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Everything posted by Yankee4Life

  1. There is nothing wrong with coming up with ideas and bringing them out in the forum to see what other people think. A lot of good mods in the past were made by doing this.
  2. This is where I agree with you 100%. Ah, the wonders of Google. You do just that. I really don't think you realize how hard and time consuming it is to create a mod and the one you want to create here you are licked before you even begin. You need to have a mod of the Little League International complex in Williamsport, PA. And then have all the teams in this mod play in the same ballpark. That sounds like fun, doesn't it? What teams are you going to use? Where are you going to get the portraits from? Are you going to use created cyberfaces or just the generic ones? And how about the rosters for the teams? How about the attributes for each player? What does the little left handed pitcher on team A throw? What's his stamina? Etc, etc? Or are you just going to guess at all this? How about the audio for this? See what I mean? Well, good luck to you.
  3. Isn't that odd that sometimes this simple thing fixes the problem? Well, I am glad it works for you now.
  4. I really don't think so. I could be wrong of course, but I really don't think there was ever a need for this to be done. You got to understand at the time when Mvp 05 was released (in February of 05) many mods were still being made for the 04 game and rosters were starting to be made for the 05 game at the same time. Many of us during this time period had both games and were playing them both so there was never a need for an 04 roster set to be compatible with the 05 game and therefore no one needed any roster from Mvp 04 converted to the new game.
  5. Of course not. The rosters from Mvp 04 work in Mvp 04. You need Mvp 04. There's still a lot of good stuff in the download section for 04 but you need that game.
  6. They already made this. It's called Mvp baseball 2004. And if you want end of the season 2004 rosters just get the rosters off the Mvp 05 game CD. I believe those rosters are accurate as of the winter of 04-05. There are portraits of Kevin Millar, Doug Mientkiewicz and Orlando Cabrera on this site. Search for them. Ok, you're all done.
  7. Updated to 5-6 ...The most surprising thing about watching the Oriole - Yankee three game series in the Bronx last week was that Nick Johnson managed to get through all three games without injuring himself. ...Give him a few more weeks. ...Andy Pettitte looked as comfortable in the witness chair at Roger Clemens' trial as I do in a dentist's chair. ...You all hear about that two year old Canadian boy that was invited to join Mensa, that high-IQ society? Pretty impressive. I wanted to join Mensa too but two things stopped me. First they didn't ask me and secondly there was no way they would have. ...Speaking of Canada, even their money is cool up there. Just a few weeks back they released a glow in the dark coin but this particular currency will not be used for circulation. I believe only 25,000 are going to be made and if you want one you're going to have to pay $29.95. Oh well, so much for wanting one. ...Someone actually took the time to write an article to tell the world that Demi Moore will no longer be using her Twitter handle of @mrskutcher. I'm sure this piece of news was the number one topic of dinner conversations all across America. ...I'm sure by now you've all seen that Kate Upton Cat Daddy video when she's dancing around in her bikini. I got to tell you it looks great but once you watch it 70 or 80 times like I did you'll get tired of it too. ...If you'd like to see it and save it, please go right here and it's yours. Don't say I didn't do anything for you. Minors, people with heart problems and members of the 700 club should avoid clicking on this link. ...Ryan Braun hit three home runs in one game last week and no reporter brought up the fact that he was caught using performance enhancing drugs over the previous off season. Don't ever try to tell me that playing for a small market team doesn't benefit a player. ...An airline that I am unfamiliar with by the name of Spirit Airlines will begin to charge $100 for carry on luggage beginning later this year. That's really going to make people line up to travel with them. ...I can't believe how many different kinds of Solitaire games there are out there. I've been doing a lot of bargain PC game buying recently and if I wanted these kind of games and actually knew how to play this game I'd have over 100 different versions of this game to buy and download. There's probably more but this is just the amount of the games I've come across in the past few weeks. ...Solitaire to me is a waste of time just like those match 3 games. ...When I first heard the news that Mariano Rivera would be missing the remainder of the season due to an ACL injury I tried to look at it the way the Yankees are trying to but I couldn't. The Yankees can't come out and say that they are screwed. But I can. That's because I don't have reporters writing about every word I say. I give the Yankees credit for saying the right things but with their terrible starting pitching this year I see them having a hard time making the playoffs even with the extra wildcard. ...Just look at what they have done so far this weekend in Kansas City against a team that has looked bad all season long. No way around it, but the Royals are a lousy team but all this group of minor leaguers have done so far is win two of three against New York. The Yankees have always made awful teams look good. If they keep on playing like this they won't be able to find Tampa Bay in the standings. ...I like to try to add a little bit of humor in these weekly musings of mine but in this particular one I can't. I was saddened to hear about the death of Junior Seau and even felt a sense of loss about it even though I never met him. But what really got to me was watching his grieving mother addressing the media. The poor woman was inconsolable and hysterical as she tried to explain her feelings to a group of strangers that you could not help feeling as bad as she was for the loss of her son. ...Don't forget, one week from today is Mother's day so make sure you get your greeting cards out on time.
