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Everything posted by Yankee4Life

  1. Updated to 5-16 ...This latest Nick Johnson injury really has bugged the hell out of me. Yes I know that injuries are part of the game, etc, etc. But this guy has made a living out of being injured so much that you can not depend on him to give you anything close to a full season. And the Yankees knew this. ...The more other people and other organizations not in the state of Arizona cry about what is going on over in that state the more I support Arizona. Now the city of Los Angeles will not do any further business with that state because of the illegal immigrant laws. Arizona will survive. ...Maybe I'm slow or set in my ways but if you are an illegal immigrant you have no rights here and should get out. This country has enough problems with their own citizens. ...I am as interested in where Lebron James is going to be playing next year as I am about the health and well being of the Boston Red Sox. ...The Philadelphia Phillies have been on the road this week and that is why we have not heard anything from the psychopathic fans of theirs. But starting tomorrow the team returns for a seven game homestand and the fun will begin again. There will be unannounced races between fans in the outfield during the game and one lucky drunk will be vomiting on a family of four. ...This road trip was well timed for the Phils as the team just finished installing new spy equipment in the visitors clubhouse and bullpen as well as a new center field spy cam to help them along the rest of the season. ...Philadelphia is not all bad as evident in what their hockey team did this week in eliminating the icemen from Boston. ...I've been one of many of the Javier Vazquez get-out-of-town fans but when the guy does something right I got to give him credit for it. He gave up two runs on five hits in seven innings in Detroit this week which was by far his best outing of the season. I'm hoping he does this for the rest of the season and proves me wrong. ...I just love watching Francisco Cervelli play. The enthusiasm he has for the game is wonderful. And, when he's behind the plate that means Posada isn't. ...JaMarcus Russell went unclaimed Friday, passed waivers and is now a free agent. Nobody wanted to touch his $9 million salary this year and he is now free to sign with any team for something closer to the veteran's minimum ($620,000). He asked for it, he got it. ...2k10 fans check out mcoll's contributions to that game in the uniform department. This is a guy who has been making uniforms on this site since we started up here and he does a great job in what he does.
  2. Mvp Mexico 2009 Continued Every overlay that the Caribe guys make for their mods looks professional and it always stands out. The Saltillos turn a very good double play. Nice view of the Estadio Universitario. This Saltillo base runner barely got back in time. But he only had a temporary reprive.... ...because a few pitches later he was caught trying to steal second base. The Pericos de Puebla team runs off the field after recording the last out in their 6 - 0 victory.
  3. Let's get back on track in this thread. This is a review of the total conversion mods and not a thread for Deputy or anyone else to get technical support. There are enough threads and topics for that. Next up in this thread is the third mod from the Mvp Caribe team. This mod is called Mvp Mexico 2009 and it covers the summer baseball league down in Mexico. Unlike Mvp Caribe and WBC Caribe 2009, this mod is not hosted here on Mvpmods. In order for you to have this mod you must be a member of the Mvp Caribe website. Just register, get verified, and you are all set. Once you are registered over there, here are the links to get this mod: The link to get version 1.0 is right here. That's the big download, about 743 mb. There is also a small update to this mod that will upgrade this mod from version 1.0 to version 1.1 and you can get this right here. This is only about a 15 mb download as it updates the rosters at the end of the regular season and installs some new portraits into the game. If any of you have played Mvp Caribe or the WBC mod you will know what to expect from this mod before you get into it and when I started this mod I was not disappointed. The first thing that hit me was the introduction video. It's one of the longest intro videos ever made for a mod and trust me you are not tempted to skip ahead and go into the game. This video reels you into