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Everything posted by Yankee4Life

  1. If there was permission to do this, I could gather up some songs for the jukebox. There is a newsgroup that has songs posted from the 1920's and 30's and I can look around for some half way decent sounding songs there. I know how to put them in the proper format with the ditty importer and I am positive I can come up with nine songs that depict the time period. Keep in mind however that the sound quality here would not be as good.
  2. Jim, using your uniforms from the 1946 mod would have been closer than using the ones from 2005. Despite the fact that those uniforms are in TC Phase 10, they are still not the 1927 uniforms except for the '27 Yankees road jersey. Not having the correct uniform for each team here was one of the biggest disappointments of the mod. How can we? We would need permission to do so. Also, the stadiums in this thing are no where near completion.
  3. Maybe some of it was fictionalized for the screen. Some things usually are when movies are made. But the guy who wrote this book originally wrote Cobb's autobiography when Cobb was sick and dying. The name of the author was Al Stump and he lived with Cobb for awhile as they both worked on the book. The book, which came out in 1961 was called My Life in Baseball: The True Record and it was written by Cobb and ghost written by Stump. Here's the link for this book at Amazon right here. Cobb made Stump put everything in that book exactly the way he wanted it and even though Stump knew it to be untrue or inaccurate, he had to put it in anyways. Many years later, Stump finally decided to put the record straight and he wrote Cobb: A Biography which was a book completely different from the first one. It told of the experiences he had with Cobb while writing the book and how Cobb was. That book can be found right here on Amazon. While Cobb was a player that had remarkable stats and played hard, this was also a guy that I would never want to meet.
  4. No there is not. I have all the classic throwback uniforms that have been uploaded over the years for Mvp 05 and there were none for that era. The guys that did most of the classic uniforms back then were fizzjob and sandman. Check out their work sometime. Those guys made the best throwback uniforms ever.
  5. Since it is the off season there is not really that much news about baseball that the average fan can have. The MLB network will give you up to date news but at the same time will repeat the same stuff over and over again. Reading about baseball during the off season has always been one of my favorite things to do. So what I am going to do here is post some reviews about some books that I am reading and also post some things that I read in the book that I thought was interesting. Anyone can post a book review. This isn't a private thread you know. Any baseball book you want to review please feel free. Just post why you liked it or disliked it. Starting this thread off is a book called Ty Cobb and it was written by Charles C. Alexander. If anyone is interested in this book, you can check it out on Amazon right here. You can get it pretty cheap there. While reading this book you can almost feel the way Cobb drove himself to be the best. Now, there's nothing wrong with wanting to be the best you can be, but Cobb took it to another level. All his life he got into fights and situations -on and off the ballfield- that could have been avoided. He had a quick temper, held grudges against many people that were many times unjustified and when he died he was estranged from most of the people from his family. Cobb was at the same time extremely generous and extremely miserly. He funded a hospital in Royston, Georgia in his hometown and supported many down on their luck ballplayers over the years. For example, he helped pay for Mickey Cochrane's medical bills after he was beaned in the late 1930's. But then there was another side of Cobb. One time he went out to dinner and when he got the bill he discovered that the restaurant overcharged him. He went into a rage and demanded the bill be fixed immediately. The restaurant overcharged him by three cents. Here are some other things that stood out for me while reading this book: * Cobb's father was a schoolteacher. When his father was 20 years old, he met and fell and love with Amanda Chitwood, who was the daughter of the most prosperous family in the area. Amanda Chitwood was also his student. They married in 1883 after her father reluctantly consented. His daughter was only twelve years old. Cobb was not born until 1886 when his mother was fifteen. * Even as a boy Cobb was quick tempered. In the fifth grade he beat up a fat boy for missing a word in the class spelling bee and thereby giving the victory to the girl's team. * Cobb's father died in 1905 under suspicious circumstances. His mother shot him by mistake when she thought he was a prowler. There was talk that Cobb's mother was having an affair and his father sneaked back home one night to see for himself. That's when he was shot. Cobb's father never got to see him play in the major leagues and this was one of the reasons why Cobb was so driven. * Cobb was raised in the south not too long after the Civil War. At that time there were still