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Everything posted by Yankee4Life

  1. You missed one Dylan, but it is quite understandable since this was many years before you were born. In the 1970 NFC divisional playoffs, the Dallas Cowboys beat the Detroit Lions 5 - 0 at the Cotton Bowl. You can read about it right here.
  2. Yeah me too. I want to go back and edit my week one picks so I can go 16 - 0.
  3. Next time you little son of a bitch you go to bed when I tell you!!
  4. SUN, SEP 19 Pittsburgh at Tennessee Miami at Minnesota Arizona at Atlanta Baltimore at Cincinnati Kansas City at Cleveland Chicago at Dallas Philadelphia at Detroit Buffalo at Green Bay Tampa Bay at Carolina Seattle at Denver St. Louis at Oakland Houston at Washington New England at NY Jets Jacksonville at San Diego NY Giants at Indianapolis MON, SEP 20 New Orleans at San Francisco (New Orleans 27, San Francisco 7. Total 34 points)
  5. Look at DadofTwins!!!! Great job my friend. Now hurry up and go grab a parley for next week. :lol:
  6. Updated to 9-12 ...Doing an early Random Thoughts this week because I am watching the Yankee game right now from Texas and there was a rain delay. Right now it is the top of the 7th, bases loaded with one out and Posada is up. I'm expecting the worst...................and I got it. Asshole Posada grounded into an inning ending double play. This guy can not get off this team fast enough. ....Well this week's edition of this thread started out wrong, didn't it? ...Hey, it's week one of the new NFL season. At least that is something to look forward too. And as a Raider fan I am cautiously optimistic this year and hoping for the best. At least Jamarcus Russell is long gone. As Mr. Rickey said years ago, that's addition by subtraction. ...Free preview for all DirectTV users of their NFL Sunday Ticket. I'll be using that all year long rooting on Oakland. ...I don't know who the God damn hell Kim Clijsters is but I like her because she eliminated one of the big mouth Williams sisters at the U.S. Open. Now I am waiting for Venus to complain that everyone had it in for her. ...I have been consciously trying to avoid drinks with sugar in them so I purchased some Vitamin Water Zero the other day because it had less than one gram of sugar in it. I don't think I have tasted anything so bad in my life. I do drink sugarless tea but sometimes I want to have a variety. So do yourself a favor and never buy this crap because they make it sound like it's a great drink to have but I swear they must have been drinking something else when they said it. ...What the hell happened to Joaquin Phoenix? This guy looks like he spent the last few years living up in the mountains of Tennessee. ...Watching AJ Burnett and Javier Vazquez pitch gives me the same feeling that I get when I nurse a toothache. ...God will get you department: This past off season I laughed when the Red Sox signed Marco Scutaro from Toronto to play shortstop. I laughed because the Yankees had Derek Jeter and you can't compare Scutaro to Captain Everything now can you? Fast forward to now. Let's compare some stats for Jeter and Scutaro, ok? Derek Jeter: .260 average, 10 HR and 60 RBI. .326 OBP and a .366 slugging percentage Marco Scutaro: .272 average, 10 HR and 52 RBI. .333 OBP and a .386 slugging percentage. Who's laughing now? Not me. In fact Jeter is getting worse by the day. But he will still get a nice new contract because of what he did ten years ago and not this year. Must be nice. ...Thanks but no thanks: Something I learned the other day and I thought was interesting enough to share in here. The state of Alaska will pay you to live there. You read that right. It seems as if those inbreds up there get an incentive to live up in the Great White Freeze. There is something called the Permanent Fund Dividend ( a huge investment of oil revenues in a variety of stocks and bonds.) And when October rolls around they pay their residents between one and two thousand dollars a year. Hell no. You live in below zero weather. And don't spend that check all in one place.
  7. Well, here goes nothing THU, SEP 9 Minnesota at New Orleans SUN, SEP 12 Carolina at NY Giants Atlanta at Pittsburgh Cleveland at Tampa Bay Denver at Jacksonville Indianapolis at Houston Miami at Buffalo Detroit at Chicago Oakland at Tennessee Cincinnati at New England Arizona at St. Louis San Francisco at Seattle Green Bay at Philadelphia Dallas at Washington MON, SEP 13 Baltimore at NY Jets Jets 24, Colts 14 (Total 38) San Diego at Kansas City Chargers 31, Chiefs 17 (Total 48)
  8. Someone must have hit a tennis ball into the stands and they were fighting for it.
  9. Yeah, there is just something about them that doesn't seem right. The black and white ones are the best. I'm very envious that you got to meet Don Knotts! He's one of my all time favorite actors. I don't think anyone can portray being afraid of something like being in a haunted house or being afraid of ghosts as good as Knotts. And the scenes with Jim Nabors on that show were classic. Thanks for sharing.
