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Everything posted by Yankee4Life

  1. You lucky son of a gun! That must really be nice.
  2. You did something wrong because you should be able to use these stadiums in any Total Conversion mod there is available. In other words, what I mean to say is that there are no particular stadiums that can only be used in one mod and not in any place else.
  3. Looks nice but I'm confused about one thing. That screenshot where you have EAMODS.COM advertised in it. You do know that Eamods isn't around anymore? They are called Mlbmods now.
  4. Yankee4Life


    No, because those two files are only hosted over on that website and none of us know if or when the site is going to come back online.
  5. Don, if they brought Luis Tiant out of retirement I bet he would still have better control than Burnett. And also just for your information the only time you are going to see a "good" A.J. Burnett is when he is warming up in the bullpen. :lol:
  6. Who can blame you for hating this move? If I were you I wouldn't be happy about it either. I couldn't stand Burnett so much last year that I wouldn't watch any of the Yankee games that he started because I couldn't take watching him any longer.
  7. Updated to 2-26 ...Any team that lets a guy like Hideki Matsui go and signs Manny Ramirez is asking for trouble. ...During Oakland's first fifty games is when you'll see Ramirez help out the Athletics the most and that's because he'll still be suspended. ...Checked out some spring training photos this week from the camps in Florida and Arizona. Here's my favorite one so far. It's a picture of A.J. Burnett. What makes it so good is that he's wearing a Pirate uniform instead of a Yankee one. Here's Burnett as he is about to throw his first wild pitch of the spring. ...One thing I hoped would happen in the off season for the Yankees was for them to get younger. Signing Raul Ibanez (age 39) and re-signing Andruw Jones (who will be 35 in April) and Eric Chavez (34, and who also missed 2 1/2 months last year) is not exactly what I thought they'd do. I just hope it doesn't end up hurting them. ...Elizabeth Smart got married last week in Hawaii. Yeah, yeah I know. You don't give a *&#$ either. ...Besides being a great ballplayer and a multimillionaire, now Evan Longoria is dating Playboy model Jaime Edmondson. Some guys get all the luck. ...If anyone ever accuses any of you that you spend too much time on the internet you can tell them this story. I was watching the local news the other day and they had a piece on a guy who was fired from his job because he was playing World of Warcraft for over 100 hours a week. Can you imagine that? That's over 14 hours a day. After watching some videos of this game on Youtube I didn't understand why this game is so popular. I couldn't play this game for 14 minutes let alone 14 hours. ...I dug up an old game of mine for my Windows XP laptop called The Typing of the Dead. And while I'm not playing it for 14 hours a day, it's a hell of a lot of fun to play. When I'm done my fingers hurt because I'm typing so fast. I'd love to see a 2012 version of this. ...It didn't take long for the Angels to find out what a handful Albert Pujols is going to be. Had the Angels never put up billboards to welcome him to Southern California he'd have pouted about that. ...I don't care if Ryan Braun is not going to be serving his fifty game suspension for his postive test for PED's. I'm still skeptical about it. I honestly believe MLB let him get away with this only because he was the NL MVP last year and if the reigning MVP were to be suspended it would have made Bum Selig and his boys look bad. And despite if Braun is suspended or not he's still guilty in the eyes of millions of fans. ...I think the guy who is stuck with the job with putting rubber bands over the claws of lobsters must have a pretty tough job. ...Red Sox manager Bobby Valentine has banned alcohol from the Boston clubhouse effective immediately. Since he didn't consult with any of his high priced prima donnas, you can expect some complaints about it to be leaked to the press. The Red Sox players should be grateful that he didn't ban take out food also. ...Have you heard about that college football player from Virginia who is currently on an eight day hunger strike? Somehow I can't see Prince Fielder doing something like this.
  8. Hey man, I'm glad you finally got a copy of the PC game. Just take a look at all the total conversion mods these wonderful modders have done and you'll see for yourself that you made the right choice in getting this game. One thing I got to correct you on is that the Mvp Caribe crew are not the ones releasing this 2012 Latino mod. From what I understand it probably won't be uploaded to their site, but I could be wrong there. I just know it's not a Caribe release. As for everything else you said, yeah I have to admit that the people you mentioned keep up very well with the stuff they do but as I mentioned in another post, you must have one main guy who is in charge of the entire project because if you don't then it won't get done.That's what Krawhitham was when the previous mods were released. Other people were in charge of specific things with the mod like uniforms for example, but Kraw brought it all together. So far we don't have someone who wants to do what Kraw did and that's not helping this. Again, I don't want to sound pessimistic about this because I'd love for this to happen but without this key thing happening, I don't see this mod being made even though there are people who are still around here talented enough to accomplish it. Enjoy your PC game.
