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Everything posted by Yankee4Life

  1. I'm fine, and I hope you are too. I just googled it. I don't believe this! Funny stuff.
  2. Updated to 8-8 ...Thank you to JoeRudi26 for bringing up this idea for a Mvp baseball 2011 and here is hoping this idea sprouts wings and takes off because we really need an update from Mvp 2008. ...And I will not go further in this week's edition of Random Thoughts if I did not thank Mr Jim825 for releasing his latest gem, the total conversion mod for the 1974 season which I will be very happy to provide the download link right here. ...I like when the Yankees play day games because that means guys like MarkB can get a decent night's sleep, provided of course if he ever slept. ...You are never too old to learn things and if you keep your eyes open you can learn something new every single day here and I have to thank the shoutbox crowd earlier this week for this eye opener that almost got me into serious trouble with my better half. Only because of a bad phone connection at her work (they have been installing a new phone system this week at her work and sometimes the connection is not that good.) I avoided some serious trouble because I called her up before she came home for lunch to ask her if she knew if anyone she worked with had a wizard's sleeve. How the God damn hell am I supposed to know what it really meant?? I swear before God himself that before that a wizard's sleeve was well, a wizard's sleeve. The work on those phones last week bailed me out because they thought I was talking about some Harry Potter stuff. So did I...until I googled it when I got off the phone. ...This is why when Mark and other people tell me to stay away from a website called 4Channels I do it. They make it sound like if I go there my eyes will melt. ...Hey, I don't want you to think that I don't know things on the Internet but the things that I know those guys already know so why should I bring them up if they already know them? In other words...ah hell let me change the subject here. ...I heard some talk from some Red Sox fans in here like SeanO that the season for the Red Sox is over for the year. And as much as I want that to be true I won't believe it until it is mathematically true. I've seen too many comebacks over the years. You think the Mets have forgotten that they blew a seven game lead with two weeks to play a few years back? That ballclub still has not recovered from that. Or look at what the Twins did last year. They came on like gangbusters in September. Yeah, that team has had a lot of injuries but I don't turn my back on anyone until the door is officially closed on them. ...Baseball is such a fascinating sport because you can never understand why certain things happen in baseball that really have no explanation. Like this: The Orioles, the team with a 36-74 record, who are 32 1/2 games out of first place as of this writing, swept the Los Angeles Angels recently in a three game series. This is the same Angels team that always pushes around the Yankees every year. Go figure. And if you do figure it out, get back to me. ...Poor Lance Berkman. He finally got a hold of one yesterday -even though it was in batting practice- and unfortunately hit Alex Rodriguez in the leg. Now if he had done the same thing and KO'ed AJ Burnett he would have got a standing ovation. ...It's strange seeing the Cincinnati Reds in first place this late in the season because usually around the beginning of August that team is making their plans for the winter. ...The Whiner of the week award goes to Joe Maddon, manager of the Rays. He cried this week because the a ball hit by a Twins player hit the catwalk and fell in fair territory, helping the Twins beat Tampa. Now, he is pushing for a rule change just in case the Rays make the playoffs. Of course, he was very very quiet when the same thing happened in April against the Yankees. But in that case it was the Rays who got the hit and not the other team.
  3. Not a new video but it is funny as hell. Triumph the Wonder Dog interviews Star Wars nerds Part One http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ugk37TvIR8E Part Two http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nCtz4trJr_g&feature=related
  4. 1974 Continued Pinch running in late innings is reserve outfielder Rowland Office. Office did not score. Boog Powell hits a long foul off of Phil Niekro but ended up grounding out. Niekro's knuckler kept the Orioles off stride all game as he pitched seven innings of 6 hit ball and only gave up one run. He did not get the decision. Coming in to pitch for Baltimore, righthander Wayne Garland. Davey Johnson of the Braves. There were four future managers playing in this game today between the Braves and Orioles. Johnson, Dusty Baker and Johnny Oates from Atlanta and Don Baylor of the Orioles. Mark Belanger shows why he was one of the best shortstops of his era as he makes the long throw from shortstop. Well they could not keep him down forever. Hank Aaron was 0 for 4 before he stepped up to the plate in the 11th inning and then he promptly hit a two run double as the Braves held on to win 3 - 1. Bobby Grich grounds out second to first to end the game.