very hard feelings about the war. This explains partly his feelings towards blacks over the years, whom he had many confrontations with about some very petty things. * Cobb came up to Detroit in 1905. He played his home games in Bennett Park. The capacity of this ballpark was about 8,500. The owner of the Tigers was William H. Yawkey, Tom Yawkey's uncle. * Cobb got in many fights as a player, both with the opposition and his own teammates. In 1907 Cobb got into a fight with a Tiger player and the Tigers, fed up with him, offered him to Cleveland for outfielder Elmer Flick. Cleveland declined, saying Cobb was a troublemaker. * Cobb had a brother named Paul who was drafted by the St. Louis Browns. * Cobb got married in 1908 during the pennant race without consulting anyone in the Tiger management. What he did was take off, leave the team to get married, and then he came back. See if that happens today! * Another thing that Cobb did that wouldn't happen today is that many times he would train with the Washington Senators because the Senators trained close to his home in Georgia during his contract holdouts. Cobb held out mostly every spring for more money and hardly ever trained with the Tigers. * Cobb was the first millionaire ballplayer by the time he retired because he invested wisely in stocks. For example, he got in on the ground floor with a Georgia soft drink company that ended up making him a lot of money. That company's name was Coca-Cola. * In 1928, Cobb made an offer of $275,000 for the Cincinnati Reds but his bid was eventually rejected. It proved very fortuitous for Cobb because of the stock market crash in 1929. * Cobb was married and divorced twice. Both times his wives cited "mental cruelty" as the reason for the divorce. * When Cobb died in 1961, only three ballplayers went to his funeral. They were Ray Schalk, Mickey Cochrane and Nap Rucker. The Hall of Fame sent a representative also. Not one other person associated with baseball came to pay respects.
  6. Good find Dylan, good find. But even though he did ask for help for the 1927 uniforms and didn't get it, he still released the mod without the proper uniforms included in it. And when you get into that mod and play a game you will see that this a glaring oversight. Not having the right uniforms for each team for a TC season mod is something you can't overlook. It was because of this and other things that made this mod severely lack in some very important areas.
  7. Yes there was Homer. Trues got this from the tutorial section because mcoll needed it. He's going to be putting the tutorial section back up soon but he just grabbed this one right now to post for him to use.
  8. Updated to 12-6 ...My wife and I just updated to the world of HDTV. We just got a new TV and after the Direct TV people get here on Tuesday to update our dish, we will be watching TV in hi def just like everyone else. I really can't wait. ...The New Orleans Saints have won 11 games? It wasn't too long ago that I could remember it would take them four years to win 11 games. ...Just to prove once again to the world that he's a total moron, Robinson Cano would like to see Pedro Martinez in pinstripes. ...Oh hell, today's such a nice day. Don't get me started on how much I hate Cano. Or Posada. ...There's joy in Beantown as fans all over New England are ordering Marco Scutaro jerseys left and right. He'll be wearing #16 for those of you who don't know. Here's a photo for you so you can see for yourself. ...I can hear it now: "Scutaro is better than Jeter!" And the sad part is, they'll believe it. ...One final thing on the Red Sox and then that's it. They raised their ticket prices for the 2010 season Good. Squeeze their fans even more. ...Hey, I just got NHL 2004 yesterday in the mail. I ordered it from Amazon. I got it for less than twenty dollars. I got it because I wanted to try out the mods that are made for this game because of what I read in this thread. The work that those guys do over on that site with this game will make the price I paid for this game well worthwhile. ...The New York Post this morning did the impossible. They made Scott Bora$ seem almost human in this article. I'm telling you, that's hard to do. ...Just wondering, does anyone here own a Blackberry phone? What makes them so special? I always see them advertised on TV and I'm curious.
  9. 1927 continued Babe Herman of the Dodgers. Herman had a career batting average of .324 and was one of the most feared power hitters of the late 20's and early 1930's. Another thing that should have been added to this mod was the name of this Dodger team. While they were still named the Dodgers, the name they went by during this time period was the Robins because they were named after their manager Wilbert Robinson. Dodger pitcher Dazzy Vance, who had a 16 year Hall of Fame career. This Braves runner is safe at first as the throw is high and the double play could not be turned. Pinch hitter Max Carey tries to lay a bunt down in the eighth inning but the ball was hit right back to the pitcher, who in turn made the easy out. A fine example of the loading screens in TC 1927 Like I stated, the loading screens were one of the strong points about this mod. They gave a lot of information about the players in 1927. I really enjoyed reading them.
