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Everything posted by Yankee4Life

  1. Two videos about the history of the Seattle Pilots, who were only in the major leagues for one year (1969) and then moved to Milwaukee to become the Brewers a year later. Part 1. Part 2.
  2. That's fine. I'm sure a lot of people laugh about how Yankee and Red Sox fans go about things. This year just let us go about our business and everything will be ok.
  3. Updated to 4-4 ...Well folks, it's finally here. It's Opening Day in Major League Baseball. (Or should I say night?) This is the day I officially put winter away and look ahead to another hopefully successful season for the Yankees. ...I still don't like the fact that we have to open and close the season at Fenway. Do the Red Sox ever have to do that in New York? 'Course not! But it is what it is and I obviously can't do a thing about it. If I complain about this too long a Red Sox fan will call me paranoid. Paranoid to them means if you don't agree with what they say you are, of course, paranoid. ...Let's see. Josh Beckett is starting for Boston. Who's he going to throw at first? ...No matter what these people do they have to brag about it even in cases where you shouldn't. Check out this video on this webpage where two stuffed shirts wearing suits are in Fenway Park and one guy brags that they "painted the visitor's clubhouse and fixed up the bathrooms." All this told me was the visitor's clubhouse at Fenway was below standards and these people finally got around to fixing it. Oh, one more thing. There are two new items on the menu at Fenway this year, veggie dogs and burgers. I also noticed they neglected to say how much they were going to take you for for the privilege of having one. ...Makes me wish I was in charge of the visiting clubhouse at Yankee Stadium. During the hottest day of the year I would make sure the air conditioning would not be working when the Red Sox were in town. ...As you can tell, I am ready for the season. ...But of course, Nick Johnson is not. Captain Klutz did it again, this time fouling a ball off of his right knee. This marks his second minor injury of the spring. He'll wait for the regular season when the team needs him most to miss a really significant amount of time. ...This week, thanks to the shoutbox crowd that frequents this website, I found out who Ricky Martin was. Wait a second. Why am I thanking them? ...I am done -for awhile at least- playing hidden object games. When it takes a person almost ten minutes to find a button and that same person is going nuts because he can't find that button, it is time to walk away. ...Welcome back In Plain Sight and welcome Hawaii Five-O season number eight to my collection. I'll be busy for awhile now. ...Happy Easter. I did not want to forget to say that.
  4. It is April the 1st and no fooling, there is another radio baseball game that I am posting in here for anyone who wants it. This game is between the New York Yankees and the Detroit Tigers at Navin Field in Detroit. The date is September 20, 1934. The Tigers won the American League pennant that year by seven games over the Yanks but lost to the Gas House Gang St. Louis Cardinals in the World Series in seven games. This game features five Hall of Famers playing in it. Charlie Gehringer, Goose Goslin and Hank Greenberg for the hometown Tigers and Lou Gehrig and Tony Lazzeri for the visiting Yankees. Mickey Cochrane was the regular Tiger catcher as well as their manager but did not play in this game and Babe Ruth was still on the Yankees and also did not play. Other Yankee Hall of Famers who did not play in this contest were catcher Bill Dickey, outfielder Earle Combs, pitchers Lefty Gomez, Red Ruffing and Burleigh Grimes. This game is the oldest game that I own and I'm happy to post it here for the fans of this thread. I will not post the final score of this game but I will provide a link to the Retrosheet Boxscore. The Starting Lineups for September 20th, 1934 at Navin Field in Detroit New York Yankees: Frankie Crosetti, Shortstop Red Rolfe, Third Base George Selkirk, Left Field Lou Gehrig, First Base Tony Lazzeri, Second Base Ben Chapman, Center Field Sammy Bird, Right Field Art Jorgens, Catcher Johnny Broaca, Pitcher Detroit Tigers: Pete Fox, Right Field Jo-Jo White, Center Field Charlie Gehringer, Second Base Hank Greenberg, First Base Marv Owen, Third Base Goose Goslin, Left Field Willie Rogell, Shortstop Ray Hayworth, Catcher Fred "Firpo" Marberry, Pitcher Here are the Mp3 files: Part 1. Part 2. Part 3. Part 4.
  5. Here you go, the link is right here. Tywiggins hosts his mods at that site and that is where you got to download it. You must be a registered member there to download it also.
  6. Mark please, you don't know what you are doing here my good friend. What if he reads your post and then <gasp> he calls you a name? Retract your statement kind sir before it is too late.
