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Everything posted by Yankee4Life

  1. If Bud Selig ever read your post scottybilly he would cry tears of joy.
  2. Updated to 10-2 ...So, Ozzie Guillen is out of Chicago. Somehow I don't think that there's going to be too many people there next year who are going to miss him. Having that loudmouth gone will just improve the team. Besides, he's not that good a manager. ...And once the newness wears off the stadium down in Miami people down there are not going to go to that ballpark either. Sure it will be a better place to play baseball for the Marlins but when it is all said and done those are still the same fans. Lazy and uninterested. ...Has there ever been such a night of baseball as we experienced on Wednesday night? Just when I thought that maybe, just maybe these games were over, I saw how wrong I was. Who wants to bet that someone writes a book about what happened on September 28th, 2011? ...Watching the Braves on Wednesday you had to have the feeling that somehow they were going to blow it and sure enough, they did. At least this time Bobby Cox can say that they can't blame him. ...Which brings me to the Boston Red Sox. If you think that I didn't enjoy watching that team collapse and choke during the entire month of September then you got another think coming. It was like having a month full of Sundays. ...And it was fitting that the Baltimore Orioles were the team to knock them out. It is one thing that Boston has been beating them pretty bad in recent years. But it is another thing that they have been rubbing it in the Orioles faces for a long time now and finally the O's had enough. You could tell this was coming after the fight the two teams got into in July in Boston. ...So Terry Francona gets shown the door. That's another typical Boston thing that you can expect to -and did- happen. Something goes wrong? Quick, blame someone. ...My favorite quote by one of the Red Sox? This one is from cement head Adrian Gonzalez: "God didn't have it in the cards for us." You want to know something? I believe him. God probably got fed up watching the Red Sox games on DirecTV that took four hours to play that the Almighty said to himself that was enough and he couldn't take watching one more Red Sox game this year. Creating the universe took less time than watching a weekend series at Fenway Park. ...Here's my favorite picture from Wednesday night. It was taken in Baltimore and Dad the Red Sox fan is consoling his son who looks like he is about to cry any second now. Don't worry there Little Pedroia, it was God's will that your team lost. Now don't you feel better? Uploaded with ImageShack.us ...Damn I feel good. I feel like I found an insane amount of money buried in my backyard. There's nothing like smiling over the misfortunes of this entitled and smug Red Sox team and the fans who follow them. ...But that's not entirely true either. There is at least one Red Sox fan in here who actually came out and pointed out exactly what he thought was wrong with his team. Fenway389 is the person I am talking about. He is the only Red Sox fan that showed up in here when things were going wrong for his team. Every other Sox fan on this board went into hiding. ...Well, enough of them. The Red Sox have their own issues to deal with and right now I am only concerned with how the Yankees are going to beat the Tigers. ...What an arm that Rays rookie Matt Moore has! ...I don't know if Saturday night's Yankee-Tiger game is going to be in New York's or Detroit's favor. The only thing I do know is they lose an important day off. ...As soon as I saw the picture of this 800 pound pumpkin I could not help thinking of Linus Van Pelt from the comic strip Peanuts. If there was a Great Pumpkin, this had to be it. Uploaded with ImageShack.us
  3. Oh no DJ, don't say that. Dylan will get mad at you too. Seriously, they did improve this year. That Bautista guy always gets me worried. EDIT: DJ, send me a PM. I just want to see how you are doing, etc. Thank you.
  4. Ouch that hurt. Thanks for your kind words about this thread man. Jump in any time you wish to. You are always welcome.
  5. You won't get any argument from me on this. I would be happier if they promote their players from within instead of using the best for trades. But things are changing. They are promoting more and more of their minor leaguers and I am grateful for that. And by the way, thanks for dropping in here.
  6. Hahahahhahaa. That's funny. Stick a towel in her mouth and get it done. And poor Bristol. She found out how the world really views her. Stupid (*&^% I don't have that problem. I hate every organized team in that state. I had no idea what the hell Oakland was whining about. But they did do what they had to do this afternoon as they beat the Jets 34-24. That's all that matters. Yeah they do. But the good thing now is that they are going to their farm system more which of course is the right thing to do.
