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Everything posted by Yankee4Life

  1. Updated to 7-4 ...Happy Fourth of July everyone! This is one of my favorite holidays because it is in my favorite month of the year. July's always been at the top for me and not only because that's the month I was born in. I just love the summer. ...For those of you in here that are not American and for you today is just July 4, let me tell you what you are missing. Today's the day Americans get together and fire up the grill and have hots and hamburgers and there's always a ballgame on the radio in the background. Large quantities of beer is consumed along with potato salad and anything else that you can fit on your plate. Then when you get so hot that you can't bare the heat anymore you either jump in the pool, have the hose turned on you or retreat back in your house to cool off. At night you either go someplace to watch the fireworks or if you don't want to do that, you can stay home and you'll hear firecrackers going off from some asshole until 3:00 in the morning. And that right there is the Fourth of July. I can't wait. ...Happy Birthday to George Steinbrenner of the Yankees and to Al Davis of the Oakland Raiders. My two favorite owners of my two favorite teams. ...Does Stephen Strasburg belong in the All-Star Game? Windbag Joe Morgan and Moron Dusty Baker SAY NO WAY. Well, that's good enough for me. Now I want him in the All-Star game. ...Am I the only person that doesn't care where Lebron James ends up? ...I was watching an old movie the other day with a young Drew Barrymore in it and the title of the movie reminded me of Joba Chamberlain. It was called Firestarter. ...I don't like the way this Yankee team is playing. The hitting is inconsistent. They can go a few games looking terrible. Then they break out like they did yesterday against Toronto with 11 runs in one inning and then back to looking awful again. And the pitching has been nothing to brag about. When you watch them on TV you just wait for something bad to happen. ...And I don't buy it for a second that A.J. Burnett is going to straighten himself out just because Dave Eiland is back. The law of averages say he will begin to improve because that is what he has done his entire career. He's up and down. Never dependable. He is another guy that needs to get the shit kicked out of. ...Burnett, Javier Vazquez and Jorge Posada are my unholy trio on the Yankees. I can't stand any of them. ...Dennis James is quickly approaching Sainthood for MVP users on this website.
  2. A new month is upon us and another baseball game is ready for all of you. And since it is the month of July and All Star Game time, I give you for your listening pleasure the 1956 All Star Game that was played at Griffith Stadium in Washington, DC on July 10th of that year. National League vs. American League National League Starting Lineup Johnny Temple, Cincinnati 2B Frank Robinson, Cincinnati LF Stan Musial, St. Louis RF Ken Boyer, St. Louis 3B Gus Bell, Cincinnati CF Dale Long, Pittsburgh 1B Ed Bailey, Cincinnati C Roy McMillan, Cincinnati SS Bob Friend, Pittsburgh P American League Starting Lineup Harvey Kuenn, Detroit SS Nellie Fox, Chicago 2B Ted Williams, Boston LF Mickey Mantle, New York CF Yogi Berra, New York C Al Kaline, Detroit RF Mickey Vernon, Boston, 1B George Kell, Baltimore 3B Billy Pierce, Chicago P Here is the RETROSHEET link for the game. A lot of Hall of Famers played in this game. Griffith Stadium in Washington I do have one question about this game. I want to know why there were five Reds in the starting lineup? Cincinnati did have a good year in 1956 (Won 91, Lost 63) but finished in third place behind Brooklyn and Milwaukee. This recording has no player introductions. It starts in the first inning when the leadoff hitter for the NL is at the plate, Johnny Temple. The game is broadcast from WGN in Chicago. The 1956 All Star Game Part 1. Part 2. Part 3. Part 4.