  8. Send him a PM. I don't know if he comes around a lot.
  9. The Show is supposed to be pretty good on the PS3 although I that is only second hand knowledge from me since I don't own a PS3. Wanted one, but never got around to it and probably never will. I did no such thing. You were responsible for the best audio for this game that we ever had. There's others that try but it isn't as good as your original work. There is one guy that is an exception though and his name is OTBJoel. This guy created an audio mod for the Total Classics mod that literally took him years to make. He replaced the commentaries of Mike Krukow and Duane Kuiper with Ernie Harwell, Mel Allen and Vin Scully. Fantastic work. I'm sorry about Mariano Rivera too. What a shock, and I hope he does come back. And if you notice something in here no one made a thread about this to talk about it. That's what I mean by no one talking baseball anymore in here. Years ago in here when something like this happened in baseball a new thread would be made in the forums in a matter of minutes. Not now. That I can't answer. I don't own or ever plan to own the 2k series. I have read nothing but bad things off and on over the years about this game from users in here and I never bought it. There's a guy named DonSpa who has made just about every uniform out there for this game. This guy is good. That is all I really know about the modders of that game. I don't pay attention to them. You too. Take care and best of luck to you and your family.
  10. UncleMo, what a pleasure it is to see you back here once again. It's always nice to see one of the earlier members pop back in here to say hi. I'm not sure about when the last time you have been here but I think it is safe to say that you've missed some pretty good mods over tihe years. If you're a classics fan all you have to do is see on the front page how many new total conversion mods there are now and I'm sure your great audio mods can still be found in a lot of them to this day. These new guys may not be famiiliar with your name but they know of your work, whether they are aware of it or not. Things in here are not the same and that is one thing you'd see for yourself if spent a few days in here. There is very little posting in here about anything worthwhile at any time and I have still not figured out why. It's not that there isn't quality people here anymore because some of these newer people have really contributed a lot around here but no one talks baseball anymore and if something does come up the topic will only get one or two posts and that's it. People that frequented this site years ago were more willing to get involved in topics and starting them. We don't have anyone like Fuzzone here anymore. Krawhitham's website Eamods became Mlbmods and not too long ago he pulled the plug on it because he did not want to run it anymore, so a lot of the files there were transferred here. Kraw pops in once in a blue moon too. He's another one that had an opinion about everything and always posted it. He is just the kind of person this website needs around again to give it life. Hory's another guy that's been gone awhile now and that's too bad too. His portraits, along with your audio work were invaluable. I know people move on and get involved with other games and interests, but it is nice to see familiar names again here. Best of luck to you UncleMo and once again thank you for all your work you have done on this game in the past.
  11. Weren't you just told a couple of days ago in this very thread that it is against the rules to bump threads ? What is it with you?
  12. You just missed it then.
  13. How about you checking the download section?
  14. Today's May 1st. Gallery and PDF file removed. Thank you kjuggs for commenting.
  15. Updated to 4-29 ...I read an article the other day where the city of Philadelphia was ranked tenth in the ten most polluted cities in the United States. That must be a source of shame for those folks in the city of Brotherly Love knowing that nine other cities are ahead of them. ...Bald-headed Irish singer Sinead O'Connor has cancelled the remainder of her U.S. tour citing bipolar disorder as the reason for doing so. She had to think of something to say because the truth was no one was buying any tickets. ...A guy from Florida shot his girlfriend in leg by accident last weekend when the two of them went on a camping trip. Both of them went hog hunting and he mistook her for one of the hogs. It is unclear if the woman looked like one of the hogs or just sounded like one. ...German high-jumper Ariane Friedrich posted the name and e-mail address of a cyber stalker who had been sending her pornographic photos of himself with the intent of making him stop but incredibly some people are complaining about what she did, pointing out that she violated the privacy laws of the person who sent her the photos. I'm sorry, but once you start sending inappropriate material to someone who doesn't want it and has no desire to see it, you get what is coming to you. ...These people would have no trouble at all fitting in with the quacks we have in this country, wouldn't they? ...When someone tells me that they went to the movies and the movie was terrible I tell them to turn the Lifetime channel on and watch one that they have on. And of a sudden the movie they just saw wasn't so bad after all. ...The surest sign for me that it's time to turn the computer off and head to bed is when I'm playing Slingo and I get Slingo Vision and I still can't see the numbers. ...For the second time in a matter of months a customer at Las Vegas' Heart Attack Grill collapsed while stuffing a "double bypass burger" down her throat. First she ate one and now she's having one. ...Whatever happened to just having a sensible sized meal and leaving it at that? ...I'm no fan of Michael Kay but there is no way I think he should have to apologize to that Texas couple who were seen on TV not giving a ball that they caught to a little kid sitting next to them. Kay chastised them for it and their excuse was they didn't know the kid was upset. I don't know about any of you but when a three year old is screaming and crying near me I am going to notice it. ...No one will ever convince me that the Mariners had no knowledge of Michael Pineda's shoulder condition. ...The worst singer I have ever heard in my life is Janis Joplin and that is no contest. She sounds like she just got done gargling with Drano.