  10. Updated to 9-5 ...It has been quite some time that I have been looking forward to an NFL season but that is what I am doing this year after the Raiders are finally looking to be getting their act together. And next week when the season starts I will be able to watch them on the NFL Sunday Ticket from DirectTV. The Raiders, Sunday Ticket and Hi-Def TV equals major win. ...Cheers for Alex Rodriguez for finally telling agent Scott Bora$ where to get off. ...I am doing my Random Thoughts early this week because I woke up out of a sound sleep. I had a nightmare. Six months from today my wife and I are going to be going on vacation. I woke up because I dreamed we were on our vacation and that we left our money home. ...Late night TV is the best. ...Do we have any Andy Griffith Show fans around here? Is it just me or are the shows that are broadcast in color just do not look right? ...You want to listen to a live album that still has survived the test of time? Pick up Cheap Trick's live album called Cheap Trick at Budokan which was released here in the States in 1979. ...Took my wife out to a nice (for her) movie on Thursday night. I let her pick out the movie so she chose The Switch starring Jennifer Aniston. I didn't like it at all for a few reasons which I will give you here. 1. Jennifer Aniston was in it. 2. It was a romantic comedy made for women. 3. Jennifer Aniston was in it. ...Last night I let her choose another one to watch, this time on DirectTV pay per view. This one was called The Last Song and it had Miley Cyrus in it. This one I admit was much better than the Aniston movie and this Cyrus girl did a great job in it. It's nice to see a young actress like that out in Hollywood making headlines for her work and not for what she does wrong in her spare time like Lindsay "The Drunk" Lohan or Britney "I screw anything" Spears. ...Thanks Dodgers for blocking the waiver move of Ted Lilly going to the Yankees. Like you are actually going to be going somewhere in October. ...Manny Ramirez is now a White Sox. They already have an idiot as a manager and this guy will fit right in. And I still don't understand why he had to have an interpreter for his first White Sox press conference. Seems as if Nutsy only wanted to speak Spanish. ...Isn't it nice that Manny came clean and let everyone know that all the stuff that happened in Boston was his fault? This is something that the Red Sox and their fans have known for years now. ...Personally I am enjoying the season that the Angels are having. They can't lose enough games to satisfy me. Yet with all their troubles they still played the Yankees even (4-4) and at the same time finished up 0-6 against the Baltimore Orioles. Yeah I know. Don't even try to figure that one out. ...We got a few guys in here that have started a league in The Show 2010 on the PS3. Best of luck to them and I hope they have a lot of fun. ...Last week Nyger Morgan had a week only Milton Bradley could be proud of.
  11. The same guys who made the song about the Bed Intruder made this one about some wacked out woman describing a robbery. Original video from the news http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vcpx8O82KLM And here's the song they made out of it
  12. We gon find you!!! We gon find you!!! EDIT: Here are the lyrics Lyrics: he's climbin in your windows he's snatchin your people up tryna rape em so y'all need to hide your kids, hide your wife hide your kids, hide your wife hide your kids, hide your wife and hide your husband cuz they're rapin errbody out here you don't have to come and confess we're lookin for you we gon find you we gon find you so you can run and tell that, run and tell that run and tell that, homeboy home, home, homeboy we got your t-shirt you done left fingerprints and all you are so dumb you are really dumb--for real you are really, really, really, really so dumb i was attacked by some idiot in the projects so dumb, so dumb, so dumb, so chorus bout 5'9", 5'10" coffee complexion, low cut like a caesar with some little waves in his head clean cut, very smooth face seein my sister when i walked in he had his hands around her neck first thing was to pull him off of her and that's what i did chorus well, obviously we have a rapist in Lincoln Park are you serious, my boy? i got your t-shirt i got your scent i know what shoe size you wear, my boy so you can run and hide but we're gonna find you, find you chorus x2 (with ballet dancers, orchestra, choir, etc.)