  3. Updated to 6-27 ...Thank you Dylan for keeping up with this thread this morning while I was temporarily detained in hell. Do you know what I did while I was there? I sat in a chair for two days hoping to God that sleep would come over me and I would be able to nap away some of the time. That only worked a little bit. Most of the time I was wide awake and climbing the walls. ...Good news though! I've returned home with something brand new that is wrong with me. When I am down there I have to sleep on a bed that has no support to it. Zero. None. Friday night it was so bad I couldn't sleep. When I finally was able to nod off I woke up with a sharp biting back pain in my lower back that has not gone away or subsided yet. In fact it got worse because of the three hour ride home today. Every bump on the New York State Thruway I felt. ...Did I mention no Internet access down there? I don't know when or where I am going to meet my maker and I hope to God it is a long time away and I feel that I have lead a very decent life with respect for my fellow man. And I want to continue this for the rest of my days because I had a glimpse of what hell would be like when I was down there this weekend. No internet access. Who the hell are they kidding? ...Even watching sports down there I received the short end of the stick. By Saturday night I was begging my wife to let me watch something that I'd like instead of the usual feed of country and Lifetime and I got lucky to catch the second game of the Yankees-Dodgers series. Yeah, I was lucky. I got to see another A.J. Burnett meltdown. I couldn't even watch it for three innings because of this asshole. I gave the remote back to my wife right in time for another boring women's movie. ...Speaking of Burnett, he's another mistake that the Yankees made. I don't have to tell anyone how much I love that team but I will be the first to admit that they do some pretty stupid things and signing this guy for five years is one of them. No one can ever convince me that the reason why he was signed was because Burnett had such a good record against the Yankees when he was with Toronto. The guy has been an inconsistent loser his entire career except in 2008 (the year he was playing for a new contract) and why the Yankees thought it would be any different is beyond me. They got what they paid for from this bum and it is their fault alone. ...I only was able to keep up with baseball news because they have the MLB Network down there. That is where I read about what Carlos Zambrano did in the dugout the other day. This guy has a screw loose and the Cubs are stuck with this overpriced hothead until his contract runs out. There is a huge difference between a player being a hard nosed type player and very intense and a player that Zambrano is. A classic example of an intense player was Paul O'Neill and before him his current manager Lou Piniella. He was a very demanding player and he put a lot of responsibility on himself and when he got mad he got mad at himself. In every one of Zambrano's incidents it always was the other guy who was wrong and always after a short time Zambrano would come back with the expected "I'm sorry" act. Good for the Cubs for suspending this prick right away. ...I take that back. I can only think of one place where Zambrano could end up at and that's Boston. That region of the country just loves baseball players that act just like that. ...Don't like what I said Sox fans? The person that always speaks the truth always gets hounded in here. ...Wait, am I supposed to pretend to be upset because the USA team got eliminated in the World Cup? Because if I am supposed to I will. ...And this week I read on here from someone on here that knows everything about everything that we shouldn't call American Football by that name. I think it is my duty to send the NFL commissioner an e-mail to let him know this so he can change the name right away.
  4. Why the heck did you have to make another account? I really don't get some of you people out here. You seem to think that the rules set up in here are for the other people that visit the site and not you. NO EXCUSES. Goodbye!
  5. Please do not bump your posts. Now try this different roster because I think this really is a roster issue. This is a new roster released today. Download it right here. Don't PM me about this anymore because if you have questions about this I want others to see it too so they can chip in with their opinion. A lot of these people know more about this game then I ever will.
  6. Updated to 6-20 ...Oh I got to tell you it is such a pleasure watching the Yankees play lately. It really is. This team drives me nuts as it is but it's even worse now since they've stopped hitting. ...Lately the best way you can tell a Yankee game is going to go to hell is when they bring Joba Chamberlain in to pitch because he's got the talent of turning a close game into a blowout. ...And it doesn't make Phil Hughes look good when he gives up two home runs to a banjo hitter like Jose Reyes. ...Will somebody please tell me who the hell this Lady Gaga is and why is she so poor that she can't leave the house in nothing but her underwear? ...Here's a shocker for everyone: Once again the Red Sox make out with the schedule makers. They get to play the Dodgers at home and the Yankees have to travel out west to play them. Thank you Bud Selig for looking out for them again. ...And before I forget, a huge thank you to the Los Angeles Lakers for winning the NBA Championship over Boston because if Boston would have won the New England fans in here would still be talking about it but since they lost not one word was said. ...Manny Ramirez is back in Boston this weekend and to celebrate the occasion he urinated in the left field scoreboard. ...When you watch the World Cup you do not even need to take a Tylenol PM before you go to bed. Just turn on one of these games and within ten minutes you are fast asleep. ...I risk being ridiculed again because soccer is the current favorite sport of the New England elite. ...R.I.P. to Manute Bol, who was only 47 years of age. The cause of death was not disclosed. ...Happy Father's Day to all you Dads out there, including mine. Thank you for everything.