  5. Another total conversion mod has been released by Jim825 and this one is the 1974 Total Conversion mod which can be downloaded on this website by following this link. It should be very obvious to everyone right now what Jim is doing here and if you still can't see it I will fill you in. Jim makes his season mods his way. He takes his time doing them and he covers everything that needs to be modded in a TC mod in his own unique way. Because he's made so many of these now I do imagine that the steps needed to complete this task is committed to his memory now and making this mod was a bit easier than working on the 1951 mod for example. Also, if you noticed, no announcement was made during the weeks and months it took him to finalize this 1974 mod. Basically there are two reasons for it. First of all, there are some of you out there that if you knew about this mod being made you would be bugging this guy for a release date and you would not let up. Dshibshm may be gone from this website but some of you still display his mannerisms. Secondly, the surprise of announcing a new mod like this is always nice for the creator of the mod because the people that really love and respect what Jim does here are always sure to let him know how much he is appreciated. And Jim, you really are. Thank you once again for giving us another huge reason to stick with Mvp baseball. Once again to avoid any problems please read the instructions Jim provides in his mod. Please have a fresh install (clean copy) of Mvp 05 and install this mod right over that. This mod captures the 1974 season and how baseball was in the early 1970's. The uniforms in this mod are extremely well done and getting into this game brought me back to players I have not thought of in many years, like Jim Mason for example, who was the Yankee shortstop that year. All you got to do is look at his three year stats for the Yankees from 1974 to 1976 and you will see why I haven't thought of him. The overlay for this game complements this mod perfectly. Nothing flashy or outrageous. It just provides you what you need to know and it doesn't take up too much of your screen. The ABC Sports logo really makes this overlay stand out. The jukebox music is taken from the CD of the greatest hits of 1974 and there is walkup music featuring the Jackson Five among other artists. The selections that Jim chose for his jukebox were very diversified and they did capture perfectly what America was listening to in 1974. Please trust me on this. Because I have a confession. While I did grow up in the 1970's I am of the firm belief that that decade produced some of the worst music I have ever heard. I believe I only bought two albums in the entire decade, Van Halen in 1978 and Van Halen II in 1979. So, when I first got into this 1974 mod and heard this music I said outloud to myself "Jim, you made the game sound exactly like 1974 was," which of course is what he had in mind all the time. If you are looking for another fun mod to play with familiar players on each and every team, this latest history lesson released by Jim825 disguised as a classic baseball season is the way to go. Video: Hank Aaron just misses his pitch and flies out to right field. Screenshots: Welcome to Total Classics 1974! Ralph Garr gives the Braves an early 1-0 lead via this sacrifice fly that scored Phil Niekro from third base. The Orioles got the bottom of their order coming up. Hank Aaron makes this spectacular running catch to rob Boog Powell that ended the fourth inning for the Orioles. Now it is second baseman Marty Perez's turn to flash the leather. Here he stretches out as far as he can to rob Brooks Robinson of an opposite field single. Aaron's at it again in left field. Rich Coggins has just singled and in his attempt to take the extra base is thrown out by a strong and accurate throw from Aaron in left field. Mike Cuellar pitched very well today as he struck out five Braves including Dusty Baker right here. Rich Coggins rounds third base in the sixth inning and scores on Bobby Grich's single that tied the game at 1 - 1.
  6. I read that article about Satchel Paige. It was in a book called The Baseball Chronicles (1991, Carroll and Graf publishers). Reprinted from Collier's Magazine and the writer was someone named Richard Donovan. The piece was called "The Fabulous Satchel Paige." And it is exactly what he was.
