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Everything posted by Yankee4Life

  1. That's exactly what this idiot was doing. I think it's great for players to interact with fans because the fans really love it, but it seemed that this guy would rather pop off a good tweet instead of getting a base hit. He can go to hell. Her dumbass friends were right there with her. I don't blame you at all. I wish I could hang around with you during the late hours but we have a three hour time difference and I can't stay up all night. Then again not everyone is on the east coast so there's really no reason for it being so dead.
  2. Updated to 8-21 ...Kudos to the Florida Marlins for demoting part time major leaguer and full time Tweeter Logan Morrison to their Triple A New Orleans farm team. Morrison probably won't mind as much as he said he did provided he can bring his laptop along. ...Nothing personal against Atlanta's Dan Uggla, but I was happy to see that his hitting streak was stopped cold at 33 games. I don't want anyone breaking Joe Dimaggio's record. ...He has one good game at the plate and Jorge Posada wants to play next year. I don't know where he thinks he is going to go because he's a designated hitter who can't hit, but I'm pulling for him provided he's not a Yankee. ...I kind of wondered how Posada felt about his intent on playing next year just a few days later. Wednesday (the 17th) was his 40th birthday and Joe Girardi sent up the birthday boy with two out in the ninth and the Yankees one run to the bad against Kansas City. Posada struck out against Joakim Soria to end the game without once swinging at anything Soria threw. It probably was the easiest save Soria ever recorded. ...Look, I understand that every team has a player or two that their fans say "Why is this guy on our team? He's useless!" The Cubs for example have Alfonso Soriano, and maybe fifteen or sixteen other players. And the Yankees have AJ Burnett. His latest contribution to Yankee losses was last night. 1 2/3 innings pitched, seven runs, all earned. And somewhere the Toronto Blue Jays are laughing about this over their morning coffee. Hey, you are the ones that wanted him. ...What the heck has happened to the Giants? It seems that lately when I check the baseball scores in the morning they have lost another game. Last night was another example. The Astros hit an inside-the-park home run against them in the first inning and it went downhill from there. ...Something tells me that if Sarah Palin ever sees Rise of the Planet of the Apes she would want all the apes in every zoo in the country put under twenty four hour surveilliance. ...By the way, go see that movie. You'll love it. ...I've been to Niagara Falls many times and it's a great place to visit, especially so in the summertime. But one thing you have to remember is to respect the power and force the Falls. Regretably a young Japanese student learned the hard way with her life as she died playing on the railing near the Falls. Somehow she fell over the side and into the powerful water of the Falls. This is one of those things that make you sad and angry at the same time. I'm sad that this girl died. Nineteen years old and far away from home. But what the hell made her think it would be ok to get on that railing? ...I finally came to the end of my patience with Firefox 5 and now version 6. All that did was give me constant crashes and pages would not load up for me. So, I went back to version 3.6 and everything is working as it should. Sometimes the newest version of something doesn't mean it's the best one. ...There must have been less than 30 posts made in here all last week on the entire website. It's like people seem to think that you are going to be charged for every post you make. I hate to say it but the new people in here offer nothing in the way of contributing to the community around here. Not everyone, so don't go waving your hand at me saying that you are not that way. But just look around and you'll see what I see. This place is as quiet as a morgue and the season is still going on. In January I would understand. But not in August. ...I think Joe Pesci said it best in Lethal Weapon 2 about drive-thru service. "They'll F*** you at the drive thru." You are not kidding Joe. How many times has that happened to you? Well, when I must go through one and after they give me my order, I don't drive off. I stay right there and open up the bag to see that I got everything I ordered. And I take my time - especially in places where they have screwed me more than once. Some of the window people don't and some do, but I'm not going to go back again to Taco Bell because they only gave me two soft tacos when we ordered three. ...Think I'm kidding? Let Joe tell you himself. ...If my wife's Android phone and I were on a boat and it suddenly started to sink and she had to save only one of us I am not sure I would be the one rescued. ...Philadelphia moment of the week: It's still pre-season in the NFL but some fans are in mid season form. Two fans were shot in the parking lot after the 49ers - Raiders game because apparently one fan was wearing a T-Shirt with an obscenity on it about the 49ers and wearing that kind of shirt in Candlestick Park is not advised, especially when he ran across the Candlestick fashion police who saw fit to shoot him in the stomach. By the way, the 49ers won the game. Lord knows how many would have been shot had they lost.