  13. Here is the September edition of Baseball on the Radio at Mvpmods. This month features the famous game that decided the 1949 American League pennant between the visiting Boston Red Sox and the hometown New York Yankees. The date is October 2nd, 1949. The Red Sox were managed by Joe "Marse Joe" McCarthy and the Yankees by Casey Stengel, both of whom are in the Hall of Fame. Mel Allen, whom for years was the voice of the Yankees, handles play by play. Enjoy this game. It's an exciting one. Boston Red Sox vs. New York Yankees Retrosheet link. Played in Yankee Stadium, the Bronx, New York Part 1. Part 2. Part 3. Part 4. Yankee announcer Mel Allen
  14. Updated to 8-29 ...It's August 29th and that's just sad. Another summer has zoomed by and already at night around here it is getting cooler. Another baseball season is about to go into the final home stretch. Why does time fly by so fast? ...I'll be home alone today because my wife is going to the New York State Fair in Solvay, NY (suburb of Syracuse) all day long with a girl she works with and the girl's mother. Did I want to go? No honey, you go and have a good time. I don't want to hold you back because of my knees and back. I want you to have a great time. I love you! Are you kidding? Do I want to go? So I can drive 90 miles to get there in a cramped little car? So I can walk around all day with a bunch of little five year olds running into you all day long? Yeah, let me grab my hat. I'll be right there! ...You all hear that the Phillies fans got themselves in the news again? This time it was an incident with Washington's Nyger Morgan where the drunken lot out there in the bleachers were making fun of him. Should this surprise anyone? These people are by far the worst fans in baseball just like they are the worst fans in football. Philadelphia fans deserve nothing but the back of everyone's hand. They are trash. ...Thank you Johnny Damon. And thank you Dan Johnson of Tampa even though I don't even know who the hell you are. ...Oakland quarterback Jason Campbell got injured last night in the Raiders 28-24 preseason loss to the 49ers. They said he got a "stinger." I'm not really sure what a stinger is and when I watched the replay of it, it looked to me that stinger meant that he got sacked really hard. ...For any of you who are New York State residents like myself, do you understand why we are getting new license plates that are going from white to dark yellow? If this state is complaining that they do not have money and they have to do cutbacks, etc, etc, why have this unnecessary expense? ...Ok Cincinnati Reds. There's a month to go in the season. You have a 4 game lead in the NL Central. You guys are my "pick to choke" team this year down the stretch. Come on now, don't disappoint me! ...Javier Vazquez is unhappy he is being passed over on his start today in Chicago and instead rookie Ivan Nova will be on the mound today for the pitching starved Yankees. Oh really? And like you deserve to be out there again Javy with the way you have been pitching? You are lucky that you can give the Yankees one productive inning. Damn I can't wait until you are off this team. ...ZERO. That's how much patience and faith I have left for this Yankee team. Zero is also the number of games A.J. Burnett has won for the Yankees in the month of August (0-4 with a 7.80 ERA.) How is that for a big money free agent pitcher? ...Say what you want about Boston GM Theo Epstein but at least this guy wasn't the one who signed Nick Johnson over the winter. ...Finally, some observant users around here may discover there are now two JoeRudi's running around here. Your eyes are not playing tricks on you because the second Joe Rudi is JoeRudi26's son, who just joined up yesterday. So say hello to him and make him feel welcome!
  15. Never have I heard someone scream like this for such a stupid reason. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=klCSyq0Ii14&feature=related
  16. Updated to 8-22 ...I know it is only pre-season but I am loving this Raider team. I can't wait for the season to start up. ...George Carlin, the late, great comedian said it best. "If you are driving behind an old man wearing a hat you know you are going to go slow." And damned if that didn't happen to me twice last week. ...I sure wish someone would tell the Yankees that this year's Seattle team is way below .500 because when they play against them they make them look like the Mariner team that won 116 games in 2001. ...But this year the Yankees are making every team look good. They lack the spark and pitching depth. And laugh if you want because right now they still have the best record in baseball, but they are no lock for making the playoffs. ...And even if they do make the playoffs I see a first round exit. What do you expect when you have to throw out someone like AJ Burnett, who has been consistently bad all year and Javier Vazquez, who has been even worse. Again, I don't want to be doom and gloom here, but I just don't see how they can expect to win with this personnel. ...Look at Jeter for example. He looks like he aged five years over the off season and if the Yankees give him anything more than a three year contract when his current one runs out then they are insane. ...Hey did you see the Pirates signed a 16 year old pitcher? By the time the kid turns 18 they won't be able to afford him and they'll have to trade him. ...I would not be surprised if the Nationals shut down Stephen Strasburg for the rest of the season after an MRI on his forearm showed a strained flexor tendon. ...Being that I am one of the charter members of the Dennis James fan club I'd like to remind everyone that The Lord of Stadiums has released the 1970's versions of Dodger Stadium and Busch Stadium. And there's more coming. ...Haven't commented on Hazel Mae in a few weeks but that doesn't mean I've forgotten about her. The worst part of watching things on the MLB Network is when she happens to be on the air and pretends she knows baseball. Makes me wonder how she got her job. Put it this way...whomever hired her must have her put out three times a week to keep her job.