  10. Next up is the 1927 season mod which was created by Sal, a new user who just joined up here this past April. It's obvious that when he joined he quickly became a Total Classics fan because of all the season mods available here, so he must have decided to create his own TC mod himself. Please bare in mind that what I just said right here is just conjecture on my part since I have never talked to this guy since he's been here. Nonetheless, after two previous attempts to release this mod, the 1927 mod is now available for download right here. Checking the download description for this mod, it tells you what is included and not included in this mod. Here is what is included in case you didn't go to the download area: 1. Rosters 2. Portraits 3. LOC files (In-game text) 4. Graphics screens (Splash, License, CTS, Menu, Loading, Stadium Select) 5. Stadiums (the same ones already included in other TC mods) As you will see during my review of this mod, I have serious questions about #3 and especially #5. I'll show you. What is not included in this mod is the following: 1. Uniforms 2. Audio (team names, stadium names) 3. Walkup Music 4. Jukebox Music Unfortunately everything that is said here is true. There are no 1927 uniforms to use in this game unless you count the Yankees 1927 road uniform and that is only because EA Sports included that in the default version of the game. The uniforms in this mod are the same uniforms that are comprised in the original version of Mvp 05. As for the audio, that was true. Nothing was said here or played here to give it a 1927 mod feel. And again, the jukebox music is the same as the jukebox music you would have on the default version of Mvp 05. Now I understand that finding music from the 1920's would be a chore, but the type of music played around that time was swing and ragtime. At least that is what I heard was popular during that time period. My point is that something could have been added here in this mod to give it more of a time period feel than the lousy tracks that EA originally gave us. Before I go on, I have to stress and then stress again that I am not criticizing Sal personally. I don't know him at all to criticize him and I have no reason to get personal with him. What I am talking about here is the mod itself and unfortunately it does not measure up at all to the other Total Classics mods. This is NOT to say this mod did not have its good points. The portraits were sensational. The loading screens were outstanding and the tidbits of information about the 1927 season and the players involved in that season were fun to read. But I am sorry, that is all there was to like about this mod. Not having the choice to use 1927 uniforms for the teams was a huge drawback. We have been accustomed to this in every single season mod out there. If you play the 1964 mod for example, you will get the 1964 uniforms to use for each team. Not here. In every mod out there, from 1946 to 1994, you get the exact feel of the year of that appropriate mod. The uniforms, the sounds, the music, the ballparks. You do not get this here. And this is why after I played one game in this mod I saved the screenshots for this review and then deleted this mod from my hard drive. As a Total Classics fan from the beginning, I expect more from a season mod. Screenshots Loading screen for Total Classics 1927 Here I am picking the Boston Braves at the Brooklyn Dodgers. I'll show you why this is important later on. Uniform select screen. I had to pick the uniforms closest to 1927 as I could, so I got the 1929 Braves road jerseys and the 1944 Dodgers home jerseys. Both of these uniforms of course are included in every game since they are the default EA jerseys. As I said in the review, the portraits provided in this mod are excellent. This area of the mod was done quite well. Look at the overlay for the TC 1927 mod. I could have swore that I picked Boston at Brooklyn. But for some reason I got Atlanta at Los Angeles. These mistakes in team names were all over this mod. Babe Herman of Brooklyn is hit by a pitch. By the way, this game was played in Navin Field in Detroit, which was home of the Tigers during that time period. Now, does this stadium somehow look familiar? Boston's Lance Richbourg triples to right center at Navin Field. Well, this was Navin Field only by name. Seems that Sal used the default version of Tiger Stadium as the Tiger's home park and just renamed it Navin Field.