  7. I'll ask Trues. EDIT: PM sent to Trues about this.
  8. Mark, I have read your "Big, Nasty, All-encompassing Faq List!" on more than one occasion and it is very helpful. Also the support forum is just as good. But when I jump in threads like this it makes me think that you just wasted your time making that FAQ list for some people because they don't read it anyways.
  9. Well, here we are. A new month is here and it's time for another baseball game on the radio. This month we see the New York Giants visit the Brooklyn Dodgers at Ebbets Field in Brooklyn. The date is August 31st, 1957 and this game was the middle game of the final three game series the Giants would ever play in Brooklyn. New York Giants vs Brooklyn Dodgers Retrosheet boxscore of the game. Batteries: For the visiting Giants, righthander Al Worthington and catcher Valmy Thomas. For the hometown Dodgers, righthander Sal Maglie and catcher Johnny Roseboro. Enjoy! Part One. Part Two. Part Three. Part Four. Part Five. Also, this month there is an added bonus. Here is the story of the 1967 Impossible Dream Boston Red Sox team. This is not a baseball game but it is a review of the 1967 Red Sox season narrarated by Ken Coleman that has a lot of highlights taken from the radio broadcasts. It's very well done. It is not that long to listen to because this was originally released on an LP record. In fact, here is the cover of the LP: And, here is the LP... 1967 Red Sox Impossible Dream Season.
  10. Updated to 8-1 ...Well the trade deadline came and went and while the Yankees did make some moves they didn't make a blockbuster one that took a big bite out of the farm system. Which, of course, was very strange to see coming from them. ...Ok, I can understand getting Lance Berkman. We need someone to replace Nick Johnson who is having another one of his fine years on the injured list. And Austin Kearns, a right handed bat. But Kerry Wood? Why? He's 1-4 with a 6.30 ERA. Don't we have enough people on the staff already with numbers like his? Like Joba? ...Speaking of Joba, he must be ecstatic with the acquisition of Wood. Wood was the only pitcher doing worse than he was this year on the mound so maybe the fans will start getting off his back the next time he comes in to pitch because they know there is someone even worse than he is out in that pen. ...Nick Johnson's excited about the trade for Kerry Wood too. Wood's been on the disabled list 14 times in his career so now Johnson can honestly say there is someone even worse than him on the team. WOW!! What a trade. ...Poor Cub fans. Their team trades a decent lefthander in Ted Lilly and a good, hustling ballplayer in Ryan Theriot yesterday but they still have that statue out in left field and nut job out in the bullpen. You see Cubs, the idea when you make trades is to try to improve your ballclub and not make it worse. ...Let's hear it for the Pittsburgh Pirates because they actually held on to their most talented player in Andrew McCutcheon instead of trading him off for four Double A pitchers and cash. Good for them. ...Finally, what the hell are you thinking Atlanta Braves in trading for Kyle Farnsworth? Of all teams you have no excuse because Farnsworth actually played for you a few years ago. You should already know what you are getting. So when he blows a lead in August and September -and he will...don't look shocked. ...Anyone see what's going on down in Tampa this weekend? They are playing in front of sell out crowds. Don't let it fool you though. Rays management is letting people in for free. That's the only way they can pack the place. ...I have had it up to here visiting The Sporting News website because every time I click on an article to read it they have audio commercials on each page that pop up automatically to sell Lexus LS automobiles. ...Hey Derek Jeter. It's August now. Don't you think you should start hitting the damn ball? Just asking. ...Finally, R.I.P. to a great Oakland Raider, Jack Tatum. Tatum was one of the best defensive backs in the NFL back when you were actually allowed to tackle people without getting a penalty. Most people remember him for one sad incident in a pre-season game, but he was much more than that. He was a truly great player.
