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Everything posted by Yankee4Life

  1. Updated to 3-7 ...This forum got jump started ever since the release of the Show 2010 and MLB 2k10 last Tuesday. There's been so many new threads that it's hard to keep up with them now. And that's a good thing. ...As soon as 2k10 was released I was paying attention to the reaction of it from the people in here. Initially there were great first impressions but now I am reading about some problems in the game. So, as of now I am still not getting it until there is a patch. To echo one of the posters out there "don't they have beta testers?" ...At the same time it didn't take long for Snash to release a roster for 2k10. These modders on this site are on top of everything. ...But for me being a Total Classics fan, the biggest release this week was the updated version of Total Classics for the 1961 season. For me, that beats anything. ...Once again before I forget, kudos to the Canadians for capturing their third straight gold medal in hockey. ...Of course, if the U.S had won, the Boston area would have somehow claimed credit for the victory. (I'm sorry, but I just can not stand these people. They remind me of co-workers or relatives that you dislike. When they walk in a room you either want to kill them or just leave the room.) ...Wasn't it a nice feeling to finally watch some baseball on TV after all these months? The YES Network has been airing some Yankee games and it is a welcome sight. ...I don't know what kind of problem the Toronto Blue Jays have with Francisco Cervelli but I don't like it. The Blue Jays pitcher who threw the pitch said the ball "just got away from him." Two years ago they injured him too by breaking his wrist and they said that wasn't intentional either. Maybe the Yankees should send out a pitcher the next time and have a few pitches just get away from him too. ...It didn't take long for clumsy ox Nick Johnson to get hurt, even though it was just a mild injury. He caught his spikes in a mat during batting practice and tweaked his lower back. Only he can do this. ...Had to go for a CAT scan this past Thursday because I have been having pains in my side and the worst part about it besides having to be there for two hours was drinking the stuff before you have the test. It's like drinking water with a sour aftertaste. So, my advice: don't have one. :)
  2. Again I bow to your superiority. You already have the best games on DVD and now you even have the best radio broadcasts. :clapping:
  3. You are welcome. I'm glad you enjoy them.
  4. I did have some feedback last month about the game I posted so I decided to post another one since today is the first of March. This month's broadcast is the very first game in New York Mets history. The date was April 11th, 1962 and the game was played in St. Louis. It's not a successful opening for the Mets as they go on to lose to the Cardinals. It will be their first loss of 120 that year. The Cardinals ended up in sixth place in 1962 with a 84-78 record, 17 1/2 games behind the pennant winning Giants. So, without further delay, here is the first ever game in the history of the New York Mets in what I hope will be a monthly series of baseball radio broadcasts. Here are the Mp3 files: Part 1. Part 2. Part 3. Part 4. Boxscore of this game from Retrosheet.
  5. Updated to 2-28 ...Condolences to the people of Chile, who on Saturday experienced an earthquake that registered 8.8 on the Richter scale. Just ask any of our users on this site that live in Southern California, an 8.8 earthquake is off the charts. Not even the 1906 earthquake in San Francisco registered that high. ...Thank God we've made it to the last day of February. We're not done with winter yet, but we are getting close. ...Minor miracle: early this morning around 2 am my snow plow guy came to do the driveway without me having to call him. ...Just wondering, but where's Kraw been lately? ...It still makes me wonder how the Reds signed that Cuban pitcher Adrolis Chapman and someone like the Yankees didn't. Either the Yankees noticed something or they just made a big mistake. ...And good luck to all you fantasy draft guys who should be busy in the coming weeks with your leagues. I've never been in one myself. I just don't have the time to devote to being in one and I also refuse to be in a position to draft any Red Sox SOB's on my team, so that takes care of that. ...It took awhile for it to happen, but the NCAA mod is finally starting to shape up to be a good one. It just took the right kind of people to get involved in it instead of NYM. ...There's a lot of frustrating things in this world and among them are being outbid on ebay by one dollar for something that you really wanted. ...Anyone here ever hear of the Avalon Hill game company? These days they make a lot of war based games but years ago they did make a lot of sports games. ...Well, Tuesday is the big day. That's when we'll start to learn if 2k10 is a hit or not. I'm hoping that it's a good one.