Mexican baseball and when it's all done you are geared up to play a game. You receive the same unique touch that only the Caribe guys can give a mod in this Mexico mod. As in the Caribe mod, you get players and stadiums only featured in that mod and here in the Mexican mod we have players and stadiums featured only in Mexico. There's a stadium modder over at that site and his name is Salva. This is a guy that I think is basically an unknown around here except for the guys who are stadium modders here. Salva's made some very beautiful stadiums and when you play this mod you can see for yourself. Also if you have time here is a link to one of Salva's best stadiums that is hosted here on this site. It's the Tokyo Dome and it's probably Salva at his artistic best. We all know who Paulw and Pirate and Sean are around here but this guy salva is just as talented. There is an installer for this mod that is easy and painless to follow. I had my game CD's and I put them in when I was asked to do it and that was that. You have the choice again to install it in either English or Spanish. So, without further delay, here is Mvp Mexico 2009, thanks to the Caribe team. Screenshots: Welcome to Mvp Mexico! Cargando! (Loading) This is the load screen after I picked my two teams for the game. For this exhibition game I picked the Saraperos de Saltillo at the Pericos de Puebla and I played in a stadium called the Estadio Universitario. This single by a Puebla batter in the second inning lead to two runs being scored. The Puebla pitcher is a bat here and he bunts the runner over to third base successfully. This Pulsipher guy pitched six innings of shutout ball for the victory. The Pericos de Puebla team got greedy here in the second inning and had this runner thrown out at the plate to end their threat and also the inning. You can not place a bunt as perfect as this one. This time the Puebla team scores a run without a play at the plate in their four run fifth inning.
  4. Updated to 5-9 ...Doing an early submission this week because I plan on sleeping in in the morning. It's been a hell of a weekend with the wife out of town visiting her mother for mother's day. The quiet I have had since Friday afternoon is something I have really needed. No dogs, no talking. Just the TV, computer and myself. And it will be like that until they all return on Sunday afternoon and life returns to normal. ...It always takes one. Even though the Yankees are off to a fine start, some New York writer seems to be throwing in the towel. And of course if the Yankees win the East he'll say he was backing them all along. ...Tim McCarver and Joe Buck should be locked in a room with Joe Morgan and never be let out. At one point in today's game Buck was going on and on about a group of doves that congregated in the left field corner and was wondering what the plural of dove was. All while the game was going on. ...If Oakland screwball Dallas Braden ever gets traded to Boston they will name a street after him. ...I wonder if Braden would have had the same attitude if it were Derek Jeter who did this instead of Rodriguez? I've been following this and these guys have never heard of this rule and it just seems obvious that this no name pitcher is trying to make a name for himself. ...Heard on friday night's game when the Yankees were up 9 - 1. "Yankees suck. Yankees suck." Please look at the scoreboard and then please be quiet. ...Working on this website is a pleasure. It's fun to work under a man like Trues who just wants us to have a good time out here. And I do 99% of the time. But on Saturday thanks to three people I literally walked away for about four hours. And that was good because that's all it took. It takes two to get things going in here and if one of the participants isn't around nothing happens. ...Whoever had 28 games for Nick Johnson to go down with a significant injury for the Yankees is a winner. I wasn't even close. I picked seven games. ...Pssst. MLB General Managers. You want a pitcher for free? Take Javier Vazquez. The Yankees will gladly pay his salary. ...How about that debut of Starlin Castro for the Cubs? Six RBI in one game. Good luck to him and if the Cubs can keep him away from the Jason Heyward Hall of Fame hype machine this kid has a chance. ...Mark, get back here!!!! ...Happy Mother's Day.
  5. Someone in the Boston Bruins marketing department has a sense of humor, and a really good one. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5zwcknF9VCc&feature=player_embedded