  7. Updated to 9-25 ...It took Mariano Rivera sixteen years to do it, but he finally got top billing last Monday on ESPN's website after he recorded his record setting 602nd career save. Nothing he did in the past could wrestle away the attention that ESPN fawns on the Red Sox on a daily basis. ...Just by reading interviews that Dustin Pedroia gives makes me believe that this guy was not the smartest kid in his class by any stretch of the imagination. Take this quote of his for instance in a recent article. “We’re a team that wants to win” said the wise one. What I'd like to know is what he thinks the other teams in the league want to do. ...Just when Major League Baseball thought they were through with Money Ramirez, he wants to be reinstated and now would be willing to serve his 100 game ban. Manny went on to explain that he "was not prepared for retirement." I believe that. When you retire with millions of dollars in the bank every day had to be a struggle for the poor guy. ...I wonder what Joe Maddon feels about this? It had to cross his mind more than a few times how much Manny could have helped the Rays during their run for the wild card had he just served the suspension when he got it instead of running away from it. ...In my mind Ramirez is just as bad of a teammate as Carlos Zambrano is. Zambrano just goes around beating up teammates while Manny just plain doesn't care. ...I am as big of an Oakland Raiders fan as I am a Yankee fan. That said, even I think this story about the Silver and Black getting back at the Jets Mark Sanchez for eating a hot dog during a game against them the last time they played is foolish. How about if they try this? What if they just go out today and beat the Jets and not worry about what Sanchez is eating or not eating on the sidelines? Worry about what he does on the field and not off it. ...Not that I plan on reading them but there have been two books published this month that I don't think are ever going to be on Sarah Palin's reading list. Palin may fool all of the right wing cornhuskers from Iowa that have never seen a minority in their entire life, but to the rest of the country she's always going to be an over opinionated broad with no sign of common sense. ...Someone forgot to notify the New York Yankees that they were not supposed to win the American League East this year because as far as the Red Sox were concerned they had already won it back in March. ...Russell Martin said he hated the Red Sox this week. Good for him. I know how he feels. I wish other Yankees would come out and say the same thing. ...Oh that Brian Cashman! Pretending that the Yankees were interested in Carl Crawford just to drive the price up that the Red Sox had to pay for him. It was nice to see the Yankees do that to someone because everyone has been doing that to them for years now. And don't even be shocked if we find out soon that the Red Sox are going to officially complain about this to their good friend Bud Selig. ...Poor Leo Nunez, or whatever his real name is. The Marlins pitcher has been in this country all this time playing under an assumed name and just got caught and deported back to the Dominican last week. He said he chose that name because it was the name of his best friend. I wonder what would have happened if his friend said no, you can't use my name. Then Nunez would have probably picked an obscure name that no one ever heard of, like Babe Ruth. ...Denny McLain, Detroit's favorite son, was arrested last week just before he tried to enter Canada on fugitive fraud charges. The Pride of Detroit got himself into some kind of a legal tussle down in Louisiana and was planning on laying low for awhile up in the Great White North - like say for the next twenty years. ...Anyone else worried about the NBA strike going on? Didn't think so. ...So much for me asking people to jump in here. That worked out really well.
  8. You know, I could be wrong but I think he just said he loves baseball but there is a tsunami coming. Again, I could be mistaken so don't quote me.
  9. I still have your uniform package set that you made years ago. Remember the one that you had to disable and it caused a holy war around here? I grabbed it before it was taken down. I also own other versions too.
  10. One more thing, forget about using Fuzz's Mvp Studio. It doesn't work with the 08 mod. That was the easiest way to add uniforms.
  11. Yes. And then update the stadiums that Dennis made. Also, make sure you have TiT because Dennis (and a few other guys) made a lot of pretty good uniforms. Check them out in the download area. P.S. I still use the 1977 Syracuse Chiefs one you made for me those many years ago.