  6. 123 downloads

    This is an instrumental version of the song "Here come the Yankees." It is in .Mp3 format and it is also in .Asf format so you can easily put this into one of your Jukebox slots. All you need to do to do this is to rename the file to Menu1.asf or 2, etc, etc to properly register it in the game. Enjoy!
  7. Welcome back rookie_rick, nice to see you around again.
  8. Can't argue with what you wrote Mr. DJ because deep down I agree with you.
  9. No, I don't think so. I think the Chicago fan would just be happy that their team won. I mean look at the White Sox five years ago. They won after such a long time and they were happy about it without throwing it in everyone's face. My guess is the Cub fans will do the same when the time comes.
  10. Everything you said here is true. Now look at this from my perspective for a second. Ever since Boston won their championships, their fans have become more and more intolerable. They act like they are better than everyone else and if you dare disagree with them they'll act all offended and they'll run off and tell on you. It's almost like since they finally saw their team win a championship it gave them the right to push people around and find fault in them when you don't agree with them.
  11. Before I forget and post this in this thread I want to say Happy Birthday today to your wife and also to you, even though it is two days too early. You are the kind of person that joins our site and is a pleasure to have around. You're knowledgeable about many things,helpful and are always a pleasure to have around. (And you can't say that about everyone who joins.) My only regret is that you have not been with us since the site started up six years back. As far as working on your mod, you got to take a break from it every so often. Jim825 has often said this in the forums and in the shoutbox. Sometimes you need a few days away just to get yourself wanting to go back in there again. I always bring up the example of what Hory did when he created his 1994 mod. It took him 18 months to do because he took his time and he made sure everything was just to his liking. And if you've ever played the 1994 season mod you'll see that he was successful in making one of the best season mods out there. So, take your time. Exactly right. It all depends on how you look at things. And I'll be the first to admit there is too much Yankee-Red Sox crap talked about in here and that it gets overblown at times. Also those two teams are covered way too much in the National media too, but that's how it always has been.
  12. Updated to 2-21 ...It happens every year. When Spring Training opens up in Florida and Arizona and when I see the first film clips of it on NESPN it always gets me depressed. It's because I am watching people in other parts of the country not freezing and I have to be stuck in the one of the worst parts of the U.S. to live during the winter. ...Nice to see the Yanks having a quiet and productive spring so far and there hasn't been a Selena Roberts sighting yet. ...Had to take my wife to a movie last night. It was her choice. She wanted to see something called Dear John. It sucked. It was a typical women's movie with romance and other stuff in it. Avoid this at all costs. ...I need to see a good action movie soon before I lose it. The Rock needs to make one in the near future and he also needs to stay away from making those stupid Disney movies. Previews for The Wolfman look promising though. ...Understand one thing before I go on. I'm neither a fan or a detractor of Tiger Woods. I spend no time thinking of him or what he did. It's his business and he didn't hurt anyone but himself and his family. So he comes out and makes a statement this week and apologizes for what he did. Some people thought it was just fine and some thought it was staged. I guess the point I am trying to make is that you can't tell someone how to act when they are making a statement like that because it's already uncomfortable enough as it is for the person. ...Heck, I don't even play Tiger Woods golf on the PC. I'm still a Links 2003 player and I own all the courses that they have and have a few CD's full of courses made by other Links fans including some by a guy named Mike Jones, who has made some beautiful courses. For those of you who have never heard of Mike Jones, think of him as the PaulW of golf course design. He is that good. ...This week we bought a program at BJ's Wholesale club (very nice place by the way) from Roxio called VHS to DVD. And this program works like a charm. I had two VHS tapes that I bought twenty years ago called "The Golden Decade of Baseball, 1947-1957" which was narrated by Brent Musberger. Now that I have those converted to DVD I am going to convert a lot more. ...So Johnny Damon is a Tiger? Well, that's his fault. But I have to admit I am anxious to see how Bora$ spins this to make it sound like Damon made out in the end. ...Anyone else notice the heavy emphasis on Boston from the MLB Network so far? Or is it just me? ...Censorship is alive and well. Fair warning friends. Don't say anything bad about that team or else someone will cry about it. Just sayin' ...Damn I can't wait to drive again, but as long as I am still taking percocet that's out of the question. ...Did my taxes yesterday morning. I like to do them as early as possible only because I want to get them out of the way. ...There's going to be a lot of new threads in the coming weeks with the return of people to the site from the winter break and with the release of the two new games in early March. But don't lose track of this one right here by emath because this mod sounds like it is going to be fun to play. And of course you can't forget about Homer, who has been steadily plugging away on his mod for a long time now. Who says MVP is dead? Not by a long shot.