  6. Good God you are right. Go ahead, slap me on the side of the head. I deserve it.
  7. I knew about his injury and the extent of it but not who they called up. Thank you.
  8. Updated to 5-2 ...Back in December when the Yankees reacquired Javier Vazquez I said over and over that it was a mistake. But there were some people in here that tried to explain to me that this was a pretty smart move by the Yankees. All I am asking now is for those same people to come out and tell me again what a good move this was. ...Even loudmouth ChiSox manager was right about Vazquez when he said he wasn't a big-game pitcher. I'll go even further. Vazquez is a guy you wouldn't even want to trust in a spring training game. ...Here's hoping that Curtis Granderson's injury is not severe. And I'm sure that the great sports fans in you-know-where were happy about this. ...I have to confess here to one and all that I do watch NESN. And that's because of Heidi Watney. (You see? That's a good reason, right?) ...I'd really like to know why such an uproar is going on with the Arizona Immigration Law? Exactly what is Arizona doing that is so wrong? Does anyone know what this law really is? If you don't, I direct you to this page. That's what this law is about. There are too many people that are in this country illegally as it is. I can understand them wanting to be here to better themselves and I'm all for that. But do it the right way. A lot of these illegals have jobs that could be filled by an American citizen. When they get hurt or need serious medical attention it is the taxpayer that ends up footing the bill. If Arizona has to crack down on this then they have a good reason to. ...Y4L out of touch Dept, part 76: Was watching TV earlier this week and was switching through the channels on my DirecTV and I came to a music video station. Usually I just pass these channels by without a second thought. But when I landed on this channel there was this black guy jumping up and down singing a rap song and what stood out for me was that I was able to make out some of the lyrics. Usually I can't. This guy was going on about that he "likes big butts and he can not lie." When my wife came home from work I told her about hearing this new song and she said it wasn't new and it's been around for a few years. Then she started laughing at me. Well, how would I know? And I bet my good friend Mark is rolling his eyes now at me. ...Speaking of Mark his expertise with computers, the maintaining and repair of them and software knowledge he possesses always continues to impress me. In case you didn't know Mark is a licensed IT but I don't think that he has the qualifications to work for a place like Microsoft because Mark is too helpful and he does things right the first time -something that Microsoft would never stand for. And his knowledge of software programs is really second to none. For example, we both happen to own an older program called Paint Shop Pro version 8 and the difference is that Mark knows how to work that program and get the most out of it. All I know about Paint Shop Pro is how to install it. ...Two modder shout outs this week: for 2k10 please check out the impressive uniforms made by Misopogon. Him and DonSpa are making that game look even better than it is. And for Mvp, some guy named grmrpr1313 has a very good up to date roster set out for that game. I don't know what a grmrpr is but he puts out a good roster. ...My on-again, off-again trip to Oahu next year is currently on again. My wife is excited to go and is going to Old Navy later on today to get some bathing suits. She wanted to know if I was going to get one and I told her no, I didn't plan on going in the water. (I don't care for swimming.) Which lead to her getting mad at me for saying that. "Why do you want to go there without going in the water?" Can't reason with a woman. ...Don't forget: Mother's Day is in exactly one week so get those Mother's Day cards out in the mail this week.
  9. Ok, here is the game for the month of May. I am uploading this right now just in case I do not have time to do it tonight. This game is from October 2nd, 1936 and it is an exhibition game between the visiting Chicago Cubs at the Chicago White Sox. You see, back in those days Chicago would play a City Championship Series at the end of the season This was always played at the same time of the World Series unless if one of the Chicago teams was in the Series, which happened to the Cubs three times in the 1930's. This is game two of the City Series of Chicago in 1936. Chicago Cubs VS. Chicago White Sox Comiskey Park Chicago Batteries: For the Cubs, Lon Warneke pitching, Gabby Hartnett catching. For the White Sox, Monty Stratton pitching and Luke Sewell doing the catching. Enjoy! Part 1. Part 2. Part 3. Part 4.
  10. Thank you for this nice looking uniform and for some history about the 1927 Tiger team.
  11. Tywiggins is right and I can confirm that. When you install Spungo's uniform pack you have the choice of installing the 2x or 1x versions of them and I believe you are given 30 seconds to choose between them. If you are proficient with Kraw's Tit program then installing Spungo's uniforms will be a breeze.
  12. I sure do. I used to walk past that place all the time because my friends and I used to walk to the ballpark a lot. I sure miss Silver Stadium.