  11. This question has been asked many times, especially when someone wants to install one of the Total Conversion mods that we have here on the site. I want to play the game with the current rosters but I also want to play other mods too. How do I install another copy of the game so I can play both mods? First off, it is advisable to have each season mod installed in the same main directory, but in different sub-directories. (See the screenshot of my setup for example below.) These steps are for someone who does not have MVP Baseball 2005 installed on their computer OR for someone that has one copy of the game already installed and wants another one. 1. Create a directory on your hard drive called C:MVP Baseball Season Mods. (If you don't want to call it that, it's ok. I am using my setup here as an example for this tutorial.) 2. Next, install a copy of MVP baseball 2005 in that directory. C:MVP Baseball Season ModsMVP 05 Clean The reason why I called this MVP 05 Clean is because this is the version of the game that comes directly off the EA Sports CD and it does NOT have one single mod installed on it. Therefore it is a fresh, or clean, copy of the game. This directory here is probably the most important of the directories that you are going to make because you are about to find out that you will be using this one a lot. ***The only thing you can add to this fresh copy of Mvp 05 is to apply PATCH #2 that was provided by EA Sports. Patch #2 can be downloaded right here. I did not want to forget to add this part in because it was suggested to me by one of the modders here, Jim825. He's a guy who knows a thing or two about season mods, so I took him at his word for this. Remember, this is a patch that you are applying to this fresh copy of the game and not a mod. 3. Now that you have that installed, you can begin to install as many season mods as you wish. Let's say for example you now want to install the 1951 season mod. All you have to do is create a directory called 1951. Like this: C:MVP Baseball Season Mods1951 4. Now, the easy part. Copy the entire contents of the MVP 05 CLEAN directory and put it in the 1951 directory. See what you just did? You now have two copies (temporarily) of an unmodded version of Mvp baseball on your computer. 5. Now, assuming you have already downloaded the 1951 season mod, just unpack the mod and tell the installer to install the mod into the C:MVP Baseball Season Mods1951 directory. That way, the installer is installing the mod into a clean copy of Mvp 05. Ok, now you are done. Your directory should now look like this: C:MVP Baseball Season Mods 1951 Mvp 05 Clean Now, if you want you can make another directory, copy the fresh (clean) copy of Mvp 05 into that directory and install another mod. This can be done as many times as you wish provided you have enough disk space of course. Each mod is just a little over 2 gig. It can be more depending on what is added into it. 6. Never delete your Mvp 05 Clean directory because as you can see you will always use that when you install a new season mod. Again, do not add any mods to this directory. Ok, as I said at the beginning of this tutorial, I am going to show you my setup so you can see exactly what I am talking about. Again, you don't have to name this directory the same as I have mine. I just like to have things organized on my system. As long as you now know how to install multiple mods on your system after reading this, the directory where you yourself decide to install the mods is up to you.
  12. Just think about that for a second Jim. We watched baseball when pitchers actually pitched complete games. I was just a grammar school kid then, but I remember the 1971 Orioles with their four twenty game winners. At that time I didn't think twice about it because I wasn't a Baltimore fan, but I can appreciate it now.
  13. Don't forget Jim Palmer of Baltimore and Mike Caldwell of the Brewers. Those two were tough that year.
  14. I'm sold. I just ordered NHL 2004 for the PC.
  15. Updated to 11-29 ...I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving and you all had a good time that day. ...Approaching Thanksgiving, my wife was very emphatic when she told me she was not going near any of the malls and stores on Black Friday. Of course, when that day came she was at the mall. ...Of all the hype I gave the Raiders for being on Thanksgiving day, I am glad no one said anything to me about it. Then again no one saw what I wrote anyways. ...I have never seen a football team that makes the other team work as less as these Raiders have the past few years. They average one score a game and then they pack it in and go home. ...Good luck to Tiger Woods and I hope his injuries are not severe after that car crash he was in. ...I don't know if this is true or not, but our boy Bud plans to step down after 2012. Why wait that long? Do it now. ...Goodbye Shelley Duncan and best of luck to you. ...Well, we are finally getting an HDTV. Should be here next week. It's about time! ...Now if I can just swing a PS3 I would be all set. I just don't know if I will. I listen to you guys in here a lot when you review games and when I asked Trues about MLB The Show 09, he really didn't give it the thumbs up. I'm cautious about spending sixty dollars on a game that after awhile I won't use. ...After 25 games my favorite NHL team the Canadians are 12-12-1. Damn. But they are not that far away from first place Ottawa.
  16. Yeah, don't do that because this mod is in nine parts and I don't believe we have all nine parts anymore. As I said before, this is a poorly put together mod. Yeah, you can figure out how to install it by just looking at what is included in the different parts, but my question was why was it released a little at a time? I was just looking at this mod this morning. Part four of the Asia mod only has two files in it. The FEENG.LOC and the INENG.LOC. That's all. Now I am guessing that these are updates to the original files but there is no explanation as to what changes there is to these files or anything else. This mod interests me, but I just can't do anything with it.
  17. And I appreciate everything you do. I know you have a new mod in the works and to be like everyone else, I will not once ask about the progress of this or anything about it. I know there are a lot of things planned. I recall that some of the 60's mods are going to get a facelift and a few tweaks are going to be added to those existing mods. That should be good too. So patience is the key here and I will talk no more about season mods that are not released yet. One question I do want to ask you is about that Asia mod I was talking about. Did you ever install that? I think it is safe to say that this mod is the least known mods that have been on this website. And that's too bad.