  17. I ought to sue! That's me every time Jorge Posada comes up to bat.
  18. Bobby Thomson Bobby Thomson hit what is perhaps the most famous home run in baseball history. His dramatic "shot heard 'round the world" on October 3, 1951, a three-run, ninth-inning homer off Brooklyn pitcher Ralph Branca, capped the Giants' historic comeback to win the NL pennant. Thomson also hit a sixth-inning homer off Branca in the opening game of the playoffs, which erased a 1-0 Dodger lead. Born in Glasgow, Scotland, the Staten Island Scot hit 24 or more homers six times in his seven full seasons with the Giants. A key to the 1951 pennant was Thomson's switch to third base, allowing Willie Mays to take over centerfield. Following the 1953 season, Thomson was sent to the Milwaukee Braves in a trade that brought future 20-game winner Johnny Antonelli to the Giants. Thomson broke his ankle in spring training with the Braves in 1954, and that injury kept Hank Aaron from being sent to the minors. Later that year, when Thomson was in the lineup, Aaron pinch ran for him and broke his ankle. A nice , likable guy, known as a good low-ball hitter, Thomson had a comeback season for the Cubs in 1958, when he hit 21 homers and collected 82 RBI while batting .283. In 1969, Thomson was named to the Giants' all-time outfield along with Mel Ott and Willie Mays.
  19. Hey thanks a lot man. I love learning new things. That name just seemed a little odd to me and that's why I asked.
  20. Updated to 8-16 ...Just thought I would start out this week's edition of Random Thoughts with a shameless plug for thespungo's satirical news blog that you can see for yourself right here. I don't know about you but it's impressive and it's funny. And spungo, you know what? You got a good point. What the hell ever happened to those Planters Cheez Balls? Those things were addictive. ...Alex Rodriguez hit three home runs in last night's game at Kansas City. That's great. Now maybe he'll wake up for the rest of the year and start hitting and hopefully Derek Jeter will decide to do the same thing. ...My God even Jorge Posada homered. Can you all imagine if this guy actually contributes for the rest of the year? Oh no. I'm getting too ahead of myself here. ...Frankie Rodriguez rejoined the Mets yesterday after being arrested for beating up his father-in-law. Damn I'd love to be a fly on the wall for Thanksgiving dinner at their house this year. Word is all dad-in-law said to KRod was "why the hell did you leave the Angels to go to a team like this?" Seems like a reasonable question to me. ...Wasn't online last night because I went to see my second and last baseball game of the year. The Lehigh Valley Iron Pigs were in town. I'd like a kind user out there to tell me what in the hell an Iron Pig is. It was a good game. Great weather, not too hot, plenty of action. Fireworks after the game (big deal) and there was an Elvis impersonator after the game because today (the 16th) is the 33rd anniversary of his death. I wonder who thinks of these promotions? ...Isn't it ironic though that the King of Rock and Roll and the man who was Baseball's Home run king (Babe Ruth) both died on the exact same day? ...Did I read this right? The Oakland Raiders won a preseason game? Get the hell out of here. ...This is just a personal observation so don't shoot me for it. But ever since 2k9 was released last year we have had a different breed of users join here than we had in the past. These people come in here and demand just about everything be done for them and get all offended when you don't jump when they say so. Doing actual work like searching for something is out of the question. Not every new user who has joined during this time is like this. Anyways, that's just how I see it so if you don't agree with it take it out on me and not the website. ...Five Arby's roast beef sandwiches for five dollars. Good deal. The dollar menu at Burger King and McDonalds. Good deal. Buy one get one free. Another good deal. And one of the best deals on the internet if you are a PC baseball gamer is right here on this website. For five dollars you can buy yourself a year's subscription on this site and download to your heart's content. For ten dollars you can do the same thing -but it doesn't expire after the year is done. In fact it never expires. How can you beat that deal? You can't. ...Do you really want to laugh? Go to youtube and type in this keyword golf course airhorn. The past few days I've been watching these videos and these guys are driving those golfers nuts by blowing the airhorn. They go crazy when they mess up their swing! :lol:
  21. Mark I better plead the 5th here if you don't mind.
  22. Oh yeah?? Why I ought to...wait I can't.
  23. Wow is she hot. And the dumb SOB didn't even give her the ball. I also would have left the ballpark early with her to take her home to "apologize" to her...for the rest of the night.
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