  11. Chances are that this guy is not going to get a refund for his ticket. And I am all for it. And not because of his right to express himself or anything like that. He wore that jersey with one thing in mind -and that was to have people notice him wearing it and to provoke a reaction from them because he knows well enough that city is still smarting for the way Lebron James left town. The Indians management escorted him out of the building for two very important reasons: first off because they wanted to prevent a riot starting in left field that could have easily branched out to other parts of the ballpark. The safety of the fans involved in this incident and the ones not involved in this were at stake as well as the ballplayers. And secondly, they got that guy out of the ballpark for his own good before someone got brave and was able to administer bodily harm on this person. This guy got what he wanted and that was attention. I would have no doubt that somewhere on the Internet today is a blog update by that guy bragging about what he did.
  12. You're amazing. You're quoting yourself here. You are the kind of guy who can start an argument in an empty room.
  13. Ramble on as much as you want in here Jay. That's what this thread is for. Consider it a little sound off thread if you will. Come by any time you want. As for you being a Pirates fan, I admire your loyalty. It really is tested and for quite a long time.
  14. Updated to 7-25 ...Forgive me everyone for being a bit pre-occupied this week but I am going to be paying a lot of attention to what the Yankees do between now and the July 31st trading deadline because if history repeats itself they'll trade some good young talent for an aging outfielder who can only play DH. Or a pitcher who can't pitch. ...Nothing against Dan Haren, who is probably a fine pitcher in his own right, but this year he is 7-8 with a 4.60 ERA and that's way to high for the NL. Just imagine what it would be in the homer happy AL. And trading for this guy and giving up someone like Jesus Montero would make no sense. Stay in Arizona Haren and finish in last place in the NL West with the rest of your teammates. ...One of the first things I did in my Yankee trade watch for this week was check out the Pittsburgh Pirates active roster because one or more of those guys are probably playing their last games for the Bucs this week. ...Speaking of Pittsburgh, you can say what you want about your favorite team but they will never be as bad as this organization that they have in that city. We all know this stat. 17 straight losing seasons. And as far as I am concerned they can add another 100 years to that. Barry Bonds exit at the end of the 1992 season began Pittsburgh's long demiss e and questionable moves by the front office in recent years have done nothing to improve the team. Once they do get a good player you can set your watch to when he is going to be traded. I'm waiting for Andrew McCutcheon to be wearing a new uniform soon because he is the best player on that team. ...Went to a family picnic yesterday and the humidity here in the Northeast has not let up at all. Couldn't eat anything but cheese and crackers but I did put away more than my share of Nestea iced tea. Or was it Lipton? No matter. It was in a can and it was cold. Family picnics are fun. It reminds you of the great people you have in your family and also the ones to avoid. ...Nice going Chone Figgins on that play you didn't make at second base the other night. For anyone who didn't see it, Mike Cameron doubled and when the ball was thrown into second base, Figgins just stood there and let the ball get past him and Cameron took third. I've seen this play before - in a little league game when the kid is pouting about something. Not a major league game. Figgins probably realizes now that following the money to go to Seattle wasn't the best move. ...Seattle's another team I have no love lost for. They made a lot of noise by signing all those guys this past winter and they themselves and some sportswriters were awarding them the AL West title before any games were played. Kind of reminds me of the first year Johan Santana went to the Mets. The Mets had themselves already in the World Series because of that Didn't work out that way now did it? ...Cheers to Jorge Posada for driving in his 1,000th run a few games ago. He'd of done it two years ago if he didn't have the annoying habit of striking out with men on base or grounding into double plays. Retire you son of a bitch. ...Here is hoping for a quick recovery for Yogi Berra and also my condolences to the Houk family. ...Hall of Fame induction ceremonies today. You couldn't pay me to be there. I went in 2001 and it was wall to wall people with little bastard children constantly running into you.