  3. This is a cyberface thread where Jedinstvo posts his cyberface previews and finished work. This is not a support thread for you to come in here to ask this kind of question. There is an area here for you to post this to receive help. Not here! Thank you.
  4. Updated to 8-14 ...Last week Joe Girardi called Jorge Posada in his office and told him flat out that he would not be the DH anymore. And since I read this article and others like this, the smile on my face has not come off. It's not that I can't stand the guy it's just that...ok, I can't stand the guy. He is taking up a valuable roster space from someone who can actually help the team and the only reason he has not been released yet is because the Yankees are afraid of the bad press they'll get. ...You are not going to catch me saying many good things about Red Sox players, but this is one of those times. When Jason Varitek's time as a starting catcher was ending for Boston he accepted a back up role with the club, caught now and then and helps out that team with his experience and his attitude. And do you ever see stories like "Varitek disappointed in playing time"? No. He doesn't throw a fit with his role and he does what he can for the team. Not Posada. It's been one thing after another with this guy and as I guarantee you that the Yankees are counting the days until he is off the team. Sure, give him a day in his honor. Thank him for what he has done. Then get him the hell out of there. ...I can't go on with this week's Random Thoughts without letting you all think I was going soft on the Sox because I complimented one of their players. Let me add that while I respect how Jason Varitek has gone about his business with class ever since he lost his starting job, I have the exact amount of disrespect for Jacoby Ellsbury, who has turned into the typical showoff rub-it-in player that the Red Sox seem to produce without effort. ...Sarah Palin's son Track (yeah, that's his name) and his wife are the new parents of a bouncing baby girl. No word yet if a reality show or a book deal is planned. ...Joy Behar recently had Kate Gosselin on her show and Gosselin was telling her how hard it was for her to find a man to be with her because of all the kids she has and when she was done with her latest attempt to culminate sympathy, Behar came up with the suggestion in a joking way that if she was having such a hard time finding a man, she should try lesbianism. Of course, that's assuming you can find a woman that would want to put up with her. Not even lesbians are that hard up. ...Poor Casey Anthony. A judge ordered her to return to Florida to serve a supervised probation for a check-fraud conviction. Last year she admitted stealing a checkbook from her friend and writing over $600 worth of checks with it. This woman was as good of a friend as she was a mother. ...Hey, how about those riots in London this past week? Thank God they are starting to subside now because a group of professional rioters from Philadelphia were planning on going over there soon to show them Londeners how to stage a real riot. ...The great DiMaggio will be getting a postage stamp next year in a series that will be honoring four baseball legends. And from the looks of this stamp I might be getting me a few of these. ...There are some pretty amazing people in this world and if you really pay attention you will find that the really impressive ones have nothing to do with sports. Take what this 98 year old San Francisco woman did. At her age she earned a tenth degree black belt which is the highest you can achieve. And to think, the only black belt I own I bought from Target. ...I wonder if Manny Ramirez has any second thoughts of not playing baseball anymore because if he had accepted that 100 game ban, he would have returned to the Rays by now. ...I wouldn't be so fast to dismiss the accusations that the Toronto Blue Jays are stealing signs. Let's just say I wouldn't put it past them - even when their catcher J.P. Arencibia denied the claim by stating that "if they were stealing signs it isn't helping me because I'm hitting .200" That may be so, but it also has nothing to do with it. Some players don't want the signs when they go up to hit and some do. And it sure isn't going to help someone like Arencibia who consistently can't hit at all. And that's in day games, night games, spring training games and batting practice. The Yanks were there last month and this came up. Even the Red Sox have addressed this. And I don't believe they have a "guy in a white shirt" that's doing this. That would be too obvious. But I do believe they are doing something. ...The Chicago Cubs have been having another one of their typical seasons this year. Losing, losing and more losing. But with the announcement on Friday night that Carlos Zambrano had apparently retired when he cleaned out his locker during the game when the Braves hit five home runs off of him. If Zambrano is serious about this, the Cubs can chalk up the 2011 season as a successful one despite their record. ...The trouble I am having with this is that I just don't believe it. Zambrano is going to apologize for what he did (again) and attempt to explain why he got so mad (again) and that he was frustrated with his outing (again). The Cubs should have tried to suspend him for the rest of the season instead of only thirty days. Why not? They've been a bad team with him, maybe now they can be better team without him. ...More good news: After his awful performance at the Atlanta Athletic Club this weekend, Tiger Woods failed to make the cut at the PGA Championship and because of that his PGA season is over.
