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Everything posted by Yankee4Life

  1. You are doing good so far. Now if I understand you right, you've downloaded the 1978 mod. Put it on your flash drive and transfer it to your computer. Make sure you have done everything that the instructions say on how to install the multiple mods. Place the 1978 mod on your desktop. Extract the file to its own folder. Then you follow the directions provided.
  2. Yes, extract it and then follow the prompts. You are going to save the mod you want and put it on a flash drive and then transfer it on the computer that has your game. Extract the season mod on your computer and follow the directions.
  3. Already been done. Check the Mvp 2006 and 2007 mods. We replaced the Legends and Heroes with Forum Fanatics (regulars on the site at the time) and Modders. Check out this old thread right here. Even some photos from the games remain. It's from 2006.
  4. I have to ask you to go back and read my original post in this thread. It does cover everything. But let me give it to you in a nutshell. You install the game. The game you just installed is right off the CD with no mods installed in it. Now, for example let's say you want to install the 1951 mod. This is what you do: 1. As I said in my original post, make a directory called 1951. 2. Copy the ENTIRE contents of Mvp baseball that you just installed off of the CD into the 1951 directory. 3. Download the 1951 mod on your flash drive, transfer it on your computer, extract it, and then tell the installer you want to install the mod to the 1951 directory. The mod will then install there and you now will have that mod on your system. 4. When you are done you will see that you now have two installs on your system. The original Mvp off of the CD and the 1951 mod. 5. Copy the contents of the original Mvp from the CD to another directory if you decide to install another season mod. Finally, since you were not here when Mvp 08 came out, you CAN NOT do these steps to install Mvp 08. You need the TiT program and your original discs to install that mod.
  5. The next best thing is to download Total Classics Best of the 80's and 90's.
  6. You didn't read my instructions all the way. I can see this now. Mvp Clean is just a term I used to refer to the Mvp Baseball 2005 installation that you get when you first install the game on your hard drive directly off the CD. What I mean by "Mvp Clean" is this installation has no mods installed with it, therefore a clean or "fresh install."
  7. My guess would be yes, but it would take a little doing and you have to know exactly what you are doing. I don't see why someone like Ken Griffey Jr could replace another player on either one of the rosters. Again, I am just guessing here because I never had the desire to do this. Someone here on this site who is more proficient with the rosters and Mvp Edit can either confirm what I am saying or correct my mistake.
  8. If you followed the directions step-by-step you should have been ok. And the answer to your other question is yes, you can download mods to your flash drive and then you can transfer them over to the PC you have that has your game on it.
  9. There is no where in my last post to you that I accused you of saying Homer's work is bad. But you did say his cyberfaces did not "look very well." That is why I made my previous response to you.
  10. Let me fill you in on something. Homer has been making cyberfaces for years now and his work can be found in many total conversion mods on this website. He has literally made hundreds of cyberfaces for Mvp and to be honest this is the first negative remark I've read about his work. Homer's work with cyberfaces is just as good as yours if not better.
  11. I understand. I just flashed back to when the 08 mod was being made and the huge amount of people that would post daily because that mod wasn't out as fast as they wanted it. Some of them would be pretty upset because the mod was not out when they wanted it to be.
  12. I understand that and I hope that happens. But these impatient people in here have always driven me nuts. That's why Total Classics mods are not announced and talked about. They just appear when they are completed.
  13. That really should be the last update that you give these people kyleb. Of all the things that Krawhitham hated to deal with when the 06,07 and 08 mods were coming out were questions like this asking when it is going to be released. "When it is out, it is out!" should be good enough for ANYONE from here on out. But just watch...they'll keep asking and asking.
  14. If you don't see it in the overlays section for Mvp Baseball that means it is not there.
  15. Let's face facts for a second here. There are people out there who will do nothing but complain about what this person and that person has said only because it gives them the spotlight for a little while.
  16. Yes, I see what you mean. You can't go into work and go up to your boss and start calling him every name in the book for a minute or two and then try to say it is your freedom of speech to do that. But then again, this wasn't like this. I don't believe Ozzie Guillen was consciously trying to insult or upset anyone. I think maybe what he said was something that made sense in his head and it just came out wrong. But it just gets back to what I was saying. Guillen said something. In the whole grand scheme of things that go on in our lives, this is something that we do not need to worry ourselves over at all. I never knew this happened.
  17. That's all it is Dennis. I think if people took a breath and realized that this thing they are getting all worked up about is coming from a baseball manager they would realize how silly it is to worry about what was said. This guy is not some politician who is going to be voting against a bill that would in turn directly affect you or your family and he is not a CEO of a company who is threatening to close down a factory in your town that would cost 50,000 jobs. He's just a baseball manager who said something dumb. Maybe so, maybe so. Since I am not Cuban and do not live in the Miami area I have no idea how those people there are reacting to this but it is safe to say that the mention of Castro's name would make most of them upset. Had I been Cuban my first reaction would be "what is Guillen talking about and what does he mean?" I'd want to find this out before condemning him. And with you using the analogy of Girardi talking about Bin Laden made sense. And if that ever happened, Joe Girardi would have to explain himself 100 times more than Guillen is now. Well, I see what you mean. But anyone in the public eye has a lot less freedom of opinion as compared to people like you and I. I did not read this article because you have to be a paying member of Time magazine online to read this and I am not about to do that but I have the feeling Guillen said this remark in passing or maybe it was an off the cuff remark. Because I don't believe anyone would say this on purpose knowing how people are these days with the way everyone analyzing everything people say. Oh hell yeah. Writers in every city are going to ask him about it all year long.