  15. Mvp 2010 for Mvp 2004 Continued Adrian Gonzalez slides into third base on Chase Headley's double and would score the game's first run moments later. Seven strong innings by John Garland kept the high scoring Cardinals off the scoreboard. He was in command all day before tiring a little in the seventh. Adrian Gonzalez takes this play at first himself. Matt Stairs rounds the bases after his pinch hit home run in the seventh inning. It was close, but the umpires got this one right. The runner was out. No, this is not Adrian Gonzalez even though it looks like him. It's Tony Gwynn, Jr. Tony Gwynn, Jr doubles down the third base line scoring San Diego's third and final run of the game. The Cardinals have action in their bullpen. Coming in to pitch the 9th inning for the Padres, Heath Bell. Game over! Padres win 3 - 1.
  16. Next in my Total Conversion Mod review thread is the latest (and last) mod for Mvp Baseball 2004 by piratesmvp04. PiratesMvp04 has made three total conversion mods for the 2004 version of Mvp Baseball and this third one here will update Mvp 2004 to the 2010 Major League Baseball season. This mod is not hosted here on Mvpmods and is also not hosted on Mlbmods, but a link is provided over on that site for you to get it. The download link for Mvp Baseball 2010 (for Mvp 04) is right here. What you need to do to install this mod is to first install a clean (unmodded) copy of Mvp Baseball 2004. Then, as the instructions say, install patch #4 which can be downloaded right here on Mvpmods by following this link right here. Once you are done applying the patch, install the mod. That's it. One thing I did not like about the install process is that it did not let you know when it was completed. When you start to install this, it asks you where you want to install mod. After you specify where you want it to install, it lets you know that there is a second part to the installation that you must wait for. Finally, a status bar will come up and something is uncompressed. When it reaches 100% the status bar disappears and that is the last you see of the installation process. I just sat there for a good ten minutes waiting for some kind of confirmation that the mod was installed but nothing came. So I decided to check for myself by getting into the game. Yep, everything installed right and I now have the 2010 mod for Mvp 04, but this installer leaves much to be desired. PiratesMvp04 did provide a readme with this mod in .pdf format but no where in that readme does it cover the installation of the mod. All it really covered is what was updated in the mod, where to get support and his notification of him retiring from modding and who he thanked for helping him with this mod. All well and good, but nothing to help the user with the installation or what to expect. The rosters are from April of this year so if anyone is looking for Stephen Strasburg here you will have to wait for an updated roster release if Pirates decides to do it. The stadiums and uniforms here in this mod look fine except for a missing texture on the first baseman's gloves which will be shown in the screenshots. The uniforms are especially impressive. The readme file said they were hi-res uniforms and that is exactly what was delivered here. They really stand out. I was a bit put off by the player portraits. For example, CC Sabathia is still in his Brewers uniform in this mod and Mark Teixeira is portrayed in his Angels uniform. A lot of the players are displayed in their old uniforms but for some reason John Lackey, the free agent pitcher the Red Sox signed this past winter, is shown in his Red Sox uniform in this game. Which brings up the question if Lackey was updated why not these other guys? In the game that I played to review this mod I saw a cyberface issue with the Padres. For some reason Adrian Gonzalez is being passed off as Tony Gwynn Jr. I'm sure it was an over sight but it was still something that should have been caught. The jukebox choices for this mod were chosen very well and I got to say it's one of the best put together jukeboxes for this game yet. Again as a reminder this mod is for Mvp baseball 2004, the game with Albert Pujols on the cover. Not Manny Ramirez. Because this is the 2004 version the KATIE ROY trick will not work here. But don't worry, there's another code that will do the exact same thing. Create a player named NICK ROY and save it. Then you'll have all the stadiums, uniforms and players. Screenshots: Welcome to Mvp 2010 for Mvp Baseball 2004 The pride of San Diego, Adrian Gonzalez. Here's the missing texture on the first baseman's glove. This Redbird got caught looking. Laying down a perfect sacrifice bunt. Albert Pujols would end up with two hits in this game. David Eckstein is forced at second to end the fifth inning. John Garland struck out eight in this game for the win including this one on Ryan Ludwick. Albert Pujols gets drilled in the back by a Garland pitch.