  5. Nah, he is more than welcome here. He adds a lot in this thread. I just question where he gets some of his information though, like when he said people are still talking about Jeter skipping the All Star Game last month. Yeah, that was a big thing, but like I told him if the tabloids in NY are not even talking about it, then no one is. It's front page news for the Daily News and NY Post if a ballplayer gets caught jaywalking. They cover it all. You like the pictures? Comment on them. Rate them. Come in here and request a player. I'll do my best to see if I have him.
  6. The problem with you stating your opinions is that it is obvious when I read them that you didn't bother to read mine and even try to understand it. That's fine. Exactly where have you been reading about people still complaining about Jeter skipping the All Star Game? Not even in the New York tabloids is this talked about anymore. And those guys love to bring anything up. Think of any ballplayer today. Who gets scrutinized more than Rodriguez? God damn, the guy couldn't even be left alone when he was watching the Super Bowl with Cameron Diaz. People had to give him sh** for that too. It's a joke. But if Captain America was there with Minka Kelly they'd have him take a bow. And Tiger Woods? You got to bring him up too? No one said a damn thing about Woods before he got caught screwing around on his wife with all those women. After that he was an open target. But before that happened he was able to do and say what he pleased. How the hell you can't see this is beyond me. And as far as all 18 of the Yankee-Red Sox games being on National TV, I think you better check your TV Guide they are not all on prime time. It only looks that way.
  7. Mark Trumbo Uploaded with ImageShack.us Uploaded with ImageShack.us Uploaded with ImageShack.us
  8. Child please? What the hell is that? Why are you so dense? Is he the only guy in baseball that makes 20 million dollars a year? What about his teammate Jeter? He isn't scrutinized as much as Rodriguez. Damn, if Jeter was the guy who was playing poker they'd all be asking him how good a time he had and how much he won. I did say the charges were unfair and the idiot baseball fans around the country would jump on this and look at him like he was guilty without knowing all the facts. After reading your comments, I stand by it and include you in that category of fans. Even though there were witnesses who said that A-Rod was not at the game in question where cocaine was present, someone out there who wanted so desperately to be interviewed by the media included him as being there. And that is all it takes for some fans to hear. A-Rod's guilty. He makes a lot of money. Of course he's guilty. That's God damn nuts. I know darn well how baseball feels about gambling. And don't try to compare Alex Rodriguez playing poker to Pete Rose betting on the Cincinnati Reds. A lot of ballplayers play cards. But since Rodriguez' name was brought up, he's guilty. Because he makes 20 million a year. Well genius, the reason why the Yankees and Red Sox play 18 times is because they are in the same division. The Tigers play Cleveland tonight, right? They play the Indians 18 times this year or didn't you know that? And what you are saying about other teams not being on prime time baseball has been talked about in here for a long time. Everyone knows it's not right. Each team deserves to have their time in the spotlight.