  7. Updated to 6-13 ...Now I'm all for people wanting to work and having jobs, but there are some people out there that should not have the jobs that they have. Take for example the foreigners at the Dunkin Donuts drivethru. They can't understand what the hell you are saying and you can't understand what the hell they are saying. Already that spells trouble. So when you order two large unsweetened iced teas and they give you two large sweetened iced teas, what are you going to do? The next time I go through a drive thru I am not leaving until I check out every item of my order whether they like it or not. ...There's a lot of excitement around here because the Yanks drafted a local Irondequoit boy as their first round draft choice. Irondequoit is also the hometown of a certain Yankee admin around here. Irondequoit, as I was taught in my school days, is an Indian name which means "where the land and waters meet." Obviously they named the town before the bus lines started running. These days Irondequoit is known for some of the highest property taxes you can find anywhere. ...A big middle finger to the Seattle Mariners for dangling Cliff Lee in front of the Yankees in exchange for their top catching prospect and another player. If it were any other team they'd never ask for so much. ...It makes me wonder if Roy Oswalt would be a better fit on this team instead of getting Lee from the bloodsuckers in the Northwest. ...The immortal Daniel Nava hit a grand slam on the first pitch he ever saw in the major leagues for the Red Sox, who continue to be the luckiest team around. Because of what Nava did yesterday the Red Sox are going to push for him to be player of the month of June and with the pull that they have with the Commissioner of Boston, I mean Baseball, he'll get it. ...I wasn't online much yesterday for a few reasons. First I had some errands to run and secondly I wanted a break from here. We have a very small percentage of people in here that are nothing but complainers and it really grates on a person after awhile. Examples? Sure why not. We had one guy who just joined here and was posting every question in the wrong forum. He was told in a very polite way that he needed to post his questions in the right forum. He got upset and took it the wrong way. So he said he maybe should post in another forum. How nice. The Admin was pushing him around. We had another guy who wanted to take all the stadiums for 2k10 and repackage them for the non contributors because they don't have a lot of downloads. When he was told he was not allowed to do that it was our fault. The Admins here were being unreasonable. The Admins here are not fair. Then we had the same guy cry about not having shoutbox access and saying he should have had it because he's been a member here since 2006. The Admins here are making the place not fun anymore. Everything is their fault. These are the kind of people my good friends that will drive you insane if you let them. And these are the people that sometimes you need a break from. ...For those of you who do have shoutbox access, you missed a good conversation last week. Seems as if a Admin on this site who will remain nameless was unfamiliar with Bob Marley and at the same time didn't know he was dead. Have no fear though because the poor guy was straightened out by our resident genius MarkB. ...Welcome back Burn Notice and In Plain Sight and Royal Pains. ...Forgive me if this little section of the forum is starting to turn into a one man Dennis James fan club but Good Lord look at what this guy is doing for Mvp Baseball these days!!!!!!! WOW. Thank you Dennis James and I promise I won't say anything else about you until next Sunday. ...Recorded Con Air last night and I am finally going to be able to see this movie. Heard some good things about it but never got a chance to see it.
  8. Fantastic! Make whatever mods you feel like. They are all welcome. Oh, by the way...this website is owned lock, stock and barrel by a diehard Chicago Cubs fan. I have been working on him for years to become a Yankee fan like me but so far I have met nothing but resistance from him.
