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Everything posted by Yankee4Life

  1. Pardon me, and I realize this should not concern me but you have been on this website long enough to know that this man has made schedules for this game for years now among many other things geared for quality dynasty play in Mvp. Just a quick look around in the download section and you would have found this mod all by yourself.
  2. Updated to 4-8 ...Cleveland's Ubaldo Jimenez is appealing his five game suspension for hitting former teammate Troy Tulowitzki with a pitch. Personally I think it's a good move on his part because with all the yelling that the Rockies caused because of this incident Jimenez was guilty even before he went off the mound to defend himself. ...This was the first week of baseball but already ESPN was talking about October predictions. I know every year they do the same thing but it really is annoying. I want to enjoy the return of baseball right now and not think about the end of the season. That comes fast enough all by itself. ...With David Robertson injuring his foot going down stairs, Joba Chamberlain hurting his ankle on a trampoline of all things, Michael Pineda starting the season on the DL because of tendinitis in his right shoulder and many other various injuries that the Yankees had this spring, it leaves me very little room for sympathy for the Red Sox for losing Andrew Bailey for three months. ...On the other hand even if none of this stuff would have happened to the Yankees, Andrew Bailey still would be the last thing on my mind. I liked him when he was in Oakland but now? No. ...Levi Johnston is going to be a father again at the age of 21. You can say one thing about this guy, he knows how to get around. ...I recently re-installed an old soccer game I have called Pro Evolution Soccer 4 and I am still blown away by the graphics and gameplay that Konami put into it and all the time I was playing this I could not help thinking what this company could do if they were allowed to make a baseball game. ...The more I mess around with my XP laptop that I have the more I realize I how much I miss Windows XP because that operating system was much more stable than Vista or Windows 7. ...Amazon must love me since I bought eight games in a span of three days. ...I had to laugh when I read about the dog who ate his owner's tickets to the Masters Golf Tournament. The poor guy had to induce vomiting to get the tickets back and then take photos of them to prove he did have them. Fortunately the people that run the Masters were very understanding and everything turned out well for him. I just hope the dog doesn't get it into her head to eat the guy's refund check next. ...The Cubs may be the Cubs but they know how to get the right guy to throw out the first pitch for their home opener when they picked Bill Murray. ...Somehow I think the New York Mets are going to survive very well without Jose Reyes. ...When I first read that Ozzie Guillen "loves Castro" I thought he meant Starlin Castro of the Cubs and not Fidel. And typical of anyone these days who says something and immediately regrets saying it, Guillen called a quick press conference to explain to all concerned that he didn't mean what he said and he's sorry. Ok, but why say it in the first place? ...Meanwhile, up at the Southside of Chicago they're all smiles because they know Guillen's not their problem anymore. ...If you ever wondered how you can get yourself into 6.7 million dollars of debt, ask Warren Sapp. He knows. ...The next movie I plan on seeing is American Reunion which could be the last installment of the American Pie movies. I saw a few previews of it and it looks pretty good. The first thing I'm going to look for when I go and see this is how much makeup they had to plaster on Tara Reid to make her look good for this. Stifler's Mom looks better than her. ...Amanda Bynes is the latest no talent actress to be arrested for DUI. She must have been tired of Lindsay Lohan getting all that attention. ...Charles Manson said that next week he may not even attend his latest parole hearing, probably because he's been denied so many times in the past. Makes sense. That guy has as much chance making parole as Bin Laden has getting a posthumous pardon from the United States. ...There's a kid in China who last year sold his kidney to buy an iPad2 and an iPhone and because of that, is now suffering from renal deficiency, which, according to that article is a very serious medical condition. How someone can willingly do this is beyond any understanding that I have and it isn't my objective here to make light of this, but if anyone ever tells you from now on that something that you have done is really stupid all you got to do is tell them is wait a second..I got a story to tell you about some Chinese kid. ...This week on April 12th marks the 100th anniversary of the Titanic sinking. It's such a fascinating and tragic story. All those lives lost and all those lives that could have been saved. But leave it up to someone with an eye to his wallet to come up with this gimmick as they plan on setting sail and following the exact course of the doomed ship exactly 100 years later. If it were me, because I like to play it safe, I'd triple check if they had enough life jackets and rescue boats just in case there's some icebergs in the neighborhood looking for a fight. ...I don't know how true this is but I read last week that Russia is developing a gun that turns people into zombies by attacking the target's central nervous system. These guys will do anything to win at the Olympics, won't they? ...Tim Tebow will be giving a speech today in celebration of Easter Sunday at a church in central Texas. I don't know exactly what he's going to be talking about but it's sure to be long and half the people will be nodding off before he's through. ...By the way, Happy Easter Sunday to everyone here at Mvpmods!