  12. Hello KC and welcome back! The portraits are at Mlbmods. You can get them right here. The 2011 cyberface pack is at Mlbmods too. And that is right here. Welcome back again. This is still a wonderful game and Dennis James has done a great job of keeping it going. But it is different here now. I miss a lot of the people that are not here anymore.
  13. Excellent work once again Veesmack. You showed once again what makes a great cyberface modder.
  14. Updated to 9-18 ...One week ago we all witnessed some very moving rememberances to honor the people lost ten years ago on September 11th. Everywhere in this country - and even all over the world - people stopped to pay homage and respect. We stopped what we were doing in our daily lives to look back and commemorate. I'm not saying anything here that you don't know already. But at the same time you would not think that anything could go wrong with all the 9-11 observances that took place. Boy were we wrong! Not surprisingly, Major League Baseball was the one who made sure they put themselves first ahead of September 11th and all that it means to people by refusing to let the Mets were FDNY and NYPD hats during their game with the Cubs on the 11th. Somehow doesn't it just figure that MLB would end up looking bad? ...Joe Torre, who happens to be Bud Selig's new mouthpiece said about the decision not to let the Mets wear those hats "We did it to consistent around the league." Say what?? A NEW YORK team, playing at home on the tenth anniversary of this tragic day wants to wear the first responder hats and this is the reason they give? Yeah, like every other team in baseball is going to protest about it. For years I thought that Pete Rozelle was the worst commissioner I ever saw but this Bud Selig guy shows me how wrong I was. ...Look, you want the real reason why MLB didn't let the Mets where those hats? It's because MLB couldn't make replicas of the FDNY and NYPD hats and throw them on their website to sell them for $39.99. If MLB couldn't make a profit off of those hats then they wanted nothing to do with them. Here is a photo of one of the hats in question worn by Jose Reyes of the Mets during batting practice and before the game. It was these type of hats that Bud and his boys didn't want the Mets to wear during the game. What do you think about this? Uploaded with ImageShack.us ...Of course I was waiting for Commissioner Bum Selig to try and spin this story and blame the Mets and sure enough that's what he did. He said was "embarrassed by this" and that the Mets threw the league under a bus. Under this guy's leadership being thrown under a bus is expected. ...The NFL season started last week right on time like we all knew it would, which just proves that during that entire lockout they were just playing games. ...It just took one week of the NFL season to remind me once again that with all the complaints that are said about the umpires in baseball, they always look good against the referees in the NFL. These guys get worse every year. ...Note to ESPN: Not that you care of course, but starting an NFL game at 10:15 pm on the east coast is not going to give you any ratings at all. ...Did anyone see the video of Mariano Rivera when he recorded his 600th save in Seattle last Tuesday? All he did when the game was over was shake the hands of his teammates and went into the clubhouse. That's the right way to do it. Rivera doesn't do any of the showboating that Detroit's Jose Valverde does. Every time he records a save he dances around on the mound like someone tossed ice cubes down his back. ...Recording his 600th save was not good enough for Mariano Rivera to get top billing on ESPN's website the night he did it because that same evening Boston's Tim Wakefield recorded his <gasp> 200th win and of course that was more important for the Boston biased ESPN network. Sorry Mariano, you just aren't important enough for some people. ...What's up with the Palins, part 22: In an article posted on the Sporting News website, Sarah Palin welcomed University of Michigan and future NBA star Glen Rice to Alaska with a lot more than a wave and a handshake. That's me putting it in PG rating for the readers on this website. I mean what the heck, what else are you supposed to do in Alaska? It's cold up there. Sarah was just doing what came natural to her. ...Bristol Palin became so upset with her mother because she was pregnant with her little brother Trig that she wanted to be pregnant too, writes Levi Johnston in his new book coming out this week. She figured if anyone should be having a baby it should be her and not her mother. If Bristol really wanted to be like her mother she would have asked her for Glen Rice's phone number. ...Have any of you noticed how much better the Chicago Cubs have been playing since they told Carlos Zambrano to take a hike? ...While I don't mind one bit that scottybilly chooses to respond in here, this thread is starting to become a place reserved for his comments and mine. Jump in here any time you want. This is not a private thread. Your random thoughts are going to be completely different than mine. Let's hear them. I know I asked this before and if you don't want to then that is fine too.