  16. It is a great mod and if you like what is in this you will love the different versions of the 1927 mod that we have on the site.
  17. Good questions to ask to begin to find out what is wrong here. I hope he follows it. Also, he should try to run the game in Administrator mode. That could help too.
  18. That's odd. That shouldn't happen at all. Did you install the game correctly?
  19. You're right Jim. I can't even say BOO to this.
  20. Drives me nuts. Honest to God, drives me nuts. So in other words, you didn't search enough for the overlay you wanted. You found one and you figured that was it. Trues, the guy who made one of the overlays, has made a lot of them over the years. It doesn't surprise me to find out that his is good. There's a lot of stuff in the download area. Spend some time there next time and get familiar with it.
  21. Which one wasn't good? You have two to choose from. 1. The NESN overlay v2 by Rossmac7. or 2. The NESN overlay by Trues. I put both of these temporarily in my game to see them and they both look fine.
  22. So what's your point? That's not the way to request something around here by complaining that a certain overlay hasn't been made in awhile. Just ask for one to be made and leave it at that.
  23. Why did you have to create two topics about the same thing? And you are doing a few things wrong. The mods do not go "in one folder." They have to go in specific directories in the game depending on the mod you downloaded and you would have known this had you read the directions that comes with the mods. Example: You download a new stadium mod. You place that mod in the data/stadium directory. See what I mean? If your game crashes, try starting the game in administrator mode. Ok? I hoped this helped.
  24. Updated to 4-22 ...A Florida couple bid an astonishing sum of $100,000 to spend the day with Tim Tebow. Where I live, if I wanted to spend the whole day in a church, it's free. ...Even though Bobby Valentine may have as big of a mouth as Curt Schilling that still doesn't mean that everything he says is wrong. When he questioned Kevin Youkilis' "emotional commitment" to the game he was right on the money. Any way you want to describe him, saying that he's a self-centered me-first ballplayer, that's what Youkilis is and that's all he's ever going to be. ...Valentine of course apologized for what he said because God forbid you have an opinion. ...The only thing good about MLB2k12 is the commercials with Kate Upton. ...Good move by the cops down in Georgia for handcuffing that little six year old terror last week. All this kid did before she was subdued was tear items off the school principal's office walls, throw furniture, knock over a shelf that injured the principal and then tried to break a glass frame while jumping on top of a paper shredder. She had a lot of fun, didn't she? Who says that letting your kids eat candy bars for breakfast won't make them hyper? ...Kim Kardashian said she wants to be the mayor of Glendale, California "in five years." Funny as this may be this does not sound inconceivable to me. Wasn't there some bimbo from Alaska that started the same way too? ...Some guy at an Oregon airport stripped completely naked in a form of protest because he felt that airport screeners were "harassing" him. Who knows, maybe they were. But why did it have to be someone who looked like Grizzly Adams and not some hot looking girl? ...Tremendous job by the Red Sox with their get-together celebrating the 100th anniversary of Fenway Park. Everything was done with class and good taste except for the fans there that could not resist reciting "Yankees suck" while it was going on. ...The people that were screaming this out were the same idiots who had to run to the Red Sox souvenier stands to buy the white hat the Sox were wearing for Friday's game. You know, the all white one with nothing on it? It only cost them $34.99 and I bet half of them are going to be kicking themselves for wasting that much money a week from now. ...Those same plain white hats can be found in any golf shop in the country for under $20. But I wouldn't wear those either. ...What's next from MLB? Trying to sell white Fruit-of-the-Loom undershirts for $69.95 and trying to pass them off as 1912 Boston Red Sox practice jerseys? ...Tom Brady was seen at the Fenway celebration wearing a pair of thick black glasses. He probably wanted to take a good look at Kevin Youkilis, who is engaged to his sister. I'm sure after he got a good look at that mug of his he would have wished he left his glasses home. ...Just a few days ago Britney Spears dropped $20,000 on one bra for herself. You would think that she'd have some friends that would tell her she could get these things at Walmart for much less. ...The Disney company announced that it lost 200 million dollars on John Carter, the movie that was released last month that no one went to see. They'll be ok though. Losing that amount of money to them is like losing a dollar to you and I. We know its gone but it is not going to keep us up at night.
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