  18. By the way, there is one total conversion mod out there that I have not reviewed and that is the Asia mod that was released a few years back by some of the members of the Gamebase crew. The Asia mod is a combination of the NBL mod (Nippon Baseball League) and other teams in Asia. This mod is in nine parts. That's not the problem with the mod. There is an installer included in the first part of the mod but it is not in English. I am not attempting to install anything without being able to read what I am doing. I don't know how this mod is. I don't know of anyone downloading this and using this mod and I have inquired about this off and on over the years. I have never once seen a screenshot of this mod so I can not sit here and tell you if this is a good mod or not. Just by looking at this mod you can tell it is a poorly put together mod. Why is it in nine parts? Beats me. But even then you can get past it if the directions were given to you in English. I'd love to use this mod just to see how it is, but with the language limitations I can not. There are instructions in English on the first part of this mod, but it requires that you have Total Portraits 2007 and Total Audio 2005. Both files are no longer available for download as far as I can tell. If this can be straightened out or if this mod can be repackaged by the Gamebase team and released again, I'd be happy to include it in here. But as of now, I am not.
  19. Thank you Jim for clearing this up for me. With the lack of responses in here with these reviews, I started to doubt if anyone read these anymore.
  20. MVP Caribe 09 Continued. It's Lima Time as Jose Lima is pitching a great game for the Aguilas. The Caribe guys even put their own fans in the game. Great job. Great feed by the pitcher to the first baseman to get the out at first. The Cangrejeros are wearing a special uniform that honors Pirates Hall of Famer Roberto Clemente. On the front of every player's uniform you will see a #21 there in honor of the fallen Pittsburgh right fielder. The Cangrejeros score their only run on a double to right center field as Jose Lima begins to tire. Here's Luis Polonia. This guy's never going to retire. The Aguilas execute a perfect hit and run here that set up the winning run in their 2-1 victory over the Cangrejeros.
  21. Next up, the MVP Caribe 2009 mod which was created by that very talented group of modders over at MVPCARIBE.COM The mod can be downloaded over at that site (reminder that you must be a member there to download) or you can download the mod on this site right here. A special thanks goes out to omardj38 for uploading the mod to our website. I've been following the work you guys have done at the Caribe site ever since you started and your entire team of modders that contributes to this mod and the WBC mod that you released last spring are simply amazing. (Please have Hector translate for everyone over at your site to let them know how much their work is appreciated here. Thank you.) The Caribe guys have created their own installer and this installer is just as easy to use and get around with as the TC installer is. Again you have the choice of having the menus in Spanish or English, so I will leave that decision up to the individual user. I chose English on my setup. Once you get the mod installed, PLEASE do yourself a favor and watch the Caribe 09 intro that these guys made for this mod. I am not going to give away anything about it, but it is well worth watching. It's the longest intro in any mod yet and once you watch it, you'll want to see it again. Simply fantastic. As I stated when I reviewed the Caribe 08 mod, this is the most unique mod out there for the MVP gamers to use. This takes nothing away from any other mod, but this is the only mod where you will find all the Caribe teams, players, uniforms, throwback uniforms, stadiums and the exclusive Latin flavor that makes up the Caribe baseball experience. Porque aqui tambien se juega beisbol. Because here we also play baseball. You guys sure do, and you do an extraordinary job at it too. Screenshots of the Caribe 09 mod. Welcome to MVP Caribe 2009! One of the songs and loading screens in the Caribe mod. These guys went all out to make this mod seem like the experience you would see if you saw a game down there in person. An unsuccessful pickoff attempt. The first baseman is drawn off the bag because of a wide throw and the first run of the game scores from third base because of it. Between innings of the game between the visiting Cangrejeros de Santurce (from Puerto Rico) and the hometown Aguilas del Cibao (from the Dominican Republic.) The right fielder bobbles the ball but not far enough for anyone to advance. The visiting Cangrejeros turn an impressive double play to get out of jam.