  15. I don't blame you at all. At least Jon Gosselin has one thing going for him. He could care less if that show was still on the air. He moved on and it didn't bother him that he wasn't on TV anymore. You can't say the same about his selfish ex-wife. And those kids? I saw somewhere that they were whining because they were not going to go on any more vacations to places like Australia and Hawaii. The next time they go, Mommy will have to fork over the money instead of having TLC pay the bill. The real problem with these people starts with Kate. She has had the camera on her so long that she doesn't know what to do without it. I am very sorry to learn that this day has such bad memories for you. I hope your father is now doing a little better in his recovery. Hang in there.
  16. Updated to 9-11 ...No matter what we do today or what we are involved in, I don't think any of us can not help thinking about what happened ten years ago today. So many people, so many lives lost, so many tears. And life for all us survivors has never been the same. R.I.P. to everyone who died that day. ..Nothing from that tragic day has been positive. You might bring up all the heroic and beyond-the-call of duty stories by the fireman and policemen in New York that inspired everyone but I think we didn't need this kind of horrible event to realize how special those people really are. They are the true heroes of this world and not some ballplayer who hits a game winning single in the bottom of the ninth and gets shaving cream plastered on his face. ...Even Bin Laden's death back in May didn't put the final period in place on what happened ten years ago. Nothing will. For the rest of our lives airports are going to get worse and worse with the rules they have. It's harder now to go to Canada for example to visit the Falls or go to Toronto because now you have to have a passport. And that'll cost you over one hundred dollars. The U.S. government has become more invasive over the past ten years. And all because a madman had to plan an attack and used his religion as an excuse for doing it. Subject change, ok? ...There is nothing like a good glass of homemade lemonade. Sweet, tart and cold. And if I can ever make it properly I'll be happier. ...Jose Reyes wears his uniform so sloppy he looks like a homeless man. ...Reese Witherspoon got hit by a car while jogging last week. The motorist did all he could to stop her from making another Legally Blonde movie. ...Nyger Morgan of Milwaukee seems to have taken over where Milton Bradley left off. ...Did any of you catch that bit of news about the Dutch woman who called her boyfriend 65,000 times?? Can you imagine that? She must have had an unlimited calling plan. ...This Kate Gosselin broad continues to annoy me as much as Sarah Palin does. All she has been doing lately is crying to the press about where she is going to get money from after her reality show was cancelled. It's finally hitting her that she's now going to become an every day single mom with eight brats in tow. And without the cameras following her around now she can't act like she's suddenly more important than everyone. That being said, the woman who is crying money woes just bought herself a brand new sports car that is in the $50,000 price range. It's what every single mom with eight kids buys when they are worried about money. ...This has been a terrible off season for the National Hockey League, hasn't it? ...Why is it that the schedule makers force the Yankees to go out to the west coast every September but not the Red Sox? ...Despite how much I try to get into that show Intentional Talk on the MLB Network I just can't. It's because of that loudmouth ex-Red Sox Kevin Millar. He doesn't know what he is talking about half the time but as long as you fall all over yourself saying nice things about the Red Sox you'll have a job on the MLB Network. ...Is there anything else that can go wrong for the San Francisco Giants this year? This time it's an injury to left handed pitcher Jeremy Affeldt. Seems as he had an argument with a bunch of frozen hamburgers and he lost. Affeldt tried to separate a bunch of frozen patties with a knife and ended up causing enough damage to his right hand that he had to have surgery on it. He's out for the remainder of the season. Maybe the next time someone else should be in charge of the grill. ...By the way the next time you visit San Francisco, you may want to bring an extra towel with you so you can give it to one of the many nudists that frequent that city. Nudity is legal in the City by the Bay and there is legislation being proposed right now that would make them sit on towels in public places for sanitary reasons. Funny, but when the virtues of San Francisco are brought up, this is never mentioned. ,,,Did you hear about that 1,000 pound crocodile that was caught in the Philippine Islands this week? It was one of the most amazing animals I have ever seen in and the locals want to keep this animal in captivity in an eco park so people can come and see it. Well, it seems that a bunch of animal rights activists want the crocodile released back in the water. I am all for animal rights but not for animals who go around eating people like this monster has. Maybe the people that want to spring this thing should release it themselves and let it free where they live and not back roaming the waters of the Phillippine Islands. Let's see how quick they change their tune then.