  13. Yes it does. It is nice to learn that I finally ran into someone that liked this show. I liked the show because it was entertaining and there was always a lot of action in it.
  14. Updated to 2-14 ...Well, this is it! Spring training opens this week as the pitchers and catchers report on the 17th! ...MLB TV is going to have the 30 teams preview for 30 days the same as they did last year. And every other day they will be going back to cover the Red Sox because the people at MLB love to give extra coverage to that team. With Peter Gammons in the mix now I would not be surprised if every day this spring the Red Sox camp is featured. ...Hating that team for me is a year round occupation. ...Frank Thomas retired last week. Good. Now go away. ...And I can not wait for the day until I say the same thing to Jorge Posada. ...Had a nice coupon for Barnes and Noble bookstores that I used up the other day and I got seasons 3 and 4 of The Wild, Wild West. No one that I know in real life likes that show and my wife refuses to watch it with me because she thinks it's stupid, but I like it and that's all that counts. ...I am considering buying MLB TV for my computer this year but I'm still on the fence about it. ...The PS3 purchase for me is probably a thing of the past since basically I would be buying a new console system to play only one game (The Show) and if -and this is a huge IF- I do buy a baseball game this year it will be 2K10 but I won't be buying it the day it comes out. I am waiting to read reviews from the people in here before I get this because I have no faith in 2K Sports at all to release a game that is even remotely playable. ...Article in the NY Daily News this morning: "Yanks return to Tampa looking to repeat" No kidding? I thought they were coming back to Tampa looking to finish in fifth place. ...Don't forget now, today is Valentine's Day. Buy something even though you don't want to. :blink:
  15. I'm just jumping in here if you guys don't mind because I really hope that something can be done with this mod. I think it was a great idea when it first was introduced but unfortunately the wrong person was behind it and then when he decided that he actually had to do some work he took off and has not been back on the site since. I have two suggestions for you all and if you have already done this, then all I did here was make a post that was not needed. First off, do you have someone that is in charge of this mod? That helps things run smoother when someone is willing to do that. Secondly, have any of you contacted mcoll86 about this? Because mcoll was involved with this before and he is a guy who is dependable and is a good uniform maker. If you have not, someone ought to send him a PM and let him know that there are now quality people working on the NCAA mod and see if he would like to participate. That's all I got. Good luck now.
  16. I'll second that. I got a new laptop for Christmas and it has Windows 7 64 bit on it and I installed MVP on it and I have not had one problem. I love it.