  7. Don't swear in here. And this is not the thread to ask about rosters for 2010. THINK.
  8. Updated to 3-28 ...Just one more week now and the baseball season starts again and I honestly can not wait. Even though major league baseball is forcing the Yankees to open up and close the season at that place against that team in that city in front of those people, I still plan on watching opening night. It's as though MLB is saying to the Red Sox "we are sorry you didn't win the World Series last year but we will manipulate the schedule for you this year to give you an advantage." ...I know Alex Rodriguez has to talk to the Feds about some Canadian doctor who is currently under investigation. I'd feel more comfortable if a representative from the Yankees would be at this meeting too because a certain city in the state of Massachusetts is not above planting evidence against him. ...I got to admit, the most boring part of spring training was the story of who was going to win the fifth starter spot for the Yankees. Non Yankee fans were not interested and Yankee fans didn't even care. ...My wife went shopping the other day and got some stuff we needed and a lot of stuff we didn't and her excuse for that was that "it was on sale." Whether you need the item or not a woman can never pass up a sale on anything. ...Don't you hate it when your wife (or girlfriend) suggests that you watch a movie that she wants to watch and it's one that you had no plans on ever watching and when you finally watch it with her the movie actually turns out to be pretty good? That's what happened to me the other day when I was coaxed into watching Fried Green Tomatoes. I ended up enjoying the movie and she hasn't let me forget it yet. ...Seattle's Milton Bradley said this week that he is Major League Baseball's version of Kanye West. I believe that. I'm sure that Bradley can't sing either. ...Sarah Palin is getting a reality show. Unbelievable. For a woman who's political view are completely unreal, she gets a reality show. Maybe her daughter Bristol can one for herself if she manages to get knocked up again by the next guy that takes her to the movies. ...The cost of movies is going up again. That's just another thing that you can't get upset over because who are you going to yell at, the ticket taker? ...The NFL showed this week that making rule changes just for the sake of making rules changes is a bad idea. Now you need a touchdown to win an overtime game in the playoffs. A field goal is not good enough. For all these years it was and all of a sudden it isn't. ...I've said this before, but do yourself a favor and watch the lineup of shows that are on the USA Network. They begin again in the summer and they are the best shows on any network.
  9. That would be something to see. I have a feeling that his classic uniforms would look just great in the mod you are making if he ever made them. I've always liked classic throwback uniforms as opposed to the fantasy ones.
  10. Let's just say I have no reason and I don't want any reason to fight with the guy because that got nowhere fast. I'd rather try to understand where he's coming from and if he wants to charge the five bucks for the full version of his uniforms then it is his business and not for me to say. Simple as that.
  11. It occurred to me that about nine days ago in this thread we were talking about Spungo's uniforms for 2010, the price he wants for it and how fair his asking price was considering all the time and work he's put into it. Spungo asked what I thought of it and if you look back I said I understood why he is charging for this. It also occurred to me that I should back up what I said about these uniforms so today I purchased the 2010 uniforms for the price of five dollars which also gives the user updates to the uniforms right up to the World Series in October. If you want information about the uniforms, go to his website. All you need to do is have a Paypal account and in a matter of minutes I got the link to the uniforms and the password needed to extract the file. It installs perfectly with the TiT program and I don't regret for one second parting with five dollars to make my game look even better and up to date. Take a look for example the Baltimore road uniform: For five dollars my game looks a lot better than it did.
  12. He hit .406 that year. What the hell do you want?
  13. Updated to 3-21 ...Every single time this idiot of a baseball commissioner opens his mouth or thinks he has a great idea I cringe. ...I don't know where the MLB Network gets them from, but Greg Amsinger fits right in there as a know-it-all prick. ...Each time Peter Gammons is on TV reporting on something I always wait for him to throw in a Boston reference to anything he is talking about. And he never fails. ...One of my favorite pastimes is going through the clearance aisle at Staples. Sometimes you can actually find some pretty good stuff for a reduced price. ...If anyone wants to know how to run and present a proper dynasty, go and do yourself a favor and check out the current one that JoeRudi26 is running. It's a bonus for anyone who follows it that he adds his photoshop skills into his dynasty, but you really don't need to have that to have a good dynasty. The key things that JoeRudi does is he constantly updates his dynasty and he completes them. ...Went out to dinner tonight to a very fancy restaurant. They had on the menu leg of lamb and since I have not had that in years I was planning to get it. But then I saw that they wanted to soak me twenty nine dollars for the pleasure so when dinner was served, that was not sitting in front of me. ...On Friday it was sunny and 60 degrees. Because of this, many people in my city were in a panic because they thought the world was coming to an end. ...I just realized that opening day is going to fall on Easter this year. I have no idea why I didn't know this before. ...I must be slipping. Season eight of Hawaii Five-O came out on March 16th and I still do not own it yet. ...The season finale of Psych was one of the most exciting of the series and I can not wait until it returns in the summer.
  14. Yes I do. Again the final word is up to you, but a five spot won't kill anyone. Or you can offer something off for purchasers from last year, which may bring more people in this year because they may get something off the bill for 2011. Who knows? One thing I do know is I would have bought it last year but then three hospital stays got in my way and that was the end of that.