  18. And Dylan was right. This is the only way right now that you are going to get this utility unless tywiggins himself comes back to the website and decides to re-upload his stuff again. If and when that happens is anyone's guess but at least you know where to get this utility if you need it. And also like Dylan said he can not upload this utility because he does not (along with everyone else) have the right to do it. There's a good chance he has this somewhere at home not attached to the '94 mod like I do but we can't upload it. Modders rights come first here.
  19. 1994 crap?? What the *&^% is the matter with you? The guy that made that 1994 mod has done more for this website then you can ever hope to and you refer to it as "1994 crap" ? On second thought, you know what? This is none of my business. Keep on going around here calling things crap just because you aren't getting what you want. See how fast people fall over themselves trying to help you out.
  20. First off, let me get the links to this news story out of the way. From ESPN: Right here. From the Miami Herald: Right here. Finally, from MLB.com: Right here. In a recent article in Time Magazine, Miami Marlins manager is quoted as saying that he "loves" Fidel Castro, the dictator who has ruled the island of Cuba since 1959. Obviously this has made a lot of people upset, especially if you are of Cuban decent because for generations this man has literally told the Cubans what to do, where to go, when to do it, etc. But for some reason Ozzie Guillen said he loved him. And now, because people did not like what he said, the Marlins were pressured to suspend him from his duties as manager of the team for the next five games. Personally I think it is a publicity ploy to appease the people that are upset about this and they did it just to show them they understand why they are upset and that they didn't like what Guillen said either. For me, that was the wrong way to handle it. If I were the Marlins I would have said something like this: While we do not agree or condone what Ozzie Guillen said about Fidel Castro of Cuba, Mr. Guillen's views and quotes are strictly his and his alone and do not represent the views and opinions of this ballclub, etc, etc, etc What exactly happened here??? 1. A manager of a baseball team gave an interview. The manager happened to be Ozzie Guillen, a man who in the past has said many controversial things and has had to apologize his way out of those. This won't be the last time he says something people won't like. Consider the source here people. 2. After reading the quote in question by Guillen I did a quick walk around my house. The TV did not explode. The dogs did not run away. The washer and dryer are still working fine. The siding did not fall off the house and the car is still running fine. What Ozzie Guillen says is not going to affect my life in any way. 3. I went to a Latino restaurant on Monday night. There were no Ozzie Guillen dartboards hung up there. The Latin customers at the other tables were not all huddled together cursing out Guillen or yelling out his name. The employees reported that no fights broke out at the mention of Ozzie Guillen's name. In fact, his name was not brought up. Their lives went on even after this interview by Guillen. Before I end this let me clear a few things up. I am not a fan of Ozzie Guillen. I didn't care about him when he was a player or the manager of the White Sox and certainly not now. I don't pay attention to this guy. I don't log on to the net every day and before I leave I have to check on the latest news about Guillen. What I DO SUPPORT about this guy is his right to say his opinion, despite if I agree with it or not. I look at it this way. Ozzie Guillen doesn't give a **** about what I think and the feeling is mutual. No one, Latino or not, should be so concerned with what this guy says. He's just a manager of a National League Baseball team. That's it. Just once I would like to see someone, whether they are in the world of sports, the entertainment business or in politics after they said something that people get upset over do not go backpedalling as fast as they can to deny or say they were misinterpreted, as Guillen said here. Let him talk. He won't hurt you. I promise. And you have the right to ignore him if you want. Use that right if you see fit. Done.
  21. This looks great Dennis, thank you.
  22. Fortunately I was able to read your original post before you deleted it. My first advice to you is if you have that post saved is to re-post it. Someone will just move this topic to the right forum for you. Based on what I read you are doing nothing wrong and it just sounds to me that this is strictly a compatibility issue with Vista and when that happens you really don't have a lot of options, as you found out yourself. Maybe connecting with FTP like you said is the wisest -and safest- way for you to go with this because as you said you didn't want to mess around with Vista and your system too much. And I understand you not wanting to spend that much on the PC version because there are some people out there asking for crazy prices for the PC game. Did you know there's some nut trying to sell a new version of Mvp 05 on Amazon for $240? Makes that $45 asking price seem a lot more reasonable. But if you prefer playing on the original Xbox, that's fine. That's what you are comfortable with. Good luck in solving your problem.
  23. I also run TiT in Windows 7 and have been doing it for quite some time with no problems at all and what kjuggs described in his post is how to do it.
  24. You are very welcome Dylan. I hope you had a good Easter and have a good week.
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