  17. Updated to 7-18 ...It's only proper of me to start this week's version of Random Thoughts with my expression of condolences to the Steinbrenner family for the loss of Mr. Steinbrenner on Tuesday. I even had the honor of meeting him once. The date was July 5th, 1976 and that's when my family and I took a little vacation down to New York City. It was the year of the reopening of Yankee Stadium so I was taken down there for an early birthday present. We got there early for the game with the Royals and I saw the players walking into the park. Roy White, Thurman Munson, etc. And then George Steinbrenner. I struck up all my nerve and asked him for an autograph and he said sure. I was a fan for life. R.I.P. sir and thank you for owning the Yankees. ...I admit I am the first one to criticize the Boston Red Sox organization for anything but I have to say thank you to them for the tribute they did at Fenway on Thursday for Mr. Steinbrenner. The Sox went all out to do this and it was done respectively and with a lot of class. It showed me a lot. ...I want to thank everyone for their very nice birthday wishes for Dylan Bradbury and myself on Wednesday. It's a nice feeling and it's also nice to share my birthday with Dylan, whom I've developed a lot of respect for as well as a friendship. And I was equally happy to hear that he got a fan for his birthday because that is one thing he really needed. (In case any of you don't know, this poor kid lives in an apartment building that does not allow the residents to have air conditioners. And with the heat we have been having it has been tough on him.) I'm assuming his parents got him the fan and I also hope they got one for themselves. Me? I got a fifty dollar gift card from my wife for Amazon.com. It will come in handy very soon when I buy season nine of Hawaii Five-O, which will be released in August. ...Apple haters must be in heaven these last few days with the way the Apple company is spinning their story around trying to explain away their latest piece of very expensive and practically worthless iPhone 4. ...One thing I look forward to every year is the Yankees Old Timer's Game and this year was no exception. That team always makes that day a can't-miss event every year. ...A.J. Burnett, meet Kevin Brown. ...I was in a doctor's waiting room waiting for my wife to finish up with a check up she had to have and I saw a copy of the May Newsweek that had Facebook on the cover. It seems that Facebook now has over 500 million people who now have Facebook accounts. After reading that article it made me feel very good about myself because I am not one of the 500 million. ...Doctor's offices and magazines, part two: Another time, another doctor and this time it was a copy of Sports Illustrated that caught my eye. SI had an article about Robinson Cano, who as we all know is having a career year for the Yanks. I did not know that Cano was a better major league hitter (career .312 hitter) than his minor league numbers (career .278 hitter.) Also, as with most baseball stories fate always has a part in things. It seems that the Boston Red Sox arranged for a tryout for Cano but it was scheduled on a day when Cano had a final exam in school. Cano missed the tryout and the Sox did not get to see how good he was for themselves. ...If any of you were ever curious to know what a Hong Kong hooker looks like, take one look at MLB.com's Hazel Mae. ...Yesterday, July 17th, was a very special day here at Mvpmods. Dennis James did not release a mod for Mvp baseball yesterday. Keep up the great work my friend. The more people get into 2k10 the better Mvp baseball will look and you are a big part of it.
  18. Hey Mark my man, it's ok. Let him continue to make fun of my name on here, like it is supposed to bother me. It's fine. The guy has to do something to try and deflect attention for that unintelligent question that he asked in this thread that only he thinks makes any kind of sense. No problem. So let him make himself laugh by doing word plays on my name. It just shows how smart he really thinks he is and how intelligent he really appears to everyone else. Besides Mark I got to remind you again if we lean on him too much some people out there will accuse us of treating these people like "sh** beneath our shoes." Don't want that to happen. So go ahead Vikrant, have your fun.