  9. Tengo una pregunta para usted. ¿Necesito tener una cuenta de Facebook para descargar este mod? Debido a que no tengo uno. También el Ministerio de Defensa se ​​estrenará en el comienzo o el final de marzo? Las vistas previas para el Ministerio de Defensa un aspecto maravilloso y estoy seguro de que esto va a ser un mod muy popular.
  10. Where will it be released? Over at MvpCaribe?
  11. When will this be released and available to download?
  12. Dennis, there's 129 pages of posts in this thread and that picture you just posted was the best one of them all. And you're right, I could care less where you buy the swimsuits unless the girl is included. Is that shallow of me? Guilty as charged. :lol:
  13. My monitor just melted because that photo was so hot. I have to buy this issue.
  14. You said a lot Veesmack and I can tell just by your words here that you feel strongly about this. I think the best thing that the media and everyone else can do for Jeremy Lin is to look at him as simply a basketball player and not a basketball player who happens to be Asian. Lin's just starting out. He shouldn't be pressured to represent his entire race when he takes the court. Are Asian American athletes good enough to play major sports? I got a one word answer for that. Yes. I don't believe that they are excluded from participating in sports when they are young. If an American of Chinese, Japanese, Taiwanese, etc decent has an interest in being a point guard, a running back or a right fielder he has much of an opportunity as anyone else. Why aren't there more? I have no idea. Why do all the Asian major league players come from their home country and not here? Beats me. But I don't believe it has anything to do with being purposely excluded. I can't think of five Asian American celebrities. And I'm not trying to be funny here. I'm just saying that I don't pay attention to what race or religion someone is. I got better things to do. I'll give you an example. You know the actor James Caan? He was in the Godfather along with many other movies? Just a few weeks ago I found out he was Jewish. All these years I never thought about what he was, if he was Polish or German or Catholic or Baptist. He was just James Caan to me. And the examples you just gave here are stereotypes. Stereotypes are baggage that is attached to every race whether they are deserved or not. I'm Sicilian. Every time I see a Sicilian on TV or in a movie they got a gun in their hand and they're the bad guys. Whatever. One final thing about stereotypes. You won't change them. They were around before you were born and they'll be here after you are gone.
  15. Updated to 2-19 ...Sure is nice seeing baseball back, isn't it? I can't wait to see who emerges as the next new phenom when the games get going next month. ...How the hell did Oakland sign Cuban outfielder Yoenis Cespedes? The impression that team seems to give out is that they don't have two nickels to rub together. ...Hey, at least the Yankees got rid of A.J. Burnett. As the great Branch Rickey used to say, that's addition by subtraction. Things got so bad last year that I refused to watch Yankee games when Burnett was the starting pitcher. First Posada gone and now this human pinball machine. Beautiful! ...Look, I know I am a card carrying member of the Diehard Yankee club, but there is still no way I am going to be dishing out money for Official his and hers Yankee fragrances. A 1.7 ounce bottle of this stuff is going to set you back $49. My wife happens to have some perfume that's in that size and the bottle is so small that you can hide it behind a Dixie cup. The next size up is a 3.4 ounce bottle which will only soak 63 dollars out of you. I'm sure this product line will sell well in Boston. ...Got my taxes done yesterday. Another headache out of the way. ...I got to get the latest Sports Illustrated Swimsuit issue mainly because Natalie Gulbis will be in it posing in body paint. Oh yeah, and for the articles too. ...Whoever the person was who did the painting on her must have had a real steady hand because If it were me, my hands would have been shaking. ...I thought it was a nice thing that the New Jersey governor did for Whitney Houston on Saturday. He ordered the flags to be lowered to half staff for her despite the protests of people who, pointing at her struggles with substance abuse, argued that she didn't deserve this honor. ...I wonder what NFL team will be deluded enough to pick up Randy Moss just because he's decided to play again? ...After hearing about the death of Gary Carter it made me realize once again how secondary the world of sports really is. In my case I was not a fan of the teams that Carter played for, especially when he played for the Mets. Therefore I didn't root for him. That being said, the sense of loss I felt when I heard that he died last Thursday made me stop what I was doing to say a prayer for him and his family. It would have made me very happy to find out that he had beat this brain cancer that eventually ended up claiming him. The way he played the game and his attitude towards it should be an example to all players who are currently playing and ones in the future.