  17. Updated to 2-7 ...You have good days and bad days on your way to recovering from major surgery. So far today's not a good one. It's almost 3 pm and I am just now getting up on my feet. ...Lately I have been getting back into playing a table top baseball game that I used to play when I was in school. It's called Superstar Baseball and it is a very exciting and addictive game to play. I'd tell you all to give it a shot but this game has not been printed since 1978. You can get this game on ebay, but of course you pay more for it. There are updated cards for it on the Internet though because this game still gets a big following. And I also used to play in leagues with this game but I will not let you know the team name I had to use because it's a long story. ...Thank God it is Super Bowl Sunday. That means on Monday morning the NFL will have gone away and our great sport will soon be opening its doors in Florida and Arizona. ...At least right now you can follow the Caribbean series to get a quick baseball fix before Spring Training opens. ...On Animal Planet today there is "Puppy Bowl VI" and that is funny as hell. They bring these little pups out on a rug that looks like a football field with dog toys and they have a guy in the booth giving a play-by-play of what these dogs are doing. It's hilarious. ...Where are you going to be when it starts up again Johnny Damon? I bet you are pretty happy with Scott Boras right now. But keep the faith Johnny. Hold out for that five year contract at 20 million a year. ...I keep on reading about a new contract for Joe Mauer from the Twins. I'll believe it when I see it. Minnesota has a history of being a cheap ass organization. ...I went go and see Sherlock Holmes recently but I don't know if it was a good movie or not. I was so tired I kept falling asleep in the movie and my wife had to keep waking me up. Before long I lost track of what was going on. ...And one week from today is Valentine's Day. My contempt for this holiday is long and deep. I don't like "holidays" invented by American retail salesman with the sole intent of taking your money once again with the excuse of buying something special for your wife or girlfriend. They conveniently forget that Christmas was seven weeks in the past and there are some people still paying for it. And yes, if I don't buy something for her next week I will be hit with the sad face and hurtful look. I know when I'm beat. ...Remember for those of you who are going to be ordering out for pizza for the game, order early. Enjoy!
  18. Next up in this thread is Munson: The Life and Death of a Yankee Captain by Marty Appel. This book can be found on Amazon right here. Of all the books that I have read in this thread, this one by far was the toughest one for me to read. Not that it was poorly written, far from it. Marty Appel did a great job on this book. I simply had a hard time reliving the moments again when I first heard of the terrible news of Munson's crash. And really, up until reading this book that is all I knew about this crash. There's a thread in the Yankee fan forum where I go into detail about my memories of Munson thirty years after the incident, so I won't go into it here. Appel goes into detail explaining the cause and the hows and whys about the crash and the reactions of everyone as soon as they heard the news. Many players like Graig Nettles for instance did not believe what he was told at first. Remember, these were the days before cell phones and text messaging. News was a bit slower then. This book shows the outpouring of love the Yankees had for Munson and how they rallied around his widow in her time of need. It also goes into detail about Munson's poor childhood with a father who was anything but a father. This is a book about a good ballplayer and about a husband and a father who left his family much too soon. I highly recommend it. I also recommend this book to every single Red Sox fan who cracked jokes about Munson on the anniversary of his death. What?? You think I forgot this?? Hell no. Some notable things I came across in the book: ...Before George Steinbrenner bought the team in 1973, there was talk from CBS of moving the Yankees to New Orleans to play in the Superdome as their new home. It was based on all the new ballparks being built at the time in Cincinnati, Philadelphia, St. Louis, Kansas City and Pittsburgh that helped increase attendance in those towns. This threat never amounted to anything. ...CBS bought the Yankees for 13.4 million dollars and sold the team at a loss to George Steinbrenner for 10 million dollars. CBS did not mind because they were happy to get out of the baseball business. ...In 1974 there was a deal cooked up between Yankee general manager Gabe Paul and Kansas City GM Cedric Tallis. The Yankees were to send Munson, Bobby Murcer, Tippy Martinez, Scott McGregor and Jim Mason to Kansas City for John Mayberry and Fred Patek. Luckily this never happened.