  13. Updated to 4-25 ...Wishing a speedy recovery to former Poison lead singer Bret Michaels, who is currently in the hospital with a brain hemorrhage. ...With the trade yesterday that brought Jason Campbell to Oakland from the Redskins that could be the end for Jamarcus Russell in Oakland. And for anyone that follows football you would not have seen that coming. Russell supposedly had it all coming out of college. Big, strong quarterback. Rifle arm, etc. The trouble is he lacked any kind of work ethic and never seemed to learn from his mistakes or had any improvement. ...What happened to Jordan Schafer, who started out so fast last year with the Braves? ...Did everybody see yesterday's Yankee-Angel game? Oh man if you didn't you missed a lot of drama. At the end of the fourth inning when the Yanks retired the Angels Alex Rodriguez went on his way back to the dugout but on his way he took two steps inside the third base coaches box. Oh the horror. ...Expect Dallas Braden to get a standing ovation the next time Oakland visits Fenway Park. ...When Mark Teixeira knocked out that Angel catcher in Friday night's game I expected Mike Scioscia to do his usual crying act, but he didn't. So Torii Hunter took up the cause. He said that he thought it was "a little too early in the game to take him out." So tell me Torii, what inning is acceptable for you to try and score a run for your team on a play at the plate? Idiot. ...And this is the main reason why I can't stand the Angels. They always have something stupid to say. ...Don't look now but Hall of Famer Jason Heyward is now hitting .254 on the year. How the mighty have fallen. ...Johnny Damon currently has an 11 game hitting streak. That means he probably wants a new contract. ...JoeRudi may not be doing his Reds dynasty anymore but he has another one going in the blog section of the forum. Check out his game write ups from there.* *Joe Rudi paid me five dollars for this shout out today in the Random thoughts thread. You too can have one next week. Contact me via PM and we will get it done.
  14. I did a search for a similar topic on this site and I couldn't find it and if someone like Dylan finds it somewhere on this site I'll be embarrassed. (Right about now he's off and searching for it.) Anyways, what this thread is about to let everyone know about the major and minor league ballparks you have been lucky enough to visit and your experiences there and what you thought of it. Ballparks I've been in Memorial Stadium, Baltimore This is where I saw my first major league game. It was a double header between the Orioles and the Chicago White Sox. Huge stadium compared to what I was used to. Decent crowd was there for a summer game in Baltimore and it just happened to fall on my birthday. The Orioles made the home town crowd happy as they won both games. What I also remember about this was that we did not see the entire second game because my mother started to get bored so we had to go. I liked it because I got to see a lot of former Red Wings play. Exhibition Stadium, Toronto Toronto's first year in the major leagues was in 1977 and once again it was my mother with an assist from my sister that wanted to leave early because of boredom. This game was played the day after my birthday and the Jays were hosting the Detroit Tigers. I knew I was going to have a tough time seeing the entire game because the game went into extra innings and eventually Toronto won it in the 13th by the score of 8 - 6. We made it to the eleventh and that was that. So far the only full major league game I saw was the first game of the Oriole-White Sox doubleheader five years before this and if there was any way that we could have ducked out early in that game we would have but my father and I wanted to see the game. For anyone who did not get to see the Blue Jays play in Exhibition Stadium you missed nothing. It was no place to play baseball. But for a baseball fan like myself it was just fine because I saw Ron Leflore play and Rusty Staub and even Mickey Stanley. I didn't mind it at all. It was baseball. Yankee Stadium, the Bronx I actually was lucky enough to be here twice. One time with my family and one time on a bus trip with my father. When I was there with my family it was the year that the stadium opened up after the renovation and they were playing the Royals. The Yankees were flat that day as they lost to Kansas City 2 - 1. But I saw players like Brett of Kansas City, Rivers, Munson, Nettles, etc in person and for a young Yankee fan it was a thrill. This remains the biggest ballpark