  9. Thank you for the beautiful stadium mod Dennis. It looks great.
  10. Best I can do. Uploaded with ImageShack.us Uploaded with ImageShack.us
  11. Maybe so, but with the way those two posers have been playing it is going to take more than this to get the attention off them. I agree. Burnett's been a huge bust and it is really is too bad. As I said, I can't even watch him anymore. I don't even want to look at him. That's an easy question to answer. The ROY was close last year because Jason Heyward got over-hyped and praised since opening day last year. Remember what he did on his first at bat of the 2010 season? He hit a three run home run off of Carlos Zambrano. Ever since that ball landed in the right field seats he's been treated like the greatest thing ever. Posey was the key for the Giants last year. Heyward just got the attention
  12. Updated to 8-7 ...I am thrilled to be back home after being forced to spend time down in Binghamton, New York to visit the in-laws. In a perfect world I would see more of them and less of that city. My favorite part of the trip was when we were on Route 81 North headed towards Syracuse and civilization. ...If anything happened between Friday afternoon and Sunday afternoon in the sports world or the world in general I did not know about it because they don't get a paper down there and the closest thing they have to real world events is when they watch reruns of Law and Order. ...Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords' return to the Congressional floor this week was a story that should have received more attention than what it had. But sadly in this country these are the stories that are glossed over with very little fanfare. Apparently it is more interesting following a ditzy Alaskan around the country than to pay attention to Gabby Giffords. ...In case I ever take a flight out of Boston, I have to keep this in mind when I get there. According to this article, Logan Airport officials will be having casual conversations with selected individuals to try and spot high risk travelers. Now here's where it can get dicey for me: Airport Official: Hello sir, how are you doing? Me: Fine, thank you. Airport Official: Did you enjoy your stay in Boston? Me: Well, yes. Airport Official: How about them Red Sox? Me: Why you son of a &*(&*!!!!! ...Since he's been a Yankee, Alex Rodriguez has had a target on his back that he is never going to shake. And this time a report from a supermarket tabloid called Star Magazine has him linked to some underground poker games where high stakes money was involved. This is a magazine that makes its money on gossip and this time they attached Alex Rodriguez' name to one of their stories. The thing about these kind of stories is that once it is out there you can never take it back. Now idiot baseball fans on this site and all over are going to accept this as fact even after Bud Selig's stuffed shirt brigade exonerates him. ...Last Wednesday in Chicago, the Yankees had one of those games that you love to see your team have as they beat up on the White Sox by the score of 18 - 7. And I never saw one pitch. That's because A.J. Burnett was pitching and since last year I have refused to watch any game started by that guy. If I ever had to make a list of the worst Yankee pitchers I saw, this guy would be number one. He couldn't even pitch the required five innings on Wednesday to get the win even though he was staked to a 13 - 1 lead after three innings. Clearly that was not enough for Burnett as he allowed the White Sox to climb back into the game as he gave up seven runs on thirteen hits in 4 1/3 innings. The Yankees couldn't give this guy away to anyone even if they offered to pay his full salary. ...How about this pearl of wisdom that came out of the mouth of Boston's Dustin Pedroia before the start of this weekend's Yankee-Red Sox series in Fenway Park? "We're trying to win the division and they are, too." It's insight like that that the fans want to read about. Thanks Dustin! ...During one of the Mariner games this week there was an Ichiro imposter in the stands wearing a full uniform and also looked a little like him too. This was the second Ichiro imposter spotted in Seattle this year. The first one is actually playing right field for the Mariners and isn't even hitting .270. ...What the hell happened to Alex Rios? From 2006 to 2008 with the Blue Jays you couldn't say enough good things about the guy but since then he's sunk faster than the Titanic did. He doesn't hit anymore, he doesn't field well, he doesn't hustle. He's playing like he wants the off season to come tomorrow. ...Here's a scary thought. What if Rios and Alfonso Soriano were on the same team? Balls would fall in the outfield and both of them wouldn't go after them. They'd never have to break in a pair of new baseball shoes during the season because the two of them would never run hard enough to wear out the pair they have. If one of them would run from first to third on a hit they'd stop the game and have a ceremony. The only time during the season that either one of them would be happy is if they were on the disabled list. ...Jason Heyward? Really? Why does this guy get so much attention? He's hitting .222 with 12 homeruns and 30 RBI. The guy's been hyped up to be a superstar when in reality he's nothing but a bum. ...Well, that was fast. As soon as the Pittsburgh Pirates remembered who they were, they started their expected nose dive to their usual sub-.500 record. They're currently in fourth place now with fifth place an attainable and reachable goal for them by the end of this month.
  13. Nothing wrong with that, but do you have any basis of fact or is this something that you just want to happen?
  14. What the heck are you talking about here? Did you actually read that article? Not even 1,600 people took that poll and it was painfully obvious that most of them were a bunch of stupid kids. Why don't you run out right now and buy a lottery ticket since you seem to know the future so much.
  15. Woah, what the hell happened here? Someone else besides Jim and I made time to place a vote for a mod? Very nice! FIVE STARS AND GIVE HIM MORE.
  16. Good enough. And I don't know about the PM thing. Send me a test PM now so I can check.
  17. Two things really quick, one I already told you about. 1. There is no icon that directs you to the last post in the thread. Right now it brings you to the first post in the thread. 2. There is no notification that you have a private message. Yesterday I got one and I only knew it when I just happened to go in there. EDIT: One more 3. When you are on the main page, even if you refresh the page you do not see if a new reply was posted in a thread.