  9. Updated to 6-6 ...If any of you missed what the Dodgers did to Arizona last week you really missed something. In the recent three game sweep of the Diamondbacks at Chevez Ravine, the Dodger pitching staff shut out Arizona for the last 31 innings of that series, winning 5-4, 1-0 and 1-0. Impressive. ...And what was just as impressive was that Joe Torre looked like he was awake for most of it. ...This is what is wrong with Interleague play. The Yankees so far this year have played more games against the Mets (3) than the Toronto Blue Jays, (2) a team that just so happens to be in their division. ...Jim Joyce and Armando Gallaraga showed class after what happened last week. Joyce by admitting he was wrong and Gallaraga accepting his apology with a smile and understanding. Those two guys should be honored. Bud Selig however showed what he was really made of when he did nothing about this call the very next day. It just goes to show that the real problems in Major League Baseball are the people that run it. ...The big thing this week was the Jim Joyce - Armando Gallaraga perfect game incident. We had a lot of pretty good opinions from people in here and they were all different and well explained. I think JoeRudi26 said it best that it was great just being able to get everyone's opinion without having something start because of it. To me, that's what this place is really about. ...Speaking of JoeRudi26, I wonder what his next idea for a good thread is going to be? He comes up with some good ones. ...Best of luck to Ken Griffey Junior who retired this week. It also was nice to read Dennis James' thread about Griffey and how he got to meet him. I'm sure after reading that a lot of people here were envious. I admit I was. ...And at the opposite end of this, another person who should retire but isn't is Jorge Posada. Yep, good old Jorge came back from the DL last week and immediately started to cry because he wasn't catching. He can't catch or throw out runners but he still can hit. So make him DH. Let Cervelli, who is a real catcher, do the job. Not Jorge. He wants to catch and he whined long enough so that now he's the catcher again. Shove it you son of a *&#%*. The problem here is that Jorge wasn't on the disabled list long enough to suit me. ...R.I.P. to John Wooden, who died on June 4th. He was 99 years old. God bless him. When you think of college basketball coaches you start with him. 27 years the coach of the UCLA Bruins. Some famous athletes he coached were Lew Alcindor (Kareem Abdul Jabbar), Gail Goodrich and Bill Walton. ...On a personal note, I've started physical therapy this week. I have to try to build up walking five minutes straight and then go past that. Right now it's a capital B I T C H just trying to make it up to five minutes. I had an idea how bad this surgery was that I had but the strength it robbed from me is shocking. ...Well, I can't end it this week like that. Let me end it with a laugh. Guess who got a $130 ticket because the seatbelt wasn't fastened? If you guessed my wife, you guessed right. Her excuse? "I didn't see the cop."
  10. Welcome to the site Leland. Enjoy your stay and have fun. You'll find a lot of stuff for 2k10 here and there is more on the way.
  11. Joe Medwick Joe Medwick's reputation as a bad-ball hitter who slashed doubles to all fields got him into the Hall of Fame, but he is most often remembered for his unusual removal from Game Seven of the 1934 World Series. With the Cardinals winning a blowout in Detroit, he slid hard into Tiger third baseman Marv Owen on his sixth-inning triple, even though the throw hadn't come in yet. When Medwick went out to left field with the score 9-0, Detroit fans threw bottles, food, and garbage at him. Commissioner Landis, in attendance as always at the Series game, ordered Medwick from the field for his own safety so the game could be resumed, and Chick Fullis replaced him in left field. Medwick hit .379 with five RBI for the Series, including four hits, one a HR, in the opener. Medwick came up in September 1932 and hit .349 to win the job. He hit .300 his first 11 seasons, and won the NL's last Triple Crown in 1937 with career highs of 31 HR, 154 RBI, and a .374 BA. He was NL MVP that year, also leading in slugging, runs, and doubles. For three straight years, 1936-38, he led the NL in both RBI and doubles. He drove in at least 100 runners six straight seasons (1934-39), scored 100 runs six times, including five consecutive years (1934-38), hit 40 doubles seven straight years (1933-39), and had seven seasons of 10 or more triples. His prime seasons came with the Cardinals. After dropping off slightly in 1939, he was sold to the Dodgers in mid-1940 for the then-astronomical sum of 125,000. He helped Brooklyn to their first pennant in over 20 years in 1941 with his last great season, but suffered a life-threatening beaning by former teammate Bob Bowman after quarreling with him in an elevator; Larry MacPhail thought it was an attempt by St. Louis to ruin Medwick. Within twenty four hours of the beaning MacPhail had Brooklyn's District Attorney conduct a criminal investigation. In it, MacPhail demanded that the DA go after "Beanball Inc" which he described as a conspiracy among National League pitchers to kill off the Dodgers' pennant chances by eliminating their leading players. During a USO tour by a number of players in 1944, Medwick was among several individuals given an audience by Pope Pius XII. Upon being asked by the Pope what his vocation was, Medwick replied, "Your Holiness, I'm Joe Medwick. I, too, used to be a Cardinal." He was elected to the Hall of Fame in 1968. Medwick died of a heart attack in St. Petersburg, Florida at age 63 in 1975.