  17. I have a macro that gives five stars to every single Dennis James mod. :)
  18. Jesus Montero Uploaded with ImageShack.us Uploaded with ImageShack.us Uploaded with ImageShack.us
  19. I forgot if I did this before, but thank you for contributions to Mvp baseball.
  20. Yeah, it's because when that Blue Jays sign stealing thing came out I wasn't so quick to dismiss the fact that they could actually have been doing that stuff up in Toronto. And then Dylan posted a picture in the photo gallery of Fenway Park at dusk and I tried to needle him by calling him a closet Red Sox fan. And that was the last time he acknowledged me or spoke to me. That's why I didn't get the PM about joining this year's NFL prediction group. That's how it is here. And life goes on.
  21. Updated to 9-4 ...Congratulations to California for beating Japan in the Little League World Series. Those kids played a hell of a game. And even though the Japanese lost, the Red Sox announced after the game that they signed the entire team to professional contracts. ...Boy you give a team a small taste of success and it goes right to their heads. The Pittsburgh Pirates announced that they are going to raise some ticket prices for the 2012 season. I guess spending a whole five days in first place back in July is the excuse they'll use for this. ...Besides, who knew that the best way to beat the Pirates was to have a horrible call from an umpire go against them? It would not have surprised me at all to find out that immediately after that happened they started making plans for what they were going to do during the off season. ...Daryl Hannah was arrested recently for protesting in front of the White House along with 100 or so other other people . Instead of paying a fine for this, I think it would be a good idea for the judge to have her sit in a room and have her watch all her movies one after the other before she is released. ...I must not have been mailed that PM that everyone else on this site has obviously received. You know, the one about not posting anything anymore? ...I drove past a cemetery about two or three days ago and there was more going on there than there is on this site. ...Also, last year we had a very nice weekly NFL prediction thread going with anyone who wanted to could join in and post their guesses for the week. I heard from someone who was in it last year that a PM was sent to everyone who participated in last year's predictions was reminded that they were going to do the same thing this year. Funny thing though I never got that PM. Just shows how not wanted I am. Right Dylan? Thank you so much for this. ...Are people these days really this uptight? The JC Penney company recently had to pull a T shirt from their stores because parents did not like the message that was on the shirt. For those of you curious to see this offending shirt and do not want to read that short article I linked you to, here is a picture of the shirt right here. If any of you have young daughters at home, please make sure they are not in the room now although somehow I have the feeling that it is only the adults who are getting bent out of shape about this and not the kids. It's a T shirt. That's it. If you don't like it don't buy it. ...Why does it seem to matter to people who Alex Rodriguez dated in the past (Madonna, Kate Hudson and Cameron Diaz) that they have to bring it up a lot but they never talk about who Captain Double Play is seen with until he breaks up with them? ...Whatever happened to Natalie Imbruglia? ...This hi-res baseball photo collection of mine has kind of taken a life of its own. For the month of August I grabbed 2,094 more. They are kind of fun to look back on during the off season months as I try to pass time during the cold days of winter. ...If anyone thought that those three games the Yankees played in Boston last week seemed to drag on, well you're right. Believe it or not it took a combined 11 hours and 36 minutes to play all three games. So the next time you read here or somewhere else where someone is popping off about how sick they are of the Yankees and Red Sox, this probably has something to do with it. There is too much attention given to them and when they are on TV playing against each other they act like they don't want the game to end. ...No way should these games last this long. And I am not saying that the Yankees are innocent in this because they are not. But the Red Sox take it to another level. Watch their pitchers one time, especially Beckett. The guy looks at the baseball like he's never seen one before. Then he decides to throw it. And when the ball is thrown back at him he does the same thing. Hey, what's this? And every one of their hitters has to step out at every pitch to glance at every person in the ballpark. Then they step back in. You almost hope they put the ball in play just so they stop looking around. But then the next guy comes up and the same thing happens. ...The Apple Iphone 5 prototype has been lost and police are assisting Apple to find it. It's nice to know that San Francisco's finest have nothing else to do but look for a phone.