  19. Thanks Mark and I hope you like the game. I hope other people do too.
  20. In celebration of the sixth year of Mvpmods, I decided to upload a classic radio baseball game that I have. It's the third game of the 1936 World Series between the New York Giants and the New York Yankees and it is being played in Yankee Stadium. The game is in four parts and it is in .Mp3 format. If this is something that catches on in here, I can post a new radio game once a month. I'll just need to know if this is something that people would want because if not I'll just upload this one and be done with it. Here are the Mp3 files: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Boxscore of this game from Retrosheet. Enjoy!
  21. Updated to 1-31 ... Today is a big day for those of us unlucky enough to live in the Northeast part of the U.S. in the winter months. Because today's the last day of January and we have just rid ourselves of another month of winter. ...You don't think this is such a big deal? Consider that while I am writing this up right now it is three (3) degrees outside. I think that says it all. ...Last month when I got my blu-ray player I asked in here what kind of movies would look really nice in it. SeanO recommended a movie called Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow. I never heard of it. But then I saw the movie for sale in the bargain area of a wholesale club and I picked it up. It was really a nice movie and yes it did look great on blu-ray. I'm just wondering why I was not familiar with this movie before. It only came out six years ago. ...There is even a website for this game located right here where you can even download a game based on the movie. ...On the 27th my laptop that I got for Christmas came back to me on the day they promised to deliver it to me. Amazing, just amazing. And as an added bonus, everything works well on it too. ...Vikings coach Brad Childress is playing smart with rent-a-year quarterback Brett Favre. He is not putting a deadline on Favre to decide if he wants to play again next year therefore allowing Favre all the time he needs to hem and haw about this. And as soon as enough time goes by with enough attention given to him once again, Favre will return. ...Just how I see it but whatever is going on right now with Tiger Woods and his wife with their marriage counseling is strictly between them and should stay out of the media. ...I think I will only believe that Johnny Damon is not coming back to the Yankees is only when he signs with someone else. But before that happens I won't. ...No, I will not be getting an iPad. The latest over priced (from $499 up to $829 -the model with 64 GB of storage with a 3G wireless data connection through AT&T) product was introduced to the public this past Wednesday and there is nothing about it that makes you want to even consider buying it. ...And it would figure that Major League Baseball got on board with the iPad to try and entice their fans to get the iPad so they can watch baseball on it this upcoming season. It's a perfect marriage. One of America's most user-unfriendly companies joining forces with Apple, a company that makes products that you can easily do without.
  22. Just a note for anyone in here that is interested in creating their own uniforms for MVP or has questions about them, post your questions here in this thread. This is Spungo's thread and over the years he has made uniforms for every single major league team and also the minor leagues too. The thing is, if you have played MVP before you probably have already seen his work. Check out for example the MVP 2008 and 2007 mod. That's his stuff. Also check out the 2009 mod for MVP 2004 by piratesmvp04. What stands out in his work can be summed up in three words: Attention to detail. He won't just make a uniform once and then be done with it. Do the buttons look wrong in one uniform? He'll fix it. He'll keep on tweaking these uniforms until he's satisfied and the end result is what you see in the game, a uniform that looks just as good as the ones you see if you are watching a game on a high definition TV. Only the best modders here have this kind of attitude towards their work. Look at the four top stadium guys (paulw, Big O, Sean O and Pirate) and you'll see that they have the same approach to their work. Look at Hory. It took him 18 months to create the 1994 mod. Attention to detail. And Jim825. Every time he thinks a total conversion mod is completed he finds something else to put in or something else to tinker with. That's what I think spungo's attitude is towards his work. You may be satisfied with his work but he has to be satisfied first. So if any of you guys want to learn how to make your uniforms or make your existing uniforms better there's no other place to go on this site than right here.
  23. Yeah, well if you put it that way. But the Vikings are 0 - 4 in Super Bowls. If they couldn't get it done with great players like Fran Tarkenton, Chuck Foreman, Jim Gilliam, Brent McClanahan, Alan Page and Carl Eller, how can they do it now?
  24. I agree. And I should have written this myself also. And don't think we didn't notice. Don't be a stranger.
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