  12. Once again the MASTER comes in and shows us how it's done!!! Thank you very much for your contribution to this radio thread Mark. I'm going to grab these although I will be apprehensive about listening to the end of game seven. Thank you again.
  13. Walter "Boom Boom" Beck Ok, just one more story about another player with another funny nickname. Walter Beck was also a right handed pitcher and like Hugh Mulcahy, was an unsuccessful one because of the teams he was on. He played from 1924 to 1945 for the Browns, Dodgers, Phillies, Tigers, Reds and Pirates and had a career won-loss record of 38-69 with a 4.30 ERA. When Beck was with the Dodgers he was on the mound facing the Phils in Philadelphia at the Baker Bowl. He was getting shelled. Anything he threw the Phils were killing it. BOOM! They'd hit the ball and then BOOM! it would be hit off the wall. Before long they started calling him Boom Boom Beck. The first boom was when the bat hit the ball. The second boom was when the ball hit off the wall. You got to admit they had some good nicknames back then! One final tidbit about this. After awhile Dodger manager Casey Stengel came out to the mound let Beck know that his services were no longer required for the rest of the afternoon. While this mound conference was going on, Dodger right fielder Hack Wilson had his hands on his knees and his head to the ground because he was trying to catch his breath from all the running he was doing. Seems as if Wilson had a rough night the night before and drank a little bit more than he should have so he was in fact nursing a hangover. Well, when Stengel informed Beck that he was out of the game, Beck was furious. He turned around and threw the ball out to right field and it hit the right field wall. Another BOOM! Wilson, hearing this, turned and ran after the ball and threw a perfect strike to second base. Stengel later said it was the best throw he made all year.
  14. Hugh Mulcahy Hugh Mulcahy's nine year major league career record for the Phillies and Pirates was 45-89 with an ERA of 4.49. You may ask why he is being featured in this thread. Well, it's because Mulcahy has probably one of the most funniest nicknames in all of baseball. Mulcahy's nickname was Losing Pitcher Mulcahy. Now how did this come about? It seemed that every time Mulcahy pitched he would be the losing pitcher in the game and when the PA announcer would give the totals for the just-completed game, he would say "Winning Pitcher, So-and-so" and "Losing Pitcher, Mulcahy." The sportswriters heard "Losing Pitcher, Mulcahy" so many times that they started calling Mulcahy Losing Pitcher Mulcahy. Mulcahy is also the answer to the trivia question of being the first major league regular to be drafted in World War II.
  15. A month sure flies by fast doesn't it? And if you are the Yankees you are glad the month of May is over with. But that's another story. This thread is about Baseball on the Radio and the game for the month of June once again features the Chicago Cubs. But this time it is a regular season game and they are playing the Brooklyn Dodgers at Ebbets Field in Brooklyn. The date is June 4th, 1957. This is a good game to have. Pitching for the Dodgers is a young lefthander by the name of Sandy Koufax and his counterpart on the Cubs is right hander Dick Drott (27-46, 4.78 ERA in seven major league seasons.) Ernie Banks is playing shortstop for the Cubs. Duke Snider, Gil Hodges and Roy Campanella are playing for the Dodgers. And there is one guy in the Brooklyn announcing booth you may recognize. His name is Vin Scully. Enjoy! The Retrosheet Boxscore of the game. Chicago Cubs vs. Brooklyn Dodgers Ebbets Field, Brooklyn Download the game here: Part 1. Part 2. Part 3. Part 4.