  22. Updated to 8-28 ...Jared Weaver signed a five year 85 million dollar contract extension this week with the Angels. That's usually nothing to write about in here but the way he signed it is. It was against the advice of his moneygrubber agent Scott Bora$, because he wanted him to play out his option and get more money someplace else, therefore giving him more of a commission. Bora$ was so unhappy with this that he and no one from his office attended the press conference announcing Weaver's extension. "How much more do you need?" Weaver asked the press when talking about his new deal. If more players had this refreshing attitude, people like Scott Bora$ would be out of business. ...It was nice to see Toronto crybaby John McDonald get traded out of the American League. ...Apple co-founder Steve Jobs resigned his position this week as company CEO. This will give him more time to figure out why the iPhone sucks. ...I was shocked to hear about the death of former Oriole pitcher Mike Flanagan at the age of 59. I was very familiar with Flanagan during his time in the American League and I also saw him play in the minor leagues too. He was one of those left handed pitchers that you would love to watch work, even though he was on the opposition. R.I.P. to the Flanagan family and to the Oriole organization. ...Gamestop was caught this week opening up brand new PC game boxes of Dues Ex: Human Revolution because it contained coupons that gave free copies of that game to users of Onlive Cloud. I don't think I'd be too happy with some employee opening up a brand new game that I wanted to buy so they can remove something. Kind of makes me wonder how long Gamestop has been doing this before they were caught. ...Star Wars fans, you gotta love them. These fans are so loyal they will continually buy the same six movies over and over again as soon as they are told there are "changes" made in the films. And they'll be doing it again come September 16th when George Lucas releases the new Blu-Ray version. No price has been announced yet for this but that doesn't really matter. Lucas knows that these people will buy anything. ...Who gives a crap Dept: Yankee shortstop Derek Jeter has broken up with his movie star girlfriend Minka Kelly. Maybe that explains why he has been hitting the ball so good lately. ...Vin Scully has decided to return to the Dodgers as their announcer for a record 63rd season. Listening to this guy is a pleasure. He can make a long, boring game seem fast and exciting. ...There was only one quick reference in the shoutbox about what the Yankees did in the final game against the Athletics. But I'm telling you now, if the Yankees had lost that game 22 - 9 and had three grand slams hit against them instead of winning it, a hell of a lot more would have been said. People then would all of a sudden find a reason to post something. ...The Raiders are not going to let new rookie quarterback Terrelle Pryor wear uniform number 2 even though that was his number in college. He'll be wearing #6 because don't want any reminders of the last guy who wore #2, a certain Jamarcus Russell. Oakland also told Pryor if he wants to drink any kind of soda he is free to do so, provided it isn't grape. ...Hollywood wackjob Jennifer Aniston is moving in with her current boyfriend. I'll give Justin Theroux six months before his hair turns grey. ...For anyone who has ever flown on United Airlines, this news should not shock you at all. United ranks number one in customer complaints, a position they richly deserve. This is the airline that screwed up the first day of our trip to Hawaii back in March. To make a long story short, we were supposed to land in Honolulu at 3pm, but because of United we didn't land until 11 pm. If I can avoid them the next time we go, I will. ...If anyone has ever played the Mortimer Beckett series of games you will know how fun and addicting they are. These are games that really sharpen your eyes. ...Sucks to be you, doesn't it Barry Bonds? Your effort to dismiss your criminal conviction on obstruction of justice was rejected by a federal judge. Not even a few signed balls and bats will get him out of this one.
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