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Everything posted by Yankee4Life

  1. I'm not about to police anyone. I don't give a ****. If you want to mail it to the guy please go right ahead. To make matters clear here, I responded to the second part of his question in his post where he asked if anyone knew where he could get this from. I don't know where he could get it from now that Mlbmods is gone and that reason and only that reason is why I said no to this guy. Ok? Maybe I should have been clearer but maybe the next time you can ask me what I meant.
  2. Since I had time after the game and since I enjoy collecting and organizing hi-resolution baseball photos, I decided to create a Boston Red Sox 100th anniversary photo gallery from the images posted today on the Internet. I thought the Red Sox handled the 100th anniversary event very well and it was nice seeing people like Luis Tiant again. I enjoyed myself until I heard the first "Yankees suck" chant from the crowd and the less I say about those people the better. It was a nice game and it was also nice to see the Yanks spoil their party. So, I decided to make this photo gallery. This gallery will only be available for the remainder of April. Come May 1st I am taking this offline for good. I have two reasons for this. First, only one or two of you in here will actually stop and read this thread and second, I don't want anything of the Red Sox taking up space in my little corner of the net. It's like having someone come over your house that refuses to leave. So, here we go, here is the link for the photo gallery right here for you. If you want the photo, just right click and save it. For those of you who who would like to save these photos in PDF format, you can download that right here. (This also goes bye-bye on May 1st.) Enjoy
  3. In a word, no. The only person that can do this is the person who created this mod.
  4. Homer, I did upload 250 hi-res images recently that you can let KC download and look at. I don't know the exact FTP address or else I would give him the link now.
  5. I don't believe it. You just quoted yourself. :rofl:
  6. I never thought of this Don and this is a great point. You're right.
  7. What stadium are you using? I'm going to guess that it is Fenway Park. If it is, do a search and get Big O's version of Fenway Park Lite. And the next time you got to be more specific with your problems you are having in the game. I just took a guess here because recently some others were having this same problem.
  8. I found one that has a good picture of the Blue Jay helmet.
  9. Start another thread to detail the problems you are having. The topic of this thread is not for technical support for you or anyone else.
  10. Even that suggestion is a stretch Jim. Your installer for these mods does not interfere with anything. For instance, I have never heard anyone state that their anti virus program had a problem with this installer and as far as your instructions for using the installer they are detailed and user-friendly. It is obvious that this guy is overlooking something because if this works for everyone else except for him then the problem has to be him. I also request that this guy start a thread to help him through this problem and to have all his posts in here about not knowing how to do this be transferred over to that thread. This topic is not about getting his game to run.
  11. Man, I don't know what you are doing but you are having a lot of problems with this. I'll say it again, if you had followed the instructions that were written up in this thread you would be playing multiple mods right now. It's obvious to me you are missing a step or two and I wish I knew what they were.
  12. Smilingassassin, can you take this to another thread now? This thread is about installing multiple mods and the tutorial for doing so.
  13. Someone had a great imagination here
  14. You go to the download section, download Mvp Edit, install the program on your system and before you do one thing in Mvp Edit, read the directions.
  15. I'm giving this mod five stars because you did a great job kjuggs and it really looks good.
  16. Have you looked around in the Mvp 05 uniform section yet?
  17. Have you tried running the game in Administrative mode?
  18. They wanted someone to make another mod for the game.
  19. Why did you have to go and make two topics about the same thing?
  20. I would vote for changing them and have it say somewhere in the readme file that if an updated version comes out people can update it just by downloading the new stadium.
  21. For any of you that are bowlers out there no one has to tell you how hard it is to bowl a 300 game. Well, if you watch this video this Upstate New York man is attempting to go for his third straight 300 game. Watch the excitement.
  22. Updated to 4-15 ...Lou Piniella's doing a great job as commentator up in the YES broadcast booth. Now if they can just think of a way to get Michael Kay out of there. ...Thank you for Meredith Marakovits. She's much nicer to look at then Kim Jones ever was. ...Melissa Etheridge’s ex-partner is requesting a hike in the child custody payments she gets because she is "only" receiving $23,000 a month from her.. Personally if my wife ever had to give me $23,000 a month to live on I'd shut up about it and keep cashing the checks. ...Cheers for Terry Francona for telling the Red Sox to shove it when they invited him to take place in their centennial celebration of Fenway Park next week. This was nothing but a request by the Red Sox to make them look good in the papers and Francona, to his credit, saw right through it. He knows the Red Sox want him there that day as much as they want Bucky Dent to be there. ...Since I've never been a fan of Apple and how they operate, it was nice to see them being sued by the U.S. Department of Justice because they along with other major book publishers conspired to drive up e-book prices. You can always count on companies like Apple to delve into every opportunity that presents itself to screw the customer. ...The guy that stole the "Paternoville" sign at Penn State University back in February was caught last week at his home in Fairport, New York. That's about a ten minute drive from where I live. I had to laugh at this idiot. How was he going to explain it if people saw this sign, that he bought it on E-bay? ,,,And how about that guy who traveled to Nashville, Tennessee on a Greyhound bus and committed ten felonies in nine hours? From burning a business to the ground to tasering someone, carjacking a taxi driver at gunpoint, using stolen credit cards and robbing hotel guests at gun point, just to name some of his offenses. I guess he had just about enough country music as he could take and he was not about to take anymore. ...Last week during the Orioles home opener one of their fans ran out on the field for about a minute dressed up as Batman. After he was finally caught by Baltimore's finest he spent thirteen hours in jail and when he was released he found out he was banned for life from Oriole Park at Camden Yards. With the way they have been playing in recent years maybe the Orioles did this guy a favor. ...I've always wondered, is there a difference between jam and jelly? ...When I was a kid I thought the only clothes Dean Martin owned was a tuxedo. ...Phil Hughes is just the latest in a long line of over rated Yankee prospects. ...The organizers of the 2012 London Olympic ceremonies recently contacted the manager of The Who, one of England's legendary rock bands to see if drummer Keith Moon would like to perform at the London Games. Great idea, but too late. Moon's been dead since 1978. Maybe they should check their invite list and be sure they didn't ask Michael Jackson to come and sing. ...Pamela Anderson owes over $500,000 in personal income taxes. I don't see this being a problem for her. All she's got to do is pose for Hugh Hefner again and just like that she'll be all square with Uncle Sam. ...Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt are finally getting married after all these years. I suppose they just didn't have the time before because of all the kids they've been adopting. ...Today marks the 100th anniversary of the sinking of the RMS Titanic. You don't think there are some nervous people on that Memorial Cruise that they are having right now?
  23. Not sure if this has anything to do with it, but what other mods have you installed after you used Fenway Park and it worked ok for you? If you continue to have problems, try this version out right here. It's a few years old but it does the job.
  24. That is because you responded in a thread that is almost two years old and you tried to go to a link on a website that is not around anymore.
  25. No. He made the tutorial and only he can upload it to this website. Don't ask anyone to upload it because we can't.
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