  16. Just by watching this you could tell how much he loved baseball and being a ballplayer and that he appreciated being a major league player too. Makes you wish they all were like that.
  17. Hey you son of a gun! It's a pleasure to see you around here again. Welcome back. Check out the new TC season mods that came out when you were away. Take care.
  18. You do realize that you responded into a thread that is seven years old? Seven years. The reason why there are broken links is because they are not here anymore.
  19. The audio file for this mod is missing.
  20. Updated to 2-12 ...I didn't win my Super Bowl pool last week but when Tom Brady's final desperation pass fell incomplete I really didn't care. As far as I was concerned, Boston lost and that made me a winner. ...Remember SeanO that used to come around here? Sean made many great Mvp stadiums for those of you who aren't familiar. Well Sean's a huge Boston fan - in fact he lives there- but he hates Brady with a passion. I think that made him the only guy in New England with a smile on his face last Sunday night. ...And it didn't take long for Brazilian model Gisele Bundchen to become a card carrying New Englander, didn't it? You know, blaming other people when you lose and pointing fingers at others. Becoming a sore loser in that area of the country must be as easy as breathing. ...I don't miss football one bit. Although that would probably be different had the Raiders done something these past ten years. ...Watching Yankee games this year is going to be so much better now that Kim Jones has decided to leave the YES Network. In all her years there she has never asked any player an interesting question. In fact, she hasn't been close. So Derek, how did it feel to get the game winning RBI? It felt great Kim. Just taking it day by day. That's great! Back to you Michael. ...Dennis Oil Can Boyd came out in an interview last week to let everyone know that most of the time he was on the mound during his playing career he was on cocaine. Boyd last played in the majors in 1991 and why anyone would give a damn right now what he did would be the first thing you'd wonder but the real reason why he's putting himself back in the news is that he's coming out with a book later on this year. The only people that would want to read about a career 78-77 pitcher are his family and friends and the people he gives free copies to. ...Kevin Youkilis is going to be marrying Tom Brady's sister? I never knew his sister was blind. ...Just watch. Someone on the Yankees is now going to get married just so the Yankees can get equal press time. ...When I come across games that I own like The Pandora Directive and Wacky Wheels -two games I am pretty sure a lot of you have never heard of by the way- it made me realize I held on to this stuff longer than I should have. ...A Tennessee couple was murdered last week all because they de-friended someone on Facebook. For some reason the father of the girl that was de-friended (obviously a capital offense among rednecks with an internet connection) engaged the help of someone and shot the couple to death. This makes people who have never had a Facebook account want to run right out and sign up immediately. ...Hey,don't forget Valentine's day which is only two days away now. To me this is the worst day on the calendar for the entire year. This is when Hallmark and the jewelry stores pressure you into buying a gift for your special someone. Show her you care. That's the catchphrase you'll hear on TV. And all this time I showed her I did care when I got her Christmas gifts seven weeks ago and birthday gifts five weeks ago. Silly me. ...Reading about the death of Whitney Houston immediately brought me back to the late 1980's when I first heard of her. She had a fantastic voice. It was a voice that made you stop what you were doing and listen. Her beauty also matched the quality of her voice. Her drug struggles over the years were well documented and discussed by the media. Right now no one knows how she died but to me that's beside the point. R.I.P. Whitney.
  21. This video seems to be one of the hottest things on Youtube right now. Some guy in North Carolina has a spoiled rotten little piece of &#$* daughter and she posted something on her facebook page that she had to work around the house too much and should be paid, etc. etc. Her father found the post after he installed some software on her laptop for her and made this video and at the end of it, shoots her laptop nine times. Now this little (the word I want to use here rhymes with RUNT) has no laptop, is grounded, and has been shown up in the worse way possible. Cheers for the father.
  22. I'm very happy you liked the review of the mod Dennis. That means a lot to me. And don't concern yourself with those attribute errors. Things happen and that's the way it is. Also, I am very excited about you releasing a version 2.0 for this mod that will enhance the audio even more. And remember, take your time with this. When you get the update done is up to you. No one has a clock on you and you shouldn't feel rushed. Thank you again.
  23. 1915 continued Well, that's it. Boston manager Bill Carrigan yanks Ruth in the eighth as he started to tire out. With the Sox leading 15 - 5 he figured he didn't need to keep him out there. Final play of the game. Stuffy McGinnis grounds out to the Red Sox third baseman who in turn does not make an error and throws him out. Red Sox win 15 - 5. A happy bunch of Red Sox celebrate after they take care of the hometown Athletics today. Thank you Dennis James for the Total Classics 1915 mod.
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