  15. No one's saying you are a horrible person for wanting to charge for the time involved in creating your uniforms. If this is what you want to do, then go right ahead. You and Trues each have very valid and understandable reasons for having to resort to charging a small fee for what is offered. Heck, Trues has a website that he has to support and he has been doing it since 2004 and it is not unreasonable to assume that it must have been tough during some of those months in the past to pay the server costs when money was tight. As for you, I get it as well. I've read your thread over at Eamods in the past and every single time someone had some minor complaint with one of the uniforms (maybe the number wasn't big or small enough, or the color of the button on the uniform may have been the wrong color, etc) you would then go out and fix it and update your uniform set. And it happened time and time again which took more and more of your time. The way I see it is for the price of ten dollars, which is much less than going to a matinee movie and buying a popcorn and drink, you can have access to all the downloads you want on this website and have your updates to the Mvp uniforms also. That's how this should be considered.
  16. Updated to 3-14 ...Nothing's been said about this in here, but good luck to Joe Nathan who is looking at missing a considerable amount of time due to injury. ...Watched Godzilla this week for the first time in years. (This was the movie that was made in 1998 with Matthew Broderick in it.) And it was really good. I always wondered why there wasn't a sequel made of it. ...Not familiar with this guy at all, but the Yankees seem to be the leaders to sign Adeinis Hechavarria, a 21 year old Cuban shortstop who is supposed to be pretty good. If that's the case, I hope they get him. ...Welcome back Dept: DJEagles11 is back as a Blue Jays fan. ...The Yankees are having such a good spring that even Javier Vazquez is starting to look good to me. ...The work ethic of Curtis Granderson for example has been fantastic. If this guy can play as well as he prepares then the Yankees are going to have a good one. ...This radical realignment idea proposed by Major League Baseball is one of the worst ideas I have ever read about and it stinks of Boston. No one can try to convince me that it wasn't that team that is trying to push this. ...R.I.P. to Corey Haim. Obviously, you never want to read news like this about anyone but sometimes you can't save someone from themselves as it appeared to be the case here. ...Got an e-mail the other day asking me about if I wanted to sell my time-share property down in Bermuda. That was news to me since I don't own a time-share property and I've never been in Bermuda. ...Attention Yankee fans in the Northeast: Turn your clocks ahead one hour today due to Daylight Savings time.
  17. 1961 Continued Called strike three! This Tribesman can't believe it. The Indians try to start a rally with this lead off single to right. No argument here, this is a clear force out. Another Indian not happy with being called out on strikes. Ford however was hitting the corners in this game. The great Mickey Mantle of the Yankees. Clete Boyer makes the play for the final out of the game. The Indians lose to the Yankees again. In 1961, they ended up 4 - 14 against them. Videos Elston Howard hits an RBI Single. Roger Maris hits an opposite field single to left.
  18. Next up, a visit once again to the 1961 season mod which recently has gone under a major facelift. Some of the additions in version 2.0 include updated uniforms for the 1961 season, correct pitch types have been given to all the pitchers in the mod, new cyberface and audio additions and the 1961 All Star team is included also. This is a major upgrade from the first release and you can download version two of the 1961 mod right here. Without further delay, here is version two of the 1961 season mod. Screenshots This Indian hitter is way out in front of an off speed pitch by Whitey Ford. Cleveland second baseman Johnny Temple makes a good play to throw out a Yankee runner. Whitey Ford had Cleveland hitters off track all game as he won 2 - 1. Indian shortstop Woodie Held robs Mickey Mantle of a sure hit. Jim "Mudcat" Grant bears down on a Yankee hitter. Elston Howard is at bat taking his hacks against Mudcat Grant. Clete Boyer can't check his swing and hits a weak grounder for an out.
  19. Then all you got to do is start from scratch again and you'll have the original songs that came with Mvp 2008 and after you are done installing the mod for the second time you can then replace the songs with the ones you want. BACK UP your songs first.
  20. First of all, did you download Mvp 05 from the Internet? And second of all, what mod did you delete the songs from?
  21. Yeah. All the original songs are on the CD. Don't you know this?
  22. I don't know what to tell you except that somehow you did something wrong. Let's go through this step by step. 1. You have the song you want to put in the game in .Mp3 format? 2. You downloaded the ditty importer? (See the first post in this thread to get it.) 3. You convert the .Mp3 song to a .ASF song in the ditty importer. 4. You then RENAME this file to MENU1.ASF if you want to replace the first song in the playlist. You can do this up to nine songs. 5. Put the new file that you just converted into the directory DATA\AUDIO\CD\MUSIC. OVERWRITE the current file in that directory. 6. When you get into the game you will have you new song in the game. Keep in mind that the name of the original song will still be listed in the game because you still have to go into LOCLOOK to change the name of the song to have the new song name displayed in the game.
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