  22. Updated to 11-22 ...I have not used my iPod in months until the other day. It made me realize how much I love my audio program called Media Monkey because it syncs the iPod for me and I don't have to have the Apple software installed on my system. I have no use for iTunes and their DRM nonsense. ...I miss the admins on this site being here. I know that real life gets in the way, but you can't help but miss them. ...On the other hand, it's nice to see Paulw hanging around here again. And for an added bonus, he's working his magic on Baltimore's Memorial Stadium. ...Speaking of Baltimore, the Colts visit Baltimore today as the visiting team. Even after all this time, that still doesn't sound right. ...NFL football in the 70's was so much better in so many ways than it is now. I used to love watching the Raider secondary of George Atkinson and Jack Tatum play. Talk about aggressive defenders, those guys were it. And every pass thrown was not a pass interference. The referees in the NFL are as bad as the umpires in major league baseball. ...My Raiders haven't done anything worthwhile in years to really be happy about, but the benching of overrated statue Jamarcus Russell should tell the rest of the team that the coaching staff isn't satisfied with the usual three or four wins a year. With the talent on that team they should be a lot better. ...Went to see my doctor on Thursday morning. Said I was doing fine and coming along slowly. I told her of the problem I've been having now. I can only be up for a while (five or six hours) and then I feel like I've worked for twelve hours and I need to sleep. She said that's normal because it usually takes the body about a year to fully recover from major surgery. In my case it will be longer since I had two major surgeries in less than two months. What a lucky guy I am. ...I would not mind if Roy Halladay plays next year for Toronto and then the Yankees get him at the end of next season via free agency. Toronto is going to want an arm and a leg and someone's first born for him. ...Well, it just figures. The Yankees are interested in signing Cuban phenom Aroldis Chapman and because of that, the Red Sox want to sign him. Those rotten SOB's probably never heard of him but since the Yankees want him, they got to follow suit. What a way to run a team, honest to God. ...And if by chance Boston does sign this guy to a huge multimillion dollar contract, they'll still cry poverty and amazingly, people will believe them. ...Sarah Palin was in my city yesterday for a book signing at a suburban Borders Books store. And before you ask, NO I did not go! I was reading comments from one of the TV station's websites about it and this one guy made this post that stopped me in my tracks and had me laughing like crazy. This guy, who used the name "Leroy" to post, wrote this: She should be home watching her kids, before her other daughter becomes pregnant. Hahaahhahhaheeeeehehheehehe. ...Hey, before I forget, have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
  23. Total Classics Best of the 80's and 90's continued Ranger pitcher Gil Heredia robs Scott Brosius of a hit with this stab of a liner. Texas slugger Juan Gonzalez, who had 144 RBI for the division winning Rangers in 1996. Seventh inning stretch at the old Yankee Stadium. Jeff Nelson comes in the game in the eighth inning in relief of Andy Pettitte. Jeff Nelson fans the final batter in the 8th inning as he struck out the side in his first inning of relief. The 1998 Yankees win. VIDEO: Bernie Williams drives in a run via a sacrifice fly.
  24. Ok, still trying to catch up a little bit. Here is the Total Classics Best of the 80's and 90's mod which was once again created by Jim825 and that crack team of classic modders. This mod can be downloaded right here. Again, the installer is very easy to follow and in no time you will be up and running with this mod. There are two new teams in this mod that are not in the Total Classics Phase 10 edition. First, the 1985 Champion Kansas City Royals are here and the inaugural 1998 Tampa Bay Devil Rays are included too. I didn't ask Jim, but I would imagine the Devil Rays are here only because it represented all the teams in Major League Baseball. Nothing they did in 1998 was great, but it's always nice to have the very first team to represent Tampa Bay at your disposal in case you wanted to use them. In other words, this does not give a negative light on this mod. I imagine the reason this mod was released was for the younger users who frequent this website. By using this mod it gives them the total classics experience with players from every team that they have heard of at one time or another. Using the '85 Royals for example. They've all heard of George Brett, so they might use that team. However, if they had Total Classics 10, they may not use the 1905 Giants because of being unfamiliar with the players. This mod gives them Total Classics with people they know. On to Total Classics, Best of the 80's and 90's. Welcome to Best of the 80's and 90's. Another great mod by the TC guys. Jorge Posada doubles into center field off of Texas starter Ken Hill. Juan Gonzalez singles sharply in the fourth inning. Andy Pettitte is strong in the early innings as he strikes out this Ranger hitter. Derek Jeter singles to right field just past the outstretched glove of Will Clark. That's enough. Texas starter Ken Hill is pulled from the game.
  25. Another mod that is on the "must be played" list. Excellent job Caribe guys, once again.
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