  19. Fine, I can change my name to that or to any name you come up with. But I still wasn't the one who came in here and asked everyone if Tywiggins' roster editor could be used with a game that has not even been made yet. And then you have the nerve to get upset because you got some answers you didn't like. Now, in case you ask in the future, tywiggins' MLB2k10 roster editor can not be used in these following PC baseball games or console games: 1. The Show 2010 2. Mvp Baseball 2003, 2004 and 2005 3. Every version of High Heat Baseball 4. Every version of Triple Play Baseball 5. Every version of Out of the Park Baseball and Inside the Park Baseball. 6. Every version of Baseball Mogul. Hope this helps! Got to go now, have to change my name. This ought to be my new signature!
  20. Updated to 7-11 ...While Yankee fans might be disappointed that we did not land Cliff Lee yesterday from Seattle, I am not one of them. I'm glad that we held onto Jesus Montero. Why not have these good young talented players win for the Yankees instead of everyone else? Even though Seattle used and played the Yankees to get a better deal from Texas I still think we are the winner for holding on to this young catcher. ...This is going to be a good week because two of my favorite shows are returning on the USA Network. Psych and White Collar are back just in time for some good summer television. ...Had to go pick up the ashes from our dog on Saturday and that was a tough thing to do. I am still dealing with the loss of this little Scottie. ...Sometimes I ask myself is it best for a person not to be a dog owner. That way they never have to deal with losing them. Then again they don't have the happy years a dog gives you. All I can say for sure is when they are gone it tears you up inside and doesn't let go. ...Want a laugh? Go to Youtube and watch this video of Lindsay Lohan crying in court when she finds out she has to go to jail for 90 days. I have no sympathy for people like this at all. NONE. ...Supposed to be cooler here in the east this week compared to last week. Someone like DylanBradbury had it harder than I did because the poor guy is not allowed to have air conditioners in his apartment building. Something that I just don't understand. Exceptions should be made for days like this with high heat and humidity. ...So Lebron James went to Miami? Hey, it's his life. It is not going to affect me any because I don't follow basketball. But of course on this website I had to defend myself from one clown in here even on a subject like this that means absolutely nothing to me only because this person is so defensive on anything said about the city of Boston. And he doesn't even live there. Makes sense? Not to me. And for what it's worth all I said was that I was glad Lebron didn't sign with Boston because the Celtics fans would be talking about this until the start of the NBA season. Pretty bad huh? I ought to be stoned for that comment. Get a life. ...One final thing about Lebron, Cleveland and Boston: I didn't care about Lebron James at any time since he's been in the NBA and I will continue to do so. I also feel bad for Cleveland here because it always seems that city gets the short end in everything. And for Boston? Shoot, Boston didn't need Lebron James. Love that team or dislike them you got to admit that the Boston Celtics play as a team and they really didn't need a player who is as selfish as this Lebron guy seems to be. And I would have said all this in the shoutbox if given the chance. ...You thirsty Jamarcus Russell? Go get some more Purple Drank. This guy is the perfect example of the idiot athlete that people hate. Guys that have it all with a ton of money. And he's got to get arrested for getting into this stuff. Hell, when I want "Purple Drank" I go and get myself the grape flavored Gatorade. ...Joba Chamberlain has proven to be a flash in the pan and now needs to go back to Scranton to give up his roster spot so a major league pitcher can use it. ...If any of you watched the Yankee game last night in 3D can you let me know how it was? Thank you.
  21. And I bet your IQ is in the forties.
  22. Lay off LoGatto here. You asked a really stupid question. How is anyone going to know what is going to work and not work with a game that is not even out yet until next March? Get real.
  23. Again another fantastic job by Dennis James. My Mvp game looks even better now with all these updated stadiums. Thank you.
  24. There are work arounds for that because the total conversion mods are sometimes over 400 mb apiece.
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