went 0 for 5 with three strikeouts and proceeded to cut his eye when he was slamming his bat against the wall. Hopefully the next time he has a game like this this he'll have better aim and he'll hit himself in the head. ...I know I'm no prize myself but I can't even look at that New Jersey tanning mom without quickly turning away. ...Reason #1,000 for why I don't join Facebook: My wife gets a request every day -every day!!- from an idiot cousin of hers requesting her to "join Farmville." In return I told her to send her a request to go and get a date. ...Josh Beckett said he had a sore back and could not pitch his next start but still he was well enough to go out and play a round of golf. Hey, I get it. They took away his fried chicken, his beer and his video games. The guy's got to have something to do. ...Blood clots are nothing to mess with and if Mariano Rivera did not hurt his knee like he did they would not have known about the one he had. I'd rather have him miss the season like he is instead of having something life-threatening happen. ...Last week I brought up Canada and their new Canadian currency and I figured that was that. Well, I was wrong. It was announced last week that Canada is coming out with a new twenty dollar bill which will be released near the end of this year. No big deal, right? Well it seems as if some people up there are complaining about it because a part of it "looks pornographic." They must have had to get a magnifying glass and had to look really hard to see if they could come up with something to disapprove of. Why not? They see their American neighbors to the south making fools of themselves everyday fussing about things that no one cares about. Why can't they do the same thing? ...The same people that find this bill offensive to them will be the same people who will have no problem spending it. ...Can you imagine if this happened in this country? Religious groups would have a field day. ...Our Lady of Sorrows Academy forfeited their opportunity to play for the Arizona state baseball championship because the other team had a girl playing second base for them, explaining that they believe in the separation of the sexes in all aspects of life especially when a double play is being turned. ...The one thing I don't like about the Firefox browser is that when they want you to update it, they won't stop bothering you until you do. ...Those fun loving people at the TSA are at it again. This time they kicked off an 18 month old little girl from a flight in Florida after the baby girl's name popped up on their "no-fly" list. Only the little girl's name was on the no-fly list and not her parents which just goes to show you that you never know what your kids are up to. ...I would not want to be that kid in ten years who was on Time Magazine this week that's breast feeding from his mother when some wise *** in his school brings in a copy and asks him to autograph it. ...A man by the name of Cary Eskridge has come up with the concept of a Bikini Hockey League. It's starting out with the formation of two teams which will be the basis for a reality show and the expansion into a full-blown league are in the preliminary stages. Imagine! Bikinis and Hockey. It's wonderful ideas like this that make this country great. ...Finally, a Happy Mother's Day to all your mothers out there wherever they may be.
  24. You download the mod you want and extract it using Winzip or WinRAR. After you open it up you read the directions on how to install it. Back up your original files just in case the mod does not work well or you change your mind and want to get rid of it. Once again, the important thing is to read the directions.
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