  16. Updated to 5-30 ...Damn I am happy this month is coming to a close. Maybe the Yankees can play better in June because this month they played like garbage. ...Wow, two perfect games in one month. That is a hell of an accomplishment. Congratulations to Roy Halladay on his 1 - 0 gem yesterday in Florida. And 25,000 people were there to see it too. It must have been a giveaway day down there or something. ...Right now I'd be happy if Joba Chamberlain could pitch a perfect inning. This guy is terrible right now. If you want to know what I am talking about just look at what he did yesterday. He gave up four runs on four hits all with two outs in the inning to help the Indians to a come from behind win in the Bronx. Good going Joba. They love you in Ohio. ...This is a Yankee team that is in trouble and I am not afraid to admit it. The injuries have been severe. Alfredo Aceves is facing season ending surgery and this guy is an important member of the bullpen. So is David Robertson and he is hurt too. Unfortunately Javier Vazquez is still healthy. All he's doing is giving up runs in bunches every time out. ...I can understand Kim Jones being upset because some fan upset her segment during a recent Yankee telecast by taking a bite out of her food that she had but she still ended up making herself look like a stuck up self important bitch. ...While I am on that subject, I have another Hazel Mae observation for you. You all know how much I hate this pig on the MLB Network. Watch her the next time she is on TV doing a report. Every time she says the words "Red Sox" it looks like she is having an orgasm. ...R.I.P. to Gary Coleman and to actor Dennis Hopper who both passed away this week and also to Jose Lima, who was a very successful pitcher for the Astros. All died too young. ...It was bound to happen department: Hot dog Kendry Morales broke his leg after celebrating a game ending grand slam yesterday against the Seattle Mariners. It couldn't have happened to a better team. ...It is very nice to see that Cleveland pitcher David Huff is doing much better now after being beaned in the head by an Alex Rodriguez line drive yesterday. That's probably the scariest thing in baseball. ...Everyone enjoy your holiday weekend!
  17. Updated to 5-23 ...Had a good week this past week as my wife and I finalized our trip next winter. It's all official now and she is raring to go with money to spend. God help me. ...I'm pulling for Bret Michaels to make a full recovery. He's gone through a lot lately and I hope that before he considers going back on tour he takes care of himself first. ...Three cheers for that 13 year old American kid who climbed Mount Everest. He became the youngest climber ever to do so. And to think, sometimes the stairs in my house look like Mount Everest to me. ...I had to go renew my drivers license last week. Got soaked for $64 for eight years. ...And that's not even for the enhanced version of the NYS license. That allows you to go to Canada. The trouble is I have no desire to go there anymore because of the border Nazi's on both sides. ...Sure as hell didn't take Phil Hughes to get back to earth, didn't it? ...The Yankees can survive this latest injury to Jorge Posada because they have a very good backup in Francisco Cervelli to rely on. But for me it is going to be hard because now I won't have my favorite target to scream at. ...It is not surprising to me at all to see how much Jamarcus Russell's former teammates on the Raiders do not miss him at all. In fact it is almost like a collective sigh of relief. ...Thank you Juan Castro. ...And a huge thank you to modder dennisjames71 for all the mods he uploaded this week on the site. It's much appreciated.
  18. Ok, now don't send me PM's telling me this is not funny. But in a way it is. Remember, I don't condone this at all http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fo9Eb1pK6mg These people that made this have their own web page and their own brand of humor. I've never heard of them.
  19. Some people welcome new offspring or pets to the family, my pal Mark welcomes new computer equipment. Victory by a landslide, Mark. :drinks:
  20. Couldn't find a tea set but I found Spanish tea. Best I could do at short notice. I'm not Dylan you know.
  21. Another guy placing an order, this time in Spanish.
  22. For the people working on this mod I have provided a link for LOCLOOK that you can use. It is right here and it is a pretty easy program to use. Some of you already may have this but it doesn't hurt to be sure.
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