I have ever been in. The second time I was here was in 1979, and it was a lot better. The Yankees played Boston and they won two of the three games that we attended. I saw Reggie Jackson homer and Tommy John, Jim Hunter and Luis Tiant pitch for the Yankees. It was a thrill being there and the weekend for me just flew by. Every time I hear the phrase describing Yankee Stadium as the Cathedral of Baseball I nod my head because I know exactly what they mean. Three Rivers Stadium, Pittsburgh Me and a friend of mine took a bus trip to Pittsburgh because he was a big Dodger fan and when I was asked to go I said why not, I'd love to see the Dodgers and Pirates because I was and still am a big fan of the National League style of play with no DH. That was another big stadium and we sat in the third deck nosebleed section. They call it nosebleed for a reason because you are almost looking straight down to see the action on the field. It took me awhile to get used to my seating arrangement. Pittsburgh won two of the three games played. The Sunday game was a double header and once again I did not see the entire game and this time I could not blame it on my mother. The people on the bus excursion wanted to get an early go of it so they could get back home because they thought the first game "took too long" so we had to leave in the middle innings of game two that the Pirates won in dramatic fashion in the last of the ninth. My friend and I were upset to say the least when we found out the next day what we missed. Jack Murphy Stadium, San Diego I saw the Padres a few times when I was stationed in San Diego when I was in the service. And when you hear that the west coast fan doesn't know the game that well and has to be told to clap and cheer and etc? Well, believe it. It looked like these people were just there to get a suntan. Now I am no expert baseball strategist and I don't pretend to be but at one point in the game the Padres had an obvious bunting situation coming up and I said outloud to no one in particular that "I bet he's going to bunt" and sure enough he did. A guy a few seats away from me asked me when the play was over "how did I know they would do that?" But Jack Murphy was a fine stadium and it was a fair stadium for baseball. And you sure couldn't beat the weather there. Fenway Park, Boston Of all the major league ballparks I have been to this place more than any other place. Go figure that. I was there in 1986, 1987, 1989 and 1991. And truth be told it is a nice place to watch a ball game. The last time I went there in '91 was for a Yankee series and the Yanks lost two of three. It was just terrible. Especially the second game. But I did see Clemens pitch for Boston. The Yanks were lucky to win just one with people like Wade Taylor, Scott Sanderson and Pascual Perez on the hill for you. At least the Yankees won the get away game which made the ride home so much faster. I like to joke that when I was in Fenway Park that I "beat up the entire third base side" but the truth is no one bothered me when I had my Yankee hat on. Partly it was because the Yankees had a bad team that year (they were under 500) and the Red Sox were not and partly it was because I was not looking for any trouble. I just wanted to see some games. I appreciated the history of that place and I still do but when I was there I didn't like some of the things that the fans did. During the game someone would come out with a beachball and then they'd bounce it around until it went on the field or an usher would grab it. It was a major distraction especially when you were in the section where it was going on. And then they'd do the wave, another thing that took away from watching the game. And everyone would do it. Believe me when your section stood up to do the wave you could be sure that something interesting just happened on the field and you missed it. I was thinking to myself that these people did not know how fortunate they were. They are able to live in a major league city and go to a nice ballpark to watch the American League play and all they cared to do when they were there was to do anything but watch the game. The reason why I went to Fenway Park four different times was at this time in my life I was single and I liked to go on bus trips to see the games and the price to go to Boston was more reasonable then it was for the New York trips. And I had no desire to go to Shea Stadium or Veterans Stadium, so Fenway it was and that was fine. If the people there did not do these things during the game it would have made it a better experience