  18. ...An American woman who lives in China reported this week that she came across a fake Apple store there. She found out it was a phony store only after she returned home with her purchase and discovered that it worked with no problems right out of the box. ...The NFL owners and players came to a settlement last week, and right before the scheduled start of training camp. And some people were worried that it wouldn't get resolved! These guys knew exactly what they were doing. No way they were going to let all that money get away from them if they didn't have a season. ...Hey, at least we can look forward to a season without Brett Favre in it. Right? Ok, maybe. Oh hell, don't let him come back. ...Sarah Palin seems to have so much fun criticising anything and everything about the Obama Administration that it's made me realize she has no plans to run for President next year. It's always easier to point fingers and tell everyone what should be done when you are not in a position to do anything about it. ...Casey Anthony says she is going to remain silent and not give any interviews unless she is paid 1.5 million dollars or more to do so. She's also being offered $500,000 to pose nude in Hustler magazine. What's next, a talk show? ...It figures that the New York Yankees were the team the the Mariners broke their seventeen game losing streak against. That's because they had the big advantage on the mound that day when they sent King Felix Hernandez up against Court Jester Phil Hughes. ...Only the Toronto Blue Jays could call a .246 hitter (and .259 lifetime) " a five tool talent." But that's exactly what Jays GM Alex Anthopolos said when they obtained Colby Rasmus from St. Louis. All I want to know is what color the sky is in his world? ...Well, it's official. Derek Jeter is tied with Babe Ruth for the greatest Yankee player of all time. Wow! That guy is so good he beat out a bunch of nobodys like Gehrig, Dimaggio, Mantle and Berra. I mean what the hell did those guys ever do? I wonder if those same people who voted for Jeter also think that Lady Gaga is the greatest singer ever? ...This article was so outrageous that even one of our members here (scottybilly) saw it and had to bring it to my attention in the shoutbox. He didn't know I read this piece two days before and by having someone who is not even a Yankee fan see how ridiculous this was shows how idiotic this poll is. ...I'm sorry I upgraded to Firefox 5.0 because this version of Mozilla's web browser is less stable and it crashes a lot. Version 3.5 never crashed on me as much as this one does. ...Nice spin job by Steelers lineback James Harrison for apologizing to NFL commissioner Roger Goodell for all the things he said about him. Come on now, does it really surprise you that this happened? ...I don't know who this Ann Coulter person is and after reading this article when she insisted that gay people "can pray the gay away." And how does it leave you after you do the required amount of praying? When you are asleep? In the shower? When you are taking a walk around your neighborhood and the gay in you jumps out and takes resident in the guy down the street? Just when you think you've heard it all, you haven't. ...Thank you, thank you and thank you again to the Cleveland Indians for trading for Ubaldo Jimenez. I would have loved for the Yankees to get him but only for something reasonable. Colorado tried to hold up the Yankees for everything they got and in the end got little (exaggerating a little) from Cleveland. Now I just hope the Yankees don't make a trade for the sake of making one. Try something different for awhile and keep your prospects instead of giving them away. ...How about this new look on the website that Trues did? Everything looks great! If you like it, let him know it, I'm sure he would appreciate it. ...Next week's random thoughts will be delayed at the very most one day. It's time once again for a road trip down to the in-laws. But even if I am not here, come in here just the same. ...Finally, R.I.P. Hideki Irabu. :sad:
  19. I read it Dylan and it does sound like a good idea but if it can be done or not can be only answered by Trues. My guess would be no because it would be like having two different main pages and I don't think there is any board software that can do that. I'll just do what I usually do and that's ignore the 2k threads.