  3. Wow, only $200 for this one! I got a feeling he will be hanging on to that copy for a long time.
  4. The Seattle ones and the White Sox one look great.
  5. No, not really. If there is a Best Buy in your area try to get a CD cleaning kit there or places like Target or Staples will have them too. Edit: I forgot to say, give this a shot first. The best that can happen is that is fixes the problem and you don't have to fork over money for this game. But at least you'll have a CD cleaner for your other discs.
  6. Brand new? Forget it. $240 is way too much but if you check out the used ones right here on Amazon you will find them mostly under $100. I still think that is too high but that's just me. But I would buy a used one in a minute. Get some CD disc cleaner and you should be good to go.
  7. Fantastic utility, a must-have if you spend any time in season play in MVP.
  8. Has anyone taken a look at the photos I uploaded?
  9. Thank you Dennis for this great looking ballpark.
  10. So have I. In other season mods by the way. Seems to me something on his system is interfering with the running of this. :unknw:
  11. Funny you should say that because those games are some of the last sports games I bought and enjoyed. NFL2K5 for the original Xbox was fantastic, wasn't it? But then like you said anything after that was a waste of money. From the complaints I heard from people in here they didn't care for the last few Madden editions because they were nothing but roster updates and the baseball games by 2K are so bad they are not even worth mentioning. Just reading the complaints by people in here year after year made me never buy this series of games. 2K is just incompentent and EA, well I think EA is even worse. They aren't incompetent but they are lazy and that makes them worse in my book. They have the money and the ability to release great games but they don't and they don't care because they know people will come back the next year to buy the newest one.
  12. Thank you Dennis, these look great! Let's see... Five star rating for anything from Dennis James - Check. Taking two seconds out to thank the man - Check. WE ALL SHOULD DO THIS. NO EXCUSE.
  13. Try running this under Administrator mode.
  14. Thank you jaxen, that was really a nice thing to say. I'm glad you like it. And just between you and I and everyone else that reads this, everything I say about Philadelphia in this thread is completely tongue-in-cheek. Any city that can produce a man like John Facenda is not bad. Can you give me a link to your blog? I'd love to read it. Have a good rest of the week!
  15. The thing with that is that you don't know what teams have changed uniforms since 2008.
  16. These are great looking minor league uniforms.
  17. Also, I have the dates for the home openers of each team. As you can see the last opening day in baseball will be on April 13th for eight teams. If all goes right I should have these photos ready for you on April 14. I am hoping that the photos you are looking for will be posted because if they are I will get them. Opening Day 2012 April 4 MARLINS April 5 TIGERS, METS, PIRATES, CUBS, INDIANS, REDS, PADRES April 6 RANGERS, ORIOLES, RAYS, BREWERS, ASTROS, DIAMONDBACKS, ANGELS, ATHLETICS April 9 PHILLIES, TWINS, ROCKIES, BLUE JAYS April 10 DODGERS April 12 NATIONALS April 13 YANKEES, RED SOX, WHITE SOX, CARDINALS, ROYALS, GIANTS, BRAVES, MARINERS
  18. Update for you kyleb: I have collected 250 hi-resolution images from my galleries and I have them zipped up and ready to upload.
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