for me when I was there. The Sox fans treated me fine. No one beat me up. The seafood in Boston will make you cry because it is so wonderful. It's just that what they did took a lot away from my total experience there. Skydome, Toronto Here is where I saw my last major league game to date. August 31 and September 1st, 2002. The Skydome is one impressive park. We were there in the summer with the roof open and the weather was great. The CN tower was in the background and everything looked nice. Toronto's a nice city and it is also nice and clean. The Canadians are friendly people and it was a fun weekend except for the games that we saw because the Yankees lost both of them. One quick story about a pain in the ass that was on our bus. When we went to the Sunday game the Jays were giving out tin lunch boxes to everyone with pictures of the key Blue Jay players on them. Carlos Delgado and Vernon Wells were some of the players on the lunch box. Well, this dumbass lady is given one and she gives it back to the girl and asks her if she could have a Yankee one instead. Somebody -I don't know who- yelled at her from behind and told her she was in Toronto and if she didn't want the God Damned lunchbox to keep moving. One of the funniest things I ever saw. Minor Leagues Silver Stadium, Rochester For sentimental reasons my favorite park. It's gone now because they wanted to build a ballpark in a different area of the city away from the criminal element that grew around the stadium in its final years. Translation: there were too many black people living in the Norton Street, Remington and North Clinton area. I learned baseball at this place and I got to see a lot of future major leaguers. Spending my teenage years at this place I got to know every nook and cranny of this place and where to go to get in for free and all the really important stuff a kid should know about his home park. Frontier Field, Rochester The least said about this the better. I go here once or twice a year and that is that. Less seats than Silver Stadium and no roof. But Red Wing management loves it! MacArthur Stadium, Syracuse Back in those days the Syracuse Chiefs were the top farm team of the Yankees so of course I had to go there to see them play in their home park. There used to be bus trips from Silver Stadium to Syracuse and we'd go there to see the game and come home as soon as it was done. The ballpark had a big centerfield, about 437 feet away from home plate and it was much smaller than Silver. But it looked fine to me. The Syracuse fans liked their park and that was all that mattered. Aloha Stadium, Honolulu When I was in the service I watched a few games at this park. It's the same field where they play the Pro Bowl. So obviously there are more seats here for a minor league game than what is needed. I don't think they ever had a sell out for baseball. This is also one of my favorite parks because of the location. I never had a bad seat any time that I attended a game here.
  15. Spungo's uniforms have been updated and everyone who is a registered member has already received notice on the update. Here is what is included in version 1.1: - New undershirts for all MLB teams - Equipment changes for most MLB teams - Minor tweaks and several new uniforms All this is included in the plus version of his uniform set and it can be yours for the price of five dollars. Now look, I am not going to try to snow anyone here but when the five dollar charge was first introduced for these uniforms I was one among many that did not like it and didn't mind saying so. But I have had a change of heart towards what he is doing because of all the time and effort he's obviously put into this. Spungo, along with people like Jim825, DylanBradbury, OTBJoel, etc, etc are the modders that are still keeping Mvp baseball alive for those of us still satisfied with what we have. I may own 2k10 but nothing will ever come as close to what we have with Mvp baseball. And the only reason why I own 2k10 was I got it for 3 dollars. So what I did here was spend five dollars and I gave it to a guy that makes some of the best uniforms around and for that I get updates for the entire baseball season. Again, it's only five dollars. You can spend more going through a McDonald's drive-thru and these uniforms will do a lot more for you than a Big Mac will.
  16. Still watched them but the only difference is that I yelled at them more when they didn't win.
  17. That's right. Never heard of him. And the answer to the second question is very little. I watch the best and that's that.