  20. Hey, don't worry that you didn't respond right away. Things happen. And I'm glad you understand what I meant. Just coming in here and shooting the bull, or as you put it the "generic discussion" is non-existent now and was the main thing in the past that made people come here, stay here and talk. I don't have to tell you how diverse things were in here before. You never knew what the next hot topic was. But now? Damn, I can predict what I am going to see on the front page even if I am gone a day or so. It'll have nothing to do with baseball or anything going on in sports or the world in general. It'll have some quack who plays 2k who doesn't know how to do the simple things like start up the game, swing the bat or run the bases. It'll be some 2k user putting in another order for a mod, as if the modders have nothing else to do but get right on it. Proof? I can point out a bunch of threads that point out what I said but I'll just show you one made today. Look at this guy. Beltran just got traded not even twelve hours ago and he wants a new portrait. And he's one of the worst offenders in here. Gimmee, gimmee is the theme of the day in here and that's how it's been for awhile. I don't agree with you fully here. This Scottybilly guy seems to be a person who likes to talk baseball and like I told him, he would have fit in here well years ago. I don't know much about DetroitStyle. Redeck's been gone for awhile now. And Jim and Dennis are guys who usually don't post about anything because those guys are, the way I see them, behind the scenes people who get more fun out of modding this game then going around posting in the forum. That's where their real fun is in here. Now here is where I agree with you 100%. As soon as 2k9 came out these type of people came to the site and they haven't stopped coming yet. And they are exactly what you say. I want my mod, you make it for me and I want it right now. And it is my sole opinion that nine out ten 2k users are like this on this website and that is why I have no use or respect for them. But not all 2k users! With the introduction of 2k games in here we have had some excellent people join up. For example, who can say anything bad about the work DonSpa does for that game? He's the Dennis James of 2k. And there are many others who are modders for 2k and not modders who I would never consider the typical 2k user. There are a lot. And of course, as you said there were and still are Mvp users who are the same way. The guy you were thinking of with all the accounts was Dshibshm. And he's got way more than sixteen accounts. Try doubling that amount. And he still comes back to this day. So I am not trying to paint a picture here saying that all the Mvp users are so much better. That's not true. I am just commenting on what you see on the front page every single day from the 2ker's. There are times when you can actually have some baseball talk there, that's true. But you can also go for days without something worthwhile being said in there. I am a member there, when they first started up the place but I never once posted there. I haven't even logged in there in months because I figured I don't have a PS3 and if I go there I'll get tempted to get one. I will tell you like I tell everyone else. I thank you for reading this thread but at the same time you are more than welcome to post in here any time you wish. That goes for anyone. This is not a private thread. Yes, I agree about being fortunate to have this site here for us and it's always good to have a positive outlook. But sometimes Dylan you have to look at it realistically too.
  21. You bet. Seven years and still going. That says a lot. P.S. I thought I was the only one who heard the crickets. How? What I say to you?
  22. Allow me to clarify something with you before I go on. When I wrote my post I didn't put you in that 90% category. I checked your join date and you've only been here a little over four months, so the way this site is now is all you really have known. You should have seen how it was just a few short years ago. That's why I can't agree with what you said about why people don't talk baseball much because of different options on other different gaming sites. Just a few years ago this place was one of the places to go to to talk about baseball. Oh man you should have seen it. There were fans from every team in here talking about the game and what was going on. It was great. And they still found time to get the mods, talk about them and ask questions about them like these people here. Also, baseball was not the only sport we talked about in here. We talked about all four of the major sports. I recall another time we lit the shoutbox on fire during the Giants - Patriots Super Bowl game a few years back. You couldn't keep up. And we had some Madden dynasties and NBA live threads too. What was going on in sports, we talked about. And you can ask anyone that was here during those years. You would have fit right in then with no problem. And another thing that is lacking in here now that was not lacking before is the interaction between the regulars. People talked to each other more out there before. They joked, laughed, yelled, argued, you name it. It was interesting to come in here each day to catch up on what you missed because at that time, something always happened. And all we get nowadays is "nice cyberface" or "how do I do this?" And that is exactly what I meant when I answered Dylan's question about making new friends in here. With whom? Can't do it when no one talks.
  23. WITH WHOM?? Nobody talks about a damn thing on this site anymore. Talking baseball in here is as scarce as water in a desert. And I know that you know exactly what I am talking about because you were here during the better years of this site. All we have now is 2k users who seem to have a hard time with everything in that game (why, I don't know. If 2k doesn't provide a good manual then it's understandable) and every other week there seems to be a new cyberface maker for that game too. Not counting your thread recently about Kei Igawa, when was the last time you saw a baseball thread on the front page? That's what I mean. So I repeat, who do you make new friends with when it seems that 90% of the people are only here for something for 2k11 and they could care less about real baseball? That's why I miss guys like Mark and Kraw and the others like them who made this place interesting.
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