  18. Updated to 4-18 ...Well gentlemen (and ladies) of this fine website, you'll be proud of old Y4L after what he did yesterday. Seems as if yours truly went to Barnes and Noble yesterday with the intent of purchasing more books and when I left that fine place of business, a family of four drove up to talk to the Mrs. and I. Seems as if they were lost and needed some directions to get to the Thruway. They were in town for a funeral and were on their way home and their home was of course, in Boston. They had no idea who I was because if they were they would have kept driving and asked the next person they saw. But since they asked me I took the time to draw them a map providing them with the right directions that had the family driving east towards Boston instead of west towards Buffalo. And there was my good deed for the day. ...If you didn't see that humorous (?) post about wives that I made in here a few days back you won't see it now. Seems as if the wife in question accused me of "making too much stuff up" and asked me to kindly remove it as soon as possible. I did. But after re-reading it I didn't see how I was stretching the truth. ...If you are like me you never even heard of Ubaldo Jimenez until yesterday. So he pitched a no hitter. Big deal. But he did it against the Braves with Jason Heyward (0 for 2) in the game! That has to count for something because Heyward has already been named the National League's Most Valuable Player if you are paying attention to the MLB hype machine. ...Oh, and Ubaldo Jimenez's record is 33-28 for his career. Just don't mention that in front of any Red Sox fans around these parts because they'll use that as another excuse to give you shit. ...Since when did pitchers stop being so aggressive on the mound and become nibblers? People like Edwar Ramirez, Jose Veras and Johathan Albaladejo of the Yankees immediately come to mind. All three have great stuff but all three are afraid to throw it. ...Yesterday's Mets-Cardinals 20 inning affair took 6 hours and 53 minutes to play which is the equivalent of 11 innings for the Yankees and Red Sox. ...I'd like an explanation as to why the hell this Kate Gosselin woman is so damn important? Seems as if all she's ever done is pop out eight kids and is now screwing around with some Romeo on Dancing with the Stars while her starting lineup is at home being raised by anyone dumb enough to watch all eight of them while Mommy fluffs her hair and cries on cue when a camera is around. ...I said this in the shoutbox and I'll repeat it here. The only time Jorge Posada is going to throw someone out at second base is if the guy is in a wheelchair. Or if I'm the one that's running. ...I don't feel bad for David Ortiz at all. In fact I want him to have even a worse year than last year but at the same time I don't believe he is done until he is done. ...Monday is the famous Boston Marathon, made famous by Rosie Ruiz, which goes to show that they just don't cheat in baseball. They cheat in everything.
  19. Don't follow you here. But I am pretty sure you can. Heck, stecropper plays full seasons in these mods all the time so it can be done. Yes sir, the answer is yes. You need another install of Mvp 2005 to have any other total conversion mod. I created a thread some time ago that gives step by step instructions on how to do this. You can find it right here. Yes there is but this is a question that a real expert like Jim825 could answer. What I do know is that you need the right size photo of the player to do this. Please do not hesitate to ask any further questions!
  20. I would also recommend the 1956 season mod for you to get. That's a good one too. And thank you for your kind words.
  21. Great news on both parts, for you and your buddy's dad. I hope it continues.
  22. Well thanks, but you know you can add to this any time you'd like to. This is not a private thread. Any random thought you got throw it in because you are more than welcome to.
  23. Updated to 4-11 ...Now if you didn't have a good week last week because of the return of baseball then you are spending time on the wrong forum. It was great to have this game back. ...You can tell it is very early because Toronto is leading the AL East with a 4 - 1 record. The thing that concerns me is that they look good while doing it. ...And Seattle, with all their personnel changes are tied for last in the AL West. Good for them and they can stay there for all I care. ...I saw Hot Tub Time Machine last night because I had nothing to do and you know what? It wasn't a bad movie and it had a lot of funny parts. Is there anything else you can ask from a movie? ...Concerning Joe West: I got to admit he does have a point. I mean haven't we been talking about this on this website for years now about how long these games are between those two teams? I think his point was valid but the choice of words were not. ...But then again when you have a guy like Nick Johnson, who seems to have a gift for getting on base because of his great eye, that contributes to the length of the game. ...What I like best about JoeRudi's dynasty that he's doing is that other people are now doing one of their own because they see how fun it could be when it is done right. ...I have come to the conclusion that Red Sox fans are the most opinionated people you'll ever have the displeasure of meeting. They have a bull**** opinion on EVERYTHING and if you don't agree with them then you are the one with the problem. Never them. Just check out the shoutbox on any given day and you'll see for yourself. ...One thing that I have found out on this website over the years is no matter how insulting a user is towards a staff member no matter what he says to them, like suck my _____, you will always find another user ready, willing and able to defend that person. ALWAYS. ...Here's wishing rroy can get some help on his NCAA mod.
  24. Hey man, excuse me for butting in here but I just wanted to give you a quick thank you for your additional donation to the website. It is much appreciated apridham.
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